CONCORDANCE:String = passover
kjv@Exodus:12:48 @...and will keep the passover to ...
kjv@Exodus:34:25 @...the feast of the passover be ...
kjv@Numbers:9:2 @...Israel also keep the passover at ...
kjv@Numbers:9:5 @...And they kept the passover on ...
kjv@Numbers:9:6 @...could not keep the passover on ...
kjv@Numbers:9:10 @...he shall keep the passover unto ...
kjv@Numbers:9:12 @...the ordinances of the passover they ...
kjv@Numbers:9:14 @...the ordinance of the passover, and ...
kjv@Numbers:28:16 @...first month is the passover of ...
kjv@Numbers:33:3 @...the morrow after the passover the ...
kjv@Deuteronomy:16:1 @...Abib, and keep the passover unto ...
kjv@Deuteronomy:16:2 @...shalt therefore sacrifice the passover unto ...
kjv@Deuteronomy:16:5 @...mayest not sacrifice the passover within ...
kjv@Deuteronomy:16:6 @...thou shalt sacrifice the passover at ...
kjv@Joshua:5:10 @...Gilgal, and kept the passover on ...
kjv@2Kings:23:21 @...people, saying, Keep the passover unto ...
kjv@2Kings:23:22 @...not holden such a passover from ...
kjv@2Kings:23:23 @...king Josiah, wherein this passover was ...
kjv@2Chronicles:30:1 @...Jerusalem, to keep the passover unto ...
kjv@2Chronicles:30:2 @...Jerusalem, to keep the passover in ...
kjv@2Chronicles:30:5 @...come to keep the passover unto ...
kjv@2Chronicles:30:15 @...Then they killed the passover on ...
kjv@2Chronicles:30:18 @...did they eat the passover otherwise ...
kjv@2Chronicles:35:1 @...and they killed the passover on ...
kjv@2Chronicles:35:7, all for the passover offerings, ...
kjv@2Chronicles:35:8 @...the priests for the passover offerings ...
kjv@2Chronicles:35:9 @...unto the Levites for passover offerings ...
kjv@2Chronicles:35:13 @...And they roasted the passover with ...
kjv@2Chronicles:35:17 @...were present kept the passover at ...
kjv@2Chronicles:35:18 @...Israel keep such a passover as ...
kjv@2Chronicles:35:19 @...of Josiah was this passover... kept.
kjv@Ezra:6:19 @...the captivity kept the passover upon ...
kjv@Ezra:6:20 @...pure, and killed the passover for ...
kjv@Matthew:26:18 @...I will keep the passover at ...
kjv@Mark:14:14 @...I shall eat the passover with ...
kjv@Luke:22:7 @...unleavened bread, when the passover must ...
kjv@Luke:22:11 @...I shall eat the passover with ...
kjv@Luke:22:15 @...desired to eat this passover with ...
kjv@John:2:13 @... And the Jews' passover was ...
kjv@John:11:55 Jerusalem before the passover, to ...
kjv@John:12:1 @...six days before the passover came ...
kjv@1Corinthians:5:7 @...For even Christ our passover is ...
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