CONCORDANCE:String = clean
rwp@1Corinthians:5:7 @{Purge out} (\ekkatharate\). First aorist (effective) active imperative of \ekkathair“\, old verb to cleanse out (\ek\), to clean completely. Aorist tense of urgency, do it now and do it effectively before the whole church is contaminated. This turn to the metaphor is from the command to purge out the old (\palaian\, now old and decayed) leaven before the passover feast (Exodus:12:15f.; 13:7; kjv@Zephaniah:1:12|). Cf. modern methods of disinfection after a contagious disease. {A new lump} (\neon phurama\). Make a fresh start as a new community with the contamination removed. \Neos\ is the root for \neaniskos\, a young man, not yet old (\gˆraios\). Songs:new wine (\oinon neon\ kjv@Matthew:9:17|). \Kainos\ is fresh as compared with the ancient (\palaios\). See the distinction in kjv@Colossians:3:10; kjv@Ephesians:4:22ff.; kjv@2Corinthians:5:17|. {Unleavened} (\azumoi\). Without (\a\ privative) leaven, the normal and ideal state of Christians. Rare word among the ancients (once in Plato). They are a new creation (\kainˆ ktisis\), "exemplifying Kant's maxim that you should treat a man as if he were what you would wish him to be" (Robertson and Plummer). {For our passover also hath been sacrificed, even Christ} (\kai gar to pascha hˆm“n etuthˆ Christos\). First aorist passive indicative of \thu“\, old verb to sacrifice. Euphony of consonants, \th\ to \t\ because of \-thˆ\. Reference to the death of Christ on the Cross as the Paschal Lamb (common use of \pascha\ as kjv@Mark:14:12; kjv@Luke:22:7|), the figure used long before by the Baptist of Jesus (John:1:29|). Paul means that the Lamb was already slain on Calvary and yet you have not gotten rid of the leaven.
rwp@1Corinthians:6:19 @{Your body is a temple} (\to s“ma hum“n naos estin\). A sanctuary as in 3:16| which see. Our spirits dwell in our bodies and the Holy Spirit dwells in our spirits. Some of the Gnostics split hairs between the sins of the body and fellowship with God in the spirit. Paul will have none of this subterfuge. One's body is the very shrine for the Holy Spirit. In Corinth was the temple to Aphrodite in which fornication was regarded as consecration instead of desecration. Prostitutes were there as priestesses of Aphrodite, to help men worship the goddess by fornication. {Ye are not your own} (\ouk este heaut“n\). Predicate genitive. Ye do not belong to yourselves, even if you could commit fornication without personal contamination or men to be clean as ...
rwp@2Corinthians:5:16 @{Henceforth} (\apo tou nun\). From the time that we gained this view of Christ's death for us. {After the flesh} (\kata sarka\). According to the flesh, the fleshy way of looking at men. He, of course, knows men "in the flesh (\en tˆi sarki\), but Paul is not speaking of that. Worldly standards and distinctions of race, class, cut no figure now with Paul (Galatians:3:28|) as he looks at men from the standpoint of the Cross of Christ. {Even though we have known Christ after the flesh} (\ei kai egn“kamen kata sarka Christon\). Concessive clause (\ei kai\, if even or also) with perfect active indicative. Paul admits that he had once looked at Christ \kata sarka\, but now no longer does it. Obviously he uses \kata sarka\ in precisely the same sense that he did in verse 15| about men. He had before his conversion known Christ \kata sarka\, according to the standards of the men of his time, the Sanhedrin and other Jewish leaders. He had led the persecution against Jesus till Jesus challenged and stopped him (Acts:9:4|)...That event turned Paul clean round ...\kata sarka\. Paul may or may not have seen Jesus in the flesh before his death, but he says absolutely nothing on that point here.
rwp@2Peter:2:18 @{Great swelling words} (\huperogka\). Old compound adjective (\huper\ and \ogkos\, a swelling, swelling above and beyond), in N.T. only here and kjv@Jude:1:16|. {Of vanity} (\mataiotˆtos\). Late and rare word (from \mataios\, empty, vain), often in LXX, in N.T. here, kjv@Romans:8:20; kjv@Ephesians:4:17|. {By lasciviousness} (\aselgeiais\). Instrumental plural, "by lascivious acts." Note asyndeton as in 1:9,17|. {Those who are just escaping} (\tous olig“s apopheugontas\). Songs:A B read \olig“s\ (slightly, a little), while Aleph C K L P read \ont“s\ (actually). \Olig“s\ late and rare, only here in N.T. Songs:again the Textus Receptus has \apophugontas\ (second aorist active participle, clean escaped) while the correct text is the present active \apopheugontas\. {From them that live in error} (\tous en planˆi anastrephomenous\). Accusative case after \apopheugontas\ (escaping from) according to regular idiom. Peter often uses \anastreph“\ and \anastrophˆ\.
rwp@Acts:10:12 @{Were} (\hupˆrchen\). Imperfect of \huparch“\ in sense of \ˆn\...water, though they were clean and ...(Leviticus:11:9; kjv@Deuteronomy:14:9|). {All manner of} (\panta\)...not all individuals. Both clean and ...
rwp@Acts:10:14 @{Not so, Lord} (\Mˆdam“s, kurie\). The negative \mˆdam“s\ calls for the optative \eiˆ\ (may it not be) or the imperative \est“\ (let it be). It is not \oudam“s\, a blunt refusal (I shall not do it). And yet it is more than a mild protest as Page and Furneaux argue. It is a polite refusal with a reason given. Peter recognizes the invitation to slay (\thuson\) the unclean animals as from the Lord (\kurie\) but declines it three times. {For I have never eaten anything} (\hoti oudepote ephagon pan\). Second aorist active indicative, I never did anything like this and I shall not do it now. The use of \pan\ (everything) with \oudepote\ (never) is like the Hebrew (_lo--k“l_) though a like idiom appears in the vernacular _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 752). {Common and unclean} (\koinon kai akatharton\). \Koinos\ from epic \xunos\ (\xun, sun\, together with) originally meant common to several (Latin _communis_) as in kjv@Acts:2:44; 4:32; kjv@Titus:1:4; kjv@Jude:1:3|. The use seen here (also kjv@Mark:7:2,5; kjv@Romans:14:14; kjv@Hebrews:10:29; kjv@Revelation:21:27; kjv@Acts:10:28; 11:8|), like Latin _vulgaris_ is unknown in ancient Greek. Here the idea is made plain by the addition of \akatharton\ (unclean), ceremonially unclean, of course. We have the same double use in our word "common." See on ¯Mark:7:18f.| where Mark adds the remarkable participle \kathariz“n\ (making all meats clean)...make the distinction between clean and ...
rwp@Acts:11:3 @{Thou wentest in} (\eisˆlthes\). Direct form, but Westcott and Hort have it \eisˆlthen\ (he went in), indirect form. Songs:with \sunephages\ (didst eat) and \sunephagen\ (did eat). The direct is more vivid. {Men uncircumcised} (\andras akrobustian echontas\). "Men having uncircumcision." It is a contemptuous expression. They did not object to Peter's preaching to the Gentiles, but to his going into the house of Cornelius and eating with them, violating his supposed obligations as a Jew (Hackett). It was the same complaint in principle that the Pharisees had made against Jesus when he ate with publicans and sinners (Luke:15:12|)...the Mosaic regulations about clean and ...10:28|). Peter had been led beyond the circumcision party.
rwp@Acts:16:27 @{Being roused out of sleep} (\exupnos genomenos\). Becoming \exupnos\ (rare word, only here in N.T., in LXX and Josephus). An earthquake like that would wake up any one. {Open} (\ane“igmenos\). Perfect passive participle with double reduplication in predicate position, standing open. {Drew his sword} (\spasamenos tˆn machairan\). First aorist middle participle of \spa“\, to draw, as in kjv@Mark:14:47|, drawing his own sword himself. Our word spasm from this old word. {Was about} (\ˆmellen\). Imperfect active of \mell“\ with both syllabic and temporal augment and followed here by present infinitive. He was on the point of committing suicide as Brutus had done near here. Stoicism had made suicide popular as the escape from trouble like the Japanese _harikari_. {Had escaped} (\ekpepheugenai\). Second perfect active infinitive of \ekpheug“\, old verb with perfective force of \ek\...flee out, to get clean away. ...\nomiz“n\. Probably the prisoners were so panic stricken by the earthquake that they did not rally to the possibility of escape before the jailor awoke. He was responsible for the prisoners with his life (12:19; 27:42|).
rwp@Acts:19:18 @{Came} (\ˆrchonto\). Imperfect middle, kept coming, one after another. Even some of the believers were secretly under the spell of these false spiritualists just as some Christians today cherish private contacts with so-called occult powers through mediums, seances, of which they are ashamed. {Confessing} (\exomologoumenoi\)...time to make a clean breast ...{Declaring their deeds} (\anaggellontes tas praxeis aut“n\). Judgment was beginning at the house of God. The dupes (professing believers, alas) of these jugglers or exorcists now had their eyes opened when they saw the utter defeat of the tricksters who had tried to use the name of Jesus without his power. The boomerang was tremendous. The black arts were now laid bare in their real character. Gentile converts had a struggle to shake off their corrupt environment.
rwp@Acts:26:26 @{For the king knoweth of these things} (\epistatai gar peri tout“n ho basileus\). \Epistatai\ (present middle probably Ionic form of \ephistˆmi\) is a literary word and suits well here (cf. 24:10|). {Freely} (\parrˆsiazomenos\)...speaking fully, making a clean breast ...\parrˆsia\ (\pan, rhˆsis\) (cf. 13:46|). {Is hidden from him} (\lanthanein auton\). Escapes his notice. Infinitive in indirect discourse after \peithomai\ (I am persuaded).
rwp@Acts:27:42 @{Counsel was to kill} (\boulˆ egeneto hina--apoktein“sin\). The soldiers did not relish the idea of the escape of the prisoners. Hence there came this "counsel" (\boulˆ\). Regular Greek idiom for purpose (\hina\ and aorist active subjunctive of \apoktein“\, to kill). Soldiers were responsible for the lives of prisoners (Acts:12:19|). {Swim out} (\ekkolumbˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \ekkolumba“\, old verb to swim out and so away. {Escape} (\diaphugˆi\). Second aorist (effective) active subjunctive of \diapheug“\, to make a clean (\dia\) escape.
rwp@Colossians:2:21 @{Handle not, nor taste, nor touch} (\mˆ hapsˆi mˆde geusˆi mˆde thigˆis\)...the Pharisees demanded ceremonially clean hands ...(the Latin commentators Ambrose, Hilary, Pelagius) regard these prohibitions as Paul's own instead of those of the Gnostics condemned by him. Even today men are finding that the noble prohibition law needs enlightened instruction to make it effective. That is true of all law. The Pharisees, Essenes, Gnostics made piety hinge on outward observances and rules instead of inward conviction and principle. These three verbs are all in the aorist subjunctive second person singular with \mˆ\, a prohibition against handling or touching these forbidden things. Two of them do not differ greatly in meaning. \Hapsˆi\ is aorist middle subjunctive of \hapt“\, to fasten to, middle, to cling to, to handle. \Thigˆis\ is second aorist active subjunctive of \thiggan“\, old verb, to touch, to handle. In N.T. only here and kjv@Hebrews:11:28; 12:20|. \Geusˆi\ is second aorist middle subjunctive of \geu“\, to give taste of, only middle in N.T. to taste as here.
rwp@Colossians:3:9 @{Lie not to another} (\mˆ pseudesthe eis allˆlous\). Lying (\pseudos\) could have been included in the preceding list where it belongs in reality. But it is put more pointedly thus in the prohibition (\mˆ\ and the present middle imperative). It means either "stop lying" or "do not have the habit of lying." {Seeing that ye have put off} (\apekdusamenoi\). First aorist middle participle (causal sense of the circumstantial participle) of the double compound verb \apekduomai\, for which see 2:15|. The \apo\ has the perfective sense (wholly), "having stripped clean off." The same metaphor as \apothesthe\ in verse 8|. {The old man} (\ton palaion anthr“pon\). Here Paul brings in another metaphor (mixes his metaphors as he often does), that of the old life of sin regarded as "the ancient man" of sin already crucified (Romans:6:6|) and dropped now once and for all as a mode of life (aorist tense). See same figure in kjv@Ephesians:4:22|. \Palaios\ is ancient in contrast with \neos\ (young, new) as in kjv@Matthew:9:17| or \kainos\ (fresh, unused) as in kjv@Matthew:13:52|. {With his doings} (\sun tais praxesin autou\). Practice must square with profession.
rwp@Ephesians:4:31 @{Bitterness} (\pikria\). Old word from \pikros\ (bitter), in N.T. only here and kjv@Acts:8:23; kjv@Romans:3:14; kjv@Hebrews:12:15|. {Clamour} (\kraugˆ\). Old word for outcry (Matthew:25:6; kjv@Luke:1:42|). See kjv@Colossians:3:8| for the other words. {Be put away} (\arthˆt“\). First aorist passive imperative of \air“\...away, to make a clean sweep. ...
rwp@James:4:8 @{Draw nigh to God} (\eggisate t“i the“i\). First aorist active imperative of \eggiz“\, late verb from \eggus\ (near) as in kjv@Matthew:3:2|. With dative case again of personal relation. The priests in the sanctuary drew nigh to God (Exodus:19:22|), as we should now. {Cleanse your hands} (\katharisate cheiras\). First aorist active imperative of \kathariz“\, to cleanse, from dirt in a ritual sense (Exodus:30:19-21; kjv@Mark:7:3,19|). Here it is figurative, as in kjv@Hosea:1:16; kjv@Psalms:24:4|...If we always had clean... (from sin) hands and hearts? {Ye sinners} (\hamart“loi\). A sharp term to strike the conscience, "a reproach meant to startle and sting" (Ropes). {Purify your hearts} (\hagnisate kardias\). First aorist active imperative of \hagniz“\, old verb from \hagnos\ (James:3:17|), ceremonially (Acts:21:24,26|), but here morally as in kjv@1Peter:1:22; kjv@1John:3:3|. Anarthrous use of \kardias\ as of \cheiras\ (wash hands, purify hearts). {Ye double-minded} (\dipsuchoi\). As in 1:8|.
rwp@John:12:31 @{The judgement} (\krisis\). No article, "A judgement." The next few days will test this world. {The prince of this world} (\ho arch“n tou kosmou toutou\). This phrase here, descriptive of Satan as in possession of the evil world, occurs again in 14:30; 16:11|. In the temptations Satan claims power over the world and offers to share it with Jesus (Matthew:4:8-10; kjv@Luke:4:5-8|). Jesus did not deny Satan's power then, but here proclaims final victory over him. {Shall be cast out} (\ekblˆthˆsetai ex“\). Future passive of \ekball“\. Note \ex“\, clean out. The Book of Revelation also proclaims final victory over Satan.
rwp@Luke:2:35 @{A sword} (\rhomphaia\). A large sword, properly a long Thracian javelin. It occurs in the LXX of Goliath's sword (1Samuel:17:51|). How little Mary understood the meaning of Simeon's words that seemed so out of place in the midst of the glorious things already spoken, a sharp thorn in their roses, a veritable bitter-...with this Thracian javelin clean through ...\stabat Mater Dolorosa\ (John:19:25|). It is only a parenthesis here, and a passing cloud perhaps passed over Mary's heart already puzzled with rapture and ecstasy. {May be revealed} (\apokaluphth“sin\). Unveiled. First aorist passive subjunctive after \hop“s an\ and expresses God's purpose in the mission of the Messiah. He is to test men's thoughts (\dialogismoi\) and purposes. They will be compelled to take a stand for Christ or against him. That is true today.
rwp@Luke:6:10 @{He looked round about on them all} (\periblepsamenos\). First aorist middle participle as in kjv@Mark:3:5|, the middle voice giving a personal touch to it all. Mark adds "with anger" which Luke here does not put in. All three Gospels have the identical command: {Stretch forth thy hand} (\exteinon tˆn cheira sou\). First aorist active imperative. {Stretch out}, clean out, full length. All three Gospels also have the first aorist passive indicative \apekatestathˆ\ with the double augment of the double compound verb \apokathistˆmi\. As in Greek writers, so here the double compound means complete restoration to the former state.
rwp@Mark:7:18 @{Are ye so without understanding also?} (\Hout“s kai humeis asunetoi este;\). See on ¯Matthew:15:16|. You also as well as the multitude. It was a discouraging moment for the great Teacher if his own chosen pupils (disciples)...which the distinction between clean and ...(Gould). They had noticed that the Pharisees stumbled at the parable of Jesus (Matthew:15:12|). They were stumbling themselves and did not know how to answer the Pharisees. Jesus charges the disciples with intellectual dulness and spiritual stupidity.
rwp@Matthew:15:2 @{The tradition of the elders} (\tˆn paradosin t“n presbuter“n\). This was the oral law, handed down by the elders of the past in _ex cathedra_ fashion and later codified in the Mishna. Handwashing before meals is not a requirement of the Old Testament. It is, we know, a good thing for sanitary reasons, but the rabbis made it a mark of righteousness for others at any rate. This item was magnified at great length in the oral teaching. The washing (\niptontai\, middle voice, note)...were kept full of clean water ...(John:2:6-8|). Songs:it went on _ad infinitum_. Thus a real issue is raised between Jesus and the rabbis. It was far more than a point of etiquette or of hygienics. The rabbis held it to be a mortal sin. The incident may have happened in a Pharisee's house.
rwp@Matthew:15:11 @{This defileth the man} (\touto koinoi ton anthr“pon\). This word is from \koinos\ which is used in two senses, either what is "common" to all and general like the _Koin‚_ Greek, or what is unclean and "common" either ceremonially or in reality. The ceremonial "commonness" disturbed Peter on the housetop in Joppa (Acts:10:14|). See also kjv@Acts:21:28; kjv@Hebrews:9:13|. One who is thus religiously common or unclean is cut off from doing his religious acts. "Defilement" was a grave issue with the rabbinical ceremonialists. Jesus appeals to the crowd here: {Hear and understand} (\akouete kai suniete\)...the Levitical distinctions between clean and ...(Bruce). One can see the pettifogging pretenders shrivel up under these withering words.
rwp@Matthew:27:57 @{And when even was come} (\opsias de genomenˆs\). It was the Preparation (\paraskeuˆ\), the day before the sabbath (Mark:15:42; kjv@Luke:23:54; kjv@John:31:42|). \Paraskeuˆ\ is the name in modern Greek today for Friday. The Jews were anxious that these bodies should be taken down before the sabbath began at 6 P.M. The request of Joseph of Arimathea for the body of Jesus was a relief to Pilate and to the Jews also. We know little about this member of the Sanhedrin save his name Joseph, his town Arimathea, that he was rich, a secret disciple, and had not agreed to the death of Jesus. Probably he now wished that he had made an open profession. But he has courage now when others are cowardly and asked for the personal privilege (\ˆitˆsato\, middle voice, asked for himself) of placing the body of Jesus in his new tomb. Some today identify this tomb with one of the rock tombs now visible under Gordon's Calvary. It was a mournful privilege and dignity that came to Joseph and Nicodemus (John:19:39-41|)...body of Jesus in clean linen ...(\kain“i\) tomb in which no body had yet been placed. It was cut in the rock (\elatomˆsen\) for his own body, but now it was for Jesus. But now (verse 60|) he rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb and departed. That was for safety. But two women had watched the sad and lonely ceremony, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (mother of James and Joseph). They were sitting opposite and looking in silence.
rwp@Philippians:4:8 @{Finally} (\to loipon\). See on ¯3:1|. {Whatsoever} (\hosa\). Thus he introduces six adjectives picturing Christian ideals, old-fashioned and familiar words not necessarily from any philosophic list of moral excellencies Stoic or otherwise. Without these no ideals can exist. They are pertinent now when so much filth is flaunted before the world in books, magazines and moving-pictures under the name of realism (the slime of the gutter and the cess-pool). {Honourable} (\semna\). Old word from \seb“\, to worship, revere. Songs:revered, venerated (1Timothy:3:8|). {Pure} (\hagna\)...of purity. There are clean things, ...{Lovely} (\prosphilˆ\). Old word, here only in N.T., from \pros\ and \phile“\, pleasing, winsome. {Of good report} (\euphˆma\. Old word, only here in N.T., from \eu\ and \phˆmˆ\, fair-speaking, attractive. {If there be any} (\ei tis\). Paul changes the construction from \hosa\ (whatsoever) to a condition of the first class, as in 2:1|, with two substantives. {Virtue} (\aretˆ\). Old word, possibly from \aresk“\, to please, used very often in a variety of senses by the ancients for any mental excellence or moral quality or physical power. Its very vagueness perhaps explains its rarity in the N.T., only four times (Phillipians:4:8; kjv@1Peter:2:9; kjv@2Peter:1:3,5|). It is common in the papyri, but probably Paul is using it in the sense found in the LXX (Isaiah:42:12; 43:21|) of God's splendour and might (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 95) in connection with "praise" (\epainos\) as here or even meaning praise. {Think on these things} (\tauta logizesthe\). Present middle imperative for habit of thought. We are responsible for our thoughts and can hold them to high and holy ideals.
rwp@Romans:7:11 @{Beguiled me} (\exˆpatˆsen me\). First aorist active indicative of \exapata“\, old verb, completely (\ex\) made me lose my way (\a\ privative, \pate“\, to walk). See on ¯1Corinthians:3:18; kjv@2Corinthians:11:3|. Only in Paul in N.T. {Slew me} (\apekteinen\). First aorist active indicative of \apoktein“\ off," made a clean job ...(Genesis:3:13|).
rwp@Titus:1:5 @{For this cause} (\toutou charin\). In N.T. only here and kjv@Ephesians:3:1,14|. Paul may be supplementing oral instruction as in Timothy's case and may even be replying to a letter from Titus (Zahn). {Left I thee in Crete} (\apeleipon se en Krˆtˆi\). This is the imperfect active of \apoleip“\, though MSS. give the aorist active also (\apelipon\) and some read \kateleipon\ or \katelipon\. Both are common verbs, though Paul uses \kataleip“\ only in kjv@1Thessalonians:3:1| except two quotations (Romans:11:4; kjv@Ephesians:5:31|) and \apoleip“\ only here and kjv@2Timothy:4:13,20|. Perhaps \apoleip“\ suggests a more temporary stay than \kataleip“\. Paul had apparently stopped in Crete on his return from Spain about A.D. 65. {That thou shouldest set in order} (\hina epidiorth“sˆi\). Late and rare double compound (inscriptions, here only in N.T.), first aorist middle subjunctive (final clause with \hina\) of \epidiortho“\, to set straight (\ortho“\) thoroughly (\dia\) in addition (\epi\), a clean job of it. {The things that were wanting} (\ta leiponta\). "The things that remain." See 3:13; kjv@Luke:18:22|. Either things left undone or things that survive. In both senses the new pastor faces problems after the tornado has passed. Parry takes it "of present defects" in Cretan character. {And appoint} (\kai katastˆsˆis\). Final clause still and first aorist active subjunctive of \kathistˆmi\, the word used in kjv@Acts:6:13| about the deacons. The word does not preclude the choice by the churches (in every city, \kata polin\, distributive use of \kata\). This is a chief point in the \epidorth“sis\ (White). {Elders} (\presbuterous\). See kjv@1Timothy:3:2; 4:17|. {As I gave thee charge} (\h“s eg“ soi dietaxamˆn\). First aorist (constative) middle imperative of \diatass“\, clear reference to previous personal details given to Titus on previous occasions.
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