Zephaniah: tsk

1 *6 gather together 2Chronicles:20:4; Nehemiah:8:1; Nehemiah:9:1; Esther:4:16; Joel:1:14; Joel:2:12-18; Matthew:18:20 *7 O nation Isaiah:1:4-6 Isaiah:1:10-15 Jeremiah:12:7-9;z Ecclesiastes:11:8 *8 desired Isaiah:26:8-9

2 *1 the decree Zephaniah:3:8; 2Kings:22:16-17; 2Kings:23:26-27; Ezekiel:12:25; Matthew:24:35; 2Peter:3:4-10 *2 as Job:21:18; Psalms:1:4; Isaiah:17:13; Isaiah:41:15-16; Hosea:13:3 *3 before the fierce Zephaniah:1:18; 2Chronicles:36:16-17; Psalms:2:12; Psalms:50:22; Jeremiah:23:20; Lamentations:4:11; Nahum:1:6; Malachi:4:1-2; Luke:13:24-28 *4 before the day of Psalms:95:7-8

3 *1 Seek ye Psalms:105:4; Isaiah:55:6-7; Jeremiah:3:13-14; Jeremiah:4:1-2; Jeremiah:29:12-13; Hosea:7:10; Hosea:10:12; Amos:5:4-6 Amos:5:14-15 Matthew:7:7-8 *2 all 2Chronicles:34:27-28; Psalms:22:26; Psalms:25:8-9; Psalms:76:9; Psalms:149:4; Isaiah:61:1; Jeremiah:22:15-16;z Ecclesiastes:8:19; Matthew:5:5; James:1:21-22; 1Peter:3:4 *3 seek righteousness Philippians:3:13-14; 1Thessalonians:4:1 1Thessalonians:4:10 1Peter:1:22; 2Peter:3:18 *4 it may 2Samuel:12:22; Joel:2:13-14; Amos:5:15; Jonah:3:9 *5 hid Genesis:7:15-16; Exodus:12:27; Psalms:31:20; Psalms:32:6-7; Psalms:57:1; Psalms:91:1; Proverbs:18:10; Isaiah:26:20-21; Jeremiah:39:18; Jeremiah:45:5; Colossians:3:2-4

4 *1 Gaza Jeremiah:25:20; Jeremiah:47:1-7; Ezekiel:25:15-17; Amos:1:6-8;z Ecclesiastes:9:5-7 *2 at Psalms:91:6; Jeremiah:6:4; Jeremiah:15:8

5 *1 Cherethites Jeremiah:47:7; Ezekiel:25:16 *2 Cherethims Amos:3:1; Amos:5:1;z Ecclesiastes:1:6; Mark:12:12 *3 O Canaan Joshua:13:3; Judges:3:3

6 *1 the sea Zephaniah:2:14-15; Isaiah:17:2; Ezekiel:25:5

7 *1 the coast Isaiah:14:29-32; Obadiah:1:19;z Ecclesiastes:9:6-7; 1:8:26 Acts:8:40 *2 the remnant Zephaniah:2:9; Isaiah:11:11; Jeremiah:31:7; Micah:2:12; Micah:4:7; Micah:5:3-8; Haggai:1:12; Haggai:2:2; Romans:11:5 *3 shall visit Genesis:50:24; Exodus:4:31; Luke:1:68; Luke:7:16 *4 turn Zephaniah:3:20; Psalms:85:1; Psalms:126:1-4; Isaiah:14:1; Jeremiah:3:18; Jeremiah:23:3; Jeremiah:29:14; Jeremiah:30:3 Jeremiah:30:18-19 Jeremiah:33:7; Ezekiel:39:25; Amos:9:14-15; Micah:4:10

8 *1 heard Jeremiah:48:27-29; Ezekiel:25:8-11 *2 the revilings Psalms:83:4-7; Jeremiah:49:1; Ezekiel:25:3-7; Ezekiel:36:2; Amos:1:13

9 *1 as I Numbers:14:21; Isaiah:49:18; Jeremiah:46:18; Romans:14:11 *2 Surely Isaiah:11:14; Isaiah:15:1-16; Isaiah:25:10; Jeremiah:48:1-49; Ezekiel:25:1-26; Amos:1:13-15; Amos:2:1-3 *3 as Gomorrah Zephaniah:2:14; Genesis:19:24-25; Deuteronomy:29:23; Isaiah:13:19-20; Isaiah:34:9-13; Jeremiah:49:18; Jeremiah:50:40 *4 the residue Zephaniah:2:7; Zephaniah:3:13; Joel:3:19-20; Micah:5:7-8

10 *1 for Zephaniah:2:8; Isaiah:16:6; Jeremiah:48:29; Daniel:4:37; Daniel:5:20-23; Obadiah:1:3; 1Peter:5:5 *2 and magnified Exodus:9:17; Exodus:10:3; Isaiah:10:12-15; Isaiah:37:22-29; Ezekiel:38:14-18

11 *1 for Deuteronomy:32:38; Hosea:2:17;z Ecclesiastes:13:2 *2 and men Psalms:2:8-12; Psalms:22:27-30; Psalms:72:8-11 Psalms:72:17 Psalms:86:9; Psalms:97:6-8; Psalms:117:1-2; Psalms:138:4; Isaiah:2:2-4; Isaiah:11:9-10; Micah:4:1-3;z Ecclesiastes:2:11;z Ecclesiastes:8:20 Ecclesiastes:8:23 z Ecclesiastes:14:9-21; Malachi:1:11; John:4:21-23; 1Timothy:2:8; Revelation:11:15 *3 the isles Genesis:10:5; Isaiah:24:14-16; Isaiah:42:4 Isaiah:42:10 Isaiah:49:1

12 *1 Ethiopians Isaiah:18:1-7; Isaiah:20:4-5; Isaiah:43:3; Jeremiah:46:9-10; Ezekiel:30:4-9 *2 my Psalms:17:13; Isaiah:10:5; Isaiah:13:5; Jeremiah:47:6-7; Jeremiah:51:20-23

13 *1 he will Psalms:83:8-9; Isaiah:10:12 Isaiah:10:16 Isaiah:11:11; Ezekiel:31:3-18 *2 will make Nahum:1:1; Nahum:2:10-11; 1:3:7 Nahum:3:15,18-19;z Ecclesiastes:10:10-11

14 *1 flocks Zephaniah:2:6; Isaiah:13:19-22; Isaiah:34:11-17; Revelation:18:2 *2 commorant Amos:9:1 *3 the cedar Jeremiah:22:14

15 *1 the rejoicing Isaiah:10:12-14; Isaiah:22:2; Isaiah:47:7; Revelation:18:7-10 *2 I am Isaiah:47:8; Ezekiel:28:2 Ezekiel:28:9 Ezekiel:29:3 *3 how is Isaiah:14:4-5; Lamentations:1:1; Lamentations:2:1; Revelation:18:10-19 *4 every 1Kings:9:7-8; Job:27:23; Psalms:52:6-7; Lamentations:2:15; Ezekiel:27:36; Nahum:3:19; Matthew:27:39

tsk Zephaniah 2 *

Translation Information:
tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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