Numbers: tsk

1 *2 Korah Numbers:26:9-10; Numbers:27:3; Exodus:6:18 Exodus:6:21 ju Deuteronomy:1:11 *3 sons of Reuben Genesis:49:3-4; 1Chronicles:5:1-2

2 *1 famous Numbers:26:9; Genesis:6:4; 1Chronicles:5:24; 1Chronicles:12:30; Ezekiel:16:14; Ezekiel:23:10

3 *1 gathered Numbers:16:11; Numbers:12:1-2; Numbers:14:1-4; Psalms:106:16; 1:7:39 Acts:7:51 *2 all the Exodus:19:6; Ezra:9:2; Isaiah:1:11-16; Jeremiah:7:3-12; Matthew:3:9-10; Romans:2:28-29 *3 the Lord Numbers:14:14; Numbers:35:34; Exodus:29:45-46; Psalms:68:17

4 *1 And when Moses heard it, he fell upon his face: Numbers:16:45; Numbers:14:5; Numbers:20:6; Joshua:7:6

5 *1 the Lord Malachi:3:18; 2Timothy:2:19 *2 who is holy Numbers:16:3; Leviticus:21:6-8 Leviticus:21:12-15 Isaiah:61:5-6; 1Peter:2:5-9; Revelation:1:6; Revelation:5:9-10 *3 will cause Exodus:28:43; Leviticus:10:3; Psalms:65:4; Ezekiel:40:46; Ezekiel:44:15-16; Ephesians:2:13; Hebrews:10:19-22; Hebrews:12:14 *4 even him Numbers:17:5; Exodus:28:1; Leviticus:8:2; 1Samuel:2:28; Psalms:105:26; John:15:16; Acts:1:2 Acts:1:24 Acts:13:2; Acts:15:7; Acts:22:14; 2Timothy:2:3-4

6 *1 This do; Take you censers, Korah, and all his company; Numbers:16:35-40 Numbers:16:46-48 Leviticus:10:1; Leviticus:16:12-13; 1Kings:18:21-23

7 *1 that the man Numbers:16:3-5; Ephesians:1:4; 2Thessalonians:2:13; 1Peter:2:9 *2 too much Numbers:16:3; 1Kings:18:17-18; Matthew:21:23-27

9 *1 Seemeth it but Numbers:16:13; Genesis:30:15; 1Samuel:18:23; 2Samuel:7:19; Isaiah:7:13; Ezekiel:34:18; 1Corinthians:4:3 *2 separated Numbers:1:53; Numbers:3:41-45; Numbers:8:14-16; Numbers:18:2-6; Deuteronomy:10:8; 2Chronicles:35:3; Nehemiah:12:44; Ezekiel:44:10-11; Acts:13:2

10 *1 and seek Proverbs:13:10; Matthew:20:21-22; Luke:22:24; Romans:12:10; Philippians:2:3; 3John:1:9

11 *1 against Numbers:16:3; 1Samuel:8:7; Luke:10:16; John:13:20; Romans:13:2 *2 what is Aaron Exodus:16:7-8; Exodus:17:2; Acts:5:4; 1Corinthians:3:5

12 *1 And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab: which said, We will not come up: Proverbs:29:9; Isaiah:3:5; 1Peter:2:13-14;ju Deuteronomy:1:8

13 *1 out of a Numbers:11:5; Exodus:1:11-22; Exodus:2:23 *2 to kill Numbers:20:3-4; Exodus:16:3; Exodus:17:3 *3 thou make Exodus:2:14; Psalms:2:2-3; Luke:19:14; 1:7:25-27 Acts:7:35

14 *1 Moreover Numbers:36:8-10; Exodus:3:8 Exodus:3:17 Leviticus:20:24

15 *1 very wroth Numbers:12:3; Exodus:32:19; Matthew:5:22; Mark:3:5; Ephesians:4:26 *2 Respect Numbers:16:6-7; Genesis:4:4-5; Isaiah:1:10-15 *3 I have not 1Samuel:12:3-4; Acts:20:33-34; 1Corinthians:9:15; 2Corinthians:1:12; 2Corinthians:7:2; 2Corinthians:12:14-17; 1Thessalonians:2:10

16 *1 Be thou Numbers:16:6-7 *2 before 1Samuel:12:3 1Samuel:12:7 2Timothy:2:14

17 *1 And take every man his censer, and put incense in them, and bring ye before the LORD every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; thou also, and Aaron, each of you his censer. 1Samuel:12:7

19 *1 Korah Numbers:16:1-2 *2 and the glory Numbers:16:42; Numbers:12:5; Numbers:14:10; Exodus:16:7 Exodus:16:10 1:9:6 Leviticus:9:23

21 *1 Separate Genesis:19:15-22; Jeremiah:5:16; Acts:2:40; 2Corinthians:6:17; Ephesians:5:6-7; Revelation:18:4 *2 that I may Numbers:16:45; Numbers:14:12 Numbers:14:15 Exodus:32:10; Exodus:33:5; Psalms:73:19; Isaiah:37:36; Hebrews:12:28-29

22 *1 they fell Numbers:16:4 Numbers:16:45 Numbers:14:5 *2 the God Numbers:27:16; Job:12:10; Ecclesiastes:12:7; Isaiah:57:16;z Ecclesiastes:12:1; Hebrews:12:9 *3 one man sin Genesis:18:23-25 Genesis:18:32 Joshua:7:1-26; 2Samuel:24:1 2Samuel:24:17 Romans:5:18; 1Corinthians:13:7

24 *1 Speak unto the congregation, saying, Get you up from about the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Numbers:16:21

25 *1 And Moses rose up and went unto Dathan and Abiram; and the elders of Israel followed him. 1:11:16-17 Numbers:11:25,30

26 *1 Depart, I pray thee Numbers:16:21-24; Genesis:19:12-14; Deuteronomy:13:17; Isaiah:52:11; Matthew:10:14; Acts:8:20; Acts:13:51; 2Corinthians:6:17; 1Timothy:5:22; Revelation:18:4

27 *1 and stood 2Kings:9:30-31; Job:9:4; Job:40:10-11; Proverbs:16:18; Proverbs:18:12; Isaiah:28:14

28 *1 Hereby Exodus:3:12; Exodus:4:1-9; Exodus:7:9; Deuteronomy:18:22;z Ecclesiastes:2:9;z Ecclesiastes:4:9; John:5:36; John:11:42; John:14:11 *2 of mine Numbers:24:13; 1Kings:18:36; Jeremiah:23:16; Ezekiel:13:17; John:5:30; John:6:38

29 *1 visited Exodus:20:5; Exodus:32:34; Job:35:15; Isaiah:10:3; Jeremiah:5:9; Lamentations:4:22 *2 the Lord 1Kings:22:28; 2Chronicles:18:27

30 *1 make a new thing Job:31:3; Isaiah:28:21; Isaiah:43:19; Isaiah:45:7 Isaiah:45:12 Jeremiah:31:22 *2 and they Numbers:16:33; Psalms:55:15

31 *1 And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them: Numbers:26:10-11; Numbers:27:3; Deuteronomy:11:6; Psalms:106:17-18

32 *1 the earth Numbers:16:30; Genesis:4:11; Isaiah:5:14; Revelation:12:16 *2 all the Numbers:16:17; Numbers:26:11; Numbers:27:3; 1Chronicles:6:22-37; Psalms:84:1; Psalms:85:1; Psalms:88:1

33 *1 into the Psalms:9:15; Psalms:55:23; Psalms:69:15; Psalms:143:7; Isaiah:14:9 Isaiah:14:15 1:32:18 Ezekiel:32:30 *2 they perished ju Deuteronomy:1:11

34 *1 fled Isaiah:33:3;z Ecclesiastes:14:5; Revelation:6:15-17 *2 Lest Numbers:17:12-13

35 *1 And there Numbers:11:1; Numbers:26:10; Leviticus:10:2; Psalms:106:18 *2 two hundred 1:16:2 Numbers:16:17

37 *1 the censers 1:16:7 Numbers:16:18 *2 hallowed Leviticus:27:28

38 *1 sinners 1Kings:2:23; Proverbs:1:18; Proverbs:8:36; Proverbs:20:2; Habakkuk:2:10 *2 a sign Numbers:16:40; Numbers:17:10; Numbers:26:10; Ezekiel:14:8; 1Corinthians:10:11; 2Peter:2:6

40 *1 that no Numbers:3:10 Numbers:3:38 Numbers:18:4-7; Leviticus:22:10; 2Chronicles:26:18-20;ju Deuteronomy:1:11 *2 come near 1Kings:13:1-3; 2Chronicles:26:16-21

41 *1 all the Numbers:16:1-7; Numbers:14:2; Psalms:106:13 Psalms:106:23-25-48 Isaiah:26:11 *2 Ye have Numbers:16:3; 2Samuel:16:7-8; 1Kings:18:17; Jeremiah:37:13-14; Jeremiah:38:4; Jeremiah:43:3; Amos:7:10; Matthew:5:11; Acts:5:28; Acts:21:28; 2Corinthians:6:8

42 *1 the glory Numbers:16:19; Numbers:14:10; Numbers:20:6; Exodus:16:7 Exodus:16:10 Exodus:24:16; Exodus:40:34-35; Leviticus:9:23

45 *1 Get you up Numbers:16:21-24-26 *2 And they Numbers:16:22; Numbers:20:6; 1Chronicles:21:16; Matthew:26:39

46 *1 from off Leviticus:9:24; Leviticus:10:1; Leviticus:16:12-13; Isaiah:6:6-7; Romans:5:9-10; Hebrews:7:25-27; Hebrews:9:25-26; Revelation:8:3-5 *2 and put Psalms:141:2; Malachi:1:11 *3 an atonement Exodus:30:7-10; Leviticus:16:11-16; 1John:2:1-2 *4 there is wrath Numbers:1:53; Numbers:8:19; Numbers:11:33; Numbers:18:5; Leviticus:10:6; 1Chronicles:27:24; Psalms:106:29

47 *1 and ran Matthew:5:44; Romans:12:21 *2 and behold Psalms:106:29 *3 and he put Numbers:16:46; Deuteronomy:33:10-11; Isaiah:53:10-12

48 *1 And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed. Numbers:16:18 Numbers:16:35 Numbers:25:8-11; 2Samuel:24:16-17 2Samuel:24:25 1Chronicles:21:26-27; 1Thessalonians:1:10; 1Timothy:2:5-6; Hebrews:7:24-25; James:5:16; John:5:14

49 *1 fourteen thousand Numbers:16:32-35; Numbers:25:9; 1Chronicles:21:14; Hebrews:2:1-3; Hebrews:10:28-29; Hebrews:12:25

50 *1 And Aaron returned unto Moses unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the plague was stayed. Numbers:16:43; 1Chronicles:21:26-30

tsk Numbers 16 *

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