Psalms: tsk

1 *3 Lord Psalms:1:1-4; Psalms:23:6; Psalms:21:3-5; Psalms:27:4; Psalms:61:4; Psalms:84:4; Psalms:92:13; John:3:3-5; John:14:3; John:17:24; Revelation:7:14-17; 1:21:3-4 Revelation:21:23-24 *4 holy Psalms:2:6; Psalms:3:4; Psalms:43:3-4; Psalms:87:1-3; Hebrews:12:22; Revelation:14:1

2 *1 He Psalms:84:11; Proverbs:2:7-8; Proverbs:28:18; Isaiah:33:15; Micah:2:7; Luke:1:6; Galatians:2:14; 1John:2:6 *2 worketh Acts:10:35; Romans:2:10; Ephesians:2:10; Hebrews:11:33; 1John:2:29; 1John:3:7; Revelation:22:14-15 *3 speaketh Psalms:34:12-13; Isaiah:63:8;z Ecclesiastes:8:16-17; Ephesians:4:25; Colossians:3:9; Revelation:21:8

3 *1 backbiteth Psalms:101:5-8; Exodus:23:1-33; Leviticus:19:16; Jeremiah:9:4-9; Romans:1:30; Titus:3:2; James:4:11; 1Peter:2:1-2 *2 doeth 1Samuel:24:11; Isaiah:56:2; Matthew:7:12; Romans:12:17; Romans:13:10; 3John:1:11 *3 taketh up Proverbs:22:10; Proverbs:25:3

4 *1 a vile Psalms:101:4; 2Kings:3:13-14; Esther:3:2; Job:32:21-22; Isaiah:32:5-6; Daniel:5:17-31; Acts:24:2-3 Acts:24:25 James:2:1-9 *2 but Psalms:16:3; Psalms:101:6; Psalms:119:63; Matthew:12:49-50; 1John:3:14 *3 sweareth Joshua:9:18-20; Judges:11:35; 2Samuel:21:1-2; Matthew:5:33

5 *1 putteth Exodus:22:25; Leviticus:25:35-37; Deuteronomy:23:19-20; Nehemiah:5:2-5-7-13; Ezekiel:18:8 Ezekiel:18:17 Ezekiel:22:12 *2 nor taketh Exodus:23:7-8; Deuteronomy:16:19; Isaiah:33:15; Micah:7:3; Matthew:26:15; Matthew:27:3-5 *3 He that doeth Psalms:16:8; Psalms:55:22; Psalms:106:3; Psalms:112:6; Proverbs:12:3; Ezekiel:18:27; Matthew:7:21-25; John:13:17; James:1:22-25; 2Peter:1:10-11

tsk Psalms 15 *

Translation Information:
tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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