Psalms: tsk

1 *2 unto us Psalms:74:22; Psalms:79:9-10; Joshua:7:9; Isaiah:48:11; Ezekiel:20:14; Ezekiel:36:32; Daniel:9:19; Ephesians:1:6; Revelation:4:10-11 *3 for thy mercy Psalms:61:7; Psalms:89:1-2; Micah:7:20; John:1:17; Romans:15:8-9

2 *1 Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is now their God? Psalms:42:3 Psalms:42:10 Psalms:79:10; Exodus:32:12; Numbers:14:15-16; Deuteronomy:32:26-27; 2Kings:19:10-19; Joel:2:17

3 *1 But our Psalms:2:4; Psalms:68:4; Psalms:123:1; 1Chronicles:16:25; Matthew:6:9 *2 he hath Psalms:135:6; Isaiah:46:10; Daniel:4:35; Romans:9:19; Ephesians:1:11

4 *1 Their idols Psalms:97:7; Psalms:135:15-17; Deuteronomy:4:28; Isaiah:40:19-20; Isaiah:42:17; Isaiah:46:1-2 Isaiah:46:6-7 Jeremiah:10:3-5; Hosea:8:6; Habakkuk:2:18-20; Acts:19:26 Acts:19:35 1Corinthians:10:19-20

8 *1 They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them. Psalms:135:18; Isaiah:44:9-20; Jeremiah:10:8; Jonah:2:8; Habakkuk:2:18-19

9 *1 Israel Psalms:118:2-4; Psalms:135:19-20; Exodus:19:5 *2 trust Psalms:62:8; Psalms:125:1; Psalms:130:7; Psalms:146:5-6; Jeremiah:17:17-18; Ephesians:1:12 *3 their help Psalms:33:20-21; Psalms:84:11; Deuteronomy:33:29; Proverbs:30:5

10 *1 O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield. Exodus:28:1; Numbers:16:5 Numbers:16:40 Numbers:18:7

11 *1 Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield. Psalms:33:18; Psalms:118:4; Psalms:147:11; Proverbs:14:26; Proverbs:30:5; Acts:10:35; Revelation:19:5

12 *1 hath Psalms:25:7; Psalms:136:23; Genesis:8:1; Exodus:2:24-25; Isaiah:44:21; Isaiah:49:14-16; Acts:10:4 *2 the house of Israel Psalms:67:7; Genesis:12:2-3; Genesis:2:17-18; Acts:3:26; Galatians:3:14 Galatians:3:29 Ephesians:1:3

13 *1 He will bless Psalms:29:11; Psalms:112:1; Psalms:128:1 Psalms:128:4-5 Malachi:3:16-17; Malachi:4:2; Luke:1:50; Acts:13:26; Colossians:3:11 *2 both small Acts:26:22; Revelation:11:18; Revelation:19:5; Revelation:20:12

14 *1 Lord Genesis:13:16; 2Samuel:24:3; Isaiah:2:2-3; Isaiah:27:6; Isaiah:19:20-21; Isaiah:56:8; Isaiah:60:4-22; Jeremiah:30:19; Jeremiah:33:22; Hosea:1:10;z Ecclesiastes:8:20-23;z Ecclesiastes:10:8; 1:7:4 Revelation:7:9 *2 you Genesis:17:7; Jeremiah:32:38-39; Acts:2:39; Acts:3:25

15 *1 blessed Psalms:3:8; Genesis:14:19; Genesis:32:26-29; Ephesians:1:3-4; 1Peter:3:9 *2 made Psalms:96:5; Psalms:146:5-6; Genesis:1:1

16 *1 heaven Psalms:89:11; Psalms:144:5; Psalms:148:4; Isaiah:66:1; Lamentations:3:66; John:14:2 *2 but the earth Genesis:1:28-30; Genesis:9:1-3; Deuteronomy:32:8; Jeremiah:27:5-6

17 *1 dead Psalms:6:5; Psalms:30:9; Psalms:88:10-12; Isaiah:38:18-19 *2 go down Psalms:31:17; 1Samuel:2:9

18 *1 But we will bless the LORD from this time forth and for evermore. Praise the LORD. Psalms:113:2; Psalms:118:17-19; Psalms:145:2 Psalms:145:21 Daniel:2:20; Revelation:5:13

tsk Psalms 115 *

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