Matthew: tsk

1 *2 he Matthew:7:6; Matthew:8:18 Matthew:8:23 Mark:5:21; Luke:8:37; Revelation:22:11 *3 his Matthew:4:13

2 *1 they brought Matthew:4:24; Matthew:8:16; Mark:1:32; Mark:2:1-3; Luke:5:18-19; Acts:5:15-16; Acts:19:12 *2 seeing Matthew:8:10; Mark:2:4-5; Luke:5:19-20; John:2:25; Acts:14:9; James:2:18 *3 Son Matthew:9:22; Mark:5:34; John:21:5 *4 be Psalms:32:1-2; Ecclesiastes:9:7; Isaiah:40:1-2; Isaiah:44:22; Jeremiah:31:33-34; Luke:5:20; Luke:7:47-50; Acts:13:38-39; Romans:4:6-8; Romans:5:11; Colossians:1:12-14

3 *1 certain Matthew:7:29; Mark:2:6-7; Mark:7:21; Luke:5:21; Luke:7:39-40 *2 This Matthew:26:65; Leviticus:24:16; Mark:14:64; John:10:33-36; Acts:6:11-13

4 *1 knowing Matthew:12:25; Matthew:16:7-8; Psalms:44:21; Psalms:139:2; Mark:2:8; Mark:8:16-17; Mark:12:15; Luke:5:22; Luke:6:8; Luke:7:40; Luke:9:46-47; Luke:11:17; John:2:24-25; John:6:61 John:6:64 John:16:19 John:16:30 John:21:17; Hebrews:4:12-13; Revelation:2:23 *2 Wherefore Ezekiel:38:10; Acts:5:3-4 Acts:5:9 Acts:8:20-22

5 *1 whether Mark:2:9-12; Luke:5:23-25 *2 Arise Isaiah:35:5-6; John:5:8-14 John:5:17-18 Acts:3:6-11 Acts:3:16 Acts:4:9-10; Acts:9:34; Acts:14:8-11

6 *1 that the Isaiah:43:25; Micah:7:18; Mark:2:7 Mark:2:10 Luke:5:21; John:5:21-23; John:10:28; John:17:2; John:20:21-23; Acts:5:31; Acts:7:59-60; 2Corinthians:2:10; 2Corinthians:5:20; Ephesians:4:32; Colossians:3:13 *2 Arise Matthew:9:5; Luke:13:11-13; Acts:9:34

8 *1 when Matthew:12:23; Matthew:15:31; Mark:2:12; Mark:7:37; Luke:5:26; Luke:7:16 *2 and Matthew:15:31; Luke:5:25; Luke:17:15; Luke:23:47; Acts:4:21; Galatians:1:24

9 *1 named Matthew:21:31-32; Mark:2:14-17; Luke:5:27-28 *2 Levi Luke:15:1-2; Luke:19:2-10 *3 Follow Matthew:4:18-22; 1Kings:19:19-21; Galatians:1:16

10 *1 as Mark:2:15-16-17; Luke:5:29-32 *2 many Matthew:5:46-47; John:9:31; 1Timothy:1:13-16

11 *1 they said Mark:2:16; Mark:9:14-16 *2 Why Matthew:11:19; Isaiah:65:5; Luke:5:30; Luke:15:1-2; Luke:19:7; 1Corinthians:5:9-11; Galatians:2:15; Hebrews:5:2; 2John:1:10

12 *1 They that be whole Psalms:6:2; Psalms:41:4; Psalms:147:3; Jeremiah:17:14; Jeremiah:30:17; Jeremiah:33:6; Hosea:14:4; Mark:2:17; Luke:5:31; Luke:8:43; Luke:9:11; Luke:18:11-13; Romans:7:9-24; Revelation:3:17-18

13 *1 go Matthew:12:3-5-7; Matthew:19:4; Matthew:21:42; Matthew:22:31-32; Mark:12:26; Luke:10:26; John:10:34 *2 I will Proverbs:21:3; Hosea:6:6; Micah:6:6-8 *3 to call Matthew:18:11-13; Mark:2:17; Luke:5:32; Luke:15:3-10; Luke:19:10; Romans:3:10-24; 1Corinthians:6:9-11; 1Timothy:1:13-16 *4 but Matthew:3:2 Matthew:3:8 Matthew:4:17; Matthew:11:20-21; Matthew:21:28-32; Isaiah:55:6-7; Luke:15:7; Luke:24:47; Acts:2:38; Acts:3:19; Acts:5:31; Acts:11:18; Acts:17:30-31; Acts:20:21; Acts:26:18-20; Romans:2:4-6; 1Timothy:1:15; 2Timothy:2:25-26; 2Peter:3:9

14 *1 the disciples Matthew:11:2; John:3:25; John:4:1 *2 Why Matthew:6:16; Matthew:11:18-19; Proverbs:20:6; Mark:2:18-22; Luke:5:33-39; Luke:18:9-12

15 *1 Can Matthew:25:1-10; Judges:14:11-20; Psalms:45:14-15; John:3:29; Revelation:19:9; Revelation:21:2 *2 when Luke:24:13-21; John:16:6 John:16:20-22 Acts:1:9-10 *3 and then Isaiah:22:12; Acts:13:1-3; Acts:14:23; 1Corinthians:7:5; 2Corinthians:11:27

16 *1 for Genesis:33:14; Psalms:125:3; Isaiah:40:11; John:16:12; 1Corinthians:3:1-2; 1Corinthians:13:13

17 *1 old Joshua:9:4; Job:32:19; Psalms:119:83

18 *1 behold Mark:5:22-43; Luke:8:41-56 *2 ruler Luke:8:49; Luke:13:14; Luke:18:18; Acts:13:15 *3 worshipped Matthew:8:2; Matthew:14:33; Matthew:15:25; Matthew:17:14; Matthew:20:20; Matthew:28:17; Mark:5:22; Luke:17:15-16; Acts:10:25-26 *4 My daughter Matthew:9:24; Mark:5:23; Luke:7:2; Luke:8:42-49; John:4:47-49 *5 come Matthew:8:8-9; 2Kings:5:11; 1:11:21-22 John:11:25,32

19 *1 And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples. Matthew:8:7; John:4:34; Acts:10:38; Galatians:6:9-10

20 *1 behold Mark:5:25-43; Luke:8:43-56 *2 an issue Leviticus:15:25-33 *3 touched Matthew:14:36; Mark:5:28; Mark:6:56; Mark:8:22; Acts:5:15; Acts:19:12 *4 hem Matthew:23:5; Numbers:15:38-39; Deuteronomy:22:12; Luke:8:44

21 *1 If Mark:5:26-33; Luke:8:45-47; Acts:19:12

22 *1 Daughter Matthew:9:2; Mark:5:34; Luke:8:48 *2 thy Matthew:9:29; Mark:10:52; Luke:7:50; Luke:17:19; Luke:18:42; Acts:14:9; Hebrews:4:2 *3 from Matthew:17:18; John:4:53; Acts:16:18

23 *1 into Matthew:9:18-19; Mark:5:35-38; Luke:8:49-51 *2 the minstrels Matthew:11:17; 2Chronicles:35:25; Jeremiah:9:17-20; Mark:5:38-40; Luke:7:32; Acts:9:39

24 *1 Give 1Kings:17:18-24; Acts:9:40; Acts:20:10 *2 not 1:11:4 John:11:11-13 *3 And Matthew:27:39-43; Psalms:22:6-7; Isaiah:49:7; Isaiah:53:3

25 *1 the people 2Kings:4:32-36; Acts:9:40-41 *2 and took Mark:1:31; Mark:5:41; Mark:8:23; Mark:9:27; Luke:8:54

26 *1 the fame hereof Matthew:4:24; Matthew:14:1-2; Mark:1:45; Mark:6:14; Acts:26:26

27 *1 two Matthew:11:5; Matthew:12:22; Matthew:20:30; Mark:8:22-23; Mark:10:46; Luke:7:21; John:9:1-12 *2 Thou Matthew:12:23; Matthew:15:22; Matthew:20:30-31; Matthew:21:9 Matthew:21:15 Matthew:22:41-45; Mark:10:47-48; Mark:11:10; Mark:12:35-37; Luke:18:38-39; Luke:20:41; John:7:42; Romans:1:3; Romans:9:5 *3 have Matthew:17:15; Mark:9:22; Luke:17:13

28 *1 come Matthew:8:14; Matthew:13:36 *2 Believe Matthew:9:22; Matthew:8:2; Matthew:13:58; Mark:9:23-24; John:4:48-50; 1:11:26 John:11:40

29 *1 touched Matthew:20:34; John:9:6-7 *2 According Matthew:8:6-7 Matthew:8:13 Matthew:15:28; Mark:10:52

30 *1 their Psalms:146:8; Isaiah:35:5; Isaiah:42:7; Isaiah:52:13; John:9:7-26 *2 straitly Matthew:8:4; Matthew:12:16; Matthew:17:9; Mark:5:43; Luke:5:14; Luke:8:56

31 *1 spread Mark:1:44-45; Mark:7:36

32 *1 a dumb Matthew:12:22-23; Mark:9:17-27; Luke:11:14

33 *1 the dumb Matthew:15:30-31; Exodus:4:11-12; Isaiah:35:6; Mark:7:32-37; Luke:11:14 *2 It 2Kings:5:8; Psalms:76:1; Jeremiah:32:20; Luke:7:9

34 *1 But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils. Matthew:12:23-24; Mark:3:22; Luke:11:15; John:3:20

35 *1 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. Matthew:4:23-24; Matthew:11:1 Matthew:11:5 Mark:1:32-39; Mark:6:6 Mark:6:56 Luke:4:43-44; Luke:13:22; Acts:2:22; Acts:10:38

36 *1 when Matthew:14:14; Matthew:15:32; Mark:6:34; Hebrews:4:15; Hebrews:5:2 *2 as Matthew:10:6; Matthew:15:24; Numbers:27:17; 1Kings:22:17; 2Chronicles:18:16; Isaiah:56:9-11; Jeremiah:50:6; Ezekiel:34:3-6;z Ecclesiastes:10:2;z Ecclesiastes:11:16;z Ecclesiastes:13:7-8

37 *1 The harvest Matthew:28:19; Mark:16:15; Luke:10:2; Luke:24:47; John:4:35-36; Acts:16:9; Acts:18:10 *2 but Psalms:68:11; 1Corinthians:3:9; 2Corinthians:6:1; Philippians:2:19-21; Colossians:4:11; 1Thessalonians:5:12-13; 1Timothy:5:17

38 *1 Pray Luke:6:12-13; Acts:13:2; 2Thessalonians:3:1 *2 the Lord Matthew:10:1-3; John:20:21; Ephesians:4:11 *3 that Psalms:68:11 Psalms:68:18 Jeremiah:3:15; Micah:5:7; Luke:10:1-2; Acts:8:4; 1Corinthians:12:28

tsk Matthew 9 *

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