strkjv@Psalms:144:1 @ # A Psalm of David #H1732 David#.# Blessed #H1288 barak# (8803) be the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# my strength #H6697 tsuwr#, which teacheth #H3925 lamad# (8764) my hands #H3027 yad# to war #H7128 q@rab#, and my fingers #H676 #etsba# to fight #H4421 milchamah#:
strkjv@Psalms:144:2 @ My goodness #H2617 checed#, and my fortress #H4686 matsuwd#; my high tower #H4869 misgab#, and my deliverer #H6403 palat# (8764); my shield #H4043 magen#, and he in whom I trust #H2620 chacah# (8804); who subdueth #H7286 radad# (8802) my people #H5971 #am# under me.
strkjv@Psalms:144:3 @ LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, what is man #H120 #adam#, that thou takest knowledge #H3045 yada# (8799) of him! or the son #H1121 ben# of man #H582 #enowsh#, that thou makest account #H2803 chashab# (8762) of him!
strkjv@Psalms:144:4 @ Man #H120 #adam# is like #H1819 damah# (8804) to vanity #H1892 hebel#: his days #H3117 yowm# are as a shadow #H6738 tsel# that passeth away #H5674 #abar# (8802).
strkjv@Psalms:144:5 @ Bow #H5186 natah# (8685) thy heavens #H8064 shamayim#, O LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, and come down #H3381 yarad# (8799): touch #H5060 naga# (8798) the mountains #H2022 har#, and they shall smoke #H6225 #ashan# (8799).
strkjv@Psalms:144:6 @ Cast forth #H1299 baraq# (8798) lightning #H1300 baraq#, and scatter #H6327 puwts# (8686) them: shoot out #H7971 shalach# (8798) thine arrows #H2671 chets#, and destroy #H2000 hamam# (8799) them.
strkjv@Psalms:144:7 @ Send #H7971 shalach# (8798) thine hand #H3027 yad# from above #H4791 marowm#; rid #H6475 patsah# (8798) me, and deliver #H5337 natsal# (8685) me out of great #H7227 rab# waters #H4325 mayim#, from the hand #H3027 yad# of strange #H5236 nekar# children #H1121 ben#;
strkjv@Psalms:144:8 @ Whose mouth #H6310 peh# speaketh #H1696 dabar# (8765) vanity #H7723 shav# , and their right hand #H3225 yamiyn# is a right hand #H3225 yamiyn# of falsehood #H8267 sheqer#.
strkjv@Psalms:144:9 @ I will sing #H7891 shiyr# (8799) a new #H2319 chadash# song #H7892 shiyr# unto thee, O God #H430 #elohiym#: upon a psaltery #H5035 nebel# and an instrument of ten strings #H6218 #asowr# will I sing praises #H2167 zamar# (8762) unto thee.
strkjv@Psalms:144:10 @ It is he that giveth #H5414 nathan# (8802) salvation #H8668 t@shuw#ah# unto kings #H4428 melek#: who delivereth #H6475 patsah# (8802) David #H1732 David# his servant #H5650 #ebed# from the hurtful #H7451 ra# sword #H2719 chereb#.
strkjv@Psalms:144:11 @ Rid #H6475 patsah# (8798) me, and deliver #H5337 natsal# (8685) me from the hand #H3027 yad# of strange #H5236 nekar# children #H1121 ben#, whose mouth #H6310 peh# speaketh #H1696 dabar# (8765) vanity #H7723 shav# , and their right hand #H3225 yamiyn# is a right hand #H3225 yamiyn# of falsehood #H8267 sheqer#:
strkjv@Psalms:144:12 @ That our sons #H1121 ben# may be as plants #H5195 natia# grown up #H1431 gadal# (8794) in their youth #H5271 na#uwr#; that our daughters #H1323 bath# may be as corner stones #H2106 zaviyth#, polished #H2404 chatab# (8794) after the similitude #H8403 tabniyth# of a palace #H1964 heykal#:
strkjv@Psalms:144:13 @ That our garners #H4200 mezev# may be full #H4392 male# , affording #H6329 puwq# (8688) all manner of store #H2177 zan# #H2177 zan#: that our sheep #H6629 tso#n# may bring forth thousands #H503 #alaph# (8688) and ten thousands #H7231 rabab# (8794) in our streets #H2351 chuwts#:
strkjv@Psalms:144:14 @ That our oxen #H441 #alluwph# may be strong to labour #H5445 cabal# (8794); that there be no breaking in #H6556 perets#, nor going out #H3318 yatsa# (8802); that there be no complaining #H6682 ts@vachah# in our streets #H7339 r@chob#.
strkjv@Psalms:144:15 @ Happy #H835 #esher# is that people #H5971 #am#, that is in such a case #H3602 kakah#: yea, happy #H835 #esher# is that people #H5971 #am#, whose God #H430 #elohiym# is the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
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