CONCORDANCE:String = two
web@Genesis:1:1 @ In the beginning God {...the Hebrew has the two letters ...(the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet) as a grammatical marker.} created the heavens and the earth.
web@Genesis:1:16 ...God made the two great ...
web@Genesis:4:19 ...Lamech took two wives: ...
web@Genesis:6:19 @...flesh, you shall bring two of ...
web@Genesis:6:20 @...ground after its kind, two of ...
web@Genesis:9:22 @...father, and told his two brothers ...
web@Genesis:10:25 @...To Eber were born two sons. ...
web@Genesis:11:10 @...the father of Arpachshad two years ...
web@Genesis:11:19 ...Peleg lived two hundred ...
web@Genesis:11:21 ...Reu lived two hundred ...
web@Genesis:11:23 ...Serug lived two hundred ...
web@Genesis:11:32 @...days of Terah were two hundred ...
web@Genesis:19:1 ...The two angels ...
web@Genesis:19:8 @...See now, I have two virgin ...
web@Genesis:19:15 @...your wife, and your two daughters ...
web@Genesis:19:16 @...wife's hand, and his two daughters' ...
web@Genesis:19:30 @...the mountain, and his two daughters ...
web@Genesis:21:27 @...them to Abimelech. Those two made ...
web@Genesis:22:3 @...his donkey, and took two of ...
web@Genesis:24:22 @...a shekel weight, and two bracelets ...
web@Genesis:25:23 @ Yahweh said to her, "Two nations are in your womb. Two peoples will be separated from your body. The one people will be stronger than the other people. The elder will serve the younger."
web@Genesis:27:9 @...get me from there two good ...
web@Genesis:27:36 @...has supplanted me these two times. ...
web@Genesis:29:16 ...Laban had two daughters. ...
web@Genesis:31:33 @...the tent of the two female ...
web@Genesis:31:41 @...fourteen years for your two daughters, ...
web@Genesis:32:7 @...and the camels, into two... companies;
web@Genesis:32:10 I have become two... companies.
web@Genesis:32:14 @...and twenty male goats, two hundred ...
web@Genesis:32:22 @...two wives, and his two handmaids, ...
web@Genesis:33:1 @...Leah, Rachel, and the two... handmaids.
web@Genesis:34:25 @...they were sore, that two of ...
web@Genesis:40:2 @...was angry with his two officers, ...
web@Genesis:41:1 the end of two full ...
web@Genesis:41:50 @...To Joseph were born two sons ...
web@Genesis:42:37 @...father, saying, "Kill my two sons, ...
web@Genesis:44:27 wife bore me two... sons:
web@Genesis:45:6 ...For these two years ...
web@Genesis:46:27 @...him in Egypt, were two souls. ...
web@Genesis:48:1 @...took with him his two sons, ...
web@Genesis:48:5 ...Now your two sons, ...
web@Exodus:2:13 @...second day, and behold, two men ...
web@Exodus:4:9 @...not believe even these two signs, ...
web@Exodus:12:7 @...put it on the two doorposts ...
web@Exodus:12:22 @...the lintel and the two doorposts ...
web@Exodus:12:23 @...lintel, and on the two doorposts, ...
web@Exodus:16:22 @...twice as much bread, two omers ...
web@Exodus:16:29 the bread of two days. ...
web@Exodus:18:3 ...and her two sons. ...{"Gershom" sounds like the Hebrew for "an alien there."} for Moses said, "I have lived as a foreigner in a foreign land".
web@Exodus:18:6 @ He said to Moses, "I, your father-in-...your wife, and her two sons ...
web@Exodus:20:1 @ God {...the Hebrew has the two letters ...(the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet), not as a word, but as a grammatical marker.} spoke all these words, saying,
web@Exodus:25:10 @...Its length shall be two and ...
web@Exodus:25:12 @...side of it, and two rings ...
web@Exodus:25:17 @ You shall make a mercy seat of pure gold. Two and a half cubits shall be its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth.
web@Exodus:25:18 @...make them at the two ends ...
web@Exodus:25:19 @...the cherubim on its two ends ...
web@Exodus:25:22, from between the two cherubim ...
web@Exodus:25:23 @ "You shall make a table of acacia wood. Two cubits shall be its length, and a cubit its breadth, and one and a half cubits its height.
web@Exodus:25:35 @...and a bud under two branches ...
web@Exodus:26:17 ...There shall be two tenons ...
web@Exodus:26:19 @...its two tenons, and two sockets ...
web@Exodus:26:21 @...under one board, and two sockets ...
web@Exodus:26:23 ...You shall make two boards ...
web@Exodus:26:24 @...shall be for the two... corners.
web@Exodus:26:25 @...under one board, and two sockets ...
web@Exodus:27:7 @...shall be on the two sides ...
web@Exodus:28:7 @...straps joined to the two ends ...
web@Exodus:28:9 ...You shall take two onyx ...
web@Exodus:28:11 shall engrave the two stones, ...
web@Exodus:28:12 @...before Yahweh on his two shoulders ...
web@Exodus:28:14 ...and two chains ...
web@Exodus:28:23 @...two rings on the two ends ...
web@Exodus:28:24 @...of gold in the two rings ...
web@Exodus:28:25 @...shall put on the two settings, ...
web@Exodus:28:26 @...put them on the two ends ...
web@Exodus:28:27 @...put them on the two shoulder ...
web@Exodus:29:1 young bull and two rams ...
web@Exodus:29:3 @...the bull and the two... rams.
web@Exodus:29:13 @...of the liver, the two kidneys, ...
web@Exodus:29:22 @...of the liver, the two kidneys, ...(for it is a ram of consecration),
web@Exodus:29:38 @...offer on the altar: two lambs ...
web@Exodus:30:2 @...its height shall be two cubits. ...
web@Exodus:30:4 @...two ribs, on its two sides ...
web@Exodus:30:23 @...and of fragrant cane, two hundred ...
web@Exodus:31:18 @...on Mount Sinai, the two tablets ...
web@Exodus:32:15 @...the mountain, with the two tablets ...
web@Exodus:34:1 @...said to Moses, "Chisel two stone ...
web@Exodus:34:4 @...took in his hand two stone ...
web@Exodus:34:29 @...Mount Sinai with the two tablets ...
web@Exodus:36:22 ...Each board had two tenons, ...
web@Exodus:36:24 @...its two tenons, and two sockets ...
web@Exodus:36:26 @...under one board, and two sockets ...
web@Exodus:36:28 ...He made two boards ...
web@Exodus:36:29 @...of them in the two... corners.
web@Exodus:36:30 @...sockets; under every board two sockets. ...
web@Exodus:37:1 @...wood. Its length was two and ...
web@Exodus:37:3 @...its one side, and two rings ...
web@Exodus:37:6 Its length was two and ...
web@Exodus:37:7 @...beaten work, at the two ends ...
web@Exodus:37:8 @...mercy seat at its two... ends.
web@Exodus:37:10 @...wood. Its length was two cubits, ...
web@Exodus:37:21 @...and a bud under two branches ...
web@Exodus:37:25 @...cubit. Its height was two cubits. ...
web@Exodus:37:27 @...two ribs, on its two sides, ...
web@Exodus:38:29 @...was seventy talents, and two thousand ...
web@Exodus:39:4 @...joined together. At the two ends ...
web@Exodus:39:16 @...two rings on the two ends ...
web@Exodus:39:17 @...of gold in the two rings ...
web@Exodus:39:18 @...they put on the two settings, ...
web@Exodus:39:19 @...put them on the two ends ...
web@Exodus:39:20 @...put them on the two shoulder ...
web@Leviticus:3:4 ...and the two kidneys, ...
web@Leviticus:3:10 ...and the two kidneys, ...
web@Leviticus:3:15 ...and the two kidneys, ...
web@Leviticus:4:9 ...and the two kidneys, ...
web@Leviticus:5:7 @...sinned, two turtledoves, or two young ...
web@Leviticus:5:11 @...afford two turtledoves, or two young ...{1 ephah is about 22 litres or about 23 of a bushel} of fine flour for a sin offering. He shall put no oil on it, neither shall he put any frankincense on it, for it is a sin offering.
web@Leviticus:7:4 ...and the two kidneys, ...
web@Leviticus:8:2 @...sin offering, and the two rams, ...
web@Leviticus:8:16 @...the liver, and the two kidneys, ...
web@Leviticus:8:25 @...the liver, and the two kidneys, ...
web@Leviticus:12:5 @...she shall be unclean two weeks, ...-six days.
web@Leviticus:12:8 @...take two turtledoves, or two young ...
web@Leviticus:14:4 to be cleansed two living ...
web@Leviticus:14:10 he shall take two male ...{1 ephah is about 22 litres or about 23 of a bushel} of fine flour for a meal offering, mingled with oil, and one log of oil.
web@Leviticus:14:22 @...and two turtledoves, or two young ...
web@Leviticus:14:49 he shall take two birds, ...
web@Leviticus:15:14 @...take two turtledoves, or two young ...
web@Leviticus:15:29 @...take two turtledoves, or two young ...
web@Leviticus:16:1 @...the death of the two sons ...
web@Leviticus:16:5 @...the children of Israel two male ...
web@Leviticus:16:7 @...He shall take the two goats, ...
web@Leviticus:16:8 @...cast lots for the two goats; ...
web@Leviticus:16:12 @...altar before Yahweh, and two handfuls ...
web@Leviticus:19:19 @...a garment made of two kinds ...
web@Leviticus:23:13 @...with it shall be two tenth ...{1 ephah is about 22 litres or about 23 of a bushel} of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering made by fire to Yahweh for a pleasant aroma; and the drink offering with it shall be of wine, the fourth part of a hin.
web@Leviticus:23:17 @...wave offering made of two tenth ...
web@Leviticus:23:18 young bull, and two rams. ...
web@Leviticus:23:19 @...a sin offering, and two male ...
web@Leviticus:23:20 @...before Yahweh, with the two lambs. ...
web@Leviticus:24:5 @...twelve cakes of it: two tenth ...{1 ephah is about 22 litres or about 23 of a bushel} shall be in one cake.
web@Leviticus:24:6 @...shall set them in two rows, ...
web@Numbers:1:35 @ those who were numbered of them, of the tribe of Manasseh, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.
web@Numbers:2:21 @ His division, and those who were numbered of them, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.
web@Numbers:3:34 @...upward, were six thousand two hundred. ...
web@Numbers:3:43 @ All the firstborn males according to the number of names, from a month old and upward, of those who were numbered of them, were twenty-two thousand two hundred seventy-three.
web@Numbers:3:46 @...the redemption of the two hundred ...-three of the firstborn of the children of Israel, who exceed the number of the Levites,
web@Numbers:4:36 their families were two thousand ...
web@Numbers:4:40 @...their fathers' houses, were two thousand ...
web@Numbers:4:44 @...families, were three thousand two... hundred.
web@Numbers:6:10 @...bring two turtledoves or two young ...
web@Numbers:7:3 @...a wagon for every two of ...
web@Numbers:7:7 ...He gave two wagons ...
web@Numbers:7:17 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:23 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:29 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:35 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:41 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:47 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:53 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:59 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:65 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:71 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:77 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:83 @...sacrifice of peace offerings, two head ...
web@Numbers:7:85 @...silver of the vessels two thousand ...
web@Numbers:7:89 @...Testimony, from between the two cherubim: ...
web@Numbers:9:22 ...Whether it was two days, ...
web@Numbers:10:2 ..."Make two trumpets ...
web@Numbers:11:19 one day, nor two days, ...
web@Numbers:11:26 ...But two men ...
web@Numbers:11:31 @...the camp, and about two cubits ...
web@Numbers:15:6 @...for a meal offering two tenth ...
web@Numbers:16:2 @...the children of Israel, two hundred ...
web@Numbers:16:17 @...before Yahweh his censer, two hundred ...
web@Numbers:16:35 @...Yahweh, and devoured the two hundred ...
web@Numbers:22:22 @...his donkey, and his two servants ...
web@Numbers:26:10 @...time the fire devoured two hundred ...
web@Numbers:26:14 @ These are the families of the Simeonites, twenty-two thousand two hundred.
web@Numbers:28:3 @...year old without blemish, two day ...
web@Numbers:28:9 @...old without blemish, and two tenth ...
web@Numbers:28:11 @...burnt offering to Yahweh: two young ...
web@Numbers:28:12 @...for each bull; and two tenth ...
web@Numbers:28:19 @...burnt offering to Yahweh: two young ...
web@Numbers:28:20 @...for a bull, and two tenth ...
web@Numbers:28:27 @...pleasant aroma to Yahweh: two young ...
web@Numbers:28:28 for each bull, two tenth ...
web@Numbers:29:3 for the bull, two tenth ...
web@Numbers:29:9 for the bull, two tenth ...
web@Numbers:29:13 @...Yahweh; thirteen young bulls, two rams, ...
web@Numbers:29:14 @...of the thirteen bulls, two tenth ...
web@Numbers:29:17 @...offer twelve young bulls, two rams, ...
web@Numbers:29:20 @...third day eleven bulls, two rams, ...
web@Numbers:29:23 @...fourth day ten bulls, two rams, ...
web@Numbers:29:26 @...fifth day nine bulls, two rams, ...
web@Numbers:29:29 @...sixth day eight bulls, two rams, ...
web@Numbers:29:32 @...seventh day seven bulls, two rams, ...
web@Numbers:31:27 @...divide the prey into two parts: ...
web@Numbers:34:15 ...the two tribes ...-tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward, toward the sunrise."
web@Numbers:35:5 @...for the north side two thousand ...
web@Deuteronomy:3:8 @...the hand of the two kings ...
web@Deuteronomy:3:21 @...has done to these two kings: ...
web@Deuteronomy:4:13 @...he wrote them on two tables ...
web@Deuteronomy:4:47 @...king of Bashan, the two kings ...
web@Deuteronomy:5:22 @...He wrote them on two tables ...
web@Deuteronomy:9:10 @...delivered to me the two tables ...
web@Deuteronomy:9:11 @...Yahweh gave me the two tables ...
web@Deuteronomy:9:15 @...with fire: and the two tables ...
web@Deuteronomy:9:17 @...them out of my two hands, ...
web@Deuteronomy:10:1 @...said to me, "Cut two tables ...
web@Deuteronomy:10:3 @...the mountain, having the two tables ...
web@Deuteronomy:14:6 @...the hoof cloven in two and ...
web@Deuteronomy:17:6 @...At the mouth of two witnesses, ...
web@Deuteronomy:18:3 @...the shoulder, and the two cheeks, ...
web@Deuteronomy:19:15 the mouth of two witnesses, ...
web@Deuteronomy:21:15 @...If a man have two wives, ...
web@Deuteronomy:22:9 @...sow your vineyard with two kinds ...
web@Deuteronomy:32:30 @...a thousand, and two put ...
web@Joshua:2:1 @...of Nun secretly sent two men ...
web@Joshua:2:4 @...The woman took the two men ...
web@Joshua:2:10 @ For we have heard how Yahweh dried up the water of the Red Sea {or, Sea of Reeds} did to the two kings ...
web@Joshua:2:23 ...Then the two men ...
web@Joshua:3:4 and it, about two thousand ...
web@Joshua:6:22 @...Joshua said to the two men ...
web@Joshua:7:3 @...up; but let about two or ...
web@Joshua:7:21 @...a beautiful Babylonian robe, two hundred ...
web@Joshua:9:10 @...he did to the two kings ...
web@Joshua:14:3 @...the inheritance of the two tribes ...-tribe beyond the Jordan; but to the Levites he gave no inheritance among them.
web@Joshua:14:4 @...children of Joseph were two tribes, ...
web@Joshua:15:60 @ Kiriath Baal (the same is Kiriath Jearim), and Rabbah; two cities with their villages.
web@Joshua:21:16 @...cities out of those two... tribes.
web@Joshua:21:25 @ Out of the half-...Rimmon with its suburbs; two... cities.
web@Joshua:21:27 @ They gave to the children of Gershon, of the families of the Levites, out of the half-...Eshterah with its suburbs; two... cities.
web@Joshua:24:12 @...before you, even the two kings ...
web@Judges:3:16 @...a sword which had two edges, ...
web@Judges:5:30 @...spoil? A lady, two ladies ...
web@Judges:7:25 ...They took the two princes ...
web@Judges:8:12 @...and he took the two kings ...
web@Judges:9:44 @...the city: and the two companies ...
web@Judges:11:37 let me alone two months, ...
web@Judges:11:38 @...sent her away for two months: ...
web@Judges:11:39 the end of two months, ...
web@Judges:15:4 @...the midst between every two... tails.
web@Judges:15:13 @...They bound him with two new ...
web@Judges:16:3 @...the city, and the two posts, ...
web@Judges:16:28 @...the Philistines for my two... eyes."
web@Judges:16:29 @...took hold of the two middle ...
web@Judges:17:4 @...mother, his mother took two hundred ...
web@Judges:20:45 @...and struck of them two thousand ...
web@Ruth:1:1 @...his wife, and his two... sons.
web@Ruth:1:2 @...the name of his two sons ...
web@Ruth:1:3 @...was left, and her two... sons.
web@Ruth:1:5 @...was bereaved of her two children ...
web@Ruth:1:7 @...she was, and her two... daughters-in-law with her; and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah.
web@Ruth:1:8 @...Naomi said to her two... daughters-in-law, "Go, return each of you to her mother's house: Yahweh deal kindly with you, as you have dealt with the dead, and with me.
web@Ruth:1:19 ...So they two went ...
web@Ruth:4:11 @...and like Leah, which two built ...
web@1Samuel:1:2 @and he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.
web@1Samuel:1:3 @This man went up out of his city from year to year to worship and to sacrifice to Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.}...Armies in Shiloh. The two sons ...
web@1Samuel:2:21 @...bore three sons and two daughters. ...
web@1Samuel:2:34 @...shall come on your two sons, ...
web@1Samuel:4:4 @...the cherubim: and the two sons ...
web@1Samuel:4:11 @...was taken; and the two sons ...
web@1Samuel:4:17 @...among the people. Your two sons ...
web@1Samuel:6:7 @...a new cart, and two milk ...
web@1Samuel:6:10 @...did so, and took two milk ...
web@1Samuel:10:2 @...then you shall find two men ...
web@1Samuel:10:4, and give you two loaves ...
web@1Samuel:11:11 @...scattered, so that no two of ...
web@1Samuel:13:1 @...when he had reigned two years ...
web@1Samuel:13:2 @...of Israel, of which two thousand ...
web@1Samuel:14:49 @...the names of his two daughters ...
web@1Samuel:15:4 @...numbered them in Telaim, two hundred ...
web@1Samuel:18:27 @...killed of the Philistines two hundred ...-in-law. Saul gave him Michal his daughter as wife.
web@1Samuel:25:13 followed David; and two hundred ...
web@1Samuel:25:18 @...clusters of raisins, and two hundred ...
web@1Samuel:27:3 @...even David with his two wives, ...
web@1Samuel:28:8 @...and went, he and two men ...
web@1Samuel:30:5 @David's two wives were taken captive, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite.
web@1Samuel:30:10 @...four hundred men; for two hundred ...
web@1Samuel:30:12 @...cake of figs, and two clusters ...
web@1Samuel:30:18 @...and David rescued his two... wives.
web@1Samuel:30:21 @David came to the two hundred men, who were so faint that they could not follow David, whom also they had made to stay at the brook Besor; and they went forth to meet David, and to meet the people who were with him. When David came near to the people, he greeted them.
web@2Samuel:1:1 @...and David had stayed two days ...
web@2Samuel:2:2 @...up there, and his two wives ...
web@2Samuel:2:10 @...Israel, and he reigned two years. ...
web@2Samuel:4:2 @Saul's son had two men who were captains of bands: the name of the one was Baanah, and the name of the other Rechab, the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, of the children of Benjamin (for Beeroth also is reckoned to Benjamin:
web@2Samuel:8:2 @...ground; and he measured two lines ...
web@2Samuel:8:5 @...struck of the Syrians two and ...
web@2Samuel:12:1 him, "There were two men ...
web@2Samuel:13:23 @It happened after two full years, that Absalom had sheepshearers in Baal Hazor, which is beside Ephraim: and Absalom invited all the king's sons.
web@2Samuel:14:6 @Your handmaid had two sons, and they both fought together in the field, and there was no one to part them, but the one struck the other, and killed him.
web@2Samuel:14:26 @When he cut the hair of his head (now it was at every year's end that he cut it; because it was heavy on him, therefore he cut it)...of his head at two hundred ...
web@2Samuel:14:28 @Absalom lived two full years in Jerusalem; and he didn't see the king's face.
web@2Samuel:15:27 peace, and your two sons ...
web@2Samuel:15:36 @...there with them their two sons, ...
web@2Samuel:16:1 @...saddled, and on them two hundred ...
web@2Samuel:18:24 @...was sitting between the two gates: ...
web@2Samuel:21:8 @...the king took the two sons ...
web@2Samuel:23:20 @...deeds, he killed the two sons ...
web@1Kings:2:5 @...he did to the two captains ...
web@1Kings:2:32 @...because he fell on two men ...
web@1Kings:2:39 @...of three years, that two of ...
web@1Kings:3:16 @Then two women who were prostitutes came to the king, and stood before him.
web@1Kings:3:18 @...the house, just us two in ...
web@1Kings:5:12 @...and Solomon; and they two made ...
web@1Kings:5:14 @...were in Lebanon, and two months ...
web@1Kings:6:23 @...the oracle he made two cherubim ...
web@1Kings:6:32 @So he made two doors of olive wood; and he carved on them carvings of cherubim and palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid them with gold; and he spread the gold on the cherubim, and on the palm trees.
web@1Kings:6:34 @...were folding, and the two leaves ...
web@1Kings:7:15 @For he fashioned the two pillars of brass, eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits encircled either of them about.
web@1Kings:7:16 @He made two capitals of molten brass, to set on the tops of the pillars: the height of the one capital was five cubits, and the height of the other capital was five cubits.
web@1Kings:7:18 @...pillars; and there were two rows ...
web@1Kings:7:20 @...and the pomegranates were two hundred, ...
web@1Kings:7:24 @...the buds were in two rows, ...
web@1Kings:7:26 @...a lily: it held two thousand ...
web@1Kings:7:41 @...networks to cover the two bowls ...
web@1Kings:7:42, to cover the two bowls ...
web@1Kings:8:9 @...the ark except the two tables ...
web@1Kings:8:63 @...he offered to Yahweh, two and ...
web@1Kings:9:10 @...Solomon had built the two houses, ...
web@1Kings:10:16 @King Solomon made two hundred bucklers of beaten gold; six hundred shekels of gold went to one buckler.
web@1Kings:10:19 @...of the seat, and two lions ...
web@1Kings:11:29 garment; and they two were ...
web@1Kings:12:28 @...took counsel, and made two calves ...
web@1Kings:14:20 @...which Jeroboam reigned were two and ...
web@1Kings:15:25 @...he reigned over Israel two... years.
web@1Kings:16:8 @In the twenty-...Israel in Tirzah for two... years.
web@1Kings:16:21 @...of Israel divided into two parts: ...
web@1Kings:16:24 @...Samaria of Shemer for two talents ...
web@1Kings:17:12 @...Behold, I am gathering two sticks, ...
web@1Kings:18:21 waver between the two sides? ...
web@1Kings:18:23 @...them therefore give us two bulls; ...
web@1Kings:18:32 @...large enough to contain two measures ...
web@1Kings:20:15 @...provinces, and they were two hundred ...-two. After them, he mustered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.
web@1Kings:20:27 @...encamped before them like two little ...
web@1Kings:21:10 @Set two men, base fellows, before him, and let them testify against him, saying, 'You cursed God and the king!' Then carry him out, and stone him to death."
web@1Kings:21:13 @The two men, the base fellows, came in and sat before him. The base fellows testified against him, even against Naboth, in the presence of the people, saying, "Naboth cursed God and the king!" Then they carried him out of the city, and stoned him to death with stones.
web@1Kings:22:51 @...Judah, and he reigned two years ...
web@2Kings:1:14, and consumed the two former ...
web@2Kings:2:8 @...there, so that they two went ...
web@2Kings:2:12 @...and tore them in two... pieces.
web@2Kings:2:24 @He looked behind him and saw them, and cursed them in the name of Yahweh. Two female bears came out of the woods, and mauled forty-two of those youths.
web@2Kings:4:1 @...take for himself my two children ...
web@2Kings:5:17 @...not, then, please let two mules' ...
web@2Kings:5:22 @...talent of silver and two changes ...
web@2Kings:5:23 @...and laid them on two of ...
web@2Kings:7:1 @...for a shekel, and two measures ...
web@2Kings:7:14 @They took therefore two chariots with horses; and the king sent after the army of the Syrians, saying, "Go and see."
web@2Kings:7:16 @...for a shekel, and two measures ...
web@2Kings:9:32 @He lifted up his face to the window, and said, "Who is on my side? Who?" Two or three eunuchs looked out at him.
web@2Kings:10:4 @...and said, "Behold, the two kings ...
web@2Kings:10:8 @...said, "Lay them in two heaps ...
web@2Kings:11:7 @The two companies of you, even all who go out on the Sabbath, shall keep the watch of the house of Yahweh around the king.
web@2Kings:15:23 @...Israel in Samaria for two... years.
web@2Kings:15:27 @In the two and fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria for twenty years.
web@2Kings:17:16 @...them molten images, even two calves, ...
web@2Kings:18:23 @...I will give you two thousand ...
web@2Kings:21:5 @...the sky in the two courts ...
web@2Kings:21:19 @Amon was twenty-...reign; and he reigned two years ...
web@2Kings:23:12 @...had made in the two courts ...
web@2Kings:25:4 @...the gate between the two walls, ...(now the Chaldeans were against the city around it); and the king went by the way of the Arabah.
web@2Kings:25:16 @The two pillars, the one sea, and the bases, which Solomon had made for the house of Yahweh, the brass of all these vessels was without weight.
web@1Chronicles:1:19 @To Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; for in his days the earth was divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.
web@1Chronicles:4:5 @...father of Tekoa had two wives, ...
web@1Chronicles:5:21 @...thousand, and of donkeys two thousand, ...
web@1Chronicles:7:9 @...of valor, twenty thousand two... hundred.
web@1Chronicles:7:11 @...valor, seventeen thousand and two hundred, ...
web@1Chronicles:9:22 the thresholds were two hundred ...
web@1Chronicles:11:22 @...deeds, he killed the two sons ...
web@1Chronicles:12:32, their heads were two hundred; ...
web@1Chronicles:15:6 @...chief, and his brothers two hundred ...
web@1Chronicles:15:8 @...chief, and his brothers two... hundred;
web@1Chronicles:25:7 @...who were skillful, was two hundred ...-eight.
web@1Chronicles:25:29 @for the two and twentieth to Giddalti, his sons and his brothers, twelve:
web@1Chronicles:26:17 @...and for the storehouse two and ...
web@1Chronicles:26:18 the causeway, and two at ...
web@1Chronicles:26:32 of valor, were two thousand ...-tribe of the Manassites, for every matter pertaining to God, and for the affairs of the king.
web@2Chronicles:3:10 @...holy house he made two cherubim ...
web@2Chronicles:3:15 @...made before the house two pillars ...-five cubits high, and the capital that was on the top of each of them was five cubits.
web@2Chronicles:4:3 @...The oxen were in two rows, ...
web@2Chronicles:4:12 @...networks to cover the two bowls ...
web@2Chronicles:4:13, to cover the two bowls ...
web@2Chronicles:5:10 @...the ark except the two tables ...
web@2Chronicles:9:15 @King Solomon made two hundred bucklers of beaten gold; six hundred shekels of beaten gold went to one buckler.
web@2Chronicles:9:18 @...of the seat, and two lions ...
web@2Chronicles:14:8 @...shields and drew bows, two hundred ...
web@2Chronicles:17:15 @...captain, and with him two hundred ...
web@2Chronicles:17:16 @...Yahweh; and with him two hundred ...
web@2Chronicles:17:17 @...valor, and with him two hundred ...
web@2Chronicles:21:19 the end of two years, ...
web@2Chronicles:24:3 @Jehoiada took for him two wives; and he became the father of sons and daughters.
web@2Chronicles:26:12 of valor, was two thousand ...
web@2Chronicles:28:8 @...captive of their brothers two hundred ...
web@2Chronicles:29:32 hundred rams, and two hundred ...
web@2Chronicles:33:5 @...the sky in the two courts ...
web@2Chronicles:33:21 @Amon was twenty-...reign; and he reigned two years ...
web@2Chronicles:35:8 @...for the Passover offerings two thousand ...
web@Ezra:2:3 @...The children of Parosh, two thousand ...-two.
web@Ezra:2:6 @...of Jeshua and Joab, two thousand ...
web@Ezra:2:7 @...of Elam, one thousand two hundred ...-four.
web@Ezra:2:12 @...of Azgad, one thousand two hundred ...-two.
web@Ezra:2:14 @...The children of Bigvai, two thousand ...-six.
web@Ezra:2:19 @...The children of Hashum, two hundred ...-three.
web@Ezra:2:28 @...of Bethel and Ai, two hundred ...-three.
web@Ezra:2:31 @...other Elam, one thousand two hundred ...-four.
web@Ezra:2:38 @...of Pashhur, one thousand two hundred ...-seven.
web@Ezra:2:65 @ besides their male servants and their female servants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven: and they had two hundred singing men and singing women.
web@Ezra:2:66 @ Their horses were seven hundred thirty-six; their mules, two hundred forty-five;
web@Ezra:6:17 @...God one hundred bulls, two hundred ...
web@Ezra:8:4 @...Zerahiah; and with him two hundred ...
web@Ezra:8:9 @...Jehiel; and with him two hundred ...
web@Ezra:8:20 @...service of the Levites, two hundred ...
web@Ezra:8:27 thousand darics; and two vessels ...
web@Nehemiah:5:14 @...year even to the two and ...
web@Nehemiah:7:8 @...The children of Parosh, two thousand ...-two.
web@Nehemiah:7:11 @...of Jeshua and Joab, two thousand ...
web@Nehemiah:7:12 @...of Elam, one thousand two hundred ...-four.
web@Nehemiah:7:17 @...The children of Azgad, two thousand ...-two.
web@Nehemiah:7:19 @...The children of Bigvai, two thousand ...-seven.
web@Nehemiah:7:34 @...other Elam, one thousand two hundred ...-four.
web@Nehemiah:7:41 @...of Pashhur, one thousand two hundred ...-seven.
web@Nehemiah:7:67 @ besides their male servants and their female servants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven: and they had two hundred forty-five singing men and singing women.
web@Nehemiah:7:68 @ Their horses were seven hundred thirty-six; their mules, two hundred forty-five;
web@Nehemiah:7:71, and two thousand two hundred ...
web@Nehemiah:7:72 @...darics of gold, and two thousand ...-seven priests' garments.
web@Nehemiah:11:13 @...chiefs of fathers' households, two hundred ...-two; and Amashsai the son of Azarel, the son of Ahzai, the son of Meshillemoth, the son of Immer,
web@Nehemiah:11:18 @...the holy city were two hundred ...-four.
web@Nehemiah:12:31 @...the wall, and appointed two great ...
web@Nehemiah:12:40 ...So stood the two companies ...
web@Nehemiah:13:6 @...Jerusalem; for in the two and ...
web@Ester:2:21 the king's gate, two of ...
web@Ester:6:2 @...of Bigthana and Teresh, two of ...
web@Ester:9:27 @...they would keep these two days ...
web@Job:11:6 @...For true wisdom has two sides. ...
web@Job:13:20 @"Only don't do two things to me; then I will not hide myself from your face:
web@Job:42:7, and against your two friends; ...
web@Psalms:145:13 @ Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. Your dominion endures throughout all generations. Yahweh is faithful in all his words, and loving in all his deeds. {...manuscripts omit these last two... lines.}
web@Proverbs:30:15 ..."The leach has two daughters: ...
web@Ecclesiastes:4:6 @...handful, with quietness, than two handfuls ...
web@Ecclesiastes:4:9 @ Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.
web@Ecclesiastes:4:11 ...Again, if two lie ...
web@Ecclesiastes:4:12 who is alone, two shall ...
web@Songs:4:5 @...two breasts are like two fawns ...
web@Songs:7:3 @...two breasts are like two fawns, ...
web@Songs:8:12 @...for you, Solomon; two hundred ...
web@Isaiah:6:2 @...covered his feet. With two he ...
web@Isaiah:7:4 @...faint because of these two tails ...
web@Isaiah:7:16 @...good, the land whose two kings ...
web@Isaiah:7:21 @...a young cow, and two... sheep;
web@Isaiah:17:6 @...of an olive tree, two or ...
web@Isaiah:22:11 @...a reservoir between the two walls ...
web@Isaiah:36:8 @...I will give you two thousand ...
web@Isaiah:47:9 ...but these two things ...
web@Isaiah:51:19 ...These two things ...
web@Jeremiah:2:13 people have committed two evils: ...
web@Jeremiah:3:14 @...of a city, and two of ...
web@Jeremiah:24:1 @...showed me, and behold, two baskets ...
web@Jeremiah:28:3 ...Within two full ...
web@Jeremiah:28:11 @...king of Babylon within two full ...
web@Jeremiah:33:24 @...has spoken, saying, The two families ...
web@Jeremiah:34:18 @...cut the calf in two and ...
web@Jeremiah:39:4 @...the gate between the two walls; ...
web@Jeremiah:52:7 @...the gate between the two walls, ...(now the Chaldeans were against the city all around;) and they went toward the Arabah.
web@Jeremiah:52:20 ...They took the two pillars, ...
web@Ezekiel:1:11 touched another, and two covered ...
web@Ezekiel:1:23 @...and every one had two which ...
web@Ezekiel:21:19 @...son of man, appoint two ways, ...
web@Ezekiel:21:21 @...the head of the two ways, ...
web@Ezekiel:23:2 @...of man, there were two women, ...
web@Ezekiel:35:10 @...two nations and these two countries ...
web@Ezekiel:37:22 @...they be divided into two kingdoms ...
web@Ezekiel:40:9 @...cubits; and its posts, two cubits; ...
web@Ezekiel:40:39 @...on this side, and two tables ...
web@Ezekiel:40:40 @ On the [one]...toward the north, were two tables; ...
web@Ezekiel:41:3 of the entrance, two cubits; ...
web@Ezekiel:41:18 @...and every cherub had two... faces;
web@Ezekiel:41:22 @...high, and its length two cubits; ...
web@Ezekiel:41:23 @...and the sanctuary had two... doors.
web@Ezekiel:41:24 ...The doors had two leaves ...[apiece], two turning leaves: two [leaves]...the one door, and two leaves ...
web@Ezekiel:43:14 @...lower ledge shall be two cubits, ...
web@Ezekiel:45:15 @...the flock, out of two hundred, ...-watered pastures of Israel--for a meal offering, and for a burnt offering, and for peace offerings, to make atonement for them, says the Lord Yahweh.
web@Ezekiel:48:17 @...and toward the west two hundred ...
web@Daniel:7:4 @...made to stand on two feet ...
web@Daniel:8:3 @...two horns: and the two horns ...
web@Daniel:8:6 @...ram that had the two horns, ...
web@Daniel:8:7 @...ram, and broke his two horns; ...
web@Daniel:8:14 @...said to me, To two thousand ...[and] mornings; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
web@Daniel:8:20 @...saw, that had the two horns, ...
web@Daniel:12:5 @...Daniel, looked, and behold, two others ...
web@Daniel:12:11 @...shall be one thousand two hundred ...
web@Hosea:6:2 ...After two days ...
web@Hosea:10:10 @...are bound to their two transgressions. ...
web@Amos:1:1 @...Joash king of Israel, two years ...
web@Amos:3:3 ...Do two walk ...
web@Amos:3:12 @...mouth of the lion two legs, ...
web@Amos:4:8 ...So two or ...
web@Zechariah:4:3 ...and two olive ...
web@Zechariah:4:11 @...him, "What are these two olive ...
web@Zechariah:4:12 @...which are beside the two golden ...
web@Zechariah:4:14 @...said, "These are the two anointed ...{The word translated "Lord" is "Adonai."} of the whole earth."
web@Zechariah:5:9 @...and behold, there were two women, ...
web@Zechariah:6:1 @...came out from between two mountains; ...
web@Zechariah:11:7 @...I took for myself two staffs. ...
web@Zechariah:12:10 @ I will pour on the house of David, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they will look to me {...the Hebrew has the two letters ...(the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet), not as a word, but as a grammatical marker.} whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for his only son, and will grieve bitterly for him, as one grieves for his firstborn.
web@Matthew:2:16 @...the surrounding countryside, from two years ...
web@Matthew:4:18 @ Walking by the sea of Galilee, he {TR reads "Jesus" instead of "he"} saw two brothers: Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew, his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.
web@Matthew:4:21 @...from there, he saw two other ...
web@Matthew:6:24 @..."No one can serve two masters, ...
web@Matthew:8:28 @ When he came to the other side, into the country of the Gergesenes, {NU reads "Gadarenes"} two people possessed by demons met him there, coming out of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so that nobody could pass that way.
web@Matthew:9:27 @...passed by from there, two blind ...
web@Matthew:10:10 @...for your journey, neither two coats, ...
web@Matthew:10:29 ..."Aren't two sparrows ...{An assarion is a small coin worth one tenth of a drachma or a sixteenth of a denarius. An assarion is approximately the wages of one half hour of agricultural labor.}? Not one of them falls on the ground apart from your Father's will,
web@Matthew:11:2 @...of Christ, he sent two of ...
web@Matthew:14:17 five loaves and two fish." ...
web@Matthew:14:19 @...five loaves and the two fish, ...
web@Matthew:17:27 @ But, lest we cause them to stumble, go to the sea, cast a hook, and take up the first fish that comes up. When you have opened its mouth, you will find a stater coin. { four Attic or two Alexandrian ...-shekel temple tax for two people.} Take that, and give it to them for me and you."
web@Matthew:18:8 @...having two hands or two feet ...
web@Matthew:18:9 @...eye, rather than having two eyes ...{or, Hell} of fire.
web@Matthew:18:16 the mouth of two or ...{Deuteronomy 19:15}
web@Matthew:18:19 @...tell you, that if two of ...
web@Matthew:18:20 ...For where two or ...
web@Matthew:19:5 @...his wife; and the two shall ...{Genesis 2:24}
web@Matthew:20:21 @..."Command that these, my two sons, ...
web@Matthew:20:24 @...were indignant with the two brothers. ...
web@Matthew:20:30 ...Behold, two blind ...
web@Matthew:21:1 @ When they drew near to Jerusalem, and came to Bethsphage, {TR & NU read "Bethphage" instead of "Bethsphage"}...Olives, then Jesus sent two... disciples,
web@Matthew:21:28 @...think? A man had two sons, ...
web@Matthew:21:31 ...Which of the two did ...
web@Matthew:22:40 @...prophets depend on these two commandments." ...
web@Matthew:24:40 ...Then two men ...
web@Matthew:24:41 @ two women grinding at the mill, one will be taken and one will be left.
web@Matthew:25:17 @...also who got the two gained ...
web@Matthew:25:22 @...I have gained another two talents ...
web@Matthew:26:2 @..."You know that after two days ...
web@Matthew:26:37 @...him Peter and the two sons ...
web@Matthew:26:60 @...none. But at last two false ...
web@Matthew:27:21 @...them, "Which of the two do ...
web@Matthew:27:38 ...Then there were two robbers ...
web@Matthew:27:51 @...temple was torn in two from ...
web@Mark:5:13 @...The herd of about two thousand ...
web@Mark:6:7 @...them out two by two; and ...
web@Mark:6:9 @...and not put on two... tunics.
web@Mark:6:37 @...we go and buy two hundred ...{200 denarii was about 7 or 8 months wages for an agricultural laborer.} worth of bread, and give them something to eat?"
web@Mark:6:38 @...they said, "Five, and two fish." ...
web@Mark:6:41 @...and he divided the two fish ...
web@Mark:9:43 @...rather than having your two hands ...{or, Hell} into the unquenchable fire,
web@Mark:9:45 @...rather than having your two feet ...{or, Hell} into the fire that will never be quenched--
web@Mark:9:47 @...eye, rather than having two eyes ...{or, Hell} of fire,
web@Mark:10:8 ...and the two will ...{Genesis 2:24}...they are no longer two, but ...
web@Mark:11:1 @ When they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethsphage {TR & NU read "Bethphage" instead of "Bethsphage"}...of Olives, he sent two of ...
web@Mark:12:42 @...and she cast in two small ...{literally, lepta (or widow's mites). Lepta are very small brass coins worth half a quadrans each, which is a quarter of the copper assarion. Lepta are worth less than 1% of an agricultural worker's daily wages.} which equal a quadrans coin. {A quadrans is a coin worth about 164 of a denarius. A denarius is about one day's wages for an agricultural laborer.}
web@Mark:14:1 ...It was now two days ...
web@Mark:14:13 ...He sent two of ...
web@Mark:15:27 @...With him they crucified two robbers; ...
web@Mark:15:38 @...temple was torn in two from ...
web@Mark:16:12 another form to two of ...
web@Luke:2:24 @...pair of turtledoves, or two young ...{Leviticus 12:8}
web@Luke:3:11 @...them, "He who has two coats, ...
web@Luke:5:2 ...He saw two boats ...
web@Luke:7:19 @...John, calling to himself two of ...
web@Luke:7:41 @..."A certain lender had two debtors. ...
web@Luke:9:3 @ He said to them, "Take nothing for your journey--...nor money; neither have two coats ...
web@Luke:9:13 @...than five loaves and two fish, ...
web@Luke:9:16 @...five loaves and the two fish, ...
web@Luke:9:30 ...Behold, two men ...
web@Luke:9:32 @...his glory, and the two men ...
web@Luke:10:1 @...sent them two by two ahead ...{literally, "before his face"} into every city and place, where he was about to come.
web@Luke:10:35 @...departed, he took out two denarii, ...
web@Luke:12:6 @...five sparrows sold for two assaria ...{An assarion was a small copper coin worth about an hour's wages for an agricultural laborer.}? Not one of them is forgotten by God.
web@Luke:12:52 @...three against two, and two against ...
web@Luke:15:11 @..."A certain man had two... sons.
web@Luke:16:13 @...No servant can serve two masters, ...{"Mammon" refers to riches or a false god of wealth.}."
web@Luke:17:34 @...night there will be two people ...
web@Luke:17:35 ...There will be two grinding ...
web@Luke:19:29 @ It happened, when he drew near to Bethsphage {TR, NU read "Bethpage" instead of "Bethsphage"}...called Olivet, he sent two of ...
web@Luke:21:2 @...poor widow casting in two small ...{literally, "two lepta." 2 lepta was about 1% of a day's wages for an agricultural laborer.}
web@Luke:22:38 @..."Lord, behold, here are two swords." ...
web@Luke:23:32 @...There were also others, two criminals, ...
web@Luke:24:4 @...perplexed about this, behold, two men ...
web@Luke:24:13 ...Behold, two of ...{60 stadia = about 11 kilometers or about 7 miles.} from Jerusalem.
web@John:1:35 @...John was standing with two of ...
web@John:1:37 ...The two disciples ...
web@John:1:40 ...One of the two who ...
web@John:2:6 @...way of purifying, containing two or ...{2 to 3 metretes is about 20 to 30 U. S. Gallons, or 75 to 115 litres.} apiece.
web@John:4:40 @...them. He stayed there two... days.
web@John:4:43 ...After the two days ...
web@John:6:9 @...five barley loaves and two fish, ...
web@John:8:17 @...that the testimony of two people ...{Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15}
web@John:11:6 @...was sick, he stayed two days ...
web@John:19:18 @...him, and with him two others, ...
web@John:20:12 ...and she saw two angels ...
web@John:21:2 @...sons of Zebedee, and two others ...
web@John:21:8 @ But the other disciples came in the little boat (...the land, but about two hundred ...{200 cubits is about 100 yards or about 91 meters} away), dragging the net full of fish.
web@Acts:1:10 he went, behold, two men ...
web@Acts:1:24 @...which one of these two you ...
web@Acts:7:29 @...became the father of two sons. ...
web@Acts:9:38 @...Peter was there, sent two men ...{Reading from NU, TR; MT omits "two men"} to him, imploring him not to delay in coming to them.
web@Acts:10:7 @...had departed, Cornelius called two of ...
web@Acts:12:6 @...two soldiers, bound with two chains. ...
web@Acts:19:10 ...This continued for two years, ...
web@Acts:19:22 @...Having sent into Macedonia two of ...
web@Acts:19:34 @...a time of about two hours ...
web@Acts:21:33 be bound with two chains, ...
web@Acts:23:23 @...with seventy horsemen, and two hundred ...{about 9:00 PM}."
web@Acts:24:27 ...But when two years ...
web@Acts:27:37 @...In all, we were two hundred ...-six souls on the ship.
web@Acts:27:41 a place where two seas ...
web@Acts:28:30 ...Paul stayed two whole ...
web@1Corinthians:14:29 @Let the prophets speak, two or three, and let the others discern.
web@2Corinthians:13:1 @..."At the mouth of two or ...{Deuteronomy 19:15}
web@Galatians:4:22 @...written that Abraham had two sons, ...
web@Galatians:4:24 @...allegory, for these are two covenants. ...
web@Ephesians:5:31 his wife. The two will ...{Genesis 2:24}
web@1Timothy:5:19 the word of two or ...
web@Hebrews:6:18 ...that by two immutable ...
web@Hebrews:10:28 @...on the word of two or ...
web@Revelation:9:12 @...Behold, there are still two woes ...
web@Revelation:9:16 @...of the horsemen was two hundred ...{literally, "ten thousands of ten thousands"}. I heard the number of them.
web@Revelation:11:3 @...will prophesy one thousand two hundred ...
web@Revelation:11:4 @...olive trees and the two lampstands, ...
web@Revelation:11:10 another, because these two prophets ...
web@Revelation:12:6 @...nourish her one thousand two hundred ...
web@Revelation:12:14 @ Two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, so that she might be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
web@Revelation:13:11 @...the earth. He had two horns ...
web@Revelation:19:20 @...worshiped his image. These two were ...
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