Numbers: tsk

2 *2 my bread Leviticus:3:11; Leviticus:21:6-8; 1:1:7 Malachi:1:12 *3 for a sweet savour unto me 1:15:3 Numbers:15:7,24; Genesis:8:21; Exodus:29:18; 1:1:9 Leviticus:1:13,17; Leviticus:3:11; Ezekiel:16:19; Ezekiel:20:41; 2Corinthians:2:15; Ephesians:5:2; Philippians:4:18 *4 in their due season 1:9:2-3 Numbers:9:7,13; Exodus:23:15; Psalms:81:3

3 *1 two lambs Exodus:29:38-39; Leviticus:6:9; Ezekiel:46:13-15; John:1:29; 1Peter:1:19-20; Revelation:13:8 *2 day by day Daniel:8:13; Daniel:11:31; Daniel:12:11

4 *1 and the other 1Kings:18:29 1Kings:18:36 Ezra:9:4-5; Psalms:141:2; Daniel:9:21 *2 at even Numbers:9:3; Exodus:12:6

5 *1 And a tenth part of an ephah of flour for a meat offering, mingled with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil. Numbers:15:4-5; Exodus:16:36; Exodus:29:38-42; Leviticus:2:1

6 *1 a continual Exodus:29:42; Leviticus:6:9; 2Chronicles:2:4; 2Chronicles:31:3; Ezra:3:4; Psalms:50:8; Ezekiel:46:14; Amos:5:25 *2 was ordained Exodus:24:18; Exodus:29:38-42; Exodus:31:18

7 *1 in the holy Exodus:29:42 *2 to be poured Numbers:28:14 Numbers:28:31 Numbers:15:5-7 Numbers:15:10 Exodus:29:40; Exodus:30:9; Leviticus:23:13; Isaiah:57:6; Joel:1:9 Joel:1:13 Joel:2:14; Philippians:2:17

9 *1 And on the sabbath day two lambs of the first year without spot, and two tenth deals of flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil, and the drink offering thereof: Exodus:20:8-11; Psalms:92:1-4; Isaiah:58:13; Ezekiel:20:12; Revelation:1:10

10 *1 the burnt Ezekiel:46:4-5 *2 the continual Numbers:28:23; 1:29:6 Numbers:29:11,16,19,22,25,31-34,38-39

11 *1 in the beginnings Numbers:10:10; Numbers:15:3-11; 1Samuel:20:5; 2Kings:4:23; 1Chronicles:23:31; 2Chronicles:2:4; Ezra:3:5; Nehemiah:10:33; Psalms:40:6-8; Psalms:81:3; Isaiah:1:13-14; Isaiah:66:23; Ezekiel:45:17-18; Ezekiel:46:1 Ezekiel:46:6 Hosea:2:11; Amos:3:5; Galatians:4:10; 1:2:6 Colossians:2:16 *2 two young Numbers:28:19; Hebrews:10:10-14

12 *1 And three tenth deals of flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil, for one bullock; and two tenth deals of flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil, for one ram; Numbers:15:4-12; Numbers:29:10; Ezekiel:46:5-7

15 *1 one kid Numbers:28:22; Numbers:15:24; Leviticus:4:23; Leviticus:16:15; Romans:8:3; 2Corinthians:5:21 *2 beside 1:28:3 Numbers:28:10-11

16 *1 And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the passover of the LORD. Numbers:9:3-5; 1:12:2-11 Exodus:12:18,43-49; Leviticus:23:5-8; Deuteronomy:16:1-8; Ezekiel:45:21-24; Matthew:26:2 Matthew:26:17 Luke:22:7-8; Acts:12:3-4; 1Corinthians:5:7-8

17 *1 And in the fifteenth day of this month is the feast: seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten. Exodus:12:15-17; Exodus:13:6; Leviticus:23:6

18 *1 In the first day shall be an holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work therein: Exodus:12:16; Leviticus:23:7-8

19 *1 two young Ezekiel:45:21-25 *2 they shall Numbers:28:31; Numbers:29:8; Leviticus:22:20; Deuteronomy:15:21; Malachi:1:13-14; 1Peter:1:19

23 *1 Ye shall offer these beside the burnt offering in the morning, which is for a continual burnt offering. 1:28:3 Numbers:28:10

25 *1 on the seventh Exodus:12:16; Exodus:13:6; Leviticus:23:8 *2 ye shall do Numbers:28:18 Numbers:28:26 Numbers:29:1 Numbers:29:12-35 1:23:3 Leviticus:23:8,21-25,35-36

26 *1 in the day Exodus:23:16; Exodus:34:22; Leviticus:23:10 Leviticus:23:15-21 Deuteronomy:16:9-11; Acts:2:1-13; 1Corinthians:15:20; James:1:18

27 *1 two young Numbers:28:11 Numbers:28:19 Leviticus:23:18-19

30 *1 And one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you. Numbers:28:15 Numbers:28:22 Numbers:15:24; 2Corinthians:5:21; Galatians:3:13; 1Peter:2:24; 1Peter:3:18

31 *1 without blemish Numbers:28:19; Malachi:1:13-14

tsk Numbers 28 *

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