CONCORDANCE:String = encircle
rwp@Hebrews:11:30 @{Fell down} (\epesan\). "Fell," second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\ with first aorist endings as often in the _Koin‚_. {After they had been compassed} (\kukl“thenta\). First aorist passive participle of \kuklo“\, old verb to encircle (from \kuklos\, circle) as in kjv@Acts:14:20|. Antecedent action here.
rwp@Hebrews:12:1 @{Therefore} (\toigaroun\). Triple compound inferential participle (\toi, gar, oun\) like the German _doch denn nun_, a conclusion of emphasis, old particle, in N.T. only here and kjv@1Thessalonians:4:8|. There should be no chapter division here, since 12:1-3| really is the climax in the whole argument about the better promises (10:19-12:3|) with a passionate appeal for loyalty to Christ. {Us also} (\kai hˆmeis\). We as well as "these all" of 11:39| and all the more because of the "something better" given us in the actual coming of Christ. {Compassed about} (\echontes perikeimenon\). Literally, "having (\echontes\, present active participle of \ech“\) lying around us" (\perikeimenon\, present middle participle of \perikeimai\, old verb as in kjv@Luke:17:2|). {Cloud of witnesses} (\nephos martur“n\). Old word (Latin _nubes_), here only in the N.T., for vast mass of clouds. \Nephelˆ\ is a single cloud. The metaphor refers to the great amphitheatre with the arena for the runners and the tiers upon tiers of seats rising up like a cloud. The \martures\ here are not mere spectators (\theatai\), but testifiers (witnesses) who testify from their own experience (11:2,4,5,33,39|) to God's fulfilling his promises as shown in chapter kjv@Hebrews:11|. {Laying aside} (\apothemenoi\). Second aorist-middle (indirect, from ourselves) participle of \apotithˆmi\, old verb as in kjv@Colossians:3:8| (laying off old clothes). The runners ran in the stadium nearly naked. {Every weight} (\ogkon panta\). Old word (kin to \enegkein, pher“\) like \phortos, baros\. Here every encumbrance that handicaps like doubt, pride, sloth, anything. No trailing garment to hinder or trip one. {The sin which doth so easily beset us} (\tˆn euperistaton hamartian\). "The easily besetting sin." There are a dozen possible renderings of this double compound verbal from \eu\, well, and \periistˆmi\, to place around or to stand around (intransitive). The Vulgate has _circumstans nos peccatum_ (the sin standing around us). Probably this is the true idea here, "the easily encompassing (or surrounding) the jungle that encircle the ...-fire at night each ready to pounce upon a careless victim. {Let us run} (\trech“men\). Present active volitive subjunctive of \trech“\, "let us keep on running." {With patience} (\di' hupomonˆs\). Not with impatience, doubt, or despair. {The race that is set before us} (\ton prokeimenon hˆmin ag“na\). Note the article and the present middle participle of \prokeimai\, old compound (already in 6:18|, and also in 12:2|). Dative case (\hˆmin\) of personal interest.
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