CONCORDANCE:String = entertain
rwp@1Peter:4:4 @{Wherein} (\en h“i\). "In which thing" (manner of life). {They think it strange} (\xenizontai\). Present passive indicative of \xeniz“\, old verb (from \xenos\, stranger), to entertain a guest (Acts:10:23|), to astonish (Acts:17:20|). See also 4:12|. "They are surprised or astonished." {That ye run not with them} (\mˆ suntrechont“n hum“n\). Genitive absolute (negative \mˆ\) with present active participle of \suntrech“\, old compound, to run together like a crowd or a mob as here (just like our phrase, "running with certain folks"). {Into the same excess of riot} (\eis tˆn autˆn tˆs as“tias anachusin\). \Anachusin\ (from \anache“\ to pour forth) is a late and rare word, our overflowing, here only in N.T. \As“tias\ is the character of an abandoned man (\as“tos\, cf. \as“t“s\ in kjv@Luke:15:13|), old word for a dissolute life, in N.T. only here, kjv@Ephesians:5:18; kjv@Titus:1:6|. {Speaking evil of you} (\blasphˆmountes\). Present active participle of \blasphˆme“\ as in kjv@Luke:22:65|. "The Christians were compelled to stand aloof from all the social pleasures of the world, and the Gentiles bitterly resented their puritanism, regarding them as the enemies of all joy, and therefore of the human race" (Bigg).
rwp@2Peter:2:13 @{Suffering wrong} (\adikoumenoi\). Present middle or passive participle of \adike“\ to do wrong. Songs:Aleph B P, but A C K L have \komioumenoi\ (future middle participle of \komiz“\), shall receive. {As the hire of wrong-doing} (\misthon adikias\). The Elephantine papyrus has the passive of \adike“\ in the sense of being defrauded, and that may be the idea here. Peter plays on words again here as often in II Peter. The picture proceeds now with participles like \hˆgoumenoi\ (counting). {Pleasure} (\hˆdonˆn\). See kjv@James:4:1,3|. {To revel in the daytime} (\tˆn en hˆmerƒi truphˆn\). "The in the daytime revel" (old word \truphˆ\ from \thrupt“\, to enervate, in N.T. only here and kjv@Luke:7:25|). {Spots} (\spiloi\). Old word for disfiguring spot, in N.T. only here and kjv@Ephesians:5:27|. {Blemishes} (\m“moi\). Old word for blot (kin to \mu“\), only here in N.T. See kjv@1Peter:1:19| for \am“mos kai aspilos\. {Revelling} (\entruph“ntes\). Present active participle of \entrupha“\, old compound for living in luxury, only here in N.T. {In their love-feasts} (\en tais agapais\). Songs:B Sah, but Aleph A C K L P read \apatais\ (in their deceivings). If \agapais\ is genuine as it is in kjv@Jude:1:12|, they are the only N.T. examples of this use of \agapˆ\. {While they feast with you} (\suneu“choumenoi\). Present passive participle of late and rare verb \suneu“che“\ (\sun\, together, and \eu“che“\, to feed abundantly) to entertain with. Clement of Alex. (_Paed_. ii. I. 6) applies \eu“chia\ to the \agapˆ\.
rwp@Acts:10:6 @{Lodgeth} (\xenizetai\). Present passive indicative of \xeniz“\ old verb from \xenos\ a guest. Songs:to entertain a ...(Acts:17:20; kjv@1Peter:4:4|). {Whose} (\h“i\). To whom, dative of possession. {By the seaside} (\para thalassan\). Along by the sea. Note accusative case. Outside the city walls because a tanner and to secure water for his trade. Some tanneries are by the seashore at Jaffa today.
rwp@Acts:21:16 @{Certain of the disciples} (\t“n mathˆt“n\). The genitive here occurs with \tines\ understood as often in the Greek idiom, the partitive genitive used as nominative (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 502). {Bringing} (\agontes\). Nominative plural participle agreeing with \tines\ understood, not with case of \mathˆt“n\. {One Mnason of Cyprus, an early disciple, with whom we should lodge} (\par h“i xenisth“men Mnas“ni tini Kupri“i archai“i mathˆtˆi\). A thoroughly idiomatic Greek idiom, incorporation and attraction of the antecedent into the relative clause (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 718). \Mnas“ni\ is really the object of \agontes\ or the accusative with \para\ or \pros\ understood and should be accusative, but it is placed in the clause after the relative and in the same locative case with the relative \h“i\ (due to \par'\, beside, with). Then the rest agrees in case with \Mnas“ni\. He was originally from Cyprus, but now in Caesarea. The Codex Bezae adds \eis tina k“mˆn\ (to a certain village) and makes it mean that they were to lodge with Mnason at his home there about halfway to Jerusalem. This may be true. The use of the subjunctive \xenisth“men\ (first aorist passive of \xeniz“\, to entertain strangers as in kjv@Acts:10:6,23,32| already) may be volitive of purpose with the relative (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 955, 989). The use of \archai“i\ for "early" may refer to the fact that he was one of the original disciples at Pentecost as Peter in 15:7| uses \hˆmer“n archai“n\ (early days) to refer to his experience at Ceasarea in kjv@Acts:10|. "As the number of the first disciples lessened, the next generation accorded a sort of honour to the survivors" (Furneaux).
rwp@Hebrews:13:1 @{Brotherly love} (\philadelphia\). Late word from \philadelphos\ (1Peter:3:8|). See kjv@1Thessalonians:4:9|. It is always in order in a church. {To show love unto strangers} (\tˆs philoxenias\). Old word for hospitality, from \philoxenos\ (1Timothy:3:2|), in N.T. only here and kjv@Romans:12:3|. In genitive case with \epilanthanesthe\ (present middle imperative, cf. kjv@Hebrews:6:10|). {Have entertained angels unawares} (\elathon xenisantes aggelous\). Second aorist active indicative of \lanthan“\, old verb to escape notice and first aorist active participle of \xeniz“\, old verb to entertain a guest (\xenos\, stranger), according to a classic idiom seen with \lanthan“, tugchan“, phthan“\, by which the chief idea is expressed by the participle (supplementary participle)..."some escaped notice when entertaining angels." ...18; 19| (Abraham and Sarah did this very thing).
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