Proverbs: tsk

1 *2 Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice? Proverbs:1:20-21; Proverbs:9:1-3; Isaiah:49:1-6; Isaiah:55:1-3; Matthew:3:3; Matthew:4:17; Matthew:28:19-20; Mark:13:10; Mark:16:15-16; Luke:24:47; John:7:37; Acts:1:8; Acts:22:21; Romans:15:18-21

3 *1 She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors. Matthew:22:9; Luke:14:21-23; John:18:20; Acts:5:20

4 *1 Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man. Psalms:49:1-3; Psalms:50:1; Matthew:11:15; John:3:16; 2Corinthians:5:19-20; Colossians:1:23 Colossians:1:28 1Timothy:2:4-6; Titus:2:11-12; Revelation:22:17

5 *1 O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. Proverbs:1:22; Proverbs:9:4; Psalms:19:7; Psalms:94:8; Isaiah:42:13; Isaiah:55:1-3; Acts:26:18; 1Corinthians:1:28; 1Corinthians:6:9-11; Revelation:3:17-18

6 *1 for Proverbs:2:6-7; Proverbs:4:2 Proverbs:4:20-22 Proverbs:22:20-21; Psalms:19:7-11; Psalms:49:3; 1Corinthians:2:6-7; Colossians:1:26 *2 the opening Job:33:1-3; Matthew:5:2-12; Matthew:7:28-29; Matthew:13:35

7 *1 my mouth Job:36:4; John:1:17; John:8:14 John:8:45-46 John:14:6; John:17:17; John:18:37; Revelation:3:14 *2 an abomination to Proverbs:12:22; Proverbs:16:12; Proverbs:29:27

8 *1 All Psalms:12:6; Isaiah:45:23; Isaiah:63:1 *2 there Proverbs:8:13; John:7:46

9 *1 They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge. Proverbs:14:6; Proverbs:15:14 Proverbs:15:24 Proverbs:17:24; Proverbs:18:1-2 Proverbs:18:15 Psalms:19:7-8; Psalms:25:12-14; Psalms:119:98-100; Isaiah:35:8; Micah:2:7; Matthew:13:11-12; John:6:45; John:7:17; 1Corinthians:2:14-15; James:1:5

10 *1 Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold. Proverbs:2:4-5; Proverbs:3:13-14; Proverbs:10:20; Proverbs:16:16; Proverbs:23:23; 1:119:72 Psalms:119:127,162; Ecclesiastes:7:11; Acts:3:6; 2Corinthians:6:10

11 *1 wisdom Proverbs:3:14; Proverbs:4:5-7; Proverbs:16:16; Proverbs:20:15; Job:28:15-19; Psalms:19:10; Psalms:119:127; Matthew:16:26; Philippians:3:8-9

12 *1 I wisdom Psalms:104:24; Isaiah:55:8-9; Romans:11:33; Ephesians:1:8 Ephesians:1:11 Ephesians:3:10; Colossians:2:3 *2 knowledge Exodus:31:3-6; Exodus:35:30-35; Exodus:36:1-4; 1Kings:7:14; 1Chronicles:28:12 1Chronicles:28:19 2Chronicles:13:14; Isaiah:28:26

13 *1 The fear Proverbs:16:6; Psalms:97:10; Psalms:101:3; Psalms:119:104 Psalms:119:128 Amos:5:15; Romans:12:9; 1Thessalonians:5:22; 2Timothy:2:19 *2 pride Proverbs:6:16-19; 1Samuel:2:3; Psalms:5:4-5; Psalms:138:6;z Ecclesiastes:8:17; 1Peter:5:5 *3 the froward Proverbs:4:24; Proverbs:6:12; Proverbs:10:31

14 *1 Counsel Isaiah:9:6; Isaiah:40:14; John:1:9; Romans:11:33-34; 1Corinthians:1:24 1Corinthians:1:30 Colossians:2:3 *2 sound Proverbs:2:6-7; Romans:1:22 *3 I have Proverbs:24:5; Ecclesiastes:7:19; Ecclesiastes:9:16-18

15 *1 By 1Samuel:9:17; 1Samuel:16:1; 1Chronicles:28:5; Jeremiah:27:5-7; Daniel:2:21; Daniel:4:25 Daniel:4:32 Daniel:5:18-31; Daniel:7:13-14; Matthew:28:18; Romans:13:1; Revelation:19:16 *2 decree 1Kings:3:9 1Kings:3:28 1Kings:5:7; 1Kings:10:9; Psalms:72:1-4; Psalms:99:4; Isaiah:1:26; Isaiah:32:1-2; Jeremiah:33:15; Revelation:19:11

17 *1 I love 1Samuel:2:30; Psalms:91:14; John:14:21-23; John:16:27; 1John:4:19 *2 those Ecclesiastes:12:1; Isaiah:45:19; Isaiah:55:6; Matthew:6:33; Matthew:7:7-8; Mark:10:14; James:1:5

18 *1 Riches and honour Proverbs:3:16; Proverbs:4:7-9; James:2:5 *2 durable Psalms:36:6; Ecclesiastes:5:14-16; Matthew:6:19-20; Luke:10:42; Luke:12:20-21-33; Luke:16:11-12; 2Corinthians:6:10; Ephesians:3:8; Philippians:4:19; 1Timothy:6:17-19; James:5:1-3; Revelation:3:18 *3 and righteousness Proverbs:11:4; Matthew:6:33; Philippians:3:8-9

19 *1 My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver. Proverbs:8:10; Proverbs:3:14; Ecclesiastes:7:12

20 *1 lead Proverbs:3:6; Proverbs:4:11-12; Proverbs:6:22; Psalms:23:3; Psalms:25:4-5; Psalms:32:8; Isaiah:2:3; Isaiah:49:10; Isaiah:55:4; John:10:3 John:10:27-28 Revelation:7:17 *2 in the Proverbs:4:25-27; Deuteronomy:5:32

21 *1 to inherit Proverbs:8:18; Proverbs:1:13; Proverbs:6:31; Genesis:15:14; 1Samuel:2:8; Matthew:25:46; John:1:1-18; Romans:8:17; Hebrews:10:34; 1Peter:1:4 *2 fill Psalms:16:11; Ephesians:3:19-20; Revelation:21:7

22 *1 The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. Proverbs:3:19; John:1:1-2; Colossians:1:17

23 *1 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. Genesis:1:26; Psalms:2:6; Micah:5:2; John:17:24; Ephesians:1:10-11; 1John:1:1-2

24 *1 I was Psalms:2:7; John:1:14; John:3:16; John:5:20; Hebrews:1:5; 1John:4:9

25 *1 Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth: Job:15:7-8; Job:38:4-11; Psalms:90:2; Psalms:102:25-28; Hebrews:1:10

26 *1 as yet Genesis:1:1-31

27 *1 he prepared Psalms:33:6; Psalms:103:19; Psalms:136:5; Jeremiah:10:12; Colossians:1:16; Hebrews:1:2 *2 compass Isaiah:40:11-22

29 *1 he gave Genesis:1:9-10; Job:38:8-11; Psalms:33:7; Psalms:104:9; Jeremiah:5:22 *2 when he appointed Job:38:4-7

30 *1 one John:1:1-3 John:1:18 John:16:28 *2 I was daily Isaiah:42:1; Matthew:3:17; Matthew:17:5; John:12:28; Colossians:1:13

31 *1 and my Psalms:16:3; Psalms:40:6-8; John:4:34; John:13:1; 2Corinthians:8:9

32 *1 for Psalms:1:1-4; Psalms:119:1-2; Psalms:128:1; Luke:11:28

33 *1 Hear Proverbs:1:2-3 Proverbs:1:8 Proverbs:4:1; Proverbs:5:1; Isaiah:55:1-3; Romans:10:16-17 *2 refuse Proverbs:1:21; Psalms:81:11-12; Acts:7:35-37; Hebrews:12:25

34 *1 watching Proverbs:1:21; Proverbs:2:3-4; Psalms:27:4; Psalms:84:10; Psalms:92:13; Matthew:7:24; Luke:1:6; Luke:10:39; Luke:11:28; John:8:31-32; Acts:2:42; Acts:17:11-12; James:1:22-25

35 *1 whoso Proverbs:1:33; Proverbs:3:13-18; John:3:16 John:3:36 John:14:6; Philippians:3:8; Colossians:3:3; 1John:5:11-12 *2 favour Proverbs:12:2; Ephesians:1:6

36 *1 he Proverbs:1:31; Proverbs:20:2; John:3:19-20; Acts:13:46; Hebrews:2:3; Hebrews:10:29 *2 all Proverbs:5:11-12 Proverbs:5:22-23 Ezekiel:18:31; Ezekiel:33:11; John:15:23-24; 1Corinthians:16:22

tsk Proverbs 8 *

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