rwp@1Timothy:2:1 @{First of all} (\pr“ton pant“n\). Take with \parakal“\. My first request (first in importance). {Intercessions} (\enteuxeis\). Late word (Polybius, Plutarch, etc.), only here in N.T. and 4:5|, though the verb \entugchan“\ in kjv@Romans:8:27,34; 11:2,25|. The other three words for prayer are common (Phillipians:4:6|). {For all men} (\huper pant“n anthr“p“n\). The scope of prayer is universal including all kinds of sinners (and saints).
rwp@1Timothy:2:2 @{For kings} (\huper basile“n\). And this included Nero who had already set fire to Rome and laid it on the Christians whom he was also persecuting. {And all them that are in high place} (\kai pant“n t“n en huperochˆi ont“n\). \Huperochˆ\ is old word (from \huperochos\ and this from \huper\ and \ech“\), but in N.T. only here and kjv@1Corinthians:2:1|. {That we may lead} (\hina diag“men\). Purpose clause with present active subjunctive of \diag“\, an old and common verb, but in N.T. only here and kjv@Titus:3:3|. {Tranquil} (\ˆremon\). Late adjective from the old adverb \ˆrema\ (stilly, quietly). Here only in N.T. {Quiet} (\hˆsuchion\). Old adjective, once in LXX (Isaiah:66:2|), in N.T. only here and kjv@1Peter:3:4|. {Life} (\bion\). Old word for course of life (not \z“ˆ\). Songs:Luke:8:14|. {Gravity} (\semnotˆti\). Old word from \semnos\ (Phillipians:4:8|), in N.T. only here, 3:4; kjv@Titus:2:7|.
rwp@1Timothy:2:3 @{Acceptable} (\apodekton\). Late verbal adjective from \apodechomai\. In inscriptions and papyri. In N.T. only here and 5:4|.
rwp@1Timothy:2:4 @{Willeth} (\thelei\). God's wish and will in so far as he can influence men. {That all men should be saved} (\pantas anthr“pous s“thˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \s“z“\ with accusative of general reference. See kjv@1Corinthians:10:33; kjv@2Corinthians:5:18f|. {To the knowledge} (\eis epign“sin\). "The full knowledge" as in kjv@Colossians:1:6; kjv@Ephesians:4:13| (ten times in Paul). See kjv@2Timothy:3:7| for the whole phrase "full knowledge of the truth" (\alˆtheia\ 14 times in the Pastorals). Paul is anxious as in Colossians and Ephesians that the Gnostics may not lead the people astray. They need the full intellectual apprehension of Christianity.
rwp@1Timothy:2:5 @{One God} (\heis theos\). Regular Pauline argument for a universal gospel (Galatians:3:20; kjv@Romans:3:30; kjv@Ephesians:4:6|). {One mediator} (\heis mesitˆs\). Late word (Polybius, Philo) from \mesos\ (middle), a middle man. In N.T. only here, kjv@Galatians:3:20; kjv@Hebrews:8:6; 9:15; 12:24|. {Between God and men} (\theou kai anthr“p“n\). Ablative case (though objective genitive may explain it) after \mesitˆs\ (notion of separation) as in kjv@Romans:10:12; kjv@Hebrews:5:14|. {Himself man} (\anthr“pos\). No "himself" (\autos\) in the Greek.
rwp@1Timothy:2:6 @{A ransom for all} (\antilutron huper pant“n\). "A reminiscence of the Lord's own saying" (Lock) in kjv@Matthew:20:28| (Mark:10:45|) where we have \lutron anti poll“n\. In the papyri \huper\ is the ordinary preposition for the notion of substitution where benefit is involved as in this passage. \Anti\ has more the idea of exchange and \antilutron huper\ combines both ideas. \Lutron\ is the common word for ransom for a slave or a prisoner. Paul may have coined \antilutron\ with the saying of Christ in mind (only one MS. of kjv@Psalms:48:9| and Orph. _Litt_. 588). See kjv@Galatians:1:4| "who gave himself for our sins." {The testimony} (\to marturion\). Either the nominative absolute or the accusative absolute in apposition to the preceding clause like \to adunaton\ in kjv@Romans:8:3|. {In its own times} (\kairois idiois\). Locative case as in 6:15; kjv@Titus:1:3|. See kjv@Galatians:6:9| for "due season." There is no predicate or participle here, "the testimony in its due seasons" (plural).
rwp@1Timothy:2:7 @{For which} (\eis ho\). The testimony of Jesus in his self-surrender (verse 6|). See \eis ho\ in kjv@2Timothy:1:11|. {I was appointed} (\etethˆn eg“\). First aorist passive indicative of \tithˆmi\. {Preacher and apostle} (\kˆrux kai apostolos\). In kjv@2Timothy:1:10| Paul adds \didaskalos\ (herald, apostle, teacher) as he does here with emphasis. In kjv@Colossians:1:23f.| he has \diakonos\ (minister). He frequently uses \kˆruss“\ of himself (1Corinthians:1:23; 9:27; kjv@Galatians:2:2; kjv@Romans:10:8f.|). {I speak the truth, I lie not} (\alˆtheian leg“, ou pseudomai\). A Pauline touch (Romans:9:1|). Cf. kjv@Galatians:1:20; kjv@2Corinthians:11:31|. Here alone he calls himself "a teacher of the Gentiles," elsewhere apostle (Romans:11:13|), minister (Romans:15:16|), prisoner (Ephesians:3:1|).
rwp@1Timothy:2:8 @{I desire} (\boulomai\). Songs:Phillipians:1:12|. {The men} (\tous andras\). Accusative of general reference with the infinitive \proseuchesthai\. The men in contrast to "women" (\gunaikas\) in 9|. It is public worship, of course, and "in every place" (\en panti top“i\) for public worship. Many modern Christians feel that there were special conditions in Ephesus as in Corinth which called for strict regulations on the women that do not always apply now. {Lifting up holy hands} (\epairontas hosious cheiras\). Standing to pray. Note also \hosious\ used as feminine (so in Plato) with \cheiras\ instead of \hosias\. The point here is that only men should lead in public prayer who can lift up "clean hands" (morally and spiritually clean). See kjv@Luke:24:50|. Adverb \hosi“s\ in kjv@1Thessalonians:2:10| and \hosiotˆs\ in kjv@Ephesians:4:24|. {Without wrath and disputing} (\ch“ris orgˆs kai dialogismou\). See kjv@Phillipians:2:14|.
rwp@1Timothy:2:9 @{In like manner that women} (\hosaut“s gunaikas\). \Boulomai\ must be repeated from verse 8|, involved in \hosaut“s\ (old adverb, as in kjv@Romans:8:26|). Parry insists that \proseuchomenas\ (when they pray) must be supplied also. Grammatically that is possible (Lock), but it is hardly consonant with verses 11-15| (White). {Adorn themselves} (\kosmein heautas\). Present active infinitive after \boulomai\ understood. Old word from \kosmos\ (arrangement, ornament, order, world). See kjv@Luke:21:5; kjv@Titus:2:10|. See kjv@1Corinthians:11:5ff.| for Paul's discussion of women's dress in public worship. {In modest apparel} (\en katastolˆi kosmi“i\). \Katastolˆ\ is a late word (a letting down, \katastell“\, of demeanour or dress, arrangement of dress). Only here in N.T. \Kosmios\ is old adjective from \kosmos\ and means well-arranged, becoming. W. H. have adverb in margin (\kosmi“s\). {With shamefastness} (\meta aidous\). Old word for shame, reverence, in N.T. only here and kjv@Hebrews:12:28|. {Sobriety} (\s“phrosunˆs\). Old word, in N.T. only here, verse 15|, and kjv@Acts:26:15| (Paul also). {Not with braided hair} (\mˆ en plegmasin\). Old word from \plek“\, to plait, to braid, for nets, baskets, here only in N.T. Cf. kjv@1Peter:3:1| (\emplokˆs\). {And gold} (\en chrusi“i\). Locative case with \en\ repeated. Some MSS. read \chrus“i\. Both used for gold ornaments. {Or pearls} (\ˆ margaritais\). See kjv@Matthew:7:6| for this word. {Or costly raiment} (\ˆ himatism“i polutelei\). \Himatismos\ a common _Koin‚_ word from \himatiz“\, to clothe. \Polutelˆs\, old word from \polus\ and \telos\ (great price). See kjv@Mark:14:3|.
rwp@1Timothy:2:10 @{Becometh} (\prepei\). Old word for seemly. Paul wishes women to wear "becoming" clothes, but \theosebeian\ (godliness, from \theosebˆs\, kjv@John:9:31|, \theos, sebomai\, worship) is part of the "style" desired. Only here in N.T. Good dress and good works combined.
rwp@1Timothy:2:11 @{In quietness} (\en hˆsuchiƒi\). Old word from \hˆsuchios\. In N.T. only here, kjv@Acts:22:2; kjv@2Thessalonians:3:12|. {In all subjection} (\en pasˆi hupotagˆi\). Late word (Dion. Hal., papyri), in N.T. only here, kjv@2Corinthians:9:13; kjv@Galatians:2:5|. See kjv@1Corinthians:14:33-35|.
rwp@1Timothy:2:12 @{I permit not} (\ouk epitrep“\). Old word \epitrep“\, to permit, to allow (1Corinthians:16:7|). Paul speaks authoritatively. {To teach} (\didaskein\). In the public meeting clearly. And yet all modern Christians allow women to teach Sunday school classes. One feels somehow that something is not expressed here to make it all clear. {Nor to have dominion over a man} (\oude authentein andros\). The word \authente“\ is now cleared up by Kretschmer (_Glotta_, 1912, pp. 289ff.) and by Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_. See also Nageli, _Der Wortschatz des Apostels Paulus_ and Deissmann, _Light, etc._, pp. 88f. \Autodike“\ was the literary word for playing the master while \authente“\ was the vernacular term. It comes from \aut-hentes\, a self-doer, a master, autocrat. It occurs in the papyri (substantive \authentˆs\, master, verb \authente“\, to domineer, adjective \authentikos\, authoritative, "authentic"). Modern Greek has \aphentes\ = Effendi = "Mr."
rwp@1Timothy:2:13 @{Was first formed} (\pr“tos eplasthˆ\). Note \pr“tos\, not \pr“ton\, first before Eve. First aorist passive indicative of \plass“\, old verb, in N.T. only here and kjv@Romans:9:20| (cf. kjv@Genesis:2:7f.|).
rwp@1Timothy:2:14 @{Being beguiled} (\exapatˆtheisa\). First aorist passive participle of \exapate“\, old compound verb, in N.T. only by Paul (2Thessalonians:2:3; kjv@1Corinthians:3:18; kjv@2Corinthians:11:3; kjv@Romans:7:11; 16:18; kjv@1Timothy:2:14|). Not certain that \ex-\ here means "completely deceived" in contrast to simplex (\ouk ˆpatˆthˆ\) used of Adam, though possible. {Hath fallen} (\gegonen\). Second perfect indicative active, permanent state. See kjv@1Corinthians:11:7|.
rwp@1Timothy:2:15 @{Through the child-bearing} (\dia tˆs teknogonias\). Late and rare word (in Aristotle). Here alone in N.T. From \teknogonos\ and this from \teknon\ and root \gen“\. This translation makes it refer to the birth of the Saviour as glorifying womanhood. That is true, but it is not clear that Paul does not have mostly in mind that child-bearing, not public teaching, is the peculiar function of woman with a glory and dignity all its own. "She will be saved" (\s“thˆsetai\) in this function, not by means of it. {If they continue} (\ean mein“sin\). Condition of third class, \ean\ with first aorist active subjunctive of \men“\, to continue. Note change to plural from the singular (\s“thˆsetai\).
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