strkjv@2Peter:3:1 @ This #G5026 second #G1208 epistle #G1992 , beloved #G27 , I #G1125 # now #G2235 write #G1125 (5719) unto you #G5213 ; in #G1722 both which #G3739 I stir up #G1326 (5719) your #G5216 pure #G1506 minds #G1271 by way #G1722 of remembrance #G5280 :
strkjv@2Peter:3:2 @ That ye may be mindful #G3415 (5683) of the words #G4487 which were spoken before #G4280 (5772) by #G5259 the holy #G40 prophets #G4396 , and #G2532 of the commandment #G1785 of us #G2257 the apostles #G652 of the Lord #G2962 and #G2532 Saviour #G4990 :
strkjv@2Peter:3:3 @ Knowing #G1097 (5723) this #G5124 first #G4412 , that #G3754 there shall come #G2064 (5695) in #G1909 the last #G2078 days #G2250 scoffers #G1703 , walking #G4198 (5740) after #G2596 their #G846 own #G2398 lusts #G1939 ,
strkjv@2Peter:3:4 @ And #G2532 saying #G3004 (5723), Where #G4226 is #G2076 (5748) the promise #G1860 of his #G846 coming #G3952 ? for #G1063 since #G575 #G3739 the fathers #G3962 fell asleep #G2837 (5681), all things #G3956 continue #G3779 #G1265 (5719) as they were from #G575 the beginning #G746 of the creation #G2937 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:5 @ For #G1063 this #G5124 they #G846 willingly #G2309 (5723) are ignorant of #G2990 (5719), that #G3754 by the word #G3056 of God #G2316 the heavens #G3772 were #G2258 (5713) of old #G1597 , and #G2532 the earth #G1093 standing #G4921 (5761) out of #G1537 the water #G5204 and #G2532 in #G1223 the water #G5204 :
strkjv@2Peter:3:6 @ Whereby #G1223 #G3739 the world #G2889 that then was #G5119 , being overflowed #G2626 (5685) with water #G5204 , perished #G622 (5639):
strkjv@2Peter:3:7 @ But #G1161 the heavens #G3772 and #G2532 the earth #G1093 , which are now #G3568 , by the same #G846 word #G3056 are #G1526 (5748) kept in store #G2343 (5772), reserved #G5083 (5746) unto fire #G4442 against #G1519 the day #G2250 of judgment #G2920 and #G2532 perdition #G684 of ungodly #G765 men #G444 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:8 @ But #G1161 , beloved #G27 , be #G2990 # not #G3361 #G5209 ignorant #G2990 (5720) of this one #G1520 thing #G5124 , that #G3754 one #G3391 day #G2250 is with #G3844 the Lord #G2962 as #G5613 a thousand #G5507 years #G2094 , and #G2532 a thousand #G5507 years #G2094 as #G5613 one #G3391 day #G2250 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:9 @ The Lord #G2962 is #G1019 # not #G3756 slack #G1019 (5719) concerning his promise #G1860 , as #G5613 some men #G5100 count #G2233 (5736) slackness #G1022 ; but #G235 is longsuffering #G3114 (5719) to #G1519 us-ward #G2248 , not #G3361 willing #G1014 (5740) that any #G5100 should perish #G622 (5641), but #G235 that all #G3956 should come #G5562 (5658) to #G1519 repentance #G3341 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:10 @ But #G1161 the day #G2250 of the Lord #G2962 will come #G2240 (5692) as #G5613 a thief #G2812 in #G1722 the night #G3571 ; in #G1722 the which #G3739 the heavens #G3772 shall pass away #G3928 (5695) with a great noise #G4500 , and #G1161 the elements #G4747 shall melt #G3089 (5701) with fervent heat #G2741 (5746), the earth #G1093 also #G2532 and #G2532 the works #G2041 that are therein #G1722 #G846 shall be burned up #G2618 (5691).
strkjv@2Peter:3:11 @ Seeing then #G3767 that all #G3956 these things #G5130 shall be dissolved #G3089 (5746), what manner #G4217 of persons ought #G1163 (5748) ye #G5209 to be #G5225 (5721) in #G1722 all holy #G40 conversation #G391 and #G2532 godliness #G2150 ,
strkjv@2Peter:3:12 @ Looking for #G4328 (5723) and #G2532 hasting #G4692 (5723) unto the coming #G3952 of the day #G2250 of God #G2316 , wherein #G1223 #G3739 the heavens #G3772 being on fire #G4448 (5746) shall be dissolved #G3089 (5701), and #G2532 the elements #G4747 shall melt #G5080 (5743) with fervent heat #G2741 (5746)?
strkjv@2Peter:3:13 @ Nevertheless #G1161 we #G4328 # , according to #G2596 his #G846 promise #G1862 , look for #G4328 (5719) new #G2537 heavens #G3772 and #G2532 a new #G2537 earth #G1093 , wherein #G1722 #G3739 dwelleth #G2730 (5719) righteousness #G1343 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:14 @ Wherefore #G1352 , beloved #G27 , seeing that ye look for #G4328 (5723) such things #G5023 , be diligent #G4704 (5657) that ye may be found #G2147 (5683) of him #G846 in #G1722 peace #G1515 , without spot #G784 , and #G2532 blameless #G298 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:15 @ And #G2532 account #G2233 (5737) that the longsuffering #G3115 of our #G2257 Lord #G2962 is salvation #G4991 ; even as #G2531 our #G2257 beloved #G27 brother #G80 Paul #G3972 also #G2532 according to #G2596 the wisdom #G4678 given #G1325 (5685) unto him #G846 hath written #G1125 (5656) unto you #G5213 ;
strkjv@2Peter:3:16 @ As #G5613 also #G2532 in #G1722 all #G3956 his epistles #G1992 , speaking #G2980 (5723) in #G1722 them #G846 of #G4012 these things #G5130 ; in #G1722 which #G3739 are #G2076 (5748) some things #G5100 hard to be understood #G1425 , which #G3739 they that are unlearned #G261 and #G2532 unstable #G793 wrest #G4761 (5719), as #G5613 they do also #G2532 the other #G3062 scriptures #G1124 , unto #G4314 their #G846 own #G2398 destruction #G684 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:17 @ Ye #G5210 therefore #G3767 , beloved #G27 , seeing ye know these things before #G4267 (5723), beware #G5442 (5732) lest #G3363 ye also #G1601 # , being led away #G4879 (5685) with the error #G4106 of the wicked #G113 , fall from #G1601 (5632) your own #G2398 stedfastness #G4740 .
strkjv@2Peter:3:18 @ But #G1161 grow #G837 (5720) in #G1722 grace #G5485 , and #G2532 in the knowledge #G1108 of our #G2257 Lord #G2962 and #G2532 Saviour #G4990 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 . To him #G846 be glory #G1391 both #G2532 now #G3568 and #G2532 for #G1519 ever #G165 #G2250 . Amen #G281 .
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