Numbers: tsk

1 *3 Miriam Matthew:10:36; Matthew:12:48; John:7:5; John:15:20; Galatians:4:16 *4 Ethiopian 1:2:16 Exodus:2:21 *5 married Genesis:24:3 Genesis:24:37 Genesis:26:34-35; Genesis:27:46; Genesis:28:6-9; Genesis:34:14-15; Genesis:41:45; Exodus:34:16; Leviticus:21:14

2 *1 Hath the Lord Numbers:16:3; Exodus:4:30; Exodus:5:1; Exodus:7:10; Exodus:15:20-21; Micah:6:4 *2 hath he not Numbers:11:29; Proverbs:13:10; Romans:12:3 Romans:12:10 Philippians:2:3 Philippians:2:14 1Peter:5:5 *3 And the Numbers:11:1; Genesis:29:33; 2Samuel:11:27; 2Kings:19:4; Psalms:94:7-9; Isaiah:37:4; Ezekiel:35:12-13

3 *1 very Psalms:147:6; Psalms:149:4; Matthew:5:5; Matthew:11:29; Matthew:21:5; 2Corinthians:10:1; 1Thessalonians:2:7; James:3:13; 1Peter:3:4 *2 above Numbers:11:10-15; Numbers:20:10-12; Psalms:106:32-33; 2Corinthians:11:5; 2Corinthians:12:11; James:3:2-3

4 *1 the Lord Psalms:76:9 *2 Come out Numbers:16:16-21

5 *1 And the LORD came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth. Numbers:11:25; Exodus:34:5; Exodus:40:38; Psalms:99:7

6 *1 a prophet Genesis:20:7; Exodus:7:1; Psalms:105:15; Matthew:23:31-34 Matthew:23:37 Luke:20:6; Ephesians:4:11; 1:11:3 Revelation:11:10 *2 in a vision Genesis:15:1; Genesis:46:2; Job:4:13; Job:33:15; Psalms:89:19; Ezekiel:1:1; Daniel:8:2; Daniel:10:8 Daniel:10:16-17 Luke:1:11-22; Acts:10:11 Acts:10:17 Acts:22:17-18 *3 a dream Genesis:31:10-11; 1Kings:3:5; Jeremiah:23:28; Daniel:7:1; Matthew:1:20; 1:2:12-13 Matthew:2:19

7 *1 My servant Deuteronomy:18:18; Psalms:105:26; Matthew:11:9-11; Acts:3:22-23; Acts:7:31 *2 faithful 1Corinthians:4:2; 1Timothy:3:15; Hebrews:3:2-6; 1Peter:2:4-5

8 *1 mouth Numbers:14:14; Exodus:33:11; Deuteronomy:34:10; 1Timothy:6:16 *2 dark speeches Psalms:49:4; Ezekiel:17:2; Ezekiel:20:49; Matthew:13:35; John:15:15; 1Corinthians:13:12 *3 similitude Exodus:24:10-11; Exodus:33:19 Exodus:33:23 Exodus:34:5-7; Deuteronomy:4:15; Isaiah:40:18; Isaiah:46:5; John:1:18; John:14:7-10; John:15:24; 2Corinthians:3:18; 2Corinthians:4:4-6; Colossians:1:15; Hebrews:1:3 *4 were ye Exodus:34:30; Luke:10:16; 1Thessalonians:4:8; 2Peter:2:10;ju Deuteronomy:1:8

9 *1 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against them; and he departed. Numbers:11:1; Hosea:5:15

10 *1 the cloud Exodus:33:7-10; Ezekiel:10:4-5 Ezekiel:10:18-19 Hosea:9:12; Matthew:25:41 *2 behold Deuteronomy:24:9 *3 leprous Leviticus:13:2-3-46; 2Kings:5:27; 2Kings:15:5; 2Chronicles:26:19-21

11 *1 I beseech thee Exodus:12:32; 1Samuel:2:30; 1Samuel:12:19; 1Samuel:15:24-25; 1Kings:13:6; Jeremiah:42:2; Acts:8:24; Revelation:3:9 *2 lay not 2Samuel:19:19; 2Samuel:24:10; 2Chronicles:16:9; Psalms:38:1-5; Proverbs:30:32

12 *1 as one dead Psalms:88:4-5; Ephesians:2:1-5; Colossians:2:13; 1Timothy:5:6 *2 of whom Job:3:16; Psalms:58:8; 1Corinthians:15:8

13 *1 And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee. Numbers:14:2 Numbers:14:13-20 Numbers:16:41 Numbers:16:46-50 Exodus:32:10-14; 1Samuel:12:23; 1Samuel:15:11; Matthew:5:44-45; Luke:6:28; Luke:23:34; Acts:7:60; Romans:12:21; James:5:15

14 *1 spit Deuteronomy:25:9; Job:30:10; Isaiah:50:6; Matthew:26:67; Hebrews:12:9 *2 let her be Numbers:5:2-3; Leviticus:13:45-46; Leviticus:14:8; 2Chronicles:26:20-21

15 *1 shut out Deuteronomy:24:8-9 *2 and the Genesis:9:21-23; Exodus:20:12 *3 till Miriam Lamentations:3:32; Micah:6:4; Micah:7:8-9; Habakkuk:3:2

16 *1 afterward Numbers:11:35; Numbers:33:18 *2 the wilderness Numbers:10:12; Numbers:13:3 Numbers:13:26 Genesis:21:21; 1Samuel:25:1; Habakkuk:3:3

tsk Numbers 12 *

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tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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