strkjv@2Samuel:23:1 @ Now these be the last #H314 #acharown# words #H1697 dabar# of David #H1732 David#. David #H1732 David# the son #H1121 ben# of Jesse #H3448 Yishay# said #H5002 n@#um# (8803), and the man #H1397 geber# who was raised up #H6965 quwm# (8717) on high #H5920 #al#, the anointed #H4899 mashiyach# of the God #H430 #elohiym# of Jacob #H3290 Ya#aqob#, and the sweet #H5273 na#iym# psalmist #H2158 zamiyr# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#, said #H5002 n@#um# (8803),
strkjv@2Samuel:23:2 @ The Spirit #H7307 ruwach# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# spake #H1696 dabar# (8765) by me, and his word #H4405 millah# was in my tongue #H3956 lashown#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:3 @ The God #H430 #elohiym# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# said #H559 #amar# (8804), the Rock #H6697 tsuwr# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# spake #H1696 dabar# (8765) to me, He that ruleth #H4910 mashal# (8802) over men #H120 #adam# must be just #H6662 tsaddiyq#, ruling #H4910 mashal# (8802) in the fear #H3374 yir#ah# of God #H430 #elohiym#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:4 @ And he shall be as the light #H216 #owr# of the morning #H1242 boqer#, when the sun #H8121 shemesh# riseth #H2224 zarach# (8799), even a morning #H1242 boqer# without #H3808 lo# clouds #H5645 #ab#; as the tender grass #H1877 deshe# springing out of the earth #H776 #erets# by clear shining #H5051 nogahh# after rain #H4306 matar#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:5 @ Although my house #H1004 bayith# be not so with God #H410 #el#; yet he hath made #H7760 suwm# (8804) with me an everlasting #H5769 #owlam# covenant #H1285 b@riyth#, ordered #H6186 #arak# (8803) in all things, and sure #H8104 shamar# (8803): for this is all my salvation #H3468 yesha# , and all my desire #H2656 chephets#, although he make it not to grow #H6779 tsamach# (8686).
strkjv@2Samuel:23:6 @ But the sons of Belial #H1100 b@liya#al# shall be all of them as thorns #H6975 qowts# thrust away #H5074 nadad# (8716), because they cannot be taken #H3947 laqach# (8799) with hands #H3027 yad#:
strkjv@2Samuel:23:7 @ But the man #H376 #iysh# that shall touch #H5060 naga# (8799) them must be fenced #H4390 male# (8735) with iron #H1270 barzel# and the staff #H6086 #ets# of a spear #H2595 chaniyth#; and they shall be utterly #H8313 saraph# (8800) burned #H8313 saraph# (8735) with fire #H784 #esh# in the same place #H7675 shebeth# (8800).
strkjv@2Samuel:23:8 @ These be the names #H8034 shem# of the mighty men #H1368 gibbowr# whom David #H1732 David# had: The Tachmonite #H8461 Tachk@moniy# that sat #H3427 yashab# (8802) in the seat #H7675 shebeth# (8800) (8677) #H3429 Yosheb bash-Shebeth#, chief #H7218 ro#sh# among the captains #H7991 shaliysh#; the same was Adino #H5722 #adiynow# the Eznite #H6112 #etsen#: he lift up his spear against eight #H8083 sh@moneh# hundred #H3967 me#ah#, whom he slew #H2491 chalal# at one #H259 #echad# time #H6471 pa#am#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:9 @ And after #H310 #achar# him was Eleazar #H499 #El#azar# the son #H1121 ben# of Dodo #H1734 Dowdow# the Ahohite #H266 #Achowchiy#, one of the three #H7969 shalowsh# mighty men #H1368 gibbowr# with David #H1732 David#, when they defied #H2778 charaph# (8763) the Philistines #H6430 P@lishtiy# that were there gathered together #H622 #acaph# (8738) to battle #H4421 milchamah#, and the men #H376 #iysh# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# were gone away #H5927 #alah# (8799):
strkjv@2Samuel:23:10 @ He arose #H6965 quwm# (8804), and smote #H5221 nakah# (8686) the Philistines #H6430 P@lishtiy# until #H3588 kiy# his hand #H3027 yad# was weary #H3021 yaga# (8804), and his hand #H3027 yad# clave #H1692 dabaq# (8799) unto the sword #H2719 chereb#: and the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# wrought #H6213 #asah# (8799) a great #H1419 gadowl# victory #H8668 t@shuw#ah# that day #H3117 yowm#; and the people #H5971 #am# returned #H7725 shuwb# (8799) after #H310 #achar# him only to spoil #H6584 pashat# (8763).
strkjv@2Samuel:23:11 @ And after #H310 #achar# him was Shammah #H8048 Shammah# the son #H1121 ben# of Agee #H89 #Age# the Hararite #H2043 Harariy#. And the Philistines #H6430 P@lishtiy# were gathered together #H622 #acaph# (8735) into a troop #H2416 chay#, where was a piece #H2513 chelqah# of ground #H7704 sadeh# full #H4392 male# of lentiles #H5742 #adash#: and the people #H5971 #am# fled #H5127 nuwc# (8804) from #H6440 paniym# the Philistines #H6430 P@lishtiy#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:12 @ But he stood #H3320 yatsab# (8691) in the midst #H8432 tavek# of the ground #H2513 chelqah#, and defended #H5337 natsal# (8686) it, and slew #H5221 nakah# (8686) the Philistines #H6430 P@lishtiy#: and the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# wrought #H6213 #asah# (8799) a great #H1419 gadowl# victory #H8668 t@shuw#ah#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:13 @ And three #H7969 shalowsh# (8675) #H7970 sh@lowshiym# of the thirty #H7970 sh@lowshiym# chief #H7218 ro#sh# went down #H3381 yarad# (8799), and came #H935 bow# (8799) to David #H1732 David# in the harvest time #H7105 qatsiyr# unto the cave #H4631 m@#arah# of Adullam #H5725 #Adullam#: and the troop #H2416 chay# of the Philistines #H6430 P@lishtiy# pitched #H2583 chanah# (8802) in the valley #H6010 #emeq# of Rephaim #H7497 rapha# .
strkjv@2Samuel:23:14 @ And David #H1732 David# was then in an hold #H4686 matsuwd#, and the garrison #H4673 matstsab# of the Philistines #H6430 P@lishtiy# was then in Bethlehem #H1035 Beyth Lechem#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:15 @ And David #H1732 David# longed #H183 #avah# (8691), and said #H559 #amar# (8799), Oh that one would give me drink #H8248 shaqah# (8686) of the water #H4325 mayim# of the well #H953 bowr# of Bethlehem #H1035 Beyth Lechem#, which is by the gate #H8179 sha#ar#!
strkjv@2Samuel:23:16 @ And the three #H7969 shalowsh# mighty men #H1368 gibbowr# brake through #H1234 baqa# (8799) the host #H4264 machaneh# of the Philistines #H6430 P@lishtiy#, and drew #H7579 sha#ab# (8799) water #H4325 mayim# out of the well #H953 bowr# of Bethlehem #H1035 Beyth Lechem#, that was by the gate #H8179 sha#ar#, and took #H5375 nasa# (8799) it, and brought #H935 bow# (8686) it to David #H1732 David#: nevertheless he would #H14 #abah# (8804) not drink #H8354 shathah# (8800) thereof, but poured it out #H5258 nacak# (8686) unto the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:17 @ And he said #H559 #amar# (8799), Be it far #H2486 chaliylah# from me, O LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, that I should do #H6213 #asah# (8800) this: is not this the blood #H1818 dam# of the men #H582 #enowsh# that went #H1980 halak# (8802) in jeopardy of their lives #H5315 nephesh#? therefore he would #H14 #abah# (8804) not drink #H8354 shathah# (8800) it. These things did #H6213 #asah# (8804) these three #H7969 shalowsh# mighty men #H1368 gibbowr#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:18 @ And Abishai #H52 #Abiyshay#, the brother #H251 #ach# of Joab #H3097 Yow#ab#, the son #H1121 ben# of Zeruiah #H6870 Ts@ruwyah#, was chief #H7218 ro#sh# among three #H7992 sh@liyshiy#. And he lifted up #H5782 #uwr# (8790) his spear #H2595 chaniyth# against three #H7969 shalowsh# hundred #H3967 me#ah#, and slew #H2491 chalal# them, and had the name #H8034 shem# among three #H7969 shalowsh#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:19 @ Was he not most honourable #H3513 kabad# (8737) of three #H7969 shalowsh#? therefore he was their captain #H8269 sar#: howbeit he attained #H935 bow# (8804) not unto the first three #H7969 shalowsh#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:20 @ And Benaiah #H1141 B@nayah# the son #H1121 ben# of Jehoiada #H3077 Y@howyada# , the son #H1121 ben# of a valiant #H2428 chayil# man #H376 #iysh# (8677) #H381 #Iysh-Chayil#, of Kabzeel #H6909 Qabts@#el#, who had done many #H7227 rab# acts #H6467 po#al#, he slew #H5221 nakah# (8689) two #H8147 sh@nayim# lionlike men #H739 #ariy#el# of Moab #H4124 Mow#ab#: he went down #H3381 yarad# (8804) also and slew #H5221 nakah# (8689) a lion #H738 #ariy# in the midst #H8432 tavek# of a pit #H953 bowr# in time #H3117 yowm# of snow #H7950 sheleg#:
strkjv@2Samuel:23:21 @ And he slew #H2026 harag# (8799) an Egyptian #H4713 Mitsriy#, a goodly #H4758 mar#eh# man #H376 #iysh#: and the Egyptian #H4713 Mitsriy# had a spear #H2595 chaniyth# in his hand #H3027 yad#; but he went down #H3381 yarad# (8799) to him with a staff #H7626 shebet#, and plucked #H1497 gazal# (8799) the spear #H2595 chaniyth# out of the Egyptians #H4713 Mitsriy# hand #H3027 yad#, and slew #H5221 nakah# (8689) him with his own spear #H2595 chaniyth#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:22 @ These things did #H6213 #asah# (8804) Benaiah #H1141 B@nayah# the son #H1121 ben# of Jehoiada #H3077 Y@howyada# , and had the name #H8034 shem# among three #H7969 shalowsh# mighty men #H1368 gibbowr#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:23 @ He was more honourable #H3513 kabad# (8737) than the thirty #H7970 sh@lowshiym#, but he attained #H935 bow# (8804) not to the first three #H7969 shalowsh#. And David #H1732 David# set #H7760 suwm# (8799) him over his guard #H4928 mishma#ath#.
strkjv@2Samuel:23:24 @ Asahel #H6214 #Asah#el# the brother #H251 #ach# of Joab #H3097 Yow#ab# was one of the thirty #H7970 sh@lowshiym#; Elhanan #H445 #Elchanan# the son #H1121 ben# of Dodo #H1734 Dowdow# of Bethlehem #H1035 Beyth Lechem#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:25 @ Shammah #H8048 Shammah# the Harodite #H2733 Charodiy#, Elika #H470 #Eliyqa# the Harodite #H2733 Charodiy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:26 @ Helez #H2503 Chelets# the Paltite #H6407 Paltiy#, Ira #H5896 #Iyra# the son #H1121 ben# of Ikkesh #H6142 #Iqqesh# the Tekoite #H8621 T@qow#iy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:27 @ Abiezer #H44 #Abiy#ezer# the Anethothite #H6069 #Anthothiy#, Mebunnai #H4012 M@bunnay# the Hushathite #H2843 Chushathiy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:28 @ Zalmon #H6756 Tsalmown# the Ahohite #H266 #Achowchiy#, Maharai #H4121 Maharay# the Netophathite #H5200 N@tophathiy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:29 @ Heleb #H2460 Cheleb# the son #H1121 ben# of Baanah #H1196 Ba#anah#, a Netophathite #H5200 N@tophathiy#, Ittai #H863 #Ittay# the son #H1121 ben# of Ribai #H7380 Riybay# out of Gibeah #H1390 Gib#ah# of the children #H1121 ben# of Benjamin #H1144 Binyamiyn#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:30 @ Benaiah #H1141 B@nayah# the Pirathonite #H6553 Pir#athowniy#, Hiddai #H1914 Hidday# of the brooks #H5158 nachal# of Gaash #H1608 Ga#ash#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:31 @ Abialbon #H45 #Abiy-#albown# the Arbathite #H6164 #Arbathiy#, Azmaveth #H5820 #Azmaveth# the Barhumite #H1273 Barchumiy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:32 @ Eliahba #H455 #Elyachba# the Shaalbonite #H8170 Sha#alboniy#, of the sons #H1121 ben# of Jashen #H3464 Yashen#, Jonathan #H3083 Y@hownathan#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:33 @ Shammah #H8048 Shammah# the Hararite #H2043 Harariy#, Ahiam #H279 #Achiyam# the son #H1121 ben# of Sharar #H8325 Sharar# the Hararite #H2043 Harariy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:34 @ Eliphelet #H467 #Eliyphelet# the son #H1121 ben# of Ahasbai #H308 #Achacbay#, the son #H1121 ben# of the Maachathite #H4602 Ma#akathiy#, Eliam #H463 #Eliy#am# the son #H1121 ben# of Ahithophel #H302 #Achiythophel# the Gilonite #H1526 Giyloniy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:35 @ Hezrai #H2695 Chetsrow# the Carmelite #H3761 Karm@liy#, Paarai #H6474 Pa#aray# the Arbite #H701 #Arbiy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:36 @ Igal #H3008 Yig#al# the son #H1121 ben# of Nathan #H5416 Nathan# of Zobah #H6678 Tsowba# , Bani #H1137 Baniy# the Gadite #H1425 Gadiy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:37 @ Zelek #H6768 Tseleq# the Ammonite #H5984 #Ammowniy#, Naharai #H5171 Nacharay# the Beerothite #H886 B@#erothiy#, armourbearer #H5375 nasa# (8802) #H3627 k@liy# to Joab #H3097 Yow#ab# the son #H1121 ben# of Zeruiah #H6870 Ts@ruwyah#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:38 @ Ira #H5896 #Iyra# an Ithrite #H3505 Yithriy#, Gareb #H1619 Gareb# an Ithrite #H3505 Yithriy#,
strkjv@2Samuel:23:39 @ Uriah #H223 #Uwriyah# the Hittite #H2850 Chittiy#: thirty #H7970 sh@lowshiym# and seven #H7651 sheba# in all.
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