Proverbs: tsk

1 *3 if thou be Proverbs:11:15; Proverbs:17:18; Proverbs:20:16; Proverbs:22:26; Proverbs:27:13; Genesis:43:9; Genesis:44:32-33; Job:17:3; Philemon:1:18-19; Hebrews:7:22

2 *1 Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. Proverbs:12:13; Proverbs:18:7

3 *1 when 2Samuel:24:14; 2Chronicles:12:5; Psalms:31:8 *2 go Exodus:10:3; 2Chronicles:36:12; James:4:10

4 *1 Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids. Proverbs:6:10-11; Psalms:132:4; Ecclesiastes:9:10; Matthew:24:17-18; Mark:13:35-36

5 *1 as a bird Proverbs:1:17; Psalms:11:1; Psalms:124:7

6 *1 the ant Proverbs:1:17; Job:12:7-8; Isaiah:1:3; Matthew:6:26 *2 thou Proverbs:6:9; Proverbs:10:26; Proverbs:13:4; Proverbs:15:19; Proverbs:18:9; Proverbs:19:15 Proverbs:19:24 Proverbs:20:4; Proverbs:21:25; Proverbs:22:13; Proverbs:24:30-34; Proverbs:26:13-16; Matthew:25:26; Romans:12:11; Hebrews:6:12

7 *1 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Job:38:39-41; Job:39:1-12 Job:39:26-30 Job:41:4-34

8 *1 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. Proverbs:30:25; 1Timothy:6:19

9 *1 How Proverbs:1:22; Proverbs:24:33-34; Jeremiah:4:14 *2 when Psalms:94:8; John:1:6; Romans:13:11; Ephesians:5:14; 1Thessalonians:5:2-7

10 *1 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: Proverbs:6:6; Proverbs:23:33-34; Proverbs:24:33-34

11 *1 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man. Proverbs:10:4; Proverbs:13:4; Proverbs:20:4

12 *1 naughty Proverbs:11:6; Proverbs:17:4; 1Samuel:17:28; Jeremiah:24:2 Jeremiah:24:8-10 James:1:21 *2 walketh Proverbs:6:14; Proverbs:2:12; Proverbs:4:24; Proverbs:8:13; Psalms:10:3 Psalms:10:7 Psalms:36:3; Psalms:52:2-4; Psalms:59:7; Psalms:73:8-9; Matthew:12:34; Acts:20:30; 1Timothy:5:13; Titus:1:10-11; James:3:6

13 *1 He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers; Proverbs:5:6; Proverbs:10:10; Job:15:12; Psalms:35:19

14 *1 Frowardness Proverbs:2:14; Proverbs:16:28-30; Proverbs:21:8 *2 he deviseth Proverbs:6:18; Psalms:36:4; Isaiah:32:7; Isaiah:57:20; Ezekiel:11:2; Micah:2:1 *3 soweth Proverbs:6:19; Proverbs:16:28; Proverbs:22:8; Proverbs:26:17-22; Hosea:8:7; Romans:16:17; Galatians:6:7-8

15 *1 shall his Proverbs:1:27; Proverbs:29:1; Psalms:73:18-20; Isaiah:30:13; 1Thessalonians:5:3 *2 he be 2Chronicles:36:16; Psalms:50:22; Jeremiah:19:11

16 *1 six Proverbs:8:13; 1:30:18 Proverbs:30:21-24,29; 1:1:3 Amos:1:6,9-11; 1:2:1 Amos:2:4-6 *2 an Proverbs:3:32; Proverbs:11:1-20; Proverbs:15:8-9; Proverbs:17:15; Proverbs:20:10 Proverbs:20:23 Deuteronomy:18:10-12; Deuteronomy:23:18; Deuteronomy:24:4; Deuteronomy:25:16; Revelation:21:27 *3 unto him Psalms:11:5

17 *1 A proud look Proverbs:30:13; Psalms:10:4; Psalms:18:27; Psalms:73:6-8; Psalms:101:5; Psalms:131:1; Isaiah:2:11; Isaiah:3:9 Isaiah:3:16 1Peter:5:5 *2 lying Proverbs:12:22; Proverbs:14:5; Proverbs:26:28; Psalms:5:6; Psalms:120:2-3; Hosea:4:1-2; John:8:44; Revelation:22:15 *3 and hands Proverbs:1:11; Deuteronomy:27:25; 2Kings:24:4; Isaiah:1:15; Isaiah:59:3-6

18 *1 heart Proverbs:24:8; Genesis:6:5; Psalms:36:4; Jeremiah:4:14; Micah:2:1;z Ecclesiastes:8:17 *2 feet Proverbs:1:16; Isaiah:59:7; Romans:3:15

19 *1 A false Proverbs:12:17; Proverbs:19:5 Proverbs:19:9 Proverbs:25:18; Exodus:20:16; Exodus:23:1; Deuteronomy:19:16-20; 1Kings:21:10-15; Psalms:27:12; Psalms:35:11; Matthew:15:19; Matthew:26:59; Acts:6:13 *2 that soweth Proverbs:6:14; Proverbs:16:28; Proverbs:22:10; Proverbs:26:20; 2Timothy:2:23; James:3:14-16-18; 3John:1:9-10

20 *1 My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: Proverbs:1:8-9; Proverbs:7:1-4; Proverbs:23:22; Proverbs:30:11; Deuteronomy:21:18; Deuteronomy:27:16; Ephesians:6:1

21 *1 Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. Proverbs:3:3; Proverbs:4:6 Proverbs:4:21 Proverbs:7:3-4; Exodus:13:16; Deuteronomy:6:8; 2Corinthians:3:3

22 *1 When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. Proverbs:2:11; Proverbs:3:23-24; Psalms:17:4; Psalms:43:3; 1:119:9-11-24-54 Psalms:119:97,148; Daniel:11:18-21

23 *1 the commandment Psalms:19:8; Psalms:119:98-100 Psalms:119:105 Isaiah:8:20; 2Peter:1:19 *2 lamp Revelation:2:5 *3 and reproofs Proverbs:5:12; Proverbs:15:31; Proverbs:29:15; Leviticus:19:17; Psalms:141:5 *4 the way Proverbs:3:18; Proverbs:4:4 Proverbs:4:13 Proverbs:15:24; Jeremiah:21:8

24 *1 keep Proverbs:2:16; Proverbs:5:3; Proverbs:7:5; Ecclesiastes:7:26

25 *1 Lust 2Samuel:11:2-5; Matthew:5:28; James:1:14-15 *2 take 2Kings:9:30; Songs:4:9; Isaiah:3:16

26 *1 by Proverbs:5:10; Proverbs:29:3 Proverbs:29:8 1:15:13-15 Luke:15:30 *2 a piece 1Samuel:2:36 *3 hunt Genesis:39:14; Ezekiel:13:8

27 *1 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Job:31:9-12; Hosea:7:4-7; James:3:5

29 *1 he that Genesis:12:18-19; Leviticus:20:10; 2Samuel:11:3-4; 2Samuel:12:9-10; 2Samuel:16:21; Jeremiah:5:8-9; Ezekiel:22:11; Malachi:3:5 *2 toucheth Genesis:20:4-7; Genesis:26:10-11; 1Corinthians:7:1

31 *1 if Exodus:22:1-3-4; 2Samuel:12:6; Job:20:18; Luke:19:8 *2 he shall give Matthew:18:25

32 *1 lacketh Proverbs:7:7; Genesis:39:9-10; Genesis:41:39; Ecclesiastes:7:25-26; Jeremiah:5:8 Jeremiah:5:21 Romans:1:22-24 *2 understanding Hosea:4:11-12 *3 destroyeth Proverbs:2:18-19; Proverbs:5:22-23; Proverbs:7:22-23; Proverbs:8:36; Proverbs:9:16-18; Ezekiel:18:31; Hosea:13:9; Hebrews:13:4

33 *1 A wound Proverbs:5:9-11; Judges:16:19-21; Psalms:38:1-8; Psalms:51:8 *2 and his Genesis:49:4; 1Kings:15:5; Nehemiah:13:26; Psalms:51:1; Matthew:1:6

34 *1 For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance. Proverbs:27:4; Numbers:5:14; Numbers:25:11; Judges:19:29-30; Songs:8:6; 1Corinthians:10:22

35 *1 regard Proverbs:4:3; Proverbs:7:13; Proverbs:8:25; 2Kings:5:1; Isaiah:2:9; Malachi:2:9

tsk Proverbs 6 *

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