CONCORDANCE:String = families
rwp@Acts:3:26 @{Unto you first} (\Humin pr“ton\)...come for "all the families of ...{His servant} (\ton paida autou\). As in verse 13|, the Messiah as God's Servant. {To bless you} (\eulogounta humas\). Present active participle to express purpose, blessing you (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 991). In turning away (\en t“i apostrephein\). Articular infinitive in the locative case, almost preserved in the English.
rwp@Acts:13:36 @{His own generation} (\idiƒi geneƒi\). Either locative case, "in his own generation" or dative object of \hupˆretˆsas\ (served). {The counsel of God} (\tˆi tou theou boulˆi\). Songs:here, either the dative, the object of \hupˆretˆsas\ if \geneƒi\ is locative, or the instrumental case "by the counsel of God" which again may be construed either with \hupˆretˆsas\ (having served) or after \ekoimˆthˆ\ (fell on sleep). Either of the three ways is grammatical and makes good sense. \Koimaomai\ for death we have already had (Acts:7:60|). Songs:Jesus (John:11:11|) and Paul (1Corinthians:15:6,51|). {Was laid} (\prosetethˆ\). Was added unto (first aorist passive indicative of \prostithˆmi\). See the verb in 2:47; 5:14|...the custom of burying families together ...(Genesis:15:15; kjv@Judges:2:10|). {Saw corruption} (\eiden diaphthoran\). As Jesus did not (Acts:2:31|) as he shows in verse 37|.
rwp@Galatians:3:24 @{Our tutor unto Christ} (\paidag“gos hum“n eis Christon\). See kjv@1Corinthians:4:15| Greek and Roman families of ...{That we might be justified by faith} (\hina ek piste“s dikai“th“men\). This is the ultimate purpose of the law as paedagogue. {Now that faith is come} (\elthousˆs tˆs piste“s\). Genitive absolute, "the faith (the time of the faith spoken of in verse 23|) having come." {Under a tutor} (\hupo paidag“gon\). The pedagogue is dismissed. We are in the school of the Master.
rwp@Luke:2:22 @{The days of their purification} (\hai hˆmerai tou katharismou aut“n\). The old manuscripts have "their" (\aut“n\) instead of "her" (\autˆs\) of the later documents. But it is not clear whether "their" refers to Mary and Joseph as is true of "they brought" or to Mary and the child. The mother was Levitically unclean for forty days after the birth of a son (Leviticus:12:1-8|). {To present him to the Lord} (\parastˆsai t“i Kuri“i\). Every first-born son was thus redeemed by the sacrifice (Exodus:13:2-12|)...sparing of the Israelitish families... (Numbers:18:15f.|). The cost was about two dollars and a half in our money.
rwp@Mark:13:13 @{But he that endureth to the end} (\ho de hupomeinas eis telos\). Note this aorist participle with the future verb. The idea here is true to the etymology of the word, remaining under (\hupomen“\)...end. The divisions in families Jesus ...(Luke:12:52f.; 14:25f.|). {Be saved} (\s“thˆsetai\). Here Jesus means final salvation (effective aorist future passive), not initial salvation.
rwp@Matthew:2:1 @{In Bethlehem of Judea} (\en Bˆthleem tˆs Ioudaias\). There was a Bethlehem in Galilee seven miles northwest of Nazareth (Josephus, _Antiquities_ XIX. 15). This Bethlehem (house of bread, the name means) of Judah was the scene of Ruth's life with Boaz (Ruth:1:1f.; Mt. 1:5|) and the home of David, descendant of Ruth and ancestor of Jesus (Mt. 1:5|). David was born here and anointed king by Samuel (1Samuel:17:12|). The town came to be called the city of David (Luke:2:11|). Jesus, who was born in this House of Bread called himself the Bread of Life (John:6:35|), the true Manna from heaven. Matthew assumes the knowledge of the details of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem which are given in kjv@Luke:2:1-7|...papyri show was by families... (\kat' oikian\). Possibly Joseph had delayed the journey for some reason till now it approached the time for the birth of the child.
rwp@Matthew:17:25 @{Jesus spake first to him} (\proephthasen auton ho Iˆsous leg“n\). Here only in the N.T. One example in a papyrus B.C. 161 (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). The old idiomatic use of \phthan“\ with the participle survives in this example of \prophthan“\ in kjv@Matthew:17:25|, meaning to anticipate, to get before one in doing a thing. The _Koin‚_ uses the infinitive thus with \phthan“\ which has come to mean simply to arrive. Here the anticipation is made plain by the use of \pro-\. See Robertson's _Grammar_, p. 1120. The "prevent" of the Authorized Version was the original idea of _praevenire_, to go before, to anticipate. Peter felt obliged to take the matter up with Jesus. But the Master had observed what was going on and spoke to Peter first. {Toll or tribute} (\telˆ ˆ kˆnson\). Customs or wares collected by the publicans (like \phoros\, kjv@Romans:13:7|) and also the capitation tax on persons, indirect and direct taxation. \Kˆnsos\ is the Latin _census_, a registration for the purpose of the appraisement of property like \hˆ apographˆ\ in kjv@Luke:2:2; kjv@Acts:5:37|...Father just as royal families do ...
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