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rwp@1Corinthians:7:29 @{But this I say} (\touto de phˆmi\. Note \phˆmi\ here rather than \leg“\ (verses 8,12|). A new turn is here given to the argument about the present necessity. {The time is shortened} (\ho kairos sunestalmenos estin\). Perfect periphrastic passive indicative of \sustell“\, old verb to place together, to draw together. Only twice in the N.T., here and kjv@Acts:5:6| which see. Found in the papyri for curtailing expenses. Calvin takes it for the shortness of human life, but apparently Paul pictures the foreshortening of time (opportunity) because of the possible nearness of and hope for the second coming. But in Philippians Paul faces death as his fate (Phillipians:1:21-26|), though still looking for the coming of Christ (3:20|). {That henceforth} (\to loipon hina\). Proleptic position of \to loipon\ before \hina\ and in the accusative of general reference and \hina\ has the notion of result rather than purpose (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 997). {As though they had none} (\h“s mˆ echontes\). This use of \h“s\ with the participle for an assumed condition is regular and \mˆ\ in the _Koin‚_...the participle. Songs:the idiom runs on ...31|.
rwp@1Corinthians:12:1 @{Now concerning spiritual gifts} (\peri de t“n pneumatik“n\). Clearly one of the items asked about in the letter to Paul (7:1|) and introduced precisely as the problem of meats offered to idols (8:1|). This question runs to the end of chapter 14. Plainly much trouble had arisen in Corinth in the exercise of these gifts.
rwp@1Peter:3:18 @{Because Christ also died} (\hoti kai Christos apethanen\). Songs:the best MSS.; later ones \epathen\ (suffered). The example of Christ should stir us to patient endurance. {For sins} (\peri hamarti“n\). "Concerning sins" (not his, but ours, 1:18|). \Peri\ (around, concerning) with \hamartias\ in the regular phrase for the sin offering (Leviticus:5:7; 6:30|), though \huper hamartias\ does occur (Ezekiel:43:25|). Songs:in the N.T. we find both \peri hamarti“n\ (Hebrews:5:3|) and \huper hamarti“n\ (Hebrews:5:1|). {Once} (\hapax\). Once for all (Hebrews:9:28|), not once upon a time (\pote\). {The righteous for the unrighteous} (\dikaios huper adik“n\). Literally, "just for unjust" (no articles). See kjv@1Peter:2:19| for the sinlessness of Christ as the one perfect offering for sin. This is what gives Christ's blood value. He has no sin himself. Some men today fail to perceive this point. {That he might bring us to God} (\hina hˆmƒs prosagagˆi t“i the“i\). Purpose clause with \hina\, with second aorist active subjunctive of \prosag“\ and the dative case \t“i the“i\. The MSS. vary between \hˆmƒs\ (us) and \humƒs\ (you). The verb \prosag“\ means to lead or bring to (Matthew:18:24|), to approach God (cf. \prosag“gˆn\ in kjv@Ephesians:2:18|), to present us to God on the basis of his atoning death for us, which has opened the way (Romans:3:25; kjv@Hebrews:10:19f|.) {Being put to death in the flesh} (\thanat“theis men sarki\). First aorist passive participle of \thanato“\, old verb (from \thanatos\ death), to put to death. \Sarki\ is locative case of \sarx\. {But quickened in the spirit} (\z“opoiˆtheis de pneumati\). First aorist passive participle of \z“opoie“\ rare (Aristotle) verb (from \z“opoios\ making alive), to make alive. The participles are not antecedent to \apethanen\, but simultaneous with it. There is no such construction as the participle of subsequent action. The spirit of Christ did not die when his flesh did, but "was endued with new and greater powers of life" (Thayer). See kjv@1Corinthians:15:22| for the use of the verb for the resurrection of the body. But the use of the word \pneumati\ (locative case) in contrast with \sarki\...way of illustration that runs from ...19-22|. The following verses have caused more controversy than anything in the Epistle.
rwp@1Thessalonians:1:6 @{Imitators of us and of the Lord} (\mimˆtai hˆm“n kai tou kuriou\). \Mimˆtˆs\ (\-tˆs\ expresses the agent) is from \mimeomai\, to imitate and that from \mimos\ (\mimic\, actor). Old word, more than "followers," in the N.T. only six times (1Thessalonians:1:6; 2:14; kjv@1Corinthians:4:16; 11:1; kjv@Ephesians:5:1; kjv@Hebrews:6:12|). Again Paul uses \ginomai\, to become, not \eimi\, to be. It is a daring thing to expect people to "imitate" the preacher, but Paul adds "and of the Lord," for he only expected or desired "imitation" as he himself imitated the Lord Jesus, as he expressly says in kjv@1Corinthians:11:1|. The peril of it all is that people so easily and so readily imitate the preacher when he does not imitate the Lord. The fact of the "election" of the Thessalonians was shown by the character of the message given them and by this sincere acceptance of it (Lightfoot). {Having received the word} (\dexamenoi ton logon\). First aorist middle participle of \dechomai\, probably simultaneous action (receiving), not antecedent. {In much affliction} (\en thlipsei pollˆi\). Late word, pressure. Tribulation (Latin _tribulum_) from \thlib“\, to press hard on. Christianity has glorified this word. It occurs in some Christian papyrus letters in this same sense. Runs all through the N.T. (2Thessalonians:1:4; kjv@Romans:5:3|). Paul had his share of them (Colossians:1:24; kjv@2Corinthians:2:4|) and so he understands how to sympathize with the Thessalonians (1Thessalonians:3:3f.|). They suffered after Paul left Thessalonica (1Thessalonians:2:14|). {With joy of the Holy Spirit} (\meta charas pneumatos hagiou\). The Holy Spirit gives the joy in the midst of the tribulations as Paul learned (Romans:5:3|). "This paradox of experience" (Moffatt) shines along the pathway of martyrs and saints of Christ.
rwp@2Corinthians:2:14 @{But thanks be unto God} (\t“i de the“i charis\). Sudden outburst of gratitude in contrast to the previous dejection in Troas. Surely a new paragraph should begin here. In point of fact Paul makes a long digression from here to 6:10| on the subject of the Glory of the Christian Ministry as Bachmann points out in his _Kommentar_ (p. 124), only he runs it from 2:12-7:1| (_Aus der Tiefe in die Hohe_, Out of the Depths to the Heights). We can be grateful for this emotional outburst, Paul's rebound of joy on meeting Titus in Macedonia, for it has given the world the finest exposition of all sides of the Christian ministry in existence, one that reveals the wealth of Paul's nature and his mature grasp of the great things in service for Christ. See my _The Glory of the Ministry (An Exposition of II Cor. 2:12-6:10_). {Always} (\pantote\). The sense of present triumph has blotted out the gloom at Troas. {Leadeth in triumph} (\thriambeuonti\). Late common _Koin‚_ word from \thriambos\ (Latin _triumphus_, a hymn sung in festal processions to Bacchus). Verbs in \-eu“\ (like \mathˆteu“\, to make disciples) may be causative, but no example of \thriambeu“\ has been found with this meaning. It is always to lead in triumph, in papyri sometimes to make a show of. Picture here is of Paul as captive in God's triumphal procession. {The savour} (\tˆn osmˆn\). In a Roman triumph garlands of flowers scattered sweet odour and incense bearers dispensed perfumes. The knowledge of God is here the aroma which Paul had scattered like an incense bearer.
rwp@Info_2Peter @ THE RESEMBLANCE TO THE EPISTLE OF JUDE This is undoubted, particularly between Jude:and the second chapter of II Peter. Kuhl argues that kjv@2Peter:2:1-3:2|...though the same style runs through ...(Bigg). In II Peter 2 we have the fallen angels, the flood, the cities of the plain with Lot, Balaam. In Jude:we have Israel in the wilderness, the fallen angels, the cities of the plain (with no mention of Lot, Cain, Balaam, Korah). Jude:mentions the dispute between Michael and Satan, quotes Enoch by name. There is rather more freshness in Jude:than in II Peter, though II Peter is more intelligible. Evidently one had the other before him, besides other material. Which is the earlier? There is no way to decide this point clearly. Every point is looked at differently and argued differently by different writers. My own feeling is that Jude:was before (just before) II Peter, though it is only a feeling and not a conviction.
rwp@Acts:9:11 @{To the street} (\epi tˆn rhumˆn\). See on ¯Luke:14:21|. A run way (from \rhe“\, to run) between the houses. Songs:were the narrow lanes or alleys called streets and finally in later Greek the word is applied to streets even when broad. {Straight} (\eutheian\). Most of the city lanes were crooked like the streets of Boston (old cow-paths, people say)...but this one still runs "in ...(Vincent). Since the ancients usually rebuilt on the same sites, it is probable that the line of the street of that name today is the same, though the actual level has been much raised. Hence the identification of the house of Ananias and the house of Judas are very precarious.
rwp@Acts:10:14 @{Not so, Lord} (\Mˆdam“s, kurie\). The negative \mˆdam“s\ calls for the optative \eiˆ\ (may it not be) or the imperative \est“\ (let it be). It is not \oudam“s\, a blunt refusal (I shall not do it). And yet it is more than a mild protest as Page and Furneaux argue. It is a polite refusal with a reason given. Peter recognizes the invitation to slay (\thuson\) the unclean animals as from the Lord (\kurie\) but declines it three times. {For I have never eaten anything} (\hoti oudepote ephagon pan\). Second aorist active indicative, I never did anything like this and I shall not do it now. The use of \pan\ (everything) with \oudepote\ (never) is like the Hebrew (_lo--k“l_) though a like idiom appears in the vernacular _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 752). {Common and unclean} (\koinon kai akatharton\). \Koinos\ from epic \xunos\ (\xun, sun\, together with) originally meant common to several (Latin _communis_) as in kjv@Acts:2:44; 4:32; kjv@Titus:1:4; kjv@Jude:1:3|. The use seen here (also kjv@Mark:7:2,5; kjv@Romans:14:14; kjv@Hebrews:10:29; kjv@Revelation:21:27; kjv@Acts:10:28; 11:8|), like Latin _vulgaris_ is unknown in ancient Greek. Here the idea is made plain by the addition of \akatharton\ (unclean), ceremonially unclean, of course. We have the same double use in our word "common." See on ¯Mark:7:18f.| where Mark adds the remarkable participle \kathariz“n\ (making all meats clean)...even from the Lord runs against ...
rwp@Acts:11:19 @{They therefore that were scattered abroad} (\hoi men oun diasparentes\). Precisely the same words used in 8:4| about those scattered by Saul (which see) and a direct reference to it is made by the next words, "upon the tribulation that arose about Stephen" (\apo tˆs thlipse“s tˆs genomenˆs epi Stephan“i\). As a result of (\apo\), in the case of (\epi\)...persecution by Saul and runs a ...{Except to Jews only} (\ei mˆ monon Ioudaiois\). Clearly these disciples did not know anything about the events in Caesarea and at first their flight preceded that time. But it was a wonderful episode, the eager and loyal preaching of the fleeing disciples. The culmination in Antioch was probably after the report of Peter about Caesarea. This Antioch by the Orontes was founded 300 B.C. by Seleucus Nicator and was one of five cities so named by the Seleucides. It became the metropolis of Syria though the Arabs held Damascus first. Antioch ranked next to Rome and Alexandria in size, wealth, power, and vice. There were many Jews in the cosmopolitan population of half a million. It was destined to supplant Jerusalem as the centre of Christian activity.
rwp@Acts:13:19 @{When he had destroyed} (\kathel“n\). Second aorist active participle of \kathaire“\, to tear down, old verb. {He gave them for an inheritance} (\kateklˆronomˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of the double compound verb \kata-klˆro-nome“\, late verb in LXX (Numbers:34:18; kjv@Deuteronomy:3:28; kjv@Joshua:14:1|) and only here in the N.T., to distribute by lot, to distribute as an inheritance. This is the correct reading and not \kateklˆrodotˆsen\ from \kataklˆrodote“\ of the Textus Receptus. These two verbs were confused in the MSS. of the LXX as well as here. {For about four hundred and fifty years} (\h“s etesin tetrakosiois kai pentˆkonta\). Associative instrumental case with an expression of time as in 8:11; kjv@Luke:8:29| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 527). The oldest MSS. (Aleph A B C Vg Sah Boh) place these figures before "after these things" and so in verse 19|. This is the true reading and is in agreement with the notation in kjv@1Kings:6:1|. The difficulty found in the Textus Receptus (King James Version)...hundred and fifty years runs therefore ...¯Acts:7:6|.
rwp@Acts:15:15 @{To this agree} (\tout“i sumph“nousin\). Associative instrumental case (\tout“i\) after \sumph“nousin\ (voice together with, symphony with, harmonize with), from \sumph“ne“\, old verb seen already in kjv@Matthew:18:19; kjv@Luke:5:36; kjv@Acts:5:9| which see. James cites only kjv@Amos:9:11,12| from the LXX as an example of "the words of the prophets" (\hoi logoi t“n prophˆt“n\)...The somewhat free quotation runs here ...16-18| of kjv@Acts:15| and is exceedingly pertinent. The Jewish rabbis often failed to understand the prophets as Jesus showed. The passage in Amos refers primarily to the restoration of the Davidic empire, but also the Messiah's Kingdom (the throne of David his father," kjv@Luke:1:32|).
rwp@Acts:17:26 @{And he made of one} (\epoiˆsen te ex henos\). The word \haimatos\ (blood)...the Creator. This view runs counter ...(the Jews were \laos\, the Gentiles \ethnˆ\). The cosmopolitanism of Paul here rises above Jew and Greek and claims the one God as the Creator of the one race of men. The Athenians themselves claimed to be \antochthonous\ (indigenous) and a special creation. Zeno and Seneca did teach a kind of cosmopolitanism (really pantheism) far different from the personal God of Paul. It was Rome, not Greece, that carried out the moral ideas of Zeno. Man is part of the universe (verse 24|) and God created (\epoiˆsen\) man as he created (\poiˆsas\) the all. {For to dwell} (\katoikein\). Infinitive (present active) of purpose, so as to dwell. {Having determined} (\horisas\). First aorist active participle of \horiz“\, old verb to make a horizon as already in 19:42| which see. Paul here touches God's Providence. God has revealed himself in history as in creation. His hand appears in the history of all men as well as in that of the Chosen People of Israel. {Appointed seasons} (\prostetagmenous kairous\). Not the weather as in 14:17|, but "the times of the Gentiles" (\kairoi ethn“n\) of which Jesus spoke (Luke:21:24|). The perfect passive participle of \prostass“\, old verb to enjoin, emphasizes God's control of human history without any denial of human free agency as was involved in the Stoic Fate (\Heirmarmenˆ\). {Bounds} (\horothesias\). Limits? Same idea in kjv@Job:12:23|. Nations rise and fall, but it is not blind chance or hard fate. Thus there is an interplay between God's will and man's activities, difficult as it is for us to see with our shortened vision.
rwp@Acts:19:27 @{This our trade} (\touto to meros\). Part, share, task, job, trade. {Come into disrepute} (\eis apelegmon elthein\). Not in the old writers, but in LXX and _Koin‚_. Literally, reputation, exposure, censure, rejection after examination, and so disrepute. Their business of making gods would lose caste as the liquor trade (still called the trade in England) has done in our day. They felt this keenly and so Demetrius names it first. They felt it in their pockets. {Of the great goddess Artemis} (\tˆs megalˆs theas Artemidos\). She was generally known as the Great (\hˆ Megalˆ\). An inscription found at Ephesus calls her "the greatest god" (\hˆ megistˆ theos\). The priests were eunuchs and there were virgin priestesses and a lower order of slaves known as temple-sweepers (\ne“koroi\, verse 35|). They had wild orgiastic exercises that were disgraceful with their Corybantic processions and revelries. {Be made of no account} (\eis outhen logisthˆnai\). Be reckoned as nothing, first aorist passive infinitive of \logizomai\ and \eis\. {Should even be deposed of her magnificence} (\mellein te kai kathaireisthai tˆs megaleiotˆtos autˆs\). Note the present infinitive after \mellein\, ablative case (so best MSS.) after \kathaire“\, to take down, to depose, to deprive of. The word \megaleiotˆs\ occurs also in kjv@Luke:9:43| (the majesty of God) and in kjv@2Peter:1:16| of the transfiguration of Christ. It is already in the LXX and Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 363)...thinks that the word runs parallel ...-cult. {All Asia and the world} \holˆ (hˆ) Asia kai (hˆ) oikoumenˆ\. See 11:28| for same use of \oikoumenˆ\. An exaggeration, to be sure, but Pausanias says that no deity was more widely worshipped. Temples of Artemis have been found in Spain and Gaul. _Multitudo errantium non efficit veritatem_ (Bengel). Even today heathenism has more followers than Christianity. To think that all this splendour was being set at naught by one man and a despised Jew at that!
rwp@Acts:23:1 @{Looking steadfastly} (\atenisas\). See on this word 1:10; 3:12; 6:15; 7:55; 13:9|. Paul may have had weak eyes, but probably the earnest gaze was to see if he recognized any faces that were in the body that tried Stephen and to which he apparently once belonged. {I have lived before God} (\pepoliteumai t“i the“i\). Perfect middle indicative of \politeu“\, old verb to manage affairs of city (\polis\) or state, to be a citizen, behave as a citizen. In the N.T. only here and kjv@Phillipians:1:27|. The idea of citizenship was Greek and Roman, not Jewish. "He had lived as God's citizen, as a member of God's commonwealth" (Rackham). God (\the“i\) is the dative of personal interest. As God looked at it and in his relation to God. {In all good conscience unto this day} (\pasˆi suneidˆsei agathˆi achri tautˆs tˆs hˆmeras\). This claim seems to lack tact, but for brevity's sake Paul sums up a whole speech in it. He may have said much more than Luke here reports along the line of his speech the day before, but Paul did not make this claim without consideration. It appears to contradict his confession as the chief of sinners (1Timothy:1:13-16|). But that depends on one's interpretation of "good conscience." The word \suneidˆsis\ is literally "joint-knowledge" in Greek, Latin (_conscientia_) and English "conscience" from the Latin. It is a late word from \sunoida\, to know together, common in O.T., Apocrypha, Philo, Plutarch, New Testament, Stoics, ecclesiastical writers. In itself the word simply means consciousness of one's own thoughts (Hebrews:10:2|), or of one's own self, then consciousness of the distinction between right and wrong (Romans:2:15|) with approval or disapproval. But the conscience is not an infallible guide and acts according to the light that it has (1Corinthians:8:7,10; kjv@1Peter:2:19|). The conscience can be contaminated (Hebrews:10:22|, evil \ponˆrƒs\). All this and more must be borne in mind in trying to understand Paul's description of his motives as a persecutor. Alleviation of his guilt comes thereby, but not removal of guilt as he himself felt (1Timothy:1:13-16|). He means to say to the Sanhedrin that he persecuted Christians as a conscientious (though mistaken) Jew (Pharisee) just as he followed his conscience in turning from Judaism to Christianity. It is a pointed disclaimer against the charge that he is a renegade Jew, an opposer of the law, the people, the temple. Paul addresses the Sanhedrin as an equal and has no "apologies" (in our sense)...golden thread of consistency runs through, ...(1Peter:3:16|). The word does not occur in the Gospels and chiefly in Paul's Epistles, but we see it at work in kjv@John:8:9| (the interpolation 7:53-8:11|).
rwp@Acts:25:26 @{No certain thing} (\asphales ti--ou\). Nothing definite or reliable (\a\ privative, \sphall“\, to trip). All the charges of the Sanhedrin slipped away or were tripped up by Paul. Festus confesses that he had nothing left and thereby convicts himself of gross insincerity in his proposal to Paul in verse 9| about going up to Jerusalem. By his own statement he should have set Paul free. The various details here bear the marks of the eyewitness. Luke was surely present and witnessed this grand spectacle with Paul as chief performer. {Unto my lord} (\t“i kuri“i\). Augustus (Octavius) and Tiberius refused the title of \kurios\ (lord) as too much like _rex_ (king) and like master and slave, but the servility of the subjects gave it to the other emperors who accepted it (Nero among them). Antoninus Pius put it on his coins. Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 105) gives an ostracon dated Aug. 4, A.D. 63 with the words "in the year nine of Nero the lord" (\enatou Ner“nos tou kuriou\). Deissmann (_op. cit._, pp. 349ff.) runs a most interesting parallel "between the cult of Christ and the cult of Caesar in the application of the term \kurios\, lord" in ostraca, papyri, inscriptions. Beyond a doubt Paul has all this fully in mind when he says in kjv@1Corinthians:12:3| that "no one is able to say \Kurios Iˆsous\ except in the Holy Spirit" (cf. also kjv@Phillipians:2:11|). The Christians claimed this word for Christ and it became the test in the Roman persecutions as when Polycarp steadily refused to say " Lord Caesar" and insisted on saying "Lord Jesus" when it meant his certain death. {Before you} (\eph' hum“n\). The whole company. In no sense a new trial, but an examination in the presence of these prominent men to secure data and to furnish entertainment and pleasure to Agrippa (verse 22|). {Especially before thee} (\malista epi sou\). Out of courtesy. It was the main reason as verse 22| shows. Agrippa was a Jew and Festus was glad of the chance to see what he thought of Paul's case. {After examination had} (\tˆs anakrise“s genomenˆs\). Genitive absolute, "the examination having taken place." \Anakrisis\ from \anakrin“\ (cf. 12:19; 24:8; 28:18|) is a legal term for preliminary examination. Only here in the N.T. Inscriptions and papyri give it as examination of slaves or other property. {That I may have somewhat to write} (\hop“s sch“ ti graps“\). Ingressive aorist subjunctive \sch“\ (may get) with \hop“s\ (final particle like \hina\). \Ti graps“\ in indirect question after \sch“\ is either future indicative or aorist subjunctive (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1045). Festus makes it plain that this is not a "trial," but an examination for his convenience to help him out of a predicament.
rwp@Acts:27:5 @{When we had sailed across} (\diapleusantes\). First aorist active participle of \diaple“\ (another compound of \ple“\). {The sea which is off Cilicia and Pamphylia} (\to pelagos to kata tˆn Kilikian kai Pamphulian\). \Pelagos\ is properly the high sea as here. In kjv@Matthew:18:6| (which see)...the N.T. The current runs westward ...{We came to Myra of Lycia} (\katˆlthamen eis Murra tˆs Lukias\). Literally, "We came down." This town was two and a half miles from the coast of Lycia. The port Andriace had a fine harbour and did a large grain business. No disciples are mentioned here nor at Lasea, Melita, Syracuse, Rhegium.
rwp@Ephesians:1:22 @{He put all things in subjection} (\panta hupetaxen\). First aorist active indicative of \hupotass“\, quoted from kjv@Psalms:8:7| as in kjv@1Corinthians:15:27|. {Gave him to be head} (\auton ed“ken kephalˆn\). {Gave} (\ed“ken\, first aorist active indicative of \did“mi\) to the church (the universal spiritual church or kingdom as in kjv@Colossians:1:18,24|) Christ as Head (\kephalˆn\, predicate accusative). This conception of \ekklˆsia\ runs all through Ephesians (3:10,21; 5:23,24,25,27,29,32|).
rwp@Ephesians:3:11 @{According to the eternal purpose} (\kata prothesin t“n ai“n“n\). "According to the purpose (1:11|)...the ages." God's purpose runs on ...
rwp@Info_Epistles-Pastorial @ Objections on internal grounds are made on the lines laid down by Baur and followed by Renan. They are chiefly four. The "most decisive" as argued by McGiffert (_History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age_, p. 402) is that "the Christianity of the Pastoral Epistles is not the Christianity of Paul." He means as we know Paul in the other Epistles. But this charge is untrue. It is true that Paul here lists faith with the virtues, but he does that in kjv@Galatians:5:22|. Nowhere does Paul give a loftier word about faith than in kjv@1Timothy:1:12-17|. Another objection urged is that the ecclesiastical organization seen in the Pastoral Epistles belongs to the second century, not to the time of Paul's life. Now we have the Epistles of Ignatius in the early part of the second century in which "bishop" is placed over "elders" of which there is no trace in the New Testament (Lightfoot). A forger in the second century would certainly have reproduced the ecclesiastical organization of that century instead of the first as we have it in the Pastoral Epistles. There is only here the normal development of bishop (=elder) and deacon. A third objection is made on the ground that there is no room in Paul's life as we know it in the Acts and the other Pauline Epistles for the events alluded to in the Pastoral Epistles and it is also argued on late and inconclusive testimony that Paul was put to death A.D. 64 and had only one Roman imprisonment. If Paul was executed A.D. 64, this objection has force in it, though Bartlet (_The Apostolic Age_) tries to make room for them in the period covered by the Acts. Duncan makes the same attempt for the Pauline scraps admitted by him as belonging to the hypothecated imprisonment in Ephesus. But, if we admit the release of Paul from the first Roman imprisonment, there is ample room before his execution in A.D. 68 for the events referred to in the Pastoral Epistles and the writing of the letters (his going east to Ephesus, Macedonia, to Crete, to Troas, to Corinth, to Miletus, to Nicopolis, to Rome), including the visit to Spain before Crete once planned for (Romans:15:24,28|) and mentioned by Clement of Rome as a fact ("the limit of the west"). The fourth objection is that of the language in the Pastoral Epistles. Probably more men are influenced by this argument than by any other. The ablest presentation of this difficulty is made by P. N. Harrison in _The Problem of the Pastoral Epistles_ (1921). Besides the arguments Dr. Harrison has printed the Greek text in a fashion to help the eye see the facts. Words not in the other Pauline Epistles are in red, Pauline phrases (from the other ten) are underlined, _hapax legomena_ are marked by an asterisk. At a superficial glance one can see that the words here not in the other Pauline Epistles and the common Pauline phrases are about equal. The data as to mere words are broadly as follows according to Harrison: Words in the Pastorals, not elsewhere in the N.T. (Pastoral _hapax legomena_) 175 (168 according to Rutherford); words in the other ten Pauline Epistles not elsewhere in the N.T. 470 (627 according to Rutherford). Variations in MSS. will account for some of the difficulty of counting. Clearly there is a larger proportion of new words in the Pastorals (about twice as many) than in the other Pauline Epistles. But Harrison's tables show remarkable differences in the other Epistles also. The average of such words per page in Romans is 4, but 5.6 in II Corinthians, 6.2 in Philippians, and only 4 in Philemon. Parry (_Comm._, p. CXVIII)...the same style clearly runs through ...
rwp@Info_Hebrews @ THE PICTURE OF CHRIST At once we are challenged by the bold stand taken by the author concerning the Person of Christ as superior to the prophets of the Old Testament because he is the Son of God through whom God has spoken in the new dispensation (Hebrews:1:1-3|), this Son who is God's Agent in the work of creation and of grace as we see it stated in kjv@Phillipians:2:5-11; kjv@Colossians:1:13-20; kjv@John:1:1-18|. This high doctrine of Jesus as God's Son with the glory and stamp of God's nature is never lowered, for as God's Son he is superior to angels (Hebrews:1:4-2:4|), though the humanity of Jesus is recognized as one proof of the glory of Jesus (Hebrews:2:5-18|). Jesus is shown to be superior to Moses as God's Son over God's house (Hebrews:3:1-4:13|), But the chief portion of the Epistle is devoted to the superiority of Jesus Christ as priest to the work of Aaron and the whole Levitical line (Hebrews:4:14-12:3|). Here the author with consummate skill, though with rabbinical refinements at times, shows that Jesus is like Melchizedek and so superior to Aaron (Hebrews:4:14-7:28|), works under a better covenant of grace (Hebrews:8:1-13|), works in a better sanctuary which is in heaven (Hebrews:9:1-12|), offers a better sacrifice which is his own blood (Hebrews:9:13-10:18|), and gives us better promises for the fulfilment of his task (Hebrews:10:19-12:3|). Hence this Epistle deserves to be called the Epistle of the Priesthood of Christ. Songs:W. P. Du Bose calls his exposition of the book, _High Priesthood and Sacrifice_ (1908)...Advocate with the Father runs all ...(Mark:10:46; kjv@Matthew:20:28; kjv@John:10:17; kjv@Matthew:26:28; kjv@Romans:8:32; kjv@1Peter:1:18f.; kjv@1John:2:1f.; kjv@Revelation:5:9|, etc.). But it is in Hebrews that we have the full-...The Glory of Jesus runs through ...
rwp@Hebrews:3:1 @{Holy brethren} (\adelphoi hagioi\). Only here in N.T., for \hagiois\ in kjv@1Thessalonians:5:27| only in late MSS. See kjv@Hebrews:2:11| for same idea. First time the author makes direct appeal to the readers, though first person in 2:1|. {Partakers} (\metochoi\). See kjv@Luke:5:7| for "partners" in the fishing, elsewhere in N.T. only in Hebrews (1:9; 6:4; 12:8|) in N.T. {Of a heavenly calling} (\klˆse“s epouraniou\). Only here in the N.T., though same idea in 9:15|. See \hˆ an“ klˆsis\ in kjv@Phillipians:3:14| (the upward calling). The call comes from heaven and is to heaven in its appeal. {Consider} (\katanoˆsate\). First aorist active imperative of \katanoe“\, old compound verb (\kata, nous\), to put the mind down on a thing, to fix the mind on as in kjv@Matthew:7:3; kjv@Luke:12:24|. {Even Jesus} (\Iˆsoun\). No "even" in the Greek, just like the idiom in 2:9|, the human name held up with pride. {The Apostle and High Priest of our confession} (\ton apostolon kai archierea tˆs homologias hˆm“n\). In descriptive apposition with \Iˆsoun\ and note the single article \ton\. This is the only time in the N.T. that Jesus is called \apostolos\, though he often used \apostell“\ of God's sending him forth as in kjv@John:17:3| (\apesteilas\). This verb is used of Moses as sent by God (Exodus:3:10|). Moffatt notes that \apostolos\ is Ionic for \presbeutˆs\, "not a mere envoy, but an ambassador or representative sent with powers." The author has already termed Jesus high priest (2:17|). For \homologia\ (confession) see kjv@2Corinthians:9:13; kjv@1Timothy:6:12|...him up. The word runs through ...(4:14; 10:23|). See \homologe“\ (\homon\, same, \leg“\, say), to say the same thing, to agree, to confess, to profess.
rwp@Hebrews:3:6 @{Whose house are we} (\hou oikos esmen hˆmeis\). We Christians (Jew and Gentile) looked at as a whole, not as a local organization. {If we hold fast} (\ean katasch“men\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and second aorist (effective) active subjunctive of \katech“\...of contingency and doubt runs all ...{Boldness} (\parrˆsian\) {and glorying} (\kai kauchˆma\) some had lost. The author makes no effort to reconcile this warning with God's elective purpose. He is not exhorting God, but these wavering Christians. All these are Pauline words. B does not have \mechri telous bebaian\ (firm unto the end), but it is clearly genuine in verse 14|. He pleads for intelligent confidence.
rwp@Hebrews:4:14 @{A great high priest} (\archierea megan\). The author now takes up the main argument of the Epistle, already alluded to in 1:3; 2:17f.; 3:1|, the priestly work of Jesus as superior to that of the Levitical line (4:14-12:3|). Jesus is superior to the prophets (1:1-3|), to angels (1:4-2:18|), to Moses (3:1-4:13|), he has already shown. Here he only terms Jesus "great" as high priest (a frequent adjective with high priest in Philo) but the superiority comes out as he proceeds. {Who hath passed through the heavens} (\dielˆluthota tous ouranous\). Perfect active participle of \dierchomai\, state of completion. Jesus has passed through the upper heavens up to the throne of God (1:3|) where he performs his function as our high priest. This idea will be developed later (6:19f.; 7:26-28; 9:11f.,24f.|). {Jesus the Son of God} (\Iˆsoun ton huion tou theou\). The human name linked with his deity, clinching the argument already made (1:1-4:13|). {Let us hold fast our confession} (\krat“men tˆs homologias\). Present active volitive subjunctive of \krate“\, old verb (from \kratos\, power), with genitive to cling to tenaciously as here and 6:18| and also with the accusative (2Thessalonians:2:15; kjv@Colossians:2:19|)...holding fast." This keynote runs all ...(3:1|) of Christ already made. Before making the five points of Christ's superior priestly work (better priest than Aaron, 5:1-7:25|; under a better covenant, 8:1-13|; in a better sanctuary, 9:1-12|; offering a better sacrifice, 9:13-10:18|; based on better promises, 10:19-12:3|), the author gives a double exhortation (4:14-16|) like that in 2:1-4| to hold fast to the high priest (14f.|) and to make use of him (16|).
rwp@Hebrews:7:21 @{Have been made} (\eisin gegonotes\). Periphrastic perfect active indicative of \ginomai\ (perfect active participle of \ginomai\) and then \eisin\. The parenthesis runs from \hoi men gar\ (for they) to \eis ton ai“na\ (for ever, end of verse 21|). {But he with an oath} (\ho de meta hork“mosias\). Positive statement in place of the negative one in verse 20|.
rwp@John:3:13 @{But he that descended out of heaven} (\ei mˆ ho ek tou ouranou katabas\). The Incarnation of the Pre-...high conception of Christ runs all ...{Which is in heaven} (\ho “n en t“i ouran“i\). This phrase is added by some manuscripts, not by Aleph B L W 33, and, if genuine, would merely emphasize the timeless existence of God's Son who is in heaven even while on earth. Probably a gloss. But "the Son of man" is genuine. He is the one who has come down out of heaven.
rwp@Luke:7:18 @{And the disciples of John told him} (\kai apˆggeilan I“anˆi hoi mathˆtai autou\). Literally, and his disciples announced to John. Such news (verse 17|) was bound to come to the ears of the Baptist languishing in the dungeon of Machaerus (Luke:3:20|). kjv@Luke:7:18-35| runs parallel with kjv@Matthew:11:2-19|, a specimen of Q, the non-Marcan portion of Matthew and Luke.
rwp@Mark:13:5 @{Take need that no man lead you astray} (\Blepete mˆ tis h–mƒs planˆsˆi\). Same words in kjv@Matthew:24:4|. kjv@Luke:21:8| has it "that ye be not led astray" (\mˆ planˆthˆte\). This word \plana“\ (our _planet_)...bold one. This warning runs through ...¯Matthew:24:5|. It is amazing the success that these charlatans have through the ages in winning the empty-pated to their hare-brained views. Only this morning as I am writing a prominent English psychologist has challenged the world to a radio communication with Mars asserting that he has made frequent trips to Mars and communicated with its alleged inhabitants. And the daily papers put his ebullitions on the front page. For discussion of the details in verses 6-8| see on ¯Matthew:24:5-8|. All through the ages in spite of the words of Jesus men have sought to apply the picture here drawn to the particular calamity in their time.
rwp@Matthew:24:4 @{Lead you astray} (\h–mƒs planˆsˆi\). This warning runs all through the discourse. It is amazing how successful deceivers have been through the ages with their eschatological programs. The word in the passive appears in 18:12| when the one sheep wanders astray. Here it is the active voice with the causative sense to lead astray. Our word planet comes from this root.
rwp@Revelation:5:9 @{They sing} (\ƒidousin\). Present active indicative of \ƒid“\. Old verb, to chant with lyrical emotion (Colossians:3:16|). {A new song} (\“idˆn kainˆn\). Cognate accusative for \oide\ (\“idˆ\, song) is \ƒoide\ from \ƒeid“\, that is \ƒid“\ (the verb used), old word already used (Colossians:3:16; kjv@Ephesians:5:19|), called \kainˆn\ because a fresh song for new mercies (Isaiah:42:10; kjv@Psalms:33:3; 40:3|, etc.), here in praise of redemption to Christ (14:3|) like the new name (2:17; 3:12|), the new Jerusalem (3:12; 21:2|), the new heaven and the new earth (21:1|), not the old song of creation (4:8,11|) to God. {For thou wast slain} (\hoti esphagˆs\). Second aorist passive indicative of \sphaz“\. \Agoraz“\ used by Paul and Peter of our purchase from sin by Christ (1Corinthians:6:20; 7:23; kjv@Galatians:3:13; 4:5; kjv@2Peter:2:1|; cf. kjv@1Peter:1:18f.|). {Unto God} (\t“i the“i\). Dative case of advantage as also in verse 10|. {With thy blood} (\en t“i haimati sou\). Instrumental use of \en\ as in 1:5|...price of our redemption runs all ...(4:11|) as the Father does. {Men of every} (\ek pasˆs\). No \anthr“pous\ (men) or \tinas\ (some) before \ek\ in the Greek. See a like ellipsis in 11:9| with a like grouping of words for all mankind, representatives of all races and nations (7:9; 13:7; 14:6|).
rwp@Romans:8:28 @{All things work together} (\panta sunergei\). A B have \ho theos\ as the subject of \sunergei\ (old verb, see on ¯1Corinthians:16:16; kjv@2Corinthians:6:1|). That is the idea anyhow. It is God who makes "all things work together" in our lives "for good" (\eis agathon\), ultimate good. {According to his purpose} (\kata prothesin\). Old word, seen already in kjv@Acts:27:13| and for "shewbread" in kjv@Matthew:12:4|. The verb \protithˆmi\ Paul uses in 3:24|...and through it all runs God's ...(9:11; 3:11; kjv@2Timothy:1:9|).
rwp@Romans:16:26 @{But now is manifested} (\phaner“thentos de nun\). First aorist passive participle of \phanero“\, to make plain, genitive case in agreement with \mustˆriou\. {By the scriptures of the prophets} (\dia graph“n prophˆtik“n\). "By prophetic scriptures." Witnessed by the law and the prophets (3:21|). This thread runs all through Romans. {According to the command of the eternal God} (\kat' epitagˆn tou ai“niou theou\). Paul conceives that God is in charge of the redemptive work and gives his orders (1:1-5; 10:15f.|). The same adjective \ai“nios\ is here applied to God that is used of eternal life and eternal punishment in kjv@Matthew:25:46|. {Unto obedience of faith} (\eis hupakoˆn tˆs piste“s\). See 1:5|. {Made known unto all the nations} (\eis panta ta ethnˆ gn“risthentos\). First aorist passive participle of \gn“riz“\, still the genitive case agreeing with \mustˆriou\ in verse 25|.
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