CONCORDANCE:String = roaring
rwp@1Corinthians:13:1 @{With the tongues} (\tais gl“ssais\). Instrumental case. Mentioned first because really least and because the Corinthians put undue emphasis on this gift. Plato (_Symposium_, 197) and many others have written on love, but Paul has here surpassed them all in this marvellous prose-poem. It comes like a sweet bell right between the jangling noise of the gifts in chapters 12 and 14. It is a pity to dissect this gem or to pull to pieces this fragrant rose, petal by petal. Fortunately Paul's language here calls for little comment, for it is the language of the heart. "The greatest, strongest, deepest thing Paul ever wrote" (Harnack). The condition (\ean\ and present subjunctive, \lal“ kai mˆ ech“\, though the form is identical with present indicative) is of the third class, a supposable case. {But have not love} (\agapˆn de mˆ ech“\). This is the _crux_ of the chapter. Love is the way _par excellence_ of 12:31|. It is not yet clearly certain that \agapˆ\ (a back-formation from \agapa“\) occurs before the LXX and the N.T. Plutarch used \agapˆsis\. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 198) once suspected it on an inscription in Pisidia. It is still possible that it occurs in the papyri (Prayer to Isis). See _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 75 for details. The rarity of \agapˆ\ made it easier for Christians to use this word for Christian love as opposed to \er“s\ (sexual love). See also Moffatt's Love in the N.T. (1930) for further data. The word is rare in the Gospels, but common in Paul, John, Peter, Jude. Paul does not limit \agapˆ\ at all (both toward God and man). Charity (Latin _caritas_) is wholly inadequate. "Intellect was worshipped in Greece, and power in Rome; but where did St. Paul learn the surpassing beauty of love?" (Robertson and Plummer). Whether Paul had ever seen Jesus in the flesh, he knows him in the spirit. One can substitute Jesus for love all through this panegyric. {I am become} (\gegona\). Second perfect indicative in the conclusion rather than the usual future indicative. It is put vividly, "I am already become." Sounding brass (\chalchos ˆch“n\). Old words. Brass was the earliest metal that men learned to use. Our word _echoing_ is \ˆch“n\, present active participle. Used in kjv@Luke:21:25| of the roaring of the sea. Only two examples in N.T. {Clanging cymbal} (\kumbalon alalazon\). Cymbal old word, a hollow basin of brass. \Alalaz“\, old onomatopoetic word to ring loudly, in lament (Mark:5:38|), for any cause as here. Only two N.T. examples.
rwp@1Peter:5:8 @{Be watchful} (\grˆgorˆsate\). First aorist active imperative of \grˆgore“\, late present imperative from perfect \egrˆgora\ (to be awake) from \egeir“\ (to arouse), as in kjv@Matthew:24:42|. For \nˆpsate\ see 1:13; 4:7|. {Your adversary} (\ho antidikos hum“n\). Old word for opponent in a lawsuit (Matthew:5:25|). {The devil} (\diabolos\). Slanderer. See on ¯Matthew:4:1|. {As a roaring lion} (\h“s “ruomenos le“n\). But Jesus is also pictured as the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation:5:5|). But Satan {roars} at the saints. Present middle participle \“ruomai\, old verb, here only in N.T., to howl like a wolf, dog, or lion, of men to sing loud (Pindar). See kjv@Psalms:22:13|. {Whom he may devour} (\katapiein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \katapin“\, to drink down. B does not have \tina\, Aleph has \tina\ (somebody), "to devour some one," while A has interrogative \tina\, "whom he may devour" (very rare idiom). But the devil's purpose is the ruin of men. He is a "peripatetic" (\peripatei\) like the peripatetic philosophers who walked as they talked. Satan wants all of us and sifts us all (Luke:22:31|).
rwp@Luke:21:25 @{Distress} (\sunochˆ\). From \sunech“\. In the N.T. only here and kjv@2Corinthians:2:4|. Anguish. {In perplexity} (\en aporiƒi\). State of one who is \aporos\, who has lost his way (\a\ privative and \poros\). Here only in the N.T. though an old and common word. {For the roaring of the sea} (\ˆchous thalassˆs\). Our word echo (Latin _echo_) is this word \ˆchos\, a reverberating sound. Sense of rumour in kjv@Luke:4:37|. {Billows} (\salou\). Old word \salos\ for the swell of the sea. Here only in the N.T.
rwp@Revelation:10:2 @{And he had} (\kai ech“n\). This use of the participle in place of \eichen\ (imperfect) is like that in 4:7f.; 12:2; 19:12; 21:12,14|, a Semitic idiom (Charles), or as if \katabain“n\ (nominative) had preceded in place of \katabainonta\. {A little book} (\biblaridion\). A diminutive of \biblarion\ (papyri), itself a diminutive of \biblion\ (5:1|) and perhaps in contrast with it, a rare form in Hermas and kjv@Revelation:10:2,9,10|. In 10:8| Tischendorf reads \biblidarion\, diminutive of \biblidion\ (Aristophanes) instead of \biblion\ (Westcott and Hort). The contents of this little book are found in 11:1-13|. {Open} (\ˆne“igmenon\). See kjv@Ezekiel:2:9f|. Perfect (triple reduplication) passive participle of \anoig“\, in contrast to the closed book in 5:1|. There also we have \epi\ (upon) \tˆn dexian\ (the right hand), for it was a large roll, but here the little open roll is held in the hand (\en tˆi cheiri\), apparently the left hand (verse 5|). {He set} (\ethˆken\). First aorist active indicative of \tithˆmi\. The size of the angel is colossal, for he bestrides both land and sea. Apparently there is no special point in the right foot (\ton poda ton dexion\) being on the sea (\epi tˆs thalassˆs\) and the left (\ton eu“numon\) upon the land (\epi tˆs gˆs\). It makes a bold and graphic picture. {As a lion roareth} (\h“sper le“n mukƒtai\). Only instance of \h“sper\ in the Apocalypse, but \h“s\ in the same sense several times. Present middle indicative of \mukaomai\, an old onomatopoetic word from \mu\ or \moo\ (the sound which a cow utters), common for the lowing and bellowing of cattle, Latin Theocritus for the roaring of ...1Peter:5:8| we have \“ruomai\. Homer uses \mukaomai\ for the clangour of the shield and Aristophanes for thunder. It occurs here alone in the N.T. It does not mean that what the angel said was unintelligible, only loud. Cf. 1:10; 5:2,12; 6:10; 7:2,10|, etc.
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