rwp@James:3:1 @{Be not many teachers} (\mˆ polloi didaskaloi ginesthe\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and present middle imperative of \ginomai\. "Stop becoming many teachers" (so many of you). There is thus a clear complaint that too many of the Jewish Christians were attempting to teach what they did not clearly comprehend. There was a call for wise teachers (verses 13f.|), not for foolish ones. This soon became an acute question, as one can see in I Cor. 12 to 14. They were not all teachers (1Corinthians:12:28f.; 14:26|). The teacher is here treated as the wise man (3:13-18|) as he ought to be. The rabbi was the teacher (Matthew:23:7f.; kjv@John:1:38; 3:10; 20:16|). Teachers occupied an honourable position among the Christians (Ephesians:4:11; kjv@Acts:13:1|). James counts himself a teacher (we shall receive, 3:1|) and this discussion is linked on with 1:19-27|. Teachers are necessary, but incompetent and unworthy ones do much harm. {Heavier judgment} (\meizon krima\). "Greater sentence." See kjv@Mark:12:40; kjv@Luke:20:47| for \perrisoteron krima\ (the sentence from the judge, kjv@Romans:13:2|). The reason is obvious. The pretence of knowledge adds to the teacher's responsibility and condemnation.
rwp@James:3:2 @{In many things} (\polla\). Accusative neuter plural either cognate with \ptaiomen\ or accusative of general reference. On \ptaiomen\ (stumble) see on ¯2:10|. James includes himself in this list of stumblers. {If not} (\ei-ou\). Condition of first class with \ou\ (not \mˆ\) negativing the verb \ptaiei\. {In word} (\en log“i\). In speech. The teacher uses his tongue constantly and so is in particular peril on this score. {The same} (\houtos\). "This one" (not \ho autos\ the same). {A perfect man} (\teleios anˆr\). "A perfect husband" also, for \anˆr\ is husband as well as man in distinction from woman (\gunˆ\). The wife is at liberty to test her husband by this rule of the tongue. {To bridle the whole body also} (\chalinag“gˆsai kai holon to s“ma\). See 1:26| for this rare verb applied to the tongue (\gl“ssan\). Here the same metaphor is used and shown to apply to the whole body as horses are led by the mouth. The man follows his own mouth whether he controls the bridle therein (1:26|) or someone else holds the reins. James apparently means that the man who bridles his tongue does not stumble in speech and is able also to control his whole body with all its passions. See kjv@Titus:1:11| about stopping people's mouths (\epistomiz“\).
rwp@James:3:3 @{If we put} (\ei ballomen\). Condition of the first class assumed as true. {The horses' bridles} (\t“n hipp“n tous chalinous\). \Hipp“n\ (genitive plural of \hippos\, horse, old word, in N.T. only here except in the Apocalypse), put first because the first of the several illustrations of the power and the peril of the tongue. This is the only N.T. example of \chalinos\, old word for bridle (from \chala“\ to slacken, let down), except kjv@Revelation:14:20|. {That they may obey us} (\eis to peithesthai autous hˆmin\). Present middle infinitive of \peith“\ with \eis to\ as a purpose clause with the dative \hˆmin\ after \peithesthai\ and \autous\ the accusative of general reference. {We turn about} (\metagomen\). Present active indicative of \metag“\, late compound to change the direction (\meta\, \ag“\), to guide, in N.T. only here and verse 4|. The body of the horse follows his mouth, guided by the bridle.
rwp@James:3:4 @{The ships also} (\kai ta ploia\). Old word from \ple“\, to sail (Matthew:4:21|). Another metaphor like "horses" (\hippoi\). "There is more imagery drawn from mere natural phenomena in the one short Epistle of James than in all St. Paul's epistles put together" (Howson). {Though they are so great} (\tˆlikauta onta\). Concessive participle of \eimi\. The quantitative pronoun \tˆlikoutos\ occurs in the N.T. only here, kjv@2Corinthians:1:10; kjv@Hebrews:2:3; kjv@Revelation:16:18|. If James had only seen the modern mammoth ships. But the ship on which Paul went to Malta carried 276 persons (Acts:27:37|). {And are driven} (\kai elaunomena\). Present passive participle of \elaun“\, old verb, in this sense (2Peter:2:17|) for rowing (Mark:6:48; kjv@John:6:19|). {Rough} (\sklˆron\). Old adjective (from \skell“\, to dry up), harsh, stiff, hard (Matthew:25:24|). {Are yet turned} (\metagetai\). Present passive indicative of the same verb, \metag“\, in verse 3|. James is fond of repeating words (1:13f.; 2:14,16; 2:21,25|). {By a very small rudder} (\hupo elachistou pˆdaliou\). For the use of \hupo\ (under) with things see kjv@Luke:8:14; kjv@2Peter:2:7|. There is possibly personification in the use of \hupo\ for agency in kjv@James:1:14; 2:9; kjv@Colossians:2:18|. \Pˆdaliou\ (from \pˆdon\, the blade of an oar) is an old word, in N.T. only here and kjv@Acts:27:40|. \Elachistou\ is the elative superlative as in kjv@1Corinthians:4:3| (from the Epic \elachus\ for \mikros\). {The impulse} (\hˆ hormˆ\). Old word for rapid, violent motion, here of the hand that worked the rudder, in N.T. only here and kjv@Acts:14:5| (rush or onset of the people). {Of the steersman} (\tou euthunontos\). Present active genitive articular participle of \euthun“\, old verb, to make straight (from \euthus\, straight, level, kjv@Mark:1:3|), in N.T. only here and kjv@John:1:23|. Used also of the shepherd, the charioteer, and today it would apply to the chauffeur. "The twin figure of the control of horse and of ship are frequently found together in later Greek writers" (Ropes). As in Plutarch and Philo. {Willeth} (\bouletai\). Present middle indicative of \boulomai\, common verb to will. Here intention of the steersman lies back of the impact of the hand on the rudder.
rwp@James:3:5 @{A little member} (\mikron melos\). \Melos\ is old and common word for members of the human body (1Corinthians:12:12, etc.; kjv@Romans:6:13|, etc.). {Boasteth great things} (\megala auchei\). Present active indicative of \auche“\, old verb, here only in N.T. The best MSS. here separate \megala\ from \auche“\, though \megalauche“\ does occur in Aeschylus, Plato, etc. \Megala\ is in contrast with \mikron\. {How much--how small} (\hˆlikon--hˆlikˆn\). The same relative form for two indirect questions together, "What-sized fire kindles what-sized forest?" For double interrogatives see kjv@Mark:15:24|. The verb \anaptei\ is present active indicative of \anapt“\, to set fire to, to kindle (Luke:12:49|, only other N.T. example except some MSS. in kjv@Acts:28:2|). \Hulˆn\ is accusative case, object of \anaptei\, and occurs here only in N.T., though old word for forest, wood. Forest fires were common in ancient times as now, and were usually caused by small sparks carelessly thrown.
rwp@James:3:6 @{The tongue is a fire} (\hˆ gl“ssa pur\). Songs:necessarily since there is no article with \pur\ (apparently same word as German _feuer_, Latin _purus_, English _pure, fire_). This metaphor of fire is applied to the tongue in kjv@Proverbs:16:27; 26:18-22|; Sirach 28:22. {The world of iniquity} (\ho kosmos tˆs adikias\). A difficult phrase, impossible to understand according to Ropes as it stands. If the comma is put after \pur\ instead of after \adikias\, then the phrase may be the predicate with \kathistatai\ (present passive indicative of \kathistˆmi\, "is constituted," or the present middle "presents itself"). Even so, \kosmos\ remains a difficulty, whether it means the "ornament" (1Peter:3:3|) or "evil world" (James:1:27|) or just "world" in the sense of widespread power for evil. The genitive \adikias\ is probably descriptive (or qualitative). Clearly James means to say that the tongue can play havoc in the members of the human body. {Which defileth the whole body} (\hˆ spilousa holon to s“ma\). Present active participle of \spilo“\ late _Koin‚_, verb, to stain from \spilos\ (spot, also late word, in N.T. only in kjv@Ephesians:5:27; kjv@2Peter:2:13|), in N.T. only here and kjv@Judges:1:23|. Cf. 1:27| \aspilon\ (unspotted). {Setteth on fire} (\phlogizousa\). Present active participle of \phlogiz“\, old verb, to set on fire, to ignite, from \phlox\ (flame), in N.T. only in this verse. See \anaptei\ (verse 5|). {The wheel of nature} (\ton trochon genese“s\). Old word for wheel (from \trech“\, to run), only here in N.T. "One of the hardest passages in the Bible" (Hort). To what does \trochon\ refer? For \genese“s\ see 1:23| apparently in the same sense. Vincent suggests "the wheel of birth" (cf. kjv@Matthew:1:1,18|). The ancient writers often use this same phrase (or \kuklos\, cycle, in place of \trochos\), but either in a physiological or a philosophical sense. James may have caught the metaphor from the current use, but certainly he has no such Orphic or Pythagorean doctrine of the transmigration of souls, "the unending round of death and rebirth" (Ropes). The wheel of life may be considered either in motion or standing still, though setting on fire implies motion. There is no reference to the zodiac. {And is set on fire by hell} (\kai phlogizomenˆ hupo gehennˆs\). Present passive participle of \phlogiz“\, giving the continual source of the fire in the tongue. For the metaphor of fire with \gehenna\ see kjv@Matthew:5:22|.
rwp@James:3:7 @{Kind} (\phusis\). Old word from \phu“\, order of nature (Romans:1:26|), here of all animals and man, in kjv@2Peter:1:4| of God and redeemed men. {Of beasts} (\thˆri“n\). Old word diminutive from \thˆr\ and so "little beasts" originally, then wild animals in general (Mark:1:13|), or quadrupeds as here. These four classes of animals come from kjv@Genesis:9:2f|. {Birds} (\petein“n\). Old word for flying animals (from \petomai\, to word from \herp“\, to crawl (Latin _serpo_), hence serpents. {Things in the sea} (\enali“n\). Old adjective (\en, hals\, sea, salt) in the sea, here only in N.T. The four groups are put in two pairs here by the use of \te kai\ with the first two and the second two. See a different classification in kjv@Acts:10:12; 11:6|. {Is tamed} (\damazetai\). Present passive indicative of \damaz“\, old verb kin to Latin _dominus_ and English tame, in N.T. only in this passage and kjv@Mark:5:4|. The present tense gives the general picture of the continuous process through the ages of man's lordship over the animals as stated in kjv@Genesis:1:28|. {Hath been tamed} (\dedamastai\). Perfect passive indicative of the same verb, repeated to present the state of conquest in some cases (domestic animals, for instance). {By mankind} (\tˆi phusei tˆi anthr“pinˆi\). Instrumental case with repeated article and repetition also of \phusis\, "by the nature the human." For \anthr“pinos\ see kjv@Acts:17:25|.
rwp@James:3:8 @{No one} (\oudeis\). Especially his own tongue and by himself, but one has the help of the Holy Spirit. {A restless evil} (\akatastaton kakon\). Correct reading, not \akatascheton\, for which see 1:8|. The tongue is evil when set on fire by hell, not evil necessarily. {Full of deadly poison} (\mestˆ iou thanatˆphorou\). Feminine adjective agreeing with \gl“ssa\, not with \kakon\ (neuter). \Iou\ (poison here, as in kjv@Romans:3:13|, but rust in 5:3|, only N.T. examples), old word. Genitive case after \mestˆ\ (full of). \Thanatˆphorou\, old compound adjective (from \thanatos\, death, \pher“\, to bear or bring), death-bringing. Here only in N.T. Like the restless death-bringing tongue of the asp before it strikes.
rwp@James:3:9 @{Therewith} (\en autˆi\). This instrumental use of \en\ is not merely Hebraistic, but appears in late _Koin‚_ writers (Moulton, _Prol._, pp. 11f., 61f.). See also kjv@Romans:15:6|. {We bless} (\eulogoumen\). Present active indicative of \euloge“\, old verb from \eulogos\ (a good word, \eu, logos\), as in kjv@Luke:1:64| of God. "This is the highest function of speech" (Hort). {The Lord and Father} (\ton kurion kai patera\). Both terms applied to God. {Curse we} (\katar“metha\). Present middle indicative of the old compound verb \kataraomai\, to curse (from \katara\ a curse), as in kjv@Luke:6:28|. {Which are made after the likeness of God} (\tous kath' homoi“sin theou gegonotas\). Second perfect articular participle of \ginomai\ and \homoi“sis\, old word from \homoio“\ (to make like), making like, here only in N.T. (from kjv@Genesis:1:26; 9:6|), the usual word being \homoi“ma\, resemblance (Phillipians:2:7|). It is this image of God which sets man above the beasts. Cf. kjv@2Corinthians:3:18|.
rwp@James:3:10 @{Ought not} (\ou chrˆ\). The only use of this old impersonal verb (from \chra“\) in the N.T. It is more like \prepei\ (it is appropriate) than \dei\ (it is necessary). It is a moral incongruity for blessing and cursing to come out of the same mouth. {Songs:to be} (\hout“s ginesthai\). "Songs:to keep on happening," not just "to be," present middle infinitive of \ginomai\.
rwp@James:3:11 @{The fountain} (\hˆ pˆgˆ\). Old word for spring (John:4:14|). {Opening} (\opˆs\). Old word for fissure in the earth, in N.T. only here and kjv@Hebrews:11:38| (caves). {Send forth} (\bruei\). Present active indicative of \bru“\, old verb, to bubble up, to gush forth, here only in N.T. The use of \mˆti\ shows that a negative answer is expected in this rhetorical question. {The sweet and the bitter} (\to gluku kai to pikron\). Cognate accusatives with \bruei\. Separate articles to distinguish sharply the two things. The neuter singular articular adjective is a common way of presenting a quality. \Glukus\ is an old adjective (in N.T. only here and kjv@Revelation:10:9f.|), the opposite of \pikron\ (from old root, to cut, to prick), in N.T. only here and verse 14| (sharp, harsh).
rwp@James:3:12 @{Can?} (\mˆ dunatai;\). Negative answer expected. See the same metaphor in kjv@Matthew:7:16f|. {Fig-tree} (\sukˆ\). Old and common word (Matthew:21:19f.|). {Figs} (\suka\). Ripe fruit of \hˆ sukˆ\. {Olives} (\elaias\). Elsewhere in the N.T. for olive-trees as kjv@Matthew:21:1|. {Vine} (\ampelos\). Old word (Matthew:26:29|). {Salt water} (\halukon\). Old adjective from \hals\ (\halas\ salt), here only in N.T.
rwp@James:3:13 @{Who} (\Tis\). Rhetorical interrogative like kjv@Luke:11:11|. Common in Paul and characteristic of the diatribe. James here returns to the standpoint of verse 1| about many teachers. Speech and wisdom are both liable to abuse (1Corinthians:1:5,17; 2:1-3:20|). {Wise and understanding} (\sophos kai epistˆm“n\). \Sophos\ is used for the practical teacher (verse 1|), \epistˆm“n\ (old word from \epistamai\, here only in N.T.) for an expert, a skilled and scientific person with a tone of superiority. In kjv@Deuteronomy:1:13,15; 4:6|, the two terms are practically synonyms. {Let him shew} (\deixat“\). First aorist active imperative of \deiknumi\, old verb to show. As about faith in 2:18|. Emphatic position of this verb. {By his good life} (\ek tˆs kalˆs anastrophˆs\). For this literary _Koin‚_ word from \anastrephomai\ (walk, conduct) see kjv@Galatians:1:13|. Actions speak louder than words even in the case of the professional wise man. Cf. kjv@1Peter:1:15|. {In meekness of wisdom} (\en prautˆti sophias\). As in 1:21| of the listener, so here of the teacher. Cf. kjv@Matthew:5:5; 11:29| and Zac 9:9| of King Messiah quoted in kjv@Matthew:21:5|. Startling combination.
rwp@James:3:14 @{Bitter jealousy} (\zˆlon pikron\). \Zˆlos\ occurs in N.T. in good sense (John:2:17|) and bad sense (Acts:5:17|). Pride of knowledge is evil (1Corinthians:8:1|) and leaves a bitter taste. See "root of bitterness" in kjv@Hebrews:12:14| (cf. kjv@Ephesians:4:31|). This is a condition of the first class. {Faction} (\erithian\). Late word, from \erithos\ (hireling, from \eritheu“\ to spin wool), a pushing forward for personal ends, partisanship, as in kjv@Phillipians:1:16|. {In your heart} (\en tˆi kardiƒi hum“n\). The real fountain (\pˆgˆ\, verse 11|). {Glory not} (\mˆ katakauchƒsthe\). Present middle imperative of \katakauchaomai\, for which see 2:13|. Wisdom is essential for the teacher. Boasting arrogance disproves the possession of wisdom. {Lie not against the truth} (\pseudesthe kata tˆs alˆtheias\). Present middle imperative of \pseudomai\, old verb, to play false, with \mˆ\ carried over. Lying against the truth is futile. By your conduct do not belie the truth which you teach; a solemn and needed lesson. Cf. kjv@Romans:1:18f., 2:18,20|.
rwp@James:3:15 @{This wisdom} (\hautˆ hˆ sophia\). All talk and disproved by the life, counterfeit wisdom, not real wisdom (1:5; 3:17|). {Coming down from above} (\katerchomenˆ an“then\). As in 1:5,17|. All true wisdom comes from God. {Earthly} (\epigeios\). Old adjective, on earth (\epi, gˆ\), as in kjv@John:3:12|, then with earthly limitations (Phillipians:3:19|), as here. {Sensual} (\psuchikˆ\). Old adjective, belonging to the \psuchˆ\, the sensuous or animal life (1Corinthians:2:14| and here). {Devilish} (\daimoni“dˆs\). Late adjective from \daimonion\ (demon) and so demoniacal or demon-like, here only in N.T.
rwp@James:3:16 @{Confusion} (\akatastasia\). Late word (from \akatastatos\), 1:8; 3:8|), a state of disorder (1Corinthians:14:33|). {Vile} (\phaulon\). Kin to German _faul_, first slight, ordinary, then bad. The steps are cheap, paltry, evil. Opposed to \agatha\ (good) in kjv@John:5:39|.
rwp@James:3:17 @{First pure} (\pr“ton men hagnˆ\). First in rank and time. \Hagnos\ is from the same root as \hagios\ (holy), old adjective, pure from fault, not half-good and half-bad, like that above. {Then peaceable} (\epeita eirˆnikˆ\). Old adjective from \eirˆnˆ\ (peace), loving peace here, bringing peace in kjv@Hebrews:12:11| (only N.T. examples). But clearly great as peace is, purity (righteousness) comes before peace and peace at any price is not worth the having. Hence Jesus spurned the devil's peace of surrender. {Gentle} (\epieikˆs\). Old adjective (from \eikos\, reasonable, fair), equitable (Phillipians:4:5; kjv@1Peter:2:18|). No English word renders it clearly. {Easy to be entreated} (\eupeithˆs\). Old adjective (\eu, peithomai\), compliant, approachable. Only here in N.T. {Mercy} (\eleous\). Practical help (2:13,16|). {Good fruits} (\karp“n agath“n\). \Kaloi karpoi\ in kjv@Matthew:7:17f|. Good deeds the fruit of righteousness (Phillipians:1:11|). {Without variance} (\adiakritos\). Late verbal adjective (from alpha privative and \diakrin“\, to distinguish). "Unhesitating," not doubting (\diakrinomenos\) like the man in 1:6|. Here only in N.T. This wisdom does not put a premium on doubt. {Without hypocrisy} (\anupokritos\). Late and rare verbal adjective (alpha privative and \hupokrin“\). Not hypocritical, sincere, unfeigned (Romans:12:9|).
rwp@James:3:18 @{Is sown in peace} (\en eirˆnˆi speiretai\). Present passive indicative of \speir“\, to sow. The seed which bears the fruit is sown, but James catches up the metaphor of \karpos\ (fruit) from verse 17|. Only in peace is the fruit of righteousness found. {For them that make peace} (\tois poiousin eirˆnˆn\). Dative case of the articular participle of \poie“\. See kjv@Ephesians:2:15| for this phrase (doing peace), and kjv@Colossians:1:20| for \eirˆnopoie“\, of Christ, and kjv@Matthew:5:9| for \eirˆnopoioi\ (peacemakers). Only those who act peaceably are entitled to peace.
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