CONCORDANCE:String = sounde
geneva@Exodus:19:16 @...the mount, and the sounde of ...
geneva@1Chronicles:15:19 @...fingers to make a sounde with ...
geneva@1Chronicles:15:28 @...couenant with shouting and sounde of ...
geneva@Job:15:21 ...A sounde of ...
geneva@Proverbs:14:30 ...A sounde heart ...
geneva@Jeremiah:4:21 @...standert, and heare the sounde of ...
geneva@Jeremiah:25:31 ...The sounde shall ...
geneva@Jeremiah:42:14 @...warre, nor heare the sounde of ...
geneva@Jeremiah:51:55 @...great waters, and a sounde was ...
geneva@Ezekiel:26:13 @...will I cause the sounde of ...
geneva@Ezekiel:26:15 @...yles tremble at the sounde of ...
geneva@Ezekiel:33:4 @...hee that heareth the sounde of ...
geneva@Daniel:3:10 @...that shall heare the sounde of ...
geneva@Acts:2:2 @...suddenly there came a sounde from ...
geneva@Hebrews:12:19 ...Neither vnto the sounde of ...
geneva@Revelation:1:15 @...his voyce as the sounde of ...
geneva@Tob:17:18 @ {\...that roared, or the sounde that ...}
geneva@Sir:17:28 @ {\...and he that is sounde of ...}
geneva@Sir:22:7 @ {\cf2 Who so teacheth a foole, is as one that gleweth a potsheard together, &...that sleepeth, from a sounde... sleepe.}
geneva@Sir:40:13 @ {\...they shall make a sounde like ...}
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