CONCORDANCE:String = possibly
rwp@Info_1Corinthians @ The occasion of the Epistle is made plain by numerous allusions personal and otherwise. Paul had arrived in Ephesus from Antioch shortly after the departure of Apollos for Corinth with letters of commendation from Priscilla and Aquila (Acts:18:28-19:1|). It is not clear how long Apollos remained in Corinth, but he is back in Ephesus when Paul writes the letter and he has declined Paul's request to go back to Corinth (1Corinthians:16:12|). Some of the household of Chloe had heard or come from Corinth with full details of the factions in the church over Apollos and Paul, clearly the reason why Apollos left (1Corinthians:1:10-12|). Even Cephas nominally was drawn into it, though there is no evidence that Peter himself had come to Corinth. Paul had sent Timothy over to Corinth to put an end to the factions (1Corinthians:4:17|), though he was uneasy over the outcome (1Corinthians:16:10f.|). This disturbance was enough of itself to call forth a letter from Paul. But it was by no means the whole story. Paul had already written a letter, now lost to us, concerning a peculiarly disgusting case of incest in the membership (1Corinthians:5:9|). They were having lawsuits with one another before heathen judges. Members of the church had written Paul a letter about marriage whether any or all should marry (1Corinthians:7:1|). They were troubled also whether it was right to eat meat that had been offered to idols in the heathen temples (1Corinthians:8:1|). Spiritual gifts of an unusual nature were manifested in Corinth and these were the occasion of a deal of trouble (1Corinthians:12:1|). The doctrine of the resurrection gave much trouble in Corinth (1Corinthians:15:12|). Paul was interested in the collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem (1Corinthians:16:1|) and in their share in it. The church in Corinth had sent a committee (Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus) to Paul in Ephesus. He hopes to come himself after passing through Macedonia (1Corinthians:16:5f.|). It is possible that he had made a short visit before this letter (2Corinthians:13:1|), though not certain as he may have intended to go one time without going as he certainly once changed his plans on the subject (2Corinthians:1:15-22|)...epistle was sent on, possibly by ...(1Corinthians:16:17|), for Timothy and Erastus were sent on from Ephesus to Macedonia before the outbreak at the hands of Demetrius (Acts:19:22|). Apparently Timothy had not fully succeeded in reconciling the factions in Corinth for Paul dispatched Titus who was to meet him at Troas as he went on to Macedonia. Paul's hurried departure from Ephesus (Acts:20:1|) took him to Troas before Titus arrived and Paul's impatience there brought him to Macedonia where he did meet Titus on his return from Corinth (2Corinthians:2:12f.|).
rwp@1Corinthians:1:14 @{I thank God} (\eucharist“ t“i the“i\). See verse 4|, though uncertain if \t“i the“i\ is genuine here. {Save Crispus and Gaius} (\ei mˆ Krispon kai Gaion\). Crispus was the ruler of the synagogue in Corinth before his conversion (Acts:18:8|), a Roman cognomen, and Gaius a Roman praenomen, probably the host of Paul and of the whole church in Corinth (Romans:16:23|), possibly though not clearly the hospitable Gaius of kjv@3John:1:5,6|. The prominence and importance of these two may explain why Paul baptized them.
rwp@1Corinthians:2:13 @{Which things also we speak} (\ha kai laloumen\). This onomatopoetic verb \lale“\ (from \la-la\), to utter sounds. In the papyri the word calls more attention to the form of utterance while \leg“\ refers more to the substance. But \lale“\ in the N.T. as here is used of the highest and holiest speech. Undoubtedly Paul employs the word purposely for the utterance of the revelation which he has understood. That is to say, there is revelation (verse 10|), illumination (verse 12|), and inspiration (verse 13|). Paul claims therefore the help of the Holy Spirit for the reception of the revelation, for the understanding of it, for the expression of it. Paul claimed this authority for his preaching (1Thessalonians:4:2|) and for his epistles (2Thessalonians:3:14|). {Not in words which man's wisdom teacheth} (\ouk en didaktois anthr“pinˆs sophias logois\). Literally, "not in words taught by human wisdom." The verbal adjective \didaktois\ (from \didask“\, to teach) is here passive in idea and is followed by the ablative case of origin or source as in kjv@John:6:45|, \esontai pantes didaktoi theou\ (from kjv@Isaiah:54:13|), "They shall all be taught by God." The ablative in Greek, as is well known, has the same form as the genitive, though quite different in idea (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 516). Songs:then Paul claims the help of the Holy Spirit in the utterance (\laloumen\) of the words, "which the Spirit teacheth (\en didaktois pneumatos\), "in words taught by the Spirit" (ablative \pneumatos\ as above). Clearly Paul means that the help of the Holy Spirit in the utterance of the revelation extends to the words. No theory of inspiration is here stated, but it is not _mere_ human wisdom. Paul's own Epistles bear eloquent witness to the lofty claim here made. They remain today after nearly nineteen centuries throbbing with the power of the Spirit of God, dynamic with life for the problems of today as when Paul wrote them for the needs of the believers in his time, the greatest epistles of all time, surcharged with the energy of God. {Comparing spiritual things with spiritual} (\pneumatikois pneumatika sunkrinontes\). Each of these words is in dispute. The verb \sunkrin“\, originally meant to combine, to join together fitly. In the LXX it means to interpret dreams (Genesis:40:8,22; 41:12|) possibly by comparison. In the later Greek it may mean to compare as in kjv@2Corinthians:10:12|. In the papyri Moulton and Milligan (_Vocabulary_) give it only for "decide," probably after comparing. But "comparing," in spite of the translations, does not suit well here. Songs:it is best to follow the original meaning to combine as do Lightfoot and Ellicott. But what gender is \pneumatikois\? Is it masculine or neuter like \pneumatika\? If masculine, the idea would be "interpreting (like LXX) spiritual truths to spiritual persons" or "matching spiritual truths with spiritual persons." This is a possible rendering and makes good sense in harmony with verse 14|. If \pneumatikois\ be taken as neuter plural (associative instrumental case after \sun\ in \sunkrinontes\), the idea most naturally would be, "combining spiritual ideas (\pneumatika\) with spiritual words" (\pneumatikois\). This again makes good sense in harmony with the first part of verse 13|. On the whole this is the most natural way to take it, though various other possibilities exist.
rwp@1Corinthians:4:13 @{Being defamed we intreat} (\dusphˆmoumenoi parakaloumen\). The participle \dusphˆmoumenoi\ is an old verb (in I Macc. 7:41) to use ill, from \dusphˆmos\, but occurs here only in the N.T. Paul is opening his very heart now after the keen irony above. {As the filth of the world} (\h“s perikatharmata tou kosmou\). Literally, sweepings, rinsings, cleansings around, dust from the floor, from \perikathair“\, to cleanse all around (Plato and Aristotle) and so the refuse thrown off in cleansing. Here only in the N.T. and only twice elsewhere. \Katharma\ was the refuse of a sacrifice. In kjv@Proverbs:21:18| \perikatharma\...though Findlay thinks that possibly in ..._Christiani ad leones_. At any rate in kjv@1Corinthians:15:32| Paul says "I fought with wild beasts" and in kjv@2Corinthians:1:9| "I had the answer of death." Some terrible experience may be alluded to here. The word shows the contempt of the Ephesian populace for Paul as is shown in kjv@Acts:19:23-41| under the influence of Demetrius and the craftsmen. {The offscouring of all things} (\pant“n peripsˆma\). Late word, here only in N.T., though in Tob. 5:18. The word was used in a formula at Athens when victims were flung into the sea, \peripsˆma hˆm“n genou\ (Became a \peripsˆma\ for us), in the sense of expiation. The word merely means scraping around from \peripsa“\, offscrapings or refuse. That is probably the idea here as in Tob. 5:18. It came to have a complimentary sense for the Christians who in a plague gave their lives for the sick. But it is a bold figure here with Paul of a piece with \perikatharmata\.
rwp@1Corinthians:5:2 @{And ye are puffed up} (\kai humeis pephusi“menoi este\). Emphatic position of \humeis\ (you). It may be understood as a question. Perfect passive periphrastic indicative of the same verb \phusio“\ used already of the partisans in Corinth (4:6,19,20|). Those of the same faction with this scoundrel justified his rascality. {Did not rather mourn} (\kai ouchi mallon epenthˆsate\). Possibly question also and note strong negative form \ouchi\, which favours it. The very least that they could have done (\mallon\ rather than be puffed up) was to mourn for shame (\penthe“\, old verb for lamentation) as if for one dead. {That he might be taken away} (\hina arthˆi\). The sub-final use of \hina\ of desired result (1:15|) so common in the _Koin‚_. First aorist passive subjunctive of \air“\, to lift up, to carry off. Decent self-respect should have compelled the instant expulsion of the man instead of pride in his rascality.
rwp@1Corinthians:7:28 @{But and if thou marry} (\ean de kai gamˆsˆis\). Condition of the third class, undetermined with prospect of being determined, with the ingressive first aorist (late form) active subjunctive with \ean\: "But if thou also commit matrimony or get married," in spite of Paul's advice to the contrary. {Thou hast not sinned} (\ouch hˆmartes\). Second aorist active indicative of \hamartan“\, to sin, to miss a mark. Here either Paul uses the timeless (gnomic) aorist indicative or by a swift transition he changes the standpoint (proleptic) in the conclusion from the future (in the condition) to the past. Such mixed conditions are common (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1020, 1023). Precisely the same construction occurs with the case of the virgin (\parthenos\) except that the old form of the first aorist subjunctive (\gˆmˆi\) occurs in place of the late \gamˆsˆi\ above. The MSS. interchange both examples. There is no special point in the difference in the forms. {Shall have tribulation in the flesh} (\thlipsin tˆi sarki hexousin\). Emphatic position of \thlipsin\ (pressure). See kjv@2Corinthians:12:7| \skolops tˆi sarki\ (thorn in the flesh). {And I would spare you} (\eg“ de hum“n pheidomai\). Possibly conative present middle indicative, I am trying to spare you like \agei\ in kjv@Romans:2:4| and \dikaiousthe\ in kjv@Galatians:5:4|.
rwp@1Corinthians:7:34 @{And there is a difference also between the wife and the virgin} (\kai memeristai kai hˆ gunˆ kai hˆ parthenos\). But the text here is very uncertain, almost hopelessly so. Westcott and Hort put \kai memeristai\ in verse 33| and begin a new sentence with \kai hˆ gunˆ\ and add \hˆ agamos\ after \hˆ gunˆ\, meaning "the widow and the virgin each is anxious for the things of the Lord" like the unmarried man (\ho agamos\, bachelor or widow) in verse 32|. Possibly so, but the MSS. vary greatly at every point. At any rate Paul's point is that the married woman is more disposed to care for the things of the world. But, alas, how many unmarried women (virgins and widows) are after the things of the world today and lead a fast and giddy life.
rwp@1Corinthians:10:25 @{In the shambles} (\en makell“i\). Only here in N.T. A transliterated Latin word _macellum_, possibly akin to \maceria\ and the Hebrew word for enclosure, though occurring in Ionic and Laconian and more frequent in the Latin. It occurs in Dio Cassius and Plutarch and in the papyri and inscriptions for "the provision market." Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 276) says: "In the Macellum at Pompeii we can imagine to ourselves the poor Christians buying their modest pound of meat in the Corinthian Macellum (1Corinthians:10:25|), with the same life-like reality with which the Diocletian maximum tariff called up the picture of the Galilean woman purchasing her five sparrows." {Asking no questions for conscience sake} (\mˆden anakrinontes dia tˆn suneidˆsin\). As to whether a particular piece of meat had been offered to idols before put in the market. Only a part was consumed in the sacrifices to heathen gods. The rest was sold in the market. Do not be over-scrupulous. Paul here champions liberty in the matter as he had done in 8:4|.
rwp@1Corinthians:14:28 @{But if there be no interpreter} (\ean de mˆ ˆi diermˆneutˆs\)...Earliest known instance and possibly made ...27|. Reappears in Byzantine grammarians. {Keep silence in church} (\sigat“ en ekklˆsiƒi\). Linear action (present active imperative). He is not even to speak in a tongue once. He can indulge his private ecstasy with God.
rwp@1Corinthians:15:12 @{Is preached} (\kˆrussetai\). Personal use of the verb, Christ is preached. {How say some among you?} (\p“s legousin en humin tines?\). The question springs naturally from the proof of the fact of the resurrection of Christ (verses 1-11|) and the continual preaching which Paul here assumes by condition of the first class (\ei--kˆrussetai\)...were sceptics in Corinth, possibly in ...
rwp@Info_1John @...familiar with John's message, possibly to ...(cf. the Seven Churches in Revelation).
rwp@1Peter:1:6 @{Wherein} (\en h“i\). This translation refers the relative \h“i\ to \kair“i\, but it is possible to see a reference to \Christou\ (verse 3|) or to \theou\ (verse 5|) or even to the entire content of verses 3-5|...Either makes sense, though possibly... \kair“i\ is correct. {Ye greatly rejoice} (\agalliƒsthe\). Present middle indicative (rather than imperative) of \agalliaomai\, late verb from \agallomai\, to rejoice, only in LXX, N.T., and ecclesiastical literature as in kjv@Matthew:5:12|. {Now for a little while} (\oligon arti\). Accusative case of time (\oligon\) probably as in kjv@Mark:6:31|, though it can be used of space (to a small extent) as in kjv@Luke:5:3|. {If need be} (\ei deon\). Present active neuter singular participle of \dei\ (it is necessary). Some MSS. have \estin\ after \deon\ (periphrastic construction). Condition of first class. {Though ye have been put to grief} (\lupˆthentes\). First aorist passive participle (concessive circumstantial use) of \lupe“\, to make sorrowful (from \lupˆ\, sorrow), old and common verb. See kjv@2Corinthians:6:10|. {In manifold temptations} (\en poikilois peirasmois\). Just the phrase in kjv@James:1:2|, which see for discussion. "Trials" clearly right here as there. Seven N.T. writers use \poikilos\ (varied).
rwp@1Peter:2:2 @{As newborn babes} (\h“s artigennˆta brephˆ\). \Brephos\, old word, originally unborn child (Luke:1:41-44|), then infant (Luke:2:12|), here figuratively, like \nˆpioi\. \Artigennˆta\ is a late and rare compound (Lucian, imperial inscription) from \arti\ and \genna“\, with evident allusion to \anagegennˆmenoi\ in 1:23|...they were recent converts, possibly slight ...(Kuhl). {Long for} (\epipothˆsate\). First aorist (constative) active imperative of \epipothe“\, old verb for intense yearning (Phillipians:2:26|). {The spiritual milk which is without guile} (\to logikon adolon gala\). \Gala\ is old word for milk as in kjv@1Corinthians:9:7| and as metaphor in kjv@1Corinthians:3:2|. \Adolos\ is an old compound (here alone in N.T.) adjective (alpha privative and \dolos\ deceit), unadulterated milk which, alas, is so hard to get. \Logikon\ is an old adjective in \-ikos\, from \logos\ (reason, speech), in N.T. only here and kjv@Romans:12:1|, used here with allusion to \logou\ (1:23|) and \rˆma\ (1:25|), "the sincere milk of the word" ("the milk belonging to the word," either the milk which is the word or the milk contained in the word, that is Christ). Songs:Bigg holds. But in kjv@Romans:12:1| Paul uses \logikon\ in the sense of "rational" or "spiritual," and that idea is possible here as Hort holds. In the Pelagia legend (Usener) we have the phrase \t“n logik“n probat“n tou Christou\ (the spiritual or rational sheep of Christ). {That ye may grow thereby} (\hina en aut“i auxˆthˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \auxan“\, old and common verb to grow. See this same metaphor in kjv@Colossians:2:19; kjv@Ephesians:4:15|. Peter uses the word of God as the food for growth, especially for babes in Christ, not emphasizing the distinction from solid food (\br“ma\) made in kjv@1Corinthians:3:2; kjv@Hebrews:5:13|. Salvation (\s“tˆrian\) here is final salvation.
rwp@1Thessalonians:3:1 @{When we could no longer forbear} (\mˆketi stegontes\). \Steg“\ is old verb to cover from \stegˆ\, roof (Mark:2:4|), to cover with silence, to conceal, to keep off, to endure as here and kjv@1Corinthians:9:12; 13:7|. In the papyri in this sense (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). \Mˆketi\ usual negative with participle in the _Koin‚_ rather than \ouketi\. {We thought it good} (\ˆudokˆsamen\). Either literary plural as in 2:18| or Paul and Silas as more likely. If so, both Timothy and Silas came to Athens (Acts:17:15f.|), but Timothy was sent ({we sent}, \epempsamen\, verse 2|) right back to Thessalonica and later Paul sent Silas on to Beroea or Thessalonica (verse 5|, {I sent}, \epempsa\). Then both Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia to Corinth (Acts:18:5|). {Alone} (\monoi\). Including Silas. {God's minister} (\diakonon tou theou\). See on ¯Matthew:22:13| for this interesting word, here in general sense not technical sense of deacon. Some MSS. have {fellow-worker} (\sunergon\). Already {apostle} in 2:7| and now {brother, minister} (and possibly {fellow-worker}).
rwp@Info_1Timothy @ FIRST TIMOTHY PROBABLY A.D. 65 FROM MACEDONIA BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION Assuming the Pauline authorship the facts shape up after this fashion. Paul had been in Ephesus (1Timothy:1:3|) after his arrival from Rome, which was certainly before the burning of Rome in A.D. 64. He had left Timothy in charge of the work in Ephesus and has gone on into Macedonia (1Timothy:1:3|), possibly to Philippi as he had hoped (Phillipians:2:24|). He wishes to help Timothy meet the problems of doctrine (against the Gnostics), discipline, and church training which are increasingly urgent. There are personal touches of a natural kind about Timothy's own growth and leadership. There are wise words here from the greatest of all preachers to a young minister whom Paul loved. kjv@1Timothy:1:1 @{According to the commandment} (\kat' epitagˆn\). A late _Koin‚_ word (Polybius, Diodorus), but a Pauline word also in N.T. This very idiom ("by way of command") in kjv@1Corinthians:7:6; kjv@2Corinthians:8:8; kjv@Romans:16:26; kjv@1Timothy:1:1; kjv@Titus:1:3|. Paul means to say that he is an apostle under orders. {Of God our Saviour} (\theou s“tˆros hˆm“n\). Genitive case with \epitagˆn\. In the LXX \s“tˆr\ (old word from \s“z“\ for agent in saving, applied to deities, princes, kings, etc.) occurs 20 times, all but two to God. The Romans called the emperor "Saviour God." In the N.T. the designation of God as Saviour is peculiar to kjv@Luke:1:47; kjv@Jude:1:25; kjv@1Timothy:1:3; 2:3; 4:10; kjv@Titus:1:3; 2:10; 3:4|. In the other Epistles Paul uses it of Christ (Phillipians:3:20; kjv@Ephesians:5:23|) as in kjv@2Timothy:1:10|. In kjv@2Peter:1:1| we have "our God and Saviour Jesus Christ" as in kjv@Titus:2:13|. {Our hope} (\tˆs elpidos hˆm“n\). Like kjv@Colossians:1:27|. More than the author and object of hope, "its very substance and foundation" (Ellicott).
rwp@1Timothy:1:15 @{Faithful is the saying} (\pistos ho logos\). Five times in the Pastorals (1Timothy:1:15; 3:1; 4:9; kjv@Titus:3:8; kjv@2Timothy:2:11|). It will pay to note carefully \pistis, pisteu“, pistos\. Same use of \pistos\ (trustworthy) applied to \logos\ in kjv@Titus:1:9; kjv@Revelation:21:5; 22:6|. Here and probably in kjv@2Timothy:2:11| be referred to, possibly a ...(\hoti\) of a current saying quite like the Johannine type of teaching. This very phrase (Christ coming into the world) occurs in kjv@John:9:37; 11:27; 16:28; 18:37|. Paul, of course, had no access to the Johannine writings, but such "sayings" were current among the disciples. There is no formal quotation, but "the whole phrase implies a knowledge of Synoptic and Johannine language" (Lock) as in kjv@Luke:5:32; kjv@John:12:47|. {Acceptation} (\apodochˆs\). Genitive case with \axios\ (worthy of). Late word (Polybius, Diod., Jos.) in N.T. only here and 4:9|. {Chief} (\pr“tos\). Not \ˆn\ (I was), but \eimi\ (I am). "It is not easy to think of any one but St. Paul as penning these words" (White). In kjv@1Corinthians:15:9| he had called himself "the least of the apostles" (\elachistos t“n apostol“n\). In kjv@Ephesians:3:8| he refers to himself as "the less than the least of all saints" (\t“i elachistoter“i pant“n hagi“n\). On occasion Paul would defend himself as on a par with the twelve apostles (Galatians:2:6-10|) and superior to the Judaizers (2Corinthians:11:5f.; 12:11|). It is not mock humility here, but sincere appreciation of the sins of his life (cf. kjv@Romans:7:24|) as a persecutor of the church of God (Galatians:1:13|), of men and even women (Acts:22:4f.; 26:11|). He had sad memories of those days.
rwp@1Timothy:1:19 @{Holding faith and a good conscience} (\ech“n pistin kai agathˆn suneidˆsin\). Possibly as a shield (Ephesians:6:16|) or at any rate possessing (Romans:2:20|) faith as trust and a good conscience. A leader expects them of his followers and must show them himself. {Having thrust from them} (\ap“samenoi\). First aorist indirect middle participle of \ap“the“\, to push away from one. Old verb (see kjv@Romans:11:1f.|). {Made shipwreck} (\enauagˆsan\). First aorist active indicative of \nauage“\, old verb from \nauagos\ (shipwrecked, \naus\, ship, \agnumi\, to break), to break a ship to pieces. In N.T. only here and kjv@2Corinthians:11:25|. {Concerning the faith} (\peri tˆn pistin\). Rather, "concerning their faith" (the article here used as a possessive pronoun, a common Greek idiom).
rwp@1Timothy:6:9 @{Desire to be rich} (\boulomenoi ploutein\). The will (\boulomai\) to be rich at any cost and in haste (Proverbs:28:20|). Some MSS. have "trust in riches" in kjv@Mark:10:24|. Possibly Paul still has teachers and preachers in mind. {Fall into} (\empiptousin eis\). See on ¯3:6| for \en -- eis\ and ¯3:7| for \pagida\ (snare). {Foolish} (\anoˆtous\). See kjv@Galatians:3:1,3|. {Hurtful} (\blaberas\). Old adjective from \blapt“\, to injure, here alone in N.T. {Drown} (\buthizousin\). Late word (literary _Koin‚_) from \buthos\ (bottom), to drag to the bottom. In N.T. only here and kjv@Luke:5:7| (of the boat). Drown in the lusts with the issue "in destruction and perdition" (\eis olethron kai ap“leian\). Not annihilation, but eternal punishment. The combination only here, but for \olethros\, see kjv@1Thessalonians:5:3; kjv@2Thessalonians:1:9; kjv@1Corinthians:5:5| and for \ap“leia\, see kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3; kjv@Phillipians:3:19|.
rwp@Info_2Corinthians @ The occasion of the Epistle is made plain by numerous allusions personal and otherwise. Paul had arrived in Ephesus from Antioch shortly after the departure of Apollos for Corinth with letters of commendation from Priscilla and Aquila (Acts:18:28-19:1|). It is not clear how long Apollos remained in Corinth, but he is back in Ephesus when Paul writes the letter and he has declined Paul's request to go back to Corinth (1Corinthians:16:12|). Some of the household of Chloe had heard or come from Corinth with full details of the factions in the church over Apollos and Paul, clearly the reason why Apollos left (1Corinthians:1:10-12|). Even Cephas nominally was drawn into it, though there is no evidence that Peter himself had come to Corinth. Paul had sent Timothy over to Corinth to put an end to the factions (1Corinthians:4:17|), though he was uneasy over the outcome (1Corinthians:16:10f.|). This disturbance was enough of itself to call forth a letter from Paul. But it was by no means the whole story. Paul had already written a letter, now lost to us, concerning a peculiarly disgusting case of incest in the membership (1Corinthians:5:9|). They were having lawsuits with one another before heathen judges. Members of the church had written Paul a letter about marriage whether any or all should marry (1Corinthians:7:1|). They were troubled also whether it was right to eat meat that had been offered to idols in the heathen temples (1Corinthians:8:1|). Spiritual gifts of an unusual nature were manifested in Corinth and these were the occasion of a deal of trouble (1Corinthians:12:1|). The doctrine of the resurrection gave much trouble in Corinth (1Corinthians:15:12|). Paul was interested in the collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem (1Corinthians:16:1|) and in their share in it. The church in Corinth had sent a committee (Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus) to Paul in Ephesus. He hopes to come himself after passing through Macedonia (1Corinthians:16:5f.|). It is possible that he had made a short visit before this letter (2Corinthians:13:1|), though not certain as he may have intended to go one time without going as he certainly once changed his plans on the subject (2Corinthians:1:15-22|)...epistle was sent on, possibly by ...(1Corinthians:16:17|), for Timothy and Erastus were sent on from Ephesus to Macedonia before the outbreak at the hands of Demetrius (Acts:19:22|). Apparently Timothy had not fully succeeded in reconciling the factions in Corinth for Paul dispatched Titus who was to meet him at Troas as he went on to Macedonia. Paul's hurried departure from Ephesus (Acts:20:1|) took him to Troas before Titus arrived and Paul's impatience there brought him to Macedonia where he did meet Titus on his return from Corinth (2Corinthians:2:12f.|).
rwp@Info_2Peter @ AND YET THE EPISTLE DIFFERS IN STYLE FROM FIRST PETER This is a fact, though one greatly exaggerated by some scholars. There are many points of similarity, for one thing, like the habit of repeating words (\epichorˆge“\ in kjv@2Peter:1:10,19, \bebaios\ in kjv@2Peter:1:12,13,15|, \prophˆteia\ in kjv@2Peter:1:20; 3:3|, etc.). These repetitions occur all through the Epistle as in I Peter. "This is a matter of very high importance" (Bigg). Again in both Epistles there is a certain dignity of style with a tendency to iambic rhythm. There is more quotation of the Old Testament in I Peter, but frequent allusion to words and phrases in II Peter. There are more allusions to words and facts in the Gospels in I Peter than in II Peter, though some do occur in II Peter. Besides those already given, note kjv@2Peter:1:8| (Luke:13:7f.|), kjv@2Peter:2:1| (Matthew:10:33|), kjv@2Peter:2:20| (Matthew:12:45; kjv@Luke:11:26|), kjv@2Peter:3:4| (Matthew:24:1ff.|), and possibly kjv@2Peter:1:3| to Christ's calling the apostles. Both appear to know and use the O.T. Apocrypha. Both are fond of the plural of abstract substantives. Both make sparing use of Greek particles. Both use the article similarly, idiomatically, and sometimes not using it. There are some 361 words in 1 Peter not in II Peter, 231 in II Peter not in I Peter. There are 686 \hapax legomena\ in N.T., 54 in II Peter instead of the average of 62, a large number when the brevity of the Epistle is considered. There are several ways of explaining these variations. One way is to say that they are written by different men, but difference of subject has to be borne in mind. All writers and artists have an early and a later manner. Another solution is that Peter employed different amanuenses. Silvanus was the one for I Peter (1Peter:5:12|). Mark was Peter's usual interpreter, but we do not know who was the amanuensis for II Peter, if indeed one was used. We know from kjv@Acts:4:13| that Peter and John were considered unlettered men (\agrammatoi kai idi“tai\). II Peter and the Apocalypse illustrate this statement. II Peter may have more of Peter's real style than I Peter.
rwp@2Peter:1:4 @{Whereby} (\di' h“n\). Probably the "glory and virtue" just mentioned, though it is possible to take it with \panta ta pros\, etc., or with \hˆmin\ (unto us, meaning "through whom"). {He hath granted} (\ded“rˆtai\). Perfect middle indicative of \d“re“\, for which see verse 3|. {His precious and exceeding great promises} (\ta timia kai megista epaggelmata\). \Epaggelma\ is an old word (from \epaggell“\) in place of the common \epaggelia\, in N.T. only here and 3:13|. \Timios\ (precious, from \timˆ\, value), three times by Peter (1Peter:1:7| of faith; 1:19| of the blood of Christ; kjv@2Peter:1:4| of Christ's promises). \Megista\ is the elative superlative used along with a positive adjective (\timia\). {That ye may become} (\hina genˆsthe\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\. {Through these} (\dia tout“n\). The promises. {Partakers} (\koin“noi\). Partners, sharers in, for which word see kjv@1Peter:5:1|. {Of the divine nature} (\theias phuse“s\). This phrase, like \to theion\ in kjv@Acts:17:29|, "belongs rather to Hellenism than to the Bible" (Bigg). It is a Stoic phrase, but not with the Stoic meaning. Peter is referring to the new birth as kjv@1Peter:1:23| (\anagegennˆmenoi\)...occurs in an inscription possibly under ...(Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). {Having escaped} (\apophugontes\). Second aorist active participle of \apopheug“\, old compound verb, in N.T. only here and 2:18-20|, with the ablative here (\phthorƒs\, old word from \phtheir“\, moral decay as in 2:12|) and the accusative there. {By lust} (\en epithumiƒi\). Caused by, consisting in, lust. "Man becomes either regenerate or degenerate" (Strachan).
rwp@2Peter:1:16 @{We did not follow} (\ouk exakolouthˆsantes\). First aorist active participle of \exakolouthe“\, late compound verb, to follow out (Polybius, Plutarch, LXX, papyri, inscriptions as of death following for any Gentile in the temple violating the barrier), with emphatic negative \ouk\, "not having followed." See also 2:2| for this verb. {Cunningly devised fables} (\sesophismenois muthois\). Associative instrumental case of \muthos\ (old term for word, narrative, story, fiction, fable, falsehood). In N.T. only here and the Pastoral Epistles (1Timothy:1:4|, etc.). Perfect passive participle of \sophiz“\, old word (from \sophos\), only twice in N.T., in causative sense to make wise (2Timothy:3:15|), to play the sophist, to invent cleverly (here) and so also in the old writers and in the papyri. Some of the false teachers apparently taught that the Gospel miracles were only allegories and not facts (Bigg). Cf. 2:3| for "feigned words." {When we made known unto you} (\egn“risamen humin\). First aorist active indicative of \gn“riz“\, to make known unto you. Possibly by Peter himself. {The power and coming} (\tˆn dunamin kai parousian\). These words can refer (Chase) to the Incarnation, just as is true of \epiphaneia\ in kjv@2Timothy:1:10| (second coming in kjv@1Timothy:6:14|), and is true of \parousia\ (2Corinthians:7:6| of Titus). But elsewhere in the N.T. \parousia\ (technical term in the papyri for the coming of a king or other high dignitary), when used of Christ, refers to his second coming (2Peter:3:4,12|). {But we were eye-witnesses} (\all' epoptai genˆthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \ginomai\, "but having become eye-witnesses." \Epoptai\, old word (from \epopt“\ like \epopteu“\ in kjv@1Peter:2:12; 3:2|), used of those who attained the third or highest degree of initiates in the Eleusinian mysteries (common in the inscriptions). Cf. \autoptˆs\ in kjv@Luke:1:2|. {Of his majesty} (\tˆs ekeinou megaleiotˆtos\). Late and rare word (LXX and papyri) from \megaleios\ (Acts:2:11|), in N.T. only here, kjv@Luke:9:43| (of God); kjv@Acts:19:27| (of Artemis). Peter clearly felt that he and James and John were lifted to the highest stage of initiation at the Transfiguration of Christ. Emphatic \ekeinou\ as in kjv@2Timothy:2:26|.
rwp@2Peter:2:11 @{Whereas} (\hopou\). Loose use of \hopou\ (in Xenophon) = "wherein." {Though greater} (\meizones ontes\). Than the evil \doxai\. Concessive participle and comparative adjective. {In might and strength} (\ischui kai dunamei\). Locative case. Both indwelling strength (\ischus\, kjv@Mark:12:30|) and ability (\dunamis\, kjv@Matthew:25:15|). {Railing judgment} (\blasphemon krisin\). "Blasphemous accusation." {Against them} (\kat' aut“n\). The evil angels (\doxai\). {Before the Lord} (\para kuri“i\). In God's presence. See kjv@Jude:1:9| and possibly Enoch 9.
rwp@2Timothy:4:13 @{The cloke} (\tˆn phelonˆn\). More common form \pheilonˆ\. By metathesis for \phainolˆ\, Latin _paenula_, though which language transliterated the word into the other is not known. The meaning is also uncertain, though probably "cloke" as there are so many papyri examples in that sense (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). Milligan (N.T. _Documents_, p. 20) had previously urged "book wrap" as probable but he changed his mind and rightly so. {With Carpus} (\para Karp“i\). "Beside Carpus," at his house. Not mentioned elsewhere. Probably a visit to Troas after Paul's return from Crete. {The books} (\ta biblia\)...of Old Testament books, possibly copies ...{Especially the parchments} (\malista tas membranas\). Latin _membrana_...more expensive than papyrus, possibly even ...(Luke:1:1-4|). We recall that in kjv@Acts:26:24| Festus referred to Paul's learning (\ta grammata\). He would not waste his time in prison.
rwp@2Timothy:4:14 @{Alexander the coppersmith} (\Alexandros ho chalkeus\). Old word, only here in N.T., for metal-worker (copper, iron, gold, etc.). Possibly the one in 1:20|, but not the one in kjv@Acts:19:33f.| unless he afterwards became a Christian. {Did me much evil} (\moi kaka enedeixato\)...dislike towards Paul and possibly also ...{Will render} (\apod“sei\). Future active of the same verb used in verse 8|, but with a very different atmosphere.
rwp@Acts:1:6 @{They therefore} (\hoi men oun\). Demonstrative use of \hoi\ with \men oun\ without any corresponding \de\ just as in 1:1| \men\ occurs alone. The combination \men oun\ is common in Acts (27 times). Cf. kjv@Luke:3:18|. The \oun\ is resumptive and refers to the introductory verses (1:1-5|), which served to connect the Acts with the preceding Gospel. The narrative now begins. {Asked} (\ˆr“t“n\). Imperfect active, repeatedly asked before Jesus answered. {Lord} (\kurie\). Here not in the sense of "sir" (Matthew:21:30|), but to Jesus as Lord and Master as often in Acts (19:5,10|, etc.) and in prayer to Jesus (7:59|). {Dost thou restore} (\ei apokathistaneis\). The use of \ei\ in an indirect question is common. We have already seen its use in direct questions (Matthew:12:10; kjv@Luke:13:23| which see for discussion), possibly in imitation of the Hebrew (frequent in the LXX) or as a partial condition without conclusion. See also kjv@Acts:7:1; 19:2; 21:37; 22:25|. The form of the verb \apokathistan“\ is late (also \apokathista“\) omega form for the old and common \apokathistˆmi\, double compound, to restore to its former state. As a matter of fact the Messianic kingdom for which they are asking is a political kingdom that would throw off the hated Roman yoke. It is a futuristic present and they are uneasy that Jesus may yet fail to fulfil their hopes. Surely here is proof that the eleven apostles needed the promise of the Father before they began to spread the message of the Risen Christ. They still yearn for a political kingdom for Israel even after faith and hope have come back. They need the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit (John:14-16|) and the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts:1:4f.|).
rwp@Acts:4:36 @{Barnabas} (\Barnabas\). His name was Joseph (correct text, and not Jesus) and he is mentioned as one illustration of those in verse 34| who selling brought the money. The apostles gave him the nickname Barnabas by which later he was known because of this noble deed. This fact argues that all did not actually sell, but were ready to do so if needed. Possibly Joseph had a larger estate than some others also. The meaning of the nickname is given by Luke as "son of consolation or exhortation" (\huios paraklˆse“s\). Doubtless his gifts as a preacher lay along this same line. Rackham thinks that the apostles gave him this name when he was recognized as a prophet. In kjv@Acts:11:23| the very word \parekalei\ (exhorted) is used of Barnabas up at Antioch. He is the type of preacher described by Paul in kjv@1Corinthians:14:3|. Encouragement is the chief idea in \paraklˆsis\ though exhortation, comfort, consolation are used to render it (Acts:9:31; 13:15; 15:31|). See also 16:9; 20:12|. It is not necessary to think that the apostles coined the name Barnabas for Joseph which originally may have come from \Barnebous\ (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, pp. 308-10), son of Nebo, or even the Hebrew _Bar Nebi_ (son of a prophet). But, whatever the origin, the popular use is given by Luke. He was even called apostle along with Paul (Acts:14:14|) in the broad sense of that word.
rwp@Acts:5:17 @{Which is the sect of the Sadducees} (\hˆ ousa hairesis t“n Saddoukai“n\). Literally, "the existing sect of the Sadducees" or "the sect which is of the Sadducees," \hˆ\ being the article, not the relative. \Hairesis\ means a choosing, from \haireomai\, to take for oneself, to choose, then an opinion chosen or tenet (possibly kjv@2Peter:2:1|), then parties or factions (Gal 5:20; kjv@1Corinthians:11:19|; possibly kjv@2Peter:2:1|). It is applied here to the Sadducees; to the Pharisees in kjv@Acts:15:5; 26:5|; to the Christians in 24:5-14; 28:22|. Already Luke has stated that the Sadducees started the persecution of Peter and John (Acts:4:1f.|). Now it is extended to "the apostles" as a whole since Christianity has spread more rapidly in Jerusalem than before it began.
rwp@Acts:7:16 @{They were carried over unto Shechem} (\metetethˆsan eis Suchem\). First aorist passive of \metatithˆmi\, only here in the N.T. in this sense of changing places. Jacob was buried in the cave of Machpelah (Genesis:50:13|). The O.T. does not say where the sons of Jacob were buried save that Joseph was buried in Shechem (Joshua:24:32|). Possibly only "our fathers" without Jacob is the subject of "were carried." {Which Abraham bought} (\h“i “nˆsato Abraam\). Hackett is sure that our present text is wrong. Hort notes some sixty "primitive errors" in the critical text of the N.T. It is possible that this is also one. If "Jacob" is substituted for "Abraham," the matter is cleared up. "It is quite as likely, judging _a priori_, that the word producing the error escaped from some early copyist as that so glaring an error was committed by Stephen" (Hackett). At any rate Abraham bought a burying-place, the cave of Machpelah, from Ephron the Hittite at Hebron (Genesis:23:16|), while Jacob bought a field from the sons of Hamor at Shechem (Genesis:33:19; kjv@Joshua:24:32|). Abraham had built an altar at Shechem when he entered Canaan (Genesis:12:6f.|). It is possible, of course, that Abraham also bought the ground on which the altar stood. {In Shechem} (\en Suchem\). This is the reading of Aleph B C instead of the Textus Receptus \tou Suchem\ which makes it "Hamar the father of Sichem." "In Shechem" is the true reading.
rwp@Acts:8:2 @{Devout} (\eulabeis\). Only four times in the N.T. (Luke:2:25; kjv@Acts:2:5; 8:2; 22:12|). Possibly some non-Christian Jews helped. The burial took place before the Christians were chiefly scattered. {Buried} (\sunekomisan\). Aorist active indicative of \sunkomiz“\, old verb to bring together, to collect, to join with others in carrying, to bury (the whole funeral arrangements). Only here in the N.T. {Lamentation} (\kopeton\). Late word from \koptomai\, to beat the breast, in LXX, Plutarch, etc., only here in the N.T.
rwp@Acts:9:18 @{Fell off} (\apepesan\). Second aorist active indicative (note--an ending like first aorist) of \apopipt“\, old verb, but here alone in the N.T. {As if it were scales} (\h“s lepides\). Chiefly late word (LXX) from \lep“\, to peel, and only here in the N.T. See Tobit 11:13, "The white film peeled from his eyes" (\elepisthˆ\). Luke does not say that actual "scales" fell from the eyes of Saul, but that it felt that way to him as his sight returned, "as if" (\h“s\). Medical writers use the word \lepis\ for pieces of the skin that fall off (Hobart, _Medical Language of St. Luke_, p. 39). Luke may have heard Paul tell of this vivid experience. {Was baptized} (\ebaptisthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative. Apparently by Ananias (22:16|) Christ already begun, possibly in ...(Furneaux), better than all the waters of Israel according to Naaman (2Kings:5:12|).
rwp@Acts:9:38 @{Delay not} (\mˆ oknˆsˆis\). Ingressive aorist active subjunctive in prohibition. Direct discourse and not indirect as late MSS. have (aorist active infinitive, \oknˆsai\). Possibly the two messengers started before Dorcas was quite dead, though we do not know. Peter had recently healed Aeneas and the disciples may have had faith enough to believe that he could raise the dead by the power of Christ. W. M. Ramsay doubts if Dorcas was really dead, but why see legends in these supernatural events?
rwp@Acts:12:21 @{Upon a set day} (\taktˆi hˆmerƒi\). Locative case and the verbal adjective of \tass“\, to arrange, appoint, old word, here only in the N.T. Josephus (_Ant_. XVII. 6, 8; XIX. 8, 2)...of the Emperor Claudius, possibly his ..._Quinquennalia_. The two accounts of Luke and Josephus supplement each other with no contradiction. Josephus does not mention the name of Blastus. {Arrayed himself in royal apparel} (\endusamenos esthˆta basilikˆn\). First aorist middle (indirect) participle of \endun“\ or \endu“\, common verb to put on. Literally, having put royal apparel on himself (a robe of silver tissue, Josephus says). The rays of the sun shone on this brilliant apparel and the vast crowd in the open amphitheatre became excited as Herod began to speak. {Made an oration} (\edˆmˆgorei\). Imperfect active of \dˆmˆgore“\, old verb from \dˆmˆgoros\ (haranguer of the people), and that from \dˆmos\ (people) and \agoreu“\, to harangue or address the people. Only here in the N.T. He kept it up.
rwp@Acts:13:1 @{In the church that was there} (\kata tˆn ousan ekklˆsian\). Possibly distributed throughout the church (note "in the church" 11:26|). Now a strong organization there. Luke here begins the second part of Acts with Antioch as the centre of operations, no longer Jerusalem. Paul is now the central figure instead of Peter. Jerusalem had hesitated too long to carry out the command of Jesus to take the gospel to the whole world. That glory will now belong to Antioch. {Prophets and teachers} (\prophˆtai kai didaskaloi\). All prophets were teachers, but not all teachers were prophets who were for-speakers of God, sometimes fore-speakers like Agabus in 11:28|. The double use of \te\ here makes three prophets (Barnabas, Symeon, Lucius) and two teachers (Manaen and Saul). Barnabas heads the list (11:22|) and Saul comes last. Symeon Niger may be the Simon of Cyrene who carried the Saviour's cross. Lucius of Cyrene was probably one of the original evangelists (11:20|). The name is one of the forms of Luke, but it is certainly not Luke the Physician. Manaen shows how the gospel was reaching some of the higher classes (home of Herod Antipas). {Foster-brother} (\suntrophos\). Old word for nourished with or brought up with one _collactaneus_ (Vulgate). These are clearly the outstanding men in the great Greek church in Antioch.
rwp@Acts:13:14 @{Passing through} (\dielthontes\). It is not clear why Paul and Barnabas left Perga so soon nor why they went to Antioch in Pisidia. Ramsay suggests malaria that spurred them on to the hills after the desertion of John Mark. They preached at Perga on the return (14:25|) and apparently hurried away now. Farrar thinks that the hot weather had driven the population to the hills. At any rate it is not difficult to imagine the perils of this climb over the rough mountain way from Perga to Pisidian Antioch to which Paul apparently refers in kjv@2Corinthians:11:26|. {Sat down} (\ekathisan\)...seats as visiting Jews, possibly in ...(J. Lightfoot). Whether they expected to be called on or not, they were given the opportunity as prominent visitors. The Pisidian Antioch was really in Phrygia, but towards Pisidia to distinguish it from Antioch on the Maeander (Ramsay, _Church in the Roman Empire_, p. 25). It was a colony like Philippi and so a free city. If Paul is referring to South Galatia and not North Galatia in kjv@Galatians:4:13| when he says that his preaching in Galatia at first was due to illness, then it was probably here at Pisidian Antioch. What it was we have no means of knowing, though it was a temptation in his flesh to them so severe that they were willing to pluck out their eyes for him (Galatians:4:14f.|). Opthalmia, malaria, epilepsy have all been suggested as this stake in the flesh (2Corinthians:12:7|). But Paul was able to preach with power whatever his actual physical condition was.
rwp@Acts:14:8 @{At Lystra} (\en Lustrois\). Neuter plural as in 16:2; kjv@2Timothy:3:11| while feminine singular in 14:6,21; 16:1|. There was apparently no synagogue in Lystra and so not many Jews. Paul and Barnabas had to do open-air preaching and probably had difficulty in being understood by the natives though both Greek and Latin inscriptions were discovered here by Professor Sterrett in 1885. The incident narrated here (verses 8-18|) shows how they got a real hearing among these rude heathen. {There sat} (\ekathˆto\). Imperfect middle of \kathˆmai\. Was sitting. This case is very much like that in 3:1-11|, healed by Peter. Possibly outside the gate (verse 13|) or some public place. {Impotent in his feet} (\adunatos tois posin\). Old verbal, but only here in the N.T. in this sense except figuratively in kjv@Romans:15:1|. Elsewhere it means "impossible" (Matthew:19:26|). Locative case. Common in medical writers in the sense of "impotent." Songs:Tobit 2:10; 5:9. {Had walked} (\periepatˆsen\). Songs:best MSS., first aorist active indicative "walked," not \periepepatˆkei\, "had walked" (past perfect active).
rwp@Acts:14:10 @{Upright} (\orthos\). Predicate adjective. In this sense Galen and Hippocrates frequently use \orthos\ (erect, straight). Paul spoke in a loud (\megalˆi\) voice so that all could hear and know. {He leaped up and walked} (\hˆlato kai periepatei\). Rather, He leaped up with a single bound and began to walk. The second aorist middle indicative (with first aorist vowel \a\) of \hallomai\ (late verb, in papyri) and inchoative imperfect active of \peripate“\, common verb to walk around. This graphic picture is concealed by the usual English rendering. It is possible that Luke obtained the vivid report of this incident from Timothy who may have witnessed it and who was probably converted during Paul's stay here (16:3|)...and his mother Eunice, possibly a ...(2Timothy:1:5|).
rwp@Acts:15:1 @{And certain men came down from Judea} (\kai tines katelthontes apo tˆs Ioudaias\). Evidently the party of the circumcision in the church in Jerusalem (11:2|) had heard of the spread of the gospel among the Gentiles in Cyprus, Pamphylia, and South Galatia (Phrygia, Pisidia, Lycaonia). Possibly John Mark after his desertion at Perga (13:13|) told of this as one of his reasons for coming home. At any rate echoes of the jubilation in Antioch in Syria would be certain to reach Jerusalem. The Judaizers in Jerusalem, who insisted that all the Gentile Christians must become Jews also, had acquiesced in the case of Cornelius and his group (11:1-18|) after plain proof by Peter that it was the Lord's doing. But they had not agreed to a formal campaign to turn the exception into the rule and to make Christianity mainly Gentile with a few Jews instead of mainly Jewish with a few Gentiles. Since Paul and Barnabas did not come up to Jerusalem, the leaders among the Judaizers decided to go down to Antioch and attack Paul and Barnabas there. They had volunteered to go without church action in Jerusalem for their activity is disclaimed by the conference (Acts:15:24|). In kjv@Galatians:2:4| Paul with some heat describes these Judaizers as "false brethren, secretly introduced who sneaked in to spy out our liberty." It is reasonably certain that this visit to Jerusalem described in kjv@Galatians:2:1-10| is the same one as the Jerusalem Conference in Acts 15:5-29| in spite of the effort of Ramsay to identify it with that in 11:29f|. Paul in Galatians is not giving a list of his visits to Jerusalem. He is showing his independence of the twelve apostles and his equality with them. He did not see them in 11:29f.|, but only "the elders." In kjv@Acts:15| Luke gives the outward narrative of events, in kjv@Galatians:2:1-10| Paul shows us the private interview with the apostles when they agreed on their line of conduct toward the Judaizers. In kjv@Galatians:2:2| by the use of "them" (\autois\) Paul seems to refer to the first public meeting in Acts before the private interview that came in between verses 15:5-6|. If we recall the difficulty that Peter had on the subject of preaching the gospel to the heathen (10:1-11:18|), we can the better understand the attitude of the Judaizers. They were men of sincere convictions without a doubt, but they were obscurantists and unable and unwilling to receive new light from the Lord on a matter that involved their racial and social prejudices. They recalled that Jesus himself had been circumcised and that he had said to the Syro-Phoenician woman that he had come only save to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew:15:24ff.|). They argued that Christ had not repealed circumcision. Songs:one of the great religious controversies of all time was begun, that between spiritual religion and ritualistic or ceremonial religion. It is with us yet with baptism taking the place of circumcision. These self-appointed champions of circumcision for Gentile Christians were deeply in earnest. {Taught the brethren} (\edidaskon tous adelphous\). Inchoative imperfect active, began to teach and kept it up. Their attitude was one of supercilious superiority. They probably resented the conduct of Barnabas, who, when sent by the Church in Jerusalem to investigate the conversion of the Greeks in Antioch (11:20-26|), did not return and report till a strong church had been established there with the help of Saul and only then with a big collection to confuse the issue. Paul and Barnabas were on hand, but the Judaizers persisted in their efforts to force their views on the church in Antioch. It was a crisis. {Except ye be circumcised after the custom of Moses, ye cannot be saved} (\ean me peritmˆthˆte t“i ethei M“use“s, ou dunasthe s“thˆnai\). There was the dictum of the Judaizers to the Gentiles. Paul and Barnabas had been circumcised. This is probably the precise language employed, for they spoke in Greek to these Greeks. It is a condition of the third class (undetermined, but with prospect of being determined, \ean\ plus the first aorist passive subjunctive of \peritemn“\). There was thus hope held out for them, but only on condition that they be circumcised. The issue was sharply drawn. The associative instrumental case (\t“i ethei\) is customary. "Saved" (\s“thˆnai\) here is the Messianic salvation. This doctrine denied the efficacy of the work of Christ.
rwp@Acts:15:12 @{Kept silence} (\esigˆsen\). Ingressive first aorist active of \siga“\, old verb, to hold one's peace. All the multitude became silent after Peter's speech and because of it. {Hearkened} (\ˆkouon\). Imperfect active of \akou“\, descriptive of the rapt attention, were listening. {Unto Barnabas and Paul} (\Barnaba kai Paulou\). Note placing Barnabas before Paul as in verse 25|, possibly because in Jerusalem Barnabas was still better known than Paul. {Rehearsing} (\exˆgoumen“n\). Present middle participle of \exˆgeomai\, old verb, to go through or lead out a narrative of events as in kjv@Luke:24:35; kjv@Acts:10:8| which see. Three times (14:27; 15:4,12|) Paul is described as telling the facts about their mission work, facts more eloquent than argument (Page). One of the crying needs in the churches is fuller knowledge of the facts of mission work and progress with enough detail to give life and interest. The signs and wonders which God had wrought among the Gentiles set the seal of approval on the work done through (\dia\) Barnabas and Paul. This had been Peter's argument about Cornelius (11:17|). This same verb (\exˆgˆsato\) is used by James in verse 14| referring to Peter's speech.
rwp@Acts:15:14 @{Hearken unto me} (\akousate mou\). Usual appeal for attention. James was termed James the Just and was considered a representative of the Hebraic as opposed to the Hellenistic wing of the Jewish Christians (Acts:6:1|). The Judaizers had doubtless counted on him as a champion of their view and did later wrongfully make use of his name against Peter at Antioch (Galatians:2:12|). There was instant attention when James began to speak. {Symeon} (\Sume“n\). The Aramaic form of Simon as in kjv@2Peter:2:1|. This little touch would show his affinities with the Jewish Christians (not the Judaizers). This Aramaic form is used also in kjv@Luke:2:25,34| of the old prophet in the temple. Possibly both forms (Symeon, Aramaic, and Simon, Greek) were current in Jerusalem. {How} (\kath“s\). Strictly, "according as," here like \hos\ in indirect discourse somewhat like the epexegetic or explanatory use in kjv@3John:1:3|. {First} (\pr“ton\). Told by Peter in verse 7|. James notes, as Peter did, that this experience of Barnabas and Paul is not the beginning of work among the Gentiles. {Did visit} (\epeskepsato\). First aorist middle indicative of \episkeptomai\, old verb to look upon, to look after, provide for. This same verb occurs in kjv@James:1:27| and is one of various points of similarity between this speech of James in Acts and the Epistle of James as shown by Mayor in his _Commentary on James_. Somehow Luke may have obtained notes of these various addresses. {To take from the Gentiles a people for his name} (\labein ex ethn“n laon t“i onomati autou\). Bengel calls this _egregium paradoxon_, a chosen people (\laon\) out of the Gentiles (\ethn“n\). This is what is really involved in what took place at Caesarea at the hands of Peter and the campaign of Barnabas and Paul from Antioch. But such a claim of God's purpose called for proof from Scripture to convince Jews and this is precisely what James undertakes to give. This new Israel from among the Gentiles is one of Paul's great doctrines as set forth in kjv@Galatians:3; kjv@Romans:9-11|. Note the use of God's "name" here for "the Israel of God" (Galatians:6:16|).
rwp@Acts:15:20 @{But that we write unto them} (\alla episteilai autois\). By way of contrast (\alla\). First aorist active infinitive of \epistell“\, old verb to send to one (message, letter, etc.). Our word \epistle\ (\epistolˆ\ as in verse 30|) comes from this verb. In the N.T. only here, He 13:22|, and possibly kjv@Acts:21:25|. {That they abstain from} (\tou apechesthai\). The genitive of the articular infinitive of purpose, present middle (direct) of \apech“\, old verb, to hold oneself back from. The best old MSS. do not have \apo\, but the ablative is clear enough in what follows. James agrees with Peter in his support of Paul and Barnabas in their contention for Gentile freedom from the Mosaic ceremonial law. The restrictions named by James affect the moral code that applies to all (idolatry, fornication, murder). Idolatry, fornication and murder were the outstanding sins of paganism then and now (Revelation:22:15|). Harnack argues ably against the genuineness of the word \pniktou\ (strangled) which is absent from D Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian. It is a nice point, though the best MSS. have it in accord with kjv@Leviticus:17:10-16|. The problem is whether the words were added because "blood" was understood as not "murder," but a reference to the Mosaic regulation or whether it was omitted to remove the ceremonial aspect and make it all moral and ethical. The Western text omits the word also in verse 29|. But with the word retained here and in verse 29| the solution of James is not a compromise, though there is a wise concession to Jewish feeling. {Pollutions of idols} (\alisgˆmat“n\). From \alisge“\ only in the LXX and this substantive nowhere else. The word refers to idolatrous practices (pollutions) and things sacrificed to idols (\eid“luth“n\) in verse 29|, not to sacrificial meat sold in the market (1Corinthians:10:27|), a matter not referred to here. Cf. kjv@Leviticus:17:1-9|. All the four items in the position of James (accepting \pniktou\) are mentioned in kjv@Leviticus:17,18|.
rwp@Acts:15:30 @{Songs:they} (\hoi men oun\). As in verse 3|. {When they were dismissed} (\apoluthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \apolu“\, common verb to loosen, to dismiss. Possibly (Hackett) religious services were held as in verse 33| (cf. 13:3|) and perhaps an escort for part of the way as in verse 3|. {The multitude} (\to plˆthos\). Public meeting of the church as in verses 1-3|. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 232) gives illustrations from the inscriptions of the use of \plˆthos\ for official, political, and religious gatherings. The committee formally "delivered" (\eped“kan\) the epistle to the church authorities.
rwp@Acts:16:3 @{Him would Paul have to go forth with him} (\touton ˆthelˆsen ho Paulos sun aut“i exelthein\). This one (note emphatic position) Paul wanted (first aorist active indicative of \thel“\ with temporal augment as if from \ethel“\ the old form). Here was a gifted young man who was both Jew and Greek. {He took and circumcised him} (\lab“n perietemen auton\). Any one could perform this rite. Paul had stoutly resisted circumcision in the case of Titus, a pure Greek (Galatians:2:3,5|), because the whole principle of Gentile liberty was at stake. But Timothy was both Jew and Greek and would continually give offence to the Jews with no advantage to the cause of Gentile freedom. Songs:here for the sake of expediency, "because of the Jews" (\dia tous Ioudaious\), Paul voluntarily removed this stumbling-block to the ministry of Timothy. Otherwise Timothy could not have been allowed to preach ln the synagogues. _Idem non est semper idem_. But Timothy's case was not the case of Titus. Here it was a question of efficient service, not an essential of salvation. Hovey notes that Timothy was circumcised because of Jewish unbelievers, not because of Jewish believers. {Was a Greek} (\Hellˆn hupˆrchen\). Imperfect active in indirect assertion where ordinarily the present \huparchei\ would be retained, possibly indicating that his father was no longer living.
rwp@Acts:17:16 @{Now while Paul waited for them in Athens} (\En de tais Athˆnais ekdechomenou autous tou Paulou\). Genitive absolute with present middle participle of \ekdechomai\, old verb to receive, but only with the sense of looking out for, expecting found here and elsewhere in N.T We know that Timothy did come to Paul in Athens (1Thessalonians:3:1,6|)...was also sent away, possibly to ...(Acts:18:5; kjv@2Corinthians:11:8f.|). Before they came and after they left, Paul felt lonely in Athens (1Thessalonians:3:1|), the first time on this tour or the first that he has been completely without fellow workers. Athens had been captured by Sulla B.C. 86. After various changes Achaia, of which Corinth is the capital, is a separate province from Macedonia and A.D. 44 was restored by Claudius to the Senate with the Proconsul at Corinth. Paul is probably here about A.D. 50. Politically Athens is no longer of importance when Paul comes though it is still the university seat of the world with all its rich environment and traditions. Rackham grows eloquent over Paul the Jew of Tarsus being in the city of Pericles and Demosthenes, Socrates and Plato and Aristotle, Sophocles and Euripides. In its Agora Socrates had taught, here was the Academy of Plato, the Lyceum of Aristotle, the Porch of Zeno, the Garden of Epicurus. Here men still talked about philosophy, poetry, politics, religion, anything and everything. It was the art centre of the world. The Parthenon, the most beautiful of temples, crowned the Acropolis. Was Paul insensible to all this cultural environment? It is hard to think so for he was a university man of Tarsus and he makes a number of allusions to Greek writers. Probably it had not been in Paul's original plan to evangelize Athens, difficult as all university seats are, but he cannot be idle though here apparently by chance because driven out of Macedonia. {Was provoked} (\par“xuneto\). Imperfect passive of \paroxun“\, old verb to sharpen, to stimulate, to irritate (from \para, oxus\), from \paroxusmos\ (Acts:15:39|), common in old Greek, but in N.T. only here and kjv@1Corinthians:13:5|. It was a continual challenge to Paul's spirit when he beheld (\the“rountos\, genitive of present participle agreeing with \autou\ (his), though late MSS. have locative \the“rounti\ agreeing with \en aut“i\). {The city full of idols} (\kateid“lon ousan tˆn polin\). Note the participle \ousan\ not preserved in the English (either the city being full of idols or that the city was full of idols, sort of indirect discourse). Paul, like any stranger was looking at the sights as he walked around. This adjective \kateid“lon\ (perfective use of \kata\ and \eid“lon\ is found nowhere else, but it is formed after the analogy of \katampelos, katadendron\), full of idols. Xenophon (_de Republ. Ath_.) calls the city \holˆ bomos, holˆ thuma theois kai anathˆma\ (all altar, all sacrifice and offering to the gods). These statues were beautiful, but Paul was not deceived by the mere art for art's sake. The idolatry and sensualism of it all glared at him (Romans:1:18-32|). Renan ridicules Paul's ignorance in taking these statues for idols, but Paul knew paganism better than Renan. The superstition of this centre of Greek culture was depressing to Paul. One has only to recall how superstitious cults today flourish in the atmosphere of Boston and Los Angeles to understand conditions in Athens. Pausanias says that Athens had more images than all the rest of Greece put together. Pliny states that in the time of Nero Athens had over 30,000 public statues besides countless private ones in the homes. Petronius sneers that it was easier to find a god than a man in Athens. Every gateway or porch had its protecting god. They lined the street from the Piraeus and caught the eye at every place of prominence on wall or in the agora.
rwp@Acts:20:6 @{After the days of unleavened bread} (\meta tas hˆmerƒs t“n azum“n\). Paul was a Jew, though a Christian, and observed the Jewish feasts, though he protested against Gentiles being forced to do it (Galatians:4:10; kjv@Colossians:2:16|). Was Luke a proselyte because he notes the Jewish feasts as here and in kjv@Acts:27:9|? He may have noted them merely because Paul observed them. But this passover was a year after that in Ephesus when Paul expected to remain there till Pentecost (1Corinthians:16:8|). He was hoping now to reach Jerusalem by Pentecost (Acts:20:16|)...know the precise year, possibly A.D. ...56 or 57. {In five days} (\achri hˆmer“n pente\). Up to five days (cf. kjv@Luke:2:37|). D has \pemptaioi\, "fifth day men," a correct gloss. Cf. \deuteraioi\, second-day men (Acts:28:13|). In kjv@Acts:16:11| they made the voyage in two days. Probably adverse winds held them back here. {Seven days} (\hepta hˆmeras\). To atone for the short stay in Troas before (2Corinthians:2:12f.|) when Paul was so restless. Now he preaches a week to them.
rwp@Acts:21:7 @{Had finished} (\dianusantes\). First aorist active participle of \dianu“\, old verb to accomplish (\anu“\) thoroughly (\dia\), only here in the N.T. {From Tyre} (\apo Turou\). Page takes (Hackett also) with \katˆntˆsamen\ (we arrived) rather than with "\ton ploun\" (the voyage) and with good reason: "And we, having (thereby) finished the voyage, arrived from Tyre at Ptolemais." Ptolemais is the modern Acre, called Accho in kjv@Judges:1:31|. The harbour is the best on the coast of Palestine and is surrounded by mountains. It is about thirty miles south of Tyre. It was never taken by Israel and was considered a Philistine town and the Greeks counted it a Phoenician city. It was the key to the road down the coast between Syria and Egypt and had successively the rule of the Ptolemies, Syrians, Romans. {Saluted} (\aspasamenoi\). Here greeting as in 21:19| rather than farewell as in 20:1|. The stay was short, one day (\hˆmeran mian\, accusative), but "the brethren" Paul and his party found easily. Possibly the scattered brethren (Acts:11:19|) founded the church here or Philip may have done it.
rwp@Acts:22:3 @{I am a Jew} (\Eg“ eimi anˆr Ioudaios\). Note use of \Eg“\ for emphasis. Paul recounts his Jewish advantages or privileges with manifest pride as in kjv@Acts:26:4f.; kjv@2Corinthians:11:22; kjv@Galatians:1:14; kjv@Phillipians:3:4-7|. {Born} (\gegennˆmenos\). Perfect passive participle of \genna“\. See above in 21:39| for the claim of Tarsus as his birth-place. He was a Hellenistic Jew, not an Aramaean Jew (cf. kjv@Acts:6:1|). {Brought up} (\anatethrammenos\). Perfect passive participle again of \anatreph“\, to nurse up, to nourish up, common old verb, but in the N.T. only here, 7:20ff.|, and MSS. in kjv@Luke:4:16|. The implication is that Paul was sent to Jerusalem while still young, "from my youth" (26:4|)...we do not know, possibly thirteen ...(2Corinthians:5:16|). {At the feet of Gamaliel} (\pros tous podas Gamaliˆl\). The rabbis usually sat on a raised seat with the pupils in a circle around either on lower seats or on the ground. Paul was thus nourished in Pharisaic Judaism as interpreted by Gamaliel, one of the lights of Judaism. For remarks on Gamaliel see chapter 5:34ff|. He was one of the seven Rabbis to whom the Jews gave the highest title \Rabban\ (our Rabbi). \Rabbi\ (my teacher) was next, the lowest being \Rab\ (teacher). "As Aquinas among the schoolmen was called _Doctor Angelicus_, and Bonaventura _Doctor Seraphicus_, so Gamaliel was called _the Beauty of the Law_" (Conybeare and Howson). {Instructed} (\pepaideumenos\). Perfect passive participle again (each participle beginning a clause), this time of \paideu“\, old verb to train a child (\pais\) as in 7:22| which see. In this sense also in kjv@1Timothy:1:20; kjv@Titus:2:12|. Then to chastise as in kjv@Luke:23:16,22| (which see); kjv@2Timothy:2:25; kjv@Hebrews:12:6f|. {According to the strict manner} (\kata akribeian\). Old word, only here in N.T. Mathematical accuracy, minute exactness as seen in the adjective in 26:5|. See also kjv@Romans:10:2; Gal 1:4; kjv@Phillipians:3:4-7|. {Of our fathers} (\patr“iou\). Old adjective from \pater\, only here and 24:14| in N.T. Means descending from father to son, especially property and other inherited privileges. \Patrikos\ (patrician) refers more to personal attributes and affiliations. {Being zealous for God} (\zˆl“tˆs huparch“n tou theou\). Not adjective, but substantive {zealot} (same word used by James of the thousands of Jewish Christians in Jerusalem, 21:20| which see) with objective genitive \tou theou\ (for God). See also verse 14; 28:17; kjv@2Timothy:1:3| where he makes a similar claim. Songs:did Peter (Acts:3:13; 5:30|) and Stephen (7:32|). Paul definitely claims, whatever freedom he demanded for Gentile Christians, to be personally "a zealot for God" "even as ye all are this day" (\kath“s pantes humeis este sˆmeron\). In his conciliation he went to the limit and puts himself by the side of the mob in their zeal for the law, mistaken as they were about him. He was generous surely to interpret their fanatical frenzy as zeal for God. But Paul is sincere as he proceeds to show by appeal to his own conduct.
rwp@Acts:22:5 @{Doth bear me witness} (\marturei moi\). Present active indicative as if still living. Caiaphas was no longer high priest now, for Ananias is at this time (23:2|), though he may be still alive. {All the estate of the elders} (\pan to presbuterion\). All the eldership or the Sanhedrin (4:5|) of which Paul was probably then a member (26:10|). Possibly some of those present were members of the Sanhedrin then (some 20 odd years ago). {From whom} (\par' h“n\). The high priest and the Sanhedrin. {Letters unto the brethren} (\epistalas pros tous adelphous\). Paul still can tactfully call the Jews his "brothers" as he did in kjv@Romans:9:3|. There is no bitterness in his heart. {Journeyed} (\eporeuomˆn\). Imperfect middle indicative of \poreuomai\, and a vivid reality to Paul still as he was going on towards Damascus. {To bring also} (\ax“n kai\). Future active participle of \ag“\, to express purpose, one of the few N.T. examples of this classic idiom (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1118). {Them which were there} (\tous ekeise ontas\). _Constructio praegnans_. The usual word would be \ekei\ (there), not \ekeise\ (thither). Possibly the Christians who had fled to Damascus, and so were there (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 548). {In bonds} (\dedemenous\). Perfect passive participle of \de“\, predicate position, "bound." {For to be punished} (\hina tim“rˆth“sin\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \tim“re“\, old verb to avenge, to take vengeance on. In the N.T. only here, and 26:11|. Pure final clause with \hina\. He carried his persecution outside of Palestine just as later he carried the gospel over the Roman empire.
rwp@Acts:25:9 @{Desiring to gain favour with the Jews} (\thel“n tois Ioudaiois charin katathesthai\). Precisely the expression used of Felix by Luke in 24:27| which see. Festus, like Felix, falls a victim to fear of the Jews. {Before me} (\ep' emou\). Same use of \epi\ with the genitive as in 23:30; 24:19,21|. Festus, seeing that it was unjust to condemn Paul and yet disadvantageous to absolve him (Blass), now makes the very proposal to Paul that the rulers had made to him in Jerusalem (verse 3|). He added the words "\ep' emou\" (before me) as if to insure Paul of justice. If Festus was unwilling to give Paul justice in Caesarea where his regular court held forth, what assurance was there that Festus would give it to him at Jerusalem in the atmosphere of intense hostility to Paul? Only two years ago the mob, the Sanhedrin, the forty conspirators had tried to take his life in Jerusalem. Festus had no more courage to do right than Felix, however plausible his language might sound. Festus also, while wanting Paul to think that he would in Jerusalem "be judged of these things before me," in reality probably intended to turn Paul over to the Sanhedrin in order to please the Jews, probably with Festus present also to see that Paul received justice (\me presente\). Festus possibly was surprised to find that the charges were chiefly against Jewish law, though one was against Caesar. It was not a mere change of venue that Paul sensed, but the utter unwillingness of Festus to do his duty by him and his willingness to connive at Jewish vengeance on Paul. Paul had faced the mob and the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, two years of trickery at the hands of Felix in Caesarea, and now he is confronted by the bland chicanery of Festus. It is too much, the last straw.
rwp@Acts:25:13 @{When certain days were passed} (\Hˆmer“n diagenomenon\). Genitive absolute of \diaginomai\, to come between, "days intervening." {Agrippa the King} (\Agrippas ho basileus\). Agrippa II son of Agrippa I of kjv@Acts:12:20-23|. On the death of Herod King of Chalcis A.D. 48, Claudius A.D. 50 gave this Herod Agrippa II the throne of Chalcis so that Luke is correct in calling him king, though he is not king of Judea. But he was also given by Claudius the government of the temple and the right of appointing the high priest. Later he was given also the tetrarchies of Philip and Lysanias. He was the last Jewish king in Palestine, though not king of Judea. He angered the Jews by building his palace so as to overlook the temple and by frequent changes in the high priesthood. He made his capital at Caesarea Philippi which he called Neronias in honour of Nero. Titus visited it after the fall of Jerusalem. {Bernice} (\Bernikˆ\). He was her brother and yet she lived with him in shameful intimacy in spite of her marriage to her uncle Herod King of Chalcis and to Polemon King of Cilicia whom she left. Schuerer calls her both a Jewish bigot and a wanton. She afterwards became the mistress of Titus. {Arrived at Caesarea} (\katˆntˆsan eis Kaisarian\). Came down (first aorist active of \katanta“\) to Caesarea from Jerusalem. {And saluted Festus} (\aspasamenoi ton Phˆston\). The Textus Receptus has \aspasomenoi\ the future participle, but the correct text is the aorist middle participle \aspasamenoi\ which cannot possibly mean subsequent action as given in the Canterbury Revision "and saluted." It can only mean contemporaneous (simultaneous) action "saluting" or antecedent action like the margin "having saluted." But antecedent action is not possible here, so that simultaneous action is the only alternative. It is to be noted that the salutation synchronized with the arrival in Caesarea (note \kata\, down, the effective aorist tense), not with the departure from Jerusalem, nor with the whole journey. Rightly understood the aorist participle here gives no trouble at all (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 861-3).
rwp@Acts:27:30 @{The sailors} (\t“n naut“n\). Old word from \naus\ (ship), in N.T. only here, verse 30; kjv@Revelation:18:17|. {Were seeking} (\zˆtount“n\). Genitive absolute again with present active participle of \zˆte“\ to seek. {Had lowered} (\chalasant“n\). Aorist active participle of \chalaz“\. {Under colour} (\prophasei\). Possibly the same word as "prophecy" (from \pro-phˆmi\, to speak forth), but here pretence, pretext, although it may come from \prophain“\, to show forth. The use here is an old one and appears also in kjv@Mark:12:40; kjv@Luke:20:47; kjv@1Thessalonians:2:5; kjv@Phillipians:1:18|. {As though} (\h“s\). The alleged reason, a common Greek idiom with \h“s\ and the participle (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 966). Here with \mellont“n\. {From the foreship} (\ek pr“irˆs\). Old word for prow of the ship. In the N.T. only here and verse 41|. Note here \ekteinein\ (lay out, stretch out) rather than \rhipsantes\ (casting) in verse 29|, for they pretended to need the small boat to stretch out or lay out the anchors in front.
rwp@Acts:28:14 @{Where we found brethren} (\hou heurontes adelphous\). Possibly from Alexandria, but, as Blass observes, it is no more strange to find "brethren" in Christ in Puteoli when Paul arrives than in Rome. There was a large Jewish quarter. {Seven days} (\hˆmeras hepta\). Accusative of extent of time. Paul and his party remained so long at the urgent request of the brethren. He was still a prisoner, but clearly Julius was only too glad to show another courtesy to Paul to whom they all owed their lives. It was 130 miles by land from Puteoli to Rome over one of the great Roman roads. {And so we came to Rome} (\kai hout“s eis tˆn Romˆn ˆlthamen\). Songs:at last. Luke is exultant as Page observes: _Paulus Romae captivus: triumphus unicus_. It is the climax of the book of Acts (19:21; 23:11|), but not the close of Paul's career. Page rightly remarks that a new paragraph should begin with verse 15|, for brethren came from Rome and this part of the journey is touched with the flavour of that incident. The great event is that Paul reached Rome, but not as he had once hoped (Romans:15:22-29|).
rwp@Acts:28:15 @{When they heard of us} (\akousantes ta peri hˆm“n\). How "they heard the things concerning us" we do not know. Good news had its way of travel even before the days of telegraph, telephone, daily papers. Possibly Julius had to send on special couriers with news of his arrival after the shipwreck. Possibly some of the brethren in Puteoli at once (beginning of the week) sent on news to the brethren in Rome. The church in Rome had long ago received Paul's letter from Corinth at the hands of Phoebe. {To meet us} (\eis apantˆsin hˆmin\). Idiomatic phrase, "for meeting with us" (associative instrumental case). _Koin‚_ word \apantˆsis\ from verb \apanta“\, to meet, in N.T. only here; kjv@Matthew:25:6; kjv@1Timothy:4:17|. Use after \eis\ rather than infinitive like a translation Hebraism (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 91). {As far as the Market of Appius} (\achri Appiou Phorou\). The Forum of Appius, 90 miles from Puteoli, 40 from Rome, on the great Appian Way. The Censor Appius Claudius had constructed this part of the road, B.C. 312. Paul probably struck the Appian Way at Capua. Portions of this great stone highway are still in use. If one wishes to tread where Paul trod, he can do it here. Appii Forum had a bad reputation, the haunt of thieves, thugs, and swindlers. What would this motley crowd think of Paul chained to a soldier? {Three Taverns} (\Tri“n Tabern“n\). Genitive case after \achri\ like \Appiou Phorou\. About 30 miles from Rome. _Tres Tabernae_. {Whom} (\hous\). Two groups of the disciples came (one Gentile, one Jewish, Rackham thinks), one to Appii Forum, the other to Three Taverns. It was a joyous time and Julius would not interfere. {Took courage} (\elabe tharsos\). The old substantive \tharsos\ is here alone in the N.T. Jesus himself had exhorted Paul to be of good courage (\tharsei\ kjv@Acts:23:11|) as he had done the disciples (John:16:33|). Paul had passed through enough to cause depression, whether he was depressed or not, but he deeply appreciated this kindly sympathy.
rwp@Colossians:2:11 @{Ye were also circumcised} (\kai perietmˆthˆte\). First aorist passive indicative of \peritemn“\, to circumcise. But used here as a metaphor in a spiritual sense as in kjv@Romans:2:29| "the circumcision of the heart." {Not made with hands} (\acheiropoiˆt“i\). This late and rare negative compound verbal occurs only in the N.T. (Mark:14:58; kjv@2Corinthians:5:1; kjv@Colossians:2:11|) by merely adding \a\ privative to the old verbal \cheiropoiˆtos\ (Acts:7:48; kjv@Ephesians:2:11|), possibly first in kjv@Mark:14:58| where both words occur concerning the temple. In kjv@2Corinthians:5:1| the reference is to the resurrection body. The feminine form of this compound adjective is the same as the masculine. {In the putting off} (\en tˆi apekdusei\). As if an old garment (the fleshly body). From \apekduomai\ (Colossians:2:15|, possibly also coined by Paul) and occurring nowhere else so far as known. The word is made in a perfectly normal way by the perfective use of the two Greek prepositions (\apo, ek\), "a resource available for and generally used by any real thinker writing Greek" (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). Paul had as much right to mint a Greek compound as any one and surely no one ever had more ideas to express and more power in doing it. {Of Christ} (\tou Christou\). Specifying genitive, the kind of circumcision that belongs to Christ, that of the heart.
rwp@Colossians:4:14 @{Luke, the beloved physician} (\Loukas ho iatros ho agapˆtos\). Mentioned also in kjv@Philemon:1:24; kjv@2Timothy:4:11|...Paul at this time, possibly also ...(repeated) may mean "my beloved physician." It would seem certain that Luke looked after Paul's health and that Paul loved him. Paul was Luke's hero, but it was not a one-sided affection. It is beautiful to see preacher and physician warm friends in the community. {Demas} (\Dˆmas\). Just his name here (a contraction of Demetrius), but in kjv@2Timothy:4:10| he is mentioned as one who deserted Paul.
rwp@Ephesians:2:22 @{Ye also are builded together} (\kai humeis sunoikodomeisthe\). Ye Gentiles also. Present passive indicative (continuous process) of common old verb \sunoikodome“\, to build together with others or out of varied materials as here. Only here in N.T. In kjv@1Peter:2:5| Peter uses \oikodomeisthe\ for the same process. {For a habitation} (\eis katoikˆtˆrion\). Late word (LXX), in N.T. only here and kjv@Revelation:18:2|. From \katoike“\, to dwell, as kjv@Ephesians:3:17|. Possibly each of us is meant here to be the "habitation of God in the Spirit" and all together growing (\auxei\) "into a holy temple in the Lord," a noble conception of the brotherhood in Christ.
rwp@Galatians:2:1 @{Then after the space of fourteen years I went up again} (\epeita dia dekatessar“n et“n palin anebˆn\) This use of \dia\ for interval between is common enough. Paul is not giving a recital of his visits to Jerusalem, but of his points of contact with the apostles in Jerusalem. As already observed, he here refers to the Jerusalem Conference given by Luke in kjv@Acts:15| when Paul and Barnabas were endorsed by the apostles and elders and the church over the protest of the Judaizers who had attacked them in Antioch (Acts:15:1f.|). But Paul passes by another visit to Jerusalem, that in kjv@Acts:11:30| when Barnabas and Saul brought alms from Antioch to Jerusalem and delivered them to "the elders" with no mention of the apostles who were probably out of the city since the events in kjv@Acts:12| apparently preceded that visit and Peter had left for another place (Acts:12:17|). Paul here gives the inside view of this private conference in Jerusalem that came in between the two public meetings (Acts:15:4,6-29|). {With Barnabas} (\meta Barnabƒ\). As in kjv@Acts:15:2|. {Taking Titus also with me} (\sunparalab“n kai Titon\). Second aorist active participle of \sunparalamban“\ the very verb used in kjv@Acts:15:37f.|...Acts for some reason, possibly because ...
rwp@Hebrews:12:23 @{To the general assembly} (\panˆgurei\). Old word (from \pas\ and \aguris, ageir“\). Here only in N.T. \Panˆguriz“\ occurs in kjv@Isaiah:66:10| for keeping a festal holiday. Possibly to be connected with \aggel“n\, though not certain. {Church of the firstborn} (\ekklˆsiƒi pr“totok“n\). Probably an additional item besides the angelic host as the people of Israel are called firstborn (Exodus:4:22|). The word \ekklˆsia\ here has the general sense of all the redeemed, as in kjv@Matthew:16:18; kjv@Colossians:1:18; kjv@Ephesians:5:24-32|, and equivalent to the kingdom of God. {Who are enrolled in heaven} (\apogegrammen“n en ouranois\). Perfect passive participle of \apograph“\, old verb to write off, to copy, to enroll as in kjv@Luke:2:1,3,5| (only N.T. examples). Enrolled as citizens of heaven even while on earth (Luke:10:20; kjv@Phillipians:1:27; 3:20; 4:3; kjv@Revelation:13:8|, etc.). {To God the Judge of all} (\kritˆi the“i pant“n\). All these chief substantives in the dative case. People should not forget that God is the Judge of all men. {Made perfect} (\tetelei“men“n\). Perfect passive participle of \teleio“\, perfected at last (11:40|).
rwp@Hebrews:13:19 @{That I may be restored to you the sooner} (\hina tacheion apokatastath“ humin\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \apokathistˆmi\, an old double compound as in kjv@Matthew:12:13|. What is meant by \tacheion\ (John:13:27; 20:4|)...we do not know, possibly sickness. ...23| also for \tacheion\.
rwp@Hebrews:13:23 @{Hath been set at liberty} (\apolelumenon\). Perfect passive participle of \apolu“\, to set free, in indirect discourse after \gin“skete\. Possibly from prison if he came to Rome at Paul's request (2Timothy:4:11,21|). {Shortly} (\tacheion\). Same comparative as in verse 19|, "sooner" than I expect (?).
rwp@James:1:12 @{Endureth} (\hupomenei\). Present active indicative of \hupomen“\. Cf. verse 3|. {Temptation} (\peirasmon\). Real temptation here. See verse 2| for "trials." {When he hath been approved} (\dokimos genomenos\). "Having become approved," with direct reference to \to dokimion\ in verse 3|. See also kjv@Romans:5:4| for \dokimˆ\ (approval after test as of gold or silver). This beatitude (\makarios\) is for the one who has come out unscathed. See kjv@1Timothy:6:9|. {The crown of life} (\ton stephanon tˆs z“ˆs\). The same phrase occurs in kjv@Revelation:2:10|. It is the genitive of apposition, life itself being the crown as in kjv@1Peter:5:4|. This crown is "an honourable ornament" (Ropes), with possibly no reference to the victor's crown (garland of leaves) as with Paul in kjv@1Corinthians:9:25; kjv@2Timothy:4:8|, nor to the linen fillet (\diadˆma\) of royalty (Psalms:20:3|, where \stephanos\ is used like \diadˆma\, the kingly crown). \Stephanos\ has a variety of uses. Cf. the thorn chaplet on Jesus (Matthew:27:29|). {The Lord}. Not in the oldest Greek MSS., but clearly implied as the subject of \epˆggeilato\ ({he promised}, first aorist middle indicative).
rwp@James:3:4 @{The ships also} (\kai ta ploia\). Old word from \ple“\, to sail (Matthew:4:21|). Another metaphor like "horses" (\hippoi\). "There is more imagery drawn from mere natural phenomena in the one short Epistle of James than in all St. Paul's epistles put together" (Howson). {Though they are so great} (\tˆlikauta onta\). Concessive participle of \eimi\. The quantitative pronoun \tˆlikoutos\ occurs in the N.T. only here, kjv@2Corinthians:1:10; kjv@Hebrews:2:3; kjv@Revelation:16:18|. If James had only seen the modern mammoth ships. But the ship on which Paul went to Malta carried 276 persons (Acts:27:37|). {And are driven} (\kai elaunomena\). Present passive participle of \elaun“\, old verb, in this sense (2Peter:2:17|) for rowing (Mark:6:48; kjv@John:6:19|). {Rough} (\sklˆron\). Old adjective (from \skell“\, to dry up), harsh, stiff, hard (Matthew:25:24|). {Are yet turned} (\metagetai\). Present passive indicative of the same verb, \metag“\, in verse 3|. James is fond of repeating words (1:13f.; 2:14,16; 2:21,25|). {By a very small rudder} (\hupo elachistou pˆdaliou\). For the use of \hupo\ (under) with things see kjv@Luke:8:14; kjv@2Peter:2:7|. There is possibly personification in the use of \hupo\ for agency in kjv@James:1:14; 2:9; kjv@Colossians:2:18|. \Pˆdaliou\ (from \pˆdon\, the blade of an oar) is an old word, in N.T. only here and kjv@Acts:27:40|. \Elachistou\ is the elative superlative as in kjv@1Corinthians:4:3| (from the Epic \elachus\ for \mikros\). {The impulse} (\hˆ hormˆ\). Old word for rapid, violent motion, here of the hand that worked the rudder, in N.T. only here and kjv@Acts:14:5| (rush or onset of the people). {Of the steersman} (\tou euthunontos\). Present active genitive articular participle of \euthun“\, old verb, to make straight (from \euthus\, straight, level, kjv@Mark:1:3|), in N.T. only here and kjv@John:1:23|. Used also of the shepherd, the charioteer, and today it would apply to the chauffeur. "The twin figure of the control of horse and of ship are frequently found together in later Greek writers" (Ropes). As in Plutarch and Philo. {Willeth} (\bouletai\). Present middle indicative of \boulomai\, common verb to will. Here intention of the steersman lies back of the impact of the hand on the rudder.
rwp@Info_John @ THE BELOVED DISCIPLE The book claims to be written by "the disciple whom Jesus loved" (John:21:20|) who is pointedly identified by a group of believers (apparently in Ephesus) as the writer: "This is the disciple which beareth witness of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his witness is true" (John:21:24|). This is the first criticism of the Fourth Gospel of which we have any record, made at the time when the book was first sent forth, made in a postscript to the epilogue or appendix. Possibly the book closed first with kjv@John:20:31|, but chapter 21 is in precisely the same style and was probably added before publication by the author. The natural and obvious meaning of the language in kjv@John:21:24| is that the Beloved Disciple wrote the whole book. He is apparently still alive when this testimony to his authorship is given. There are scholars who interpret it to mean that the Beloved Disciple is responsible for the facts in the book and not the actual writer, but that is a manifest straining of the language. There is in this verse no provision made for a redactor as distinct from the witness as is plausibly set forth by Dr. A. E. Garvie in _The Beloved Disciple_ (1922).
rwp@John:1:43 @{On the morrow} (\tˆi epaurion\). The fourth of the days from verse 19|. {He findeth Philip} (\heuriskei Philippon\). Vivid dramatic present as in 41|, though \ˆthelˆsen\ (was minded, wished)...not an accidental finding, possibly due ...{Follow me} (\akolouthei moi\). Present active imperative, a direct challenge to Philip. Often Jesus uses this verb to win disciples (Mark:2:14; kjv@Matthew:8:22; 9:21; 19:21 ; kjv@Luke:9:59; kjv@John:21:19|). Already Jesus had four personal followers (Andrew and Simon, John and James). He has begun his work.
rwp@John:2:2 @{Jesus also was bidden} (\eklˆthˆ kai ho Iˆsous\). First aorist passive indicative of \kale“\...because of her presence, possibly at ...{And his disciples} (\kai hoi mathˆtai\). Included in the invitation and probably all of them acquaintances of the family. See on ¯1:35| for this word applied to John's followers. This group of six already won form the nucleus of the great host of "learners" through the ages who will follow Jesus as Teacher and Lord and Saviour. The term is sometimes restricted to the twelve apostles, but more often has a wider circle in view as in kjv@John:6:61,66; 20:30|.
rwp@John:5:2 @{There is} (\estin\). Bengel argues that this proves a date before the destruction of Jerusalem, but it is probably only John's vivid memory. {By the sheep gate} (\epi tˆi probatikˆi\). Supply \pulˆi\ (gate) which occurs with the adjective \probatikˆ\ (pertaining to sheep, \probata\) in kjv@Nehemiah:3:1,22|. {A pool} (\kolumbˆthra\). A diving or swimming pool (from \kolumba“\, to swim, kjv@Acts:27:43|), old word, only here in N.T. {Which is called} (\hˆ epilegomenˆ\). "The surnamed" (present passive participle, only N.T. example except kjv@Acts:15:40| first aorist middle participle \epilexamenos\). {In Hebrew} (\Ebraisti\). "In Aramaic" strictly as in 19:13,17,20; 20:16; kjv@Revelation:9:11; 16:16|. {Bethesda} (\Bethesda\, or House of Mercy. Songs:A C Syr cu). Aleph D L 33 have \Bethzatha\ or House of the Olive, while B W Vulg. Memph. have \Bethsaida\. {Having five porches} (\pente stoas echousa\). \Stoa\ was a covered colonnade where people can gather from which Stoic comes (Acts:17:18|). See kjv@John:10:23; kjv@Acts:3:11|. Schick in 1888 found twin pools north of the temple near the fortress of Antonia one of which has five porches. It is not, however, certain that this pool existed before A.D. 70 when the temple was destroyed (Sanday, _Sacred Sites of the Gospels_, p. 55). Some have identified it with the Pool of Siloam (9:7|)...of Kedron and quite possibly the ...
rwp@John:5:14 @{Findeth him} (\heuriskei auton\). Dramatic present as in 1:45|, possibly after search as in 9:35|. {Sin no more} (\mˆketi hamartane\). "No longer go on sinning." Present active imperative with \mˆketi\, a clear implication that disease was due to personal sin as is so often the case. Jesus used the same words to the woman taken in adultery in the spurious passage (John:8:11|). He had suffered for 38 years. All sickness is not due to personal sin (9:3|), but much is and nature is a hard paymaster. Jesus is here living up to his name (Matthew:1:21|). {Lest a worse thing befall thee} (\hina mˆ cheiron soi ti genˆtai\). Negative final clause with second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\. \Cheiron\ is comparative of \kakos\, bad. Worse than the illness of 38 years, bad as that is. He will now be sinning against knowledge.
rwp@John:6:67 @{Would ye also go away?} (\Mˆ kai humeis thelete hupagein;\). Jesus puts it with the negative answer (\mˆ\) expected. See 21:5| where Jesus also uses \mˆ\...kept still. There was possibly restlessness ...
rwp@John:6:71 @{Of Simon Iscariot} (\Sim“nos Iskari“tou\). Songs:his father was named Iscariot also, a man of Kerioth (possibly in Judah, kjv@Joshua:15:25|, possibly in Moab, kjv@Jeremiah:48:24|), not in Galilee. Judas was the only one of the twelve not a Galilean. The rest of the verse is like 12:4|. {One of the twelve} (\heis ek t“n d“deka\). The eternal horror of the thing.
rwp@John:7:11 @{The Jews} (\hoi Ioudaioi\). The hostile leaders in Jerusalem, not the Galilean crowds (7:12|) nor the populace in Jerusalem (7:25|). {Sought} (\ezˆtoun\). Imperfect active of \zˆte“\, "were seeking," picture of the attitude of the Jewish leaders toward Jesus who had not yet appeared in public at the feast. In fact he had avoided Jerusalem since the collision in chapter 5. The leaders clearly wished to attack him. {Where is he?} (\pou estin ekeinos;\). "Where is that one? (emphatic use of \ekeinos\ as in 1:8; 9:12|). Jesus had been at two feasts during his ministry (passover in 2:12ff.|; possibly another passover in 5:1|), but he had avoided the preceding passover (6:4; 7:1|). The leaders in Jerusalem had kept in touch with Christ's work in Galilee. They anticipate a crisis in Jerusalem.
rwp@John:7:23 @{That the law of Moses may not be broken} (\hina mˆ luthˆi ho nomos M“use“s\). Purpose clause with negative \mˆ\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \lu“\. They are punctilious about their Sabbath rules and about circumcision on the eighth day. When they clash, they drop the Sabbath rule and circumcise. {Are ye wroth with me?} (\emoi cholƒte;\). Old word from \cholˆ\ (bile, gall), possibly from \chloˆ\ or \chl“ros\ (yellowish green). Only here in N.T. Songs:to be mad. With dative. Vivid picture of bitter spleen against Jesus for healing a man on the sabbath when they circumcise on the Sabbath. {A man every whit whole} (\holon anthr“pon hugiˆ\). Literally, "a whole (\holon\) man (all the man) sound (\hugiˆ\, well)," not just one member of the body mended.
rwp@John:7:27 @{Howbeit} (\alla\). Clearly adversative here. {This man} (\touton\). Possibly contemptuous use of \houtos\ as may be true in 25,26|. {Whence he is} (\pothen estin\). The Galilean Jews knew the family of Jesus (6:42|), but they knew Jesus only as from Nazareth, not as born in Bethlehem (verse 42|). {When the Christ cometh} (\ho Christos hotan erchˆtai\). Prolepsis of \ho Christos\ and indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and the present middle subjunctive \erchˆtai\ rather than the more usual second aorist active \elthˆi\ as in verse 31|, a trifle more picturesque. This is a piece of popular theology. "Three things come wholly unexpected--Messiah, a godsend, and a scorpion" (_Sanhedrin_ 97a). The rulers knew the birthplace to be Bethlehem (7:42; kjv@Matthew:2:5f.|), but some even expected the Messiah to drop suddenly from the skies as Satan proposed to Jesus to fall down from the pinnacle of the temple. The Jews generally expected a sudden emergence of the Messiah from concealment with an anointing by Elijah (_Apoc. of Bar_. XXIX. 3; 2Esdr. 7:28; 13:32; Justin Martyr, _Tryph_. 110).
rwp@John:7:52 @{Art thou also of Galilee?} (\Mˆ kai su ek tˆs Galilaias ei;\). Formally negative answer expected by \mˆ\, but really they mean to imply that Nicodemus from local feeling or prejudice has lined himself up with this Galilean mob (\ochlos\) of sympathizers with Jesus and is like Jesus himself a Galilean. "These aristocrats of Jerusalem had a scornful contempt for the rural Galileans" (Bernard). {That out of Galilee ariseth no prophet} (\hoti ek tˆs Galilaias prophˆtˆs ouk egeiretai\)...fact Jonah, Hosea, Nahum, possibly also ...
rwp@John:10:22 @{And it was the feast of the dedication at Jerusalem} (\egeneto de ta enkainia en tois Ierosolumois\). But Westcott and Hort read \tote\ (then) instead of \de\ (and) on the authority of B L W 33 and some versions. This is probably correct: "At that time came the feast of dedication in Jerusalem." \Tote\ does not mean that the preceding events followed immediately after the incidents in 10:1-21|. Bernard brings chapter 9 up to this date (possibly also chapter 8) and rearranges chapter 10 in a purely arbitrary way. There is no real reason for this arrangement. Clearly there is a considerable lapse between the events in 10:22-39| and 10:1-21|, possibly nearly three months (from just after tabernacles 7:37| to dedication 10:22|). The Pharisees greet his return with the same desire to catch him. This feast of dedication, celebrated for eight days about the middle of our December, was instituted by Judas Maccabeus B.C. 164 in commemoration of the cleansing of the temple from the defilements of pagan worship by Antiochus Epiphanes (1Macc. 4:59). The word \enkainia\ (\en\, \kainos\, new) occurs here only in the N.T. It was not one of the great feasts and could be observed elsewhere without coming to Jerusalem. Jesus had apparently spent the time between tabernacles and dedication in Judea (Luke:10:1-13:21|). {Winter} (\cheim“n\). Old word from \cheima\ (\che“\, to pour, rain, or from \chi“n\, snow). See kjv@Matthew:24:20|.
rwp@John:11:29 @{And she} (\kai ekeinˆ\). Emphatic use of the demonstrative \ekeinos\ as often in John, "And that one." {Arose quickly} (\ˆgerthˆ\). First aorist (ingressive) passive of \egeir“\ and intransitive. Naturally so on the sudden impulse of joy. {And went unto him} (\kai ˆrcheto pros auton\). Imperfect middle, possibly inchoative, started towards him, certainly picturing her as she was going.
rwp@John:12:49 @{He hath given} (\ded“ken\). Perfect active indicative. Christ has permanent commission. {What I should say and what I should speak} (\ti eip“ kai ti lalˆs“\). Indirect question retaining the deliberative subjunctive (second aorist active \eip“\, first aorist active \lalˆs“\). Meyer and Westcott take \eip“\ to refer to the content and \lalˆs“\ more to the varying manner of delivery. Possibly so.
rwp@John:14:8 @{Show us} (\deixon hˆmin\)...Philip now speaks up, possibly hoping ...(Exodus:33:18f.|), certainly not grasping the idea of Jesus just expressed.
rwp@John:18:40 @{Cried out} (\ekraugasan\). First aorist active of \kraugaz“\, old and rare verb from \kraugˆ\, outcry (Matthew:25:6|), as in kjv@Matthew:12:19|. {Not this man} (\mˆ touton\). Contemptuous use of \houtos\. The priests put the crowd up to this choice (Mark:15:11|) and Pilate offered the alternative (Matthew:27:17|, one MS. actually gives Jesus as the name of Barabbas also). The name \Barabbas\ in Aramaic simply means son of a father. {A robber} (\lˆistˆs\). Old word from \lˆizomai\ a brigand and possibly the ...(Luke:23:19,25|). They chose Barabbas in preference to Jesus and apparently Jesus died on the very cross planned for Barabbas.
rwp@John:21:2 @{There were together} (\ˆsan homou\). These seven (Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, the sons of Zebedee, and two others). We know that the sons of Zebedee were James and John (Matthew:4:21|)...of his disciples" were, possibly Andrew ...5:1-11|. There are a few points of similarity, but the differences are too great for such identification even with a hypothetical common source.
rwp@Info_Luke @ A SKETCH OF LUKE His name is not a common one, and is probably a shortened form of \Lukios\ and \Lukanos\. Some of the manuscripts of the Gospel actually have as the title \Kata Lukanon\...Greek, certainly a Gentile, possibly a ...-fourth of the New Testament was not a Jew. It is not certain whether his home was in Antioch or in Philippi. It is also uncertain whether he was already converted when Paul met him at Troas. The Codex Bezae has a "we" passage after kjv@Acts:11:27| which, if genuine, would bring Luke in contact with Paul before Troas. Hayes thinks that he was a slave boy in the family of Theophilus at Antioch, several conjectures in one. We do not know that Theophilus lived at Antioch. It may have been Rome. But, whether one of Paul's converts or not, he was a loyal friend to Paul. If he lived at Antioch, he could have studied medicine there and the great medical temple of Aesculapius was at Aegae, not far away. As a Greek physician, Luke was a university man and in touch with the science of his day. Greek medicine is the beginning of the science of medicine as it is known today. Tradition calls him a painter, but of that we know nothing. Certainly he was a humanist and a man of culture and broad sympathies and personal charm. He was the first genuine scientist who faced the problem of Christ and of Christianity. It must be said of him that he wrote his books with open mind and not as a credulous enthusiast.
rwp@Luke:3:19 @{Reproved} (\elegchomenos\). Present passive participle of \elegch“\, an old verb meaning in Homer to treat with contempt, then to convict (Matthew:18:15|), to expose (Ephesians:5:11|), to reprove as here. The substantive \elegchos\ means proof (Hebrews:11:1|) and \elegmos\, censure (2Timothy:3:16|). Josephus (_Ant_. XVIII. V.4) shows how repulsive this marriage was to Jewish feeling. {Evil things} (\ponˆr“n\). Incorporated into the relative sentence. The word is from \ponos, pone“\ side of evil, possibly with ...(\ophthalmos ponˆros\ in kjv@Mark:7:22|) was a "mischief working eye" (Vincent). In kjv@Matthew:6:23| it is a diseased eye. Songs:Satan is "the evil one" (Matthew:5:37; 6:13|, etc.). It is a very common adjective in the N.T. as in the older Greek. {Had done} (\epoiˆsen\). Aorist active indicative, not past perfect, merely a summary constative aorist, {he did}.
rwp@Luke:3:20 @{Added} (\prosethˆken\). First aorist active indicative (kappa aorist). Common verb (\prostithˆmi\) in all Greek. In N.T. chiefly in Luke and Acts. Hippocrates used it of applying wet sponges to the head and Galen of applying a decoction of acorns. There is no evidence that Luke has a medical turn to the word here. The absence of the conjunction \hoti\ (that) before the next verb \katekleisen\ (shut up) is asyndeton. This verb literally means {shut down}, possibly with a reference to closing down the door of the dungeon, though it makes sense as a perfective use of the preposition, like our "shut up" without a strict regard to the idea of "down." It is an old and common verb, though here and kjv@Acts:26:10| only in the N.T. See kjv@Matthew:14:3| for further statement about the prison.
rwp@Luke:3:23 @{Jesus Himself} (\autos Iˆsous\). Emphatic intensive pronoun calling attention to the personality of Jesus at this juncture. When he entered upon his Messianic work. {When he began to teach} (\archomenos\). The words "to teach" are not in the Greek text. The Authorized Version "began to be about thirty years of age," is an impossible translation. The Revised Version rightly supplies "to teach" (\didaskein\) after the present participle \archomenos\. Either the infinitive or the participle can follow \archomai\, usually the infinitive in the _Koin‚_. It is not necessary to supply anything (Acts:1:22|). {Was about thirty years of age} (\ˆn h“sei et“n triakonta\). Tyndale has it right "Jesus was about thirty yere of age when he beganne." Luke does not commit himself definitely to precisely thirty years as the age of Christ. The Levites entered upon full service at that age, but that proves nothing about Jesus. God's prophets enter upon their task when the word of God comes to them. Jesus may have been a few months under or over thirty or a year or two less or more. {Being Son (as was supposed) of Joseph, the son of Heli} (\“n huios h“s enomizeto I“sˆph tou Helei\). For the discussion of the genealogy of Jesus see on ¯Matthew:1:1-17|. The two genealogies differ very widely and many theories have been proposed about them. At once one notices that Luke begins with Jesus and goes back to Adam, the Son of God, while Matthew begins with Abraham and comes to "Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ" (Matthew:1:16|). Matthew employs the word "begot" each time, while Luke has the article \tou\ repeating \huiou\ (Son) except before Joseph. They agree in the mention of Joseph, but Matthew says that "Jacob begat Joseph" while Luke calls "Joseph the son of Heli." There are other differences, but this one makes one pause. Joseph, of course, did not have two fathers. If we understand Luke to be giving the real genealogy of Jesus through Mary, the matter is simple enough. The two genealogies differ from Joseph to David except in the cases of Zorobabel and Salathiel. Luke evidently means to suggest something unusual in his genealogy by the use of the phrase "as was supposed" (\h“s enomizeto\). His own narrative in kjv@Luke:1:26-38| has shown that Joseph was not the actual father of Jesus. Plummer objects that, if Luke is giving the genealogy of Jesus through Mary, \huios\ must be used in two senses here (son as was supposed of Joseph, and grandson through Mary of Heli). But that is not an unheard of thing. In neither list does Matthew or Luke give a complete genealogy. Just as Matthew uses "begat" for descent, so does Luke employ "son" in the same way for descendant. It was natural for Matthew, writing for Jews, to give the legal genealogy through Joseph, though he took pains to show in kjv@Matthew:1:16,18-25| that Joseph was not the actual father of Jesus. It was equally natural for Luke, a Greek himself and writing for the whole world, to give the actual genealogy of Jesus through Mary. It is in harmony with Pauline universality (Plummer) that Luke carries the genealogy back to Adam and does not stop with Abraham. It is not clear why Luke adds "the Son of God" after Adam (3:38|). Certainly he does not mean that Jesus is the Son of God only in the sense that Adam is. Possibly he wishes to dispose of the heathen myths about the origin of man and to show that God is the Creator of the whole human race, Father of all men in that sense. No mere animal origin of man is in harmony with this conception.
rwp@Luke:5:7 @{They beckoned} (\kateneusan\). Possibly they were too far away for a call to be understood. Simon alone had been ordered to put out into the deep. Songs:they used signs. {Unto their partners} (\tois metechois\). This word \metochos\, from \metech“\, to have with, means participation with one in common blessings (Hebrews:3:1,14; 6:4; 12:8|). While \koin“nos\ (verse 10| here of James and John also) has the notion of personal fellowship, partnership. Both terms are here employed of the two pairs of brothers who have a business company under Simon's lead. {Help them} (\sullabesthai\). Second aorist middle infinitive. Take hold together with and so to help. Paul uses it in kjv@Phillipians:4:3|. It is an old word that was sometimes employed for seizing a prisoner (Luke:22:54|) and for conception (_con-capio_) by a woman (Luke:1:24|). {Songs:that they began to sink} (\h“ste buthizesthai auta\). Consecutive use of \h“ste\ and the infinitive (present tense, inchoative use, beginning to sink). An old verb from \buthos\. In the N.T. only here and kjv@1Timothy:6:9|.
rwp@Luke:5:20 @{Their faith} (\tˆn pistin aut“n\). In all three Gospels. {Man} (\anthr“pe\). Mark and Matthew have "child" or "Son" (\teknon\). Are forgiven (\aphe“ntai\). This Doric form of the perfect passive indicative is for the Attic \apheintai\. It appears also in kjv@Luke:5:23; 7:47,48; kjv@John:20:23; kjv@1John:2:12|. kjv@Mark:2:6; kjv@Matthew:9:2| have the present passive \aphientai\. Possibly this man's malady was due to his sin as is sometimes true (John:5:14|). The man had faith along with that of the four, but he was still a paralytic when Jesus forgave his sins.
rwp@Luke:13:25 @{When once} (\aph' hou an\). Possibly to be connected without break with the preceding verse (so Westcott and Hort), though Bruce argues for two parables here, the former (verse 24|) about being in earnest, while this one (verses 25-30|) about not being too late. The two points are here undoubtedly. It is an awkward construction, \aph' hou = apo toutou hote\ with \an\ and the aorist subjunctive (\egerthˆi\ and \apokleisˆi\). See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 978. {Hath shut to} (\apokleisˆi\), first aorist active subjunctive of \apoklei“\, old verb, but only here in the N.T. Note effective aorist tense and perfective use of \apo\, slammed the door fast. {And ye begin} (\kai arxˆsthe\). First aorist middle subjunctive of \archomai\ with \aph' hou an\ like \egerthˆi\ and \apokleisˆi\. {To stand} (\hestanai\). Second perfect active infinitive of \histˆmi\, intransitive tense {and to knock} (\kai krouein\). Present active infinitive, to keep on knocking. {Open to us} (\anoixon hˆmin\). First aorist active imperative, at once and urgent. {He shall say} (\erei\). Future active of \eipon\ (defective verb). This is probably the apodosis of the \aph' hou\ clause.
rwp@Luke:15:23 @{The fatted calf} (\ton moschon ton siteuton\). The calf the fatted one. \Siteuton\ is the verbal adjective of \sileu“\, to feed with wheat (\sitos\)...fat for festive occasions, possibly in ...{Kill} (\thusate\). Not as a sacrifice, but for the feast. {Make merry} (\euphranth“men\). First aorist passive subjunctive (volitive). From \euphrain“\, an old verb from \eu\ (well) and \phrˆn\ (mind).
rwp@Luke:15:25 @{As he came and drew nigh} (\h“s erchomenos ˆggisen\). More exactly, "As, coming, he drew nigh," for \erchomenos\ is present middle participle and \ˆggisen\ is aorist active indicative. {Music} (\sumph“nias\). Our word "symphony." An old Greek word from \sumph“nos\ (\sun\, together, and \ph“nˆ\, voice or sound), {harmony, concord}, by a band of musicians. Here alone in the N.T. {And dancing} (\kai chor“n\)...the N.T. Origin uncertain, possibly from ...\orchos\ by metathesis (\orcheomai\, to dance). A circular dance on the green.
rwp@Luke:19:3 @{He sought} (\ezˆtei\). Imperfect active. He was seeking, conative idea. {Jesus who he was} (\Iˆsoun tis estin\). Prolepsis, to see who Jesus was. He had heard so much about him. He wanted to see which one of the crowd was Jesus. {For the crowd} (\apo tou ochlou\). He was short and the crowd was thick and close. {Stature} (\tˆi hˆlikiƒi\)...that meaning here and possibly so ...2:52|. Elsewhere "age" except kjv@Luke:12:25; kjv@Matthew:6:27| where it is probably "stature" also.
rwp@Mark:1:35 @{In the morning, a great while before day} (\pr“i ennucha lian\). Luke has only "when it was day" (\genomenˆs hˆmeras\). The word \pr“i\ in Mark means the last watch of the night from three to six A.M. \Ennucha lian\ means in the early part of the watch while it was still a bit dark (cf. kjv@Mark:16:2| \lian pr“i\). {Rose up and went out} (\anastas exˆlthen\). Out of the house and out of the city, off (\apˆlthen\...even if not genuine, possibly a ...6:32,46|). "Flight from the unexpected reality into which His ideal conception of His calling had brought Him" (H.J. Holtzmann). Gould notes that Jesus seems to retreat before his sudden popularity, to prayer with the Father "that he might not be ensnared by this popularity, or in any way induced to accept the ways of ease instead of duty." But Jesus also had a plan for a preaching tour of Galilee and "He felt He could not begin too soon. He left in the night, fearing opposition from the people" (Bruce). Surely many a popular preacher can understand this mood of Jesus when in the night he slips away to a solitary place for prayer. Jesus knew what it was to spend a whole night in prayer. He knew the blessing of prayer and the power of prayer. {And there prayed} (\k'akei prosˆucheto\). Imperfect tense picturing Jesus as praying through the early morning hours.
rwp@Mark:4:35 @{When even was come} (\opsias genomenˆs\)...mother and brothers and possibly sisters, ...{Let us go over unto the other side} (\dielth“men eis to peran\). Hortatory (volitive) subjunctive, second aorist active tense. They were on the western side and a row over to the eastern shore in the evening would be a delightful change and refreshing to the weary Christ. It was the only way to escape the crowds.
rwp@Mark:6:9 @{Shod with sandals} (\hupodedemenous sandalia\). Perfect passive participle in the accusative case as if with the infinitive \poreuesthai\ or \poreuthˆnai\, (to go). Note the aorist infinitive middle, \endusasthai\ (text of Westcott and Hort), but \endusˆsthe\ (aorist middle subjunctive) in the margin. Change from indirect to direct discourse common enough, not necessarily due to "disjointed notes on which the Evangelist depended" (Swete). kjv@Matthew:10:10| has "nor shoes" (\mˆde hupodˆmata\), possibly preserving the distinction between "shoes" and "sandals" (worn by women in Greece and by men in the east, especially in travelling). But here again extra shoes may be the prohibition. See on ¯Matthew:10:10| for this. {Two coats} (\duo chit“nas\). Two was a sign of comparative wealth (Swete). The mention of "two" here in all three Gospels probably helps us to understand that the same thing applies to shoes and staff. "In general, these directions are against luxury in equipment, and also against their providing themselves with what they could procure from the hospitality of others" (Gould).
rwp@Mark:10:21 @{Looking upon him loved him} (\emblepsas aut“i ˆgapˆsen\). Mark alone mentions this glance of affection, ingressive aorist participle and verb. Jesus fell in love with this charming youth. {One thing thou lackest} (\Hen se husterei\). kjv@Luke:18:22| has it: "One thing thou lackest yet" (\Eti hen soi leipei\). Possibly two translations of the same Aramaic phrase. kjv@Matthew:19:20| represents the youth as asking "What lack I yet?" (\Ti eti huster“;\). The answer of Jesus meets that inquiry after more than mere outward obedience to laws and regulations. The verb \huster“\ is from the adjective \husteros\ (behind) and means to be too late, to come short, to fail of, to lack. It is used either with the accusative, as here, or with the ablative as in kjv@2Corinthians:11:5|, or the dative as in Textus Receptus here, \soi\.
rwp@Mark:14:54 @{Peter had followed him afar off} (\Hosea:Petros apo makrothen ˆkolouthˆsen aut“i\). Here Mark uses the constative aorist (\ˆkolouthˆsen\) where kjv@Matthew:26:58|, and kjv@Luke:22:54| have the picturesque imperfect (\ˆkolouthei\), was following. Possibly Mark did not care to dwell on the picture of Peter furtively following at a distance, not bold enough to take an open stand with Christ as the Beloved Disciple did, and yet unable to remain away with the other disciples. {Was sitting with} (\ˆn sunkathˆmenos\). Periphrastic imperfect middle, picturing Peter making himself at home with the officers (\hupˆret“n\), under rowers, literally, then servants of any kind. kjv@John:18:25| describes Peter as standing (\hest“s\). Probably he did now one, now the other, in his restless weary mood. {Warming himself in the light} (\thermainomenos pr“s to ph“s\). Direct middle. Fire has light as well as heat and it shone in Peter's face. He was not hidden as much as he supposed he was.
rwp@Mark:16:5 @{Entering into the tomb} (\eiselthousai eis to mnˆmeion\). Told also by kjv@Luke:24:3|, though not by Matthew. {A young man} (\neaniskon\). An angel in kjv@Matthew:28:5|, two men in kjv@Luke:24|. These and like variations in details show the independence of the narrative and strengthen the evidence for the general fact of the resurrection. The angel sat upon the stone (Matthew:28:2|), probably at first. Mark here speaks of the young man {sitting on the right side} (\kathˆmenon en tois dexiois\) inside the tomb. Luke has the two men standing by them on the inside (Luke 24:4|). Possibly different aspects and stages of the incident. {Arrayed in a white robe} (\peribeblˆmenon stolˆn leukˆn\). Perfect passive participle with the accusative case of the thing retained (verb of clothing). kjv@Luke:24:4| has "in dazzling apparel." {They were amazed} (\exethambˆthˆsan\). They were utterly (\ex\ in composition) amazed. kjv@Luke:24:5| has it "affrighted." kjv@Matthew:28:3f.| tells more of the raiment white as snow which made the watchers quake and become as dead men. But this was before the arrival of the women. Mark, like Matthew and Luke, does not mention the sudden departure of Mary Magdalene to tell Peter and John of the grave robbery as she supposed (John:20:1-10|).
rwp@Matthew:1:18 @{Of the Holy Ghost} (\ek pneumatos hagiou\). The discovery that Mary was pregnant was inevitable and it is plain that she had not told Joseph. She "was found with child" (\heurethˆ en gastri echousa\). This way of putting it, the usual Greek idiom, plainly shows that it was the discovery that shocked Joseph. He did not as yet know what Matthew plainly asserts that the Holy Ghost, not Joseph and not any man, was responsible for the pregnancy of Mary. The problem of the Virgin Birth of Jesus has been a disturbing fact to some through all the ages and is today to those who do not believe in the pre-existence of Christ, the Son of God, before his Incarnation on earth. This is the primal fact about the Birth of Christ. The Incarnation of Christ is clearly stated by Paul (2Corinthians:8:9; kjv@Phillipians:2:5-11|; and involved in kjv@Colossians:1:15-19|) and by John (John:1:14; 17:5|). If one frankly admits the actual pre-...the supernatural element can possibly explain ...1:14| seems to refer to it. Mark has nothing whatever concerning the birth and childhood of Jesus and so cannot be used as a witness on the subject. Both Matthew and Luke present the birth of Jesus as not according to ordinary human birth. Jesus had no human father. There is such a thing in nature as parthenogenesis in the lower orders of life. But that scientific fact has no bearing here. We see here God sending his Son into the world to be the world's Saviour and he gave him a human mother, but not a human father so that Jesus Christ is both Son of God and Son of Man, the God Man. Matthew tells the story of the birth of Jesus from the standpoint of Joseph as Luke gives it from the standpoint of Mary. The two narratives harmonize with each other. One credits these most wonderful of all birth narratives according as he believes in the love and power of Almighty God to do what he wills. There is no miracle with God who has all power and all knowledge. The laws of nature are simply the expression of God's will, but he has not revealed all his will in the laws that we discover. God is Spirit. He is Person. He holds in his own power all life. kjv@John:3:16| is called the Little Gospel because it puts briefly the love of God for men in sending his own Son to live and die for us.
rwp@Matthew:2:1 @{In Bethlehem of Judea} (\en Bˆthleem tˆs Ioudaias\). There was a Bethlehem in Galilee seven miles northwest of Nazareth (Josephus, _Antiquities_ XIX. 15). This Bethlehem (house of bread, the name means) of Judah was the scene of Ruth's life with Boaz (Ruth:1:1f.; Mt. 1:5|) and the home of David, descendant of Ruth and ancestor of Jesus (Mt. 1:5|). David was born here and anointed king by Samuel (1Samuel:17:12|). The town came to be called the city of David (Luke:2:11|). Jesus, who was born in this House of Bread called himself the Bread of Life (John:6:35|), the true Manna from heaven. Matthew assumes the knowledge of the details of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem which are given in kjv@Luke:2:1-7| or did not consider them germane to his purpose. Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem from Nazareth because it was the original family home for both of them. The first enrolment by the Emperor Augustus as the papyri show was by families (\kat' oikian\). Possibly Joseph had delayed the journey for some reason till now it approached the time for the birth of the child.
rwp@Matthew:4:3 @{If thou art the Son of God} (\ei huios ei tou theou\). More exactly, "If thou art Son of God," for there is no article with "Son." The devil is alluding to the words of the Father to Jesus at the baptism: "This is my Son the Beloved." He challenges this address by a condition of the first class which assumes the condition to be true and deftly calls on Jesus to exercise his power as Son of God to appease his hunger and thus prove to himself and all that he really is what the Father called him. {Become bread} (\artoi gen“ntai\). Literally, "that these stones (round smooth stones which possibly the devil pointed to or even picked up and held) become loaves" (each stone a loaf). It was all so simple, obvious, easy. It would satisfy the hunger of Christ and was quite within his power. {It is written} (\gegraptai\). Perfect passive indicative, stands written and is still in force. Each time Jesus quotes Deuteronomy to repel the subtle temptation of the devil. Here it is kjv@Deuteronomy:8:3| from the Septuagint. Bread is a mere detail (Bruce) in man's dependence upon God.
rwp@Matthew:8:14 @{Lying sick of a fever} (\biblˆmenˆn kai puressousan\). Two participles, bedridden (perfect passive of \ball“\) and burning with fever (present active) means of knowing, possibly a ...(Mark:1:30|), as they tell Jesus about her on reaching the house of Peter. We are not told what kind of fever it was. Fever itself was considered a disease. "Fever" is from German feuer (fire) like the Greek \pur\.
rwp@Matthew:8:17 @{Himself took our infirmities and bare our diseases} (\autos tas astheneias elaben kai tas nosous ebastasen\). A quotation from kjv@Isaiah:53:4|. It is not clear in what sense Matthew applies the words in Isaiah whether in the precise sense of the Hebrew or in an independent manner. Moffatt translates it: "He took away our sicknesses, and bore the burden of our diseases." Goodspeed puts it: "He took our sickness and carried away our diseases." Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, pp. 102f.) thinks that Matthew has made a free interpretation of the Hebrew, has discarded the translation of the Septuagint, and has transposed the two Hebrew verbs so that Matthew means: "He took upon himself our pains, and bore our diseases." Plummer holds that "It is impossible, and also unnecessary, to understand what the Evangelist understood by 'took ' (\elaben\) and 'bare' (\ebastasen\). It at least must mean that Christ removed their sufferings from the sufferers. He can hardly have meant that the diseases were transferred to Christ." \Bastaz“\ occurs freely in the papyri with the sense of lift, carry, endure, carry away (the commonest meaning, Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_), pilfer. In kjv@Matthew:3:11| we have the common vernacular use to take off sandals. The Attic Greek did not use it in the sense of carrying off. "This passage is the cornerstone of the faith-cure theory, which claims that the atonement of Christ includes provision for _bodily_ no less than for spiritual healing, and therefore insists on translating 'took away'" (Vincent). We have seen that the word \bastaz“\ will possibly allow that meaning, but I agree with McNeile: "The passage, _as Mt. employs it_, has no bearing on the doctrine of the atonement." But Jesus does show his sympathy with us. "Christ's sympathy with the sufferers was so intense that he really felt their weaknesses and pains." In our burdens Jesus steps under the load with us and helps us to carry on.
rwp@Matthew:10:23 @{Till the Son of man be come} (\he“s elthˆi ho huios tou anthr“pou\). Moffatt puts it "before the Son of man arrives" as if Jesus referred to this special tour of Galilee. Jesus could overtake them. Possibly so, but it is by no means clear. Some refer it to the Transfiguration, others to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, others to the Second Coming. Some hold that Matthew has put the saying in the wrong context. Others bluntly say that Jesus was mistaken, a very serious charge to make in his instructions to these preachers. The use of \he“s\ with aorist subjunctive for a future event is a good Greek idiom.
rwp@Matthew:10:35 @{Set at variance} (\dichasai\). Literally divide in two, \dicha\. Jesus uses kjv@Micah:7:1-6| to describe the rottenness of the age as Micah had done. Family ties and social ties cannot stand in the way of loyalty to Christ and righteous living. {The daughter-in-law} (\numphˆn\)...young wife who is possibly living ...-in-law. It is a tragedy to see a father or mother step between the child and Christ.
rwp@Matthew:12:17 @{That it might be fulfilled} (\hina plˆr“thˆi\). The final use of \hina\ and the sub-final just before (verse 16|). The passage quoted is kjv@Isaiah:42:1-4| "a very free reproduction of the Hebrew with occasional side glances at the Septuagint" (Bruce), possibly from an Aramaic collection of _Testimonia_ (McNeile). Matthew applies the prophecy about Cyrus to Christ.
rwp@Matthew:14:2 @{His servants} (\tois paisin autou\). Literally "boys," but here the courtiers, not the menials of the palace. {Work in him} (\energousin\). Cf. our "energize." "The powers of the invisible world, vast and vague in the king's imagination" (Bruce). John wrought no miracles, but one _redivivus_ might be under the control of the unseen powers. Songs:Herod argued. A guilty conscience quickened his fears. Possibly he could see again the head of John on a charger. "The King has the Baptist on the brain" (Bruce). Cf. Josephus (_War_, I. xxx. 7) for the story that the ghosts of Alexander and Aristobulus haunted the palace of Herod the Great. There were many conjectures about Jesus as a result of this tour of Galilee and Herod Antipas feared this one.
rwp@Matthew:14:4 @{For John said unto him} (\elegen gar I“anˆs aut“i\). Possibly the Pharisees may have put Herod up to inveigling John to Machaerus on one of his visits there to express an opinion concerning his marriage to Herodias (Broadus) and the imperfect tense (\elegen\) probably means that John said it repeatedly. It was a blunt and brave thing that John said. It cost him his head, but it is better to have a head like John's and lose it than to have an ordinary head and keep it. Herod Antipas was a politician and curbed his resentment toward John by his fear of the people who still held (\eichon\, imperfect tense) him as a prophet.
rwp@Matthew:15:29 @{And sat there} (\ekathˆto ekei\)...the sea of Galilee, possibly to ...
rwp@Matthew:20:20 @{Then} (\tote\). Surely an inopportune time for such a request just after the pointed prediction of Christ's crucifixion. Perhaps their minds had been preoccupied with the words of Jesus (19:28|)...and John, probably Salome, possibly a ...(John:19:25|), apparently prompted her two sons because of the family relationship and now speaks for them. {Asking a certain thing} (\aitousa ti\). "Asking something," "plotting perhaps when their Master was predicting" (Bruce). The "something" put forward as a small matter was simply the choice of the two chief thrones promised by Jesus (19:28|).
rwp@Matthew:21:18 @{He hungered} (\epeinasen\). Ingressive aorist indicative, became hungry, felt hungry (Moffatt). Possibly Jesus spent the night out of doors and so had no breakfast.
rwp@Matthew:22:36 @{The great commandment in the law} (\entolˆ megalˆ en t“i nom“i\). The positive adjective is sometimes as high in rank as the superlative. See \megas\ in kjv@Matthew:5:19| in contrast with \elachistos\. The superlative \megistos\ occurs in the N.T. only in kjv@2Peter:1:4|. Possibly this scribe wishes to know which commandment stood first (Mark:12:28|) with Jesus. "The scribes declared that there were 248 affirmative precepts, as many as the members of the human body; and 365 negative precepts, as many as the days in the year, the total being 613, the number of letters in the Decalogue" (Vincent). But Jesus cuts through such pettifogging hair-splitting to the heart of the problem.
rwp@Matthew:26:69 @{Thou also} (\kai su\). Peter had gone within (\es“\) the palace (26:58|), but was sitting {without} (\ex“\) the hall where the trial was going on in the open central court with the servants or officers (\hupˆret“n\, under rowers, literally, 26:58|)...Sanhedrin. But he could possibly see ...(\paidiskˆ\, slave girl) stepped up to Peter as he was sitting in the court and pointedly said: "Thou also wast with Jesus the Galilean." Peter was warming himself by the fire and the light shone in his face. She probably had noticed Peter come in with John the Beloved Disciple who went on up into the hall of trial. Or she may have seen Peter with Jesus on the streets of Jerusalem.
rwp@Philemon:1:2 @{To Apphia our sister} (\Apphiƒi tˆi adelphˆi\). Dative case in address. A common name in Phrygian inscriptions and apparently the wife of Philemon. "Sister" is in the Christian sense. {To Archippus} (\Archipp“i\)...the church in Colossae, possibly even ...4:17| to imply. {Fellow-soldier} (\sunstrati“tˆi\). Old word, only here and kjv@Phillipians:2:25| in N.T. In metaphorical sense. Perhaps while Paul was in Ephesus. {To the church in thy house} (\tˆi kat' oikon sou ekklˆsiƒi\). The church that met in the house of Philemon. In large cities there would be several meeting-places. Before the third century there is no certain evidence of special church buildings for worship (White, _Exp. Grk. T._). See kjv@Acts:12:12| for Mary's house in Jerusalem, kjv@1Corinthians:16:19| for the house of Aquila and Prisca in Ephesus, kjv@Romans:16:5| for the house of Prisca and Aquila in Rome, kjv@Colossians:4:15| for the house of Nympha in Laodicea.
rwp@Philemon:1:5 @{Hearing} (\akou“n\). Through Epaphras (Colossians:1:7,8; 4:12|), possibly from Onesimus also. {And towards all the saints} (\kai eis pantas tous hagious\). He spoke of "thy love and faith" (\sou tˆn agapˆn kai tˆn pistin\) "towards the Lord Jesus" (\pros ton Kurion Iˆsoun\) and by a sort of momentum (Vincent) he carries both words over to the saints, though it can be explained as chiasm (Galatians:4:4|) also.
rwp@Philippians:4:8 @{Finally} (\to loipon\). See on ¯3:1|. {Whatsoever} (\hosa\). Thus he introduces six adjectives picturing Christian ideals, old-fashioned and familiar words not necessarily from any philosophic list of moral excellencies Stoic or otherwise. Without these no ideals can exist. They are pertinent now when so much filth is flaunted before the world in books, magazines and moving-pictures under the name of realism (the slime of the gutter and the cess-pool). {Honourable} (\semna\). Old word from \seb“\, to worship, revere. Songs:revered, venerated (1Timothy:3:8|). {Pure} (\hagna\). Old word for all sorts of purity. There are clean things, thoughts, words, deeds. {Lovely} (\prosphilˆ\). Old word, here only in N.T., from \pros\ and \phile“\, pleasing, winsome. {Of good report} (\euphˆma\. Old word, only here in N.T., from \eu\ and \phˆmˆ\, fair-speaking, attractive. {If there be any} (\ei tis\). Paul changes the construction from \hosa\ (whatsoever) to a condition of the first class, as in 2:1|, with two substantives. {Virtue} (\aretˆ\). Old word, possibly from \aresk“\, to please, used very often in a variety of senses by the ancients for any mental excellence or moral quality or physical power. Its very vagueness perhaps explains its rarity in the N.T., only four times (Phillipians:4:8; kjv@1Peter:2:9; kjv@2Peter:1:3,5|). It is common in the papyri, but probably Paul is using it in the sense found in the LXX (Isaiah:42:12; 43:21|) of God's splendour and might (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 95) in connection with "praise" (\epainos\) as here or even meaning praise. {Think on these things} (\tauta logizesthe\). Present middle imperative for habit of thought. We are responsible for our thoughts and can hold them to high and holy ideals.
rwp@Revelation:1:4 @{To the seven churches which are in Asia} (\tais hepta ekklˆsiais tais en tˆi Asiƒi\). Dative case as in a letter (Galatians:1:1|). John is writing, but the revelation is from God and Christ through an angel. It is the Roman province of Asia which included the western part of Phrygia. There were churches also at Troas (Acts:20:5ff.|) and at Colossal and Hierapolis (Colossians:1:1; 2:1; 4:13|) and possibly at Magnesia and Tralles. But these seven were the best points of communication with seven districts (Ramsay) and, besides, seven is a favorite number of completion (like the full week) in the book (1:4,12,16; 4:5; 5:1,6; 8:2; 10:3; 11:13; 12:3; 13:1; 14:6f.|). {From him which is} (\apo ho “n\). This use of the articular nominative participle of \eimi\ after \apo\ instead of the ablative is not due to ignorance or a mere slip (\lapsus pennae\), for in the next line we have the regular idiom with \apo t“n hepta pneumat“n\. It is evidently on purpose to call attention to the eternity and unchangeableness of God. Used of God in kjv@Exodus:3:14|. {And which was} (\kai ho ˆn\). Here again there is a deliberate change from the articular participle to the relative use of \ho\ (used in place of \hos\ to preserve identity of form in the three instances like Ionic relative and since no aorist participle of \eimi\ existed). The oracle in Pausanias X. 12 has it: \Zeus ˆn, Zeus esti, Zeus essetai\ (Zeus was, Zeus is, Zeus will be). {Which is to come} (\ho erchomenos\). "The Coming One," futuristic use of the present participle instead of \ho esomenos\. See the same idiom in verse 8; 4:8| and (without \ho erchomenos\) in 11:17; 16:5|. {From the seven spirits} (\apo t“n hepta pneumat“n\). A difficult symbolic representation of the Holy Spirit here on a par with God and Christ, a conclusion borne out by the symbolic use of the seven spirits in 3:1; 4:5; 5:6| (from kjv@Zechariah:4:2-10|). There is the one Holy Spirit with seven manifestations here to the seven churches (Swete, _The Holy Spirit in the N.T._, p. 374), unity in diversity (1Corinthians:12:4|). {Which are} (\t“n\ article Aleph A, \ha\ relative P). {Before his throne} (\en“pion tou thronou autou\). As in 4:5f|.
rwp@Revelation:1:19 @{Therefore} (\oun\). In view of Christ's words about himself in verse 18| and the command in verse 11|. {Which thou sawest} (\ha eides\). The vision of the Glorified Christ in verses 13-18|. {The things which are} (\ha eisin\). Plural verb (individualising the items) though \ha\ is neuter plural, certainly the messages to the seven churches (1:20-3:22|)...the world in general, possibly also ...\ha eides\. {The things which shall come to pass hereafter} (\ha mellei ginesthai meta tauta\). Present middle infinitive with \mellei\, though both aorist and future are also used. Singular verb here (\mellei\) blending in a single view the future. In a rough outline this part begins in 4:1 and goes to end of chapter 22, though the future appears also in chapters 2 and 3 and the present occurs in 4 to 22 and the elements in the vision of Christ (1:13-18|) reappear repeatedly.
rwp@Revelation:3:4 @{A few names} (\oliga onomata\). This use of \onoma\ for persons is seen in the _Koin‚_ (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 196f.) as in kjv@Acts:1:15; kjv@Revelation:11:13|. {Did not defile} (\ouk emolunan\). First aorist active indicative of \molun“\ (1Corinthians:8:7; kjv@1Peter:1:4|), pollution. {They shall walk} (\peripatˆsousin\). Future active of \peripate“\, promise of fellowship with Christ (\met' emou\, with me) "in white" (\en leukois\), as symbols of purity (7:9,13|) like the angel (Matthew:28:3|), with possibly a reference to Enoch (Genesis:5:22|). For they are worthy (\hoti axioi eisin\). To walk with Christ, not worthy in the same sense as God and Christ (4:11; 5:9|), but in a relative sense. See kjv@Revelation:16:6| for bad sense of \axios\.
rwp@Revelation:4:3 @{To look upon} (\horasei\). Locative case of \horasis\, old word (from \hora“\, to see) for appearance (in appearance) as in kjv@Ezekiel:1:5,26|. {Like a jasper stone} (\homoios iaspidi\). Associative-instrumental case of \iaspis\, old word (Persian), used for stones of different colors, one opaque like opal, one translucent (21:11,18f.|, possibly here, only N.T. examples), one a red or yellow stone (Isaiah:54:12|). Some even take it for the diamond. Certainly not our cheap modern jasper. {A sardius} (\sardi“i\). Old word, in N.T. only here and 21:20|. The carnelian or other red stone, derived from Sardis (Pliny). {Rainbow} (\iris\). Old word, in N.T. only here and 10:1|. From kjv@Ezekiel:1:28|. {An emerald} (\smaragdin“i\). Adjective (from \smaragdos\, kjv@Revelation:21:19|), of emerald (supply \lith“i\), in associative instrumental case after \homoios\. John sees no form for God (Exodus:24:10|), but only the brilliant flashing gems. "In the vision the flashing lustre of the \iaspis\ and the fiery red of the \sard\ are relieved by the halo (\iris\) of emerald which encircled the Throne" (Swete). A complete circle.
rwp@Revelation:4:6 @{As it were a glassy sea} (\h“s thalassa hualinˆ\). Old adjective (from \hualos\, glass, 21:18,21|), in N.T. only here and 15:2|. Possibly from \huei\ (it rains), like a raindrop. At any rate here it is the appearance, not the material. Glass was made in Egypt 4,000 years ago. In kjv@Exodus:24:10| the elders see under the feet of God in the theophany a paved work of sapphire stone (cf. kjv@Ezekiel:1:26|). The likeness of the appearance of sky to sea suggests the metaphor here (Beckwith). {Like crystal} (\homoia krustall“i\). Associative-instrumental case after \homoia\. Old word, from \kruos\ (ice and sometimes used for ice), in N.T. only here and 22:1|, not semi-opaque, but clear like rock-crystal. {In the midst of the throne} (\en mes“i tou thronou\). As one looks from the front, really before. {Round about the throne} (\kukl“i tou thronou\). Merely an adverb in the locative case (Romans:15:19|), as a preposition in N.T. only here, 5:11; 7:11|. This seems to mean that on each of the four sides of the throne was one of the four living creatures either stationary or moving rapidly round (Ezekiel:1:12f.|). {Four living creatures} (\tessera z“a\). Not \thˆria\ (beasts), but living creatures. Certainly kin to the \z“a\ of kjv@Ezekiel:1; 2| which are cherubim (Ezekiel:10:2,20|), though here the details vary as to faces and wings with a significance of John's own, probably representing creation in contrast with the redeemed (the elders). {Full of eyes} (\gemonta ophthalm“n\). Present active participle of \gem“\, to be full of, with the genitive, signifying here unlimited intelligence (Beckwith), the ceaseless vigilance of nature (Swete).
rwp@Revelation:4:11 @{Our Lord and our God} (\ho kurios kai ho theos hˆm“n\). The nominative form here used as vocative as in kjv@John:20:28| and often. {To receive} (\labein\). Epexegetic second aorist active infinitive of \lamban“\ with \axios\ (worthy). {The glory} (\tˆn doxan\). The article referring to \doxan\ in verse 9| and so with \tˆn timˆn\ (the honour), though \tˆn dunamin\ (the power) is not in verse 9|, but is the power due to be ascribed to God. {Thou didst create} (\su ektisas\). Emphasis on \su\ (thou), first aorist active indicative of \ktiz“\, the verb used about the act of creation by Paul in kjv@Colossians:1:16| (\ektisthˆ, ektistai\), constative aorist giving a summary picture of the whole (not as a process). {Because of thy will} (\dia to thelˆma sou\). Reason for creation of the universe as in kjv@Hebrews:2:10| (\di' hon\). {They were} (\ˆsan\)...universe as a fact, possibly a ...{And were created} (\kai ektisthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of the same verb, \ktiz“\, just used and in the plural, while Paul (Colossians:1:16|) uses the singular \ektisthˆ\. See kjv@1Corinthians:8:6|. God's will wrought through the Logos (Christ).
rwp@Revelation:8:1 @{And when he opened} (\kai hotan ˆnoixen\). Here modal \an\ is used with \hote\ (used about the opening of the preceding six seals), but \hotan\ is not here rendered more indefinite, as is sometimes true (Mark:3:11; kjv@Revelation:4:9|), but here and possibly (can be repetition) in kjv@Mark:11:19| it is a particular instance, not a general rule (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 973). {There followed a silence} (\egeneto sigˆ\). Second aorist middle of \ginomai\. "There came silence." Dramatic effect by this profound stillness with no elder or angel speaking, no chorus of praise nor cry of adoration, no thunder from the throne (Swete), but a temporary cessation in the revelations. See 10:4|. {About the space of half an hour} (\h“s hˆmi“ron\). Late and rare word (\hˆmi\, half, \h“ra\, hour), here only in N.T. Accusative of extent of time.
rwp@Revelation:8:3 @{Another angel} (\allos aggelos\). Not one of the seven of verse 2| and before they began to sound the trumpets. This preliminary incident of the offering of incense on the altar covers verses 3-6|. {Stood} (\estathˆ\). Ingressive first aorist passive of \histˆmi\ (intransitive), "took his place." {Over the altar} (\epi tou thusiastˆriou\). See 6:9| for the word for the burnt-offering, here apparently the altar of incense (clearly so in kjv@Luke:1:11|; possibly also kjv@Revelation:9:13|), but it is not clear that in apocalyptic the distinction between the two altars of the tabernacle and temple is preserved. Aleph C Q have the genitive, while A P have the accusative \epi to thusiastˆrion\. {A golden censer} (\liban“ton chrusoun\). Old word for frankincense (from \libanos\, kjv@Matthew:2:11; kjv@Revelation:18:13|), but here alone in N.T. and for censer, as is plain by the use of \chrusoun\ (golden) with it. Cf. kjv@1Kings:7:50|. {Much incense} (\thumiamata polla\). See 5:8| for \thumiama\ (the aromatic substance burnt, also in 18:13|), but here for the live coals on which the incense falls. {That he should add} (\hina d“sei\). Sub-final clause (subject of \edothˆ\, was given, singular because \thumiamata\ neuter plural) with \hina\ and the future active indicative of \did“mi\, to give, instead of \d“i\, the second aorist subjunctive. {Unto the prayers} (\tais proseuchais\). Dative case. In 5:18| the \thumiamata\ are the prayers. {Upon the golden altar} (\epi to thusiastˆrion to chrusoun to\). Accusative case here, not genitive as above, and apparently the altar of incense as indicated by the word golden (Exodus:30:1ff.; kjv@Leviticus:4:17|). Note triple article here \to\ (once before the substantive, once before the adjective, once before the adjunct "the one before the throne").
rwp@Revelation:12:10 @{A great voice saying} (\ph“nˆn megalˆn legousan\). Accusative after \ˆkousa\ in this phrase as in 5:11; 10:4; 14:2; 18:4|, but the genitive \ph“nˆs legousˆs\ in 11:12; 14:13|...voice or song comes, possibly from ...-four elders (Swete) or some other heavenly beings (11:15|) who can sympathize with human beings (19:10|), the martyrs in heaven (Charles). {Now is come} (\arti egeneto\). \Arti\ (John:13:33|) shows how recent the downfall of Satan here proleptically pictured as behind us in time (aorist tense \egeneto\). {The salvation} (\hˆ s“tˆria\). Here "the victory" as in 7:10; 19:1|. {The power} (\hˆ dunamis\). Gods power over the dragon (cf. 7:12; 11:17; 19:1|). {The kingdom} (\hˆ basileia\). "The empire of God" as in 11:15|. {The authority of his Christ} (\hˆ exousia tou Christou autou\). Which Christ received from the Father (Matthew:28:18; kjv@John:17:2|). See 11:15| (Psalms:2:2|) for "his Anointed." {The accuser} (\ho katˆg“r\). The regular form, \katˆgoros\, occurs in kjv@John:8:10; kjv@Acts:23:30,35; 25:16,18| and in many MSS. here in kjv@Revelation:12:10|, but A reads \katˆg“r\, which Westcott and Hort accept. It was once considered a Greek transliteration of a Hebrew word, but Deissmann (_Light_, etc., p. 93f.) quotes it from a vernacular magical papyrus of the fourth century A.D. with no sign of Jewish or Christian influence, just as \diak“n\ appears as a vernacular form of \diakonos\. Only here is the word applied to Satan in the N.T. In late Judaism Satan is the accuser, and Michael the defender, of the faithful. {Of our brethren} (\t“n adelph“n hˆm“n\). The saints still on earth battling with Satan and his devices. {Which accuseth them} (\ho katˆgor“n autous\). Articular present active participle of \katˆgore“\, old verb, to accuse, usually with the genitive of the person (John:5:45|), but here with the accusative. This is the devil's constant occupation (Job:1:6f.|). {Day and night} (\hˆmeras kai nuktos\). Genitive of time. "By day and by night."
rwp@Revelation:18:13 @{Cinnamon} (\kinnam“mon\). Old word transliterated into English, here only in N.T. Of Phoenician origin (Herodotus) to name and possibly from ...{Spice} (\am“mon\). A fragrant plant of India, \amomum\, for perfume. {Incense} (\thumiamata\). See 5:8; 8:3|. {Ointment} (\muron\). See kjv@Matthew:26:7|. {Frankincense} (\libanon\). See 8:3|. {Fine flour} (\semidalin\). Old word for finest wheaten flour, here only in N.T. {Of horses} (\hipp“n\). Here then is a return to the construction of the genitive after \gomon\ in verse 12|, though not used here, an anomalous genitive construction (Charles). {Of chariots} (\red“n\). A Gallic word for a vehicle with four wheels, here only in N.T. {Of slaves} (\somat“n\). "Of bodies," treated as animals or implements, like the horses and the chariots (cf. _rickshaw_ men in China). This use of \s“ma\ for slave occurs in kjv@Genesis:34:29|; Tob 10:11 (\s“mata kai ktˆnˆ\, slaves and cattle); II Macc. 8:11. {Souls of men} (\psuchas anthr“p“n\). Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 160) finds this use of \s“ma\ for slave in the Egyptian Delta. Return to the accusative \psuchas\. From kjv@Numbers:31:35; kjv@1Chronicles:5:21; kjv@Ezekiel:27:13|. This addition is an explanation of the use of \s“mata\ for slaves, "human live stock" (Swete), but slaves all the same. Perhaps \kai\ here should be rendered "even," not "and": "bodies even souls of men." The slave merchant was called \s“matemporos\ (body merchant).
rwp@Revelation:19:17 @{An angel} (\hena aggelon\). Like \heis\ in 18:21|, just "an," not "one." {Standing in the sun} (\hest“ta en t“i hˆli“i\). Second perfect active participle of \histˆmi\ (intransitive). "Where all the birds of prey would behold him" (Beckwith). For \orneois\ (birds) see 18:2| and for \en mesouranˆmati\ (in mid heaven) see 18:13; 14:6|. {Come and be gathered together} (\Deute sunachthˆte\). \Deute\ is the adverb \deur“\ (hither)...or more are addressed, possibly from ...\deuro ite\ (come here). Asyndeton also without \kai\ (and). First aorist passive imperative of \sunag“\. The metaphor is drawn from kjv@Ezekiel:39:17|. {Unto the great supper of God} (\eis to deipnon to mega tou theou\). The habits of vultures are described by Christ in kjv@Matthew:24:28|. This is a bold and powerful picture of the battlefield after the victory of the Messiah, "a sacrificial feast spread on God's table for all the vultures of the sky" (Swete). Is this battle the same as that of Har Magedon (16:16|) and that of Gog and Magog (20:8ff.|) mentioned after the thousand years? The language in 20:8ff.| seems like this derived from kjv@Ezekiel:39:17ff.|, and "in the Apocalypse priority in the order of sequence does not always imply priority in time" (Swete). There seems no way to decide this point save that the end seems to be at hand.
rwp@Revelation:19:20 @{Was taken} (\epiasthˆ\). First aorist (prophetic) passive indicative of the Doric \piaz“\ (Attic \piez“\). Cf. kjv@2Thessalonians:2:8|. {The false prophet} (\ho pseudoprophˆtˆs\). Possibly the second beast of 13:11-17; 16:13; 20:10|. Charles takes him to be "the priesthood of the Imperial cult, which practised all kinds of magic and imposture to beguile men to worship the Beast." {That wrought the signs in his sight} (\ho poiesas ta sˆmeia en“pion autou\). As in 13:14|. {Wherewith} (\en hois\). "In which" signs. {He deceived} (\eplanˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \plana“\. He was only able to deceive "them that had received" (\tous labontas\, articular second aorist active participle of \lamban“\, "those receiving") "the mark of the beast" (13:16; 14:9ff.; 16:2; 20:4|) "and them that worshipped his image" (\tous proskunountas tˆi eikoni autou\) as in 13:15|. {They twain} (\hoi duo\). "The two." {Were cast} (\eblˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive Indicative of \ball“\. They fall together as they fought together. "The day that sees the end of a false statecraft will see also that of a false priestcraft" (Swete). {Alive} (\z“ntes\). Present active participle of \za“\, predicative nominative, "living." {Into the lake of fire} (\eis tˆn limnˆn tou puros\). Genitive \puros\ describes this \limnˆn\ (lake, cf. kjv@Luke:5:1|) as it does \gehenna\ in kjv@Matthew:5:22|. See also 20:10; 21:8|. It is a different figure from the "abyss" in 9:1ff; 20:1ff|. This is the final abode of Satan, the beast, the false prophet, and wicked men. {That burneth with brimstone} (\tˆs kaiomenˆs en thei“i\). Note the genitive here in place of the accusative \limnˆn\, perhaps because of the intervening genitive \puros\ (neuter, not feminine). The agreement is regular in 21:8|. For \en thei“i\ (with brimstone) see 14:10; 20:10; 21:8|. The fact of hell is clearly taught here, but the imagery is not to be taken literally any more than that of heaven in chapters kjv@Revelation:4; 5; 21; 22| is to be so understood. Both fall short of the reality.
rwp@Revelation:21:19 @{Were adorned} (\kekosmˆmenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \kosme“\ as in verse 2|, but without the copula \ˆsan\ (were), followed by instrumental case \lith“i\ (stone). {With all manner of precious stones} (\panti lith“i timi“i\). "With every precious stone." The list of the twelve stones in verses 19,20| has no necessary mystical meaning. "The writer is simply trying to convey the impression of a radiant and superb structure" (Moffatt). The twelve gems do correspond closely (only eight in common) with the twelve stones on the high priest's breastplate (Exodus:28:17-20; 39:10ff.; kjv@Ezekiel:28:13; kjv@Isaiah:54:11f.|). Charles identifies them with the signs of zodiac in reverse order, a needless performance here. See the stones in kjv@Revelation:4:3|. These foundation stones are visible. For jasper (\iaspis\) see 4:3; 21:11,18; kjv@Isaiah:54:12|; sapphire (\sappheiros\) see kjv@Exodus:24:10;. kjv@Isaiah:54:11| (possibly the \lapis lazuli\ of Turkestan); chalcedony (\chalkˆd“n\) we have no other reference in N.T. or LXX (described by Pliny, H.N. XXXIII.21), possibly a green silicate of copper from near Chalcedon; emerald (\smaragdos\) here only in N.T., see 4:3| \smaragdinos\, and like it a green stone.
rwp@Revelation:21:20 @Sardonyx (\sardonux\), here only in N.T., white with layers of red, from sardion (red carnelian) and onyx (white); for sardius (\sardion\) see 4:3|; chrysolite (\chrusolithos\), here only in N.T. (Exodus:28:20|), stone of a golden colour like our topaz or amber or a yellow beryl or golden jasper; beryl (\bˆrullos\), again here only in N.T. (Exodus:28:20|), note the difficulty of identification, much like the emerald according to Pliny; for topaz (\topazion\), here only in N.T. (Exodus:28:17|), a golden-greenish stolle; chrysoprase (chrusoprasos), here only in N.T. (not in LXX), in colour like a teek, translucent golden-green; jacinth (\huakinthos\), of the colour of the hyacinth, a violet colour (Pliny), already in 9:17| like blue smoke, like achates in LXX; amethyst (\amethustos\), only here in N.T. (Exodus:28:19|), of a violet and purple colour, more brilliant than the \huakinthos\. Swete sums up the colours thus: blue (sapphire, jacinth, amethyst), green (jasper, chalcedony, emerald, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase), red (sardonyx, sardius), yellow (chrysolite). But even so there is great variety in hue and brilliancy and in the reaction on each other. Clement of Alexandria argues that this variety illustrates the variety of gifts and graces in the twelve apostles. Possibly so.
rwp@Info_Revelation @ RELATION TO THE FOURTH GOSPEL Here scholars divide again. Many who deny the Johannine authorship of the Fourth Gospel and the Epistles accept the apostolic authorship of the Apocalypse, Baur, for instance. Hort, Lightfoot, and Westcott argued for the Johannine authorship on the ground that the Apocalypse was written early (time of Nero or Vespasian) when John did not know Greek so well as when the Epistles and the Gospel were written. There are numerous grammatical laxities in the Apocalypse, termed by Charles a veritable grammar of its own. They are chiefly retention of the nominative case in appositional words or phrases, particularly participles, many of them sheer Hebraisms, many of them clearly intentional (as in kjv@Revelation:1:4|), all of them on purpose according to Milligan (_Revelation_ in Schaff's Pop. Comm.) and Heinrici (_Der Litterarische Charakter der neutest. Schriften_, p. 85). Radermacher (_Neutestamentliche Grammatik_, p. 3) calls it "the most uncultured literary production that has come down to us from antiquity," and one finds frequent parallels to the linguistic peculiarities in later illiterate papyri. J. H. Moulton (_Grammar_, Vol. II, Part I, p. 3) says: "Its grammar is perpetually stumbling, its idiom is that of a foreign language, its whole style that of a writer who neither knows nor cares for literary form." But we shall see that the best evidence is for a date in Domitian's reign and not much later than the Fourth Gospel. It is worth noting that in kjv@Acts:4:13| Peter and John are both termed by the Sanhedrin \agrammatoi kai idi“tai\ (unlettered and unofficial men). We have seen the possibility that II Peter represents Peter's real style or at least that of a different amanuensis from Silvanus in kjv@1Peter:5:12|...underwent careful scrutiny and possibly by ...(John:21:24|). If John wrote the Apocalypse while in Patmos and so away from Ephesus, it seems quite possible that here we have John's own uncorrected style more than in the Gospel and Epistles. There is also the added consideration that the excitement of the visions played a part along with a certain element of intentional variations from normal grammatical sequence. An old man's excitement would bring back his early style. There are numerous coincidences in vocabulary and style between the Fourth Gospel and the Apocalypse.
rwp@Romans:1:7 @{In Rome} (\en R“mˆi\). One late uncial (G of tenth century) and a cursive omit these words here and one or two other late MSS. omit \en R“mˆi\ in verse 15|. This possibly proves the Epistle was circulated as a circular to a limited extent, but the evidence is late and slight and by no means shows that this was the case in the first century. It is not comparable with the absence of \en Ephes“i\ in kjv@Ephesians:1:1| from Aleph and B (the two oldest and best MSS.). {Beloved of God} (\agapˆtois theou\). Ablative case of \theou\ after the verbal adjective like \didaktoi theou\ (taught of God) in kjv@John:6:45| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 516). {From God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ} (\apo theou patros hˆm“n kai kuriou Iˆsou Christou\). "St. Paul, if not formally enunciating a doctrine of the Divinity of Christ, held a view which cannot really be distinguished from it" (Sanday and Headlam). Paul's theology is clearly seen in the terms used in verses 1-7|.
rwp@Romans:6:13 @{Neither present} (\mˆde paristanete\). Present active imperative in prohibition of \paristan“\, late form of \paristˆmi\, to place beside. Stop presenting your members or do not have the habit of doing so, "do not go on putting your members to sin as weapons of unrighteousness." {Instruments} (\hopla\). Old word for tools of any kind for shop or war (John:18:3; kjv@2Corinthians:6:7; 10:4; kjv@Romans:13:12|). Possibly here figure of two armies arrayed against each other (Galatians:5:16-24|), and see \hopla dikaiosunˆs\ below. The two sets of \hopla\ clash. {But present yourselves unto God} (\alla parastˆsate heautous t“i the“i\). First aorist active imperative of \paristˆmi\, same verb, but different tense, do it now and completely. Our "members" (\melˆ\) should be at the call of God "as alive from the dead."
rwp@Romans:6:17 @{Whereas ye were} (\ˆte\). Imperfect but no "whereas" in the Greek. Paul is not grateful that they were once slaves of sin, but only that, though they once were, they turned from that state. {To that form of doctrine whereunto ye were delivered} (\eis hon paredothˆte tupon didachˆs\). Incorporation of the antecedent (\tupon didachˆs\) into the relative clause: "to which form of doctrine ye were delivered." See on ¯5:14| for \tupon\. It is hardly proper to take "form" here to refer to Paul's gospel (2:16|), possibly an allusion to the symbolism of baptism which was the outward sign of the separation.
rwp@Romans:11:15 @{The casting away of them} (\hˆ apobolˆ aut“n\). Objective genitive (\aut“n\) with \apobolˆ\, old word from \apoball“\, to throw off (Mark:10:50|), in N.T. only here and kjv@Acts:27:22|. {The reconciling of the world} (\katallagˆ kosmou\). See 5:10f.| for \katallagˆ\ (reconciling). It explains verse 12|. {The receiving} (\hˆ proslˆmpsis\). Old word from \proslamban“\, to take to oneself, only here in N.T. {Life from the dead} (\z“ˆ ek nekr“n\). Already the conversion of Jews had become so difficult. It is like a miracle of grace today, though it does happen. Many think that Paul means that the general resurrection and the end will come when the Jews are converted. Possibly so, but it is by no means certain. His language may be merely figurative.
rwp@Romans:16:12 @{Tryphaena and Tryphosa} (\Truphainan kai Truph“san\). Probably sisters and possibly twins. Both names come from the same root, the verb \trupha“\, to live luxuriously (James:5:5|). Denney suggests "Dainty and Disdain." {Persis} (\Persida\). A freedwoman was so named. She is not Paul's "beloved," but the "beloved" of the whole church.
rwp@Romans:16:13 @{Rufus} (\Rouphon\)...very common slave name, possibly the ...15:21|. The word means "red." {The chosen} (\ton eklekton\). Not "the elect," but "the select." {And mine} (\kai emou\). Paul's appreciation of her maternal care once, not his real mother.
rwp@Romans:16:15 @{Philologus} (\Philologon\). Another common slave name. {Julia} (\Ioulian\). The commonest name for female slaves in the imperial household because of Julius Caesar. Possibly these two were husband and wife. {Nereus} (\Nˆrea\). Found in inscriptions of the imperial household. But the sister's name is not given. One wonders why. {Olympas} (\Olumpƒn\). Possibly an abbreviation for Olympiodorus. {All the saints that are with them} (\tous sun autois pantas hagious\). Possibly another church in the house. These unnamed, the "and others," constitute the great majority in all our churches.
rwp@Titus:1:4 @{My true child} (\gnˆsi“i tekn“i\). See kjv@1Timothy:1:2|...not mentioned in Acts, possibly because ...2Corinthians:2:13; 7:6-15; 8:6-24; 12:16-18; kjv@Galatians:2:1-3; kjv@Titus:1:4f.; 3:12; kjv@2Timothy:4:10|. He had succeeded in Corinth where Timothy had failed. Paul had left him in Crete as superintendent of the work there. Now he writes him from Nicopolis (Titus:3:12|). {After a common faith} (\kata koinˆn pistin\). Here \kata\ does mean standard, not aim, but it is a faith (\pistin\) common to a Gentile (a Greek) like Titus as well as to a Jew like Paul and so common to all races and classes (Jude:1:3|). \Koinos\ does not here have the notion of unclean as in kjv@Acts:10:14; 11:8|.
rwp@Titus:3:10 @{Heretical} (\hairetikon\). Old adjective from \hairesis\ (\haireomai\, to choose), a choosing of a party (sect, kjv@Acts:5:17|) or of teaching (2Peter:2:1|). Possibly a schism had been started here in Crete. {Refuse} (\paraitou\). Present middle imperative of \paraite“\, to ask from, to beg off from. See same form in kjv@1Timothy:4:7; 5:11|. Possibly an allusion here to Christ's directions in kjv@Matthew:18:15-17|.
rwp@Titus:3:13 @{Zenas the lawyer} (\Zˆnƒn ton nomikon\). Possibly abbreviation of Zenodorus and may be one of the bearers of the Epistle with Apollos. Probably an expert in the Mosaic law as the word means in the Gospels. A converted Jewish lawyer. The Latin term is _jurisconsultum_ for \nomikon\. {Apollos} (\Apoll“n\). Paul's friend (Acts:18:24-19:1; kjv@1Corinthians:1:12ff.|). {Set forward} (\propempson\). First aorist active imperative of \propemp“\, old verb, to send on ahead (1Corinthians:16:6,11; kjv@Romans:15:24|). {That nothing be wanting unto them} (\hina mˆden autois leipˆi\). Purpose with \hina\ and present (or second aorist \lipˆi\, some MSS.) subjunctive of \leip“\, old verb to leave, to remain, to lack. With dative case here (\autois\).
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