CONCORDANCE:String = spies
rwp@1Peter:4:15 @{Let no one of you suffer} (\mˆ tis hum“n paschet“\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and present active imperative (habit prohibited). {As} (\h“s\). Charged as and being so. Two specific crimes (murderer, thief) and one general phrase (\kakopoios\, evildoer, kjv@1Peter:2:12,14|), and one unusual term \allotriepiscopos\ (a meddler in other men's matters). Note \ˆ h“s\ (or as) = or "also only as" (Wohlenberg). The word was apparently coined by Peter (occurring elsewhere only in Dionys. Areop. and late eccles. writers) from \allotrios\ (belonging to another, kjv@2Corinthians:10:15|) and \episkopos\, overseer, inspector, kjv@1Peter:2:25|) apparently one who spies out ...(_Bible Studies_, p. 224) gives a second-century papyrus with \allotri“n epithumˆtˆs\ a _speculator alienorum_. Epictetus has a like idea (iii. 22. 97). Biggs takes it to refer to "things forbidden." Clement of Alexandria tells of a disciple of the Apostle John who became a bandit chief. Ramsay (_Church in the Roman Empire_, pp. 293, 348) thinks the word refers to breaking up family relationships. Hart refers us to the gadders-about in kjv@1Thessalonians:4:11; kjv@2Thessalonians:3:11| and women as gossipers in kjv@1Thessalonians:5:13|. It is interesting to note also that \episkopos\ here is the word for "bishop" and so suggests also preachers meddling in the work of other preachers.
rwp@Acts:9:25 @{Through the wall} (\dia tou teichous\). Paul in kjv@2Corinthians:11:33| explains \dia tou teichous\ as being \dia thuridos\ (through a window) which opened into the house on the inside of the wall as is true today in Damascus as Hackett saw there. See kjv@Joshua:2:15f.| (cf. kjv@1Samuel:19:12|)...Rahab let out the spies "by ...{Lowering him} (\auton chalasantes\). First aorist active participle of \chala“\, old and common verb in a nautical sense (Acts:27:17,30|) as well as otherwise as here. Same verb used by Paul of this experience (2Corinthians:11:33|). {In a basket} (\en sphuridi\). The word used when the four thousand were fed (Mark:8:8; kjv@Matthew:15:37|). A large basket plaited of reeds and distinguished in kjv@Mark:8:19f.| (Matthew:16:9f.|) from the smaller \kophinos\. Paul uses \sarganˆ\, a basket made of ropes. This escape by night by the help of the men whom he had come to destroy was a shameful memory to Paul (2Corinthians:11:33|). Wendt thinks that the coincidences in language here prove that Luke had read II Corinthians. That, of course, is quite possible.
rwp@Hebrews:11:31 @{Having received the spies with peace} (\dexamenˆ tous kataskopous met' eirˆnˆs\). First aorist middle participle of \dechomai\, to welcome (Luke:10:8,10|). \Kataskopos\ is an old compound (\kataskope“\, kjv@Galatians:2:4|), used of scout or spy, in LXX, here only in N.T.
rwp@Luke:6:8 @{But he knew their thoughts} (\autos de ˆidei tous dialogismous aut“n\). In Luke alone. Imperfect in sense, second past perfect in form \ˆidei\ from \oida\ contrast to these spies... (Plummer), read their intellectual processes like an open book. {His hand withered} (\xˆran tˆn cheira\). Predicate position of the adjective. Songs:in kjv@Mark:3:3|. {Stand forth} (\stˆthi\). Luke alone has this verb, second aorist active imperative. kjv@Mark:3:3| has {Arise into the midst} (\egeire eis to meson\). Luke has {Arise and step forth into the midst} (\egeire kai stˆthi eis to meson\). Christ worked right out in the open where all could see. It was a moment of excitement when the man stepped forth (\estˆ\) there before them all.
rwp@Luke:20:20 @{They watched him} (\paratˆrˆsantes\). First aorist active participle of \paratˆre“\, a common Greek verb to watch on the side or insidiously or with evil intent as in kjv@Luke:6:7| (\paretˆrounto\) of the scribes and Pharisees. See on ¯Mark:3:2|. There is no "him" in the Greek. They were watching their chance. {Spies} (\enkathetous\). An old verbal adjective from \enkathiˆmi\, to send down in or secretly. It means liers in wait who are suborned to spy out, one who is hired to trap one by crafty words. Only here in the N.T. {Feigned themselves} (\hupokrinomenous heautous\). Hypocritically professing to be "righteous" (\dikaious\). "They posed as scrupulous persons with a difficulty of conscience" (Plummer). {That they might take hold of his speech} (\hina epilab“ntai autou logou\). Second aorist middle of \epilamban“\...the genitive case. These spies are ...(\hina\) catching hold of the talk of Jesus if they can get a grip anywhere. This is their direct purpose and the ultimate purpose or result is also stated, "so as to deliver him up" (\h“ste paradounai auton\). Second aorist active infinitive of \paradid“mi\, to hand over, to give from one's side to another. The trap is all set now and ready to be sprung by these "spies." {Of the governor} (\tou hˆgemonos\). The Sanhedrin knew that Pilate would have to condemn Jesus if he were put to death. Songs:then all their plans focus on this point as the goal. Luke alone mentions this item here.
rwp@Romans:6:16 @{His servants ye are whom ye obey} (\douloi este h“i hupakouete\)...profession may be, traitors, spies sometimes ...
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