CONCORDANCE:String = through
asv@Genesis:6:13 filled with violence through them; ...
asv@Genesis:12:6 @And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Shechem, unto the oak of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.
asv@Genesis:13:17 @Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for unto thee will I give it.
asv@Genesis:30:32 @I will pass through all thy flock to-day, removing from thence every speckled and spotted one, and every black one among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats: and of such shall be my hire.
asv@Genesis:41:36 @...the land perish not through the ...
asv@Exodus:10:15 @...herb of the field, through all ...
asv@Exodus:12:12 @For I will go through the land of Egypt in that night, and will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am Jehovah.
asv@Exodus:12:23 @For Jehovah will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side-posts, Jehovah will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.
asv@Exodus:14:24 of the Egyptians through the ...
asv@Exodus:19:21 @...people, lest they break through unto ...
asv@Exodus:19:24 @...and the people break through to ...
asv@Exodus:21:6 @then his master shall bring him unto God, and shall bring him to the door, or unto the door-...shall bore his ear through with ...
asv@Exodus:26:28 @...the boards shall pass through from ...
asv@Exodus:36:33 @...middle bar to pass through in ...
asv@Leviticus:18:21 make them pass through the ...
asv@Leviticus:26:6 @...shall the sword go through your ...
asv@Numbers:13:32 @...Israel, saying, The land, through which ...
asv@Numbers:14:7, which we passed through to ...
asv@Numbers:20:17 @...pass through field or through vineyard, ...
asv@Numbers:20:18 @...Thou shalt not pass through me, ...
asv@Numbers:20:19 @...doing anything else, pass through on ...
asv@Numbers:20:21 give Israel passage through his ...
asv@Numbers:21:22 @Let me pass through thy land: we will not turn aside into field, or into vineyard; we will not drink of the water of the wells: we will go by the king's highway, until we have passed thy border.
asv@Numbers:21:23 @...suffer Israel to pass through his ...
asv@Numbers:24:8 @God bringeth him forth out of Egypt; He hath as it were the strength of the wild-...pieces, And smite them through with ...
asv@Numbers:24:17 @...Israel, And shall smite through the ...
asv@Numbers:25:8 @...Israel, and the woman through her ...
asv@Numbers:31:16 @...the children of Israel, through the ...
asv@Numbers:31:23 @...shall make to go through the ...
asv@Numbers:33:8 @...before Hahiroth, and passed through the ...
asv@Deuteronomy:1:19 @...from Horeb, and went through all ...-country of the Amorites, as Jehovah our God commanded us; and we came to Kadesh-barnea.
asv@Deuteronomy:2:4 @...Ye are to pass through the ...
asv@Deuteronomy:2:7 @...hath known thy walking through this ...
asv@Deuteronomy:2:27 @Let me pass through thy land: I will go along by the highway, I will turn neither unto the right hand nor to the left.
asv@Deuteronomy:2:28 @...only let me pass through on ...
asv@Deuteronomy:8:15 @who led thee through the great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents and scorpions, and thirsty ground where was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint;
asv@Deuteronomy:9:26 @...that thou hast redeemed through thy ...
asv@Deuteronomy:15:17 @...awl, and thrust it through his ...-servant thou shalt do likewise.
asv@Deuteronomy:18:10 @...his daughter to pass through the ...
asv@Deuteronomy:29:16 @(...midst of the nations through which ...
asv@Deuteronomy:31:29 @...provoke him to anger through the ...
asv@Deuteronomy:32:47 your life, and through this ...
asv@Deuteronomy:33:11 @...of his hands: Smite through the ...
asv@Joshua:1:11 @Pass through the midst of the camp, and command the people, saying, Prepare you victuals; for within three days ye are to pass over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land, which Jehovah your God giveth you to possess it.
asv@Joshua:2:15 @...down by a cord through the ...
asv@Joshua:3:2 @...that the officers went through the ...
asv@Joshua:16:1 @...going up from Jericho through the ...-country to Beth-el;
asv@Joshua:18:4 @...shall arise, and walk through the ...
asv@Joshua:18:8 @...saying, Go and walk through the ...
asv@Joshua:18:9 went and passed through the ...
asv@Joshua:18:12 @...north, and went up through the ...-country westward; and the goings out thereof were at the wilderness of Beth-aven.
asv@Joshua:24:17 @...among all the peoples through the ...
asv@Judges:4:21 @Then Jael Heber's wife took a tent-...temples, and it pierced through into ...
asv@Judges:5:6 @...And the travellers walked through byways. ...
asv@Judges:5:26 @She put her hand to the tent-...she pierced and struck through his ...
asv@Judges:5:28 @...mother of Sisera cried through the ...
asv@Judges:11:16 @...Egypt, and Israel went through the ...
asv@Judges:11:17 @...I pray thee, pass through thy ...
asv@Judges:11:18 @Then they went through the wilderness, and went around the land of Edom, and the land of Moab, and came by the east side of the land of Moab, and they encamped on the other side of the Arnon; but they came not within the border of Moab, for the Arnon was the border of Moab.
asv@Judges:11:19 @...pass, we pray thee, through thy ...
asv@Judges:11:20 @...not Israel to pass through his ...
asv@Judges:20:12 @...of Israel sent men through all ...
asv@1Samuel:9:4 @And he passed through the hill-...not: and he passed through the ...
asv@1Samuel:19:12 @...Michal let David down through the ...
asv@1Samuel:31:4 @...come and thrust me through, and ...
asv@2Samuel:2:29 @...the Jordan, and went through all ...
asv@2Samuel:12:31 @...and made them pass through the ...
asv@2Samuel:18:14 @...hand, and thrust them through the ...
asv@2Samuel:19:17 @...him; and they went through the ...
asv@2Samuel:20:14 @And he went through all the tribes of Israel unto Abel, and to Beth-maacah, and all the Berites: and they were gathered together, and went also after him.
asv@2Samuel:23:4 @He shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, A morning without clouds, When the tender grass springeth out of the earth, Through clear shining after rain.
asv@2Samuel:23:16 @...three mighty men brake through the ...-lehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: but he would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto Jehovah.
asv@2Samuel:24:2 to and fro through all ...-sheba, and number ye the people, that I may know the sum of the people.
asv@2Samuel:24:8 @...gone to and from through all ...
asv@1Kings:18:5 @...said unto Obadiah, Go through the ...
asv@2Kings:1:2 @And Ahaziah fell down through the lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria, and was sick: and he sent messengers, and said unto them, Go, inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover of this sickness.
asv@2Kings:3:26 @...drew sword, to break through unto ...
asv@2Kings:10:21 @And Jehu sent through all Israel: and all the worshippers of Baal came, so that there was not a man left that came not. And they came into the house of Baal; and the house of Baal was filled from one end to another.
asv@2Kings:16:3 @...his son to pass through the ...
asv@2Kings:17:17 @...their daughters to pass through the ...
asv@2Kings:21:6 @...his son to pass through the ...
asv@2Kings:23:10 @...his daughter to pass through the ...
asv@2Kings:24:20 @For through the anger of Jehovah did it come to pass in Jerusalem and Judah, until he had cast them out from his presence. And Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.
asv@1Chronicles:10:4 @Then said Saul unto his armor-...sword, and thrust me through therewith, ...-bearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took his sword, and fell upon it.
asv@1Chronicles:11:18 @And the three brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Beth-lehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: but David would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto Jehovah,
asv@2Chronicles:23:20 @...Jehovah: and they came through the ...
asv@2Chronicles:24:9 @...they made a proclamation through Judah ...
asv@2Chronicles:30:10 @...from city to city through the ...
asv@2Chronicles:31:18 @...sons, and their daughters, through all ...
asv@2Chronicles:32:4 @...the brook that flowed through the ...
asv@2Chronicles:33:6 @...his children to pass through the ...
asv@Ezra:6:14 @...Jews builded and prospered, through the ...
asv@Ezra:9:11 @...peoples of the lands, through their ...
asv@Nehemiah:2:7 @...may let me pass through till ...
asv@Nehemiah:9:11 that they went through the ...
asv@Nehemiah:9:30 @...them by thy Spirit through thy ...
asv@Esther:6:9 ride on horseback through the ...
asv@Esther:6:11 @...caused him to ride through the ...
asv@Job:7:14 @...dreams, And terrifiest me through visions: ...
asv@Job:14:9 @Yet through the scent of water it will bud, And put forth boughs like a plant.
asv@Job:22:13 @...know? Can he judge through the ...
asv@Job:22:30 @...he shall be delivered through the ...
asv@Job:24:16 @...the dark they dig through houses: ...-time; They know not the light.
asv@Job:26:12 @...his understanding he smiteth through Rahab. ...
asv@Job:29:3 @...his light I walked through darkness; ...
asv@Job:30:14 @As through a wide breach they come: In the midst of the ruin they roll themselves upon me.
asv@Job:40:24 @...the watch, Or pierce through his ...
asv@Job:41:2 @...Or pierce his jaw through with ...
asv@Psalms:8:8 @...the sea, Whatsoever passeth through the ...
asv@Psalms:19:4 @...line is gone out through all ...
asv@Psalms:21:7 @...trusteth in Jehovah; And through the ...
asv@Psalms:23:4 @Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
asv@Psalms:32:3 @When I kept silence, my bones wasted away Through my groaning all the day long.
asv@Psalms:44:5 @Through thee will we push down our adversaries: Through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us.
asv@Psalms:66:3 @Say unto God, How terrible are thy works! Through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee.
asv@Psalms:66:6 @...dry land; They went through the ...
asv@Psalms:66:12 @...went through fire and through water; ...
asv@Psalms:68:4 @...for him that rideth through the ...
asv@Psalms:68:7 @...When thou didst march through the ...
asv@Psalms:68:21 @But God will smite through the head of his enemies, The hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his guiltiness.
asv@Psalms:69:6 brought to dishonor through me, ...
asv@Psalms:73:9 @...And their tongue walketh through the ...
asv@Psalms:84:6 @Passing through the valley of Weeping they make it a place of springs; Yea, the early rain covereth it with blessings.
asv@Psalms:92:4 @...hast made me glad through thy ...
asv@Psalms:106:9 @...through the depths, as through a ...
asv@Psalms:107:39 @Again, they are diminished and bowed down Through oppression, trouble, and sorrow.
asv@Psalms:109:24 @My knees are weak through fasting; And my flesh faileth of fatness.
asv@Psalms:110:5 @...right hand Will strike through kings ...
asv@Psalms:110:6 @...bodies; He will strike through the ...
asv@Psalms:115:7 @...not; Neither speak they through their ...
asv@Psalms:136:14 @...made Israel to pass through the ...
asv@Psalms:136:16 @...that led his people through the ...
asv@Proverbs:7:6 I looked forth through my ...
asv@Proverbs:7:8 @Passing through the street near her corner; And he went the way to her house,
asv@Proverbs:7:23 @Till an arrow strike through his liver; As a bird hasteth to the snare, And knoweth not that it is for his life.
asv@Proverbs:11:9 @...destroyeth his neighbor; But through knowledge ...
asv@Ecclesiastes:10:8; and whoso breaketh through a ...
asv@Ecclesiastes:10:18 @...roof sinketh in; and through idleness ...
asv@Songs:2:9 @...the windows; He glanceth through the ...
asv@Songs:7:9 @...for my beloved, Gliding through the ...
asv@Isaiah:8:21 @And they shall pass through it, sore distressed and hungry; and it shall come to pass that, when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse by their king and by their God, and turn their faces upward:
asv@Isaiah:10:28 @...Aiath, he is passed through Migron; ...
asv@Isaiah:14:19 @...slain, that are thrust through with ...
asv@Isaiah:23:10 @Pass through thy land as the Nile, O daughter of Tarshish; there is no restraint any more.
asv@Isaiah:30:6 @The burden of the beasts of the South. Through the land of trouble and anguish, from whence come the lioness and the lion, the viper and fiery flying serpent, they carry their riches upon the shoulders of young asses, and their treasures upon the humps of camels, to a people that shall not profit them.
asv@Isaiah:30:31 @For through the voice of Jehovah shall the Assyrian be dismayed; with his rod will he smite him.
asv@Isaiah:34:10 @...waste; none shall pass through it ...
asv@Isaiah:43:2 @...thee: when thou walkest through the ...
asv@Isaiah:47:2 @...uncover the leg, pass through the ...
asv@Isaiah:48:21 @...when he led them through the ...
asv@Isaiah:60:15 @...that no man passed through thee, ...
asv@Isaiah:62:10 @Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up an ensign for the peoples.
asv@Isaiah:63:13 @that led them through the depths, as a horse in the wilderness, so that they stumbled not?
asv@Jeremiah:2:6 that none passed through, and ...
asv@Jeremiah:3:9 came to pass through the ...
asv@Jeremiah:5:1 to and fro through the ...
asv@Jeremiah:9:6 @...the midst of deceit; through deceit ...
asv@Jeremiah:17:24 @...bring in no burden through the ...
asv@Jeremiah:32:35 @...their daughters to pass through the ...
asv@Jeremiah:39:4 @...of the king's garden, through the ...
asv@Jeremiah:51:4 @...the Chaldeans, and thrust through in ...
asv@Jeremiah:51:52 @...her graven images; and through all ...
asv@Jeremiah:52:3 @For through the anger of Jehovah did it come to pass in Jerusalem and Judah, until he had cast them out from his presence. And Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.
asv@Lamentations:4:21 @...The cup shall pass through unto ...
asv@Ezekiel:5:17 @...and blood shall pass through thee; ...
asv@Ezekiel:6:8 shall be scattered through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:9:4 @...midst of the city, through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:9:5 hearing, Go ye through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:12:5 @Dig thou through the wall in their sight, and carry out thereby.
asv@Ezekiel:12:7 @...the even I digged through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:12:12 @...forth: they shall dig through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:12:15 @...nations, and scatter them through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:14:5 @...all estranged from me through their ...
asv@Ezekiel:14:15 man may pass through because ...
asv@Ezekiel:14:17 @...and say, Sword, go through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:16:14 @...for it was perfect, through my ...
asv@Ezekiel:16:21 @...causing them to pass through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:16:36 @...and thy nakedness uncovered through thy ...
asv@Ezekiel:16:40 @...stones, and thrust thee through with ...
asv@Ezekiel:16:52 @...judgment for thy sisters; through thy ...
asv@Ezekiel:20:23 @...nations, and disperse them through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:20:26 @...they caused to pass through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:20:31 @...your sons to pass through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:22:15 @...nations, and disperse thee through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:23:37 @...unto me, to pass through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:29:11 @...of beast shall pass through it, ...
asv@Ezekiel:29:12 @...and will disperse them through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:30:23 @...and will disperse them through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:30:26 @...nations, and disperse them through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:34:6 @My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my sheep were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and there was none that did search or seek after them.
asv@Ezekiel:35:7 him that passeth through and ...
asv@Ezekiel:36:19 @...and they were dispersed through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:39:11 @...stop them that pass through: and ...-gog.
asv@Ezekiel:39:14 @...with them that pass through, those ...
asv@Ezekiel:39:15 @...the land shall pass through; and ...-gog.
asv@Ezekiel:41:19 @so that there was the face of a man toward the palm-tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm-...thus was it made through all ...
asv@Ezekiel:46:19 @Then he brought me through the entry, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers for the priests, which looked toward the north: and, behold, there was a place on the hinder part westward.
asv@Ezekiel:47:3 @...caused me to pass through the ...
asv@Ezekiel:47:4 @...caused me to pass through the ...
asv@Daniel:8:12 @And the host was given over to it together with the continual burnt-offering through transgression; and it cast down truth to the ground, and it did its pleasure and prospered.
asv@Daniel:8:25 @And through his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and in their security shall he destroy many: he shall also stand up against the prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
asv@Daniel:9:7 @...that are far off, through all ...
asv@Daniel:11:2 @...he is waxed strong through his ...
asv@Daniel:11:20 exactor to pass through the ...
asv@Joel:2:8 @...path; and they burst through the ...
asv@Joel:3:17 @...shall no strangers pass through her ...
asv@Amos:5:17 @...for I will pass through the ...
asv@Jonah:3:7 @...made proclamation and published through Nineveh ...
asv@Nahum:1:15 @...shall no more pass through thee; ...
asv@Nahum:3:4 @because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-...her whoredoms, and families through her ...
asv@Habakkuk:1:6 @...hasty nation, that march through the ...-places that are not theirs.
asv@Zechariah:1:10 @And the man that stood among the myrtle-...walk to and fro through the ...
asv@Zechariah:1:11 @And they answered the angel of Jehovah that stood among the myrtle-...walked to and fro through the ...
asv@Zechariah:4:10 to and fro through the ...
asv@Zechariah:6:7 @...walked to and fro through the ...
asv@Zechariah:7:14 @...that no man passed through nor ...
asv@Zechariah:9:8 oppressor shall pass through them ...
asv@Zechariah:9:15 @Jehovah of hosts will defend them; and they shall devour, and shall tread down the sling-...make a noise as through wine; ...
asv@Zechariah:10:7 @...heart shall rejoice as through wine; ...
asv@Zechariah:10:11 @And he will pass through the sea of affliction, and will smite the waves in the sea, and all the depths of the Nile shall dry up; and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, and the sceptre of Egypt shall depart.
asv@Zechariah:13:3 @...him shall thrust him through when ...
asv@Matthew:1:22 @...spoken by the Lord through the ...
asv@Matthew:2:5 @...thus it is written through the ...
asv@Matthew:2:15 @...spoken by the Lord through the ...
asv@Matthew:2:17 @...that which was spoken through Jeremiah ...
asv@Matthew:2:23 @...fulfilled which was spoken through the ...
asv@Matthew:3:3 @...that was spoken of through Isaiah ...
asv@Matthew:4:14 @...fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah ...
asv@Matthew:6:19 @...and where thieves break through and ...
asv@Matthew:6:20 @...thieves do not break through nor ...
asv@Matthew:8:17 @...fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah ...
asv@Matthew:10:23 @...shall not have gone through the ...
asv@Matthew:12:1 @...on the sabbath day through the ...
asv@Matthew:12:17 @...fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah ...
asv@Matthew:12:43 @...of the man, passeth through waterless ...
asv@Matthew:13:35 @...fulfilled which was spoken through the ...
asv@Matthew:18:7 @...woe to that man through whom ...
asv@Matthew:19:24 @...a camel to go through a ...
asv@Matthew:21:4 @...fulfilled which was spoken through the ...
asv@Matthew:24:15 @...which was spoken of through Daniel ...(let him that readeth understand),
asv@Matthew:26:24 @...woe unto that man through whom ...
asv@Matthew:27:9 @...that which was spoken through Jeremiah ...[certain] of the children of Israel did price;
asv@Mark:2:23 @...on the sabbath day through the ...
asv@Mark:7:31 @...the sea of Galilee, through the ...
asv@Mark:9:30 @...from thence, and passed through Galilee; ...
asv@Mark:10:25 @...a camel to go through a ...
asv@Mark:11:16 @...should carry a vessel through the ...
asv@Mark:14:21 @...woe unto that man through whom ...
asv@Luke:2:35 @...a sword shall pierce through thine ...
asv@Luke:4:14 @...went out concerning him through all ...
asv@Luke:4:30 @But he passing through the midst of them went his way.
asv@Luke:5:19 @And not finding by what [way]...and let him down through the ...
asv@Luke:6:1 @...that he was going through the ...
asv@Luke:8:1 @...that he went about through cities ...
asv@Luke:11:24 @...of the man, passeth through waterless ...
asv@Luke:13:22 @...went on his way through cities ...
asv@Luke:17:1 @...but woe unto him, through whom ...
asv@Luke:18:25 @...camel to enter in through a ...
asv@Luke:18:31 @...things that are written through the ...
asv@Luke:19:1 @...entered and was passing through... Jericho.
asv@Luke:22:22 @...woe unto that man through whom ...
asv@John:1:3 @All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made.
asv@John:1:7 @...that all might believe through... him.
asv@John:1:10 @...the world was made through him, ...
asv@John:1:17 @...grace and truth came through Jesus ...
asv@John:3:17 should be saved through him. ...
asv@John:4:4 @...he must needs pass through Samaria. ...
asv@John:17:20 @...that believe on me through their ...
asv@Acts:1:2 @...he had given commandment through the ...
asv@Acts:2:16 @...which hath been spoken through the ...
asv@Acts:2:43 @...and signs were done through the ...
asv@Acts:3:16 @...the faith which is through him ...
asv@Acts:4:16 @...miracle hath been wrought through them, ...
asv@Acts:4:30 @...wonders may be done through the ...
asv@Acts:8:18 @...when Simon saw that through the ...
asv@Acts:8:40 Azotus: and passing through he ...
asv@Acts:9:25 @...and let him down through the ...
asv@Acts:10:43 @...the prophets witness, that through his ...
asv@Acts:12:10 @...out, and passed on through one ...
asv@Acts:13:6 @...when they had gone through the ...-jesus;
asv@Acts:13:14 @But they, passing through from Perga, came to Antioch of Pisidia; and they went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down.
asv@Acts:13:38 therefore, brethren, that through this ...
asv@Acts:14:22 @...the faith, and that through many ...
asv@Acts:14:24 @And they passed through Pisidia, and came to Pamphylia.
asv@Acts:15:3 the church, passed through both ...
asv@Acts:15:11 @...we shall be saved through the ...
asv@Acts:15:12 @...wrought among the Gentiles through... them.
asv@Acts:15:41 @And he went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches.
asv@Acts:16:4 @...went on their way through the ...
asv@Acts:16:6 @And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden of the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia;
asv@Acts:17:1 @...when they had passed through Amphipolis ...
asv@Acts:18:23 @And having spent some time [there]...he departed, and went through the ...
asv@Acts:18:27 @...much that had believed through... grace;
asv@Acts:19:1 @...Corinth, Paul having passed through the ...
asv@Acts:19:21 @...when he had passed through Macedonia ...
asv@Acts:20:2 @...when he had gone through those ...
asv@Acts:20:3 @And when he had spent three months [there,]...he determined to return through... Macedonia.
asv@Acts:21:4 @...these said to Paul through the ...
asv@Acts:21:19 @...wrought among the Gentiles through his ...
asv@Acts:28:25 @...spake the Holy Spirit through Isaiah ...
asv@Romans:1:2 @which he promised afore through his prophets in the holy scriptures,
asv@Romans:1:8 @...your faith is proclaimed throughout the ...
asv@Romans:1:20 @...clearly seen, being perceived through the ...
asv@Romans:2:23 @...gloriest in the law, through thy ...
asv@Romans:3:7 @...the truth of God through my ...
asv@Romans:3:20 his sight; for through the ...
asv@Romans:3:22 @...the righteousness of God through faith ...
asv@Romans:3:24 @...freely by his grace through the ...
asv@Romans:3:25 be a propitiation, through faith, ...
asv@Romans:3:30, and the uncircumcision through faith. ...
asv@Romans:3:31 of none effect through faith? ...
asv@Romans:4:13 @...of the world, but through the ...
asv@Romans:4:20 @...unbelief, but waxed strong through faith, ...
asv@Romans:5:1 @...have peace with God through our ...
asv@Romans:5:5 @...abroad in our hearts through the ...
asv@Romans:5:9 @...the wrath of God through him. ...
asv@Romans:5:10 @...were reconciled to God through the ...
asv@Romans:5:11 @...our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom ...
asv@Romans:5:12 @...the world, and death through sin; ...--
asv@Romans:5:16 @And not as through one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment came of one unto condemnation, but the free gift came of many trespasses unto justification.
asv@Romans:5:17 @...righteousness reign in life through the ...
asv@Romans:5:18 condemnation; even so through one ...
asv@Romans:5:19 @...made sinners, even so through the ...
asv@Romans:5:21 @...righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus ...
asv@Romans:6:4 @...raised from the dead through the ...
asv@Romans:7:4 @...dead to the law through the ...
asv@Romans:7:5 @...sinful passions, which were through the ...
asv@Romans:7:7 @...not known sin, except through the ...
asv@Romans:7:8 @...occasion, wrought in me through the ...
asv@Romans:7:11 @...commandment beguiled me, and through it ...
asv@Romans:7:13 @...working death to me through that ...--that through the commandment sin might become exceeding sinful.
asv@Romans:7:25 @I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then I of myself with the mind, indeed, serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.
asv@Romans:8:3 @...that it was weak through the ...
asv@Romans:8:11 your mortal bodies through his ...
asv@Romans:8:37 @...are more than conquerors through him ...
asv@Romans:11:36 @For of him, and through him, and unto him, are all things. To him be the glory for ever. Amen.
asv@Romans:12:3 @For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think as to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to each man a measure of faith.
asv@Romans:15:4 @...that through patience and through comfort ...
asv@Romans:15:18 @...those which Christ wrought through me, ...
asv@Romans:15:32 @...unto you in joy through the ...
asv@Romans:16:25 @...been kept in silence through times ...
asv@Romans:16:27 @...the only wise God, through Jesus ...
asv@1Corinthians:1:1 @...apostle of Jesus Christ through the ...
asv@1Corinthians:1:9 @God is faithful, through whom ye were called into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
asv@1Corinthians:1:10 @...I beseech you, brethren, through the ...
asv@1Corinthians:1:21 @...was God's good pleasure through the ...
asv@1Corinthians:2:10 God revealed them through the ...
asv@1Corinthians:3:5 @...what is Paul? Ministers through whom ...
asv@1Corinthians:3:15 @...saved; yet so as through fire. ...
asv@1Corinthians:4:15 @...Jesus I begat you through the ...
asv@1Corinthians:6:14 @...will raise up as through his ...
asv@1Corinthians:8:6 @...all things, and we through him. ...
asv@1Corinthians:8:11 @For through thy knowledge he that is weak perisheth, the brother for whose sake Christ died.
asv@1Corinthians:10:1, and all passed through the ...
asv@1Corinthians:12:8 one is given through the ...
asv@1Corinthians:15:57 @...giveth us the victory through our ...
asv@1Corinthians:16:5 @...Macedonia; for I pass through Macedonia; ...
asv@2Corinthians:1:1 @...apostle of Christ Jesus through the ...
asv@2Corinthians:1:4 @...are in any affliction, through the ...
asv@2Corinthians:1:5 @...our comfort also aboundeth through Christ. ...
asv@2Corinthians:1:20 @...the glory of God through us. ...
asv@2Corinthians:2:14 @...Christ, and maketh manifest through us ...
asv@2Corinthians:3:4 @...such confidence have we through Christ ...-ward:
asv@2Corinthians:4:15 @...the grace, being multiplied through the ...
asv@2Corinthians:5:18 @...reconciled us to himself through Christ, ...
asv@2Corinthians:8:5 @...Lord, and to us through the ...
asv@2Corinthians:8:8 @...commandment, but as proving through the ...
asv@2Corinthians:8:9 @...became poor, that ye through his ...
asv@2Corinthians:8:18 @...the gospel is spread through all ...
asv@2Corinthians:9:11 @...all liberality, which worketh through us ...
asv@2Corinthians:9:12 @...saints, but aboundeth also through many ...
asv@2Corinthians:9:13 @seeing that through the proving of you by this ministration they glorify God for the obedience of your confession unto the gospel of Christ, and for the liberality of your contribution unto them and unto all;
asv@2Corinthians:11:33 @and through a window was I let down in a basket by the wall, and escaped his hands.
asv@2Corinthians:13:4 @...shall live with him through the ...
asv@Galatians:1:1 @Paul, an apostle (...neither through man, but through Jesus ...),
asv@Galatians:1:12 came to me through revelation ...
asv@Galatians:1:15 @...womb, and called me through his ...
asv@Galatians:2:16 @...of the law but through faith ...
asv@Galatians:2:19 @For I through the law died unto the law, that I might live unto God.
asv@Galatians:2:21 @...for if righteousness is through the ...
asv@Galatians:3:14 @...promise of the Spirit through faith. ...
asv@Galatians:3:19 @...and it was ordained through angels ...
asv@Galatians:3:26 @...all sons of God, through faith, ...
asv@Galatians:4:7 @...son, then an heir through God. ...
asv@Galatians:4:23 @...the freewoman is born through promise. ...
asv@Galatians:5:5 @For we through the Spirit by faith wait for the hope of righteousness.
asv@Galatians:5:6 @...uncircumcision; but faith working through love. ...
asv@Galatians:5:13 the flesh, but through love ...
asv@Galatians:6:14 @...our Lord Jesus Christ, through which ...
asv@Ephesians:1:1 @...apostle of Christ Jesus through the ...
asv@Ephesians:1:5 @...unto adoption as sons through Jesus ...
asv@Ephesians:1:7 @...we have our redemption through his ...
asv@Ephesians:2:1 @...when ye were dead through your ...
asv@Ephesians:2:5 @...when we were dead through our ...(by grace have ye been saved),
asv@Ephesians:2:8 @...have ye been saved through faith; ...
asv@Ephesians:2:16 body unto God through the ...
asv@Ephesians:2:18 @for through him we both have our access in one Spirit unto the Father.
asv@Ephesians:3:6 @to wit, that the Gentiles are fellow-heirs, and fellow-members of the body, and fellow-...promise in Christ Jesus through the ...
asv@Ephesians:3:10 @...might be made known through the ...
asv@Ephesians:3:12 @...and access in confidence through our ...
asv@Ephesians:3:16 strengthened with power through his ...
asv@Ephesians:3:17 @...dwell in your hearts through faith; ...
asv@Ephesians:4:6 over all, and through all, ...
asv@Ephesians:4:16 @...framed and knit together through that ...
asv@Philippians:1:11 @...of righteousness, which are through Jesus ...
asv@Philippians:1:14 @...the Lord, being confident through my ...
asv@Philippians:1:19 @...out to my salvation, through your ...
asv@Philippians:1:26 @...Christ Jesus in me through my ...
asv@Philippians:2:3 @...nothing through faction or through vainglory, ...
asv@Philippians:3:9 @...but that which is through faith ...
asv@Colossians:1:1 @...apostle of Christ Jesus through the ...
asv@Colossians:1:16 @...things have been created through him, ...
asv@Colossians:1:20 @...blood of his cross; through him, ...
asv@Colossians:1:22 @...body of his flesh through death, ...
asv@Colossians:2:8 @...maketh spoil of you through his ...
asv@Colossians:2:12 @...also raised with him through faith ...
asv@Colossians:2:13 @And you, being dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, you, I say, did he make alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses;
asv@Colossians:2:19 @...supplied and knit together through the ...
asv@Colossians:3:17 God the Father through him. ...
asv@1Thessalonians:3:7 @...our distress and affliction through your ...
asv@1Thessalonians:4:2 @...charge we gave you through the ...
asv@1Thessalonians:5:9 @...the obtaining of salvation through our ...
asv@2Thessalonians:2:14 @whereunto he called you through our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
asv@2Thessalonians:2:16 @...comfort and good hope through grace, ...
asv@1Timothy:2:10 @but (which becometh women professing godliness) through good works.
asv@1Timothy:2:15 @...she shall be saved through her ...-bearing, if they continue in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety.
asv@1Timothy:4:5 @for it is sanctified through the word of God and prayer.
asv@1Timothy:6:10 @...and have pierced themselves through with ...
asv@2Timothy:1:1 @...apostle of Christ Jesus through the ...
asv@2Timothy:1:6 @...which is in thee through the ...
asv@2Timothy:1:10 @...and immortality to light through the ...
asv@2Timothy:1:14 @...committed unto thee guard through the ...
asv@2Timothy:3:15 @...thee wise unto salvation through faith ...
asv@2Timothy:4:17 @...and strengthened me; that through me ...
asv@Titus:3:5 @...mercy he saved us, through the ...
asv@Titus:3:6 @...out upon us richly, through Jesus ...
asv@Philemon:1:7 @...saints have been refreshed through thee, ...
asv@Philemon:1:22 @...for I hope that through your ...
asv@Hebrews:1:2 @...heir of all things, through whom ...
asv@Hebrews:2:2 @...if the word spoken through angels ...
asv@Hebrews:2:3 @...the first been spoken through the ...
asv@Hebrews:2:10 @...of their salvation perfect through sufferings. ...
asv@Hebrews:2:14 @...of the same; that through death ...
asv@Hebrews:2:15 @...deliver all them who through fear ...
asv@Hebrews:4:14 @...priest, who hath passed through the ...
asv@Hebrews:6:12 @...imitators of them who through faith ...
asv@Hebrews:7:9 @And, so to say, through Abraham even Levi, who receiveth tithes, hath paid tithes;
asv@Hebrews:7:11 @...if there was perfection through the ...(for under it hath the people received the law), what further need was there that another priest should arise after the order of Melchizedek, and not be reckoned after the order of Aaron?
asv@Hebrews:7:19 @(for the law made nothing perfect)...of a better hope, through which ...
asv@Hebrews:7:25 @...draw near unto God through him, ...
asv@Hebrews:9:11 @...good things to come, through the ...
asv@Hebrews:9:12 @...goats and calves, but through his ...
asv@Hebrews:9:14 @...blood of Christ, who through the ...
asv@Hebrews:10:10 @...we have been sanctified through the ...
asv@Hebrews:10:20 and living way, through the ...
asv@Hebrews:11:4 @...of his gifts: and through it ...
asv@Hebrews:11:7 @...saving of his house; through which ...
asv@Hebrews:11:29 @By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were swallowed up.
asv@Hebrews:11:33 @who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
asv@Hebrews:11:39 @...witness borne to them through their ...
asv@Hebrews:13:12 @...might sanctify the people through his ...
asv@Hebrews:13:21 @make you perfect in every good thing to do his will, working in us that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.
asv@1Peter:1:5 @...of God are guarded through faith ...
asv@1Peter:1:12 @...been announced unto you through them ...
asv@1Peter:1:21 @who through him are believers in God, that raised him from the dead, and gave him glory; so that your faith and hope might be in God.
asv@1Peter:1:23 @...seed, but of incorruptible, through the ...
asv@1Peter:2:5 @...sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus ...
asv@1Peter:3:20 @...eight souls, were saved through water: ...
asv@1Peter:3:21 @...good conscience toward God, through the ...
asv@1Peter:4:11 @...God may be glorified through Jesus ...
asv@2Peter:1:3 @...unto life and godliness, through the ...
asv@2Peter:1:4 @...exceeding great promises; that through these ...
asv@2Peter:2:20 @...defilements of the world through the ...
asv@2Peter:3:2 @...the Lord and Saviour through your ...
asv@1John:4:9 @...that we might live through him. ...
asv@Jude:1:25 @...only God our Saviour, through Jesus ...
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