CONCORDANCE:String = twelve
web@Genesis:5:8 @...Seth were nine hundred twelve years, ...
web@Genesis:14:4 @ Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year, they rebelled.
web@Genesis:17:20 @...become the father of twelve princes, ...
web@Genesis:25:16 @...and by their encampments: twelve princes, ...
web@Genesis:42:13 @..."We, your servants, are twelve brothers, ...
web@Genesis:42:32 ...We are twelve brothers, ...
web@Genesis:49:28 @...All these are the twelve tribes ...
web@Exodus:15:27 @...Elim, where there were twelve springs ...
web@Exodus:24:4 @...twelve pillars for the twelve tribes ...
web@Exodus:28:21 @...the children of Israel, twelve, according ...
web@Exodus:39:14 @...the children of Israel, twelve, according ...
web@Leviticus:24:5 @...fine flour, and bake twelve cakes ...{1 ephah is about 22 litres or about 23 of a bushel} shall be in one cake.
web@Numbers:1:44 @...princes of Israel, being twelve men: ...
web@Numbers:7:3 @...six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; ...
web@Numbers:7:84 @...platters, twelve silver bowls, twelve golden ...
web@Numbers:7:86 ...the twelve golden ...
web@Numbers:7:87 @...lambs a year old twelve, and ...
web@Numbers:17:2 their fathers' houses, twelve rods: ...
web@Numbers:17:6 @...their fathers' houses, even twelve rods: ...
web@Numbers:29:17 you shall offer twelve young ...
web@Numbers:31:5 @...thousand of every tribe, twelve thousand ...
web@Numbers:33:9 @...and in Elim were twelve springs ...
web@Deuteronomy:1:23 @...well; and I took twelve men ...
web@Joshua:3:12 ...Now therefore take twelve men ...
web@Joshua:4:2 ..."Take twelve men ...
web@Joshua:4:3 @...priests' feet stood firm, twelve stones, ...
web@Joshua:4:4 @...Then Joshua called the twelve men, ...
web@Joshua:4:8 @...commanded, and took up twelve stones ...
web@Joshua:4:9 ...Joshua set up twelve stones ...
web@Joshua:4:20 @...Joshua set up those twelve stones, ...
web@Joshua:8:25 and women, were twelve thousand, ...
web@Joshua:18:24 @...Ammoni, Ophni, and Geba; twelve cities ...
web@Joshua:19:15 @...Shimron, Idalah, and Bethlehem: twelve cities ...
web@Joshua:21:7 their families had twelve cities ...
web@Joshua:21:40 @...Levites. Their lot was twelve cities. ...
web@Judges:19:29 @...limb by limb, into twelve pieces, ...
web@Judges:21:10 @...The congregation sent there twelve thousand ...
web@2Samuel:2:15 @...son of Saul, and twelve of ...
web@2Samuel:10:6 @...the men of Tob twelve thousand ...
web@2Samuel:17:1 @..."Let me now choose twelve thousand ...
web@1Kings:4:7 @Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel, who provided food for the king and his household: each man had to make provision for a month in the year.
web@1Kings:4:26 @...for his chariots, and twelve thousand ...
web@1Kings:7:15 @...and a line of twelve cubits ...
web@1Kings:7:25 @It stood on twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east; and the sea was set on them above, and all their hinder parts were inward.
web@1Kings:7:44 sea, and the twelve oxen ...
web@1Kings:10:26 @...four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand ...
web@1Kings:11:30 @...and tore it in twelve... pieces.
web@1Kings:16:23 @In the thirty-...reign over Israel for twelve years. ...
web@1Kings:18:31 @Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of Yahweh came, saying, "Israel shall be your name."
web@1Kings:19:19 @...who was plowing, with twelve yoke ...
web@2Kings:3:1 @...of Judah, and reigned twelve... years.
web@2Kings:21:1 @Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign; and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Hephzibah.
web@1Chronicles:6:63 @...the tribe of Zebulun, twelve... cities.
web@2Chronicles:1:14 @...four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand ...
web@2Chronicles:4:4 @It stood on twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea was set on them above, and all their hinder parts were inward.
web@2Chronicles:4:15 @one sea, and the twelve oxen under it.
web@2Chronicles:9:25 @...horses and chariots, and twelve thousand ...
web@2Chronicles:12:3 @with twelve hundred chariots, and sixty thousand horsemen. The people were without number who came with him out of Egypt: the Lubim, the Sukkiim, and the Ethiopians.
web@2Chronicles:33:1 @Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign; and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.
web@Ezra:6:17 @...offering for all Israel, twelve male ...
web@Ezra:8:24 @...Then I set apart twelve of ...
web@Ezra:8:35 @...the God of Israel, twelve bulls ...-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and twelve male goats for a sin offering: all this was a burnt offering to Yahweh.
web@Nehemiah:5:14 @...the king, that is, twelve years, ...
web@Ester:2:12 @...after her purification for twelve months ...(for so were the days of their purification accomplished, six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet fragrances and with preparations for beautifying women).
web@Psalms:60:1 @...Joab returned, and killed twelve thousand ...
web@Jeremiah:52:20 sea, and the twelve bronze ...
web@Jeremiah:52:21 @...and a line of twelve cubits ...
web@Ezekiel:43:16 @...altar hearth shall be twelve... [cubits] long by twelve broad, square in the four sides of it.
web@Ezekiel:47:13 @...inheritance according to the twelve tribes ...[shall have two] portions.
web@Daniel:4:29 @...At the end of twelve months ...
web@Matthew:9:20 @...issue of blood for twelve years ...{or, tassel} of his garment;
web@Matthew:10:1 @...called to himself his twelve disciples, ...
web@Matthew:10:2 @...the names of the twelve apostles ...
web@Matthew:10:5 ...Jesus sent these twelve out, ...
web@Matthew:11:1 @...had finished directing his twelve disciples, ...
web@Matthew:14:20 @...filled. They took up twelve baskets ...
web@Matthew:19:28 @...twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes ...
web@Matthew:20:17 @...Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples ...
web@Matthew:26:20 @...the table with the twelve... disciples.
web@Matthew:26:53 @...send me more than twelve legions ...
web@Mark:4:10 @...around him with the twelve asked ...
web@Mark:5:25 @...issue of blood for twelve... years,
web@Mark:5:42 @...walked, for she was twelve years ...
web@Mark:6:43 ...They took up twelve baskets ...
web@Luke:2:42 ...When he was twelve years ...
web@Luke:8:42 only daughter, about twelve years ...
web@Luke:8:43 @...flow of blood for twelve years, ...
web@Luke:9:1 @ He called the twelve {...disciples" instead of "the twelve"...} together, and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.
web@Luke:9:12 @...wear away; and the twelve came, ...
web@Luke:9:17 @...filled. They gathered up twelve baskets ...
web@Luke:18:31 ...He took the twelve aside, ...
web@Luke:22:14 @...sat down with the twelve... apostles.
web@Luke:22:30 @...on thrones, judging the twelve tribes ...
web@John:6:13 @...them up, and filled twelve baskets ...
web@John:11:9 @...Jesus answered, "Aren't there twelve hours ...
web@Acts:6:2 ...The twelve summoned ...
web@Acts:7:8 @...the father of the twelve patriarchs. ...
web@Acts:19:7 ...They were about twelve men ...
web@Acts:24:11 not more than twelve days ...
web@Acts:26:7 ...which our twelve tribes, ...
web@James:1:1 @...Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes ...
web@Revelation:7:5 @...the tribe of Gad twelve thousand, ...
web@Revelation:7:6 @...the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand, ...
web@Revelation:7:7 @...the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand, ...
web@Revelation:7:8 @...of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand. ...
web@Revelation:12:1 @...head a crown of twelve... stars.
web@Revelation:21:12 @...the names of the twelve tribes ...
web@Revelation:21:14 @...twelve names of the twelve Apostles ...
web@Revelation:21:16 @...the reed, Twelve thousand twelve stadia ...{12,012 stadia = or 2,221 kilometers or 1,380 miles. TR reads 12,000 stadia instead of 12,012 stadia.}. Its length, breadth, and height are equal.
web@Revelation:21:21 @...The twelve gates were twelve pearls. ...
web@Revelation:22:2 @...tree of life, bearing twelve kinds ...
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