CONCORDANCE:String = disclosure
rwp@Acts:19:39 @{Anything about other matters} (\ti peraiter“\). Most MSS. here have \ti peri heter“n\, but B b Vulgate read \ti peraiter“\ as in Plato's \Phaedo\. Several papyri examples of it also. It is comparative \peraiteros\ of \pera\, beyond. Note also \epi\ in \epizˆteite\. Charges of illegal conduct (Page) should be settled in the regular legal way. But, if you wish to go further and pass resolutions about the matter exciting you, "it shall be settled in the regular assembly" (\en t“i ennom“i ekklˆsiƒi\). "In the lawful assembly," not by a mob like this. Wood (_Ephesus_) quotes an inscription there with this very phrase "at every lawful assembly" (\kata pƒsan ennomon ekklˆsian\). The Roman officials alone could give the sanction for calling such a lawful or regular assembly. The verb \epilu“\ is an old one, but in the N.T. only here and kjv@Mark:4:34| (which see) where Jesus privately opened or disclosed the parables to the disciples. The papyri give examples of the verb in financial transactions as well as of the metaphorical sense. The solution will come in the lawful assembly, not in a riot like this. See also kjv@2Peter:1:20| where the substantive \epilusis\ occurs for disclosure or revelation (prophecy).
rwp@Mark:4:34 @{But privately to his disciples he expounded all things} (\kat' idian de tois idiois mathˆtais epeluen panta\). To his own (\idiois\) disciples in private, in distinction from the mass of the people Jesus was in the habit (imperfect tense, \epeluen\) of {disclosing}, revealing, all things (\panta\) in plain language without the parabolic form used before the crowds. This verb \epilu“\ occurs in the N.T. only here and in kjv@Acts:19:39| where the town-clerk of Ephesus says of the troubles by the mob: "It shall be settled in the regular assembly" (\en tˆi ennom“i ekklˆsiƒi epiluthˆsetai\). First future passive indicative from \epilu“\. The word means to give additional (\epi\) loosening (\lu“\), so to explain, to make plainer, clearer, even to the point of revelation. This last is the idea of the substantive in kjv@2Peter:1:20| where even the Revised Version has it: "No prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation" (\pƒsa prophˆteia graphˆs idias epiluse“s ou ginetai\). Here the use of \ginetai\ (comes) with the ablative case (\epiluse“s\) and the explanation given in verse kjv@2Peter:1:21|...In private the further disclosures of ...
rwp@Matthew:16:21 @{From that time began} (\apo tote ˆrxato\)...suitable time for the disclosure of ...(17:22f.| with mention of betrayal; 20:17-19| with the cross) which he now "began." Songs:the necessity (\dei\, must) of his suffering death at the hands of the Jerusalem ecclesiastics who have dogged his steps in Galilee is now plainly stated. Jesus added his resurrection "on the third day" (\tˆi tritˆi hˆmerƒi\), not "on the fourth day," please observe. Dimly the shocked disciples grasped something of what Jesus said.
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