Psalms: tsk

1 *2 Shoshannim Psalms:69:1; Psalms:80:1 *3 A song Songs:1:1-2-7; Isaiah:5:1; Ephesians:5:32 *4 is inditing Job:32:18-20; Proverbs:16:23; Matthew:12:35 *5 a good Psalms:49:3; Job:33:3; Job:34:4; Proverbs:8:6-9 *6 touching Psalms:2:6; Psalms:24:7-10; Psalms:110:1-2; Songs:1:12; Isaiah:32:1-2; Matthew:25:34; Matthew:27:37 *7 tongue 2Samuel:23:2; 2Peter:1:21

2 *1 fairer Songs:2:3; Songs:5:10-16;z Ecclesiastes:9:17; Matthew:17:2; John:1:14; Colossians:1:15-18; Hebrews:1:3-4; Hebrews:7:26; Revelation:1:13-18 *2 grace Proverbs:22:11; Isaiah:50:4; Luke:4:22; John:7:46 *3 God Psalms:21:6; Psalms:72:17-19; Philippians:2:9-11

3 *1 Gird Isaiah:49:2; Isaiah:63:1-6; Hebrews:4:12; Revelation:1:16; 1:19:15 Revelation:19:21 *2 O most Isaiah:9:6-7; Acts:10:36; Romans:14:9 *3 glory Psalms:21:5; Psalms:96:6; Psalms:104:1; Psalms:145:5 Psalms:145:12 Hebrews:1:3; Hebrews:8:1;ju Deuteronomy:1:25

4 *1 ride, etc Revelation:6:2; Revelation:19:11 *2 prosperously Psalms:110:2-3; 1Thessalonians:1:5; 1Thessalonians:2:13; 2Thessalonians:3:1 *3 because Psalms:60:4; John:1:17; John:14:6 *4 meekness z Ecclesiastes:9:9; Matthew:11:29; Matthew:12:19-20; 2Corinthians:10:1 *5 right Psalms:2:9; Psalms:21:8-9; Psalms:65:5; Psalms:110:5-6; Isaiah:59:17-18; Isaiah:63:1-6; Luke:19:27; 2Thessalonians:1:8-9; Revelation:6:16-17; Revelation:11:18; Revelation:19:17-21; Revelation:20:15

5 *1 Thine Psalms:21:12; Psalms:38:2; Numbers:24:8;z Ecclesiastes:9:13-14 *2 sharp Psalms:2:1-9; Luke:19:42-44; Luke:20:18-19; Acts:2:37 Acts:2:41 Acts:5:33; Acts:7:54 *3 people Psalms:22:27; Psalms:66:3-4; Acts:4:4; Acts:5:14; Acts:6:7; Romans:15:18-19

6 *1 throne Psalms:89:29 Psalms:89:36-37 Psalms:93:2; Psalms:145:13; Daniel:2:44; Luke:1:32-33; Hebrews:1:8 *2 O God Isaiah:9:6-7; Jeremiah:23:5-6; John:1:1; 1Timothy:3:16 *3 the sceptre Psalms:72:1-20; 2Samuel:23:4; Jeremiah:33:15-16; Revelation:19:11

7 *1 Thou Psalms:33:5; Psalms:99:4; Matthew:3:15; Hebrews:1:9; Hebrews:7:26 *2 hatest Psalms:101:3-4 Psalms:101:8 Matthew:7:23; Luke:13:27; Revelation:21:27 *3 thy God Psalms:89:26; Isaiah:61:1; John:20:17; Ephesians:1:3 *4 hath Psalms:89:20; Leviticus:8:12; 1Samuel:16:13; 1Kings:1:39-40; 1Kings:19:16; Isaiah:61:1-3; Luke:3:22; Luke:4:18-21; John:3:34 *5 oil Psalms:21:6; 1Kings:1:39; Acts:2:28 *6 above John:1:16; Romans:8:29; Colossians:1:18-19; Hebrews:2:14

8 *1 All Songs:1:3 Songs:1:13 Songs:3:6; Songs:4:6 Songs:4:13-14 1:5:1 Songs:5:5,13; Matthew:2:11; John:19:39; 2Corinthians:2:14-16 *2 cassia Exodus:30:23-24 *3 ivory Psalms:45:15; 1Kings:22:39; Amos:3:15; John:14:2 *4 whereby Psalms:16:11; Hebrews:12:2

9 *1 Kings Psalms:45:13; Psalms:72:10; Songs:6:8-9; Songs:7:1; Isaiah:49:23; Isaiah:60:10-11; Revelation:21:24 *2 upon 1:2:9 1Kings:2:19 *3 queen Songs:4:8-11; John:3:29; Ephesians:5:26-27; Revelation:19:7; 1:21:2 Revelation:21:9 *4 gold 1Kings:10:11; Job:22:24

10 *1 Hearken Songs:2:10-13; Isaiah:55:1-3; 2Corinthians:6:17-18; 2Corinthians:7:1 *2 forget Genesis:2:24; Genesis:12:1; Deuteronomy:21:13; Deuteronomy:33:9; Matthew:10:37; Matthew:19:29; Luke:14:26; 2Corinthians:5:16

11 *1 So shall Songs:1:8 Songs:1:12-16 Songs:2:2 Songs:2:14 Songs:4:1-5-7-9-10; Songs:6:4; Songs:7:1-10; Isaiah:62:4-5; Zephaniah:3:17; Ephesians:5:26-27 *2 Lord Psalms:45:6; Isaiah:54:5; Jeremiah:23:5-6; John:20:28; Acts:10:36; Romans:14:9; Philippians:2:10-11; Philippians:3:8 *3 worship Psalms:2:12; Psalms:95:6; Luke:24:52; John:4:21-22; Revelation:5:8-14

12 *1 And the Isaiah:23:17-18; Acts:21:3-6 *2 with Psalms:72:10; Isaiah:60:6-7; Matthew:2:11 *3 rich Psalms:22:29; Isaiah:49:23; 1:60:3 Isaiah:60:10-11

13 *1 king's Psalms:45:9-10; Songs:7:1; Isaiah:61:10; 1Peter:2:9; Revelation:19:7-8 *2 all glorious 1Samuel:16:7; Luke:11:40; Romans:2:29; 2Corinthians:5:17; 1Peter:3:3-4 *3 clothing Psalms:45:9; Matthew:5:16; Matthew:22:11-12; Romans:3:22; Romans:13:14; Revelation:3:18

14 *1 She Songs:1:4; John:17:24; 2Corinthians:11:2 *2 raiment Exodus:28:39; Judges:5:30 *3 virgins Songs:1:3-5; Songs:2:7; Songs:5:8-9; 1:6:1 Songs:6:8,13; Songs:8:13; Revelation:14:1-4

15 *1 With Isaiah:35:10; Isaiah:51:11; Isaiah:55:12-13; Isaiah:60:19-20; Isaiah:61:10;ju Deuteronomy:1:24; Revelation:7:15-17 *2 they shall Isaiah:56:5; John:14:3; 1:3:12 Revelation:3:21

16 *1 Instead Psalms:22:30; Matthew:19:29; Mark:10:29-30; Philippians:3:7-8 *2 children Isaiah:49:21-22; Isaiah:54:1-5; Isaiah:60:1-5; Galatians:4:26-27 *3 princes 1Peter:2:9; Revelation:1:6; Revelation:5:10; Revelation:20:6

17 *1 I will Psalms:22:30-31; Psalms:72:17-19; Psalms:145:4-7; Isaiah:59:21; Malachi:1:11; Matthew:26:13; 1Corinthians:11:26 *2 therefore Psalms:72:17; Songs:6:9; Isaiah:61:9; Isaiah:62:3

tsk Psalms 45 *

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