CONCORDANCE:String = ordinances
geneva@Genesis:9:13 @ I do set my (note:)...see that signs or ordinances should ...(:note) bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
geneva@Exodus:12:11 @ And thus shall ye eat it; [with] your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: (note:)...but signified it, as ordinances are ...(:note) it [is] the LORD'S passover.
geneva@Exodus:18:16 @...another, and declare the ordinances of ...
geneva@Leviticus:18:30 @...shall yee keepe mine ordinances that ...
geneva@Leviticus:20:22 @...keepe therefore all mine ordinances and ...
geneva@Numbers:1:1 @ And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of (note:)In the place in the wilderness that was near mount Sinai.(:note) Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first [day] of the Which is part of April and part of May. second month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying, The Argument -...them, he gives them ordinances and ...
geneva@Numbers:30:16 @ {\cf2 (30:17)} These are the ordinances which the Lorde commanded Moses, betweene a man & his wife, and betweene the father and his daughter, being young in her fathers house.
geneva@Deuteronomy:4:8 great, that hath ordinances and ...
geneva@Deuteronomy:4:14 @...I should teach you ordinances... & lawes, which ye should obserue in the lande, whither ye goe, to possesse it.
geneva@Deuteronomy:5:1 @...Heare, O Israel, the ordinances and ...
geneva@Deuteronomy:6:17 @...his testimonies, and his ordinances which ...
geneva@Deuteronomy:17:19 @ And it shall be with him, and he shall reade therein all daies of his life, that he may learne to feare the Lord his God, &...this Lawe, and these ordinances for ...
geneva@1Kings:3:14 @...wayes, to keepe mine ordinances... & my commandements, as thy father Dauid did walke, I will prolong thy dayes.
geneva@2Chronicles:33:8 @...the statutes and the ordinances by ...(note:)By the charge given to Moses.(:note) hand of Moses.
geneva@Nehemiah:9:13 @...iudgements, and true lawes, ordinances and ...
geneva@Job:38:33 ...Knowest thou the ordinances of ...(note:)Can you cause the heavenly bodies to have any power over the earthly bodies?(:note) dominion thereof in the earth?
geneva@Isaiah:58:2 @ Yet they (note:)They will seem to worship me and have outward holiness.(:note)...ask of me the ordinances of ...
geneva@Jeremiah:31:35 @ Thus saith the LORD, who giveth (note:)If the sun, moon and stars cannot but glue light according to my ordinance, so long as this world lasts, so shall my church never fail, neither shall anything hinder it: and as sure as I will have a people, so certain is it, that I will leave them my word forever to govern them with.(:note) the sun for a light by day, [and] the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, who divideth the sea when its waves roar; The LORD of hosts [is] his name:
geneva@Jeremiah:31:36 ...If these ordinances depart ...
geneva@Ezekiel:43:11 @ And if they be ashamed of all that they haue done, shew them the forme of the House, & ye paterne thereof, & the going out thereof, & the coming in thereof, &...thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, ...& write it in their sight, that they may keepe the whole fashio thereof, & all the ordinances thereof, & do them.
geneva@Ezekiel:44:5 @ And the Lord sayd vnto me, Sonne of man, marke wel, & behold with thine eyes, &...thee, concerning al the ordinances of ...& al the lawes thereof, & marke well the entring in of the house with euery going forth of the Sanctuarie,
geneva@Luke:1:6 @ And they were both (note:)The true mark of righteousness is demonstrated when one is liked and accepted in the judgment of God.(:note) righteous before God, Lived, as the Hebrews say, for our life is as a way in which we must walk until we come to the mark. walking in all the In all the moral and ceremonial law. commandments and ordinances of the Lord Whom no man could justly reprove: now so it is that the fruits of justification are set forth here, and not the cause, which is faith only, and nothing else. blameless.
geneva@Hebrews:9:1 @ Then verily (note:)A division of the first tabernacle which he calls worldly, that is to say, transitory, and earthly, into two parts, that is, into the holy places, and the Holiest of all.(:note) the first [covenant] had also ordinances of divine service, and a An earthy and a fleeting. worldly sanctuary.
geneva@Sir:6:38 @ {\...minde be vpon the ordinances of ...& be continually occupyed in his commadements: so shall he stablish thine heart, and giue thee wisdome at thine owne desire.}
geneva@1Macc:1:14 @ {\ doe after the ordinances of ...}
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