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rwp@Info @ There is no doubt of the need of a new series of volumes today in the light of the new knowledge. Many ministers have urged me to undertake such a task and finally I have agreed to do it at the solicitation of my publishers. The readers of these volumes (six are planned) are expected to be primarily those who know no Greek or comparatively little and yet who are anxious to get fresh help from the study of words and phrases in the New Testament, men who do not have access to the technical books required, like Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary of the New Testament_...thus allowed to grow dim and ..._The Minister and His Greek New Testament_, to begin the study of the Greek New Testament under the guidance of a book like Davis's _Beginner's Grammar of the Greek New Testament_. Others who are without a turn for Greek or without any opportunity to start the study will be able to follow the drift of the remarks and be able to use it all to profit in sermons, in Sunday school lessons, or for private edification.
rwp@1Thessalonians:2:4 @{But even as we have been approved by God} (\alla kath“s dedokimasmetha hupo tou theou\). Perfect passive indicative of \dokimaz“\, old verb to put to the test, but here the tense for completed state means tested and proved and so approved by God. Paul here claims the call of God for his ministry and the seal of God's blessing on his work and also for that of Silas and Timothy. {To be entrusted with the gospel} (\pisteuthˆnai to euaggelion\). First aorist passive infinitive of \pisteu“\, common verb for believing, from \pistis\ (faith), but here to entrust rather than to trust. The accusative of the thing is retained in the passive according to regular Greek idiom as in kjv@1Corinthians:9:17; kjv@Galatians:2:7; kjv@Romans:3:2; kjv@1Timothy:1:11; kjv@Titus:1:3|, though the active had the dative of the person. {Songs:we speak} (\hout“s laloumen\). Simple, yet confident claim of loyalty to God's call and message. Surely this should be the ambition of every preacher of the gospel of God. {Not as pleasing men} (\ouch h“s anthr“pois areskontes\). Dative case with \aresk“\ as in kjv@Galatians:1:10|...pleased, though with the dim hope ...(the very verb \dokimaz“\ used in the beginning of this verse) and he is the only one whose approval matters in the end of the day (1Corinthians:4:5|).
rwp@2Corinthians:3:10 @{In this respect} (\en tout“i t“i merei\). The glory on the face of Moses was temporary, though real, and passed away (verse 7|)...The moon makes a dim light ...(\ou dedoxastai\, perfect passive indicative of \doxaz“\). {By reason of the glory that surpasseth} (\heineken tˆs huperballousˆs doxˆs\). The surpassing (\huper-ball“\, throwing beyond) glory. Christ as the Sun of Righteousness has thrown Moses in the shade. Cf. the claims of superiority by Christ in kjv@Matthew:5-7|.
rwp@Hebrews:10:1 @{Shadow} (\skian\). The contrast here between \skia\ (shadow, shade caused by interruption of light as by trees, kjv@Mark:4:32|) and \eik“n\ (image or picture) is striking. Christ is the \eik“n\ of God (2Corinthians:4:4; kjv@Colossians:1:15|). In kjv@Colossians:2:17| Paul draws a distinction between \skia\ for the Jewish rites and ceremonies and \s“ma\ gives only a dim outline ...(9:11|). {Continually} (\eis to diˆnekes\). See this phrase also in 7:3; 9:12,14|. Nowhere else in N.T. From \diˆnegka\ (\diapher“\), to bear through. {They can} (\dunantai\). This reading leaves \ho nomos\ a _nominativus pendens_ (an anacoluthon). But many MSS. read \dunatai\ (it--the law--can). For the idea and use of \telei“sai\ see 9:9|.
rwp@Hebrews:11:13 @{In faith} (\kata pistin\). Here a break in the routine \pistei\ (by faith), "according to faith," either for literary variety "or to suggest \pistis\ as the sphere and standard of their characters" (Moffatt). {These all} (\houtoi pantes\). Those in verses 9-12| (Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob). {Not having the promises} (\mˆ komisamenoi tas epaggelias\). First aorist middle participle of \komiz“\, to obtain, as in 10:36; 11:39|. And yet the author mentions Abraham (6:15|) as having obtained the promise. He received the promise of the Messiah, but did not live to see the Messiah come as we have done. It is in this sense that we have "better promises." {Greeted them} (\aspasamenoi\). First aorist middle participle of \aspazomai\, to salute (Matthew:5:47|)...Christ's day in the dim distance ...(John:8:56|). {Strangers} (\zenoi\). Foreigners. "To reside abroad carried with it a certain stigma" (Moffatt). But they "confessed" it (Genesis:23:4; 47:9|). {Pilgrims} (\parepidˆmoi\). Late double compound (\para, epi, dˆmos\), a sojourner from another land, in N.T. only here and kjv@1Peter:1:1; 2:11|.
rwp@John:4:25 @{Messiah cometh} (\Messias erchetai\). Hebrew word in N.T. only here and 1:41| and explained by \Christos\ in both places. The Samaritans looked for a Messiah, a prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy:18:18|). Simon Magus gave himself out in Samaria as some great one and had a large following (Acts:8:9|). Pilate quelled an uprising in Samaria over a fanatical Messianic claimant (Josephus, _Ant_. XVIII. iv. 1). {When he is come} (\hotan elthˆi ekeinos\). "Whenever that one comes." Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ (\hote\, \an\)...she turns to this dim hope ...{He will declare unto us all things} (\anaggelei hˆmin hapanta\). Future active indicative of \anaggell“\, old and common verb to announce fully (\ana\, up and down). See also 16:13|. Perhaps here is light on the knowledge of her life by Jesus as well as about the way to worship God.
rwp@John:9:39 @{For judgement} (\eis krima\). The Father had sent the Son for this purpose (3:17|). This world (\kosmos\) is not the home of Jesus. The \krima\ (judgement), a word nowhere else in John, is the result of the \krisis\ (sifting) from \krin“\, to separate. The Father has turned over this process of sifting (\krisis\) to the Son (5:22|). He is engaged in that very work by this miracle. {They which see not} (\hoi mˆ blepontes\). The spiritually blind as well as the physically blind (Luke:4:18; kjv@Isaiah:42:18|). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive \blep“sin\ (may keep on seeing). This man now sees physically and spiritually. {And that they which see may become blind} (\kai hoi blepontes tuphloi gen“ntai\). Another part of God's purpose, seen in kjv@Matthew:11:25; kjv@Luke:10:21|, is the curse on those who blaspheme and reject the Son. Note ingressive aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\ and predicate nominative. \Hoi blepontes\ are those who profess to see like these Pharisees, but are really blind. Blind guides they were (Matthew:23:16|)...Complacent satisfaction with their dim light. ...
rwp@Matthew:27:22 @{What then shall I do unto Jesus which is called Christ?} (\ti oun poiˆs“ Iˆsoun ton legomenon Christon;\)...of Jesus with the dim hope ...{Let him be crucified} (\staur“thˆt“\). The tide has now turned against Jesus, the hero of Sunday, now the condemned criminal of Friday. Such is popular favour. But all the while Pilate is shirking his own fearful responsibility and trying to hide his own weakness and injustice behind popular clamour and prejudice.
rwp@Romans:1:28 @{And even as they refused} (\kai kath“s ouk edokimasan\). "And even as they rejected" after trial just as \dokimaz“\ is used of testing coins. They tested God at first and turned aside from him. {Knowledge} (\epign“sei\). Full knowledge (\epi\ additional, \gn“sis\). They had a dim memory that was a caricature. {Unto a reprobate mind} (\eis adokimon noun\). Play on \ouk edokimasan\. They rejected God and God rejected their mental attitude and gave them over (verses 24,26,28|). See this adjective already in kjv@1Corinthians:9:27; kjv@2Corinthians:13:5-7|. Like an old abandoned building, the home of bats and snakes, left "to do those things which are not fitting" (\poiein ta mˆ kathˆkonta\), like the night clubs of modern cities, the dives and dens of the underworld, without God and in the darkness of unrestrained animal impulses. This was a technical term with Stoics (II Macc. 6:4).
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