CONCORDANCE:String = nomos
rwp@Galatians:3:12 @{The law is not of faith} (\ho nomos ouk estin ek piste“s\). Law demands complete obedience and rests not on mercy, faith, grace.
rwp@John:7:23 @{That the law of Moses may not be broken} (\hina mˆ luthˆi ho nomos M“use“s\). Purpose clause with negative \mˆ\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \lu“\. They are punctilious about their Sabbath rules and about circumcision on the eighth day. When they clash, they drop the Sabbath rule and circumcise. {Are ye wroth with me?} (\emoi cholƒte;\). Old word from \cholˆ\ (bile, gall), possibly from \chloˆ\ or \chl“ros\ (yellowish green). Only here in N.T. Songs:to be mad. With dative. Vivid picture of bitter spleen against Jesus for healing a man on the sabbath when they circumcise on the Sabbath. {A man every whit whole} (\holon anthr“pon hugiˆ\). Literally, "a whole (\holon\) man (all the man) sound (\hugiˆ\, well)," not just one member of the body mended.
rwp@John:7:51 @{Doth our law judge a man?} (\mˆ ho nomos hˆm“n krinei ton anthr“pon;\). Negative answer expected and "the man," not "a man." These exponents of the law (verse 49|) were really violating the law of criminal procedure (Exodus:23:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:1:16|). Probably Nicodemus knew that his protest was useless, but he could at least show his colours and score the point of justice in Christ's behalf. {Except it first hear from himself} (\ean mˆ akousˆi pr“ton par' autou\). Third-class negative condition with \ean mˆ\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \akou“\. That is common justice in all law, to hear a man's side of the case ("from him," \par' autou\). {And know what he doeth} (\kai gn“i ti poiei\). Continuation of the same condition with second aorist active subjunctive of \gin“sk“\ with indirect question and present active indicative (\ti poiei\). There was no legal answer to the point of Nicodemus.
rwp@Romans:7:7 @{Is the law sin?} (\ho nomos hamartia?\). A pertinent query in view of what he had said. Some people today oppose all inhibitions and prohibitions because they stimulate violations. That is half-baked thinking. {I had not known sin} (\tˆn hamartian ouk egn“n\). Second aorist indicative of \gin“sk“\, to know. It is a conclusion of a second class condition, determined as unfulfilled. Usually \an\ is used in the conclusion to make it plain that it is second class condition instead of first class, but occasionally it is not employed when it is plain enough without as here (John:16:22,24|). See on ¯Galatians:4:15|. Songs:as to {I had not known coveting} (lust), \epithumian ouk ˆidein\. But all the same the law is not itself sin nor the cause of sin. Men with their sinful natures turn law into an occasion for sinful acts.
rwp@Romans:8:2 @{The law of the Spirit of life} (\ho nomos tou pneumatos tˆs z“ˆs\). The principle or authority exercised by the Holy Spirit which bestows life and which rests "in Christ Jesus." {Made me free} (\ˆleuther“sen me\). First aorist active indicative of the old verb \eleuthero“\ for which see kjv@Galatians:5:1|. Aleph B have \se\ (thee) instead of \me\. It matters little. We are pardoned, we are free from the old law of sin and death (7:7-24|), we are able by the help of the Holy Spirit to live the new life in Christ.
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