Numbers: tsk

1 *1 saw Numbers:22:13; Numbers:23:20; Numbers:31:16; 1Samuel:24:20; 1Samuel:26:2 1Samuel:26:25 Revelation:2:14 *2 at other times 1:23:3 Numbers:23:15 *3 to seek for enchantments Numbers:23:23

2 *1 abiding Numbers:24:5; Numbers:2:2-34; Numbers:23:9-10; 1:6:4 Songs:6:10 *2 the spirit Numbers:11:25-29; 1Samuel:10:10; 1Samuel:19:20 1Samuel:19:23 2Chronicles:15:1; Matthew:7:22; Matthew:10:4 Matthew:10:8 Luke:10:20; John:11:49-51

3 *1 he took up 1:23:7 Numbers:23:18 *2 whose eyes are open hath said Numbers:24:4 Numbers:24:16 Numbers:22:31

4 *1 saw Numbers:12:6; Genesis:15:12; Psalms:89:19; Daniel:8:26-27; Acts:10:10 Acts:10:19 Acts:22:17; 2Corinthians:12:1-4 *2 falling Numbers:22:31; 1Samuel:19:24; Ezekiel:1:28; Daniel:8:17-18; Daniel:10:15-16; 1:1:10 Revelation:1:17

6 *1 as gardens Genesis:2:8-10; Genesis:13:10; Songs:4:12-15; Songs:6:11; Isaiah:58:11; Jeremiah:31:12; Joel:3:18 *2 as the trees Psalms:1:3; Jeremiah:17:18 *3 which the Psalms:104:16; Isaiah:41:19 *4 as cedar Psalms:92:12-14; Ezekiel:31:3-4; Ezekiel:47:12

7 *1 pour Psalms:68:26; Proverbs:5:16-18; Isaiah:48:1 *2 many waters Psalms:93:3-4; Jeremiah:51:13; 1:17:1 Revelation:17:15 *3 his king Ezra:4:20; Psalms:2:6-10; Psalms:18:43; John:1:49; Philippians:2:10-11; Revelation:19:16 *4 Agag 1:15:8-9 1Samuel:15:32-33 *5 his kingdom 2Samuel:5:12; 1Kings:4:21; 1Chronicles:14:2; Isaiah:2:2; Isaiah:9:7; Daniel:2:44; Revelation:11:15

8 *1 God Numbers:21:5; Numbers:23:22 *2 shall eat Numbers:14:9; Numbers:23:24; Deuteronomy:7:1 *3 break Psalms:2:9; Isaiah:38:13; Jeremiah:50:17; Daniel:6:24 *4 pierce Deuteronomy:32:23-42; Psalms:21:12; Psalms:45:5; Jeremiah:50:9

9 *1 couched Genesis:49:9; Job:38:39-40 *2 who shall Numbers:23:24; Job:41:10; Psalms:2:12 *3 Blessed Genesis:12:3; Genesis:27:29; Psalms:122:6; Matthew:25:40 Matthew:25:45 Acts:9:5

10 *1 he smote Job:27:23; Ezekiel:21:14 Ezekiel:21:17 Ezekiel:22:13 *2 I called 1:22:6 Numbers:22:11,17; Numbers:23:11; Deuteronomy:23:4-5; Joshua:24:9-10; Nehemiah:13:2

11 *1 I thought 1:22:17 Numbers:22:37 *2 the Lord Matthew:19:28-30; Acts:8:20; Philippians:3:8; Hebrews:11:24-26; 1Peter:5:2-3; 2John:1:8

12 *1 And Balaam said unto Balak, Spake I not also to thy messengers which thou sentest unto me, saying, 1:22:18 Numbers:22:38

14 *1 I will advertise Numbers:24:17; Numbers:31:7-18; Micah:6:5; 1:2:10 Revelation:2:14 *2 the latter Genesis:49:1; Isaiah:24:22; Jeremiah:48:47; Jeremiah:49:39; Daniel:2:28; Daniel:10:14; Hosea:3:5; Acts:2:17; 2Timothy:3:1

15 *1 And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said: Numbers:24:3-4; Numbers:23:7 Numbers:23:18 Job:27:1; Matthew:13:35

16 *1 He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open: Numbers:24:4; 2Samuel:23:1-2; 1Corinthians:8:1; 1Corinthians:13:2

17 *1 I shall see him Job:19:25-27;z Ecclesiastes:12:10;ju Deuteronomy:1:11 Deuteronomy:1:14-15 Revelation:1:7 *2 a Star Matthew:2:2-9; Luke:1:78; 2Peter:1:19; Revelation:22:16 *3 a Sceptre Genesis:49:10; Psalms:45:6; Psalms:78:70-72; Psalms:110:2; Isaiah:9:7; Luke:1:32-33; Hebrews:1:8 *4 smite the corners of Moab 1Samuel:14:38;z Ecclesiastes:10:4 *5 Moab 2Samuel:8:2; 2Kings:3:5 2Kings:3:26-27 1Chronicles:18:2; Jeremiah:48:45 *6 all the children Genesis:4:25-26; Genesis:5:3-29 *7 Seth Psalms:72:8-11; Revelation:11:15

18 *1 And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also shall be a possession for his enemies; and Israel shall do valiantly. Genesis:27:29 Genesis:27:40 2Samuel:8:14; Psalms:60:1; Psalms:60:8-12; Isaiah:34:5; Isaiah:63:1; Amos:9:12

19 *1 Of Jacob Genesis:49:10; Psalms:2:1-12; Psalms:72:10-11; Isaiah:11:10; Micah:5:2-4; Matthew:28:18; 1Corinthians:15:25; Ephesians:1:20-22; Philippians:2:10-11; Hebrews:1:8; 1Peter:3:22; Revelation:19:16 *2 shall destroy Psalms:21:7-10; Matthew:25:46; 1:19:12 Luke:19:27

20 *1 the first of the nations 1:17:8 Exodus:17:16 *2 his latter end Judges:6:3; 1Samuel:14:48; 1Samuel:15:3-8; 1Samuel:27:8-9; 1Samuel:30:1 1Samuel:30:17 1Chronicles:4:43; Esther:3:1; Esther:7:9-10; Esther:9:14 *3 shall be that he perish for ever Exodus:17:14; 1:15:3 1Samuel:15:8

21 *1 the Kenites Genesis:15:19; Judges:1:16; Job:29:18

22 *1 until Asshur shall carry thee away captive Genesis:10:11; Ezra:4:2; Psalms:83:8; Hosea:14:3

23 *1 when God Numbers:23:23; 2Kings:5:1; Malachi:3:2

24 *1 Chittim Genesis:10:4; Isaiah:23:1; Daniel:7:19-20; Daniel:8:5-8 Daniel:8:21 Daniel:10:20; Daniel:11:30 *2 and shall afflict Eber Genesis:10:21-25; Genesis:14:13; Daniel:9:26-27; Matthew:24:15; Luke:20:24; Luke:23:29-31; John:11:48 *3 and he also Daniel:2:35 Daniel:2:45 Daniel:7:23-26; Daniel:11:45; Revelation:18:2-24

25 *1 And Balaam rose up, and went and returned to his place: and Balak also went his way. Numbers:24:11; Numbers:31:8; Joshua:13:22

tsk Numbers 24 *

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