Numbers: tsk

2 *3 When Numbers:6:5-6; Exodus:33:16; Leviticus:20:26; Proverbs:18:1; Romans:1:1; 2Corinthians:6:16; Galatians:1:15; Hebrews:7:27 *4 to vow Leviticus:27:2; Judges:13:5; 1Samuel:1:28; Amos:2:11-12; Luke:1:15; Acts:21:23-24

3 *1 He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried. Leviticus:10:9; Judges:13:14; Proverbs:31:4-5; Jeremiah:35:6-8; Amos:2:12; Luke:1:15; Luke:7:33-34; Luke:21:34; Ephesians:5:18; 1Thessalonians:5:22; 1Timothy:5:23

4 *1 separation 1:6:5 Numbers:6:8-9,12-13,18-19-21

5 *1 razor Judges:13:5; Judges:16:17-19; 1Samuel:1:11; Lamentations:4:7-8; 1Corinthians:11:10-15

6 *1 he shall come Numbers:19:11-16; Leviticus:19:28; Jeremiah:16:5-6; Ezekiel:24:16-18; Matthew:8:21-22; Luke:9:59-60; 2Corinthians:5:16

7 *1 unclean Numbers:9:6; Leviticus:21:1-2 Leviticus:21:10-12 Ezekiel:44:25

8 *1 All the days of his separation he is holy unto the LORD. 2Corinthians:6:17-18

9 *1 and he Numbers:19:14-19 *2 shave Numbers:6:18; Acts:18:18; Acts:21:23-24; Philippians:3:8-9

10 *1 And on the eighth day he shall bring two turtles, or two young pigeons, to the priest, to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: Leviticus:1:14; Leviticus:5:7-10; Leviticus:9:1-21; Leviticus:12:6; Leviticus:14:22-23 Leviticus:14:31 Leviticus:15:14 Leviticus:15:29 Romans:4:25; John:2:1-2

11 *1 offer Leviticus:5:8-10; Leviticus:14:30-31

12 *1 a trespass Leviticus:5:6; Leviticus:14:24 *2 but the Ezekiel:18:24; Matthew:3:15; Matthew:24:13; John:8:29-31; James:2:10; 2John:1:8

13 *1 are fulfilled Acts:21:26

14 *1 one he Leviticus:1:10-13; 1Chronicles:15:26-28-29 *2 one ewe 1:4:2-3 Leviticus:4:27,32; Malachi:1:13-14; 1Peter:1:19 *3 one ram Leviticus:3:6

15 *1 a basket Leviticus:2:4; Leviticus:8:2; Leviticus:9:4; John:6:50-59 *2 anointed Exodus:29:2 *3 drink Numbers:15:5-7 Numbers:15:10 Isaiah:62:9; Joel:1:9 Joel:1:13 Joel:2:14; 1Corinthians:10:31; 1Corinthians:11:26

18 *1 shave the head Numbers:6:5 Numbers:6:9 Acts:18:18; Acts:21:24-26 *2 and put it Luke:17:10; Ephesians:1:6

19 *1 the sodden Leviticus:8:31; 1Samuel:2:15 *2 put them Exodus:29:23-28; Leviticus:7:30; Leviticus:8:27

20 *1 the priest shall Numbers:5:25; Exodus:29:27-28; Leviticus:9:21; Leviticus:10:15; Leviticus:23:11 *2 with the wave Numbers:18:18; Leviticus:7:31-34 *3 and after Psalms:16:10-11; Ecclesiastes:9:7; Isaiah:25:6; Isaiah:35:10; Isaiah:53:10-12;z Ecclesiastes:9:15-17;z Ecclesiastes:10:7; Matthew:26:29; Mark:14:25; John:17:4-5; John:19:30; 2Timothy:4:7-8

21 *1 the law Numbers:5:29 *2 beside that Ezra:2:69; Galatians:6:6; Hebrews:13:16

23 *1 Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, Genesis:14:19-20; Genesis:24:60; Genesis:27:27-29; Genesis:28:3-4; Genesis:47:7 Genesis:47:10 Genesis:48:20; Leviticus:9:22-23; Deuteronomy:10:8; Deuteronomy:21:5; Deuteronomy:33:1; Joshua:8:33; 1Chronicles:23:13; Luke:24:50-51; Romans:1:7; 1Corinthians:1:3; 2Corinthians:13:14; Hebrews:7:1 Hebrews:7:7 Hebrews:11:20-21; 1Peter:1:2; 2Peter:1:2-3; 2John:1:3

24 *1 The Lord Ruth:2:4; Psalms:134:3; 1Corinthians:14:16; Ephesians:6:24; Philippians:4:23; Revelation:1:4-5 *2 keep thee Psalms:91:11; Psalms:121:4-7; Isaiah:27:3; Isaiah:42:6; John:17:11; Philippians:4:7; 1Thessalonians:5:23; 1Peter:1:5;ju Deuteronomy:1:24

25 *1 The Lord Psalms:21:6; Psalms:31:16; Psalms:67:1; 1:80:1-3 Psalms:80:7,19; Psalms:119:135; Daniel:9:17 *2 gracious Genesis:43:29; Exodus:33:19; Malachi:1:9; John:1:17

26 *1 lift up Psalms:4:6; Psalms:42:5; Psalms:89:15; Acts:2:28 *2 give thee Psalms:29:11; Isaiah:26:3 Isaiah:26:12 Isaiah:57:19; Micah:5:5; Luke:2:14; John:14:27; John:16:33; John:20:21-26; Acts:10:36; Romans:5:1; Romans:15:13 Romans:15:33 Ephesians:2:14-17; Ephesians:6:23; Philippians:4:7; 2Thessalonians:3:16

27 *1 put my Exodus:3:13-15; Exodus:6:3; Exodus:34:5-7; Deuteronomy:28:10; 2Chronicles:7:14; Isaiah:43:7; Jeremiah:14:9; Daniel:9:18-19; Matthew:28:19 *2 and I will Numbers:23:20; Genesis:12:2-3; Genesis:32:26 Genesis:32:29 1Chronicles:4:10; Psalms:5:12; Psalms:67:7; Psalms:115:12-13; Ephesians:1:3

tsk Numbers 6 *

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