CONCORDANCE:String = trodden
rwp@Hebrews:10:29 @{How much} (\pos“i\). Instrumental case of degree or measure. An argument from the less to the greater, "the first of Hillel's seven rules for exegesis" (Moffatt). {Think ye} (\dokeite\). An appeal to their own sense of justice about apostates from Christ. {Sorer} (\cheironos\). "Worse," comparative of \kakos\ (bad). {Punishment} (\tim“rias\). Genitive case with \axi“thˆsetai\ (first future passive of \axio“\, to deem worthy). The word \tim“ria\ originally meant vengeance. Old word, in LXX, only here in N.T. {Who hath trodden under foot the Son of God} (\ho ton huion tou theou katapatˆsas\). First aorist active articular participle of \katapate“\, old verb (Matthew:5:13|) for scornful neglect like kjv@Zechariah:12:3|. See same idea in kjv@Hebrews:6:6|. {Wherewith he was sanctified} (\en h“i hˆgiasthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \hagiaz“\. It is an unspeakable tragedy that should warn every follower of Christ not to play with treachery to Christ (cf. 6:4-8|). {An unholy thing} (\koinon\). Common in the sense of uncleanness as Peter used it in kjv@Acts:10:14|. Think of one who thus despises "the blood of Christ wherewith he was sanctified." And yet there are a few today who sneer at the blood of Christ and the gospel based on his atoning sacrifice as "a slaughter house" religion! {Hath done despite} (\enubrisas\). First aorist active participle of \enubriz“\, old verb to treat with contumely, to give insult to, here only in the N.T. It is a powerful word for insulting the Holy Spirit after receiving his blessings (6:4|).
rwp@Hebrews:12:16 @{Profane} (\bebˆlos\). Trodden under foot, unhallowed (1Timothy:1:9|). {For one mess of meat} (\anti br“se“s mias\). Idea of exchange, "for one act of eating" (1Corinthians:8:4|). {Sold} (\apedeto\). Second aorist middle indicative from kjv@Genesis:25:31,33|, and with irregular form for \apedoto\ (regular \mi\ form). {His own birthright} (\ta pr“totokia heautou\). From Genesis also and in Philo, only here in N.T. From \pr“totokos\ (first born, kjv@Hebrews:1:6|).
rwp@Luke:8:5 @{His seed} (\ton sporon autou\). Peculiar to Luke. {Was trodden under foot} (\katepatˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \katapate“\. Peculiar to Luke here. {Of the heavens} (\tou ouranou\). Added in Luke.
rwp@Luke:21:24 @{Edge of the sword} (\stomati machairˆs\). Instrumental case of \stomati\ which means "mouth" literally (Genesis:34:26|). This verse like the close of verse 22| is only in Luke. Josephus (_War_, VI. 9.3) states that 1,100,000 Jews perished in the destruction of Jerusalem and 97,000 were taken captive. Surely this is an exaggeration and yet the number must have been large. {Shall be led captive} (\aichmal“tisthˆsontai\). Future passive of \aichmal“tiz“\ from \aichmˆ\, spear and \hal“tos\ (\haliskomai\). Here alone in the literal sense in the N.T. {Shall be trodden under foot} (\estai patoumenˆ\). Future passive periphrastic of \pate“\, to tread, old verb. {Until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled} (\achri hou plˆr“th“sin kairoi ethn“n\). First aorist passive subjunctive with \achri hou\ like \he“s hou\. What this means is not clear except that Paul in kjv@Romans:11:25| shows that the punishment of the Jews has a limit. The same idiom appears there also with \achri hou\ and the aorist subjunctive.
rwp@Matthew:23:25 @{From extortion and excess} (\ex harpagˆs kai akrasias\). A much more serious accusation. These punctilious observers of the external ceremonies did not hesitate at robbery (\harpages\) and graft (\akrasias\) life are ruthlessly trodden under ...\ektos\ and the inside (\entos\) of the cup and the platter (fine side dish). But the inside is the more important. Note the change to singular in verse 26| as if Jesus in a friendlier tone pleads with a Pharisee to mend his ways.
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