CONCORDANCE:String = doer
rwp@2Corinthians:4:2 @{But we have renounced} (\alla apeipametha\). Indirect middle second aorist (timeless aorist) indicative of \apeipon\ (defective verb) with \a\ of first aorist ending, to speak forth, to speak off or away from. Common verb in the active, but rare in middle and only here in N.T. {The hidden things of shame} (\ta krupta tˆs aischunˆs\). They do attack the minister. His only safety is in instant and courageous defiance to all the powers of darkness. It is a terrible thing to see a preacher caught in the toils of the tempter. {In craftiness} (\en panourgiƒi\). Old word from \panourgos\ (\pan, ergon\), a doer of any deed (good or bad), clever, cunning, deceitful. See on ¯Luke:20:23|. {Handling deceitfully} (\dolountes\). Present active participle of \dolo“\, from \dolos\, deceit (from \del“\, to catch with bait), old and common verb, in papyri and inscriptions, to ensnare, to corrupt with error. Only here in N.T. Used of adulterating gold or wine. {To every conscience of men} (\pros pƒsan suneidˆsin anthr“p“n\). Not to whim, foible, prejudice. See 3:1-6| for "commending" (\sunistanontes\).
rwp@2Timothy:2:9 @{Wherein} (\en h“i\). In my gospel. {I suffer hardship} (\kakopath“\). "I suffer evil." Old compound (\kakon, pasch“\), elsewhere in N.T., 4:5; kjv@James:5:13|. {Unto bonds} (\mechri desm“n\). "Up to bonds." A common experience with Paul (2Corinthians:11:23; kjv@Phillipians:1:7,13,14; kjv@Colossians:4:18|). {As a malefactor} (\h“s kakourgos\), old compound (\kakon, erg“\, doer of evil), in N.T. only here and kjv@Luke:23:32ff.| (of the robbers). One of the charges made against Paul. {Is not bound} (\ou dedetai\). Perfect passive indicative of \de“\, to bind. Old verb. See kjv@1Corinthians:7:27,39; kjv@Romans:7:2|. I am bound with a chain, but no fetters are on the word of God (Pauline phrase; kjv@1Thessalonians:2:13; kjv@1Corinthians:14:36; kjv@2Corinthians:2:17; kjv@Phillipians:1:14; kjv@Titus:2:5|).
rwp@James:1:25 @{He that looketh into} (\ho parakupsas\). First aorist active articular participle of \parakupt“\, old verb, to stoop and look into (John:20:5,11|), to gaze carefully by the side of, to peer into or to peep into (1Peter:1:12|). Here the notion of beside (\para\) or of stooping (\kupt“\) is not strong. Sometimes, as Hort shows, the word means only a cursory glance, but the contrast with verse 24| seems to preclude that here. {The perfect law} (\nomon teleion\). For \teleion\ see 1:17|. See kjv@Romans:7:12| for Paul's idea of the law of God. James here refers to the word of truth (1:18|), the gospel of grace (Galatians:6:2; kjv@Romans:12:2|). {The law of liberty} (\ton tˆs eleutherias\). "That of liberty," explaining why it is "perfect" (2:12| also), rests on the work of Christ, whose truth sets us free (John:8:32; kjv@2Corinthians:3:16; kjv@Romans:8:2|). {And so continueth} (\kai parameinas\). First aorist active articular participle again of \paramen“\, parallel with \parakupsas\. \Paramen“\ is to stay beside, and see kjv@Phillipians:1:25| for contrast with the simplex \men“\. {Being} (\genomenos\). Rather, "having become" (second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\ to become). {Not a hearer that forgetteth} (\ouk akroatˆs epilˆsmonˆs\). "Not a hearer of forgetfulness" (descriptive genitive, marked by forgetfulness). \Epilˆsmonˆ\ is a late and rare word (from \epilˆsm“n\, forgetful, from \epilanthomai\, to forget, as in verse 24|), here only in N.T. {But a doer that worketh} (\alla poiˆtˆs ergou\)...doer of work," a doer marked ...(descriptive genitive \ergou\), not by mere listening or mere talk. {In his doing} (\en tˆi poiˆsei autou\). Another beatitude with \makarios\ as in 1:12|, like the Beatitudes in kjv@Matthew:5:3-12|. \Poiˆsis\ is an old word (from \poie“\ for the act of doing), only here in N.T.
rwp@James:4:11 @{Speak not one against another} (\mˆ katalaleite allˆl“n\). Prohibition against such a habit or a command to quit doing it, with \mˆ\ and the present imperative of \katalale“\, old compound usually with the accusative in ancient Greek, in N.T. only with the genitive (here, kjv@1Peter:2:12; 3:16|). Often harsh words about the absent. James returns to the subject of the tongue as he does again in 5:12| (twice before, 1:26; 3:1-12|). {Judgeth} (\krin“n\). In the sense of harsh judgment as in kjv@Matthew:7:1; kjv@Luke:6:37| (explained by \katadikaz“\). {Not a doer of the law, but a judge} (\ouk poiˆtˆs nomou, alla kritˆs\). This tone of superiority to law is here sharply condemned. James has in mind God's law, of course, but the point is the same for all laws under which we live. We cannot select the laws which we will obey unless some contravene God's law, and so our own conscience (Acts:4:20|). Then we are willing to give our lives for our rebellion if need be.
rwp@Luke:22:25 @{Have lordship over} (\kurieuousin\). From \kurios\. Common verb, to lord it over. {Benefactors} (\euergetai\). From \eu\ and \ergon\. Doer of good. Old word. Here only in the N.T. Latin Benefactor is exact equivalent.
rwp@Matthew:7:21 @{Not--but} (\ou--all'\)...mere talker and the doer of ...
rwp@Romans:2:25 @{If thou be a doer of the law} (\ean nomon prasseis\). Condition of third class and the present (continued action) subjunctive of \prass“\, a verb meaning to do as a habit. {Is become uncircumcision} (\akrobustia gegonen\). The Jew is then like the Gentile, with no privilege at all. Circumcision was simply the seal of the covenant relation of Israel with God.
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