Proverbs: tsk

1 *3 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. Proverbs:16:11; Proverbs:20:10 Proverbs:20:23 Leviticus:19:35-36; Deuteronomy:25:13-16; Hosea:12:7; Amos:8:5-6; Micah:6:10-11 *4 a just weight Proverbs:16:11; Ezekiel:45:10-12

2 *1 pride Proverbs:3:34-35; Proverbs:16:18-19; Daniel:4:30-32; Luke:14:8-11; Luke:18:14 *2 but Proverbs:15:33; 1Corinthians:8:1-2

3 *1 The integrity Proverbs:11:5; Proverbs:13:6; Psalms:25:21; Psalms:26:1; John:7:17 *2 the perverseness Proverbs:21:7; Proverbs:28:18; Ecclesiastes:7:17; Isaiah:1:28

4 *1 Riches Proverbs:10:2; Job:36:18-19; Psalms:49:6-8; Ezekiel:7:19; Zephaniah:1:18; Matthew:16:26; Luke:12:20 *2 but Proverbs:12:28; Genesis:7:1; Romans:5:17; 1Timothy:4:8

5 *1 direct Proverbs:11:3; Proverbs:1:31-32; Proverbs:5:22; 2Samuel:17:23; Esther:7:3-10; Psalms:9:15-16; Matthew:27:4-5

6 *1 righteousness Genesis:30:33; Genesis:31:37; 1Samuel:12:3-4 *2 but Proverbs:5:22; 1Kings:2:32-33-44; Psalms:7:16; Ecclesiastes:10:8

7 *1 When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish: and the hope of unjust men perisheth. Proverbs:10:28; Proverbs:14:32; Exodus:15:9-10; Job:8:13-14; Job:11:20; Psalms:146:4; Ezekiel:28:9; Luke:12:19-20

8 *1 The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead. Proverbs:21:18; Esther:7:9-10; Isaiah:43:3-4; Daniel:6:23-24

9 *1 An hypocrite 1Kings:13:18-22; 1Kings:22:6 1Kings:22:20-23 Job:8:13; Job:34:30; Psalms:55:12 Psalms:55:20-21 Matthew:7:15; Matthew:15:5-14; Acts:20:30; 2Corinthians:11:13-15; 2Thessalonians:2:8-10; 1Timothy:4:1-3; 2Peter:2:1-3 *2 through Proverbs:2:10-16; Proverbs:4:5-6; Proverbs:6:23-24; Mark:13:14 Mark:13:22-23 Ephesians:4:13-14; 2Peter:3:16-18; 1John:2:21-27

10 *1 it goeth Proverbs:28:12 Proverbs:28:28 Esther:8:15-16 *2 when Exodus:15:21; Judges:5:31; Job:27:23; Psalms:58:10-11; Revelation:19:1-7

11 *1 the blessing Proverbs:14:34; Proverbs:29:8; Genesis:41:38-42; Genesis:45:8; 2Chronicles:32:20-22; Job:22:30; Ecclesiastes:9:15 *2 it 2Samuel:20:1; Esther:3:8-15; Esther:9:1-16; James:3:6

12 *1 that Judges:9:27-29 Judges:9:38 Nehemiah:4:2-4; Psalms:123:3-4; Luke:16:14; Luke:18:9; John:7:48-52 *2 a man Proverbs:10:19; 1Samuel:10:27; 2Kings:18:36; 1Peter:2:23

13 *1 A tale bearer Proverbs:20:19; Leviticus:19:16 *2 revealeth Proverbs:25:9; Proverbs:26:20-22; Nehemiah:6:17-19 *3 he Proverbs:14:5; Joshua:2:14 Joshua:2:20 Jeremiah:38:27

14 *1 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Proverbs:15:22; Proverbs:16:22; Proverbs:24:6; 1Kings:12:1-19; Isaiah:19:11-14; Acts:15:6-21

15 *1 that is surety Proverbs:6:1-5; Proverbs:17:18; Proverbs:20:16; Proverbs:22:26-27

16 *1 gracious Proverbs:31:30-31; 1Samuel:25:32-33; 2Samuel:20:16-22; Esther:9:25; Matthew:26:13; Luke:8:3; Luke:10:42; Luke:21:2-4; Acts:9:39; Acts:16:14-15; Romans:16:2-4-6; 2John:1:1 *2 and Luke:11:21-22

17 *1 merciful Psalms:41:1-4; Psalms:112:4-9; Isaiah:32:7-8; Isaiah:57:1; Isaiah:58:7-12; Daniel:4:27; Matthew:5:7; Matthew:6:14-15; Matthew:25:34-40; Luke:6:38; 2Corinthians:9:6-14; Philippians:4:17 *2 but Proverbs:15:27; Job:20:19-23; Ecclesiastes:4:8; James:2:13; James:5:1-5

18 *1 wicked Proverbs:1:18; Proverbs:5:22; Job:27:13-23; Ecclesiastes:10:8; Isaiah:59:5-8; Ephesians:4:22 *2 but Proverbs:22:8; Psalms:126:5-6; Hosea:10:12-13; Galatians:6:8-9; James:3:18

19 *1 righteousness Proverbs:11:4; Proverbs:10:16; Proverbs:12:28; Proverbs:19:23; Acts:10:35; 1:3:7 1John:3:10 *2 he Proverbs:1:16-19; Proverbs:7:22-23; Proverbs:8:36; Romans:2:8-9

20 *1 of Proverbs:6:14-16-19; Proverbs:8:13; Psalms:18:25-26 *2 upright Proverbs:9:7; Proverbs:15:8; Proverbs:16:17; Proverbs:21:29; Psalms:11:7; Psalms:51:6; Psalms:140:13

21 *1 hand Proverbs:16:5; Exodus:23:2 *2 the seed Proverbs:13:22; Genesis:17:7-8; Psalms:37:26; Psalms:112:1-2; Isaiah:27:4; Jeremiah:32:39; Acts:2:39

22 *1 a jewel Proverbs:31:30; Ezekiel:16:15-22; Nahum:3:4-6; 1Peter:3:3-4; 2Peter:2:22 *2 is without Proverbs:7:10; Proverbs:9:13

23 *1 desire Psalms:10:17; Psalms:27:4; Psalms:37:4; Psalms:39:7-8; Psalms:119:5 Psalms:119:10 Isaiah:26:9; Jeremiah:17:16; Matthew:5:6 *2 expectation Proverbs:11:7; Proverbs:10:28; Romans:2:8-9; Hebrews:10:27

24 *1 that scattereth Proverbs:11:18; Proverbs:19:17; Proverbs:28:8; Deuteronomy:15:10; Psalms:112:9; Ecclesiastes:11:1-2 Ecclesiastes:11:6 Luke:6:38; Acts:11:29-30; 2Corinthians:9:5-11 *2 but Haggai:1:6 Haggai:1:9-11 Haggai:2:16-19

25 *1 liberal soul Proverbs:28:27; Job:29:13-18; Job:31:16-20; Isaiah:32:8; Isaiah:58:7-11; Matthew:5:7; Matthew:25:34-35

26 *1 that withholdeth Amos:8:4-6 *2 blessing Job:29:13

27 *1 he that seekeeth Proverbs:17:11; Esther:7:10; Psalms:7:15-16; Psalms:9:15-16; Psalms:10:2; Psalms:57:6

28 *1 that Proverbs:10:15; Deuteronomy:8:12-14; Job:31:24-25; Psalms:52:7; Psalms:62:10; Mark:10:24; Luke:12:20; 1Timothy:6:17 *2 but Psalms:1:3; Psalms:52:8; Psalms:92:12-14; Isaiah:60:21; Jeremiah:17:8

29 *1 that Genesis:34:30; Joshua:7:24-25; 1:25:3 1Samuel:25:17,38; Habakkuk:2:9-10 *2 inherit Ecclesiastes:5:16; Hosea:8:7

30 *1 fruit Proverbs:3:18; Proverbs:15:4 *2 and Daniel:12:3; Matthew:4:19; John:4:36; 1Corinthians:9:19-23; 1Thessalonians:2:19; James:5:20 *3 winneth Luke:5:9-10

31 *1 Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner. 2Samuel:7:14-15; 2Samuel:12:9-12; 1Kings:13:24; Jeremiah:25:29; 1Corinthians:11:30-32; 1Peter:4:17-18

tsk Proverbs 11 *

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