CONCORDANCE:String = inhabited
rwp@Acts:11:28 @{Signified} (\esˆmainen\). Imperfect active in Westcott and Hort, but aorist active \esˆmƒnen\ in the margin. The verb is an old one from \sˆma\ (\sˆmeion\) a sign (cf. the symbolic sign in 21:11|). Here Agabus (also in 21:10|) does predict a famine through the Holy Spirit. {Should be} (\mellein esesthai\). \Mell“\ occurs either with the present infinitive (16:27|), the aorist infinitive (12:6|), or the future as here and 24:15; 27:10|. {Over all the world} (\eph' holˆn tˆn oikoumenˆn\). Over all the inhabited earth (\gˆn\, understood). Probably a common hyperbole for the Roman empire as in kjv@Luke:2:1|. Josephus (_Ant_. VIII. 13, 4) appears to restrict it to Palestine. {In the days of Claudius} (\epi Klaudiou\). He was Roman Emperor A.D. 41-44. The Roman writers (Suetonius, Dio Cassius, Tacitus) all tell of dearths (_assiduae sterilitates_) during the brief reign of Claudius who was preceded by Caligula and followed by Nero.
rwp@Acts:17:6 @{When they found them not} (\mˆ heurontes\). Usual negative \mˆ\ with the participle in the _Koin‚_, second aorist (effective) active participle, complete failure with all the noise and "bums." {They dragged} (\esuron\). Imperfect active, vivid picture, they were dragging (literally). See already 8:3; 16:19|. If they could not find Paul, they could drag Jason his host and some other Christians whom we do not know. {Before the rulers of the city} (\epi tous politarchas\). This word does not occur in Greek literature and used to be cited as an example of Luke's blunders. But now it is found in an inscription on an arch in the modern city preserved in the British Museum. It is also found in seventeen inscriptions (five from Thessalonica) where the word or the verb \politarche“\ occurs. It is a fine illustration of the historical accuracy of Luke in matters of detail. This title for city officers in Thessalonica, a free city, is correct. They were burgomasters or "rulers of the city." {Crying} (\bo“ntes\). Yelling as if the house was on fire like the mob in Jerusalem (21:28|). {These that have turned the world upside down} (\hoi tˆn oikoumenˆn anastat“santes\). The use of \oikoumenˆn\ (supply \gen\ or \ch“ran\, the inhabited earth, present passive participle of \oike“\) means the Roman Empire, since it is a political charge, a natural hyperbole in their excitement, but the phrase occurs for the Roman Empire in kjv@Luke:2:1|. It is possible that news had come to Thessalonica of the expulsion of the Jews from Rome by Claudius. There is truth in the accusation, for Christianity is revolutionary, but on this particular occasion the uproar (verse 5|) was created by the rabbis and the hired loafers. The verb \anastato“\ (here first aorist active participle) does not occur in the ancient writers, but is in LXX and in kjv@Acts:17:6; 21:38; kjv@Galatians:5:12|. It occurs also in Harpocration (A.D. 4th cent.) and about 100 B.C. \exanastato“\ is found in a fragment of papyrus (Tebtunis no. 2) and in a Paris Magical Papyrus l. 2243f. But in an Egyptian letter of Aug. 4, 41 A.D. (Oxyrhynchus Pap. no. 119, 10) "the bad boy" uses it = "he upsets me" or " he drives me out of my senses" (\anastatoi me\). See Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 84f. It is not a "Biblical word" at all, but belongs to the current _Koin‚_. It is a vigorous and graphic term.
rwp@Acts:24:5 @{For we have found} (\heurontes gar\). Second aorist active participle of \heurisk“\, but without a principal verb in the sentence. Probably we have here only a "summary of the charges against Paul" (Page). {A pestilent fellow} (\loimon\). An old word for pest, plague, pestilence, Paul the pest. In N.T. only here and kjv@Luke:21:11| (\loimoi kai limoi\, pestilences and famines) which see. Latin _pestis_. Think of the greatest preacher of the ages being branded a pest by a contemporary hired lawyer. {A mover of insurrections} (\kinounta staseis\). This was an offence against Roman law if it could be proven. "Plotted against at Damascus, plotted against at Jerusalem, expelled from Pisidian Antioch, stoned at Lystra, scourged and imprisoned at Philippi, accused of treason at Thessalonica, haled before the proconsul at Corinth, cause of a serious riot at Ephesus, and now finally of a riot at Jerusalem" (Furneaux). Specious proof could have been produced, but was not. Tertullus went on to other charges with which a Roman court had no concern (instance Gallio in Corinth). {Throughout the world} (\kata tˆn oikoumenˆn\). The Roman inhabited earth (\gˆn\) as in 17:6|. {A ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes} (\pr“tostatˆn tˆs t“n Naz“rai“n hairese“s\). \Pr“tostatˆs\ is an old word in common use from \pr“tos\ and \histˆmi\, a front-rank man, a chief, a champion. Here only in the N.T. This charge is certainly true. About "sect" (\hairesis\) see on ¯5:17|. \Naz“raioi\ here only in the plural in the N.T., elsewhere of Jesus (Matthew:2:23; 26:71; kjv@Luke:18:37; kjv@John:18:5,7; 19:19; kjv@Acts:2:22; 3:6; 4:10; 6:14; 22:8; 26:9|). The disciple is not above his Master. There was a sneer in the term as applied to Jesus and here to his followers.
rwp@Hebrews:1:6 @{And when he again bringeth in} (\hotan de palin eisagagˆi\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \eisag“\. If \palin\ is taken with \eisagagˆi\, the reference is to the Second Coming as in 9:28|. If \palin\ merely introduces another quotation (Psalms:97:7|) parallel to \kai palin\ in verse 5|, the reference is to the incarnation when the angels did worship the Child Jesus (Luke:2:13f.|). There is no way to decide certainly about it. {The first-born} (\ton pr“totokon\). See kjv@Psalms:89:28|. For this compound adjective applied to Christ in relation to the universe see kjv@Colossians:1:15|, to other men, kjv@Romans:8:29; kjv@Colossians:1:18|, to the other children of Mary, kjv@Luke:2:7|; here it is used absolutely. {The world} (\tˆn oikoumenˆn\). "The inhabited earth." See kjv@Acts:17:6|. {Let worship} (\proskunˆsat“san\). Imperative first aorist active third plural of \proskune“\, here in the full sense of worship, not mere reverence or courtesy. This quotation is from the LXX of kjv@Deuteronomy:32:43|, but is not in the Hebrew, though most of the LXX MSS. (except F) have \huioi theou\, but the substance does occur also in kjv@Psalms:97:7| with \hoi aggeloi autou\.
rwp@Luke:2:1 @{Decree from Caesar Augustus} (\dogma para Kaisaros Augoustou\). Old and common word from \doke“\, to think, form an opinion. No such decree was given by Greek or Roman historians and it was for long assumed by many scholars that Luke was in error. But papyri and inscriptions have confirmed Luke on every point in these crucial verses 2:1-7|. See W.M. Ramsay's books (_Was Christ Born at Bethelehem?_ _Luke the Physician_. _The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the N.T._). {The World} (\tˆn oikoumenˆn\). Literally, {the inhabited} ({land}, \gˆn\). Inhabited by the Greeks, then by the Romans, then the whole world (Roman world, the world ruled by Rome). Songs:Acts:11:28; 17:6|. {Should be enrolled} (\apographesthai\). It was a census, not a taxing, though taxing generally followed and was based on the census. This word is very old and common. It means to write or copy off for the public records, to register.
rwp@Luke:4:5 @{The world} (\tˆs oikoumenˆs\). The inhabited world. In kjv@Matthew:4:8| it is \tou kosmou\. {In a moment of time} (\en stigmˆi chronou\). Only in Luke and the word \stigmˆ\ nowhere else in the N.T. (from \stiz“\, to prick, or puncture), a point or dot. In Demosthenes, Aristotle, Plutarch. Like our "second" of time or tick of the clock. This panorama of all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them in a moment of time was mental, a great feat of the imagination (a mental satanic "movie" performance), but this fact in no way discredits the idea of the actual visible appearance of Satan also. This second temptation in Luke is the third in Matthew's order. Luke's order is geographical (wilderness, mountain, Jerusalem). Matthew's is climacteric (hunger, nervous dread, ambition). There is a climax in Luke's order also (sense, man, God). There is no way to tell the actual order.
rwp@Matthew:4:9 @{All these things will I give thee} (\tauta soi panta d“s“\). The devil claims the rule of the world, not merely of Palestine or of the Roman Empire. "The kingdoms of the cosmos" (4:8|) were under his sway. This word for world brings out the orderly arrangement of the universe while \hˆ oikoumenˆ\ presents the inhabited earth. Jesus does not deny the grip of the devil on the world of men, but the condition (\ean\ and aorist subjunctive, second class undetermined with likelihood of determination), was spurned by Jesus. As Matthew has it Jesus is plainly to "fall down and worship me" (\pes“n prokunˆsˆis moi\), while Luke (Luke:4:7|) puts it, "worship before me" (\en“pion emou\), a less offensive demand, but one that really involved worship of the devil. The ambition of Jesus is thus appealed to at the price of recognition of the devil's primacy in the world. It was compromise that involved surrender of the Son of God to the world ruler of this darkness. "The temptation was threefold: to gain a temporal, not a spiritual, dominion; to gain it at once; and to gain it by an act of homage to the ruler of this world, which would make the self-constituted Messiah the vice-regent of the devil and not of God" (McNeile).
rwp@Matthew:24:14 @{Shall be preached} (\keruchthˆsetai\)...Heralded in all the inhabited world. ...\En holˆi tˆi oikoumenˆi\ supply \gˆi\. It is not here said that all will be saved nor must this language be given too literal and detailed an application to every individual.
rwp@Revelation:3:10 @{Patience} (\hupomenˆs\). "Endurance" as in 13:10; 14:12| as also in kjv@2Thessalonians:3:5|. {Thou didst keep} (\etˆrˆsas\) {--I also will keep} (\kag“ tˆrˆs“\). Aorist active indicative and future active corresponding to each other. For a like play on the tenses of this verb by Christ see kjv@John:17:6| (\tetˆrˆkan\), kjv@John:17:11| (\tˆrˆson\), kjv@John:17:12| (\etˆroun\). {From the hour of trial} (\ek tˆs h“ras tou peirasmou\). This use of \ek\ after \tˆre“\ in kjv@John:17:15|, \apo\ in kjv@James:1:27|. Trial brings temptation often (James:1:2,13|). Jesus endured (Hebrews:12:1f.|) and he will help them. There is still a church in Philadelphia in spite of the Turks. {Which is to come} (\tˆs mellousˆs erchesthai\). Agreeing with \h“ras\ (feminine), not with \peirasmou\ (masculine). {Upon the whole world} (\epi tˆs epoikoumenˆs holˆs\). The inhabited earth (\gˆs\) as in kjv@Revelation:12:19; kjv@Luke:2:1; kjv@Acts:16:6|, etc.), not the physical earth, but the world of men as explained by the next clause. {To try} (\peirasai\). First aorist active infinitive of purpose from \peiraz“\, probably to tempt (cf. the demons in 9:1-21|), not merely to afflict (2:10|). {That dwell upon the earth} (\tous katoikountas epi tˆs gˆs\). Present active articular participle of \katoike“\, explaining "the whole world" just before.
rwp@Revelation:12:9 @{Was cast down} (\eblˆthˆ\). Effective first aorist passive indicative of \ball“\, cast down for good and all, a glorious consummation. This vision of final victory over Satan is given by Jesus in kjv@Luke:10:18; kjv@John:12:31|. It has not come yet, but it is coming, and the hope of it should be a spur to missionary activity and zeal. The word megas (great) occurs here with \drak“n\ as in 12:3|, and the whole picture is repeated in 20:2|. The dragon in both places is identified with the old serpent (Genesis:3:1ff.|) and called \archaios\ (from \archˆ\, beginning), as Jesus said that the devil was a murderer "from the beginning" (John:8:44|). Both \diabolos\ (slanderer) and Satan (\Satanƒs\) are common in N.T. for this great dragon and old serpent, the chief enemy of mankind. See on ¯Matthew:4:1; kjv@Revelation:2:10| for \diabolos\ and kjv@Luke:10:18| for \Satanƒs\. {The deceiver of the whole world} (\ho plan“n tˆn oikoumenˆn holˆn\). This is his aim and his occupation, pictured here by the nominative articular present active participle of \plana“\...lead astray. For "the inhabited world" ...2:1; kjv@Revelation:3:10; 16:14|. Satan can almost "lead astray" the very elect of God (Matthew:24:24|), so artful is he in his beguilings as he teaches us how to deceive ourselves (1John:1:8|). {He was cast down to the earth} (\eblˆthˆ eis tˆn gˆn\). Effective aorist repeated from the beginning of the verse. "The earth was no new sphere of Satan's working" (Swete). {Were cast down} (\eblˆthˆsan\). Triple use of the same verb applied to Satan's minions. The expulsion is complete.
rwp@Revelation:17:2 @{The kings of the earth} (\hoi basileis tˆs gˆs\). Repeated in 1:5; 6:15; 17:18; 18:3,9; 19:19; 21:24|..."the kings of the inhabited earth" ...(16:14|) either for human rulers in general or the vassal kings absorbed by the Roman Empire. {Committed fornication} (\eporneusan\). First aorist active indicative of \porneu“\. "In purchasing the favour of Rome by accepting her suzerainty and with it her vices and idolatries" (Swete). {Were made drunken} (\emethusthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \methusk“\, old verb (from \methu\), as in kjv@Luke:12:45|, here only in the Apocalypse. Cf. kjv@Isaiah:51:7| and \pepotiken\ in kjv@Revelation:14:8|. See 18:3|.
rwp@Romans:10:18 @{Did they not hear?} (\mˆ ouk ˆkousan?\). Rather, "Did they fail to hear?" (expecting the negative answer \mˆ\, while \ouk\ blends with the verb). See on ¯1Corinthians:9:5| for this construction. {Yea, verily} (\menounge\). Triple particle (\men, oun, ge\) as in 9:20|. {Sound} (\phthoggos\). Vibration of a musical string. See on ¯1Corinthians:14:7|. Only two N.T. examples. {The world} (\tˆs oikoumenˆs\). The inhabited earth as in kjv@Luke:2:1|.
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