CONCORDANCE:String = episteusen
rwp@John:7:48 @{Hath any of the rulers believed on him?} (\Mˆ tis ek t“n archont“n episteusen eis auton;\). Negative answer sharply expected. First aorist active indicative of \pisteu“\. "Did any one of the rulers believe on him?" "What right have subordinates to have a mind of their own?" (Dods). These police were employed by the temple authorities (rulers). "Power was slipping through their fingers" (Dods) and that was the secret of their hostility to Jesus. {Or of the Pharisees} (\ˆ ek t“n Pharisai“n\). A wider circle and the most orthodox of all.
rwp@Romans:4:17 @{A father of many nations} (\patera poll“n ethn“n\). Quotation from kjv@Genesis:17:5|. Only true in the sense of spiritual children as already explained, father of believers in God. {Before him whom he believed even God} (\katenanti hou episteusen theou\). Incorporation of antecedent into the relative clause and attraction of the relative \h“i\ into \hou\. See kjv@Mark:11:2| for \katenanti\, "right in front of." {Calleth the things that are not as though they were} (\kalountos ta mˆ onta h“s onta\). "Summons the non-existing as existing." Abraham's body was old and decrepit. God rejuvenated him and Sarah (Hebrews:11:19|).
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