Proverbs: tsk

1 *3 even Proverbs:31:1; 2Peter:1:19-21

2 *1 I am Job:42:3-6; Psalms:73:22; Isaiah:6:5; Romans:11:25; 1Corinthians:3:18; 1Corinthians:8:2; James:1:5 *2 brutish Proverbs:5:12; Psalms:92:6; Jeremiah:10:14; 2Peter:2:12-16

3 *1 neither Amos:7:14-15; Matthew:16:17 *2 nor Job:11:7-9; Matthew:11:27; John:17:3; Romans:11:33; Ephesians:3:18-19 *3 have Isaiah:6:3 Isaiah:6:10 Isaiah:30:11; Isaiah:57:15; Revelation:3:7; Revelation:4:8

4 *1 Who hath ascended Deuteronomy:30:12; John:3:13; Romans:10:6; Ephesians:4:9-10 *2 who hath gathered Job:38:4-41; Psalms:104:2-35; Isaiah:40:12-31; Isaiah:53:8 *3 what is his name Exodus:3:13-15; Exodus:6:3; Exodus:34:5-7; Deuteronomy:28:58 *4 and what Genesis:32:29; Judges:13:18; Psalms:2:7; Isaiah:7:14; Isaiah:9:6; Jeremiah:23:6; Matthew:1:21-23; Matthew:11:27; Luke:10:22

5 *1 word Psalms:12:6; Psalms:18:30; Psalms:19:8; Psalms:119:140; Romans:7:12; James:3:17 *2 pure Genesis:15:1; Psalms:84:11; Psalms:91:2; Psalms:115:9-11; Psalms:144:2

6 *1 Add Deuteronomy:4:2; Deuteronomy:12:32; Revelation:22:18-19 *2 and Job:13:7-9; 1Corinthians:15:15

7 *1 have 1Kings:3:5-9; 2Kings:2:9; Psalms:27:4; Luke:10:42 *2 deny me them not Psalms:21:2

8 *1 Remove Proverbs:21:6; Proverbs:22:8; Proverbs:23:5; Psalms:62:9-10; Psalms:119:29 Psalms:119:37 Ecclesiastes:1:2; Isaiah:5:18; Isaiah:59:4; John:2:8; Acts:14:15 *2 feed Genesis:28:20; Genesis:48:15-16; 1:16:15 Exodus:16:18,21-22,29,35; Matthew:6:11-33; Luke:11:3; 1Timothy:6:6-8 *3 convenient for me 2Kings:25:30; Jeremiah:37:21; Jeremiah:52:34

9 *1 I be full Deuteronomy:6:10-12; Deuteronomy:8:10-14; Deuteronomy:31:20; Deuteronomy:32:15; Nehemiah:9:25-26; Job:31:24-28; Jeremiah:2:31; Ezekiel:16:14-15 Ezekiel:16:49-50 Daniel:4:17 Daniel:4:30 Hosea:13:6; Acts:12:22-23 *2 Who Exodus:5:2; 2Chronicles:32:15-17 *3 or Proverbs:6:30-31; Psalms:125:3 *4 and take the name Proverbs:29:24; Exodus:20:7; Leviticus:5:1; Matthew:26:72-74

10 *1 Accuse not Proverbs:24:23; Deuteronomy:23:15; 1Samuel:22:9-10; 1Samuel:24:9; 1Samuel:26:19; 1Samuel:30:15; 2Samuel:16:1-4; 2Samuel:19:26-27; Daniel:3:8-18; Daniel:6:13 Daniel:6:24 Romans:14:4 *2 lest Proverbs:11:26; Proverbs:24:24; Proverbs:28:27; Deuteronomy:15:9; 2Chronicles:24:22-24

11 *1 a generation Proverbs:30:12-14; Matthew:3:7; 1Peter:2:9 *2 that curseth Proverbs:30:17; Proverbs:20:20; Leviticus:20:9; Deuteronomy:21:20-21; Deuteronomy:27:16; Matthew:15:4-6; Mark:7:10-13 *3 doth 1:5:4 1Timothy:5:8

12 *1 that are Proverbs:21:2; Judges:17:5 Judges:17:13 1Samuel:15:13-14; Job:33:9; Psalms:36:2; Isaiah:65:5; Jeremiah:2:22-24 Jeremiah:2:35 Luke:11:39-40; Luke:16:15; Luke:18:11; 2Timothy:3:5; Titus:1:15-16; 1John:1:8-10 *2 not Psalms:51:2 Psalms:51:7 Isaiah:1:16; Jeremiah:4:14; Ezekiel:36:25;z Ecclesiastes:13:1; 1Corinthians:6:11; Titus:3:5; 1John:1:7; Revelation:1:5

13 *1 There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up. Proverbs:6:17; Proverbs:21:4; Psalms:101:5; Psalms:131:1; Isaiah:2:11; Isaiah:3:16; Ezekiel:28:2-5 Ezekiel:28:9 Daniel:11:36-37; Habakkuk:2:4; 2Thessalonians:2:3-4

14 *1 whose Proverbs:12:18; Job:29:17; Psalms:3:7; Psalms:52:2; Psalms:57:4; Psalms:58:6; Daniel:7:5-7; Revelation:9:8 *2 to devour Proverbs:22:16; Proverbs:28:3; Psalms:10:8-9; Psalms:12:5; Psalms:14:4; Ecclesiastes:4:1; Isaiah:32:7; Amos:2:7; Amos:4:1; Amos:8:4; Micah:2:1-2; Micah:3:1-5; Habakkuk:3:14; Zephaniah:3:3; Matthew:23:14; James:5:1-4

15 *1 The horseleach Isaiah:57:3; Ezekiel:16:44-46; Matthew:23:32; 1:8:39 John:8:44 *2 Give Isaiah:56:11-12; Hosea:4:18; Micah:7:3; Romans:16:18; 2Peter:2:3 2Peter:2:13-15 ju Deuteronomy:1:11-12 *3 There Proverbs:30:21-24 Proverbs:30:29 Proverbs:6:16; 1:1:3 Amos:1:6,9-11-13; 1:2:1 Amos:2:4

16 *1 The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, It is enough. Proverbs:27:20; Habakkuk:2:5

17 *1 eye Proverbs:30:11; Proverbs:20:20; Proverbs:23:22; Genesis:9:21-27; Leviticus:20:9; Deuteronomy:21:18-21; 1:18:9-10 2Samuel:18:14-17 *2 the ravens 1Samuel:17:44; 2Samuel:21:10

18 *1 too Job:42:3; Psalms:139:6

19 *1 way of an Job:39:27; Isaiah:40:31 *2 and the Exodus:22:16

20 *1 Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness. Proverbs:7:13-23; Numbers:5:11-30

22 *1 a servant Proverbs:19:10; Proverbs:28:3; Ecclesiastes:10:7; Isaiah:3:4-5 *2 a fool 1:25:3 1Samuel:25:10-11-25,36-38; 1Samuel:30:16

23 *1 an odious Proverbs:19:13; Proverbs:21:9 Proverbs:21:19 Proverbs:27:15 *2 an handmaid Proverbs:29:21

24 *1 little Job:12:7

25 *1 The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer; Proverbs:6:6-8

26 *1 The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks; Leviticus:11:5; Psalms:104:18

27 *1 The locusts Exodus:10:4-6 Exodus:10:13-15 Psalms:105:34; Joel:1:4-6-7; Joel:2:7-11-25; Revelation:9:3-11

30 *1 A lion which is strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any; Numbers:23:24; Judges:14:18

31 *1 against Proverbs:16:14; Proverbs:20:2; Daniel:3:15-18

32 *1 thou hast done Proverbs:26:12; Ecclesiastes:8:3 *2 lay Proverbs:17:28; Job:21:5; Job:40:4; Ecclesiastes:8:4; Micah:7:16-17; Romans:3:19

33 *1 so Proverbs:15:18; Proverbs:16:28; Proverbs:17:14; Proverbs:26:21; Proverbs:28:25; Proverbs:29:22

tsk Proverbs 30 *

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