rwp@Hebrews:8:1 @{In the things which we are saying} (\epi tois legomenois\). Locative case of the articular present passive participle of \leg“\ after \epi\ as in kjv@Luke:5:5; kjv@Hebrews:11:4|, "in the matter of the things being discussed." {The chief point} (\kephalaion\). Neuter singular of the adjective \kephalaios\ (from \kephalˆ\, head), belonging to the head. Vulgate _capitulum_, nominative absolute in old and common sense, the main matter (even so without the article as in Thucydides), "the pith" (Coverdale), common in the papyri as in Greek literature. The word also occurs in the sense of the sum total or a sum of money (Acts:22:28|) as in Plutarch, Josephus, and also in the papyri (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). {Such an high priest} (\toiouton archierea\). As the one described in chapters 4:16-7:28| and in particular 7:26| (\toioutos\) 7:27,28|. But the discussion of the priestly work of Jesus continues through 12:3|. \Toioutos\ is both retrospective and prospective. Here we have a summary of the five points of superiority of Jesus as high priest (8:1-6|). He is himself a better priest than Aaron (\toioutos\ in 8:1| such as shown in 4:16-7:28|); he works in a better sanctuary (8:2,5|); he offers a better sacrifice (8:3f.|); he is mediator of a better covenant (8:6|); his work rests on better promises (8:6|); hence he has obtained a better ministry as a whole (8:6|). In this resum‚ (\kephelaion\) the author gives the pith (\kephalaion\) of his argument, curiously enough with both senses of \kephalaion\ (pith, summary) pertinent. He will discuss the four points remaining thus: (1) the better covenant, 8:7-13|. (2) The better sanctuary, 9:1-12|. (3) The better sacrifice, 9:13-10:18|. (4) The better promises, 10:19-12:3|. One point (the better high priest, like Melchizedek) has already been discussed (4:16-7:28|). {Sat down} (\ekathisen\). Repetition of 1:3| with \tou thronou\ (the throne) added. This phrase prepares the way for the next point.
rwp@Hebrews:8:2 @{Minister} (\leitourgos\). See on ¯Romans:13:6; kjv@Phillipians:2:25|. {Of the sanctuary} (\t“n hagi“n\). "Of the holy places" (\ta hagia\), without any distinction (like 9:8f.; 10:19; 13:11|) between the holy place and the most holy place as in 9:2f|. {Of the true tabernacle} (\tˆs skˆnˆs tˆs alˆthinˆs\). By way of explanation of \t“n hagi“n\. For \skˆnˆ\ see kjv@Matthew:17:4| and \skˆnos\ (2Corinthians:5:1|), old word used here for the antitype or archetype of the tabernacle in the wilderness in which Aaron served, the ideal tabernacle in heaven of which the earthly tabernacle was a symbol and reproduced in the temple which merely copied the tabernacle. Hence it is the "genuine" tabernacle and see kjv@John:1:9| for \alˆthinos\. {Pitched} (\epˆxen\). First aorist active indicative of \pˆgnumi\, old verb to fasten as the pegs of a tent, here only in the N.T. Cf. kjv@Numbers:24:6|.
rwp@Hebrews:8:3 @{Is appointed} (\kathistatai\). As in 5:1|. {To offer} (\eis to prospherein\). Articular infinitive accusative case with \eis\ as is common while \hina prospherˆi\ (\hina\ with present active subjunctive) for purpose in 5:1|, with \d“ra te kai thusias\ as there. {It is necessary} (\anagkaion\). A moral and logical necessity (from \anagkˆ\ necessity) as seen in kjv@Acts:13:46; kjv@Phillipians:1:24|. {This high priest also} (\kai touton\). "This one also," no word for high priest, accusative of general reference with the infinitive \echein\ (have). {Somewhat to offer} (\ti h“ prosenegkˆi\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \prospher“\ (verse 3|). Vulgate _aliquid quod offerat_. The use of the subjunctive in this relative clause is probably volitive as in kjv@Acts:21:16; kjv@Hebrews:12:28| (possibly here merely futuristic), but note \ho prospherei\ (present indicative) in 9:7|. See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 955.
rwp@Hebrews:8:4 @{On earth} (\epi gˆs\). As opposed to \en tois ouranois\ (verse 1|). Condition of second class, determined as unfulfilled. {He would not be a priest at all} (\oud' an ˆn hiereus\). "Not even would he be a priest." Conclusion of second class condition with \an\ and imperfect indicative (\ˆn\). {Seeing there are those} (\ont“n t“n\). Genitive absolute with \ont“n\ (from \eimi\) and the articular present active participle of \prospher“\ (verse 3|). Jesus was not of the tribe of Levi and so could not serve here.
rwp@Hebrews:8:5 @{Serve} (\latreuousin\). Present active indicative of \latreu“\ for which verb see on ¯Matthew:4:10|. {A copy} (\hupodeigmati\). Dative case after \latreuousin\. See already on ¯John:13:15; kjv@Hebrews:4:11| for this interesting word. {Shadow} (\skiƒi\). Dative case. Old word for which see already kjv@Matthew:4:16; kjv@Mark:4:32; kjv@Colossians:2:17|. See same idea in kjv@Hebrews:9:23|. For difference between \skia\ and \eik“n\ see 10:1|. Here "copy and shadow" form a practical hendiadys for "a shadowy out- line" (Moffatt). {Is warned of God} (\kechrˆmatistai\). Perfect passive indicative of \chrˆmatiz“\, old verb (from \chrˆma\, business) for which see on ¯Matthew:2:12,22; kjv@Luke:2:26|. The word "God" is not used, but it is implied as in kjv@Acts:10:22; kjv@Hebrews:12:25|. Songs:in LXX, Josephus, and the papyri. {For saith he} (\gar phˆsi\). Argument from God's command (Exodus:25:40|). {See that thou make} (\Horƒ poiˆseis\). Common Greek idiom with present active imperative of \hora“\ and the volitive future of \poie“\ without \hina\ (asyndeton, Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 949). {The pattern} (\ton tupon\). The very word used in kjv@Exodus:25:40| and quoted also by Stephen in kjv@Acts:7:44|. For \tupos\ see already kjv@John:20:25; kjv@Romans:6:17|, etc. The tabernacle was to be patterned after the heavenly model.
rwp@Hebrews:8:6 @{But now} (\nun de\). Logical use of \nun\, as the case now stands, with Jesus as high priest in heaven. {Hath he obtained} (\tetuchen\). Perfect active indicative of \tugchan“\ with the genitive, a rare and late form for \teteuchen\ (also \teteuchˆken\), old verb to hit the mark, to attain. {A ministry the more excellent} (\diaphor“teras leitourgias\). "A more excellent ministry." For the comparative of \diaphoros\ see 1:4|. This remark applies to all the five points of superiority over the Levitical priesthood. {By how much} (\hos“i\). Instrumental case of the relative \hosos\ between two comparative adjectives as in 1:4|. {The mediator} (\mesitˆs\). Late word from \mesos\ (amid) and so a middle man (arbitrator). Already in kjv@Galatians:3:19f.| and see kjv@1Timothy:2:5|. See kjv@Hebrews:9:15; 12:24| for further use with \diathˆkˆ\. {Of a better covenant} (\kreittonos diathˆkˆs\). Called "new" (\kainˆs, neas\ in 9:15; 12:24|). For \diathˆkˆ\ see kjv@Matthew:26:28; kjv@Luke:1:72; kjv@Galatians:3:17|, etc. This idea he will discuss in 8:7-13|. {Hath been enacted} (\nenomothetˆtai\). Perfect passive indicative of \nomothete“\ as in 7:11| which see. {Upon better promises} (\epi kreittosin epaggeliais\). Upon the basis of (\epi\). But how "better" if the earlier were also from God? This idea, alluded to in 6:12-17|, Will be developed in 10:19-12:3| with great passion and power. Thus it is seen that "better" (\kreiss“n\) is the keynote of the Epistle. At every point Christianity is better than Judaism.
rwp@Hebrews:8:7 @{That first covenant} (\hˆ pr“tˆ ekeinˆ\). The word \diathˆkˆ\ (covenant) is not expressed, but clearly meant by the feminine gender \pr“tˆ\. {Faultless} (\amemptos\). Old compound adjective for which see kjv@Luke:1:6; kjv@Phillipians:2:15|. The condition is second class and assumes that the old covenant was not "blameless," apparently a serious charge which he hastens to explain. {For a second} (\deuteras\). Objective genitive with \diathˆkˆs\ understood. The conclusion with \an\ and the imperfect passive indicative (\ezˆteito\) is clearly a second-class condition. See a like argument in 7:11|.
rwp@Hebrews:8:8 @{Finding fault with them} (\memphomenos autous\). Present middle participle of \memphomai\ (cf. \amemptos\), old verb, in N.T. only here and kjv@Romans:9:19|. The covenant was all right, but the Jews failed to keep it. Hence God made a new one of grace in place of law. Why do marriage covenants so often fail to hold? The author quotes in verses 8-12; kjv@Jeremiah:38:31-34| (in LXX 31:31-34|) in full which calls for little explanation or application to prove his point (verse 13|). {I will make} (\sunteles“\). Future active of \suntele“\, old compound verb to accomplish as in kjv@Mark:13:4; kjv@Romans:9:28|. {A new covenant} (\diathˆkˆn kainˆn\). In 12:24| we have \diathˆkˆs neas\, but \kainˆs\ in kjv@1Corinthians:11:25|. \Kainos\ is fresh, on new lines as opposed to the old (\palaios\) as in kjv@2Corinthians:3:6,14|; \neos\ is young or not yet old.
rwp@Hebrews:8:9 @{In the day that I took them} (\en hˆmerƒi epilabomenou mou\). Genitive absolute (\mou\ and second aorist middle participle of \epilamban“\), "a Hellenistic innovation" (Moffatt) in imitation of the Hebrew after \hˆmerƒi\ in place of \en hˆi epelabomen\, occurring also in Barn. 2:28. {By the hand} (\tˆs cheiros\). Technical use of the genitive of the part affected. {To lead them forth} (\exagagein autous\). Second aorist active infinitive of \exag“\ to denote purpose. {For they continued not} (\hoti autoi ouk enemeinan\). First aorist active indicative of \emmen“\, old verb to remain in (Acts:14:22|). The Israelites broke the covenant. Then God annulled it. {I regarded not} (\ˆmelˆsa\). "I neglected" as in 2:3|. The covenant was void when they broke it.
rwp@Hebrews:8:10 @{This} (\hautˆ\). The "new" one of verse 8|. {That I will make} (\hˆn diathˆsomai\). Future middle of \diatithˆmi\, "that I will covenant," cognate accusative (\hˆn\), using the same root in the verb as in \diathˆkˆ\. {I will put} (\didous\). "Giving," present active participle of \did“mi\, to give. {Into their mind} (\eis tˆn dianoian aut“n\). Their intellect, their moral understanding, all the intellect as in Aristotle (Colossians:1:21; kjv@Ephesians:4:18|). {On their heart} (\epi kardias aut“n\). Either genitive singular or accusative plural. \Kardia\ is the seat of man's personal life (Westcott), the two terms covering the whole of man's inward nature. {A god} (\eis theon\). Note the Hebraistic use of \eis\ in the predicate instead of the usual nominative \theos\ as in "a people" (\eis laon\). This was the ideal of the old covenant (Exodus:6:7|), now at last to be a fact.
rwp@Hebrews:8:11 @{They shall not teach} (\ou mˆ didax“sin\). Strong double negative (\ou mˆ\) with the first aorist active (futuristic) subjunctive of \didask“\. {His fellow-citizen} (\ton politˆn autou\). See kjv@Luke:15:15; 19:14|. {Know the Lord} (\Gn“thi ton kurion\). Second aorist active imperative of \gin“sk“\. In the new covenant all will be taught of God (Isaiah:54:13; kjv@John:6:45|), whereas under the old only the educated scribe could understand the minutiae of the law (Dods). See Paul's comparison in kjv@2Corinthians:3:7-18|. {Shall know} (\eidˆsousin\). Future perfect active, old form of \oida\ (note \gin“sk“\ just before of recognizing God), one of the rare future perfects (cf. 2:13|, \esomai pepoith“s\).
rwp@Hebrews:8:12 @{Merciful} (\hile“s\). Old Attic adjective for \hilaos\, common in the LXX, only here in N.T., from which \hilaskomai\ comes (Luke:18:13|). {Will I remember no more} (\ou mˆ mnˆsth“ eti\). Double negative \ou mˆ\ with first aorist passive subjunctive (volitive) of \mimnˆsk“\, to recall.
rwp@Hebrews:8:13 @{In that he saith} (\en t“i legein\). Locative case of the articular present active infinitive of \leg“\, "in the saying as to him." {He hath made the first old} (\pepalai“ken tˆn pr“tˆn\). Perfect active indicative of \palaio“\, old verb from \palaios\ (in contrast with \kainos\, fresh, new), to treat as old and out of date. The conclusion is to the point. {That which is becoming old and waxeth aged} (\to palaioumenon kai gˆraskon\). \Gˆrask“\ is old verb from \gˆras\ (age) like \ger“n\ (old man) and refers to the decay of old age so that both ideas appear here in opposition to \kainos\ (\palaios\) and \neos\ (\geraios\). {Is nigh unto vanishing away} (\eggus aphanismou\). Genitive case with \eggus\ and late word for disappearance (from \aphaniz“\, kjv@Matthew:6:19|), here only in the N.T. The author writes as if the Old Testament legal and ceremonial system were about to vanish before the new covenant of grace. If he wrote after A.D. 70, would he not have written "has vanished away"?
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