Psalms: tsk

1 *5 A. M. 3489. B.C. 515. Song 2Chronicles:20:1-37; Psalms:30:1 *6 for Psalms:46:1 *7 Great Psalms:86:10; Psalms:99:3-4; Psalms:145:3; Psalms:147:5 *8 greatly Psalms:89:1-7; Nehemiah:9:5; Revelation:15:3-4; Revelation:19:5 *9 city Psalms:46:4; Psalms:65:1; Psalms:78:68; Psalms:87:3; Hebrews:12:22; 1:21:2 Revelation:21:10-22 *10 mountain Psalms:47:8; Psalms:99:9; Isaiah:2:2-3; Isaiah:27:13; Jeremiah:31:23; Obadiah:1:17; Micah:4:1;z Ecclesiastes:8:3; Matthew:24:15

2 *1 Beautiful Psalms:50:2; Jeremiah:3:19; Lamentations:2:15; Daniel:8:9; Daniel:11:16 *2 joy Isaiah:60:15-20; Isaiah:66:10; Ezekiel:20:6; Malachi:3:12; Hebrews:12:22 *3 on the sides Isaiah:14:13 *4 the city Psalms:47:7-8; Malachi:1:14; Matthew:5:35

3 *1 God is known in her palaces for a refuge. Psalms:76:1-5; Psalms:125:1; 2Chronicles:12:7; 2Chronicles:14:9-15; 2Chronicles:20:1-37; Isaiah:4:5-6; Isaiah:37:33-36;z Ecclesiastes:2:4-5

4 *1 For, lo, the kings were assembled, they passed by together. Psalms:83:2-8; 2Samuel:10:6 2Samuel:10:14-16-19 Isaiah:7:1; Isaiah:8:8-10; Isaiah:10:8; Isaiah:29:5-8; Revelation:17:12-14; Revelation:19:20; Revelation:20:8-9

5 *1 were Exodus:14:25; 2Kings:7:6-7; 2Kings:19:35-37

6 *1 Fear Exodus:15:15-16; Isaiah:13:6-8; Daniel:5:6 *2 pain Isaiah:21:3; Jeremiah:30:6-7; Hosea:13:13

7 *1 breakest Ezekiel:27:25-26 *2 ships 1Kings:22:48; Isaiah:2:16 *3 east Jeremiah:18:17

8 *1 As we Psalms:44:1-2; Psalms:78:3-6; Isaiah:38:19 *2 city of the Lord Psalms:48:1-2 *3 God Psalms:46:5; Psalms:87:5; Isaiah:2:2; Micah:4:1; Matthew:16:18

9 *1 thought Psalms:26:3; Psalms:77:10-11; Psalms:104:34; Psalms:105:5-6 *2 loving-kindness Psalms:40:10; Psalms:63:3; Songs:1:4; Luke:22:19-20 *3 in the Psalms:63:2; Psalms:77:12-14; 2Chronicles:20:5-13; Isaiah:26:8

10 *1 According Psalms:113:3; Psalms:138:2-4; Exodus:3:13-15; Exodus:34:5-7; Deuteronomy:28:58; Joshua:7:9; 1:1:11 Malachi:1:14 *2 thy right Psalms:11:7; Psalms:45:7; Psalms:99:4; Psalms:145:17; 1:19:2 Revelation:19:11

11 *1 daughters Psalms:97:8; Songs:1:5; Songs:2:7; Songs:3:5; Songs:5:16; Isaiah:37:22;z Ecclesiastes:9:9; Luke:23:28 *2 because Psalms:58:10; Psalms:137:8-9; Judges:5:31; 2Chronicles:20:26-27; Revelation:15:4; Revelation:16:5-7; Revelation:18:20; Revelation:19:1-3

12 *1 Walk Nehemiah:12:31-40; Matthew:24:1-2 *2 tell Isaiah:33:18-20

13 *1 Mark ye well Isaiah:58:12; Amos:9:11; Acts:15:14-16 *2 that ye Psalms:71:18; Psalms:78:4; Deuteronomy:11:19; Joel:1:3

14 *1 this God Psalms:16:2; Psalms:31:14; Psalms:73:24-26; Lamentations:3:21 *2 guide Psalms:23:3-4; Psalms:25:9; Psalms:73:24; Proverbs:8:20; Isaiah:58:11; John:16:13

tsk Psalms 48 *

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