CONCORDANCE:String = Canaan
rwp@Acts:7:6 @{On this wise} (\hout“s\). A free quotation from kjv@Genesis:15:13|. {Should sojourn} (\estai paroikon\). Shall be a sojourner, \Paroikos\ (\para\, beside, \oikos\, home), one dwelling near one's home, but not of it, so a stranger, foreigner, old word, often in LXX, temporary residence without full rights of citizenship (7:29; 13:17|), and descriptive of Christians (Ephesians:2:19; kjv@1Peter:1:17; 2:11|). {In a strange land} (\en gˆi allotriƒi\). In a land not one's own, that belongs to another, alien as in kjv@Matthew:17:25f.|, which see. {Four hundred years} (\etˆ tetrakosia\). Accusative of duration of time. As in kjv@Genesis:15:13|, but a round number as in kjv@Exodus:12:40| the time is 430 years. But in kjv@Galatians:3:17| Paul, following the LXX in kjv@Exodus:12:40|...writers meant to include Canaan also ...
rwp@Acts:7:12 @{That there was corn} (\onta sitia\). Participle (present active of \eimi\) in indirect discourse, after \akousas\, "heard of corn being in Egypt." \Sitia\ is diminutive of \sitos\ and means grain (wheat, barley, not our maize or Indian corn), old word also for provisions, victuals, here only in the N.T. {The first time} (\pr“ton\)...Jacob himself remained in Canaan before ...(verse 15f.|).
rwp@Acts:7:16 @{They were carried over unto Shechem} (\metetethˆsan eis Suchem\). First aorist passive of \metatithˆmi\, only here in the N.T. in this sense of changing places. Jacob was buried in the cave of Machpelah (Genesis:50:13|). The O.T. does not say where the sons of Jacob were buried save that Joseph was buried in Shechem (Joshua:24:32|). Possibly only "our fathers" without Jacob is the subject of "were carried." {Which Abraham bought} (\h“i “nˆsato Abraam\). Hackett is sure that our present text is wrong. Hort notes some sixty "primitive errors" in the critical text of the N.T. It is possible that this is also one. If "Jacob" is substituted for "Abraham," the matter is cleared up. "It is quite as likely, judging _a priori_, that the word producing the error escaped from some early copyist as that so glaring an error was committed by Stephen" (Hackett). At any rate Abraham bought a burying-place, the cave of Machpelah, from Ephron the Hittite at Hebron (Genesis:23:16|), while Jacob bought a field from the sons of Hamor at Shechem (Genesis:33:19; kjv@Joshua:24:32|)...Shechem when he entered Canaan... (Genesis:12:6f.|). It is possible, of course, that Abraham also bought the ground on which the altar stood. {In Shechem} (\en Suchem\). This is the reading of Aleph B C instead of the Textus Receptus \tou Suchem\ which makes it "Hamar the father of Sichem." "In Shechem" is the true reading.
rwp@Acts:13:19 @{When he had destroyed} (\kathel“n\). Second aorist active participle of \kathaire“\, to tear down, old verb. {He gave them for an inheritance} (\kateklˆronomˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of the double compound verb \kata-klˆro-nome“\, late verb in LXX (Numbers:34:18; kjv@Deuteronomy:3:28; kjv@Joshua:14:1|) and only here in the N.T., to distribute by lot, to distribute as an inheritance. This is the correct reading and not \kateklˆrodotˆsen\ from \kataklˆrodote“\ of the Textus Receptus. These two verbs were confused in the MSS. of the LXX as well as here. {For about four hundred and fifty years} (\h“s etesin tetrakosiois kai pentˆkonta\). Associative instrumental case with an expression of time as in 8:11; kjv@Luke:8:29| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 527). The oldest MSS. (Aleph A B C Vg Sah Boh) place these figures before "after these things" and so in verse 19|. This is the true reading and is in agreement with the notation in kjv@1Kings:6:1|. The difficulty found in the Textus Receptus (King James Version)...the actual conquest of Canaan and ...¯Acts:7:6|.
rwp@Galatians:3:17 @{Now this I say} (\touto de leg“\). Now I mean this. He comes back to his main point and is not carried afield by the special application of \sperma\ to Christ. {Confirmed beforehand by God} (\prokekur“menˆn hupo tou theou\). Perfect passive participle of \prokuro“\, in Byzantine writers and earliest use here. Nowhere else in N.T. The point is in \pro\ and \hupo tou theou\ (by God) and in \meta\ (after) as Burton shows. {Four hundred and thirty years after} (\meta tetrakosia kai triakonta etˆ\). Literally, "after four hundred and thirty years." This is the date in kjv@Exodus:12:40| for the sojourn in Egypt (cf. kjv@Genesis:15:13|)...of the patriarchs in Canaan in ...7:6|. It is immaterial to Paul's argument which chronology is adopted except that "the longer the covenant had been in force the more impressive is his statement" (Burton). {Doth not disannul} (\ouk akuroi\). Late verb \akuro“\, in N.T. only here and kjv@Matthew:15:6; kjv@Mark:7:13| (from \a\ privative and \kuros\, authority). On \katargˆsai\ see kjv@1Corinthians:1:28; 2:6; 15:24,26|.
rwp@Hebrews:3:11 @{As I sware} (\h“s “mosa\). "Correlating the oath and the disobedience" (Vincent). First aorist active indicative of \omnu“\, old verb for solemn oath (6:13|). {They shall not enter} (\ei eiseleusontai\). Future middle of \eiserchomai\ with \ei\ as an anacoluthon for the Hebrew _im_ (not). Really it is a condition of the first class with the conclusion not expressed, common in the LXX as here (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1024). {Into my rest} (\eis tˆn katapausin mou\). Old word from \katapau“\ (Hebrews:4:8|), to give rest, in LXX, in N.T. only in kjv@Acts:7:49; kjv@Hebrews:3:11-4:11|...Primarily the rest in Canaan and ...
rwp@Matthew:4:8 @{And showeth him} (\kai deiknusin aut“i\). This wonderful panorama had to be partially mental and imaginative, since the devil caused to pass in review "all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them." But this fact does not prove that all phases of the temptations were subjective without any objective presence of the devil. Both could be true. Here again we have the vivid historical present (\deiknusin\)...of the land of Canaan... (Deuteronomy:34:1-3|). Luke (Luke:4:5|) says that the whole panorama was "in a moment of time" and clearly psychological and instantaneous.
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