strkjv@1Peter:3:22 @ Who #G3739 is gone #G4198 (5679) into #G1519 heaven #G3772 , and is #G2076 (5748) on #G1722 the right hand # G1188 of God #G2316 ; angels #G32 and #G2532 authorities #G1849 and #G2532 powers #G1411 being made subject #G5293 (5651) unto him #G846 .
strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:10 @ Night #G3571 and #G2532 day #G2250 praying # G1189 (5740) exceedingly #G1537 #G4053 #G5228 that #G1519 we might see #G1492 (5629) your #G5216 face #G4383 , and #G2532 might perfect #G2675 (5658) that which is lacking #G5303 in your #G5216 faith #G4102 ?
strkjv@2Corinthians:5:20 @ Now then #G3767 we are ambassadors #G4243 (5719) for #G5228 Christ #G5547 , as though #G5613 God #G2316 did beseech #G3870 (5723) you by #G1223 us #G2257 : we pray # G1189 (5736) you in #G5228 # Christs #G5547 stead #G5228 , be ye reconciled #G2644 (5649) to God #G2316 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:6:2 @ (For #G1063 he saith #G3004 (5719), I have heard #G1873 (5656) thee #G4675 in a time #G2540 accepted # G1184 , and #G2532 in #G1722 the day #G2250 of salvation #G4991 have I succoured #G997 (5656) thee #G4671 : behold #G2400 (5628), now #G3568 is the accepted #G2144 time #G2540 ; behold #G2400 (5628), now #G3568 is the day #G2250 of salvation #G4991 .)
strkjv@2Corinthians:6:7 @ By #G1722 the word #G3056 of truth #G225 , by #G1722 the power #G1411 of God #G2316 , by #G1223 the armour #G3696 of righteousness #G1343 on the right hand # G1188 and #G2532 on the left #G710 ,
strkjv@2Corinthians:8:4 @ Praying # G1189 (5740) us #G2257 with #G3326 much #G4183 intreaty #G3874 that we #G2248 would receive #G1209 (5664) the gift #G5485 , and #G2532 take upon us the fellowship #G2842 of the ministering #G1248 to #G1519 the saints #G40 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:10:2 @ But #G1161 I beseech # G1189 (5736) you, that I may not #G3361 be bold #G2292 (5658) when I am present #G3918 (5752) with that confidence #G4006 , wherewith #G3739 I think #G3049 (5736) to be bold #G5111 (5658) against #G1909 some #G5100 , which #G3588 think #G3049 (5740) of us #G2248 as #G5613 if we walked #G4043 (5723) according #G2596 to the flesh #G4561 .
strkjv@2Corinthians:12:2 @ I knew #G1492 (5758) a man #G444 in #G1722 Christ #G5547 above #G4253 # fourteen # G1180 years #G2094 ago #G4253 , (whether #G1535 in #G1722 the body #G4983 , I cannot #G3756 tell #G1492 (5758); or whether #G1535 out #G1622 of the body #G4983 , I cannot #G3756 tell #G1492 (5758): God #G2316 knoweth #G1492 (5758);) such an one #G5108 caught up #G726 (5651) to #G2193 the third #G5154 heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@2Peter:2:14 @ Having #G2192 (5723) eyes #G3788 full #G3324 of adultery #G3428 , and #G2532 that cannot cease from #G180 sin #G266 ; beguiling # G1185 (5723) unstable #G793 souls #G5590 : an heart #G2588 they have #G2192 (5723) exercised #G1128 (5772) with covetous practices #G4124 ; cursed #G2671 children #G5043 :
strkjv@2Peter:2:18 @ For #G1063 when they speak #G5350 (5726) great swelling #G5246 words of vanity #G3153 , they allure # G1185 (5719) through #G1722 the lusts #G1939 of the flesh #G4561 , through much wantonness #G766 , those that were clean #G3689 escaped #G668 (5631) from them who live #G390 (5746) in #G1722 error #G4106 .
strkjv@2Timothy:2:5 @ And #G1161 if #G1437 a man #G5100 also #G2532 strive # G118 (5725) for masteries, yet is he #G4737 # not #G3756 crowned #G4737 (5743), except #G3362 he strive # G118 (5661) lawfully #G3545 .
strkjv@Acts:2:25 @ For #G1063 David #G1138 speaketh #G3004 (5719) concerning #G1519 him #G846 , I foresaw #G4308 (5710) the Lord #G2962 always #G1223 #G3956 before #G1799 my #G3450 face, for #G3754 he is #G2076 (5748) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand # G1188 , that #G3363 # I should #G4531 # not #G3363 be moved #G4531 (5686):
strkjv@Acts:2:33 @ Therefore #G3767 being #G5312 # by the right hand # G1188 of God #G2316 exalted #G5312 (5685), and #G5037 having received #G2983 (5631) of #G3844 the Father #G3962 the promise #G1860 of the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 , he hath shed forth #G1632 (5656) this #G5124 , which #G3739 ye #G5210 now #G3568 see #G991 (5719) and #G2532 hear #G191 (5719).
strkjv@Acts:2:34 @ For #G1063 David #G1138 is not #G3756 ascended #G305 (5627) into #G1519 the heavens #G3772 : but #G1161 he saith #G3004 (5719) himself #G846 , The LORD #G2962 said #G2036 (5627) unto my #G3450 Lord #G2962 , Sit thou #G2521 (5737) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand # G1188 ,
strkjv@Acts:3:7 @ And #G2532 he took #G4084 (5660) him #G846 by the right # G1188 hand #G5495 , and lifted him up #G1453 (5656): and #G1161 immediately #G3916 his #G846 feet #G939 and #G2532 ankle bones #G4974 received strength #G4732 (5681).
strkjv@Acts:4:31 @ And #G2532 when they #G846 had prayed # G1189 (5679), the place #G5117 was shaken #G4531 (5681) where #G1722 #G3739 they were #G2258 (5713) assembled together #G4863 (5772); and #G2532 they were #G4130 # all #G537 filled #G4130 (5681) with the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 , and #G2532 they spake #G2980 (5707) the word #G3056 of God #G2316 with #G3326 boldness #G3954 .
strkjv@Acts:5:31 @ Him #G5126 hath God #G2316 exalted #G5312 (5656) with his #G846 right hand # G1188 to be a Prince #G747 and #G2532 a Saviour #G4990 , for to give #G1325 (5629) repentance #G3341 to Israel #G2474 , and #G2532 forgiveness #G859 of sins #G266 .
strkjv@Acts:7:55 @ But #G1161 he, being #G5225 (5723) full #G4134 of the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 , looked up stedfastly #G816 (5660) into #G1519 heaven #G3772 , and saw #G1492 (5627) the glory #G1391 of God #G2316 , and #G2532 Jesus #G2424 standing #G2476 (5761) on #G1537 the right hand # G1188 of God #G2316 ,
strkjv@Acts:7:56 @ And #G2532 said #G2036 (5627), Behold #G2400 (5628), I see #G2334 (5719) the heavens #G3772 opened #G455 (5772), and #G2532 the Son #G5207 of man #G444 standing #G2476 (5761) on #G1537 the right hand # G1188 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@Acts:8:22 @ Repent #G3340 (5657) therefore #G3767 of #G575 this #G5026 thy #G4675 wickedness #G2549 , and #G2532 pray # G1189 (5676) God #G2316 , if #G1487 perhaps #G686 the thought #G1963 of thine #G4675 heart #G2588 may be forgiven #G863 (5701) thee #G4671 .
strkjv@Acts:8:24 @ Then #G1161 answered #G611 (5679) Simon #G4613 , and said #G2036 (5627), Pray # G1189 (5676) ye #G5210 to #G4314 the Lord #G2962 for #G5228 me #G1700 , that #G3704 none of these things #G3367 which #G3739 ye have spoken #G2046 (5758) come #G1904 (5632) upon #G1909 me #G1691 .
strkjv@Acts:8:34 @ And #G1161 the eunuch #G2135 answered #G611 (5679) Philip #G5376 , and said #G2036 (5627), I pray # G1189 (5736) thee #G4675 , of #G4012 whom #G5101 speaketh #G3004 (5719) the prophet #G4396 this #G5124 ? of #G4012 himself #G1438 , or #G2228 of #G4012 some #G5100 other man #G2087 ?
strkjv@Acts:10:2 @ A devout #G2152 man, and #G2532 one that feared #G5399 (5740) God #G2316 with #G4862 all #G3956 his #G846 house #G3624 , which #G5037 gave #G4160 (5723) much #G4183 alms #G1654 to the people #G2992 , and #G2532 prayed # G1189 (5740) to God #G2316 alway #G1275 .
strkjv@Acts:10:35 @ But #G235 in #G1722 every #G3956 nation #G1484 he that feareth #G5399 (5740) him #G846 , and #G2532 worketh #G2038 (5740) righteousness #G1343 , is #G2076 (5748) accepted # G1184 with him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:21:39 @ But #G1161 Paul #G3972 said #G2036 (5627), I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) #G3303 a man #G444 which am a Jew #G2453 of Tarsus #G5018 , a city in Cilicia #G2791 , a citizen #G4177 of no #G3756 mean #G767 city #G4172 : and #G1161 , I beseech # G1189 (5736) thee #G4675 , suffer #G2010 (5657) me #G3427 to speak #G2980 (5658) unto #G4314 the people #G2992 .
strkjv@Acts:23:23 @ And #G2532 he called unto #G4341 (5666) him #G5100 two #G1417 centurions #G1543 , saying #G2036 (5627), Make ready #G2090 (5657) two hundred #G1250 soldiers #G4757 to #G3704 go #G4198 (5680) to #G2193 Caesarea #G2542 , and #G2532 horsemen #G2460 threescore and ten #G1440 , and #G2532 spearmen # G1187 two hundred #G1250 , at #G575 the third #G5154 hour #G5610 of the night #G3571 ;
strkjv@Acts:26:3 @ Especially #G3122 because I know #G1492 (5761) thee #G4571 to be #G5607 (5752) expert #G1109 #G5037 in all #G3956 customs #G1485 and #G2532 questions #G2213 which are among #G2596 the Jews #G2453 : wherefore #G1352 I beseech # G1189 (5736) thee #G4675 to hear #G191 (5658) me #G3450 patiently #G3116 .
strkjv@Colossians:3:1 @ If #G1487 ye #G4891 # then #G3767 be risen #G4891 (5681) with Christ #G5547 , seek #G2212 (5720) those things which are above #G507 , where #G3757 Christ #G5547 sitteth #G2076 (5748) #G2521 (5740) on #G1722 the right hand # G1188 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@Ephesians:1:20 @ Which #G3739 he wrought #G1754 (5656) in #G1722 Christ #G5547 , when he raised #G1453 (5660) him #G846 from #G1537 the dead #G3498 , and #G2532 set #G2523 (5656) him at #G1722 his own #G846 right hand # G1188 in #G1722 the heavenly #G2032 places,
strkjv@Galatians:2:1 @ Then #G1899 fourteen # G1180 years #G2094 after #G1223 I went up #G305 (5627) again #G3825 to #G1519 Jerusalem #G2414 with #G3326 Barnabas #G921 , and took #G4838 # Titus #G5103 with me #G4838 (5631) also #G2532 .
strkjv@Galatians:2:9 @ And #G2532 when James #G2385 , #G2532 Cephas #G2786 , and #G2532 John #G2491 , who #G3588 seemed #G1380 (5723) to be #G1511 (5750) pillars #G4769 , perceived #G1097 (5631) the grace #G5485 that was given #G1325 (5685) unto me #G3427 , they gave #G1325 (5656) to me #G1698 and #G2532 Barnabas #G921 the right hands # G1188 of fellowship #G2842 ; that #G2443 we #G2249 should go unto #G1519 the heathen #G1484 , and #G1161 they #G846 unto #G1519 the circumcision #G4061 .
strkjv@Galatians:4:12 @ Brethren #G80 , I beseech # G1189 (5736) you #G5216 , be #G1096 (5737) as #G5613 I #G1473 am; for #G3754 I #G2504 am as #G5613 ye #G5210 are: ye have not injured #G91 (5656) me #G3165 at all #G3762 .
strkjv@Hebrews:1:3 @ Who #G3739 being #G5607 (5752) the brightness #G541 of his glory #G1391 , and #G2532 the express image #G5481 of his #G846 person #G5287 , and #G5037 upholding #G5342 (5723) all things #G3956 by the word #G4487 of his #G846 power #G1411 , when he had #G4160 # #G2512 # by #G1223 himself #G1438 purged #G4160 (5671) #G2512 our #G2257 sins #G266 , sat down #G2523 (5656) on #G1722 the right hand # G1188 of the Majesty #G3172 on #G1722 high #G5308 ;
strkjv@Hebrews:1:13 @ But #G1161 to #G4314 which #G5101 of the angels #G32 said he #G2046 (5758) at any time #G4218 , Sit #G2521 (5737) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand # G1188 , until #G302 #G2193 I make #G5087 (5632) thine #G4675 enemies #G2190 thy #G4675 footstool #G5286 #G4228 ?
strkjv@Hebrews:7:2 @ To whom #G3739 also #G2532 Abraham #G11 gave #G3307 (5656) a tenth part # G1181 of #G575 all #G3956 ; first #G4412 #G3303 being by interpretation #G2059 (5746) King #G935 of righteousness #G1343 , and #G1161 after that #G1899 also #G2532 King #G935 of Salem #G4532 , which is #G3603 (5748), King #G935 of peace #G1515 ;
strkjv@Hebrews:7:4 @ Now #G1161 consider #G2334 (5719) how great #G4080 this man #G3778 was, unto whom #G3739 even #G2532 the patriarch #G3966 Abraham #G11 gave #G1325 (5656) the tenth # G1181 of #G1537 the spoils #G205 .
strkjv@Hebrews:7:6 @ But #G1161 he whose descent is #G1075 # not #G3361 counted #G1075 (5746) from #G1537 them #G846 received tithes # G1183 (5758) of Abraham #G11 , and #G2532 blessed #G2127 (5758) him that had #G2192 (5723) the promises #G1860 .
strkjv@Hebrews:7:8 @ And #G2532 here #G5602 #G3303 men #G444 that die #G599 (5723) receive #G2983 (5719) tithes # G1181 ; but #G1161 there #G1563 he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed #G3140 (5746) that #G3754 he liveth #G2198 (5719).
strkjv@Hebrews:7:9 @ And #G2532 as #G5613 I may so say #G2031 #G2036 (5629), Levi #G3017 also #G2532 , who #G3588 receiveth #G2983 (5723) tithes # G1181 , payed tithes # G1183 (5769) in #G1223 Abraham #G11 .
strkjv@Hebrews:8:1 @ Now #G1161 of #G1909 the things which we have spoken #G3004 (5746) this is the sum #G2774 : We have #G2192 (5719) such #G5108 an high priest #G749 , who #G3739 is set #G2523 (5656) on #G1722 the right hand # G1188 of the throne #G2362 of the Majesty #G3172 in #G1722 the heavens #G3772 ;
strkjv@Hebrews:10:12 @ But #G1161 this man #G846 , after he had offered #G4374 (5660) one #G3391 sacrifice #G2378 for #G5228 sins #G266 for #G1519 ever #G1336 , sat down #G2523 (5656) on #G1722 the right hand # G1188 of God #G2316 ;
strkjv@Hebrews:12:2 @ Looking #G872 (5723) unto #G1519 Jesus #G2424 the author #G747 and #G2532 finisher #G5051 of our faith #G4102 ; who #G3739 for #G473 the joy #G5479 that was set before #G4295 (5740) him #G846 endured #G5278 (5656) the cross #G4716 , despising #G2706 (5660) the shame #G152 , and #G5037 is set down #G2523 (5656) at #G1722 the right hand # G1188 of the throne #G2362 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@James:1:14 @ But #G1161 every man #G1538 is tempted #G3985 (5743), when he is drawn away #G1828 (5746) of #G5259 his own #G2398 lust #G1939 , and #G2532 enticed # G1185 (5746).
strkjv@Jude:1:12 @ These #G3778 are #G1526 (5748) spots #G4694 in #G1722 your #G5216 feasts of charity #G26 , when they feast #G4910 (5740) with you #G5213 , feeding #G4165 (5723) themselves #G1438 without fear #G870 : clouds #G3507 they are without water #G504 , carried about #G4064 (5746) of #G5259 winds #G417 ; trees # G1186 whose fruit withereth #G5352 , without fruit #G175 , twice #G1364 dead #G599 (5631), plucked up by the roots #G1610 (5685);
strkjv@John:1:39 @ He saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Come #G2064 (5737) and #G2532 see #G1492 (5628). They came #G2064 (5627) and #G2532 saw #G1492 (5627) where #G4226 he dwelt #G3306 (5719), and #G2532 abode #G3306 (5656) with #G3844 him #G846 that #G1565 day #G2250 : for #G1161 it was #G2258 (5713) about #G5613 the tenth # G1182 hour #G5610 .
strkjv@John:18:10 @ Then #G3767 Simon #G4613 Peter #G4074 having #G2192 (5723) a sword #G3162 drew #G1670 (5656) it #G846 , and #G2532 smote #G3817 (5656) the high priests #G749 servant #G1401 , and #G2532 cut off #G609 (5656) his #G846 right # G1188 ear #G5621 . #G1161 The servants #G1401 name #G3686 was #G2258 (5713) Malchus #G3124 .
strkjv@John:21:6 @ And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Cast #G906 (5628) the net #G1350 on #G1519 the right # G1188 side #G3313 of the ship #G4143 , and #G2532 ye shall find #G2147 (5692). They cast #G906 (5627) therefore #G3767 , and #G2532 now #G3765 # they were #G2480 # not #G3765 able #G2480 (5656) to draw #G1670 (5658) it #G846 for #G575 the multitude #G4128 of fishes #G2486 .
strkjv@Luke:1:11 @ And #G1161 there appeared #G3700 (5681) unto him #G846 an angel #G32 of the Lord #G2962 standing #G2476 (5761) on #G1537 the right side # G1188 of the altar #G2379 of incense #G2368 .
strkjv@Luke:3:9 @ And #G1161 now #G2235 also #G2532 the axe #G513 is laid #G2749 (5736) unto #G4314 the root #G4491 of the trees # G1186 : every #G3956 tree # G1186 therefore #G3767 which bringeth #G4160 # not #G3361 forth #G4160 (5723) good #G2570 fruit #G2590 is hewn down #G1581 (5743), and #G2532 cast #G906 (5743) into #G1519 the fire #G4442 .
strkjv@Luke:4:19 @ To preach #G2784 (5658) the acceptable # G1184 year #G1763 of the Lord #G2962 .
strkjv@Luke:4:24 @ And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627), Verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , #G3754 No #G3762 prophet #G4396 is #G2076 (5748) accepted # G1184 in #G1722 his own #G846 country #G3968 .
strkjv@Luke:5:12 @ And #G2532 it came to pass #G1096 (5633), when he #G846 was #G1511 (5750) #G1722 in #G1722 a certain #G3391 city #G4172 , #G2532 behold #G2400 (5628) a man #G435 full #G4134 of leprosy #G3014 : who #G2532 seeing #G1492 (5631) Jesus #G2424 fell #G4098 (5631) on #G1909 his face #G4383 , and besought # G1189 (5681) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Lord #G2962 , if #G1437 thou wilt #G2309 (5725), thou canst #G1410 (5736) make #G2511 # me #G3165 clean #G2511 (5658).
strkjv@Luke:6:6 @ And #G1161 it came to pass #G1096 (5633) also #G2532 on #G1722 another #G2087 sabbath #G4521 , that he #G846 entered #G1525 (5629) into #G1519 the synagogue #G4864 and #G2532 taught #G1321 (5721): and #G2532 there #G1563 was #G2258 (5713) a man #G444 whose #G2532 #G846 right # G1188 hand #G5495 was #G2258 (5713) withered #G3584 .
strkjv@Luke:6:43 @ For #G1063 a good #G2570 tree # G1186 bringeth #G2076 (5748) #G4160 # not #G3756 forth #G4160 (5723) corrupt #G4550 fruit #G2590 ; neither #G3761 doth #G4160 # a corrupt #G4550 tree # G1186 bring forth #G4160 (5723) good #G2570 fruit #G2590 .
strkjv@Luke:6:44 @ For #G1063 every #G1538 tree # G1186 is known #G1097 (5743) by #G1537 his own #G2398 fruit #G2590 . For #G1063 of #G1537 thorns #G173 men do not #G3756 gather #G4816 (5719) figs #G4810 , nor #G3761 of #G1537 a bramble bush #G942 gather they #G5166 (5719) grapes #G4718 .
strkjv@Luke:8:28 @ When #G1161 he saw #G1492 (5631) Jesus #G2424 , he cried out #G349 (5660), and #G2532 fell down before #G4363 (5627) him #G846 , and #G2532 with a loud #G3173 voice #G5456 said #G2036 (5627), What #G5101 have I #G1698 to do with #G2532 thee #G4671 , Jesus #G2424 , thou Son #G5207 of God #G2316 most high #G5310 ? I beseech # G1189 (5736) thee #G4675 , torment #G928 (5661) me #G3165 not #G3361 .
strkjv@Luke:8:38 @ Now #G1161 the man #G435 out of #G575 whom #G3739 the devils #G1140 were departed #G1831 (5715) besought # G1189 (5711) him #G846 that he might be #G1511 (5750) with #G4862 him #G846 : but #G1161 Jesus #G2424 sent #G630 # him #G846 away #G630 (5656), saying #G3004 (5723),
strkjv@Luke:9:38 @ And, #G2532 behold #G2400 (5628), a man #G435 of #G575 the company #G3793 cried out #G310 (5656), saying #G3004 (5723), Master #G1320 , I beseech # G1189 (5736) thee #G4675 , look #G1914 (5657) upon #G1909 my #G3450 son #G5207 : for #G3754 he is #G2076 (5748) mine #G3427 only child #G3439 .
strkjv@Luke:9:40 @ And #G2532 I besought # G1189 (5681) thy #G4675 disciples #G3101 to #G2443 cast #G1544 # him #G846 out #G1544 (5725); and #G2532 they could #G1410 (5675) not #G3756 .
strkjv@Luke:10:2 @ Therefore #G3767 said he #G3004 (5707) unto #G4314 them #G846 , The harvest #G2326 truly #G3303 is great #G4183 , but #G1161 the labourers #G2040 are few #G3641 : pray ye # G1189 (5676) therefore #G3767 the Lord #G2962 of the harvest #G2326 , that #G3704 he would send forth #G1544 (5725) labourers #G2040 into #G1519 his #G846 harvest #G2326 .
strkjv@Luke:13:19 @ It is #G2076 (5748) like #G3664 a grain #G2848 of mustard seed #G4615 , which #G3739 a man #G444 took #G2983 (5631), and cast #G906 (5627) into #G1519 his #G1438 garden #G2779 ; and #G2532 it grew #G837 (5656), and #G2532 waxed #G1096 (5633) #G1519 a great #G3173 tree # G1186 ; and #G2532 the fowls #G4071 of the air #G3772 lodged #G2681 (5656) in #G1722 the branches #G2798 of it #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:20:42 @ And #G2532 David #G1138 himself #G846 saith #G3004 (5719) in #G1722 the book #G976 of Psalms #G5568 , The LORD #G2962 said #G2036 (5627) unto my #G3450 Lord #G2962 , Sit thou #G2521 (5737) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand # G1188 ,
strkjv@Luke:21:29 @ And #G2532 he spake #G2036 (5627) to them #G846 a parable #G3850 ; Behold #G1492 (5628) the fig tree #G4808 , and #G2532 all #G3956 the trees # G1186 ;
strkjv@Luke:21:36 @ Watch ye #G69 (5720) therefore #G3767 , and pray # G1189 (5740) always #G1722 #G3956 #G2540 , that #G2443 ye may be accounted worthy #G2661 (5686) to escape #G1628 (5629) all #G3956 these things #G5023 that shall #G3195 (5723) come to pass #G1096 (5738), and #G2532 to stand #G2476 (5683) before #G1715 the Son #G5207 of man #G444 .
strkjv@Luke:22:32 @ But #G1161 I #G1473 have prayed # G1189 (5681) for #G4012 thee #G4675 , that #G3363 # thy #G4675 faith #G4102 fail #G1587 (5725) not #G3363 : and #G2532 when #G4218 thou #G4771 art converted #G1994 (5660), strengthen #G4741 (5657) thy #G4675 brethren #G80 .
strkjv@Luke:22:50 @ And #G2532 one #G1520 #G5100 of #G1537 them #G846 smote #G3960 (5656) the servant #G1401 of the high priest #G749 , and #G2532 cut off #G851 (5627) his #G846 right # G1188 ear #G3775 .
strkjv@Luke:22:69 @ Hereafter #G3568 #G575 shall #G2071 (5704) the Son #G5207 of man #G444 sit #G2521 (5740) on #G1537 the right hand # G1188 of the power #G1411 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@Luke:23:33 @ And #G2532 when #G3753 they were come #G565 (5627) to #G1909 the place #G5117 , which #G3588 is called #G2564 (5746) Calvary #G2898 , there #G1563 they crucified #G4717 (5656) him #G846 , and #G2532 the malefactors #G2557 , one #G3739 #G3303 on #G1537 the right hand # G1188 , and #G1161 the other #G3739 on #G1537 the left #G710 .
strkjv@Mark:8:24 @ And #G2532 he looked up #G308 (5660), and said #G3004 (5707), #G3754 I see #G991 (5719) men #G444 as #G5613 #G3708 (5719) trees # G1186 , walking #G4043 (5723).
strkjv@Mark:10:37 @ #G1161 They said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Grant #G1325 (5628) unto us #G2254 that #G2443 we may sit #G2523 (5661), one #G1520 on #G1537 thy #G4675 right hand # G1188 , and #G2532 the other #G1520 on #G1537 thy #G4675 left hand #G2176 , in #G1722 thy #G4675 glory #G1391 .
strkjv@Mark:10:40 @ But #G1161 to sit #G2523 (5658) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand # G1188 and #G2532 on #G1537 my #G3450 left hand #G2176 is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 mine #G1699 to give #G1325 (5629); but #G235 it shall be given to them for whom #G3739 it is prepared #G2090 (5769).
strkjv@Mark:11:8 @ And #G1161 many #G4183 spread #G4766 (5656) their #G846 garments #G2440 in #G1519 the way #G3598 : and #G1161 others #G243 cut down #G2875 (5707) branches #G4746 off #G1537 the trees # G1186 , and #G2532 strawed #G4766 (5707) them in #G1519 the way #G3598 .
strkjv@Mark:12:36 @ For #G1063 David #G1138 himself #G846 said #G2036 (5627) by #G1722 the Holy #G40 Ghost #G4151 , The LORD #G2962 said #G2036 (5627) to my #G3450 Lord #G2962 , Sit thou #G2521 (5737) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand # G1188 , till #G2193 #G302 I make #G5087 (5632) thine #G4675 enemies #G2190 thy #G4675 footstool #G5286 #G4228 .
strkjv@Mark:14:62 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 said #G2036 (5627), I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748): and #G2532 ye shall see #G3700 (5695) the Son #G5207 of man #G444 sitting #G2521 (5740) on #G1537 the right hand # G1188 of power #G1411 , and #G2532 coming #G2064 (5740) in #G3326 the clouds #G3507 of heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@Mark:15:27 @ And #G2532 with #G4862 him #G846 they crucify #G4717 (5719) two #G1417 thieves #G3027 ; the one #G1520 on #G1537 his right hand # G1188 , and #G2532 the other #G1520 on #G1537 his #G846 left #G2176 .
strkjv@Mark:16:5 @ And #G2532 entering #G1525 (5631) into #G1519 the sepulchre #G3419 , they saw #G1492 (5627) a young man #G3495 sitting #G2521 (5740) on #G1722 the right side # G1188 , clothed #G4016 (5772) in a long white #G3022 garment #G4749 ; and #G2532 they were affrighted #G1568 (5681).
strkjv@Mark:16:19 @ So #G3303 then #G3767 after #G3326 the Lord #G2962 had spoken #G2980 (5658) unto them #G846 , he was received up #G353 (5681) into #G1519 heaven #G3772 , and #G2532 sat #G2523 (5656) on #G1537 the right hand # G1188 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@Matthew:1:17 @ So #G3767 all #G3956 the generations #G1074 from #G575 Abraham #G11 to #G2193 David #G1138 are fourteen # G1180 generations #G1074 ; and #G2532 from #G575 David #G1138 until #G2193 the carrying away #G3350 into Babylon #G897 are fourteen # G1180 generations #G1074 ; and #G2532 from #G575 the carrying away #G3350 into Babylon #G897 unto #G2193 Christ #G5547 are fourteen # G1180 generations #G1074 .
strkjv@Matthew:3:10 @ And #G1161 now #G2235 also #G2532 the axe #G513 is laid #G2749 (5736) unto #G4314 the root #G4491 of the trees # G1186 : therefore #G3767 every #G3956 tree # G1186 which bringeth #G4160 # not #G3361 forth #G4160 (5723) good #G2570 fruit #G2590 is hewn down #G1581 (5743), and #G2532 cast #G906 (5743) into #G1519 the fire #G4442 .
strkjv@Matthew:5:29 @ And #G1161 if #G1487 thy #G4675 right # G1188 eye #G3788 offend #G4624 (5719) thee #G4571 , pluck #G1807 # it #G846 out #G1807 (5628), and #G2532 cast #G906 (5628) it from #G575 thee #G4675 : for #G1063 it is profitable #G4851 (5719) for thee #G4671 that #G2443 one #G1520 of thy #G4675 members #G3196 should perish #G622 (5643), and #G2532 not #G3361 that thy #G4675 whole #G3650 body #G4983 should be cast #G906 (5686) into #G1519 hell #G1067 .
strkjv@Matthew:5:30 @ And #G2532 if #G1487 thy #G4675 right # G1188 hand #G5495 offend #G4624 (5719) thee #G4571 , cut #G1581 # it #G846 off #G1581 (5657), and #G2532 cast #G906 (5628) it from #G575 thee #G4675 : for #G1063 it is profitable #G4851 (5719) for thee #G4671 that #G2443 one #G1520 of thy #G4675 members #G3196 should perish #G622 (5643), and #G2532 not #G3361 that thy #G4675 whole #G3650 body #G4983 should be cast #G906 (5686) into #G1519 hell #G1067 .
strkjv@Matthew:5:39 @ But #G1161 I #G1473 say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , That ye resist #G436 (5629) not #G3361 evil #G4190 : but #G235 whosoever #G3748 shall smite #G4474 (5692) thee #G4571 on #G1909 thy #G4675 right # G1188 cheek #G4600 , turn #G4762 (5657) to him #G846 the other #G243 also #G2532 .
strkjv@Matthew:6:3 @ But #G1161 when thou #G4675 doest #G4160 (5723) alms #G1654 , let #G1097 # not #G3361 thy #G4675 left hand #G710 know #G1097 (5628) what #G5101 thy #G4675 right hand # G1188 doeth #G4160 (5719):
strkjv@Matthew:7:17 @ Even so #G3779 every #G3956 good #G18 tree # G1186 bringeth forth #G4160 (5719) good #G2570 fruit #G2590 ; but #G1161 a corrupt #G4550 tree # G1186 bringeth forth #G4160 (5719) evil #G4190 fruit #G2590 .
strkjv@Matthew:7:18 @ A good #G18 tree # G1186 cannot #G3756 #G1410 (5736) bring forth #G4160 (5721) evil #G4190 fruit #G2590 , neither #G3761 can a corrupt #G4550 tree # G1186 bring forth #G4160 (5721) good #G2570 fruit #G2590 .
strkjv@Matthew:7:19 @ Every #G3956 tree # G1186 that bringeth #G4160 # not #G3361 forth #G4160 (5723) good #G2570 fruit #G2590 is hewn down #G1581 (5743), and #G2532 cast #G906 (5743) into #G1519 the fire #G4442 .
strkjv@Matthew:9:38 @ Pray ye # G1189 (5676) therefore #G3767 the Lord #G2962 of the harvest #G2326 , that #G3704 he will send forth #G1544 (5632) labourers #G2040 into #G1519 his #G846 harvest #G2326 .
strkjv@Matthew:12:33 @ Either #G2228 make #G4160 (5657) the tree # G1186 good #G2570 , and #G2532 his #G846 fruit #G2590 good #G2570 ; or else #G2228 make #G4160 (5657) the tree # G1186 corrupt #G4550 , and #G2532 his #G846 fruit #G2590 corrupt #G4550 : for #G1063 the tree # G1186 is known #G1097 (5743) by #G1537 his fruit #G2590 .
strkjv@Matthew:13:32 @ Which #G3739 indeed #G3303 is #G2076 (5748) the least #G3398 of all #G3956 seeds #G4690 : but #G1161 when #G3752 it is grown #G837 (5686), it is #G2076 (5748) the greatest #G3187 among herbs #G3001 , and #G2532 becometh #G1096 (5736) a tree # G1186 , so that #G5620 the birds #G4071 of the air #G3772 come #G2064 (5629) and #G2532 lodge #G2681 (5721) in #G1722 the branches #G2798 thereof #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:20:21 @ And #G1161 he said #G2036 (5627) unto her #G846 , What #G5101 wilt thou #G2309 (5719)? She saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Grant #G2036 (5628) that #G2443 these #G3778 my #G3450 two #G1417 sons #G5207 may sit #G2523 (5661), the one #G1520 on #G1537 thy #G4675 right hand # G1188 , and #G2532 the other #G1520 on #G1537 the left #G2176 , in #G1722 thy #G4675 kingdom #G932 .
strkjv@Matthew:20:23 @ And #G2532 he saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Ye shall drink #G4095 (5695) indeed #G3303 of my #G3450 cup #G4221 , and #G2532 be baptized #G907 (5743) with the baptism #G908 that #G3739 I #G1473 am baptized with #G907 (5701): but #G1161 to sit #G2523 (5658) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand # G1188 , and #G2532 on #G1537 my #G3450 left #G2176 , is #G2076 (5748) not #G3756 mine #G1699 to give #G1325 (5629), but #G235 it shall be given to them for whom #G3739 it is prepared #G2090 (5769) of #G5259 my #G3450 Father #G3962 .
strkjv@Matthew:21:8 @ And #G1161 a very great #G4118 multitude #G3793 spread #G4766 (5656) their #G1438 garments #G2440 in #G1722 the way #G3598 ; others #G1161 #G243 cut down #G2875 (5707) branches #G2798 from #G575 the trees # G1186 , and #G2532 strawed #G4766 (5707) them in #G1722 the way #G3598 .
strkjv@Matthew:22:44 @ The LORD #G2962 said #G2036 (5627) unto my #G3450 Lord #G2962 , Sit thou #G2521 (5737) on #G1537 my #G3450 right hand # G1188 , till #G2193 #G302 I make #G5087 (5632) thine #G4675 enemies #G2190 thy #G4675 footstool #G5286 #G4228 ?
strkjv@Matthew:25:33 @ And #G2532 he shall set #G2476 (5692) #G3303 the sheep #G4263 on #G1537 his #G846 right hand # G1188 , but #G1161 the goats #G2055 on #G1537 the left #G2176 .
strkjv@Matthew:25:34 @ Then #G5119 shall the King #G935 say #G2046 (5692) unto them on #G1537 his #G846 right hand # G1188 , Come #G1205 (5773), ye blessed #G2127 (5772) of my #G3450 Father #G3962 , inherit #G2816 (5657) the kingdom #G932 prepared #G2090 (5772) for you #G5213 from #G575 the foundation #G2602 of the world #G2889 :
strkjv@Matthew:26:64 @ Jesus #G2424 saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Thou #G4771 hast said #G2036 (5627): nevertheless #G4133 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , Hereafter #G737 #G575 shall ye see #G3700 (5695) the Son #G5207 of man #G444 sitting #G2521 (5740) on #G1537 the right hand # G1188 of power #G1411 , and #G2532 coming #G2064 (5740) in #G1909 the clouds #G3507 of heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@Matthew:27:29 @ And #G2532 when they had platted #G4120 (5660) a crown #G4735 of #G1537 thorns #G173 , they put #G2007 (5656) it upon #G1909 his #G846 head #G2776 , and #G2532 a reed #G2563 in #G1909 his #G846 right hand # G1188 : and #G2532 they bowed the knee #G1120 (5660) before #G1715 him #G846 , and mocked #G1702 (5707) him #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Hail #G5463 (5720), King #G935 of the Jews #G2453 !
strkjv@Matthew:27:38 @ Then #G5119 were there two #G1417 thieves #G3027 crucified #G4717 (5743) with #G4862 him #G846 , one #G1520 on #G1537 the right hand # G1188 , and #G2532 another #G1520 on #G1537 the left #G2176 .
strkjv@Philippians:4:18 @ But #G1161 I have #G568 (5719) all #G3956 , and #G2532 abound #G4052 (5719): I am full #G4137 (5769), having received #G1209 (5666) of #G3844 Epaphroditus #G1891 the things which were sent from #G3844 you #G5216 , an odour #G3744 of a sweet smell #G2175 , a sacrifice #G2378 acceptable # G1184 , wellpleasing #G2101 to God #G2316 .
strkjv@Revelation:1:16 @ And #G2532 he had #G2192 (5723) in #G1722 his #G846 right # G1188 hand #G5495 seven #G2033 stars #G792 : and #G2532 out of #G1537 his #G846 mouth #G4750 went #G1607 (5740) a sharp #G3691 twoedged #G1366 sword #G4501 : and #G2532 his #G846 countenance #G3799 was as #G5613 the sun #G2246 shineth #G5316 (5719) in #G1722 his #G846 strength #G1411 .
strkjv@Revelation:1:17 @ And #G2532 when #G3753 I saw #G1492 (5627) him #G846 , I fell #G4098 (5627) at #G4314 his #G846 feet #G4228 as #G5613 dead #G3498 . And #G2532 he laid #G2007 (5656) his #G846 right # G1188 hand #G5495 upon #G1909 me #G1691 , saying #G3004 (5723) unto me #G3427 , Fear #G5399 (5737) not #G3361 ; I #G1473 am #G1510 (5748) the first #G4413 and #G2532 the last #G2078 :
strkjv@Revelation:1:20 @ The mystery #G3466 of the seven #G2033 stars #G792 which #G3739 thou sawest #G1492 (5627) in #G1909 my #G3450 right hand # G1188 , and #G2532 the seven #G2033 golden #G5552 candlesticks #G3087 . The seven #G2033 stars #G792 are #G1526 (5748) the angels #G32 of the seven #G2033 churches #G1577 : and #G2532 the seven #G2033 candlesticks #G3087 which #G3739 thou sawest #G1492 (5627) are #G1526 (5748) the seven #G2033 churches #G1577 .
strkjv@Revelation:2:1 @ Unto the angel #G32 of the church #G1577 of Ephesus #G2179 write #G1125 (5657); These things #G3592 saith #G3004 (5719) he that holdeth #G2902 (5723) the seven #G2033 stars #G792 in #G1722 his #G846 right hand # G1188 , who #G3588 walketh #G4043 (5723) in #G1722 the midst #G3319 of the seven #G2033 golden #G5552 candlesticks #G3087 ;
strkjv@Revelation:5:1 @ And #G2532 I saw #G1492 (5627) in #G1909 the right hand # G1188 of him that sat #G2521 (5740) on #G1909 the throne #G2362 a book #G975 written #G1125 (5772) within #G2081 and #G2532 on the backside #G3693 , sealed #G2696 (5772) with seven #G2033 seals #G4973 .
strkjv@Revelation:5:7 @ And #G2532 he came #G2064 (5627) and #G2532 took #G2983 (5758) the book #G975 out of #G1537 the right hand # G1188 of him that sat #G2521 (5740) upon #G1909 the throne #G2362 .
strkjv@Revelation:7:1 @ And #G2532 after #G3326 these things #G5023 I saw #G1492 (5627) four #G5064 angels #G32 standing #G2476 (5761) on #G1909 the four #G5064 corners #G1137 of the earth #G1093 , holding #G2902 (5723) the four #G5064 winds #G417 of the earth #G1093 , that #G3363 # the wind #G417 should #G4154 # not #G3363 blow #G4154 (5725) on #G1909 the earth #G1093 , nor #G3383 on #G1909 the sea #G2281 , nor #G3383 on #G1909 any #G3956 tree # G1186 .
strkjv@Revelation:7:3 @ Saying #G3004 (5723), Hurt #G91 (5661) not #G3361 the earth #G1093 , neither #G3383 the sea #G2281 , nor #G3383 the trees # G1186 , till #G891 #G3739 we have sealed #G4972 (5725) (5625) #G4972 (5661) the servants #G1401 of our #G2257 God #G2316 in #G1909 their #G846 foreheads #G3359 .
strkjv@Revelation:8:7 @ #G2532 The first #G4413 angel #G32 sounded #G4537 (5656), and #G2532 there followed #G1096 (5633) hail #G5464 and #G2532 fire #G4442 mingled #G3396 (5772) with blood #G129 , and #G2532 they were cast #G906 (5681) upon #G1519 the earth #G1093 : and #G2532 the third part #G5154 of trees # G1186 was burnt up #G2618 (5648), and #G2532 all #G3956 green #G5515 grass #G5528 was burnt up #G2618 (5648).
strkjv@Revelation:9:4 @ And #G2532 it was commanded #G4483 (5681) them #G846 that #G3363 # they should #G91 # not #G3363 hurt #G91 (5661) the grass #G5528 of the earth #G1093 , neither #G3761 any #G3956 green thing #G5515 , neither #G3761 any #G3956 tree # G1186 ; but #G1508 only #G3441 those men #G444 which #G3748 have #G2192 (5719) not #G3756 the seal #G4973 of God #G2316 in #G1909 their #G846 foreheads #G3359 .
strkjv@Revelation:10:2 @ And #G2532 he had #G2192 (5707) in #G1722 his #G846 hand #G5495 a little book #G974 open #G455 (5772): and #G2532 he set #G5087 (5656) his #G846 right # G1188 foot #G4228 upon #G1909 the sea #G2281 , and #G1161 his left #G2176 foot on #G1909 the earth #G1093 ,
strkjv@Revelation:11:13 @ And #G2532 the same #G1722 #G1565 hour #G5610 was there #G1096 (5633) a great #G3173 earthquake #G4578 , and #G2532 the tenth part # G1182 of the city #G4172 fell #G4098 (5627), and #G2532 in #G1722 the earthquake #G4578 were slain #G615 (5681) #G3686 of men #G444 seven #G2033 thousand #G5505 : and #G2532 the remnant #G3062 were #G1096 (5633) affrighted #G1719 , and #G2532 gave #G1325 (5656) glory #G1391 to the God #G2316 of heaven #G3772 .
strkjv@Revelation:13:16 @ And #G2532 he causeth #G4160 (5719) all #G3956 , both small #G3398 and #G2532 great #G3173 , #G2532 rich #G4145 and #G2532 poor #G4434 , #G2532 free #G1658 and #G2532 bond #G1401 , to #G2443 #G846 receive #G1325 (5661) a mark #G5480 in #G1909 their #G846 right hand # G1188 #G5495 , or #G2228 in #G1909 their #G846 foreheads #G3359 :
strkjv@Revelation:21:20 @ The fifth #G3991 , sardonyx #G4557 ; the sixth #G1623 , sardius #G4556 ; the seventh #G1442 , chrysolite #G5555 ; the eighth #G3590 , beryl #G969 ; the ninth #G1766 , a topaz #G5116 ; the tenth # G1182 , a chrysoprasus #G5556 ; the eleventh #G1734 , a jacinth #G5192 ; the twelfth #G1428 , an amethyst #G271 .
strkjv@Romans:1:10 @ Making request # G1189 (5740), if by any means #G1513 now #G2235 at length #G4218 I might have a prosperous journey #G2137 (5701) by #G1722 the will #G2307 of God #G2316 to come #G2064 (5629) unto #G4314 you #G5209 .
strkjv@Romans:8:34 @ Who #G5101 is he that condemneth #G2632 (5723) (5694)? It is Christ #G5547 that died #G599 (5631), yea #G1161 rather #G3123 #G2532 , that is risen again #G1453 (5685), who #G3739 is #G2076 (5748) even #G2532 at #G1722 the right hand # G1188 of God #G2316 , who #G3739 also #G2532 maketh intercession #G1793 (5719) for #G5228 us #G2257 .
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