CONCORDANCE:String = Antonia
rwp@Acts:9:3 @{As he journeyed} (\en t“i poreuesthai\). Luke's common idiom for a temporal clause (in the journeying), \en\ with the locative articular middle infinitive. {Drew nigh} (\eggizein\). Present active infinitive, was drawing nigh. {Shone round about him} (\auton periˆstrapsen\). First aorist (ingressive) active indicative of \periastrapt“\, late compound verb common in LXX and Byzantine writers, here and 22:6| alone in the N.T. "A light from heaven suddenly flashed around him." It was like a flash of lightning. Paul uses the same verb in 22:5|, but in 26:13| he employs \perilampsan\ (shining around). There are numerous variations in the historical narrative of Saul's conversion in 9:3-18|...of the Tower of Antonia facing ...(22:6-16|), the other before Festus and Agrippa (26:12-20|). A great deal of capital has been made of these variations to the discredit of Luke as a writer as if he should have made Paul's two speeches conform at every point with his own narrative. This objection has no weight except for those who hold that Luke composed Paul's speeches freely as some Greek writers used to do. But, if Luke had notes of Paul's speeches or help from Paul himself, he naturally preserved the form of the two addresses without trying to make them agree with each other in all details or with his own narrative in chapter 9. Luke evidently attached great importance to the story of Saul's conversion as the turning point not simply in the career of the man, but an epoch in the history of apostolic Christianity. In broad outline and in all essentials the three accounts agree and testify to the truthfulness of the account of the conversion of Saul. It is impossible to overestimate the worth to the student of Christianity of this event from every angle because we have in Paul's Epistles his own emphasis on the actual appearance of Jesus to him as the fact that changed his whole life (1Corinthians:15:8; kjv@Galatians:1:16f.|). The variations that appear in the three accounts do not mar the story, when rightly understood, as we shall see. Here, for instance, Luke simply mentions "a light from heaven," while in 22:6| Paul calls it "a great (\hikanon\) light" "about noon" and in 26:13| "above the brightness of the sun," as it would have to be "at midday" with the sun shining.
rwp@Acts:13:16 @{Paul stood up} (\anastas Paulos\). The Jewish custom was to sit while speaking (Luke:4:20|), but the Greek and Roman was to stand (Acts:17:22|). It is possible as Lewin (_Life of St. Paul_, Vol. 1, p. 141) suggests that here Paul stepped upon the platform and then took his seat as he began to speak or he may have followed the Greek and Roman custom. Paul is the leader now and the more gifted speaker (Acts:14:12|), so that he responds to the courteous invitation of the rulers. {Beckoning} (\kataseisas\). First aorist active participle of \katasei“\, old verb to shake down, a dramatic gesture for quiet and order like Peter in 12:17|...of the tower of Antonia... (21:40|). {And ye that fear God} (\kai hoi phoboumenoi ton theon\). Evidently large numbers of these Gentiles like Cornelius in Caesarea were present. They offered Paul a great opportunity for reaching the purely pagan Gentiles. This (verses 16-41|) is the first full report of a sermon of Paul's that Luke has preserved for us. He is now a practised preacher of the gospel that he began proclaiming at Damascus, that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah of promise and the Saviour of the whole world both Jew and Gentile if they will only believe on him and be saved. It is possible that Paul here based his sermon on the passages of the law and the prophets that had just been read. He uses two words from the LXX, one in verse 19| from kjv@Deuteronomy:1:31| \etrophophorˆsen\ (as a nursing-father bare he them), the reading of many old MSS. and the one preferred by the American Committee, the other in verse 17| from kjv@Isaiah:1:2| \hups“sen\ (exalted). At any rate it is clear that Paul spoke in Greek so that all could understand his sermon. He may have written out notes of this sermon afterwards for Luke. The keynotes of Paul's theology as found in his Epistles appear in this sermon. It is interesting to observe the steady growth of Paul's Christology as he faced the great problems of his day. Here we see Paul's gospel for the Jews and the God-fearers (Gentiles friendly to the Jews).
rwp@Acts:21:31 @{As they were seeking to kill him} (\zˆtount“n aut“n\). Genitive absolute of \zˆte“\, to seek, without \aut“n\ (they). This was their real purpose. {Tidings} (\phasis\). From \phain“\, to show. Old word for the work of informers and then the exposure of secret crime. In LXX. Here only in the N.T. {Came up} (\anebˆ\) the Tower of Antonia at ...(verse 35|). {To the chief captain} (\t“i chiliarch“i\). Commander of a thousand men or cohort (Mark:15:16|). His name was Claudius Lysias. {Of the band} (\tˆs speirˆs\). Each legion had six tribunes and so each tribune (chiliarch) had a thousand if the cohort had its full quota. See on ¯10:1; 27:1|. The word is the Latin _spira_ (anything rolled up). Note the genitive \speirˆs\ instead of \speiras\ (Attic). {Was in confusion} (\sunchunnetai\). Present passive indicative of \sunchunn“\ (see verse 27|, \sunecheon\). This is what the conspirators had desired.
rwp@Acts:21:34 @{Some shouting one thing, some another} (\alloi allo ti epeph“noun\). Same idiom of \alloi allo\ as in 19:32| which see. The imperfect of \epiph“ne“\, to call out to, suits well the idiom. This old verb occurs in the N.T. only in Luke and Acts (already in 12:22|). {When he could not know} (\mˆ dunamenou autou gn“nai\). Genitive absolute of present middle participle of \dunamai\ with negative \mˆ\ and second aorist active infinitive of \gin“sk“\. {The certainty} (\to asphales\). Neuter articular adjective from \a\ privative and \sphall“\, to make totter or fall. Old word, in the N.T. only in kjv@Acts:21:34; 22:30; 25:26; kjv@Phillipians:3:1; kjv@Hebrews:6:19|. {Into the castle} (\eis tˆn parembolˆn\). _Koin‚_ word from \paremball“\, to cast in by the side of, to assign soldiers a place, to encamp (see on ¯Luke:19:43|). Songs:\parembolˆ\ comes to mean an interpolation, then an army drawn up (Hebrews:11:34|), but mainly an encampment (Hebrews:13:11,13|) the tower of Antonia as ...37; 22:24; 23:10,16,32|.
rwp@John:5:2 @{There is} (\estin\). Bengel argues that this proves a date before the destruction of Jerusalem, but it is probably only John's vivid memory. {By the sheep gate} (\epi tˆi probatikˆi\). Supply \pulˆi\ (gate) which occurs with the adjective \probatikˆ\ (pertaining to sheep, \probata\) in kjv@Nehemiah:3:1,22|. {A pool} (\kolumbˆthra\). A diving or swimming pool (from \kolumba“\, to swim, kjv@Acts:27:43|), old word, only here in N.T. {Which is called} (\hˆ epilegomenˆ\). "The surnamed" (present passive participle, only N.T. example except kjv@Acts:15:40| first aorist middle participle \epilexamenos\). {In Hebrew} (\Ebraisti\). "In Aramaic" strictly as in 19:13,17,20; 20:16; kjv@Revelation:9:11; 16:16|. {Bethesda} (\Bethesda\, or House of Mercy. Songs:A C Syr cu). Aleph D L 33 have \Bethzatha\ or House of the Olive, while B W Vulg. Memph. have \Bethsaida\. {Having five porches} (\pente stoas echousa\). \Stoa\ was a covered colonnade where people can gather from which Stoic comes (Acts:17:18|). See kjv@John:10:23; kjv@Acts:3:11|...near the fortress of Antonia one ...70 when the temple was destroyed (Sanday, _Sacred Sites of the Gospels_, p. 55). Some have identified it with the Pool of Siloam (9:7|), though John distinguishes them. There is also the Virgin's Well, called the Gusher, because it periodically bubbles over from a natural spring, a kind of natural siphon. This is south of the temple in the Valley of Kedron and quite possibly the real site.
rwp@Matthew:26:47 @{While he yet spake} (\eti autou lalountos\). It was an electric moment as Jesus faced Judas with his horde of helpers as if he turned to meet an army. {Let us go} (\ag“men\), Jesus had said. And here he is. The eight at the gate seemed to have given no notice. Judas is described here as "one of the twelve" (\heis t“n d“deka\) in all three Synoptic Gospels (Mark:14:43; kjv@Matthew:26:47; kjv@Luke:22:47|). The very horror of the thing is thus emphasized, that one of the chosen twelve apostles should do this dastardly deed. {A great multitude} (\ochlos polus\)...from the garrison in Antonia... (John:18:3|) and the temple police (Luke:22:52|) with swords (knives) and staves (clubs) with a hired rabble who had lanterns also (John:18:3|) in spite of the full moon. Judas was taking no chances of failure for he well knew the strange power of Jesus.
rwp@Matthew:26:53 @{Even now} (\arti\). Just now, at this very moment. {Legions} (\legi“nas\) the tower of Antonia in ...6,100 foot and 726 horse in the time of Augustus. But Jesus sees more than twelve legions at his command (one for each apostle) and shows his undaunted courage in this crisis. One should recall the story of Elisha at Dothan (2Kings:6:17|).
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