CONCORDANCE:String = Huper
rwp@1Corinthians:1:13 @{Is Christ divided?} (\memeristai ho Christos;\). Perfect passive indicative, Does Christ stand divided? It is not certain, though probable, that this is interrogative like the following clauses. Hofmann calls the assertory form a "rhetorical impossibility." The absence of \mˆ\ here merely allows an affirmative answer which is true. The fourth or Christ party claimed to possess Christ in a sense not true of the others. Perhaps the leaders of this Christ party with their arrogant assumptions of superiority are the false apostles, ministers of Satan posing as angels of light (2Corinthians:11:12-15|). {Was Paul crucified for you?} (\Mˆ Paulos estaur“thˆ huper hum“n;\). An indignant "No" is demanded by \mˆ\. Paul shows his tact by employing himself as the illustration, rather than Apollos or Cephas. Probably \huper\, over, in behalf of, rather than \peri\ (concerning, around) is genuine, though either makes good sense here. In the _Koin‚_ \huper\ encroaches on \peri\ as in kjv@2Thessalonians:2:1|. {Were ye baptized into the name of Paul?} (\eis to onoma Paulou ebaptisthˆte;\). It is unnecessary to say {into} for \eis\ rather than {in} since \eis\ is the same preposition originally as \en\ and both are used with \baptiz“\ as in kjv@Acts:8:16; 10:48| with no difference in idea (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 592). Paul evidently knows the idea in kjv@Matthew:28:19| and scouts the notion of being put on a par with Christ or the Trinity. He is no rival of Christ. This use of \onoma\ for the person is not only in the LXX, but the papyri, ostraca, and inscriptions give numerous examples of the name of the king or the god for the power and authority of the king or god (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, pp. 146ff., 196ff.; _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 121).
rwp@1Corinthians:4:6 @{I have in a figure transferred} (\meteschˆmatisa\). First aorist active (not perfect) indicative of \meta-schˆmatiz“\, used by Plato and Aristotle for changing the form of a thing (from \meta\, after, and \schˆma\, form or habit, like Latin _habitus_ from \ech“\ and so different from \morphˆ\ as in kjv@Phillipians:2:7; kjv@Romans:12:2|). For the idea of refashioning see Field, _Notes_, p. 169f. and Preisigke, _Fachworter_). Both Greek and Latin writers (Quintilian, Martial) used \schˆma\ for a rhetorical artifice. Paul's use of the word (in Paul only in N.T.) appears also further in kjv@2Corinthians:11:13-15| where the word occurs three times, twice of the false apostles posing and passing as apostles of Christ and ministers of righteousness, and once of Satan as an angel of light, twice with \eis\ and once with \h“s\. In kjv@Phillipians:3:21| the word is used for the change in the body of our humiliation to the body of glory. But here it is clearly the rhetorical figure for a veiled allusion to Paul and Apollos "for your sakes" (\dia humas\). {That in us ye may learn} (\hina en hˆmin mathˆte\). Final clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \manthan“\, to learn. As an object lesson in our cases (\en hˆmin\). It is no more true of Paul and Apollos than of other ministers, but the wrangles in Corinth started about them. Songs:Paul boldly puts himself and Apollos to the fore in the discussion of the principles involved. {Not to go beyond the things which are written} (\to Mˆ huper ha gegraptai\). It is difficult to reproduce the Greek idiom in English. The article \to\ is in the accusative case as the object of the verb \mathˆte\ (learn) and points at the words "\Mˆ huper ha gegraptai\," apparently a proverb or rule, and elliptical in form with no principal verb expressed with \mˆ\, whether "think" (Auth.) or "go" (Revised). There was a constant tendency to smooth out Paul's ellipses as in kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3; kjv@1Corinthians:1:26,31|. Lightfoot thinks that Paul may have in mind O.T. passages quoted in kjv@1Corinthians:1:19,31; 3:19,20|. {That ye be not puffed up} (\hina mˆ phusiousthe\). Sub-final use of \hina\ (second use in this sentence) with notion of result. It is not certain whether \phusiousthe\ (late verb form like \phusia“, phusa“\, to blow up, to inflate, to puff up), used only by Paul in the N.T., is present indicative with \hina\ like \zˆloute\ in kjv@Galatians:4:17| (cf. \hina gin“skomen\ in kjv@1John:5:20|) or the present subjunctive by irregular contraction (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 203, 342f.), probably the present indicative. \Phusio“\ is from \phusis\ (nature) and so meant to make natural, but it is used by Paul just like \phusa“\ or \phusia“\ (from \phusa\, a pair of bellows), a vivid picture of self-conceit. {One for the one against the other} (\heis huper tou henos kata tou heterou\). This is the precise idea of this idiom of partitive apposition. This is the rule with partisans. They are "for" (\huper\) the one and "against" (\kata\, down on, the genitive case) the other (\tou heterou\, not merely another or a second, but the different sort, \heterodox\).
rwp@1Corinthians:11:24 @{When he had given thanks} (\eucharistˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \euchariste“\ from which word our word Eucharist comes, common late verb (see on ¯1:14|). {Which is for you} (\to huper hum“n\). \Kl“menon\ (broken) of the Textus Receptus (King James Version) is clearly not genuine. Luke (Luke:22:19|) has \didomenon\ (given) which is the real idea here. As a matter of fact the body of Jesus was not broken (John:19:36|). The bread was broken, but not the body of Jesus. {In remembrance of me} (\eis tˆn emˆn anamnˆsin\). The objective use of the possessive pronoun \emˆn\. Not my remembrance of you, but your remembrance of me. \Anamnˆsis\, from \anamimnˆsk“\, to remind or to recall, is an old word, but only here in N.T. save kjv@Luke:22:19| which see.
rwp@1Corinthians:15:3 @{First of all} (\en pr“tois\). Among first things. _In primis_. Not to time, but to importance. {Which I also received} (\ho kai parelabon\). Direct revelation claimed as about the institution of the Lord's Supper (11:23|) and same verbs used (\pared“ka, parelabon\). Four items given by Paul in explaining "the gospel" which Paul preached. Stanley calls it (verses 1-11|) the creed of the early disciples, but "rather a sample of the exact form of the apostle's early teaching, than a profession of faith on the part of converts" (Vincent). The four items are presented by four verbs (died, \apethanen\, was buried, \etaphˆ\, hath been raised, \egˆgertai\, appeared, \“phthˆ\). {Christ died} (\Christos apethanen\). Historical fact and crucial event. {For our sins} (\huper t“n hamarti“n hˆm“n\). \Huper\ means literally over, in behalf, even instead of (Galatians:3:13|), where used of persons. But here much in the sense of \peri\ (Galatians:1:14|) as is common in _Koin‚_. In kjv@1Peter:3:18| we have \peri hamarti“n, huper adik“n\. {According to the Scriptures} (\kata tas graphas\). As Jesus showed (Luke:22:37; 24:25|) and as Peter pointed out (Acts:2:25-27; 3:35|) and as Paul had done (Acts:13:24f.; 17:3|). Cf. kjv@Romans:1:2ff|.
rwp@1Corinthians:15:29 @{Else} (\epei\). Otherwise, if not true. On this use of \epei\ with ellipsis see on ¯5:10; 7:14|. {Which are baptized for the dead} (\hoi baptizomenoi huper t“n nekr“n\). This passage remains a puzzle. Stanley gives thirteen interpretations, no one of which may be correct. Over thirty have been suggested. The Greek expositors took it to be about the dead (\huper\ in sense of \peri\ as often as in kjv@2Corinthians:1:6|) since baptism is a burial and a resurrection (Romans:6:2-6|). Tertullian tells of some heretics who took it to mean baptized in the place of dead people (unsaved) in order to save them. Some take it to be baptism over the dead. Others take it to mean that Paul and others were in peril of death as shown by baptism (see verse 30|). {At all} (\hol“s\). See on ¯5:1|.
rwp@1John:3:16 @{Know we} (\egn“kamen\). Perfect active indicative, "we have come to know and still know." See 2:3| for "hereby" (\en tout“i\). {Love} (\tˆn agapˆn\). "The thing called love" (D. Smith). {He for us} (\ekeinos huper hˆm“n\). \Ekeinos\ as in 2:6; 3:3,5|, \huper\ here alone in this Epistle, though common in John's Gospel (10:11,15; 11:50|, etc.) and in kjv@3John:1:7|. {Laid down his life} (\tˆn psuchˆn autou ethˆken\). First aorist active indicative of \tithˆmi\, the very idiom used by Jesus of himself in kjv@John:10:11,17f|. {We ought} (\hˆmeis opheilomen\). Emphatic \hˆmeis\ again. For \opheil“\ see 2:6|. Of course our laying down our lives for the brethren has no atoning value in our cases as in that of Christ, but is a supreme proof of one's love (John:13:37f.; 15:13|), as often happens.
rwp@1Peter:3:18 @{Because Christ also died} (\hoti kai Christos apethanen\). Songs:the best MSS.; later ones \epathen\ (suffered). The example of Christ should stir us to patient endurance. {For sins} (\peri hamarti“n\). "Concerning sins" (not his, but ours, 1:18|). \Peri\ (around, concerning) with \hamartias\ in the regular phrase for the sin offering (Leviticus:5:7; 6:30|), though \huper hamartias\ does occur (Ezekiel:43:25|). Songs:in the N.T. we find both \peri hamarti“n\ (Hebrews:5:3|) and \huper hamarti“n\ (Hebrews:5:1|). {Once} (\hapax\). Once for all (Hebrews:9:28|), not once upon a time (\pote\). {The righteous for the unrighteous} (\dikaios huper adik“n\). Literally, "just for unjust" (no articles). See kjv@1Peter:2:19| for the sinlessness of Christ as the one perfect offering for sin. This is what gives Christ's blood value. He has no sin himself. Some men today fail to perceive this point. {That he might bring us to God} (\hina hˆmƒs prosagagˆi t“i the“i\). Purpose clause with \hina\, with second aorist active subjunctive of \prosag“\ and the dative case \t“i the“i\. The MSS. vary between \hˆmƒs\ (us) and \humƒs\ (you). The verb \prosag“\ means to lead or bring to (Matthew:18:24|), to approach God (cf. \prosag“gˆn\ in kjv@Ephesians:2:18|), to present us to God on the basis of his atoning death for us, which has opened the way (Romans:3:25; kjv@Hebrews:10:19f|.) {Being put to death in the flesh} (\thanat“theis men sarki\). First aorist passive participle of \thanato“\, old verb (from \thanatos\ death), to put to death. \Sarki\ is locative case of \sarx\. {But quickened in the spirit} (\z“opoiˆtheis de pneumati\). First aorist passive participle of \z“opoie“\ rare (Aristotle) verb (from \z“opoios\ making alive), to make alive. The participles are not antecedent to \apethanen\, but simultaneous with it. There is no such construction as the participle of subsequent action. The spirit of Christ did not die when his flesh did, but "was endued with new and greater powers of life" (Thayer). See kjv@1Corinthians:15:22| for the use of the verb for the resurrection of the body. But the use of the word \pneumati\ (locative case) in contrast with \sarki\ starts Peter's mind off in a long comparison by way of illustration that runs from verses 19-22|. The following verses have caused more controversy than anything in the Epistle.
rwp@1Thessalonians:5:11 @{Build each other up} (\oikodomeite heis ton hena\). Literally, build ye, one the one (\heis\ nominative in partitive apposition with unexpressed \humeis\ subject of \oikodomeite\. Then \ton hena\ the accusative in partitive apposition with the unexpressed \heautous\ or \allˆlous\. See the same idiom in kjv@1Corinthians:4:6| {one in behalf of the one}, \heis huper tou henos\. Build is a favourite Pauline metaphor.
rwp@1Timothy:2:6 @{A ransom for all} (\antilutron huper pant“n\). "A reminiscence of the Lord's own saying" (Lock) in kjv@Matthew:20:28| (Mark:10:45|) where we have \lutron anti poll“n\. In the papyri \huper\ is the ordinary preposition for the notion of substitution where benefit is involved as in this passage. \Anti\ has more the idea of exchange and \antilutron huper\ combines both ideas. \Lutron\ is the common word for ransom for a slave or a prisoner. Paul may have coined \antilutron\ with the saying of Christ in mind (only one MS. of kjv@Psalms:48:9| and Orph. _Litt_. 588). See kjv@Galatians:1:4| "who gave himself for our sins." {The testimony} (\to marturion\). Either the nominative absolute or the accusative absolute in apposition to the preceding clause like \to adunaton\ in kjv@Romans:8:3|. {In its own times} (\kairois idiois\). Locative case as in 6:15; kjv@Titus:1:3|. See kjv@Galatians:6:9| for "due season." There is no predicate or participle here, "the testimony in its due seasons" (plural).
rwp@2Corinthians:1:7 @{Our hope for you} (\hˆ elpis hˆm“n huper hum“n\). The old word \elpis\, from \elpiz“\, to hope, has the idea of waiting with expectation and patience. Songs:here it is "steadfast" (\bebaia\, stable, fast, from \bain“\, to plant the feet down). {Partakers} (\koin“noi\). Partners as in kjv@Luke:5:10|.
rwp@2Corinthians:1:8 @{Concerning our affliction} (\huper tˆs thlipse“s hˆm“n\). Manuscripts read also \peri\ for in the _Koin‚_ \huper\ (over) often has the idea of \peri\ (around). Paul has laid down his philosophy of afflictions and now he cites a specific illustration in his own recent experience. {In Asia} (\en Asiƒi\). Probably in Ephesus, but what it was we do not know whether sickness or peril. We do know that the disciples and the Asiarchs would not allow Paul to face the mob in the amphitheatre gathered by Demetrius (Acts:20:30f.|). In kjv@Romans:16:4| Paul says that Prisca and Aquila laid down their necks for him, risked their very lives for him. It may have been a later plot to kill Paul that hastened his departure from Ephesus (Acts:20:1|). He had a trial so great that "we were weighed down exceedingly beyond our power" (\kath' huperbolˆn huper dunamin ebarˆthˆmen\). Old verb from \baros\, weight, \barus\, weighty. First aorist passive indicative. See on ¯1Corinthians:12:31| for \kath' huperbolˆn\ (cf. our hyperbole). It was beyond Paul's power to endure if left to himself. {Insomuch that we despaired even of life} (\h“ste exaporˆthˆnai hˆmas kai tou zˆin\). Usual clause of result with \h“ste\ and the infinitive. First aorist passive infinitive \exaporˆthˆnai\, late compound for utter despair (perfective use of \ex\ and at a complete loss, \a\ privative and \poros\, way). There seemed no way out. {Of life} (\tou zˆin\). Ablative case of the articular infinitive, of living.
rwp@2Corinthians:1:11 @{Ye also helping together on our behalf} (\sunupourgount“n kai hum“n huper hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with present active participle of late compound verb (\sun\ and \hupourge“\ for \hupo\ and \ergon\). Paul relied on God and felt the need of the prayer of God's people. {By means of many} (\ek poll“n pros“p“n\). \Pros“pon\ means face (\pros, ops\). The word is common in all Greek. The papyri use it for face, appearance, person. It occurs twelve times in II Corinthians. It certainly means face in eight of them (3:7,13,18; 8:24; 10:1,7; 11:20|). In 5:12| it means outward appearance. It may mean face or person here, 2:10; 4:6|. It is more pictorial to take it here as face "that out of many upturned faces" thanks may be given (\hina--eucharistˆthˆi\ first aorist passive subjunctive) for the gift to us by means of many (\dia pollon\). It is indeed a difficult sentence to understand.
rwp@2Corinthians:5:14 @{The love of Christ} (\hˆ agapˆ tou Christou\). Subjective genitive, Christ's love for Paul as shown by verse 15|. {Constraineth us} (\sunechei hˆmas\). Old and common verb, to hold together, to press the ears together (Acts:7:57|), to press on every side (Luke:8:45|), to hold fast (Luke:22:63|), to hold oneself to (Acts:18:5|), to be pressed (passive, kjv@Luke:12:50; kjv@Phillipians:1:23|). Songs:here Paul's conception of Christ's love for him holds him together to his task whatever men think or say. {Judging this} (\krinantas touto\). Having reached this conclusion, ever since his conversion (Galatians:1:17f.|). {One died for all} (\heis huper pant“n apethanen\). This is the central tenet in Paul's theology and Christology. \Huper\ (over) here is used in the sense of substitution as in kjv@John:11:50; kjv@Galatians:3:13|, death in behalf so that the rest will not have to die. This use of \huper\ is common in the papyri (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 631). In fact, \huper\ in this sense is more usual in Greek than \anti, pro\ or any other preposition. {Therefore all died} (\ara hoi pantes apethanon\). Logical conclusion (\ara\, corresponding), the one died for the all and so the all died when he did, all the spiritual death possible for those for whom Christ died. This is Paul's gospel, clear-cut, our hope today.
rwp@2Corinthians:7:12 @{But that your earnest care for us might be made manifest} (\all' heineken tou phaner“thˆnai tˆn spoudˆn hum“n tˆn huper hˆm“n\). Songs:the correct text, not "our care for you." Easy to interchange Greek \hum“n\ (your) and \hˆm“n\ (our). Usual construction with preposition \heneken\ and genitive of articular infinitive with accusative of general reference.
rwp@Acts:5:41 @{They therefore} (\hoi men oun\). No answering \de\. {They were counted worthy to suffer dishonour for the Name} (\katˆxi“thˆsan huper tou onomatos atimasthˆnai\). First aorist passive indicative of \kataxio“\, old verb to count worthy. Three times in N.T. (Luke:20:35; kjv@Acts:5:41; kjv@2Thessalonians:1:5|). First aorist passive infinitive of \atimaz“\, old verb to make one dishonoured (\atimos\). Forms here an oxymoron (\oxus\, sharp, \moros\, foolish) pointedly foolish saying "which is witty or impressive through sheer contradiction or paradox as laborious idleness, sublime indifference" (Vincent). The apostles felt honoured by dishonour. Note the same use of "the Name" as in kjv@James:2:7; kjv@3John:1:7|. With the Jews this absolute use of "the Name" meant Jehovah. The Christians now apply it to Jesus.
rwp@Acts:8:24 @{Pray ye for me} (\Deˆthˆte humeis huper emou\). Emphasis on \humeis\ (you). First aorist passive imperative. Simon is thoroughly frightened by Peter's words, but shows no sign of personal repentance or change of heart. He wants to escape the penalty for his sin and hopes that Peter can avert it. Peter had clearly diagnosed his case. He was an unconverted man in spite of his profession of faith and baptism. There is no evidence that he ever changed his life at all. {Which} (\h“n\). Genitive by attraction of the accusative relative \ha\ to case of the unexpressed antecedent \tout“n\ (of those things), a common Greek idiom.
rwp@Acts:21:26 @{Took the men} (\paralab“n tous andras\). The very phrase used in verse 24| to Paul. {The next day} (\tˆi echomenˆi\). One of the phrases in 20:15| for the coming day. Locative case of time. {Purifying himself with them} (\sun autois hagnistheis\, first aorist passive participle of \hagniz“\). The precise language again of the recommendation in verse 24|. Paul was conforming to the letter. {Went into the temple} (\eisˆiei eis to hieron\). Imperfect active of \eiseimi\ as in verse 18| which see. Went on into the temple, descriptive imperfect. Paul joined the four men in their vow of separation. {Declaring} (\diaggell“n\). To the priests what day he would report the fulfilment of the vow. The priests would desire notice of the sacrifice. This verb only used by Luke in N.T. except kjv@Romans:11:17| (quotation from the LXX). It is not necessary to assume that the vows of each of the five expired on the same day (Rackham). {Until the offering was offered for every one of them} (\he“s hou prosˆnechthˆ huper henos hekastou aut“n hˆ prosphora\). This use of \he“s hou\ (like \he“s\, alone) with the first aorist passive indicative \prosˆnechthˆ\ of \prospher“\, to offer, contemplates the final result (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 974f.) and is probably the statement of Luke added to Paul's announcement. He probably went into the temple one day for each of the brethren and one for himself. The question arises whether Paul acted wisely or unwisely in agreeing to the suggestion of James. What he did was in perfect harmony with his principle of accommodation in kjv@1Corinthians:9:20| when no principle was involved. It is charged that here on this occasion Paul was unduly influenced by considerations of expediency and was willing for the Jewish Christians to believe him more of a Jew than was true in order to placate the situation in Jerusalem. Furneaux calls it a compromise and a failure. I do not so see it. To say that is to obscure the whole complex situation. What Paul did was not for the purpose of conciliating his opponents, the Judaizers, who had diligently spread falsehoods about him in Jerusalem as in Corinth. It was solely to break the power of these "false apostles" over the thousands in Jerusalem who have been deluded by Paul's accusers. Songs:far as the evidence goes that thing was accomplished. In the trouble that comes in Jerusalem and Caesarea the Judaizers cut no figure at all. The Jewish Christians do not appear in Paul's behalf, but there was no opportunity for them to do so. The explosion that came on the last day of Paul's appearance in the temple was wholly disconnected from his offerings for the four brethren and himself. It must be remembered that Paul had many kinds of enemies. The attack on him by these Jews from Asia had no connexion whatever with the slanders of the Judaizers about Paul's alleged teachings that Jewish Christians in the dispersion should depart from the Mosaic law. That slander was put to rest forever by his following the advice of James and justifies the wisdom of that advice and Paul's conduct about it.
rwp@Colossians:4:12 @{Epaphras who is one of you} (\Epaphrƒs ho ex hum“n\). See 1:7| for previous mention of this brother who had brought Paul news from Colossae. {Always striving for you} (\pantote ag“nizomenos huper hˆm“n\). See 1:29| of Paul. {That ye may stand} (\hina stathˆte\). Final clause, first aorist passive subjunctive (according to Aleph B) rather than the usual second aorist active subjunctives (\stˆte\) of \histˆmi\ (according to A C D). {Fully assured} (\peplˆrophorˆmenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \plˆrophore“\, late compound, for which see kjv@Luke:1:1; kjv@Romans:14:5|.
rwp@Ephesians:3:1 @{For this cause} (\toutou charin\). Use of \charin\ (accusative of \charis\) as a preposition with the genitive and referring to the preceding argument about God's elective grace. It is possible that Paul started to make the prayer that comes in verses 14-21| when he repeats \toutou charin\. If so, he is diverted by his own words "the prisoner of Christ Jesus in behalf of you Gentiles" (\ho desmios tou Christou Iˆsou huper hum“n t“n ethn“n\) to set forth in a rich paragraph (1-13|) God's use of him for the Gentiles.
rwp@Galatians:3:13 @{Redeemed us} (\hˆmas exˆgorasen\). First aorist active of the compound verb \exagoraz“\ (Polybius, Plutarch, Diodorus), to buy from, to buy back, to ransom. The simple verb \agoraz“\ (1Corinthians:6:20; 7:23|) is used in an inscription for the purchase of slaves in a will (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 324). See also kjv@Galatians:4:5; kjv@Colossians:4:5; kjv@Ephesians:5:16|. Christ purchased us {from the curse of the law} (\ek tˆs kataras tou nomou\). "Out from (\ek\ repeated) under (\hupo\ in verse 10|) the curse of the law." {Having become a curse for us} (\genomenos huper hˆm“n katara\). Here the graphic picture is completed. We were under (\hupo\) a curse, Christ became a curse {over} (\huper\) us and so between us and the overhanging curse which fell on him instead of on us. Thus he bought us out (\ek\) and we are free from the curse which he took on himself. This use of \huper\ for substitution is common in the papyri and in ancient Greek as in the N.T. (John:11:50; kjv@2Corinthians:5:14f.|). {That hangeth on a tree} (\ho kremamenos epi xulou\). Quotation from kjv@Deuteronomy:21:23| with the omission of \hupo theou\ (by God). Since Christ was not cursed by God. The allusion was to exposure of dead bodies on stakes or crosses (Joshua:10:26|). \Xulon\ means wood, not usually tree, though so in kjv@Luke:23:31| and in later Greek. It was used of gallows, crosses, etc. See kjv@Acts:5:30; 10:39; kjv@1Peter:2:24|. On the present middle participle from the old verb \kremannumi\, to hang, see on ¯Matthew:18:6; kjv@Acts:5:30|.
rwp@Hebrews:2:9 @{Even Jesus} (\Iˆsoun\). We do not see man triumphant, but we do see Jesus, for the author is not ashamed of his human name, realizing man's destiny, "the very one who has been made a little lower than the angels" (\ton brachu ti par' aggelous ˆlatt“menon\), quoting and applying the language of the Psalm in verse 7| to Jesus (with article \ton\ and the perfect passive participle of \elatta“\). But this is not all. Death has defeated man, but Jesus has conquered death. {Because of the suffering of death} (\dia to pathˆma tou thanatou\). The causal sense of \dia\ with the accusative as in 1:14|. Jesus in his humanity was put lower than the angels "for a little while" (\brachu ti\). Because of the suffering of death we see (\blepomen\) Jesus crowned (\estephan“menon\, perfect passive participle of \stephano“\ from verse 7|), crowned already "with glory and honour" as Paul shows in kjv@Phillipians:2:9-11| (more highly exalted, \huperups“sen\) "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow." There is more glory to come to Jesus surely, but he is already at God's right hand (1:3|). {That by the grace of God he should taste death for every man} (\hop“s chariti theou huper pantos geusˆtai thanatou\). This purpose clause (\hop“s\ instead of the more usual \hina\) is pregnant with meaning. The author interprets and applies the language of the Psalm to Jesus and here puts Christ's death in behalf of (\huper\), and so instead of, every man as the motive for his incarnation and death on the Cross. The phrase to taste death (\geuomai thanatou\) occurs in the Gospels (Matthew:16:28; kjv@Mark:9:1; kjv@Luke:9:27; kjv@John:8:52|), though not in the ancient Greek. It means to see death (Hebrews:11:5|), "a bitter experience, not a rapid sip" (Moffatt). His death was in behalf of every one (not everything as the early Greek theologians took it). The death of Christ (Andrew Fuller) was sufficient for all, efficient for some. It is all "by the grace (\chariti\, instrumental case) of God," a thoroughly Pauline idea. Curiously enough some MSS. read \ch“ris theou\ (apart from God) in place of \chariti theou\, Nestorian doctrine whatever the origin.
rwp@Hebrews:5:3 @{For himself} (\peri heautou\). Note \peri\ three times here (\peri tou laou, peri heautou, peri hamarti“n\), but in verse 1| \huper anthr“p“n, huper hamarti“n\. In the _Koin‚_ this interchange of \peri\ (around) and \huper\ (over) is common (Matthew:26:28|).
rwp@James:5:16 @{Confess therefore your sins one to another} (\exomologeisthe oun allˆlois tas hamartias\). Present middle (indirect) of \exomologe“\. Confession of sin to God is already assumed. But public confession of certain sins to one another in the meetings is greatly helpful in many ways. This is not confessing to one man like a priest in place of the public confession. One may confess to the pastor without confessing to God or to the church, with little benefit to anybody. {Pray for one another} (\proseuchesthe huper allˆl“n\). Present middle imperative. Keep this up. {That ye may be healed} (\hop“s iathˆte\). Purpose clause with \hop“s\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \iaomai\. Probably of bodily healing (verse 14|), though \iaomai\ is used also of healing of the soul (Matthew:13:15; kjv@1Peter:2:24; kjv@Hebrews:12:13|) as Mayor takes it here. {Availeth much} (\polu ischuei\). "Has much force." Present active indicative of \ischu“\ (from \ischus\, strength). {In its working} (\energoumenˆ\). Probably the present middle participle of \energe“\ as Paul apparently uses it in kjv@Galatians:5:6; kjv@2Corinthians:4:12; kjv@2Thessalonians:2:7|, meaning "when it works." The passive is possible, as is the usual idiom elsewhere. Mayor argues strongly for the passive here, "when it is exercised" (Ropes).
rwp@John:10:11 @{I am the good shepherd} (\eg“ eimi ho poimˆn ho kalos\). Note repetition of the article, "the shepherd the good one." Takes up the metaphor of verses 2ff|. Vulgate _pastor bonus_. Philo calls his good shepherd \agathos\, but \kalos\ calls attention to the beauty in character and service like "good stewards" (1Peter:4:10|), "a good minister of Christ Jesus" (1Timothy:4:6|). Often both adjectives appear together in the ancient Greek as once in the New Testament (Luke:8:15|). "Beauty is as beauty does." That is \kalos\. {Layeth down his life for his sheep} (\tˆn psuchˆn autou tithˆsin huper t“n probat“n\). For illustration see kjv@1Samuel:17:35| (David's experience) and kjv@Isaiah:31:4|. Dods quotes Xenophon (_Mem_. ii. 7, 14) who pictures even the sheep dog as saying to the sheep: "For I am the one that saves you also so that you are neither stolen by men nor seized by wolves." Hippocrates has \psuchˆn katetheto\ (he laid down his life, i.e. died). In kjv@Judges:12:3| \ethˆka tˆn psuchˆn\ means "I risked my life." The true physician does this for his patient as the shepherd for his sheep. The use of \huper\ here (over, in behalf of, instead of), but in the papyri \huper\ is the usual preposition for substitution rather than \anti\. This shepherd gives his life for the sin of the world (1:29; kjv@1John:2:2|).
rwp@John:10:15 @{And I know the Father} (\kag“ gin“sk“ ton patera\). Hence he is qualified to reveal the Father (1:18|). The comparison of the mutually reciprocal knowledge between the Father and the Son illustrates what he has just said, though it stands above all else (Matthew:11:27; kjv@Luke:10:22; kjv@John:17:21-26|). We cannot claim such perfect knowledge of the Good Shepherd as exists between the Father and the Son and yet the real sheep do know the Shepherd's voice and do love to follow his leadership here and now in spite of thieves, robbers, wolves, hirelings. {And I lay down my life for the sheep} (\kai tˆn psuchˆn mou tithˆmi huper t“n probat“n\). This he had said in verse 11|, but he repeats it now for clearness. This he does not just as an example for the sheep and for under-shepherds, but primarily to save the sheep from the wolves, the thieves and robbers.
rwp@John:11:4 @{Heard it} (\akousas\). The messenger delivered the message of the sisters. The reply of Jesus is for him and for the apostles. {Is not unto death} (\ouk estin pros thanaton\). Death in the final issue, to remain dead. Lazarus did die, but he did not remain dead. See \hamartia pros thanaton\ in kjv@1John:5:16|, "sin unto death" (final death). {But for the glory of God} (\all' huper tˆs doxˆs tou theou\). In behalf of God's glory, as the sequel shows. Cf. 9:3| about the man born blind. The death of Lazarus will illustrate God's glory. In some humble sense those who suffer the loss of loved ones are entitled to some comfort from this point made by Jesus about Lazarus. In a supreme way it is true of the death of Christ which he himself calls glorification of himself and God (13:31|). In 7:39| John had already used \doxaz“\ of the death of Christ. {That the Son of God may be glorified thereby} (\hina doxasthˆi ho huios tou theou di' autˆs\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \doxaz“\. Here Jesus calls himself "the Son of God." In 8:54| Jesus had said: "It is my Father that glorifieth me." The raising of Lazarus from the tomb will bring glory to the Son of God. See 17:1| for this idea in Christ's prayer. The raising of Lazarus will also bring to an issue his own death and all this involves the glorification of the Father (7:39; 12:16; 13:31; 14:13|). The death of Lazarus brings Jesus face to face with his own death.
rwp@John:13:37 @{"Why can I not follow thee even now?"} (\dia ti ou dunamai soi akolouthein arti;\). The use of \arti\ (right now, this minute) instead of \nun\ (at this time, verse 36|) illustrates the impatience of Peter. {I will lay down my life for thee} (\ten psuchˆn mou huper sou thˆs“\). Future active indicative of \tithˆmi\. Peter, like the rest, had not yet grasped the idea of the death of Christ, but, like Thomas (11:16|), he is not afraid of danger. He had heard Christ's words about the good shepherd (10:11|) and knew that such loyalty was the mark of a good disciple.
rwp@Luke:6:40 @{The disciple is not above his master} (\ouk estin mathˆtˆs huper ton didaskalon\). Literally, a learner (or pupil) is not above the teacher. Precisely so in kjv@Matthew:10:24| where "slave" is added with "lord." But here Luke adds: "But everyone when he is perfected shall be as his master" (\katˆrtismenos de pƒs estai h“s ho didaskalos autou\). The state of completion, perfect passive participle, is noted in \katˆrtismenos\. The word is common for mending broken things or nets (Matthew:4:21|) or men (Galatians:6:1|). Songs:it is a long process to get the pupil patched up to the plane of his teacher.
rwp@Luke:9:50 @{"Against you is for you"} (\kath' h–m“n huper h–m“n\). kjv@Mark:9:40| has "against us is for us" (\hˆm“n ... hˆm“n\). The _Koin‚_ Greek \ˆ\ and \–\ were often pronounced alike and it was easy to interchange them. Songs:many MSS. here read just as in Mark. The point is precisely the same as it is a proverbial saying. See a similar saying in kjv@Luke:11:23|: "He that is not with me is against me." The prohibition here as in kjv@Mark:9:39| is general: "Stop hindering him" (\mˆ k“luete, mˆ\ and the present imperative, not \mˆ\ and the aorist subjunctive). The lesson of toleration in methods of work for Christ is needed today.
rwp@Luke:22:19 @{Which is given for you} (\to huper hum“n didomenon\). Some MSS. omit these verses though probably genuine. The correct text in kjv@1Corinthians:11:24| has "which is for you," not "which is broken for you." It is curious to find the word "broken" here preserved and justified so often, even by Easton in his commentary on Luke, p. 320. {In remembrance of me} (\eis tˆn emˆn anamnˆsin\). Objective use of the possessive pronoun \emˆn\, not the subjective. {This do} (\touto poieite\). Present active indicative, repetition, keep on doing this.
rwp@Mark:9:40 @{He that is not against us is with us} (\hos ouk estin kath' hˆm“n huper hˆm“n estin\). This profound saying throws a flood of light in every direction. The complement of this logion is that in kjv@Matthew:12:30|: "He that is not with me is against me." Both are needed. Some people imagine that they are really for Christ who refuse to take a stand in the open with him and for him.
rwp@Philemon:1:16 @{No longer as a servant} (\ouketi h“s doulon\). "No longer as a slave." Songs:it has to be here. Songs:it should be always. Paul sends Onesimus, the converted runaway slave, back to his legal master, but shows that he expects Philemon the Christian to treat Onesimus as a brother in Christ, not as a slave. {But more than a servant} (\all' huper doulon\). "But beyond a slave." {A brother beloved} (\adelphon agapˆton\). A brother in Christ. {How much rather to thee} (\pos“i de mƒllon soi\). "By how much more to thee," because of Philemon's legal ownership of this now Christian slave. "In the flesh Philemon had the brother for a slave; in the Lord he had the slave for a brother" (Meyer).
rwp@Philemon:1:21 @{Obedience} (\hupakoˆi\). "Compliance" seems less harsh to us in the light of 9|. {I write} (\egrapsa\). Epistolary aorist again. {Even beyond what I say} (\kai huper ha leg“\). That can only mean that Paul "knows" (\eid“s\, second perfect active participle of \oida\) that Philemon will set Onesimus free. He prefers that it come as Philemon's idea and wish rather than as a command from Paul. Paul has been criticized for not denouncing slavery in plain terms. But, when one considers the actual conditions in the Roman empire, he is a wise man who can suggest a better plan than the one pursued here for the ultimate overthrow of slavery.
rwp@Philippians:1:29 @{In the behalf of Christ} (\to huper Christou\). Literally, "the in behalf of Christ." But Paul divides the idea and uses the article to again both with \pisteuein\ and with \paschein\. Suffering in behalf of Christ is one of God's gifts to us.
rwp@Philippians:2:9 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Because of which act of voluntary and supreme humility. {Highly exalted} (\huperups“se\). First aorist indicative of \huperupso“\ (\huper\ and \hupsos\) late and rare word (LXX and Byzantine). Here only in N.T. Because of Christ's voluntary humiliation God lifted him above or beyond (\huper\) the state of glory which he enjoyed before the Incarnation. What glory did Christ have after the Ascension that he did not have before in heaven? What did he take back to heaven that he did not bring? Clearly his humanity. He returned to heaven the Son of Man as well as the Son of God. {The name which is above every name} (\to onoma to huper pan onoma\). What name is that? Apparently and naturally the name {Jesus}, which is given in verse 10|. Some think it is "Jesus Christ," some "Lord," some the ineffable name Jehovah, some merely dignity and honour.
rwp@Philippians:4:10 @{I rejoice} (\echarˆn\). Second aorist passive indicative of \chair“\, a timeless aorist. I did rejoice, I do rejoice. {Greatly} (\megal“s\). Old adverb, only here in N.T., from \megas\ (great). {Now at length} (\ˆdˆ pote\). In N.T. only here and kjv@Romans:1:10|. \Pote\ is indefinite past (interval), \ˆdˆ\ immediate present. {Ye have revived} (\anethalete\). Second aorist active indicative of old poetic word (Homer), \anathall“\, to sprout again, to shoot up, to blossom again. Songs:in the LXX five times, though rare and literary word. {Your thought for me} (\to huper emou phronein\). Accusative case of the articular present active infinitive the object of \anethalete\ used transitively. "You caused your thinking of me to bloom afresh." {Wherein} (\eph' h“i\). "In which," "upon which" (locative case). A loose reference to Paul's interests as involved in their thinking of him. {Ye did indeed take thought} (\kai ephroneite\). Imperfect active, "ye were also (or had been also) thinking." {Ye lacked opportunity} (\ˆkaireisthe\). Imperfect middle of \akaireomai\, late and rare word, here only in N.T., from \akairos\ (\a\ privative, \kairos\), not to have a chance, the opposite of \eukaire“\ (Mark:6:31|).
rwp@Romans:8:31 @{For these things} (\pros tauta\). From 8:12| on Paul has made a triumphant presentation of the reasons for the certainty of final sanctification of the sons of God. He has reached the climax with glorification (\edoxasen\ in verse 30|). But Paul lets the objector have his say as he usually does so that in verses 31-39| he considers the objections. {If God is for us, who is against us?} (\ei ho theos huper hˆm“n, tis kath' hˆm“n?\). This condition of the first class carries Paul's challenge to all doubters. There is no one on a par with God. Note the two prepositions in contrast (\huper\, over, \kata\, down or against).
rwp@Romans:8:34 @{Shall condemn} (\katakrin“n\). Can be either present active participle (condemns) or the future (shall condemn). It is a bold accuser who can face God with false charges or with true ones for that matter for we have an "Advocate" at God's Court (1John:2:1|), "who is at the right hand of God" (\hos estin en dexiƒi tou theou\) "who also maketh intercession for us" (\hos kai entugchanei huper hˆm“n\). Our Advocate paid the debt for our sins with his blood. The score is settled. We are free (8:1|).
rwp@Titus:2:14 @{Who gave himself for us} (\hos ed“ken heauton huper hˆm“n\). Paul's great doctrine (Galatians:1:4; 2:20; kjv@1Timothy:2:6|). {That he might redeem us} (\hina lutr“sˆtai\). Final clause, \hina\ and the aorist middle subjunctive of \lutro“\, old verb from \lutron\ (ransom), in N.T. only here, kjv@Luke:24:21; kjv@1Peter:1:18|. {Purify to himself} (\katharisˆi heaut“i\). Final clause with first aorist active subjunctive of \kathariz“\, for which verb see kjv@Ephesians:5:26|. {Lawlessness} (\anomias\). See kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3|. {A people for his own possession} (\laon periousion\). A late word (from \perieimi\, to be over and above, in papyri as well as \periousia\), only in LXX and here, apparently made by the LXX, one's possession, and so God's chosen people. See kjv@1Peter:2:9| (\laos eis peripoiˆsin\). {Zealous of good works} (\zˆl“tˆn kal“n erg“n\). "A zealot for good works." Substantive for which see kjv@1Corinthians:14:12; kjv@Galatians:1:14|. Objective genitive \erg“n\.
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