rwp@1Corinthians:1:2 @{The church of God} (\tˆi ekklˆsiƒi tou theou\). Belonging to God, not to any individual or faction, as this genitive case shows. In kjv@1Thessalonians:1:1| Paul wrote "the church of the Thessalonians in God" (\en the“i\), but "the churches of God" in kjv@1Thessalonians:2:14|. See same idiom in kjv@1Corinthians:10:32; 11:16,22; 15:9; kjv@2Corinthians:1:1; kjv@Galatians:1:13|, etc. {Which is in Corinth} (\tˆi ousˆi en Korinth“i\). See on kjv@Acts:13:1| for idiom. It is God's church even in Corinth, "_laetum et ingens paradoxon_" (Bengel). This city, destroyed by Mummius B.C. 146, had been restored by Julius Caesar a hundred years later, B.C. 44, and now after another hundred years has become very rich and very corrupt. The very word "to Corinthianize" meant to practise vile immoralities in the worship of Aphrodite (Venus). It was located on the narrow Isthmus of the Peloponnesus with two harbours (Lechaeum and Cenchreae)...culture of Athens. See Acts:...18| for the story of Paul's work here and now the later developments and divisions in this church will give Paul grave concern as is shown in detail in I and II Corinthians. All the problems of a modern city church come to the front in Corinth. They call for all the wisdom and statesmanship in Paul. {That are sanctified} (\hˆgiasmenois\). Perfect passive participle of \hagiaz“\, late form for \hagiz“\, so far found only in the Greek Bible and in ecclesiastical writers. It means to make or to declare \hagion\ (from \hagos\, awe, reverence, and this from \haz“\, to venerate). It is significant that Paul uses this word concerning the {called saints} or {called to be saints} (\klˆtois hagiois\) in Corinth. Cf. \klˆtos apostolos\ in 1:1|. It is because they are sanctified {in Christ Jesus} (\en Christ“i Iˆsou\). He is the sphere in which this act of consecration takes place. Note plural, construction according to sense, because \ekklˆsia\ is a collective substantive. {With all that call upon} (\sun pƒsin tois epikaloumenois\). Associative instrumental case with \sun\ rather than \kai\ (and), making a close connection with "saints" just before and so giving the Corinthian Christians a picture of their close unity with the brotherhood everywhere through the common bond of faith. This phrase occurs in the LXX (Genesis:12:8; kjv@Zechariah:13:9|) and is applied to Christ as to Jehovah (2Thessalonians:1:7,9,12; kjv@Phillipians:2:9,10|). Paul heard Stephen pray to Christ as Lord (Acts:7:59|). Here "with a plain and direct reference to the Divinity of our Lord" (Ellicott). {Their Lord and ours} (\aut“n kai hˆm“n\). This is the interpretation of the Greek commentators and is the correct one, an afterthought and expansion (\epanorth“sis\) of the previous "our," showing the universality of Christ.
rwp@1Corinthians:1:20 @{Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world?} (\Pou sophos; pou grammateus; pou sunzˆtˆtˆs tou ai“nos toutou;\). Paul makes use of kjv@Isaiah:33:18| without exact quotation. The sudden retreat of Sennacherib with the annihilation of his officers. "On the tablet of Shalmaneser in the Assyrian Gallery of the British Museum there is a surprisingly exact picture of the scene described by Isaiah" (Robertson and Plummer). Note the absence of the Greek article in each of these rhetorical questions though the idea is clearly definite. Probably \sophos\ refers to the Greek philosopher, \grammateus\ to the Jewish scribe and \sunzˆtˆtˆs\ suits both the Greek and the Jewish disputant and doubter (Acts:6:9; 9:29; 17:18; 28:29|). There is a note of triumph in these questions. The word \sunzˆtˆtˆs\ occurs here alone in the N.T. and elsewhere only in Ignatius, Eph. 18 quoting this passage, but the papyri give the verb \sunzˆte“\ for disputing (questioning together). {Hath not God made foolish?} (\ouchi em“ranen ho theos;\). Strong negative form with aorist active indicative difficult of precise translation, "Did not God make foolish?" The old verb \m“rain“\ from \m“ros\, foolish, was to be foolish, to act foolish, then to prove one foolish as here or to make foolish as in kjv@Romans:1:22|. In kjv@Matthew:5:13; kjv@Luke:14:34| it is used of salt that is tasteless. {World} (\kosmou\). Synonymous with \ai“n\ (age), orderly arrangement, then the non-Christian cosmos.
rwp@1Corinthians:1:21 @{Seeing that} (\epeidˆ\). Since (\epei\ and \dˆ\) with explanatory \gar\. {Through its wisdom} (\dia tˆs sophias\). Article here as possessive. The two wisdoms contrasted. {Knew not God} (\ouk egn“\). Failed to know, second aorist (effective) active indicative of \gin“sk“\, solemn dirge of doom on both Greek philosophy and Jewish theology that failed to know God. Has modern philosophy done better? There is today even a godless theology (Humanism). "Now that God's wisdom has reduced the self-wise world to ignorance" (Findlay). {Through the foolishness of the preaching} (\dia tˆs m“rias tou kˆrugmatos\). Perhaps "proclamation" is the idea, for it is not \kˆruxis\, the act of heralding, but \kˆrugma\, the message heralded or the proclamation as in verse 23|. The metaphor is that of the herald proclaiming the approach of the king (Matthew:3:1; 4:17|). See also \kˆrugma\ in kjv@1Corinthians:2:4; kjv@2Timothy:4:17|. The proclamation of the Cross seemed foolishness to the wiseacres then (and now), but it is consummate wisdom, God's wisdom and good-pleasure (\eudokˆsan\). The foolishness of preaching is not the preaching of foolishness. {To save them that believe} (\s“sai tous pisteuontas\). This is the heart of God's plan of redemption, the proclamation of salvation for all those who trust Jesus Christ on the basis of his death for sin on the Cross. The mystery-religions all offered salvation by initiation and ritual as the Pharisees did by ceremonialism. Christianity reaches the heart directly by trust in Christ as the Saviour. It is God's wisdom.
rwp@1Corinthians:1:25 @{The foolishness of God} (\to m“ron tou theou\). Abstract neuter singular with the article, the foolish act of God (the Cross as regarded by the world). {Wiser than men} (\soph“teron t“n anthr“p“n\). Condensed comparison, wiser than the wisdom of men. Common Greek idiom (Matthew:5:20; kjv@John:5:36|) and quite forcible, brushes all men aside. {The weakness of God} (\to asthenes tou theou\). Same idiom here, {the weak act of God}, as men think, {is stronger} (\ischuroteron\). The Cross seemed God's defeat. It is conquering the world and is the mightiest force on earth.
rwp@1Corinthians:1:26 @{Behold} (\blepete\). Same form for imperative present active plural and indicative. Either makes sense as in kjv@John:5:39| \eraunate\ and 14:1| \pisteuete\. {Calling} (\klˆsin\). The act of calling by God, based not on the external condition of those called (\klˆtoi\, verse 2|), but on God's sovereign love. It is a clinching illustration of Paul's argument, an _argumentum ad hominen_. {How that} (\hoti\). Explanatory apposition to \klˆsin\. {After the flesh} (\kata sarka\). According to the standards of the flesh and to be used not only with \sophoi\ (wise, philosophers), but also \dunatoi\ (men of dignity and power), \eugeneis\ (noble, high birth), the three claims to aristocracy (culture, power, birth). {Are called}. Not in the Greek, but probably to be supplied from the idea in \klˆsin\.
rwp@1Corinthians:6:11 @{And such were some of you} (\kai tauta tines ˆte\). A sharp homethrust. Literally, "And these things (\tauta\, neuter plural) were ye (some of you)." The horror is shown by \tauta\, but by \tines\ Paul narrows the picture to some, not all. But that was in the past (\ˆte\, imperfect indicative) like kjv@Romans:6:17|. Thank God the blood of Jesus does cleanse from such sins as these. But do not go back to them. {But ye were washed} (\apelousasthe\). First aorist middle indicative, not passive, of \apolou“\...indirect middle, as in Acts:...22:16|, ye washed your sins away (force of \apo\). This was their own voluntary act in baptism which was the outward expression of the previous act of God in cleansing (\hˆgiasthˆte\, ye were sanctified or cleansed before the baptism) and justified (\edikai“thˆte\, ye were put right with God before the act of baptism). "These twin conceptions of the Christian state in its beginning appear commonly in the reverse order" (Findlay). The outward expression is usually mentioned before the inward change which precedes it. In this passage the Trinity appear as in the baptismal command in kjv@Matthew:28:19|.
rwp@1Corinthians:7:5 @{Except it be by consent for a season} (\ei mˆti [an] ek sumph“nou pros kairon\). If \an\ is genuine, it can either be regarded as like \ean\ though without a verb or as loosely added after \ei mˆti\ and construed with it. {That ye may give yourselves unto prayer} (\hina scholasˆte tˆi proseuchˆi\). First aorist active subjunctive of \scholaz“\, late verb from \scholˆ\, leisure (our "school"), and so to have leisure (punctiliar act and not permanent) for prayer. Note private devotions here. {That Satan tempt you not} (\hina mˆ peirazˆi\). Present subjunctive, that Satan may not keep on tempting you. {Because of your incontinency} (\dia tˆn akrasian [hum“n]\). A late word from Aristotle on for \akrateia\ from \akratˆs\ (without self-control, \a\ privative and \krate“\, to control, common old word). In N.T. only here and kjv@Matthew:23:25| which see.
rwp@1Corinthians:7:11 @{But and if she depart} (\ean de kai ch“risthˆi\). Third class condition, undetermined. If, in spite of Christ's clear prohibition, she get separated (ingressive passive subjunctive), {let her remain unmarried} (\menet“ agamos\). Paul here makes no allowance for remarriage of the innocent party as Jesus does by implication. {Or else be reconciled to her husband} (\ˆ t“i andri katallagˆt“\). Second aorist (ingressive) passive imperative of \katallass“\, old compound verb to exchange coins as of equal value, to reconcile. One of Paul's great words for reconciliation with God (2Corinthians:5:18-20; kjv@Romans:5:10|). \Diallass“\ (Matthew:5:24| which see) was more common in the older Greek, but \katallass“\ in the later. The difference in idea is very slight, \dia-\ accents notion of exchange, \kat-\ the perfective idea (complete reconciliation). Dative of personal interest is the case of \andri\. This sentence is a parenthesis between the two infinitives \ch“risthˆnai\ and \aphienai\ (both indirect commands after \paraggell“\). {And that the husband leave not his wife} (\kai andra mˆ aphienai\). This is also part of the Lord's command (Mark:10:11|). \Apolu“\ occurs in Mark of the husband's act and \aphienai\ here, both meaning to send away. Bengel actually stresses the difference between \ch“risthˆnai\ of the woman as like _separatur_ in Latin and calls the wife "pars ignobilior" and the husband "nobilior." I doubt if Paul would stand for that extreme.
rwp@1Corinthians:8:7 @{Howbeit in all men there is not that knowledge} (\all' ouk en pasin hˆ gn“sis\). The knowledge (\hˆ gn“sis\) of which Paul is speaking. Knowledge has to overcome inheritance and environment, prejudice, fear, and many other hindrances. {Being used until now to the idol} (\tˆi sunˆtheiƒi he“s arti tou eid“lou\). Old word \sunˆtheia\ from \sunˆthˆs\ (\sun, ˆthos\), accustomed to, like Latin _consuetudo_, intimacy. In N.T. only here and kjv@John:18:39; kjv@1Corinthians:11:16|. It is the force of habit that still grips them when they eat such meat. They eat it "as an idol sacrifice" (\h“s eid“lothuton\), though they no longer believe in idols. The idol-taint clings in their minds to this meat. {Being weak} (\asthenˆs ousa\). "It is defiled, not by the partaking of polluted food, for food cannot pollute (Mark:7:18f.; kjv@Luke:11:41|), but by the doing of something which the unenlightened conscience does not allow" (Robertson and Plummer). For this great word \suneidˆsis\ (conscientia, knowing together, conscience) see on ¯Acts:23:1|. It is important in Paul's Epistles, Peter's First Epistle, and Hebrews. Even if unenlightened, one must act according to his conscience, a sensitive gauge to one's spiritual condition. Knowledge breaks down as a guide with the weak or unenlightened conscience. For \asthenˆs\, weak (lack of strength) see on ¯Matthew:26:41|. {Defiled} (\molunetai\). Old word \molun“\, to stain, pollute, rare in N.T. (1Timothy:3:9; kjv@Revelation:3:4|).
rwp@1Corinthians:10:27 @{Biddeth you} (\kalei humas\). To a general banquet, but not to a temple feast (8:10|) which is prohibited. If a pagan invites Christians to their homes to a banquet, one is to act like a gentleman.
rwp@1Corinthians:11:6 @{Let her also be shorn} (\kai keirasth“\). Aorist middle imperative of \keir“\, to shear (as sheep). Let her cut her hair close. A single act by the woman. {If it is a shame} (\ei de aischron\). Condition of first class assumed to be true. \Aischron\ is old adjective from \aischos\, bareness, disgrace. Clearly Paul uses such strong language because of the effect on a woman's reputation in Corinth by such conduct that proclaimed her a lewd woman. Social custom varied in the world then as now, but there was no alternative in Corinth. {To be shorn or shaven} (\to keirasthai kai xurasthai\). Articular infinitives subject of copula \estin\ understood, \keirasthai\ first aorist middle, \xurasthai\ present middle. Note change in tense. {Let her be veiled} (\katakaluptesth“\). Present middle imperative of old compound \kata-kalupt“\, here alone in N.T. Let her cover up herself with the veil (down, \kata\, the Greek says, the veil hanging down from the head).
rwp@1Corinthians:12:13 @{Were we all baptized into one body} (\hˆmeis pantes eis hen s“ma ebaptisthˆmen\). First aorist passive indicative of \baptiz“\ and so a reference to a definite past event with each of them of different races, nations, classes, when each of them put on the outward badge of service to Christ, the symbol of the inward changes already wrought in them by the Holy Spirit (Galatians:3:27; kjv@Romans:6:2ff.|). {And were all made to drink of one Spirit} (\kai pantes hen pneuma epotisthˆmen\). First aorist passive indicative of \potiz“\, old verb, to give to drink. The accusative \hen pneuma\ is retained in the passive as often with verbs that in the active take two accusatives. The reference is to a definite act in the past, probably to the inward experience of the Holy Spirit symbolized by the act of baptism.
rwp@1John:3:12 @{Of the evil one} (\ek tou ponˆrou\). Ablative case and the same for neuter and masculine singular, but verse 10| makes it clear that the reference is to the devil. {Slew} (\esphaxen\). First aorist active indicative of \sphaz“\, old verb, to slay, to butcher, to cut the throat (Latin _jugulare_) like an ox in the shambles, in N.T. only here and Rev. (Revelation:5:6,9,12|, etc.). {Wherefore?} (\charin tinos;\). "For the sake of what?" Post-positive preposition (Ephesians:3:1,14|) except here. The interpretation of the act of Cain (Genesis:4:8ff.|) is an addition to the narrative, but in accord with kjv@Hebrews:11:4|. Jealousy led to murder.
rwp@1Peter:2:13 @{Be subject to} (\hupotagˆte\). Second aorist passive imperative second person plural of \hupotass“\, to subject to, as in 3:22|. {Every ordinance of man} (\pasˆi anthr“pinˆi ktisei\). Dative case of old and common word \ktisis\ (from \ktiz“\, to create, to found), act of creation (Romans:1:20|), a creature or creation (Romans:1:25|), all creation (Colossians:1:15|), an institution as here (in Pindar so). For \anthr“pinos\ (human) see kjv@James:3:7|. Peter here approves no special kind of government, but he supports law and order as Paul does (Romans:13:1-8|) unless it steps in between God and man (Acts:4:20|). {For the Lord's sake} (\dia ton kurion\). For Jesus' sake. That is reason enough for the Christian not to be an anarchist (Matthew:22:21|). The heathen were keen to charge the Christians with any crime after Nero set the fashion. "It should not be forgotten that, in spite of the fine language of the philosophers, the really popular religions in Greece and Rome were forms of devil-worship, intimately blended with magic in all its grades" (Bigg). {As supreme} (\h“s huperechonti\). Dative singular of present active participle of \huperech“\, old verb (intransitive), to stand out above (to have it over), as in kjv@Romans:13:1|. It is not the divine right of kings, but the fact of the king as the outstanding ruler.
rwp@1Timothy:5:8 @{Provideth not for his own} (\t“n idi“n ou pronoei\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and present active (or middle \pronoeitai\) indicative of \pronoe“\, old verb, to think beforehand. Pauline word in N.T. only here, kjv@2Corinthians:8:21; kjv@Romans:12:7|. With genitive case. {He hath denied the faith} (\tˆn pistin ˆrnˆtai\). Perfect middle indicative of old verb \arneomai\. His act of impiety belies (Titus:1:16|) his claim to the faith (Revelation:2:13|). {Worse than an unbeliever} (\apistou cheir“n\). Ablative case of \apistou\ after the comparative \cheir“n\. Who makes no profession of piety.
rwp@2Corinthians:1:12 @{Glorying} (\kauchˆsis\). Act of glorying, while in verse 14| \kauchˆma\ is the thing boasted of. {The testimony of our conscience} (\to marturion tˆs suneidˆse“s hˆm“n\). In apposition with \kauchˆsis\. {Sincerity of God} (\eilikrineiƒi tou theou\). Like \dikaiosunˆ theou\ (Romans:1:17; 3:21|), the God-kind of righteousness. Songs:the God-kind (genitive case) of sincerity. Late word from \eilikrinˆs\. See on ¯1Corinthians:5:8|. {Not in fleshly wisdom} (\ouk en sophiƒi sarkikˆi\). See on ¯1Corinthians:1:17; 2:4,13f|. Paul uses \sarkikos\ five times and it occurs only twice elsewhere in N.T. See on ¯1Corinthians:3:3|. {We behaved ourselves} (\anestraphˆmen\). Second aorist passive indicative of \anastreph“\, old verb, to turn back, to turn back and forth, to walk. Here the passive is used as in late Greek as if middle. {More abundantly to you-ward} (\perissoter“s pros humas\). They had more abundant opportunity to observe how scrupulous Paul was (Acts:18:11|).
rwp@2Corinthians:5:9 @{We make it our aim} (\philotimoumetha\). Old and common verb, present middle, from \philotimos\ (\philos, timˆ\, fond of honour), to act from love of honour, to be ambitious in the good sense (1Thessalonians:4:11; kjv@2Corinthians:5:9; kjv@Romans:15:20|). The Latin _ambitio_ has a bad sense from _ambire_, to go both ways to gain one's point. {To be well-pleasing to him} (\euarestoi aut“i einai\). Late adjective that shows Paul's loyalty to Christ, his Captain. Found in several inscriptions in the _Koin‚_ period (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 214; Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_).
rwp@2Corinthians:5:17 @{A new creature} (\kainˆ ktisis\). A fresh start is made (\kainˆ\). \Ktisis\ is the old word for the act of creating (Romans:1:20|), but in N.T. by metonymy it usually bears the notion of \ktisma\, the thing created or creature as here. {The old things are passed away} (\ta archaia parˆlthen\). Did pass by, he means. Second aorist active of \parerchomai\, to go by. The ancient (\archaia\) way of looking at Christ among other things. And yet today there are scholars who are trying to revive the old prejudiced view of Jesus Christ as a mere man, a prophet, to give us "a reduced Christ." That was once Paul's view, but it passed by forever for him. It is a false view and leaves us no gospel and no Saviour. {Behold, they are become new} (\idou, gegone kaina\). Perfect active indicative of \ginomai\, have become new (fresh, \kaina\) to stay so.
rwp@2Corinthians:5:20 @{We are ambassadors therefore on behalf of Christ} (\huper Christou oun presbeuomen\). Old word from \presbus\, an old man, first to be an old man, then to be an ambassador (here and kjv@Ephesians:6:20| with \en halusˆi\ in a chain added), common in both senses in the Greek. "The proper term in the Greek East for the Emperor's Legate" (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 374), in inscriptions and papyri. Songs:Paul has a natural pride in using this dignified term for himself and all ministers. The ambassador has to be _persona grata_ with both countries (the one that he represents and the one to which he goes). Paul was Christ's _Legate_ to act in his behalf and in his stead. {As though God were intreating by us} (\h“s tou theou parakalountos di' hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with \h“s\ used with the participle as often to give the reason (apparent or real). Here God speaks through Christ's Legate. {Be ye reconciled to God} (\katallagˆte t“i the“i\). Second aorist passive imperative of \katallass“\ and used with the dative case. "Get reconciled to God," and do it now. This is the ambassador's message as he bears it to men from God.
rwp@2Thessalonians:2:11 @{And for this reason God sendeth them} (\kai dia touto pempei autois ho theos\). Futuristic (prophetic) present of the time when the lawless one is revealed. Here is the definite judicial act of God (Milligan) who gives the wicked over to the evil which they have deliberately chosen (Romans:1:24,26,28|). {A working of error} (\energeian planˆs\). Terrible result of wilful rejection of the truth of God. {That they should believe a lie} (\eis to pisteusai autous t“i pseudei\). Note \eis to\ again and \t“i pseudei\ (the lie, the falsehood already described), a contemplated result. Note kjv@Romans:1:25| "who changed the truth of God into the lie."
rwp@2Thessalonians:3:13 @{But ye, brethren, be not weary in well-doing} (\humeis de, adelphoi, mˆ enkakˆsˆte kalopoiountes\). Emphatic position of \humeis\ in contrast to these piddlers. \Mˆ\ and the aorist subjunctive is a prohibition against beginning an act (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 851-4). It is a late verb and means to behave badly in, to be cowardly, to lose courage, to flag, to faint, (\en, kakos\) and outside of kjv@Luke:18:1| in the N.T. is only in Paul's Epistles (2Thessalonians:3:13; kjv@2Corinthians:4:1,16; kjv@Galatians:6:9; kjv@Ephesians:3:13|). It occurs in Polybius. The late verb \kalopoie“\, to do the fair (\kalos\) or honourable thing occurs nowhere else in the N.T., but is in the LXX and a late papyrus. Paul uses \to kalon poiein\ in kjv@2Corinthians:13:7; kjv@Galatians:6:9; kjv@Romans:7:21| with the same idea. He has \agathopoie“\, to do good, in kjv@1Timothy:6:18|.
rwp@Acts:1:5 @{Baptized with water} (\ebaptisen hudati\) {and with the Holy Ghost} (\en pneumati baptisthˆsesthe hagi“i\). The margin has "in the Holy Ghost" (Spirit, it should be). The American Standard Version renders "in" both with "water" and "Holy Spirit" as do Goodspeed (American Translation) and Mrs. Montgomery (Centenary Translation). John's own words (Matthew:3:11|) to which Jesus apparently refers use \en\ (in) both with water and Spirit. There is a so-called instrumental use of \en\ where we in English have to say "with" (Revelation:13:10| \en machairˆi\, like \machairˆi\, kjv@Acts:12:2|). That is to say \en\ with the locative presents the act as located in a certain instrument like a sword (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 589f.). But the instrumental case is more common without \en\ (the locative and instrumental cases having the same form). Songs:it is often a matter of indifference which idiom is used as in kjv@John:21:8| we have \t“i ploiari“i\ (locative without \en\). They came {in} (locative case without \en\) the boat. Songs:in kjv@John:1:31| \en hudati baptiz“n\ baptizing in water. No distinction therefore can be insisted on here between the construction \hudati\ and \en pneumati\ (both being in the locative case, one without, one with \en\). Note unusual position of the verb \baptisthˆsesthe\ (future passive indicative) between \pneumati\ and \hagi“i\. This baptism of the Holy Spirit was predicted by John (Matthew:3:11|) as the characteristic of the Messiah's work. Now the Messiah himself in his last message before his Ascension proclaims that in a few days the fulfilment of that prophecy will come to pass. The Codex Bezae adds here "which ye are about to receive" and "until the Pentecost" to verse 5|. {Not many days hence} (\ou meta pollas tautas hˆmeras\). A neat Greek idiom difficult to render smoothly into English: "Not after many days these." The litotes (not many=few) is common in Luke (Luke:7:6; 15:13; kjv@Acts:17:27; 19:11; 20:12; 21:39; 28:14; 28:2|). The predicate use of \tautas\ (without article) is to be noted. "These" really means as a starting point, "from these" (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 702). It was ten days hence. This idiom occurs several times in Luke (Luke:24:21; kjv@Acts:24:21|), as elsewhere (John:4:18; kjv@2Peter:3:1|). In kjv@Luke:2:12| the copula is easily supplied as it exists in kjv@Luke:1:36; 2:2|.
rwp@Acts:2:38 @{Repent ye} (\metanoˆsate\). First aorist (ingressive) active imperative. Change your mind and your life. Turn right about and do it now. You _crucified_ this Jesus. Now _crown_ him in your hearts as Lord and Christ. This first. {And be baptized every one of you} (\kai baptisthˆt“ hekastos h–m“n\). Rather, "And let each one of you be baptized." Change of number from plural to singular and of person from second to third. This change marks a break in the thought here that the English translation does not preserve. The first thing to do is make a radical and complete change of heart and life. Then let each one be baptized after this change has taken place, and the act of baptism be performed "in the name of Jesus Christ" (\en t“i onomati Iˆsou Christou\). In accordance with the command of Jesus in kjv@Matthew:28:19| (\eis to onoma\). No distinction is to be insisted on between \eis to onoma\ and \en t“i onomati\ with \baptiz“\ since \eis\ and \en\...word in origin. In Acts:...10:48| \en t“i onomati Iˆsou Christou\ occurs, but \eis\ to \onoma\ in 8:16; 19:5|. The use of \onoma\ means in the name or with the authority of one as \eis onoma prophˆtou\ (Matthew:10:41|)...a prophet. In the Acts the ...28:19|, but this does not show that it was not used. The name of Jesus Christ is the distinctive one in Christian baptism and really involves the Father and the Spirit. See on ¯Matthew:28:19| for discussion of this point. "Luke does not give the form of words used in baptism by the Apostles, but merely states the fact that they baptized those who acknowledged Jesus as Messiah or as Lord" (Page). {Unto the remission of your sins} (\eis aphesin t“n hamarti“n h–m“n\). This phrase is the subject of endless controversy as men look at it from the standpoint of sacramental or of evangelical theology. In themselves the words can express aim or purpose for that use of \eis\ does exist as in kjv@1Corinthians:2:7| \eis doxan hˆm“n\ (for our glory). But then another usage exists which is just as good Greek as the use of \eis\ for aim or purpose. It is seen in kjv@Matthew:10:41| in three examples \eis onoma prophˆtou, dikaiou, mathˆtou\ where it cannot be purpose or aim, but rather the basis or ground, on the basis of the name of prophet, righteous man, disciple, because one is, etc. It is seen again in kjv@Matthew:12:41| about the preaching of Jonah (\eis to kˆrugma I“na\). They repented because of (or at) the preaching of Jonah. The illustrations of both usages are numerous in the N.T. and the _Koin‚_ generally (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 592). One will decide the use here according as he believes that baptism is essential to the remission of sins or not. My view is decidedly against the idea that Peter, Paul, or any one in the New Testament taught baptism as essential to the remission of sins or the means of securing such remission. Songs:I understand Peter to be urging baptism on each of them who had already turned (repented) and for it to be done in the name of Jesus Christ on the basis of the forgiveness of sins which they had already received. {The gift of the Holy Ghost} (\tˆn d“rean tou hagiou pneumatos\). The gift consists (Acts:8:17|) in the Holy Spirit (genitive of identification).
rwp@Acts:4:10 @{Be it known} (\gn“ston est“\). Imperative present active third singular of \eimi\, to be, and the verbal adjective \gn“ston\. {Whom ye crucified} (\hon humeis estaur“sate\). Too good a chance to miss, and so Peter boldly charges the Sanhedrin with responsibility for the death of Jesus. Note \humeis\ (ye) again. {Whom God raised from the dead} (\hon ho theos ˆgeiren ek nekr“n\). Note repetition of \hon\ (whom). This is God's answer to their act of crucifixion. {In him doth this man stand} (\en tout“i houtos parestˆken\). Rather (note play on \houtos\), "In this one (\hon, hon\) this one stands (present perfect active indicative, intransitive)." In Jesus this man stands before you whole (\hugiˆs\). It was a centre shot.
rwp@Acts:9:12 @{Coming in and laying} (\eiselthonta kai epithenta\). Second aorist (ingressive) active participles picturing the punctiliar act as a sort of indirect discourse after verbs of sensation (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1040-2). Some ancient documents do not have "in a vision" here. {Receive his sight} (\anablepsei\). First aorist active subjunctive with \hop“s\ (purpose). See again as in 9:17|.
rwp@Acts:10:4 @{Lord} (\kurie\). Cornelius recognizes the angel of God (verse 3|) as God's messenger. {Are gone up} (\anebˆsan\). Timeless second aorist active indicative of \anabain“\. Gone up like the smoke of incense in sacrifices. {For a memorial} (\eis mnˆmosunon\). Old word from \mnˆm“n\. The only other instance in the N.T. is by Jesus about the act of Mary of Bethany (Matthew:26:13; kjv@Mark:14:9|). His prayers and his alms proved his sincerity and won the ear of God.
rwp@Acts:13:24 @{When John had first preached} (\prokˆruxantos I“anou\). Literally, John heralding beforehand, as a herald before the king (Luke:3:3|). Genitive absolute of first aorist active participle of \prokˆruss“\...has it also in Acts:...3:20|. {Before his coming} (\pro pros“pou tˆs eisodou autou\). Literally, before the face of his entering in (here act of entrance as kjv@1Thessalonians:1:9|, not the gate as in kjv@Hebrews:10:19|). See kjv@Malachi:3:1| quoted in kjv@Matthew:11:10| (Luke:7:27|) for this Hebrew phrase and also kjv@Luke:1:76|. {The baptism of repentance} (\baptisma metanoias\). Baptism marked by, characterized by (genitive case, case of kind or species) repentance (change of mind and life). The very phrase used of John's preaching in kjv@Mark:1:4; kjv@Luke:3:3|. It is clear therefore that Paul understood John's ministry and message as did Peter (Acts:2:38; 10:37|).
rwp@Acts:14:14 @{Having heard} (\akousantes\). Such elaborate preparation "with the multitudes" (\sun tois ochlois\) spread rumours and some who spoke Greek told Paul and Barnabas. It is possible that the priest of Jupiter may have sent a formal request that the visiting "gods" might come out to the statue by the temple gates to make it a grand occasion. They rent their garments (\diarrˆxantes\). First aorist active participle from \diarrˆgnumi\, old verb to rend in two. Like the high priest in kjv@Matthew:26:65| as if an act of sacrilege was about to be committed. It was strange conduct for the supposed gods! {Sprang forth} (\exepˆdˆsan\). First aorist (ingressive) active indicative of \ekpˆda“\ (note \ek\), old verb, here only in the N.T. It was all a sign of grief and horror with loud outcries (\krazontes\).
rwp@Acts:16:13 @{By a river side} (\para potamon\). The little river Gangites (or Gargites) was one mile west of the town. Philippi as a military outpost had few Jews. There was evidently no synagogue inside the city, but "without the gates" (\ex“ tˆs pulˆs\) they had noticed an enclosure "where we supposed" (\hou enomizomen\, correct text, imperfect active), probably as they came into the city, "was a place of prayer" (\proscuchˆn einai\). Infinitive with accusative of general reference in indirect discourse. \Proseuchˆ\...of prayer as in Acts:...2:42| then for a place of prayer either a synagogue (III Macc. 7:20) or more often an open air enclosure near the sea or a river where there was water for ceremonial ablutions. The word occurs also in heathen writers for a place of prayer (Schurer, _Jewish People_, Div. II, Vol. II, p. 69, Engl. Tr.). Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 222) quotes an Egyptian inscription of the third century B.C. with this sense of the word and one from Panticapaeum on the Black Sea of the first century A.D. (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 102). Juvenal (III. 296) has a sneering reference to the Jewish \proseucha\. Josephus (_Ant_. XIV. 10, 23) quotes a decree of Halicarnassus which allowed the Jews "to make their prayers (\proseuchas\) on the seashore according to the custom of their fathers." There was a synagogue in Thessalonica, but apparently none in Amphipolis and Apollonia (Acts:17:1|). The rule of the rabbis required ten men to constitute a synagogue, but here were gathered only a group of women at the hour of prayer. In pioneer days in this country it was a common thing to preach under bush arbours in the open air. John Wesley and George Whitfield were great open air preachers. Paul did not have an inspiring beginning for his work in Europe, but he took hold where he could. The conjecture was correct. It was a place of prayer, but only a bunch of women had come together (\tais sunelthousais gunaixin\), excuse enough for not preaching to some preachers, but not to Paul and his party. The "man of Macedonia" turned out to be a group of women (Furneaux). Macedonian inscriptions show greater freedom for women in Macedonia than elsewhere at this time and confirm Luke's story of the activities of women in Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea. {We sat down and spake} (\kathisantes elaloumen\). Having taken our seats (aorist active participle of \kathiz“\) we began to speak or preach (inchoative imperfect of \lale“\, often used for preaching). Sitting was the Jewish attitude for public speaking. It was not mere conversation, but more likely conversational preaching of an historical and expository character. Luke's use of the first person plural implies that each of the four (Paul, Silas, Timothy, Luke) preached in turn, with Paul as chief speaker.
rwp@Acts:16:29 @{Trembling for fear} (\entromos genomenos\). "Becoming terrified." The adjective \entromos\ (in terror) occurs in N.T. only here and 7:32; kjv@Hebrews:12:21|. {Fell down} (\prosepesen\). Second aorist active indicative of \prospipt“\, old verb. An act of worship as Cornelius before Peter (10:25|), when \prosekunˆsen\ is used.
rwp@Acts:18:14 @{When Paul was about to open his mouth} (\mellontos tou Paulou anoigein to stoma\). Genitive absolute again. Before Paul could speak, Gallio cut in and ended the whole matter. According to their own statement Paul needed no defence. {Wrong} (\adikˆma\). _Injuria_...In N.T. only here, Acts:...24:20; kjv@Revelation:18:5|. Here it may mean a legal wrong to the state. {Wicked villainy} (\rhƒidiourgˆma\). A crime, act of a criminal, from \rhƒidiourgos\ (\rhƒidios\, easy, \ergon\, work), one who does a thing with ease, adroitly, a "slick citizen." {Reason would that I should bear with you} (\kata logon an aneschomˆn hum“n\). Literally, "according to reason I should have put up with you (or held myself back from you)." This condition is the second class (determined as unfulfilled) and means that the Jews had no case against Paul in a Roman court. The verb in the conclusion (\aneschomˆn\) is second aorist middle indicative and means with the ablative \hum“n\ "I should have held myself back (direct middle) from you (ablative). The use of \an\ makes the form of the condition plain.
rwp@Acts:19:6 @{When Paul had laid his hands upon them} (\epithentos autois tou Paulou cheiras\). Genitive absolute of second aorist active participle of \epitithˆmi\. This act of laying on of the hands was done in Samaria by Peter and John (8:16|) and in Damascus in the case of Paul (9:17|) and was followed as here by the descent of the Holy Spirit in supernatural power. {They spake with tongues} (\elaloun gl“ssais\). Inchoative imperfect, began to speak with tongues as in Jerusalem at Pentecost and as in Caesarea before the baptism. {Prophesied} (\eprophˆteuon\). Inchoative imperfect again, began to prophesy. The speaking with tongues and prophesying was external and indubitable proof that the Holy Spirit had come on these twelve uninformed disciples now fully won to the service of Jesus as Messiah. But this baptism in water did not "convey" the Holy Spirit nor forgiveness of sins. Paul was not a sacramentalist.
rwp@Acts:19:37 @{Neither robbers of temples} (\oute hierosulous\). Common word in Greek writers from \hieron\, temple, and \sula“\, to rob, be guilty of sacrilege. The word is found also on inscriptions in Ephesus. The Jews were sometimes guilty of this crime (Romans:2:22|), since the heathen temples often had vast treasures like banks. The ancients felt as strongly about temple-robbing as westerners used to feel about a horse-thief. {Nor blasphemers of our goddess} (\oute blasphˆmountas tˆn theon hˆm“n\). Nor those who blasphemed our goddess. That is to say, these men (Gaius and Aristarchus) as Christians had so conducted themselves (Colossians:4:5|) that no charge could be placed against them either in act (temple-robbery) or word (blasphemy). They had done a rash thing since these men are innocent. Paul had used tact in Ephesus as in Athens in avoiding illegalities.
rwp@Acts:20:1 @{After the uproar was ceased} (\meta to pausasthai ton thorubon\). Literally, after the ceasing (accusative of articular aorist middle infinitive of \pau“\, to make cease) as to the uproar (accusative of general reference). Noise and riot, already in kjv@Matthew:26:5; 27:24; kjv@Mark:5:38; 14:2|; and see in kjv@Acts:21:34; 24:18|. Pictures the whole incident as bustle and confusion. {Took leave} (\aspamenos\). First aorist middle participle of \aspazomai\, old verb from \a\ intensive and \spa“\, to draw, to draw to oneself in embrace either in greeting or farewell. Here it is in farewell as in 21:6|. Salutation in 21:7,19|. {Departed for to go into Macedonia} (\exˆlthen poreuesthai eis Makedonian\). Both verbs, single act and then process. Luke here condenses what was probably a whole year of Paul's life and work as we gather from II Corinthians, one of Paul's "weighty and powerful" letters as his enemies called them (2Corinthians:10:10|). "This epistle more than any other is a revelation of S. Paul's own heart: it is his spiritual autobiography and _apologia pro vita sua_."
rwp@Acts:20:28 @{Take heed unto yourselves} (\prosechete heautois\). The full phrase had \ton noun\, hold your mind on yourselves (or other object in the dative), as often in old writers and in kjv@Job:7:17|. But the ancients often used the idiom with \noun\...expressed as here and Acts:...5:35; kjv@Luke:12:1; 17:3; 21:34; kjv@1Timothy:1:4; 3:8; 4:13|. \Epeche\ is so used in kjv@1Timothy:4:16|. {To all the flock} (\panti t“i poimni“i\). Contracted form of \poimenion = poimnˆ\ (John:10:16|) already in kjv@Luke:12:32| and also in kjv@Acts:20:29; kjv@1Peter:5:2,3|. Common in old Greek. {Hath made} (\etheto\). Did make, second aorist middle indicative of \tithˆmi\, did appoint. Paul evidently believed that the Holy Spirit calls and appoints ministers. {Bishops} (\episkopous\). The same men termed elders in verse 17| which see. {To shepherd} (\poimainein\). Present active infinitive of purpose of \poimain“\, old verb to feed or tend the flock (\poimnˆ, poimnion\), to act as shepherd (\poimˆn\). These ministers are thus in Paul's speech called elders (verse 17|), bishops (verse 28|), and shepherds (verse 28|). Jesus had used this very word to Peter (John:21:16|, twice \boske\, feed, 21:15,17|) and Peter will use it in addressing fellow-elders (1Peter:5:2|) with memories, no doubt of the words of Jesus to him. The "elders" were to watch over as "bishops" and "tend and feed as shepherds" the flock. Jesus is termed "the shepherd and bishop of your souls" in kjv@1Peter:2:25| and "the great Shepherd of the sheep" in kjv@Hebrews:13:20|. Jesus called himself "the good Shepherd" in kjv@John:10:11|. {The church of God} (\tˆn ekklˆsian tou theou\). The correct text, not "the church of the Lord" or "the church of the Lord and God" (Robertson, _Introduction to Textual Criticism of the N.T._, p. 189). {He purchased} (\periepoiˆsato\). First aorist middle of \peripoie“\, old verb to reserve, to preserve (for or by oneself, in the middle). In the N.T. only in Luke 17:33; kjv@Acts:20:28; kjv@1Timothy:3:13|. The substantive \peripoiˆsin\ (preservation, possession) occurs in kjv@1Peter:2:9| ("a peculiar people" = a people for a possession) and in kjv@Ephesians:1:14|. {With his own blood} (\dia tou haimatos tou idiou\). Through the agency of (\dia\) his own blood. Whose blood? If \tou theou\ (Aleph B Vulg.) is correct, as it is, then Jesus is here called "God" who shed his own blood for the flock. It will not do to say that Paul did not call Jesus God, for we have kjv@Romans:9:5; kjv@Colossians:2:9; kjv@Titus:2:13| where he does that very thing, besides kjv@Colossians:1:15-20; kjv@Phillipians:2:5-11|.
rwp@Acts:20:34 @{Ye yourselves} (\autoi\). Intensive pronoun. Certainly they knew that the church in Ephesus had not supported Paul while there. {These hands} (\hai cheires hautai\). Paul was not above manual labour. He pointed to his hands with pride as proof that he toiled at his trade of tent-making as at Thessalonica and Corinth for his own needs (\chreiais\) and for those with him (probably Aquila and Priscilla) with whom he lived and probably Timothy because of his often infirmities (1Timothy:5:23|). {Ministered} (\hupˆretˆsan\). First aorist active of \hupˆrete“\...the N.T. only in Acts:...13:36; 20:34; 24:23|. While in Ephesus Paul wrote to Corinth: "We toil, working with our own hands" (1Corinthians:4:12|). "As he held them up, they saw a tongue of truth in every seam that marked them" (Furneaux).
rwp@Acts:21:27 @{The seven days} (\hai hepta hˆmerai\). For which Paul had taken the vow, though there may be an allusion to the pentecostal week for which Paul had desired to be present (20:16|). There is no necessary connexion with the vow in 18:15|. In 24:17| Paul makes a general reference to his purpose in coming to Jerusalem to bring alms and offerings (\prosphoras\, sacrifices). Paul spent seven days in Troas (20:6|), Tyre (21:4|), and had planned for seven here if not more. It was on the last of the seven days when Paul was completing his offerings about the vows on all five that the incident occurred that was to make him a prisoner for five years. {When they saw him in the temple} (\theasamenoi auton en t“i hier“i\). First aorist middle participle of \theaomai\ (from \thea\, a view, cf. theatre) to behold. In the very act of honouring the temple these Jews from Asia raise a hue and cry that he is dishonouring it. Paul was not known by face now to many of the Jerusalem Jews, though once the leader of the persecution after the death of Stephen and the outstanding young Jew of the day. But the Jews in Ephesus knew him only too well, some of whom are here at the pentecostal feast. They had plotted against him in Ephesus to no purpose (Acts:19:23-41; 20:19|), but now a new opportunity had come. It is possible that the cry was led by Alexander put forward by the Jews in Ephesus (19:33|) who may be the same as Alexander the coppersmith who did Paul so much harm (2Timothy:4:14|). Paul was not in the inner sanctuary (\ho naos\), but only in the outer courts (\to hieron\). {Stirred up all the multitude} (\sunecheon panta ton ochlon\). Imperfect (kept on) active of \sunche“\ or \sunchun“\ (\-unn“\) confuse as in Acts:...2:6; 9:22; 19:31,32; 21:31| and here to stir up by the same sort of confusion created by Demetrius in Ephesus where the same word is used twice (19:31,32|). The Jews from Ephesus had learned it from Demetrius the silversmith. {Laid hands on him} (\epebalan ep' auton tas cheiras\). Second aorist (ingressive, with endings of the first aorist, \-an\) active indicative of \epiball“\, old verb to lay upon, to attack (note repetition of \epi\). They attacked and seized Paul before the charge was made.
rwp@Acts:21:30 @{All the city was shaken} (\ekinˆthˆ hˆ polis holˆ\). First aorist passive of \kine“\, common verb for violent motion and emotion. See also 24:5| where the word is used by Tertullus of Paul as the stirrer up of riots! {The people ran together} (\egeneto sundromˆ tou laou\). Rather, There came a running together (\sun-dromˆ\ from \sun-trech“\) of the people. The cry spread like wildfire over the city and there was a pell-mell scramble or rush to get to the place of the disturbance. {They laid hold on Paul} (\epilabomenoi tou Paulou\). Second aorist middle participle of \epilambanomai\ with the genitive (cf. \epebalan\ in verse 27|). {Dragged} (\heilkon\). Imperfect active of \helk“\ (and also \helku“\), old verb to drag or draw. Imperfect tense vividly pictures the act as going on. They were saving the temple by dragging Paul outside. Curiously enough both \epilabomenoi\ and \heilkusan\ occur in 16:19| about the arrest of Paul and Silas in Philippi. {Straightway the doors were shut} (\euthe“s ekleisthˆsan hai thurai\). With a bang and at once. First aorist (effective) passive of \klei“\. The doors between the inner court and the court of the Gentiles. But this was only the beginning, the preparation for the real work of the mob. They did not wish to defile the holy place with blood. The doors were shut by the Levites.
rwp@Acts:23:2 @{Ananias} (\Hananias\). Not the one in kjv@Luke:3:2; kjv@John:18:13; kjv@Acts:4:7|, but the son of Nebedaeus, nominated high priest by Herod, King of Chalcis, A.D. 48 and till A.D. 59. He was called to Rome A.D. 52 to answer "a charge of rapine and cruelty made against him by the Samaritans, but honourably acquitted" (Page). Though high priest, he was a man of bad character. {Them that stood by him} (\tois parest“sin aut“i\). Dative case of second perfect participle of \paristˆmi\, to place, and intransitive. See the same form in verse 4| (\parest“tes\). {To smite him on the mouth} (\tuptein autou to stoma\). See on ¯12:45; 18:17|. Cf. the treatment of Jesus (John:18:22|). Ananias was provoked by Paul's self-assertion while on trial before his judges. "The act was illegal and peculiarly offensive to a Jew at the hands of a Jew" (Knowling). More self-control might have served Paul better. Smiting the mouth or cheek is a peculiarly irritating offence and one not uncommon among the Jews and this fact gives point to the command of Jesus to turn the other check (Luke:6:29| where \tupt“\ is also used).
rwp@Acts:23:3 @{Thou whited wall} (\toiche kekoniamene\). Perfect passive participle of \konia“\ (from \konia\, dust or lime). The same word used in kjv@Matthew:23:27| for "whited sepulchres" (\taphoi kekoniamenoi\) which see. It is a picturesque way of calling Ananias a hypocrite, undoubtedly true, but not a particularly tactful thing for a prisoner to say to his judge, not to say Jewish high priest. Besides, Paul had hurled back at him the word \tuptein\ (smite) in his command, putting it first in the sentence (\tuptein se mellei ho theos\) in strong emphasis. Clearly Paul felt that he, not Ananias, was living as a good citizen in God's commonwealth. {And sittest thou to judge me?} (\Kai su kathˆi krin“n me?\) Literally, "And thou (being what thou art) art sitting (\kathˆi\, second person singular middle of \kathˆmai\, late form for \kathˆsai\, the uncontracted form) judging me." Cf. kjv@Luke:22:30|. \Kai su\ at the beginning of a question expresses indignation. {Contrary to the law} (\paranom“n\). Present active participle of \paranome“\, old verb to act contrary to the law, here alone in the N.T., "acting contrary to the law."
rwp@Acts:23:5 @{I wist not} (\ouk ˆidein\). Second past perfect of \oida\ used as an imperfect. The Greek naturally means that Paul did not know that it was the high priest who gave the order to smite his mouth. If this view is taken, several things may be said by way of explanation. The high priest may not have had on his official dress as the meeting was called hurriedly by Lysias. Paul had been away so long that he may not have known Ananias on sight. And then Paul may have had poor eyesight or the high priest may not have been sitting in the official seat. Another way of explaining it is to say that Paul was so indignant, even angry, at the command that he spoke without considering who it was that gave the order. The Greek allows this idea also. At any rate Paul at once recognizes the justice of the point made against him. He had been guilty of irreverence against the office of high priest as the passage from kjv@Exodus:22:18| (LXX) shows and confesses his fault, but the rebuke was deserved. Jesus did not threaten (1Peter:2:23|) when smitten on the cheek (John:18:22|), but he did protest against the act and did not turn the other cheek.
rwp@Acts:23:21 @{Do not therefore yield unto them} (\Su oun mˆ peisthˆis autois\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \peith“\, common verb, here to be persuaded by, to listen to, to obey, to yield to. With negative and rightly. Do not yield to them (dative) at all. On the aorist subjunctive with \mˆ\ in prohibitions against committing an act see Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 851-4. {For there lie in wait} (\enedreuousin gar\). Present active indicative of \enedreu“\, old verb from \enedra\ (verse 16|), in the N.T. only here and kjv@Luke:11:54| which see. {Till they have slain him} (\he“s hou anel“sin auton\). Same idiom as in verse 12| save that here we have \anel“sin\ (second aorist active subjunctive) instead of \apoktein“sin\ (another word for kill), "till they slay him." {Looking for the promise from thee} (\prosdechomenoi tˆn apo sou epaggelian\). This item is all that is needed to put the scheme through, the young man shrewdly adds.
rwp@Colossians:1:23 @{If so be that ye continue in the faith} (\ei ge epimenete tˆi pistei\). Condition of the first class (determined as fulfilled), with a touch of eagerness in the use of \ge\ (at least). \Epi\ adds to the force of the linear action of the present tense (continue and then some). {Pistei} is in the locative case (in faith). {Grounded} (\tethemeli“menoi\). Perfect passive participle of \themelio“\, old verb from \themelios\ (adjective, from \thema\ from \tithˆmi\, laid down as a foundation, substantive, kjv@1Corinthians:3:11f.|). Picture of the saint as a building like kjv@Ephesians:2:20|. {Steadfast} (\hedraioi\). Old adjective from \hedra\ (seat). In N.T. only here, kjv@1Corinthians:7:37; 15:58|. Metaphor of seated in a chair. {Not moved away} (\mˆ metakinoumenoi\). Present passive participle (with negative \mˆ\) of \metakine“\, old verb, to move away, to change location, only here in N.T. Negative statement covering the same ground. {From the hope of the gospel} (\apo tˆs elpidos tou euaggeliou\). Ablative case with \apo\. The hope given by or in the gospel and there alone. {Which ye heard} (\hou ˆkousate\). Genitive case of relative either by attraction or after \ˆkousate\. The Colossians had in reality heard the gospel from Epaphras. {Preached} (\kˆruchthentos\). First aorist passive participle of \kˆruss“\, to herald, to proclaim. {In all creation} (\en pasˆi ktisei\). \Ktisis\ is the act of founding (Romans:1:20|) from \ktiz“\ (verse 16|), then a created thing (Romans:1:25|), then the sum of created things as here and kjv@Revelation:3:14|. It is hyperbole, to be sure, but Paul does not say that all men are converted, but only that the message has been heralded abroad over the Roman Empire in a wider fashion than most people imagine. {A minister} (\diakonos\). General term for service (\dia, konis\, raising a dust by speed) and used often as here of preachers like our "minister" today, one who serves. Jesus used the verb \diakonˆsai\ of himself (Mark:10:45|). Our "deacon" is this word transliterated and given a technical meaning as in kjv@Phillipians:1:1|.
rwp@Colossians:2:12 @{Having been buried with him in baptism} (\suntaphentes aut“i en t“i baptismati\). Second aorist passive participle of \sunthapt“\, old word, in N.T. only here and kjv@Romans:6:4|, followed by associative instrumental case (\aut“i\). Thayer's Lexicon says: "For all who in the rite of baptism are plunged under the water, thereby declare that they put faith in the expiatory death of Christ for the pardon of their past sins." Yes, and for all future sins also. This word gives Paul's vivid picture of baptism as a symbolic burial with Christ and resurrection also to newness of life in him as Paul shows by the addition "wherein ye were also raised with him" (\en h“i kai sunˆgerthˆte\). "In which baptism" (\baptismati\, he means). First aorist passive indicative of \sunegeir“\, late and rare verb (Plutarch for waking up together), in LXX, in N.T. only in kjv@Colossians:2:12; 3:1; kjv@Ephesians:2:6|. In the symbol of baptism the resurrection to new life in Christ is pictured with an allusion to Christ's own resurrection and to our final resurrection. Paul does not mean to say that the new life in Christ is caused or created by the act of baptism. That is grossly to misunderstand him. The Gnostics and the Judaizers were sacramentalists, but not so Paul the champion of spiritual Christianity. He has just given the spiritual interpretation to circumcision which itself followed Abraham's faith (Romans:4:10-12|). Cf. kjv@Galatians:3:27|. Baptism gives a picture of the change already wrought in the heart "through faith" (\dia tˆs piste“s\). {In the working of God} (\tˆs energeias tou theou\). Objective genitive after \piste“s\. See 1:29| for \energeia\. God had power to raise Christ from the dead (\tou egeirantos\, first aorist active participle of \egeir“\, the fact here stated) and he has power (energy) to give us new life in Christ by faith.
rwp@Colossians:2:13 @{And you} (\kai humas\). Emphatic position, object of the verb \sunez“opoiˆsen\ (did he quicken) and repeated (second \humƒs\). You Gentiles as he explains. {Being dead through your trespasses} (\nekrous ontas tois parapt“masin\). Moral death, of course, as in kjv@Romans:6:11; kjv@Ephesians:2:1,5|. Correct text does not have \en\, but even so \parapt“masin\ (from \parapipt“\, to fall beside or to lapse, kjv@Hebrews:6:6|), a lapse or misstep as in kjv@Matthew:6:14; kjv@Romans:5:15-18; kjv@Galatians:6:1|, can be still in the locative, though the instrumental makes good sense also. {And the uncircumcision of your flesh} (\kai tˆi akroboustiƒi tˆs sarkos hum“n\). "Dead in your trespasses and your alienation from God, of which the uncircumcision of your flesh was a symbol" (Abbott). Clearly so, "the uncircumcision" used merely in a metaphorical sense. {Did he quicken together with him} (\sunez“opoiˆsen sun aut“i\). First aorist active indicative of the double compound verb \sunz“opoie“\, to make alive (\z“os, poie“\) with (\sun\, repeated also with \aut“i\, associative instrumental), found only here and in kjv@Ephesians:2:5|, apparently coined by Paul for this passage. Probably \theos\ (God) is the subject because expressly so stated in kjv@Ephesians:2:4f.| and because demanded by \sun aut“i\ here referring to Christ. This can be true even if Christ be the subject of \ˆrken\ in verse 14|. {Having forgiven us} (\charisamenos hˆmin\). First aorist middle participle of \charizomai\, common verb from \charis\ (favour, grace). Dative of the person common as in 3:13|. The act of forgiving is simultaneous with the quickening, though logically antecedent.
rwp@Colossians:2:18 @{Rob you of your prize} (\katabrabeuet“\). Late and rare compound (\kata, brabeu“\, kjv@Colossians:3:15|) to act as umpire against one, perhaps because of bribery in Demosthenes and Eustathius (two other examples in Preisigke's _Worterbuch_), here only in the N.T. Songs:here it means to decide or give judgment against. The judge at the games is called \brabeus\ and the prize \brabeion\ (1Corinthians:9:24; kjv@Phillipians:3:14|). It is thus parallel to, but stronger than, \krinet“\ in verse 16|. {By a voluntary humility} (\thel“n en tapeinophrosunˆi\). Present active participle of \thel“\, to wish, to will, but a difficult idiom. Some take it as like an adverb for "wilfully" somewhat like \thelontas\ in kjv@2Peter:3:5|. Others make it a Hebraism from the LXX usage, "finding pleasure in humility." The Revised Version margin has "of his own mere will, by humility." Hort suggested \en ethelotapeinophrosunˆi\ (in gratuitous humility), a word that occurs in Basil and made like \ethelothrˆskia\ in verse 23|. {And worshipping of the angels} (\kai thrˆskeiƒi t“n aggel“n\). In 3:12| humility (\tapeinophrosunˆn\) is a virtue, but it is linked with worship of the angels which is idolatry and so is probably false humility as in verse 23|. They may have argued for angel worship on the plea that God is high and far removed and so took angels as mediators as some men do today with angels and saints in place of Christ. {Dwelling in the things which he hath seen} (\ha heoraken embateu“n\). Some MSS. have "not," but not genuine. This verb \embateu“\ (from \embatˆs\, stepping in, going in) has given much trouble. Lightfoot has actually proposed \kenembateu“n\ (a verb that does not exist, though \kenembate“\ does occur) with \ai“ra\, to tread on empty air, an ingenious suggestion, but now unnecessary. It is an old word for going in to take possession (papyri examples also). W. M. Ramsay (_Teaching of Paul_, pp. 287ff.) shows from inscriptions in Klaros that the word is used of an initiate in the mysteries who "set foot in" (\enebateusen\) and performed the rest of the rites. Paul is here quoting the very work used of these initiates who "take their stand on" these imagined revelations in the mysteries. {Vainly puffed up} (\eikˆi phusioumenos\). Present passive participle of \phusio“\, late and vivid verb from \phusa\, pair of bellows, in N.T. only here and kjv@1Corinthians:4:6,18f.; 8:1|. Powerful picture of the self-conceit of these bombastic Gnostics.
rwp@Colossians:2:20 @{If ye died} (\ei apethanete\). Condition of the first class, assumed as true, \ei\ and second aorist active indicative of \apothnˆsk“\, to die. He is alluding to the picture of burial in baptism (2:12|). {From the rudiments of the world} (\apo t“n stoichei“n tou kosmou\). See 2:8|. {As though living in the world} (\h“s z“ntes en kosm“i\). Concessive use of the participle with \h“s\. The picture is that of baptism, having come out (F. B. Meyer) on the other side of the grave, we are not to act as though we had not done so. We are in the Land of Beulah. {Why do ye subject yourselves to ordinances?} (\ti dogmatizesthe?\). Late and rare verb (three examples in inscriptions and often in LXX) made from \dogma\, decree or ordinance. Here it makes good sense either as middle or passive. In either case they are to blame since the bond of decrees (2:14|) was removed on the Cross of Christ. Paul still has in mind the rules of the ascetic wing of the Gnostics (2:16ff.|).
rwp@Colossians:3:15 @{The peace of Christ} (\hˆ eirˆnˆ tou Christou\). The peace that Christ gives (John:14:27|). {Rule} (\brabeuet“\). Imperative active third singular of \brabeu“\, to act as umpire (\brabeus\), old verb, here alone in N.T. See kjv@1Corinthians:7:15| for called in peace. {In one body} (\en heni s“mati\). With one Head (Christ) as in 1:18,24|. {Be ye thankful} (\eucharistoi ginesthe\). "Keep on becoming thankful." Continuous obligation.
rwp@Ephesians:1:3 @{Blessed} (\eulogˆtos\). Verbal of \euloge“\, common in the LXX for Hebrew _baruk_ (Vulgate _benedictus_) and applied usually to God, sometimes to men (Genesis:24:31|), but in N.T. always to God (Luke:1:68|), while \eulogˆmenos\ (perfect passive participle) is applied to men (Luke:1:42|). "While \eulogˆmenos\ points to an isolated act or acts, \eulogˆtos\ describes the intrinsic character" (Lightfoot). Instead of the usual \eucharistoumen\ (Colossians:1:3|) Paul here uses \eulogˆtos\, elsewhere only in kjv@2Corinthians:1:3| in opening, though in a doxology in kjv@Romans:1:25; 9:5; kjv@2Corinthians:11:31|. The copula here is probably \estin\ (is), though either \est“\ (imperative) or \eiˆ\ (optative as wish) will make sense. {The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ} (\ho theos kai patˆr tou Kuriou hˆm“n Iˆsou Christou\). \Kai\ is genuine here, though not in kjv@Colossians:1:3|. The one article (\ho\) with \theos kai patˆr\ links them together as in kjv@1Thessalonians:1:3; 3:11,13; kjv@Galatians:1:4|. See also the one article in kjv@2Peter:1:1,11|. In kjv@Ephesians:1:17| we have \ho theos tou Kuriou hˆm“n Iˆsou Christou\, and the words of Jesus in kjv@John:20:17|. {Who hath blessed us} (\ho eulogˆsas humƒs\). First aorist active participle of \euloge“\, the same word, antecedent action to the doxology (\eulogˆtos\). {With} (\en\). So-called instrumental use of \en\ though {in} is clear. {Every spiritual blessing} (\pasˆi eulogiƒi pneumatikˆi\). Third use of the root \eulog\ (verbal, verb, substantive). Paul lovingly plays with the idea. The believer is a citizen of heaven and the spiritual blessings count for most to him. {In the heavenly places in Christ} (\en tois epouraniois en Christ“i\). In four other places in Eph. (1:20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12|). This precise phrase (with \en\) occurs nowhere else in the N.T. and has a clearly local meaning in 1:20; 2:6; 3:10|, doubtful in 6:12|, but probably so here. In 2:6| the believer is conceived as already seated with Christ. Heaven is the real abode of the citizen of Christ's kingdom (Phillipians:3:20|) who is a stranger on earth (Phillipians:1:27; kjv@Ephesians:2:19|). The word \epouranios\ (heavenly) occurs in various passages in the N.T. in contrast with \ta epigeia\ (the earthly) as in kjv@John:3:12; kjv@1Corinthians:15:40,48,49; kjv@Phillipians:2:10|, with \patris\ (country) in kjv@Hebrews:11:16|, with \klˆsis\ (calling) in kjv@Hebrews:3:1|, with \d“rea\ (gift) in kjv@Hebrews:6:4|, with \basileia\ (kingdom) in kjv@2Timothy:4:18|.
rwp@Ephesians:2:8 @{For by grace} (\tˆi gar chariti\). Explanatory reason. "By the grace" already mentioned in verse 5| and so with the article. {Through faith} (\dia piste“s\). This phrase he adds in repeating what he said in verse 5| to make it plainer. "Grace" is God's part, "faith" ours. {And that} (\kai touto\). Neuter, not feminine \tautˆ\, and so refers not to \pistis\ (feminine) or to \charis\ (feminine also), but to the act of being saved by grace conditioned on faith on our part. Paul shows that salvation does not have its source (\ex hum“n\, out of you) in men, but from God. Besides, it is God's gift (\d“ron\) and not the result of our work.
rwp@Ephesians:4:5 @{One Lord} (\heis Kurios\). The Lord Jesus Christ and he alone (no series of aeons). {One faith} (\mia pistis\). One act of trust in Christ, the same for all (Jew or Gentile), one way of being saved. {One baptism} (\hen baptisma\). The result of baptizing (\baptisma\), while \baptismos\ is the act. Only in the N.T. (\baptismos\ in Josephus) and ecclesiastical writers naturally. See kjv@Mark:10:38|. There is only one act of baptism for all (Jews and Gentiles) who confess Christ by means of this symbol, not that they are made disciples by this one act, but merely so profess him, put Christ on publicly by this ordinance.
rwp@Galatians:2:9 @{They who were reputed to be pillars} (\hoi dokountes stuloi einai\). They had that reputation (\dokountes\) and Paul accepts them as such. \Stuloi\, old word for pillars, columns, as of fire (Revelation:10:1|). Songs:of the church (1Timothy:3:15|). These were the Pillar Apostles. {Gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship} (\dexias ed“kan emoi kai Barnabƒi koin“nias\). Dramatic and concluding act of the pact for cooperation and coordinate, independent spheres of activity. The compromisers and the Judaizers were brushed to one side when these five men shook hands as equals in the work of Christ's Kingdom.
rwp@Galatians:2:13 @{Dissembled likewise with him} (\sunupekrithˆsan aut“i kai\). First aorist passive indicative of the double compound verb \sunupokrinomai\, a late word often in Polybius, only here in N.T. One example in Polybius means to pretend to act a part with. That idea here would help the case of the rest of the Jews, but does not accord with Paul's presentation. {Insomuch that even Barnabas} (\h“ste kai Barnabas\). Actual result expressed by \h“ste\ and the indicative and \kai\ clearly means "even." {Was carried away with their dissimulation} (\sunapˆchthˆ aut“n tˆi hupokrisei\). First aorist passive indicative of \sunapag“\, old verb, in N.T. only here and kjv@2Peter:3:17|. \Hupokrisei\ is in the instrumental case and can only mean hypocrisy in the bad sense (Matthew:23:28|), not merely acting a part. It was a solemn moment when Paul saw the Jerusalem victory vanish and even Barnabas desert him as they followed the timid cowardice of Peter. It was _Paulus contra mundum_ in the cause of spiritual freedom in Christ.
rwp@Galatians:4:3 @{When we were children} (\hote ˆmen nˆpioi\). Before the epoch of faith came and we (Jews and Gentiles) were under the law as paedagogue, guardian, steward, to use all of Paul's metaphors. {We were held in bondage} (\hˆmeis ˆmetha dedoul“menoi\). Periphrastic past perfect of \doulo“\, to enslave, in a permanent state of bondage. {Under the rudiments of the world} (\hupo ta stoicheia tou kosmou\). \Stoichos\ is row or rank, a series. Songs:\stoicheion\ is any first thing in a \stoichos\ like the letters of the alphabet, the material elements in the universe (2Peter:3:10|), the heavenly bodies (some argue for that here), the rudiments of any act (Hebrews:5:12; kjv@Acts:15:10; kjv@Galatians:5:1; 4:3,9; kjv@Colossians:2:8,20|). The papyri illustrate all the varieties in meaning of this word. Burton has a valuable excursus on the word in his commentary. Probably here (Lightfoot) Paul has in mind the rudimentary character of the law as it applies to both Jews and Gentiles, to all the knowledge of the world (\kosmos\ as the orderly material universe as in kjv@Colossians:2:8,20|). See on ¯Matthew:13:38; kjv@Acts:17:24; kjv@1Corinthians:3:22|. All were in the elementary stage before Christ came.
rwp@Hebrews:3:7 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Probably this inferential conjunction (\dia, ho\, because of which) goes with \mˆ sklˆrunˆte\ (harden not) in verse 8| rather than with \blepete\ (take heed) in verse 12| unless the long quotation be considered a parenthesis. The long quotation in verses 7-11| is from kjv@Psalms:95:7-11|. After the quotation the author has "three movements" (Moffatt) in his discussion of the passage as applied to the Jewish Christians (3:12-19; 4:1-10; 4:11-13|). The peril of apostasy as shown by the example of the Israelites is presented with vividness and power. {As the Holy Ghost saith} (\kath“s legei to pneuma to hagion\) the N.T., except Act... 21:11| (Agabus), though practically the same idea in 9:8; 10:15|. In kjv@1Timothy:4:1| the adjective "Holy" is wanting as in kjv@Revelation:2; 3|. But the writer quotes this Psalm as the Word of God and in 4:7| attributes it to David. {If ye shall hear} (\ean akousˆte\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \akou“\.
rwp@Hebrews:6:9 @{But we are persuaded} (\pepeismetha de\). Perfect passive indicative of \peith“\, literary plural. Note Paul's use of \pepeismai\ in kjv@2Timothy:1:12|. {Better things} (\ta kreissona\). "The better things" than those pictures in 6:4-8|. {That accompany salvation} (\echomena s“tˆrias\). "Things holding on to salvation" (Mark:1:38|), a common Greek phrase \echomena\, present middle participle of \ech“\. {Though we thus speak} (\ei kai hout“s laloumen\). Concessive condition of the first class. Explanatory, not apologetic, of his plain talk. {Not unrighteous to forget} (\ou gar adikos epilathesthai\). Second aorist middle infinitive of \epilanthan“\ with genitive case (\ergou\, work, \agapˆs\, love). But even God cannot remember what they did not do. {In that ye ministered and still do minister} (\diakonˆsantes kai diakonountes\). First aorist active and present active participle of the one verb \diakone“\, the sole difference being the tense (single act _aorist_, repeated acts _present_).
rwp@Hebrews:6:17 @{To shew} (\epideixai\). First aorist active infinitive of \epideiknumi\, to show in addition (\epi-\) to his promise "more abundantly" (\perissoteron\). {The immutability of his counsel} (\to ametatheton tˆs boulˆs autou\). Late compound verbal neuter singular (alpha privative and \metatithˆmi\, to change), "the unchangeableness of his will." {Interposed} (\emesiteusen\). First aorist active indicative of \mesiteu“\, late verb from \mesitˆs\, mediator (Hebrews:8:6|), to act as mediator or sponsor or surety, intransitively to pledge one's self as surety, here only in the N.T. {With an oath} (\hork“i\). Instrumental case of \horkos\ (from \herkos\, an enclosure), kjv@Matthew:14:7,9|.
rwp@Hebrews:7:11 @{Perfection} (\telei“sis\). Abstract substantive of \teleio“\. More the act than the quality or state (\teleiotˆs\, 6:1|). The condition is of the second class, "if there were perfection, etc." The Levitical priesthood failed to give men "a perfectly adequate relation to God" (Moffatt). {Priesthood} (\hierosunˆs\). Old word, in N.T. only here, verses 12,24|. Cf. \hieretia\ in verse 5|. The adjective \Leueitikˆ\ occurs in Philo. {Received the law} (\nenomothetˆtai\). Perfect passive indicative of \nomothete“\, old compound to enact law (\nomos, tithˆmi\), to furnish with law (as here), only other N.T. example in 8:6|. {What further need was there?} (\tis eti chreia;\). No copula expressed, but it would normally be \ˆn an\, not just \ˆn\: "What need still would there be?" {Another priest} (\heteron hierea\). Of a different line (\heteron\), not just one more (\allon\). Accusative of general reference with the infinitive \anistasthai\ (present middle of \anistˆmi\ intransitive). {And not to be reckoned} (\kai ou legesthai\). The negative \ou\ belongs rather to the descriptive clause than just to the infinitive.
rwp@Hebrews:9:12 @{Through his own blood} (\dia tou idiou haimatos\). This is the great distinction between Christ as High Priest and all other high priests. They offer blood (verse 7|), but he offered his own blood. He is both victim and High Priest. See the same phrase in 13:12; kjv@Acts:20:28|. {Once for all} (\ephapax\). In contrast to the repeated (annual) entrances of the Levitical high priests (9:7|). {Into the holy place} (\eis ta hagia\). Here, as in verses 8,24| heaven itself. {Having obtained} (\heuramenos\). First aorist middle (indirect) participle of \heurisk“\, simultaneous action with \eisˆlthen\, and by or of himself "as the issue of personal labour directed to this end" (Westcott). The value of Christ's offering consists in the fact that he is the Son of God as well as the Son of man, that he is sinless and so a perfect sacrifice with no need of an offering for himself, and that it is voluntary on his part (John:10:17|). \Lutr“sis\ (from \lutro“\) is a late word for the act of ransoming (cf. \lutron\, ransom), in O.T. only here and kjv@Luke:1:68; 2:38|. But \apolutr“sis\ elsewhere (as in kjv@Luke:21:28; kjv@Romans:3:24; kjv@Hebrews:9:15; 11:35|). For "eternal" (\ai“nian\, here feminine form) see 6:2|. The author now turns to discuss the better sacrifice (9:13-10:18|) already introduced.
rwp@Hebrews:10:12 @{When he had offered} (\prosenegkas\). Second aorist active participle (with first aorist ending \-as\ in place of \-on\) of \prospher“\, single act in contrast to present participle \prospher“n\ above. {One sacrifice} (\mian thusian\). This the main point. The one sacrifice does the work that the many failed to do. One wonders how priests who claim that the "mass" is the sacrifice of Christ's body repeated explain this verse. {For ever} (\eis to diˆnekes\). Can be construed either with \mian thusian\ or with \ekathisen\ (sat down). See 1:3| for \ekathisen\.
rwp@Hebrews:11:7 @{Being warned of God} (\chrˆmatistheis\). First aorist passive participle of \chrˆmatiz“\, old word for oracular or divine communications as already in 8:5| (cf. kjv@Matthew:2:12,22|, etc.). {Moved with godly fear} (\eulabˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \eulabeomai\, old verb from \eulabˆs\ (from \eu\ and \labein\, to take hold well or carefully), to show oneself \eulabˆs\, to act circumspectly or with reverence, here only in N.T. (save Textus Receptus in kjv@Acts:23:10|), often in LXX. {An ark} (\kib“ton\). kjv@Genesis:6:15; kjv@Matthew:24:38|. Shaped like a box (cf. kjv@Hebrews:9:4|). {Through which} (\di' hˆs\). Through his faith as shown in building the ark. {The world} (\ton kosmon\). Sinful humanity as in verse 38|. {Heir} (\klˆronomos\). In kjv@2Peter:2:5| Noah is called "a preacher of righteousness" as here "heir of righteousness." He himself believed his message about the flood. Like Enoch he walked with God (Genesis:6:9|).
rwp@Hebrews:11:17 @{Being tried} (\peirazomenos\). Present passive participle of \peiraz“\. The test was still going on. {Offered up} (\prosenˆnochen\). Perfect active indicative of \prospher“\, the verb so often used in this Epistle. The act was already consummated so far as Abraham was concerned when it was interrupted and it stands on record about him. See kjv@Genesis:22:1-18|. {He that had gladly received the promises} (\ho tas epaggelias anadexamenos\). \Anadechomai\...N.T. only here and Acts:...28:7|. It seemed the death of his hopes. {Was offering up} (\prosepheren\). It is the imperfect of an interrupted action like \ekaloun\ in kjv@Luke:1:59|.
rwp@Hebrews:11:28 @{He kept} (\pepoiˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \poie“\, to make, "he has made," emphasizing the permanent nature of the feast. {The sprinkling of the blood} (\tˆn proschusin tou haimatos\). Rather, "the pouring of the blood" (\proschusis\ from \prosche“\, to pour upon), only here in the N.T. (earliest known example). An allusion to the command in kjv@Exodus:12:7,22| but in the LXX \prosche“\ is the usual term for the act (Exodus:24:6; 29:16; kjv@Leviticus:1:5,11; kjv@Deuteronomy:16:6|). {That the destroyer of the first-born should not touch them} (\hina mˆ ho olothreu“n ta pr“totoka thigˆi aut“n\). Negative final clause with \hina mˆ\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \thiggan“\, old verb to touch with genitive, in the N.T. only here, 12:20; kjv@Colossians:2:21|. The articular participle \ho olothreu“n\ is from kjv@Exodus:11:23|. For \pr“totoka\ see kjv@Luke:2:7; kjv@Exodus:12:29|.
rwp@Hebrews:12:16 @{Profane} (\bebˆlos\). Trodden under foot, unhallowed (1Timothy:1:9|). {For one mess of meat} (\anti br“se“s mias\). Idea of exchange, "for one act of eating" (1Corinthians:8:4|). {Sold} (\apedeto\). Second aorist middle indicative from kjv@Genesis:25:31,33|, and with irregular form for \apedoto\ (regular \mi\ form). {His own birthright} (\ta pr“totokia heautou\). From Genesis also and in Philo, only here in N.T. From \pr“totokos\ (first born, kjv@Hebrews:1:6|).
rwp@James:1:17 @{Gift} (\dosis\) {--boon} (\d“rˆma\). Both old substantives from the same original verb (\did“mi\), to give. \Dosis\ is the act of giving (ending \-sis\), but sometimes by metonymy for the thing given like \ktisis\ for \ktisma\ (Colossians:1:15|). But \d“rˆma\ (from \d“re“\, from \d“ron\ a gift) only means a gift, a benefaction (Romans:5:16|). The contrast here argues for "giving" as the idea in \dosis\. Curiously enough there is a perfect hexameter line here: \pƒsa do sis aga thˆ kai pƒn d“ rˆma te leion\. Such accidental rhythm occurs occasionally in many writers. Ropes (like Ewald and Mayor) argues for a quotation from an unknown source because of the poetical word \d“rˆma\, but that is not conclusive. {From above} (\an“then\). That is, from heaven. Cf. kjv@John:3:31; 19:11|. {Coming down} (\katabainon\). Present active neuter singular participle of \katabain“\ agreeing with \d“rˆma\, expanding and explaining \an“then\ (from above). {From the Father of lights} (\apo tou patros t“n ph“t“n\). "Of the lights" (the heavenly bodies). For this use of \patˆr\ see kjv@Job:38:28| (Father of rain); kjv@2Corinthians:1:3; kjv@Ephesians:1:17|. God is the Author of light and lights. {With whom} (\par' h“i\). For \para\ (beside) with locative sense for standpoint of God see \para t“i the“i\ (Mark:10:27; kjv@Romans:2:11; 9:14; kjv@Ephesians:6:9|. {Can be no} (\ouk eni\). This old idiom (also in kjv@Galatians:3:28; kjv@Colossians:3:11|) may be merely the original form of \en\ with recessive accent (Winer, Mayor) or a shortened form of \enesti\. The use of \eni en\ in kjv@1Corinthians:6:5| argues for this view, as does the use of \eine\ (\einai\) in Modern Greek (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 313). {Variation} (\parallagˆ\). Old word from \parallass“\, to make things alternate, here only in N.T. In Aristeas in sense of alternate stones in pavements. Dio Cassius has \parallaxis\ without reference to the modern astronomical parallax, though James here is comparing God (Father of the lights) to the sun (Malachi:4:2|), which does have periodic variations. {Shadow that is cast by turning} (\tropˆs aposkiasma\). \Tropˆ\ is an old word for "turning" (from \trep“\ to turn), here only in N.T. \Aposkiasma\ is a late and rare word (\aposkiasmos\ in Plutarch) from \aposkiaz“\ (\apo, skia\) a shade cast by one object on another. It is not clear what the precise metaphor is, whether the shadow thrown on the dial (\aposkiaz“\ in Plato) or the borrowed light of the moon lost to us as it goes behind the earth. In fact, the text is by no means certain, for Aleph B papyrus of fourth century actually read \hˆ tropˆs aposkiasmatos\ (the variation of the turning of the shadow). Ropes argues strongly for this reading, and rather convincingly. At any rate there is no such periodic variation in God like that we see in the heavenly bodies.
rwp@James:1:25 @{He that looketh into} (\ho parakupsas\). First aorist active articular participle of \parakupt“\, old verb, to stoop and look into (John:20:5,11|), to gaze carefully by the side of, to peer into or to peep into (1Peter:1:12|). Here the notion of beside (\para\) or of stooping (\kupt“\) is not strong. Sometimes, as Hort shows, the word means only a cursory glance, but the contrast with verse 24| seems to preclude that here. {The perfect law} (\nomon teleion\). For \teleion\ see 1:17|. See kjv@Romans:7:12| for Paul's idea of the law of God. James here refers to the word of truth (1:18|), the gospel of grace (Galatians:6:2; kjv@Romans:12:2|). {The law of liberty} (\ton tˆs eleutherias\). "That of liberty," explaining why it is "perfect" (2:12| also), rests on the work of Christ, whose truth sets us free (John:8:32; kjv@2Corinthians:3:16; kjv@Romans:8:2|). {And so continueth} (\kai parameinas\). First aorist active articular participle again of \paramen“\, parallel with \parakupsas\. \Paramen“\ is to stay beside, and see kjv@Phillipians:1:25| for contrast with the simplex \men“\. {Being} (\genomenos\). Rather, "having become" (second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\ to become). {Not a hearer that forgetteth} (\ouk akroatˆs epilˆsmonˆs\). "Not a hearer of forgetfulness" (descriptive genitive, marked by forgetfulness). \Epilˆsmonˆ\ is a late and rare word (from \epilˆsm“n\, forgetful, from \epilanthomai\, to forget, as in verse 24|), here only in N.T. {But a doer that worketh} (\alla poiˆtˆs ergou\). "But a doer of work," a doer marked by work (descriptive genitive \ergou\), not by mere listening or mere talk. {In his doing} (\en tˆi poiˆsei autou\). Another beatitude with \makarios\ as in 1:12|, like the Beatitudes in kjv@Matthew:5:3-12|. \Poiˆsis\ is an old word (from \poie“\ for the act of doing), only here in N.T.
rwp@James:2:6 @{But ye have dishonoured the poor man} (\humeis de ˆtimasate ton pt“chon\). First aorist active indicative of \atimaz“\, old verb from \atimos\, dishonoured (Matthew:13:57|). In the act of partiality pictured in 2:3|. {Oppress you} (\katadunasteuousin hum“n\). Not very common compound (\katadunasteu“\, present active indicative, from \kata\ and \dunastˆs\, potentate, kjv@Luke:1:52|)...of the devil in Acts:...10:38| (only other N.T. example). Examples in papyri of harsh treatment by men in authority. Already poor Christians are feeling pressure from rich Jews as overlords. {Drag you} (\helkousin humas\) of Paul in Acts:...16:19; 21:30|. Cf. such violence in kjv@Luke:12:58; kjv@Acts:8:3|. {Before the judgment-seats} (\eis kritˆria\). "To courts of justice" as in kjv@1Corinthians:6:2,4| (only other N.T. examples). Common in the papyri in this sense. From \krin“\ to judge, \kritˆs\ (judge), place where judgment is given.
rwp@James:2:24 @{Ye see} (\horƒte\). Present indicative active of \hora“\. Now he uses the plural again as in 2:14|. {Is justified} (\dikaioutai\). Present passive indicative of \dikaio“\, here not "is made righteous," but "is shown to be righteous." James is discussing the proof of faith, not the initial act of being set right with God (Paul's idea in kjv@Romans:4:1-10|). {And not only by faith} (\kai ouk ek piste“s monon\). This phrase clears up the meaning of James. Faith (live faith) is what we must all have (2:18|), only it must shew itself also in deeds as Abraham's did.
rwp@James:3:18 @{Is sown in peace} (\en eirˆnˆi speiretai\). Present passive indicative of \speir“\, to sow. The seed which bears the fruit is sown, but James catches up the metaphor of \karpos\ (fruit) from verse 17|. Only in peace is the fruit of righteousness found. {For them that make peace} (\tois poiousin eirˆnˆn\). Dative case of the articular participle of \poie“\. See kjv@Ephesians:2:15| for this phrase (doing peace), and kjv@Colossians:1:20| for \eirˆnopoie“\, of Christ, and kjv@Matthew:5:9| for \eirˆnopoioi\ (peacemakers). Only those who act peaceably are entitled to peace.
rwp@James:4:16 @{In your vauntings} (\en tais alazoniais hum“n\). Old word for braggart talk (from \alazoneuomai\, to act the \alaz“n\ empty boaster kjv@Romans:1:30|), common in Aristophanes, in N.T. only here and kjv@1John:2:16|. {Glorying} (\kauchˆsis\). Act of glorying, late word from \kauchaomai\, good if for Christ (1Thessalonians:2:19|), bad if for self as here.
rwp@James:5:12 @{Above all things} (\pro pant“n\). No connection with what immediately precedes. Probably an allusion to the words of Jesus (Matthew:5:34-37|). It is not out of place here. See the same phrase in kjv@1Peter:4:8|. Robinson (_Ephesians_, p. 279) cites like examples from the papyri at the close of letters. Here it means "But especially" (Ropes). {Swear not} (\mˆ omnuete\). Prohibition of the habit (or to quit doing it if guilty) with \mˆ\ and the present active imperative of \omnu“\. The various oaths (profanity) forbidden (\mˆte\, thrice) are in the accusative case after \omnuete\, according to rule (\ouranon, gˆn, horkon\). The Jews were wont to split hairs in their use of profanity, and by avoiding God's name imagine that they were not really guilty of this sin, just as professing Christians today use "pious oaths" which violate the prohibition of Jesus. {Let be} (\ˆt“\). Imperative active third singular of \eimi\, late form (1Corinthians:16:22|) for \est“\. "Your yea be yea" (and no more). A different form from that in kjv@Matthew:5:37|. {That ye fall not under judgment} (\hina mˆ hupo krisin pesˆte\). Negative purpose with \hina mˆ\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \pipt“\, to fall. See \hina mˆ krithˆte\ in verse 9|. \Krisis\ (from \krin“\) is the act of judging rather than the judgment rendered (\krima\ kjv@James:3:1|).
rwp@John:1:38 @{Turned} (\strapheis\). Second aorist passive participle of \streph“\, vividly picturing the sudden act of Jesus on hearing their steps behind him. {Beheld} (\theasamenos\). First aorist middle participle of \theaomai\ (verse 32|). Both participles here express antecedent action to \legei\ (saith). {Following} (\akolothountas\). Present active participle of \akolouthe“\ (verse 37|). It was Christ's first experience of this kind and the two came from the Baptist to Jesus. {What seek ye?} (\Ti zˆteite;\). Not "whom" (\tina\ 18:4; 20:15|), but "what purpose have you." The first words of Jesus preserved in this Gospel. See kjv@Luke:2:49; kjv@Matthew:3:15| for words spoken before this and kjv@Mark:1:15| for Mark's first report in the Galilean ministry. {Rabbi} (\Rabbei\). Aramaic title for "Teacher" which John here translates by \Didaskale\ as he is writing late and for general readers. Luke, a Greek Christian, does not use it, but John recalls his first use of this term to Jesus and explains it. Matthew has it only in the greeting of Judas to the Master (Matthew:26:25,49|) and Mark once by Judas (Mark:14:45|) and twice by Peter (Mark:9:5; 11:21|). John's Gospel has the disciples at first addressing Jesus by Rabbi while others address him by \Kurie\ (Lord or Sir) as in 4:11,49; 5:7|. Peter uses \Kurie\ in 6:68|. In the end the disciples usually say \Kurie\ (13:6,25|, etc.), but Mary Magdalene says \Rabbounei\ (20:16|). {Being interpreted} (\methermˆmeuomenon\). Present passive participle of \methermˆneu“\, late compound of \meta\ and \hermˆneu“\, to explain (John:1:42|), old word from \Hermes\, the god of speech (hermeneutics). John often explains Aramaic words (1:38,41,42; 4:25; 9:7|, etc.). {Where abidest thou?} (\Pou meneis;\). They wished a place for quiet converse with Jesus.
rwp@John:2:17 @{Remembered} (\emnˆsthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \mimnˆsk“\, to remind, "were reminded." Westcott notes the double effect of this act as is true of Christ's words and deeds all through John's Gospel. The disciples are helped, the traders are angered. {That it is written} (\hoti gegrammenon estin\). Periphrastic perfect passive indicative of \graph“\ retained in indirect discourse (assertion). {The zeal of thine house} (\ho zˆlos tou oikou sou\). Objective genitive. "The zeal for thy house." {Shall eat me up} (\kataphagetai me\). Future middle indicative of \katesthi“\, defective verb, to eat down ("up" we say), perfective use of \kata-\. This future \phagomai\ is from the second aorist \ephagon\. It is a quotation from kjv@Psalms:69:9|, frequently quoted in the N.T.
rwp@John:3:5 @{Of water and the Spirit} (\ex hudatos kai pneumatos\). Nicodemus had failed utterly to grasp the idea of the spiritual birth as essential to entrance into the Kingdom of God. He knew only Jews as members of that kingdom, the political kingdom of Pharisaic hope which was to make all the world Jewish (Pharisaic) under the King Messiah. Why does Jesus add \ex hudatos\ here? In verse 3| we have "\an“then\" (from above) which is repeated in verse 7|, while in verse 8| we have only \ek tou pneumatos\ (of the Spirit) in the best manuscripts. Many theories exist. One view makes baptism, referred to by \ex hudatos\ (coming up out of water), essential to the birth of the Spirit, as the means of obtaining the new birth of the Spirit. If so, why is water mentioned only once in the three demands of Jesus (3,5,7|)? Calvin makes water and Spirit refer to the one act (the cleansing work of the Spirit). Some insist on the language in verse 6| as meaning the birth of the flesh coming in a sac of water in contrast to the birth of the Spirit. One wonders after all what was the precise purpose of Jesus with Nicodemus, the Pharisaic ceremonialist, who had failed to grasp the idea of spiritual birth which is a commonplace to us. By using water (the symbol before the thing signified) first and adding Spirit, he may have hoped to turn the mind of Nicodemus away from mere physical birth and, by pointing to the baptism of John on confession of sin which the Pharisees had rejected, to turn his attention to the birth from above by the Spirit. That is to say the mention of "water" here may have been for the purpose of helping Nicodemus without laying down a fundamental principle of salvation as being by means of baptism. Bernard holds that the words \hudatos kai\ (water and) do not belong to the words of Jesus, but "are a gloss, added to bring the saying of Jesus into harmony with the belief and practice of a later generation." Here Jesus uses \eiselthein\ (enter) instead of \idein\ (see) of verse 3|, but with the same essential idea (participation in the kingdom).
rwp@John:3:14 @{Moses lifted up the serpent} (\M“usˆs hups“sen ton ophin\). Reference to kjv@Numbers:21:7ff.| where Moses set the brazen serpent upon the standard that those who believed might look and live. Jesus draws a vivid parallel between the act of Moses and the Cross on which he himself (the Son of man) "must" (\dei\, one of the heavenly things) "be lifted up" (\hups“thˆnai\, first aorist passive infinitive of \hupso“\, a word not used about the brazen serpent). In John \hupso“\ always refers to the Cross (8:28; 12:32,34|) the Ascension in Acts... (Acts:2:33; 5:31|). Jesus is complimenting the standing and intelligence of Nicodemus as "the teacher of Israel" by telling him this great truth and fact that lies at the basis of the work of the kingdom of God (the atoning death of Christ on the Cross).
rwp@John:4:1 @{When therefore} (\H“s oun\). Reference to 3:22f|. the work of the Baptist and the jealousy of his disciples. \Oun\ is very common in John's Gospel in such transitions. {The Lord} (\ho Kurios\). Songs:the best manuscripts (Neutral Alexandrian), though the Western class has \ho Iˆsous\. Mark usually has \ho Iˆsous\ and Luke often \ho Kurios\. In the narrative portion of John we have usually \ho Iˆsous\, but \ho Kurios\ in five passages (4:1; 6:23; 11:2; 20:20; 21:12|). There is no reason why John should not apply \ho Kurios\ to Jesus in the narrative sections as well as Luke. Bernard argues that these are "explanatory glosses," not in the first draft of the Gospel. But why? When John wrote his Gospel he certainly held Jesus to be \Kurios\ (Lord)...wrote both Gospel and Acts This ...{Knew} (\egn“\). Second aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\. The Pharisees knew this obvious fact. It was easy for Jesus to know the attitude of the Pharisees about it (2:24|). Already the Pharisees are suspicious of Jesus. {How that} (\hoti\). Declarative \hoti\ (indirect assertion). {Was making and baptizing more disciples than John} (\pleionas mathˆtas poiei kai baptizei ˆ I“anˆs\). Present active indicative in both verbs retained in indirect discourse. Recall the tremendous success of John's early ministry (Mark:1:5; kjv@Matthew:3:5; kjv@Luke:3:7,15|) in order to see the significance of this statement that Jesus had forged ahead of him in popular favour. Already the Pharisees had turned violently against John who had called them broods of vipers. It is most likely that they drew John out about the marriage of Herod Antipas and got him involved directly with the tetrarch so as to have him cast into prison (Luke:3:19f.|). Josephus (_Ant_. XVIII. v. 2) gives a public reason for this act of Herod Antipas, the fear that John would "raise a rebellion," probably the public reason for his private vengeance as given by Luke. Apparently John was cast into prison, though recently still free (John:3:24|), before Jesus left for Galilee. The Pharisees, with John out of the way, turn to Jesus with envy and hate.
rwp@John:4:11 @{Sir} (\Kurie\). Songs:it has to mean here in the mouth of the Samaritan woman, not Lord. {Thou hast nothing to draw with and the well is deep} (\oute antlˆma echeis kai to phrear estin bathu\). This broken construction of \oute-kai\ (neither--and) occurs in N.T. elsewhere only in kjv@3John:1:10|. \Antlˆma\ (from \antle“\, to draw) is a late word for that which is drawn, then (Plutarch) for the act of drawing, and then for the rope as here to draw with. This well (\phrear\) is 100 feet deep and Jesus had no rope. The bucket of skin ("with three cross sticks at the mouth to keep it open," Vincent) was kept at the well to be let down by a goat's hair rope. {That living water} (\to hud“r to z“n\). "The water the living," with the article referring to the language of Jesus in verse 10|. She is still thinking only of literal water.
rwp@John:4:32 @{Meat} (\br“sin\). Originally the act of eating (Romans:14:17|) from \bibr“sk“\, but soon and commonly as that which is eaten like \br“ma\ once in John (verse 34|). Songs:here and 6:27,55|. Cf. vernacular English "good eating," "good eats." {I ... ye} (\eg“ ... humeis\). Emphatic contrast. Spiritual food Jesus had.
rwp@John:5:9 @{Took up his bed and walked} (\ˆre ton krabatton autou kai periepatei\). The same distinction in tenses in the same verbs preserved, punctiliar action in \ˆre\ (first aorist active of \air“\, took it up at once) and linear act (imperfect active of \peripate“\, went on walking). {The sabbath on that day} (\sabbaton en ekeinˆi tˆi hˆmerƒi\). The first of the violations of the Sabbath rules of the Jews by Jesus in Jerusalem that led to so much bitterness (cf. 9:14,16|). This controversy will spread to Galilee on Christ's return there (Mark:2:23-3:6; kjv@Matthew:12:1-14; kjv@Luke:6:1-11|).
rwp@John:6:27 @{Work not for} (\mˆ ergazesthe\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and present middle imperative of \ergazomai\, old verb from \ergon\, work. {The meat} (\tˆn br“sin\). The act of eating (Romans:14:17|), corrosion (Matthew:6:19|), the thing eaten as here (2Corinthians:9:10|). See on ¯John:4:32|. {Which perisheth} (\tˆn apollumenˆn\). Present middle participle of \apollumi\. They were already hungry again. {Unto eternal life} (\eis z“ˆn ai“nion\). Mystical metaphor quite beyond this crowd hungry only for more loaves and fishes. Bernard thinks that John has here put together various sayings of Christ to make one discourse, a gratuitous interpretation. {Will give} (\d“sei\). Future active indicative of \did“mi\. The outcome is still future and will be decided by their attitude towards the Son of man (verse 51|). {For him the Father, even God, hath sealed} (\touton gar ho patˆr esphragisen ho theos\). Literally, "For this one the Father sealed, God." First aorist active indicative of \sphragiz“\, to seal. See elsewhere in kjv@John:3:33| (attestation by man). Sealing by God is rare in N.T. (2Corinthians:1:22; kjv@Ephesians:1:13; 4:30|). It is not clear to what item, if any single one, John refers when the Father set his seal of approval on the Son. It was done at his baptism when the Holy Spirit came upon him and the Father spoke to him. Cf. 5:37|.
rwp@John:6:28 @{What must we do?} (\Ti poi“men;\). Present active deliberative subjunctive of \poie“\, "What are we to do as a habit?" For the aorist subjunctive (\poiˆs“men\) in a like question for a single act see kjv@Luke:3:10|. For the present indicative (\poioumen\) of inquiry concerning actual conduct see kjv@John:11:47| (what are we doing?). {That we may work the works of God} (\hina ergaz“metha ta erga tou theou\). Final clause with \hina\ and the present middle subjunctive, "that we may go on working the works of God." There may have been an element of vague sincerity in this question in spite of their supercilious attitude.
rwp@John:6:35 @{I am the bread of life} (\Eg“ eimi ho artos tˆs z“ˆs\). This sublime sentence was startling in the extreme to the crowd. Philo does compare the manna to the \theios logos\ in an allegorical sense, but this language is far removed from Philo's vagueness. In the Synoptics (Mark:14:22; kjv@Matthew:26:26; kjv@Luke:22:19|) Jesus uses bread (\artos\) as the symbol of his body in the Lord's Supper, but here Jesus offers himself in place of the loaves and fishes which they had come to seek (24,26|). He is the bread of life in two senses: it has life in itself, the living bread (51|), and it gives life to others like the water of life, the tree of life. John often has Jesus saying "I am" (\eg“ eimi\). As also in 6:41,48,51; 8:12; 10:7,9,11,14; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1,5|. {He that cometh to me} (\ho erchomenos pros eme\). The first act of the soul in approaching Jesus. See also verse 37|. {Shall not hunger} (\ou mˆ peinasˆi\). Strong double negative \ou me\ with first aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive, "shall not become hungry." {He that believeth on me} (\ho pisteu“n eis eme\). The continuous relation of trust after coming like \pisteuˆte\ (present tense) in verse 29|. See both verbs used together also in 7:37f|. {Shall never thirst} (\ou mˆ dipsˆsei p“pote\). Songs:the old MSS. the future active indicative instead of the aorist subjunctive as above, an even stronger form of negation with \p“pote\ (1:18|) added.
rwp@John:7:50 @{Nicodemus} (\Nikodˆmos\). Not heard from since chapter 3 when he timidly came to Jesus by night. Now he boldly protests against the injustice of condemning Jesus unheard. He appears once more (and only in John) in 19:39| with Joseph of Arimathea as a secret disciple of Jesus. He is a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin and his present act is courageous. {Saith} (\legei\). Dramatic present active indicative as in 2:3|. {Before} (\proteron\). This is genuine, a reference to the visit in chapter 3, but \nuktos\ (by night) is not genuine here. {Being one of them} (\heis “n ex aut“n\). As a member of the Sanhedrin he takes up the challenge in verse 48|. He is both ruler and Pharisee.
rwp@John:8:4 @{Hath been taken} (\kateilˆptai\). Perfect passive indicative of \katalamban“\ (see verse 3|), caught and still guilty. {In adultery} (\moicheuomenˆ\). Present passive participle of \moicheu“\, "herself suffering adultery" (Matthew:5:32|). Used of married people. Not in John. {In the very act} (\ep' autoph“r“i\). Old adjective (\autoph“ros, autos\, self, and \ph“r\, thief) caught in the act of theft, then extended to any crime in which one is caught. Old idiom, but not elsewhere in the Greek Bible. One example in a Berlin papyrus.
rwp@John:11:2 @{And it was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair} (\ˆn de Mariam hˆ aleipsasa ton kurion mur“i kai ekmaxasa tous podas autou tais thrixin autˆs\). This description is added to make plainer who Mary is "whose brother Lazarus was sick" (\hˆs ho adelphos Lazaros ˆsthenei\). There is an evident proleptic allusion to the incident described by John in 12:1-8| just after chapter 11. As John looks back from the end of the century it was all behind him, though the anointing (\hˆ aleipsasa\, first aorist active articular participle of \aleiph“\, old verb for which see kjv@Mark:6:13|) took place after the events in chapter 11. The aorist participle is timeless and merely pictures the punctiliar act. The same remark applies to \ekmaxasa\, old verb \ekmass“\, to wipe off or away (Isaiah:12:3; 13:5; kjv@Luke:7:38,44|). Note the Aramaic form \Mariam\ as usual in John, but \Marias\ in verse 1|. When John wrote, it was as Jesus had foretold (Matthew:26:13|), for the fame of Mary of Bethany rested on the incident of the anointing of Jesus. The effort to link Mary of Bethany with Mary Magdalene and then both names with the sinful woman of kjv@Luke:7:36-50| is gratuitous and to my mind grotesque and cruel to the memory of both Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene. Bernard may be taken as a specimen: "The conclusion is inevitable that John (or his editor) regarded Mary of Bethany as the same person who is described by Luke as \hamart“los\." This critical and artistic heresy has already been discussed in Vol. II on Luke's Gospel. Suffice it here to say that Luke introduces Mary Magdalene as an entirely new character in 8:2| and that the details in kjv@Luke:7:36-50; kjv@John:12:1-8| have only superficial resemblances and serious disagreements. John is not here alluding to Luke's record, but preparing for his own in chapter 12. What earthly difficulty is there in two different women under wholly different circumstances doing a similar act for utterly different purposes?
rwp@John:11:20 @{That Jesus was coming} (\hoti Iˆsous erchetai\). Present middle indicative retained in indirect discourse after the secondary tense \ˆkousen\ (first aorist active). {Went and met him} (\hupˆntˆsen aut“i\). First aorist (ingressive) active indicative of \hupanta“\, old compound verb, to go to meet (Matthew:8:28|) with the associative instrumental case \aut“i\. {But Mary still sat in the house} (\Mariam de en t“i oik“i ekathezeto\). Imperfect middle of \kathezomai\, old verb to sit down, graphic picture of Mary, "while Mary was sitting in the house." Both Martha and Mary act true to form here as in kjv@Luke:10:38-42|.
rwp@John:11:32 @{Fell down at his feet} (\epesen autou pros tous podas\). Second aorist active of \pipt“\, to fall. Note unusual position of \autou\. This impulsive act like Mary. She said precisely what Martha had said to Jesus (verse 21|). But she said no more, only wept (verse 33|).
rwp@John:12:3 @{A pound} (\litran\). Latin _libra_, late _Koin‚_ (Polybius, Plutarch) word with weight of 12 ounces, in N.T. only here and 19:39|. Mark (Mark:14:3|) and Matthew (Matthew:26:7|) have alabaster cruse. {Of ointment of spikenard} (\murou nardou pistikˆs\). "Of oil of nard." See already 11:2| for \murou\ (also kjv@Matthew:26:7|). Nard is the head or spike of an East Indian plant, very fragrant. Occurs also in kjv@Mark:14:3|. \Pistikˆs\ here and in kjv@Mark:14:3| probably means genuine (\pistikos\, from \pistos\, reliable). Only two instances in the N.T. {Very precious} (\polutimou\). Old compound adjective (\polus\, much, \timˆ\), in N.T. only here, kjv@Matthew:13:46; kjv@1Peter:1:7|. Mark has \polutelous\ (very costly). Matthew (Matthew:26:7|) has here \barutimou\ of weighty value (only N.T. instance). {Anointed} (\ˆleipsen\). First aorist active indicative of \aleiph“\, old word (Mark:16:1|). {The feet} (\tous podas\). Mark (Mark:14:3|) and Matthew (Matthew:26:7|) have "his head." Why not both, though neither Gospel mentions both? The Latin MS. _fuldensis_ and the Syriac Sinatic do give both head and feet here. {Wiped} (\exemaxen\). First aorist active indicative of \ekmass“\, old verb to wipe off already in 11:2; kjv@Luke:7:38,44|. {With her hair} (\tais thrixin autˆs\). Instrumental plural. It is this item that is relied on largely by those who identify Mary of Bethany with the sinful woman in Luke 7 and with Mary Magdalene. It is no doubt true that it was usually considered immodest for a woman to wear her hair loose. But it is not impossible that Mary of Bethany in her carefully planned love-offering for Jesus on this occasion was only glad to throw such a punctilio to the winds. Such an act on this occasion does not brand her a woman of loose character. {Was filled with the odour of the ointment} (\eplˆr“thˆ ek tˆs osmˆs tou murou\). Effective first aorist passive of \plˆro“\ and a natural result.
rwp@John:12:4 @{Judas Iscariot} (\Ioudas ho Iskari“tˆs\). See \ho Iskari“tˆs\ in 14:22|. See 6:71; 13:1| for like description of Judas save that in 6:71| the father's name is given in the genitive, \Sim“nos\ and \Iskari“tou\ (agreeing with the father), but in 13:1| \Iskari“tˆs\ agrees with \Ioudas\, not with \Sim“nos\. Clearly then both father and son were called "Iscariot" or man of Kerioth in the tribe of Judah (Joshua:15:25|). Judas is the only one of the twelve not a Galilean. {One of his disciples} (\heis t“n mathˆt“n autou\). Likewise in 6:71|, only there \ek\ is used after \heis\ as some MSS. have here. This is the shameful fact that clung to the name of Judas. {Which should betray him} (\ho mell“n auton paradidonai\). John does not say in 6:71| (\emellen paradidonai auton\) or here that Judas "was predestined to betray Jesus" as Bernard suggests. He had his own responsibility for his guilt as Jesus said (Matthew:26:24|). \Mell“\ here simply points to the act as future, not as necessary. Note the contrast between Mary and Judas. "Mary in her devotion unconsciously provides for the honour of the dead. Judas in his selfishness unconsciously brings about the death itself" (Westcott).
rwp@John:12:8 @{Ye have always} (\pantote echete\). Jesus does not discredit gifts to the poor at all. But there is relativity in one's duties. {But me ye have not always} (\eme de ou pantote echete\). This is what Mary perceived with her delicate woman's intuition and what the apostles failed to understand though repeatedly and plainly told by Jesus. John does not mention the precious promise of praise for Mary preserved in kjv@Mark:14:9; kjv@Matthew:26:13|, but he does show her keen sympathetic insight and Christ's genuine appreciation of her noble deed. It is curiously \mal-a-propos\ surely to put alongside this incident the other incident told long before by Luke (Luke:7:35ff.|) of the sinful woman. Let Mary alone in her glorious act of love.
rwp@John:13:8 @{Thou shalt never wash my feet} (\ou mˆ nipsˆis mou tous podas eis ton ai“na\). Strong double negative \ou mˆ\ with first aorist active subjunctive of \nipt“\ with \eis ton ai“na\ (for ever) added and \mou\ (my) made emphatic by position. Peter's sudden humility should settle the issue, he felt. {If I wash thee not} (\ean mˆ nips“ se\). Third-class condition with \ean mˆ\ (negative). Jesus picks up the challenge of Peter whose act amounted to irreverence and want of confidence. "The first condition of discipleship is self-surrender" (Westcott). Songs:"Jesus, waiting with the basin" (Dods), concludes. {Thou hast no part with me} (\ouk echeis meros met' emou\). Not simply here at the supper with its fellowship, but in the deeper sense of mystic fellowship as Peter was quick to see. Jesus does not make foot-washing essential to spiritual fellowship, but simply tests Peter's real pride and mock-humility by this symbol of fellowship.
rwp@John:16:28 @{I came out from the Father} (\exˆlthon ek tou patros\). Definite act (aorist), the Incarnation, with repetition of \ek\ (out of), while in verse 27| we have \para tou patros exˆlthon\) with no practical distinction between \ek\ and \para\ in resultant idea. {Amos:come} (\elˆlutha\). Perfect active indicative of \erchomai\, as in 18:37|. The Incarnation is now a permanent fact, once only a blessed hope (11:27|). His leaving the world and going to the Father does not set aside the fact of the Incarnation. Both \aphiˆmi\ (I leave) and \poreuomai\ (I go) are futuristic present indicatives.
rwp@John:17:19 @{I sanctify myself} (\eg“ hagiaz“ emauton\). To his holy ministry to which the Father "sanctified" (\hˆgiasen\) him (John:10:36|). {That they themselves also may be sanctified in truth} (\hina “sin kai autoi hˆgiasmenoi en alˆtheiƒi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the periphrastic perfect passive subjunctive of \hagiaz“\ (that they may remain sanctified). The act of Christ helps us, but by no means takes the place of personal consecration on the part of the believer. This high and holy prayer and act of Christ should shame any one who uses the livery of heaven to serve the devil in as does, alas, sometimes happen (2Corinthians:11:13-15|).
rwp@John:18:5 @{Was standing} (\histˆkei\). Second past perfect active of \histˆmi\ used as imperfect, a vivid picture of Judas in the very act of betraying Jesus. John does not mention the kiss by Judas as a sign to the soldiers and police. Tatian suggests that it came before verse 4|. Then Jesus stepped forth and affirmed that he was the one whom they were seeking.
rwp@John:18:10 @{Having a sword} (\ech“n machairan\). It was unlawful to carry a weapon on a feast-day, but Peter had become alarmed at Christ's words about his peril. They had two swords or knives in the possession of the eleven according to Luke (22:38|). After the treacherous kiss of Judas (on the hand or the cheek?) the disciples asked: "Lord, shall we smite with the sword?" (Luke:22:49|). Apparently before Jesus could answer Peter with his usual impulsiveness jerked out (\heilkusen\, first aorist active indicative of \helku“\ for which see 6:44|) his sword and cut off the right ear of Malchus (John:18:10|), a servant of the high priest. Peter missed the man's head as he swerved to his left. Luke also (Luke:22:50|) mentions the detail of the right ear, but John alone mentions the man's name and Peter's. There was peril to Peter in his rash act as comes out later (John:18:26|), but he was dead long before John wrote his Gospel as was Lazarus of whom John could also safely write (12:9-11|). For \“tarion\, diminutive of \ous\, see kjv@Mark:14:47| (only other N.T. example), another diminutive \“tion\ in kjv@Matthew:26:51| (Mark:14:47; kjv@Luke:22:51|).
rwp@John:19:1 @{Took and scourged} (\elaben kai emastig“sen\). First aorist active indicative of \lamban“\ and \mastigo“\ (from \mastix\, whip). For this redundant use of \lamban“\ see also verse 6|. It is the causative use of \mastigo“\, for Pilate did not actually scourge Jesus. He simply ordered it done, perhaps to see if the mob would be satisfied with this penalty on the alleged pretender to royalty (Luke:23:22|) whom Pilate had pronounced innocent (John:18:38|), an illegal act therefore. It was a preliminary to crucifixion, but Jesus was not yet condemned. The Sanhedrin had previously mocked Jesus (Mark:14:65; kjv@Matthew:26:67f.; kjv@Luke:22:63ff.|) as the soldiers will do later (Mark:15:16-19; kjv@Matthew:27:27-30|). This later mock coronation (Mark and Matthew) was after the condemnation. {Plaited a crown of thorns} (\plexantes stephanon ex akanth“n\). Old verb \plek“\, to weave, in the N.T. only here, kjv@Mark:15:17; kjv@Matthew:27:19|. Not impossible for the mock coronation to be repeated. {Arrayed him} (\periebalon auton\). "Placed around him" (second aorist active indicative of \periball“\). {In a purple garment} (\himation porphuroun\). Old adjective \porphureos\ from \porphura\, purple cloth (Mark:15:17,20|), dyed in purple, in the N.T. only here and kjv@Revelation:18:16|. Jesus had been stripped of his outer garment \himation\ (Matthew:27:28|) and the scarlet cloak of one of the soldiers may have been put on him (Matthew:27:28|).
rwp@John:19:12 @{Sought} (\ezˆtei\). Imperfect active, "kept on seeking," "made renewed efforts to release him." He was afraid to act boldly against the will of the Jews. {If thou release this man} (\ean touton apolusˆis\). Condition of third class, a direct threat to Pilate. He knew all the time that the Sanhedrin might tell Caesar on him. {Thou art not Caesar's friend} (\ouk ei philos tou kaisaros\). Later to Vespasian this was an official title, here simply a daring threat to Pilate. {Speaketh against Caesar} (\antilegei t“i kaisari\). Caesar brooks no rival. Jesus had allowed himself to be acclaimed king of Israel in the Triumphal Entry (John:12:13; kjv@Mark:11:10; kjv@Luke:19:38|). The Sanhedrin have caught Pilate in their toils.
rwp@Jude:1:11 @{Woe to them} (\ouai autois\). Interjection with the dative as is common in the Gospels (Matthew:11:21|). {Went} (\eporeuthˆsan\). First aorist passive (deponent) indicative of \poreuomai\. {In the way of Cain} (\tˆi hod“i tou Kain\). Locative case \hod“i\. Cain is Jude's fourth example. Not in II Peter, but in kjv@Hebrews:11:4; kjv@1John:3:11f|. From kjv@Genesis:4:7|. {Ran riotously} (\exechuthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \ekche“\, to pour out, "they were poured out," vigorous metaphor for excessive indulgence. But it is used also of God's love for us (Romans:5:5|). {In the error of Balaam} (\tˆi planˆi tou Balaam\). The fifth example in Jude. In II Peter also (2Peter:2:15|). Either locative case (in) or instrumental (by). \Planˆ\ (in Peter also) is the common word for such wandering (Matthew:24:4ff.|, etc.). {Perished} (\ap“lonto\). Second aorist middle (intransitive) of \apollumi\. {In the gainsaying of Korah} (\tˆi antilogiƒi tou Kore\). Again either locative or instrumental. The word \antilogia\ is originally answering back (Hebrews:6:16|), but it may be by act also (Romans:10:21|) as here. This is the sixth example in Jude, not in II Peter.
rwp@Jude:1:15 @{To execute judgment} (\poiˆsai krisin\). "To do justice." {To convict} (\elegxai\). First aorist (effective) active infinitive like \poiˆsai\ before it. {Ungodly} (\asebeis\). See verse 4| and end of this verse. {Of ungodliness} (\asebeias\). Old word as in kjv@Romans:1:18|, plural in kjv@Jude:1:18| as in kjv@Romans:11:26|. {Which} (\h“n\). Genitive by attraction from \ha\ (cognate accusative with \ˆsebˆsan\, old verb, to act impiously, here alone in N.T. save some MSS. in kjv@2Peter:2:6|) to agree with the antecedent \erg“n\ (deeds). {Hard things} (\sklˆr“n\). Harsh, rough things as in kjv@John:6:60|. {Which} (\h“n\). Genitive by attraction from \ha\ (object of \elalˆsan\, first aorist active indicative of \lale“\) to the case of the antecedent \sklˆr“n\. Four times in this verse as a sort of refrain \asebeis\ (twice), \asebeias, ˆsebˆsan\.
rwp@Luke:3:6 @{All flesh} (\pƒsa sarx\). Used in the N.T. of the human race alone, though in the LXX brutes are included. {The salvation of God} (\to sotˆrion tou theou\). The saving act of God. This phrase aptly describes Luke's Gospel which has in mind the message of Christ for all men. It is the universal Gospel.
rwp@Luke:4:7 @{Wilt worship before me} (\proskunˆsˆis en“pion emou\). kjv@Matthew:4:9| has it more bluntly "worship me." That is what it really comes to, though in Luke the matter is more delicately put. It is a condition of the third class (\ean\ and the subjunctive). Luke has it "thou therefore if" (\su oun ean\), in a very emphatic and subtle way. It is the ingressive aorist (\proskunˆsˆis\), just bow the knee once up here in my presence. The temptation was for Jesus to admit Satan's authority by this act of prostration (fall down and worship), a recognition of authority rather than of personal merit. {It shall all be thine} (\estai sou pƒsa\). Satan offers to turn over all the keys of world power to Jesus. It was a tremendous grand-stand play, but Jesus saw at once that in that case he would be the agent of Satan in the rule of the world by bargain and graft instead of the Son of God by nature and world ruler by conquest over Satan. The heart of Satan's program is here laid bare. Jesus here rejected the Jewish idea of the Messiah as an earthly ruler merely. "He rejects Satan as an ally, and thereby has him as an implacable enemy" (Plummer.)
rwp@Luke:6:29 @{On the cheek} (\epi tˆn siagona\). kjv@Matthew:5:39| has "right." Old word meaning jaw or jawbone, but in the N.T. only here and kjv@Matthew:5:39|, which see for discussion. It seems an act of violence rather than contempt. Sticklers for extreme literalism find trouble with the conduct of Jesus in kjv@John:18:22f.| where Jesus, on receiving a slap in the face, protested against it. {Thy cloke} (\to himation\), {thy coat} (\ton chit“na\). Here the upper and more valuable garment (\himation\) is first taken, the under and less valuable \chit“n\ last. In kjv@Matthew:5:40| the process (apparently a legal one) is reversed. {Withhold not} (\mˆ k“lusˆis\). Aorist subjunctive in prohibition against committing an act. Do not hinder him in his robbing. It is usually useless anyhow with modern armed bandits.
rwp@Luke:6:45 @{Bringeth forth} (\propherei\). In a similar saying repeated later. kjv@Matthew:12:34f.| has the verb \ekballei\ (throws out, casts out), a bolder figure. "When men are natural, heart and mouth act in concert. But otherwise the mouth sometimes professes what the heart does not feel" (Plummer).
rwp@Luke:7:38 @{Standing behind at his feet} (\stƒsa opis“ para tous podas autou\). Second aorist active participle from \histˆmi\ and intransitive, first aorist \estˆsa\ being transitive. The guest removed his sandals before the meal and he reclined on the left side with the feet outward. She was standing beside (\para\) his feet {weeping} (\klaiousa\). She was drawn irresistibly by gratitude to Jesus and is overcome with emotion before she can use the ointment; her tears (\tois dakrusin\, instrumental case of \dakru\) take the place of the ointment. {Wiped them with the hair of her head} (\tais thrixin tˆs kephalˆs autˆs exemassen\). Inchoative imperfect of an old verb \ekmass“\, to rub out or off, began to wipe off, an act of impulse evidently and of embarrassment. "Among the Jews it was a shameful thing for a woman to let down her hair in public; but she makes this sacrifice" (Plummer). Songs:Mary of Bethany wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair (John:12:3|) with a similar sacrifice out of her great love for Jesus. This fact is relied on by some to prove that Mary of Bethany had been a woman of bad character, surely an utter failure to recognize Mary's motive and act. {Kissed} (\katephilei\). Imperfect active of \kataphile“\, to kiss repeatedly (force of \kata\), and accented by the tense of continued action here. The word in the N.T. occurs here, of the prodigal's father (15:20|), of the kiss of Judas (Mark:14:45; kjv@Matthew:26:49|), of the Ephesian elders (Acts:20:37|). " Kissing the feet was a common mark of deep reverence, especially to leading rabbis" (Plummer). {Anointed them with the ointment} (\ˆleiphen t“i mur“i\). Imperfect active again of \aleiph“\, a very common verb. \Chri“\ has a more religious sense. The anointing came after the burst of emotional excitement.
rwp@Luke:10:37 @{On him} (\met' autou\). With him, more exactly. The lawyer saw the point and gave the correct answer, but he gulped at the word "Samaritan" and refused to say that. {Do thou} (\su poiei\). Emphasis on "thou." Would this Jewish lawyer act the neighbour to a Samaritan? This parable of the Good Samaritan has built the world's hospitals and, if understood and practised, will remove race prejudice, national hatred and war, class jealousy.
rwp@Luke:10:40 @{Was cumbered} (\periespƒto\). Imperfect passive of \perispa“\, an old verb with vivid metaphor, to draw around. One has sometimes seen women whose faces are literally drawn round with anxiety, with a permanent twist, distracted in mind and in looks. {She came up to him} (\epistƒsa\). Second aorist active participle of \ephistˆmi\, an old verb to place upon, but in the N.T. only in the middle voice or the intransitive tenses of the active (perfect and second aorist as here). It is the ingressive aorist here and really means. stepping up to or bursting in or upon Jesus. It is an explosive act as is the speech of Martha. {Dost thou not care} (\ou melei soi\). This was a reproach to Jesus for monopolizing Mary to Martha's hurt. {Did leave me} (\me kateleipen\). Imperfect active, she kept on leaving me. {Bid her} (\eipon autˆi\). Late form instead of \eipe\, second aorist active imperative, common in the papyri. Martha feels that Jesus is the key to Mary's help. {That she help me} (\hina moi sunantilabˆtai\). Sub-final use of \hina\ with second aorist middle subjunctive of \sunantilambanomai\, a double compound verb (\sun\, with, \anti\, at her end of the line, and \lambanomai\, middle voice of \lamban“\, to take hold), a late compound appearing in the LXX, Diodorus and Josephus. Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 87) finds it in many widely scattered inscriptions "throughout the whole extent of the Hellenistic world of the Mediterranean." It appears only twice in the N.T. (here and kjv@Romans:8:26|). It is a beautiful word, to take hold oneself (middle voice) at his end of the task (\anti\) together with (\sun\) one.
rwp@Luke:11:49 @{The wisdom of God} (\hˆ sophia tou theou\). In kjv@Matthew:23:34| Jesus uses "I send" (\eg“ apostell“\) without this phrase "the wisdom of God." There is no book to which it can refer. Jesus is the wisdom of God as Paul shows (1Corinthians:1:30|), but it is hardly likely that he so describes himself here. Probably he means that God in his wisdom said, but even so "Jesus here speaks with confident knowledge of the Divine counsels" (Plummer). See kjv@Luke:10:22; 15:7,10|. Here the future tense occurs, "I will send" (\apostel“\). {Some of them} (\ex aut“n\). No "some" (\tinas\) in the Greek, but understood. They will act as their fathers did. They will kill and persecute.
rwp@Luke:14:16 @{Made} (\epoiei\). Imperfect active, was on the point of making (inchoative). {Great supper} (\deipnon\). Or dinner, a formal feast. Jesus takes up the conventional remark of the guest and by this parable shows that such an attitude was no guarantee of godliness (Bruce). This parable of the marriage of the King's son (Luke:14:15-24|) has many points of likeness to the parable of the wedding garment (Matthew:22:1-14|) and as many differences also. The occasions are very different, that in Matthew grows out of the attempt to arrest Jesus while this one is due to the pious comment of a guest at the feast and the wording is also quite different. Hence we conclude that they are distinct parables. {And he bade many} (\kai ekalesen pollous\). Aorist active, a distinct and definite act following the imperfect \epoiei\.
rwp@Luke:14:25 @{And he turned} (\kai strapheis\). Second aorist passive participle of \streph“\, common verb. It is a dramatic act on the part of Jesus, a deliberate effort to check the wild and unthinking enthusiasm of the crowds who followed just to be following. Note "many multitudes" (\ochloi polloi\) and the imperfect tense \suneporeuonto\, were going along with him.
rwp@Luke:15:18 @{I will arise and go} (\anastas proreusomai\). This determination is the act of the will after he comes to himself and sees his real condition. {I did sin} (\hˆmarton\). That is the hard word to say and he will say it first. The word means to miss the mark. I shot my bolt and I missed my aim (compare the high-handed demand in verse 12|).
rwp@Luke:16:31 @{Neither will they be persuaded} (\oud' peisthˆsontai\). First future passive of \peith“\. Gressmann calls attention to the fact that Jesus is saying this in the conclusion of the parable. It is a sharp discouragement against efforts today to communicate with the dead. "Saul was not led to repentance when he saw Samuel at Endor nor were the Pharisees when they saw Lazarus come forth from the tomb. The Pharisees tried to put Lazarus to death and to explain away the resurrection of Jesus" (Plummer). Alford comments on the curious fact that Lazarus was the name of the one who did rise from the dead but whose return from the dead "was the immediate exciting cause of their (Pharisees) crowning act of unbelief."
rwp@Luke:18:18 @{Ruler} (\arch“n\). Not in kjv@Mark:10:17; kjv@Matthew:19:16|. {What shall I do to inherit?} (\Ti poiˆsas klˆronomˆs“;\). "By doing what shall I inherit?" Aorist active participle and future active indicative. Precisely the same question is asked by the lawyer in kjv@Luke:10:25|. This young man probably thought that by some one act he could obtain eternal life. He was ready to make a large expenditure for it. {Good} (\agathon\). See on ¯Mark:10:17; kjv@Matthew:19:16| for discussion of this adjective for absolute goodness. Plummer observes that no Jewish rabbi was called "good" in direct address. The question of Jesus will show whether it was merely fulsome flattery on the part of the young man or whether he really put Jesus on a par with God. He must at any rate define his attitude towards Christ.
rwp@Luke:21:28 @{Look up} (\anakupsate\). First aorist active imperative of \anakupt“\, to raise up. Here of the soul as in kjv@John:8:7,10|, but in kjv@Luke:13:11| of the body. These the only N.T. examples of this common verb. {Redemption} (\apolutr“sis\). Act of redeeming from \apolutro“\. The final act at the second coming of Christ, a glorious hope.
rwp@Luke:22:26 @{Become} (\ginesth“\). Present middle imperative of \ginomai\. Act so. True greatness is in service, not in rank.
rwp@Luke:22:48 @{With a kiss} (\philˆmati\). Instrumental case. Jesus challenges the act of Judas openly and calls it betrayal, but it did not stop him.
rwp@Luke:23:2 @{Began to accuse} (\ˆrxanto katˆgorein\). They went at it and kept it up. Luke mentions three, but neither of them includes their real reason nor do they mention their own condemnation of Jesus. They had indulged their hatred in doing it, but they no longer have the power of life and death. Hence they say nothing to Pilate of that. {We found} (\heuramen\). Second aorist active indicative with first aorist vowel \a\. Probably they mean that they had caught Jesus in the act of doing these things (_in flagrante delicto_) rather than discovery by formal trial. {Perverting our nation} (\diastrephonta to ethnos hˆm“n\). Present active participle of \diastreph“\...N.T. only here and Acts:...13:10|. The Sanhedrin imply that the great popularity of Jesus was seditious. {Forbidding to give tribute to Caesar}, (\k“luonta phorous kaisari didonai\). Note object infinitive \didonai\ after the participle \k“luonta\. Literally, hindering giving tribute to Caesar. This was a flat untruth. Their bright young students had tried desperately to get Jesus to say this very thing, but they had failed utterly (Luke:20:25|). {Saying that he himself is Christ a king} (\legonta hauton Christon basilea einai\). Note the indirect discourse here after the participle \legonta\ with the accusative (\hauton\ where \auton\ could have been used), and the infinitive. This charge is true, but not in the sense meant by them. Jesus did claim to be the Christ and the king of the kingdom of God. But the Sanhedrin wanted Pilate to think that he set himself up as a rival to Caesar. Pilate would understand little from the word "Christ," but "King" was a different matter. He was compelled to take notice of this charge else he himself would be accused to Caesar of winking at such a claim by Jesus.
rwp@Mark:3:2 @{They watched} (\paretˆroun\). Imperfect tense, were watching on the side (or sly). Luke uses the middle voice, \paretˆrounto\, to accent their personal interest in the proceedings. It was the sabbath day and in the synagogue and they were there ready to catch him in the act if he should dare to violate their rules as he had done in the wheat fields on the previous sabbath. Probably the same Pharisees are present now as then. {That they might accuse him} (\hina katˆgorˆs“sin autou\). Songs:Matthew:12:10|. Luke has it "that they might find how to accuse him" (\hina heur“sin katˆgorein autou\). They were determined to accuse him. The sabbath controversy offered the best opening. Songs:here they are ready for business.
rwp@Mark:3:3 @{Stand forth} (\egeire eis to meson\). Step into the middle of the room where all can see. It was a bold defiance of the Christ's spying enemies. Wycliff rightly puts it: {They aspieden him}. They played the spy on Jesus. One can see the commotion among the long-bearded hypocrites at this daring act of Jesus.
rwp@Mark:11:23 @{Shall not doubt in his heart} (\mˆ diakrithˆi en tˆi kardiƒi autou\). First aorist passive subjunctive with \hos an\. The verb means a divided judgment (\dia\ from \duo\, two, and \krin“\, to judge). Wavering doubt. Not a single act of doubt (\diakrithˆi\), but continued faith (\pisteuˆi\). {Cometh to pass} (\ginetai\). Futuristic present middle indicative.
rwp@Matthew:3:6 @{And they were baptized} (\kai ebaptizonto\). It is the imperfect tense to show the repetition of the act as the crowds from Judea and the surrounding country kept going out to him (\exeporeueto\), imperfect again, a regular stream of folks going forth. Moffatt takes it as causative middle, "got baptized," which is possible. "The movement of course was gradual. It began on a small scale and steadily grew till it reached colossal proportions" (Bruce). It is a pity that baptism is now such a matter of controversy. Let Plummer, the great Church of England commentator on Matthew, speak here of John's baptising these people who came in throngs: "It is his office to bind them to a new life, symbolized by immersion in water." That is correct, symbolized, not caused or obtained. The word "river" is in the correct text, "river Jordan." They came "confessing their sins" (\exomologoumenoi\), probably each one confessing just before he was baptized, "making open confession" (Weymouth). Note \ex\. It was a never to be forgotten scene here in the Jordan. John was calling a nation to a new life. They came from all over Judea and even from the other side of El Ghor (the Jordan Gorge), Perea. Mark adds that finally all Jerusalem came.
rwp@Matthew:4:9 @{All these things will I give thee} (\tauta soi panta d“s“\). The devil claims the rule of the world, not merely of Palestine or of the Roman Empire. "The kingdoms of the cosmos" (4:8|) were under his sway. This word for world brings out the orderly arrangement of the universe while \hˆ oikoumenˆ\ presents the inhabited earth. Jesus does not deny the grip of the devil on the world of men, but the condition (\ean\ and aorist subjunctive, second class undetermined with likelihood of determination), was spurned by Jesus. As Matthew has it Jesus is plainly to "fall down and worship me" (\pes“n prokunˆsˆis moi\), while Luke (Luke:4:7|) puts it, "worship before me" (\en“pion emou\), a less offensive demand, but one that really involved worship of the devil. The ambition of Jesus is thus appealed to at the price of recognition of the devil's primacy in the world. It was compromise that involved surrender of the Son of God to the world ruler of this darkness. "The temptation was threefold: to gain a temporal, not a spiritual, dominion; to gain it at once; and to gain it by an act of homage to the ruler of this world, which would make the self-constituted Messiah the vice-regent of the devil and not of God" (McNeile).
rwp@Matthew:5:43 @{And hate thine enemy} (\kai misˆseis\). This phrase is not in kjv@Leviticus:19:18|, but is a rabbinical inference which Jesus repudiates bluntly. The Talmud says nothing of love to enemies. Paul in kjv@Romans:12:20| quotes kjv@Proverbs:25:22| to prove that we ought to treat our enemies kindly. Jesus taught us to pray for our enemies and did it himself even when he hung upon the cross. Our word "neighbour" is "nigh-bor," one who is nigh or near like the Greek word \plˆsion\ here. But proximity often means strife and not love. Those who have adjoining farms or homes may be positively hostile in spirit. The Jews came to look on members of the same tribe as neighbours as even Jews everywhere. But they hated the Samaritans who were half Jews and lived between Judea and Galilee. Jesus taught men how to act as neighbours by the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke:10:29ff.|).
rwp@Matthew:6:2 @{Sound not a trumpet} (\mˆ salpisˆis\). Is this literal or metaphorical? No actual instance of such conduct has been found in the Jewish writings. McNeile suggests that it may refer to the blowing of trumpets in the streets on the occasion of public fasts. Vincent suggests the thirteen trumpet-shaped chests of the temple treasury to receive contributions (Luke:21:2|). But at Winona Lake one summer a missionary from India named Levering stated to me that he had seen Hindu priests do precisely this very thing to get a crowd to see their beneficences. Songs:it looks as if the rabbis could do it also. Certainly it was in keeping with their love of praise. And Jesus expressly says that "the hypocrites" (\hoi hupokritai\) do this very thing. This is an old word for actor, interpreter, one who personates another, from \hupokrinomai\ to answer in reply like the Attic \apokrinomai\. Then to pretend, to feign, to dissemble, to act the hypocrite, to wear a mask. This is the hardest word that Jesus has for any class of people and he employs it for these pious pretenders who pose as perfect. {They have received their reward} (\apechousin ton misthon aut“n\). This verb is common in the papyri for receiving a receipt, "they have their receipt in full," all the reward that they will get, this public notoriety. "They can sign the receipt of their reward" (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 229). Songs:_Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 110f. \Apochˆ\ means "receipt." Songs:also in 6:5|.
rwp@Matthew:21:29 @{I will not} (\ou thel“\). Songs:many old manuscripts, though the Vatican manuscript (B) has the order of the two sons reversed. Logically the "I, sir" (\eg“, kurie\) suits better for the second son (verse 30|) with a reference to the blunt refusal of the first. Songs:also the manuscripts differ in verse 31| between the first (\ho pr“tos\) and the last (\ho husteros\ or \eschatos\). But the one who actually did the will of the father is the one who {repented and went} (\metamelˆtheis apˆlthen\). This word really means "repent," to be sorry afterwards, and must be sharply distinguished from the word \metanoe“\ used 34 times in the N.T. as in kjv@Matthew:3:2| and \metanoia\ used 24 times as in kjv@Matthew:3:8|. The verb \metamelomai\ occurs in the N.T. only five times (Matthew:21:29,32; 27:3; kjv@2Corinthians:7:8; kjv@Hebrews:7:21| from kjv@Psalms:109:4|). Paul distinguishes sharply between mere sorrow and the act "repentance" which he calls \metanoian\ (2Corinthians:7:9|). In the case of Judas (Matthew:27:3|) it was mere remorse. Here the boy got sorry for his stubborn refusal to obey his father and went and obeyed. Godly sorrow leads to repentance (\metanoian\), but mere sorrow is not repentance.
rwp@Matthew:23:13 @{Hypocrites} (\hupokritai\). This terrible word of Jesus appears first from him in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew:6:2,5,16; 7:5|), then in 15:7| and 22:18|. Here it appears "with terrific iteration" (Bruce) save in the third of the seven woes (23:13,15,23,25,27,29|). The verb in the active (\hupokrin“\) meant to separate slowly or slightly subject to gradual inquiry. Then the middle was to make answer, to take up a part on the stage, to act a part. It was an easy step to mean to feign, to pretend, to wear a masque, to act the hypocrite, to play a part. This hardest word from the lips of Jesus falls on those who were the religious leaders of the Jews (Scribes and Pharisees), who had justified this thunderbolt of wrath by their conduct toward Jesus and their treatment of things high and holy. The _Textus Receptus has eight woes, adding verse 14| which the Revised Version places in the margin (called verse 13| by Westcott and Hort and rejected on the authority of Aleph B D as a manifest gloss from kjv@Mark:12:40| and kjv@Luke:20:47|). The MSS. that insert it put it either before 13 or after 13. Plummer cites these seven woes as another example of Matthew's fondness for the number seven, more fancy than fact for Matthew's Gospel is not the Apocalypse of John. These are all illustrations of Pharisaic saying and not doing (Allen). {Ye shut the kingdom of heaven} (\kleiete tˆn basileian t“n ouran“n\). In kjv@Luke:11:52| the lawyers are accused of keeping the door to the house of knowledge locked and with flinging away the keys so as to keep themselves and the people in ignorance. These custodians of the kingdom by their teaching obscured the way to life. It is a tragedy to think how preachers and teachers of the kingdom of God may block the door for those who try to enter in (\tous eiserchomenous\, conative present middle participle). {Against} (\emprosthen\). Literally, before. These door-keepers of the kingdom slam it shut in men's faces and they themselves are on the outside where they will remain. They hide the key to keep others from going in.
rwp@Matthew:24:26 @{In the wilderness} (\en tˆi erˆm“i\). Like Simon son of Gioras (Josephus, _War_, IV,9,5,&7). {In the inner chambers} (\en tois tameiois\). Like John of Giscala (Josephus, _War_, V,6,1). False Messiahs act the role of the Great Unseen and Unknown.
rwp@Matthew:26:10 @{Why trouble ye the woman?} (\ti kopous parechete tˆi gunaiki?\) A phrase not common in Greek writers, though two examples occur in the papyri for giving trouble. \Kopos\ is from \kopt“\, to beat, smite, cut. It is a beating, trouble, and often work, toil. Jesus champions Mary's act with this striking phrase. It is so hard for some people to allow others liberty for their own personalities to express themselves. It is easy to raise small objections to what we do not like and do not understand. {A good work upon me} (\ergon kalon eis eme\). A beautiful deed upon Jesus himself.
rwp@Matthew:26:15 @{What are ye willing to give me?} (\ti thelete moi dounai?\) This "brings out the _chaffering_ aspect of the transaction" (Vincent). "Mary and Judas extreme opposites: she freely spending in love, he willing to sell his Master for money" (Bruce). And her act of love provoked Judas to his despicable deed, this rebuke of Jesus added to all the rest. {And I will deliver him unto you} (\kag“ h–min parad“s“ auton\). The use of \kai\ with a co-ordinate clause is a colloquialism (common in the _Koin‚_ as in the Hebrew use of _wav_. "A colloquialism or a Hebraism, the traitor mean in style as in spirit" (Bruce). The use of \eg“\ seems to mean "I though one of his disciples will hand him over to you if you give me enough." {They weighed unto him} (\hoi de estˆsan auto\). They placed the money in the balances or scales. "Coined money was in use, but the shekels may have been weighed out in antique fashion by men careful to do an iniquitous thing in the most orthodox way" (Bruce). It is not known whether the Sanhedrin had offered a reward for the arrest of Jesus or not. {Thirty pieces of silver} (\triakonta arguria\). A reference to kjv@Zechariah:11:12|. If a man's ox gored a servant, he had to pay this amount (Exodus:21:32|). Some manuscripts have \statˆras\ (staters). These thirty silver shekels were equal to 120 \denarii\, less than five English pounds, less than twenty-five dollars, the current price of a slave. There was no doubt contempt for Jesus in the minds of both the Sanhedrin and Judas in this bargain.
rwp@Matthew:26:28 @{The Covenant} (\tˆs diathˆkˆs\). The adjective \kainˆs\ in Textus Receptus is not genuine. The covenant is an agreement or contract between two (\dia, duo, thˆke\, from \tithˆmi\). It is used also for will (Latin, _testamentum_) which becomes operative at death (Hebrews:9:15-17|). Hence our _New Testament_. Either covenant or will makes sense here. Covenant is the idea in kjv@Hebrews:7:22; 8:8| and often. In the Hebrew to make a covenant was to cut up the sacrifice and so ratify the agreement (Genesis:15:9-18|). Lightfoot argues that the word \diathˆke\ means covenant in the N.T. except in kjv@Hebrews:9:15-17|. Jesus here uses the solemn words of kjv@Exodus:24:8| "the blood of the covenant" at Sinai. "My blood of the covenant" is in contrast with that. This is the New Covenant of kjv@Jeremiah:31; kjv@Hebrews:8|. {Which is shed for many} (\to peri poll“n ekchunnomenon\). A prophetic present passive participle. The act is symbolized by the ordinance. Cf. the purpose of Christ expressed in 20:28|. There \anti\ and here \peri\. {Unto remission of sins} (\eis aphesin hamarti“n\). This clause is in Matthew alone but it is not to be restricted for that reason. It is the truth. This passage answers all the modern sentimentalism that finds in the teaching of Jesus only pious ethical remarks or eschatological dreamings. He had the definite conception of his death on the cross as the basis of forgiveness of sin. The purpose of the shedding of his blood of the New Covenant was precisely to remove (forgive) sins.
rwp@Matthew:26:45 @{Sleep on now and take your rest} (\katheudete loipon kai anapauesthe\). This makes it "mournful irony" (Plummer) or reproachful concession: "Ye may sleep and rest indefinitely so far as I am concerned; I need no longer your watchful interest" (Bruce). It may be a sad query as Goodspeed: "Are you still sleeping and taking your rest?" Songs:Moffatt. This use of \loipon\ for now or henceforth is common in the papyri. {The hour is at hand} (\ˆggiken hˆ h“ra\). Time for action has now come. They have missed their chance for sympathy with Jesus. He has now won the victory without their aid. "The Master's time of weakness is past; He is prepared to face the worst" (Bruce). {Is betrayed} (\paradidotai\). Futuristic present or inchoative present, the first act in the betrayal is at hand. Jesus had foreseen his "hour" for long and now he faces it bravely.
rwp@Matthew:27:5 @{Hanged himself} (\apˆgxato\). Direct middle. His act was sudden after he hurled the money into the sanctuary (\eis ton naon\), the sacred enclosure where the priests were. The motives of Judas in the betrayal were mixed as is usually the case with criminals. The money cut a small figure with him save as an expression of contempt as the current price of a slave.
rwp@Matthew:28:9 @{Jesus met them} (\Iˆsous hupˆntˆsen autais\). Came suddenly face to face (\anta“, hupo\) with them as they brooded over the message of the angel and the fact of the empty tomb (associative instrumental, \autais\). Cf. 8:34; 24:1-6|. Probably the lost portion of Mark's Gospel contained the story of this meeting with Jesus which changed their fears into joy and peace. His greeting was the ordinary "Hail" (\chairete\). They fell at his feet and held them in reverence while they worshipped him. Jesus allowed this act of worship though he forbade eager handling of his body by Mary Magdalene (John:20:17|). It was a great moment of faith and cheer.
rwp@Philippians:1:21 @{For to me} (\emoi gar\). Fine example of the ethical dative. Paul gives his own view of living. {To live is Christ} (\to zˆin Christos\). No copula (\estin\), but \to zˆin\ (the act of living present active infinitive) is the subject as is shown by the article \to\. Living is coextensive with Christ. {Gain} (\kerdos\). Old word for any gain or profit, interest on money (so in papyri). In N.T. only here, kjv@Phillipians:3:7; kjv@Titus:1:11|. {To die} (\to apothanein\, second aorist active infinitive, single act) is to cash in both principal and interest and so to have more of Christ than when living. Songs:Paul faces death with independence and calm courage.
rwp@Philippians:2:9 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Because of which act of voluntary and supreme humility. {Highly exalted} (\huperups“se\). First aorist indicative of \huperupso“\ (\huper\ and \hupsos\) late and rare word (LXX and Byzantine). Here only in N.T. Because of Christ's voluntary humiliation God lifted him above or beyond (\huper\) the state of glory which he enjoyed before the Incarnation. What glory did Christ have after the Ascension that he did not have before in heaven? What did he take back to heaven that he did not bring? Clearly his humanity. He returned to heaven the Son of Man as well as the Son of God. {The name which is above every name} (\to onoma to huper pan onoma\). What name is that? Apparently and naturally the name {Jesus}, which is given in verse 10|. Some think it is "Jesus Christ," some "Lord," some the ineffable name Jehovah, some merely dignity and honour.
rwp@Revelation:1:17 @{I fell} (\epesa\). Late form for the old \epeson\ (second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\, to fall). Under the over-powering influence of the vision as in 19:10|. {He laid} (\ethˆken\). First aorist active indicative of \tithˆmi\. The act restored John's confidence. {Fear not} (\mˆ phobou\). Cf. kjv@Luke:1:13| to Zacharias to give comfort. {I am the first and the last} (\eg“ eimi ho pr“tos kai ho eschatos\). Used in kjv@Isaiah:44:6; 48:12| of God, but here, 2:8; 22:13| of Christ. {And the Living One} (\kai ho z“n\). Present active articular participle of \za“\, another epithet of God common in the O.T. (Deuteronomy:32:40; kjv@Isaiah:49:18|, etc.) and applied purposely to Jesus, with which see kjv@John:5:26| for Christ's own words about it.
rwp@Revelation:2:11 @{Shall not be hurt} (\ou mˆ adikˆthˆi\). Strong double negative with first aorist passive subjunctive of \adike“\, old verb, to act unjustly (from \adikos\), here to do harm or wrong to one, old usage as in 6:6; 7:2f.; 9:4,10; 11:5|. {Of the second death} (\ek tou thanatou tou deuterou\). \Ek\ here used for the agent or instrument as often (3:18; 9:2; 18:1|). See 20:6,14; 21:8| where "the second death" is explained as "the lake of fire." The idea is present in kjv@Daniel:12:3; kjv@John:5:29| and is current in Jewish circles as in the Jerusalem Targum on kjv@Deuteronomy:33:6| and in Philo. It is not annihilation. The Christians put to death in the persecution will at least escape this second death (eternal punishment).
rwp@Revelation:3:3 @{Remember} (\mnˆmoneue\). "Keep in mind," as in 2:5|. {Therefore} (\oun\). Resumptive and coordinating as in 1:19; 2:5|. {Thou hast received} (\eilˆphas\). Perfect active indicative of \lamban“\, "as a permanent deposit" (Vincent). {Didst hear} (\ˆkousas\). First aorist active indicative, the act of hearing at the time. {And keep it} (\kai tˆrei\). Present active imperative of \tˆre“\, "hold on to what thou hast." {And repent} (\kai metanoˆson\). First aorist active imperative of \metanoe“\, "Turn at once." {If therefore thou shalt not watch} (\ean oun mˆ grˆgorˆsˆis\). Condition of third class with \ean mˆ\ and the first aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive of \grˆgore“\, "if then thou do not wake up." {I will come} (\hˆx“\). Certainly future active here, though probably aorist subjunctive in 2:25|. {As a thief} (\h“s kleptˆs\). As Jesus had already said (Matthew:24:43; kjv@Luke:12:39|), as Paul had said (1Thessalonians:5:2|), as Peter had said (2Peter:3:10|), as Jesus will say again (Revelation:16:15|). {Thou shalt not know} (\ou mˆ gn“is\). Strong double negative \ou mˆ\ with second aorist active subjunctive of \gin“sk“\, though some MSS. have the future middle indicative \gn“sˆi\. {What hour} (\poian h“ran\). A rare classical idiom (accusative) surviving in the _Koin‚_ rather than the genitive of time, somewhat like kjv@John:4:52; kjv@Acts:20:16| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 470f.). Indirect question with \poian\.
rwp@Revelation:4:11 @{Our Lord and our God} (\ho kurios kai ho theos hˆm“n\). The nominative form here used as vocative as in kjv@John:20:28| and often. {To receive} (\labein\). Epexegetic second aorist active infinitive of \lamban“\ with \axios\ (worthy). {The glory} (\tˆn doxan\). The article referring to \doxan\ in verse 9| and so with \tˆn timˆn\ (the honour), though \tˆn dunamin\ (the power) is not in verse 9|, but is the power due to be ascribed to God. {Thou didst create} (\su ektisas\). Emphasis on \su\ (thou), first aorist active indicative of \ktiz“\, the verb used about the act of creation by Paul in kjv@Colossians:1:16| (\ektisthˆ, ektistai\), constative aorist giving a summary picture of the whole (not as a process). {Because of thy will} (\dia to thelˆma sou\). Reason for creation of the universe as in kjv@Hebrews:2:10| (\di' hon\). {They were} (\ˆsan\). Imperfect tense with a cursory glance at the universe as a fact, possibly a potential existence in God's purpose in the eternal past before the actual creation in time. {And were created} (\kai ektisthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of the same verb, \ktiz“\, just used and in the plural, while Paul (Colossians:1:16|) uses the singular \ektisthˆ\. See kjv@1Corinthians:8:6|. God's will wrought through the Logos (Christ).
rwp@Revelation:7:10 @{They cry} (\krazousi\). Vivid dramatic present. {With a great voice} (\ph“nˆi megalˆi\). As in 6:10; 7:2|. "The polyglott multitude shouts its praises as with one voice" (Swete). {Salvation} (\hˆ s“tˆria\). As in 12:10; 19:1|. Nominative absolute. Salvation here is regarded as an accomplished act on the part of those coming out of the great tribulation (verse 14|) and the praise for it is given to God (\t“i the“i\, dative case) and to the Lamb (\t“i arni“i\, dative also). Both God and Christ are thus called \s“tˆr\ as in the Pastoral Epistles, as to God (1Timothy:1:1; 2:3; kjv@Titus:1:3; 3:4|) and to Christ (Titus:1:4; 2:13; 3:6|). For \hˆ s“tˆria\ see kjv@John:4:22; kjv@Acts:4:12; kjv@Jude:1:3|.
rwp@Revelation:7:14 @{I say} (\eirˆka\). Perfect active indicative of \eipon\, "I have said." "To the Seer's mind the whole scene was still fresh and vivid" (Swete) like \kekragen\ in kjv@John:1:15| and \eilˆphen\ in kjv@Revelation:5:7|, not the so-called "aoristic perfect" which even Moulton (_Prol_. p. 145) is disposed to admit. {My lord} (\Kurie mou\). "An address of reverence to a heavenly being" (Vincent), not an act of worship on John's part. {Thou knowest} (\su oidas\). "At once a confession of ignorance, and an appeal for information" (Swete), not of full confidence like \su oidas\ in kjv@John:21:15ff|. {They which come out of the great tribulation} (\hoi erchomenoi ek tˆs thlipse“s tˆs megalˆs\). Present middle participle with the idea of continued repetition. "The martyrs are still arriving from the scene of the great tribulation" (Charles). Apparently some great crisis is contemplated (Matthew:13:19ff.; 24:21; kjv@Mark:13:10|), though the whole series may be in mind and so may anticipate final judgment. {And they washed} (\kai eplunan\). First aorist active indicative of \plun“\, old verb, to wash, in N.T. only kjv@Luke:5:2; kjv@Revelation:7:14; 22:14|. This change of construction after \hoi erchomenoi\ from \hoi plunˆsantes\ to \kai eplunan\ is common in the Apocalypse, one of Charles's Hebraisms, like \kai epoiˆsen\ in 1:6| and \kai planƒi\ in 2:20|. {Made them white} (\eleukanan\). First aorist active indicative of \leukain“\, to whiten, old verb from \leukos\ (verse 13|), in N.T. only here and kjv@Mark:9:3|. "Milligan remarks that _robes_ are the expression of character and compares the word _habit_ used of dress" (Vincent). The language here comes partly from kjv@Genesis:49:11| and partly from kjv@Exodus:19:10,14|. For the cleansing power of Christ's blood see also kjv@Romans:3:25; 5:9; kjv@Colossians:1:20: kjv@Ephesians:1:7; kjv@1Peter:1:2; kjv@Hebrews:9:14; kjv@1John:1:7; kjv@Revelation:1:5; 5:9; 22:14|. "The aorists look back to the life on earth when the cleansing was effected" (Swete). See kjv@Phillipians:2:12f.| for both divine and human aspects of salvation. {In the blood of the Lamb} (\en t“i haimati tou arniou\). There is power alone in the blood of Christ to cleanse from sin (1John:1:7|), not in the blood of the martyrs themselves. The result is "white," not "red," as one might imagine.
rwp@Revelation:11:15 @{There followed} (\egenonto\). "There came to pass." There was silence in heaven upon the opening of the seventh seal (8:1|), but here "great voices." Perhaps the great voices are the \z“a\ of 4:6ff.; 5:8|. {Saying} (\legontes\). Construction according to sense; \legontes\, masculine participle (not \legousai\), though \ph“nai\, feminine. John understood what was said. {Is become} (\egeneto\). "Did become," prophetic use of the aorist participle, already a fact. See \egeneto\ in kjv@Luke:19:9|. {The kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ} (\tou kuriou hˆm“n kai tou Christou autou\). Repeat \hˆ basileia\ from the preceding. God the Father is meant here by \kuriou\ (Lord), as \autou\ (his) shows. This is the certain and glorious outcome of the age-long struggle against Satan, who wields the kingdom of the world which he offered to Christ on the mountain for one act of worship. But Jesus scorned partnership with Satan in the rule of the world, and chose war, war up to the hilt and to the end. Now the climax has come with Christ as Conqueror of the kingdom of this world for his Father. This is the crowning lesson of the Apocalypse. {He shall reign} (\basileusei\). Future active of \basileu“\. God shall reign, but the rule of God and of Christ is one as the kingdom is one (1Corinthians:15:27|). Jesus is the Lord's Anointed (Luke:2:26; 9:20|).
rwp@Revelation:11:16 @{The four and twenty elders} (\hoi eikosi tessares presbuteroi\). They follow the living creatures (verse 15|, if correctly interpreted) in their adoration, as in 4:9ff|. Though seated on thrones of their own (4:4|), yet they fall upon their faces in every act of worship to God and Christ (4:10; 5:8,14; 19:4|). Here \epi ta pros“pa aut“n\ (upon their faces) is added as in 7:11| about the angels. The elders here again represent the redeemed, as the four living creatures the forces of nature, in the great thanksgiving here (\eucharistoumen\, present active indicative of \euchariste“\).
rwp@Revelation:19:7 @{Let us rejoice and be exceeding glad} (\chair“men kai agalli“men\). Present active subjunctive (volitive) of \chair“\ and \agallia“\ (elsewhere in N.T. in the middle except kjv@Luke:1:47; kjv@1Peter:1:8|). For both verbs together see kjv@Matthew:5:12|. {Let us give} (\d“men\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \did“mi\, but A reads \d“somen\ (future active) and P \d“s“men\. If the future indicative is read, the tone is changed from exhortation to declaration (we shall give glory unto him). {The marriage of the Lamb} (\ho gamos tou arniou\). In the O.T. God is the Bridegroom of Israel (Hosea:2:16; kjv@Isaiah:54:6; kjv@Ezekiel:16:7ff.|). In the N.T. Christ is the Bridegroom of the Kingdom (the universal spiritual church as seen by Paul, kjv@2Corinthians:11:2; kjv@Ephesians:5:25ff.|, and by John in kjv@Revelation:3:20; 19:7,9; 21:2,9; 22:17|. In the Gospels Christ appears as the Bridegroom (Mark:2:19f.; kjv@Matthew:9:15; kjv@Luke:5:34f.; kjv@John:3:29|). The figure of \gamos\ occurs in kjv@Matthew:22:2-14|. Three metaphors of women appear in the Apocalypse (the Mother in chapter kjv@Revelation:12|, the Harlot in kjv@Revelation:17-19|, and the Bride of Christ here to the end). "The first and third present the Church under two different aspects of her life, while the second answers to her great rival and enemy" (Swete). {Is come} (\ˆlthen\). Prophetic aorist, come at last. {Made herself ready} (\hˆtoimasen heautˆn\). First aorist active indicative of \hetoimaz“\ and the reflexive pronoun. See 22:2| for \hˆtoimasmenˆn h“s numphˆn\ (prepared as a bride). There is something for her to do (1John:3:3; kjv@Jude:1:21; kjv@2Corinthians:7:1|), but the chief preparation is the act of Christ (Ephesians:5:25ff.|).
rwp@Romans:1:5 @{Unto obedience of faith} (\eis hupakoˆn piste“s\). Subjective genitive as in 16:26|, the obedience which springs from faith (the act of assent or surrender).
rwp@Romans:1:17 @{For therein} (\gar en aut“i\). In the gospel (verse 16|) of which Paul is not ashamed. {A righteousness of God} (\dikaiosunˆ theou\). Subjective genitive, "a God kind of righteousness," one that each must have and can obtain in no other way save "from faith unto faith" (\ek piste“s eis pistin\), faith the starting point and faith the goal (Lightfoot). {Is revealed} (\apokaluptetai\). It is a revelation from God, this God kind of righteousness, that man unaided could never have conceived or still less attained. In these words we have Paul's statement in his own way of the theme of the Epistle, the content of the gospel as Paul understands it. Every word is important: \s“tˆrian\ (salvation), \euaggelion\ (gospel), \apokaluptetai\ (is revealed), \dikaiosunˆ theou\ (righteousness of God), \pistis\ (faith) and \pisteuonti\ (believing). He grounds his position on kjv@Habbakkuk:2:4| (quoted also in kjv@Galatians:3:11|). By "righteousness" we shall see that Paul means both "justification" and "sanctification." It is important to get a clear idea of Paul's use of \dikaiosunˆ\ here for it controls the thought throughout the Epistle. Jesus set up a higher standard of righteousness (\dikaiosunˆ\) in the Sermon on the Mount than the Scribes and Pharisees taught and practised (Matthew:5:20|) and proves it in various items. Here Paul claims that in the gospel, taught by Jesus and by himself there is revealed a God kind of righteousness with two ideas in it (the righteousness that God has and that he bestows). It is an old word for quality from \dikaios\, a righteous man, and that from \dikˆ\, right or justice (called a goddess in kjv@Acts:28:4|), and that allied with \deiknumi\, to show, to point out. Other allied words are \dikaio“\, to declare or make \dikaios\ (Romans:3:24,26|), \dikai“ma\, that which is deemed \dikaios\ (sentence or ordinance as in 1:32; 2:26; 8:4|), \dikai“sis\, the act of declaring \dikaios\ (only twice in N.T., 4:25; 5:18|). \Dikaiosunˆ\ and \dikaio“\ are easy to render into English, though we use justice in distinction from righteousness and sanctification for the result that comes after justification (the setting one right with God). Paul is consistent and usually clear in his use of these great words.
rwp@Romans:2:15 @{In that they} (\hoitines\). "The very ones who," qualitative relative. {Written in their hearts} (\grapton en tais kardiais aut“n\). Verbal adjective of \graph“\, to write. When their conduct corresponds on any point with the Mosaic law they practise the unwritten law in their hearts. {Their conscience bearing witness therewith} (\sunmarturousˆs aut“n tˆs suneidˆse“s\). On conscience (\suneidˆsis\) see on ¯1Corinthians:8:7; 10:25f.; kjv@2Corinthians:1:12|. Genitive absolute here with present active participle \sunmarturousˆs\ as in 9:1|. The word \suneidˆsis\ means co-knowledge by the side of the original consciousness of the act. This second knowledge is personified as confronting the first (Sanday and Headlam). The Stoics used the word a great deal and Paul has it twenty times. It is not in the O.T., but first in this sense in Wisdom 17:10. All men have this faculty of passing judgment on their actions. It can be over-scrupulous (1Corinthians:10:25|) or "seared" by abuse (1Timothy:4:12|). It acts according to the light it has. {Their thoughts one with another accusing or also excusing them} (\metaxu allˆl“n t“n logism“n katˆgorount“n ˆ kai apologoumen“n\). Genitive absolute again showing the alternative action of the conscience, now accusing, now excusing. Paul does not say that a heathen's conscience always commends everything that he thinks, says, or does. In order for one to be set right with God by his own life he must always act in accord with his conscience and never have its disapproval. That, of course, is impossible else Christ died for naught (Galatians:2:21|). Jesus alone lived a sinless life. For one to be saved without Christ he must also live a sinless life.
rwp@Romans:5:16 @{Through one that sinned} (\di' henos hamartˆsantos\). "Through one having sinned." That is Adam. Another contrast, difference in source (\ek\). {Of one} (\ex henos\). Supply \parapt“matos\, Adam's one transgression. {Of many trespasses} (\ek poll“n parapt“mat“n\). The gift by Christ grew out of manifold sins by Adam's progeny. {Justification} (\dikai“ma\). Act of righteousness, result, ordinance (1:32; 2:26; 8:4|), righteous deed (5:18|), verdict as here (acquittal).
rwp@Romans:5:18 @{Songs:then} (\ara oun\). Conclusion of the argument. Cf. 7:3,25; 8:12|, etc. Paul resumes the parallel between Adam and Christ begun in verse 12| and interrupted by explanation (13f.|) and contrast (15-17|). {Through one trespass} (\di' henos parapt“matos\). That of Adam. {Through one act of righteousness} (\di' henos dikai“matos\). That of Christ. The first "unto all men" (\eis pantas anthr“pous\) as in verse 12|, the second as in verse 17| "they that receive, etc."
rwp@Romans:14:22 @{Have thou to thyself before God} (\su--kata seauton eche en“pion tou theou\). Very emphatic position of \su\ at the beginning of the sentence, "Thou there." The old MSS. put \hˆn\ (relative "which") after \pistin\ and before \echeis\. This principle applies to both the "strong" and the "weak." He is within his rights to act "according to thyself," but it must be "before God" and with due regard to the rights of the other brethren. {In that which he approveth} (\en hoi dokimazei\). This beatitude cuts both ways. After testing and then approving (1:28; 2:18|) one takes his stand which very act may condemn himself by what he says or does. "It is a rare felicity to have a conscience untroubled by scruples" (Denney).
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