CONCORDANCE:String = trip
rwp@1Peter:2:8 @{And} (\kai\). Peter now quotes kjv@Isaiah:8:14| and gives a new turn to the previous quotation. To the disbelieving, Christ was indeed "a stone of stumbling (\lithos proskommatos\) and rock of offence (\petra skandalou\)," quoted also by Paul in kjv@Romans:9:32f.|, which see for discussion. \Proskomma\ (from \proskopt“\, to cut against) is an obstacle against which one strikes by accident, while \skandalon\...a trap set to trip one, ...\lithos\ (a loose stone in the path) and \petra\ (a ledge rising out of the ground). {For they} (\hoi\). Causal use of the relative pronoun. {Stumble at the word, being disobedient} (\proskoptousin t“i log“i apeithountes\). Present active indicative of \proskopt“\ with dative case, \log“i\, and present active participle of \apeithe“\ (cf. \apistousin\ in 2:7|) as in 3:1|. \T“i log“i\ can be construed with \apeithountes\ (stumble, being disobedient to the word). {Whereunto also they were appointed} (\eis ho kai etethˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \tithˆmi\. See this idiom in kjv@1Timothy:2:7|. "Their disobedience is not ordained, the penalty of their disobedience is" (Bigg). They rebelled against God and paid the penalty.
rwp@2Corinthians:1:16 @{And again} (\kai palin\)...did not make that trip directly ...(Acts:19:21; 20:1f.; kjv@1Corinthians:16:2; kjv@2Corinthians:2:12|). {To be set forward by you} (\huph' hum“n propemphthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \propemp“\. Paul uses this same verb in kjv@Romans:15:24|...Christians on his proposed trip to ...-Pauline party, took advantage of Paul's change of plans to criticize him sharply for vacillation and flippancy. How easy it is to find fault with the preacher! Songs:Paul has to explain his conduct.
rwp@Acts:2:35 @{Till I make} (\he“s an th“\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \tithˆmi\ with \an\ after \he“s\ for the future, a common Greek idiom. This dominion of Christ as Mediator will last till the plan of the kingdom is carried out (1Corinthians:15:23-28|). Complete subjugation will come, perhaps referring to the custom of victorious kings placing their feet upon the necks of their enemies (Joshua:10:24|). {Therefore assuredly} (\Asphal“s oun\)...without any slip or trip... (\asphalˆs\ from \a\ privative and \sphall“\, to trip, to slip. Peter draws a powerfully pungent conclusion by the use of the adverb \asphal“s\ and the inferential conjunction \oun\. Peter's closing sentence drives home the point of his sermon: "This very Jesus whom ye crucified (note \humeis\, strongly emphatic {ye}), him God made both Lord and Messiah" (\kai kurion kai Christon\), as David foretold in kjv@Psalms:110| and as the events of this day have confirmed. The critics are disturbed over how Luke could have gotten the substance of this masterful address spoken on the spur of the moment with passion and power. They even say that Luke composed it for Peter and put the words in his mouth. If so, he made a good job of it. But Peter could have written out the notes of the address afterwards. Luke had plenty of chances to get hold of it from Peter or from others.
rwp@Acts:12:11 @{Was come to himself} (\en heaut“i genomenos\). Second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\ with \en\ and the locative case, "becoming at himself." In kjv@Luke:15:17| we have \eis heauton elth“n\ (...had been on a trip away ...). {Now I know of a truth} (\nun oida alˆth“s\). There was no further confusion of mind that it was an ecstasy as in 10:10|. But he was in peril for the soldiers would soon learn of his escape, when the change of guards came at 6 A.M. {Delivered me} (\exeilato me\). Second aorist middle indicative of \exaire“\. The Lord rescued me of himself by his angel. {Expectation} (\prosdokias\). Old word from \prosdoka“\, to look for. In the N.T. only here and kjv@Luke:21:26|. James had been put to death and the Jewish people were eagerly waiting for the execution of Peter like hungry wolves.
rwp@Acts:18:22 @{He went up and saluted the church} (\anabas kai aspasamenos tˆn ekklˆsian\). The language could refer to the church in Caesarea where Paul had just landed, except for several things. The going up (\anabas\, second aorist active participle of \anabain“\) is the common way of speaking of going to Jerusalem which was up from every direction save from Hebron. It was the capital of Palestine as people in England today speaking of going up to London. Besides "he went down to Antioch" (\katebˆ eis Antiocheian\, second aorist active indicative of \katabain“\)...special reason for this trip to ...(9:26; 11:30; 15:4; 18:22; 21:17|). The apostles may or may not have been in the city, but Paul had friends in Jerusalem now. Apparently he did not tarry long, but returned to Antioch to make a report of his second mission tour as he had done at the close of the first when he and Barnabas came back (14:26-28|). He had started on this tour with Silas and had picked up Timothy and Luke, but came back alone. He had a great story to tell.
rwp@Acts:19:10 @{For two years} (\epi etˆ duo\). Note \epi\ with accusative for extent of time as in verse 8|, \epi mˆnas treis\ and often. But in 20:31| Paul said to the Ephesian elders at Miletus that he laboured with them for the space of "three years." That may be a general expression and there was probably a longer period after the "two years" in the school of Tyrannus besides the six months in the synagogue. Paul may have preached thereafter in the house of Aquila and Priscilla for some months, the "for a while" of verse 22|. {Songs:that all they which dwelt in Asia heard} (\h“ste pantas tous katoikountas tˆn Asian akousai\). Actual result with \h“ste\ and the infinitive with accusative of general reference as is common (also verse 11|) in the _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 999f.). Paul apparently remained in Ephesus, but the gospel spread all over the province even to the Lycus Valley including the rest of the seven churches of kjv@Revelation:1:11; 2; 3|. Demetrius in verse 26| will confirm the tremendous influence of Paul's ministry in Ephesus on Asia. Forty years after this Pliny in his famous letter to Trajan from Bithynia will say of Christianity: "For the contagion of this superstition has not only spread through cities, but also through villages and country places." It was during these years in Ephesus that Paul was greatly disturbed over the troubles in the Corinthian Church. He apparently wrote a letter to them now lost to us (1Corinthians:5:9|)...have made a hurried trip himself, ...(1Corinthians:16:12|). Paul doubtless had helpers like Epaphras and Philemon who carried the message over the province of Asia, Tychicus, and Trophimus of Asia who were with him on the last visit to Jerusalem (verses 22,29; 20:4|). Paul's message reached Greeks, not merely Hellenists and God-fearers, but some of the Greeks in the upper circles of life in Ephesus.
rwp@Galatians:5:7 @Who did hinder you? (\tis humas enekopsen?\). First aorist active indicative of \enkopt“\, to cut in on one, for all the world like our use of one cutting in on us at the telephone. For this late verb see on ¯Acts:24:4; kjv@1Thessalonians:2:18|. Note the singular \tis\...race and tried to trip them ...
rwp@Hebrews:12:1 @{Therefore} (\toigaroun\). Triple compound inferential participle (\toi, gar, oun\) like the German _doch denn nun_, a conclusion of emphasis, old particle, in N.T. only here and kjv@1Thessalonians:4:8|. There should be no chapter division here, since 12:1-3| really is the climax in the whole argument about the better promises (10:19-12:3|) with a passionate appeal for loyalty to Christ. {Us also} (\kai hˆmeis\). We as well as "these all" of 11:39| and all the more because of the "something better" given us in the actual coming of Christ. {Compassed about} (\echontes perikeimenon\). Literally, "having (\echontes\, present active participle of \ech“\) lying around us" (\perikeimenon\, present middle participle of \perikeimai\, old verb as in kjv@Luke:17:2|). {Cloud of witnesses} (\nephos martur“n\). Old word (Latin _nubes_), here only in the N.T., for vast mass of clouds. \Nephelˆ\ is a single cloud. The metaphor refers to the great amphitheatre with the arena for the runners and the tiers upon tiers of seats rising up like a cloud. The \martures\ here are not mere spectators (\theatai\), but testifiers (witnesses) who testify from their own experience (11:2,4,5,33,39|) to God's fulfilling his promises as shown in chapter kjv@Hebrews:11|. {Laying aside} (\apothemenoi\). Second aorist-middle (indirect, from ourselves) participle of \apotithˆmi\, old verb as in kjv@Colossians:3:8| (laying off old clothes). The runners ran in the stadium nearly naked. {Every weight} (\ogkon panta\). Old word (kin to \enegkein, pher“\) like \phortos, baros\...garment to hinder or trip one. ...{The sin which doth so easily beset us} (\tˆn euperistaton hamartian\). "The easily besetting sin." There are a dozen possible renderings of this double compound verbal from \eu\, well, and \periistˆmi\, to place around or to stand around (intransitive). The Vulgate has _circumstans nos peccatum_ (the sin standing around us). Probably this is the true idea here, "the easily encompassing (or surrounding) sin." In this case apostasy from Christ was that sin. In our cases it may be some other sin. The verbal adjective reminds one of the ring of wild beasts in the jungle that encircle the camp-fire at night each ready to pounce upon a careless victim. {Let us run} (\trech“men\). Present active volitive subjunctive of \trech“\, "let us keep on running." {With patience} (\di' hupomonˆs\). Not with impatience, doubt, or despair. {The race that is set before us} (\ton prokeimenon hˆmin ag“na\). Note the article and the present middle participle of \prokeimai\, old compound (already in 6:18|, and also in 12:2|). Dative case (\hˆmin\) of personal interest.
rwp@John:16:1 @{That ye should not be made to stumble} (\hina mˆ skandalisthˆte\). Purpose clause with negative \mˆ\ and first aorist passive of \skandaliz“\, common verb in the Synoptics (Matthew:13:21|) "the \skandala\, the stumblingblocks which trip up ...(Bernard), in John only 6:61| and here (cf. kjv@1John:2:10|).
rwp@Luke:4:13 @{Every temptation} (\panta peirasmon\). These three kinds exhaust the avenues of approach (the appetites, the nerves, the ambitions). Satan tried them all. They formed a cycle (Vincent). Hence "he was in all points tempted like as we are" (Hebrews:4:15|). "The enemy tried all his weapons, and was at all points defeated" (Plummer). Probably all during the forty days the devil tempted him, but three are representatives of all. {For a season} (\achri kairou\)...his Messianic plans, to trip him ...(Mark:8:33|), through the Pharisees (John:8:40ff.|), besides Gethsemane (Luke:22:42,53|).
rwp@Luke:7:22 @{What things ye have seen and heard} (\ha eidete kai ˆkousate\). In kjv@Matthew:11:4|, present tense "which ye do hear and see." Rest of verse 22,23| as in kjv@Matthew:11:4-6|, which see for details. Luke mentions no raisings from the dead in verse 21|, but the language is mainly general, while here it is specific. \Skandalizomai\...double notion of to trip up ...
rwp@Matthew:4:6 @{Cast thyself down} (\bale seauton kat“\). The appeal to hurl himself down into the abyss below would intensify the nervous dread that most people feel at such a height. The devil urged presumptuous reliance on God and quotes Scripture to support his view (Psalms:91:11f.|)...clause, and tries to trip the ...
rwp@Matthew:22:15 @{Went} (\poreuthentes\). So-called deponent passive and redundant use of the verb as in 9:13|: "Go and learn." {Took counsel} (\sumboulion elabon\). Like the Latin _consilium capere_ as in 12:14|. {Ensnare in his talk} (\pagideus“sin en log“i\). From \pagis\, a snare or trap. Here only in the N.T. In the LXX (1Kings:28:9; kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:12|; Test. of Twelve Patriarchs, _Joseph_ 7:1)...of the effort to trip Jesus ...
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