strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:9 @ Only take heed #H8104 shamar# (8734) to thyself, and keep #H8104 shamar# (8798) thy soul #H5315 nephesh# diligently #H3966 m@#od#, lest thou forget #H7911 shakach# (8799) the things #H1697 dabar# which thine eyes #H5869 #ayin# have seen #H7200 ra#ah# (8804), and lest they depart #H5493 cuwr# (8799) from thy heart #H3824 lebab# all the days #H3117 yowm# of thy life #H2416 chay#: but teach #H3045 yada# (8689) them thy sons #H1121 ben#, and thy sons #H1121 ben# sons #H1121 ben#;
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