strkjv@1Timothy:2:2 @ For #G5228 kings #G935 , and #G2532 for all #G3956 that are #G5607 (5752) in #G1722 authority #G5247 ; that #G2443 we may lead # G1236 (5725) a quiet #G2263 and #G2532 peaceable #G2272 life #G979 in #G1722 all #G3956 godliness #G2150 and #G2532 honesty #G4587 .
strkjv@Acts:4:35 @ And #G2532 laid them down #G5087 (5707) at #G3844 the apostles #G652 feet #G4228 : and #G1161 distribution was made # G1239 (5712) unto every man #G1538 according #G2530 as #G302 he had #G2192 (5707) need #G5100 #G5532 .
strkjv@Acts:7:45 @ Which #G3739 also #G2532 our #G2257 fathers #G3962 that came # G1237 (5666) after brought in #G1521 (5627) with #G3326 Jesus #G2424 into #G1722 the possession #G2697 of the Gentiles #G1484 , whom #G3739 God #G2316 drave out #G1856 (5656) before #G575 the face #G4383 of our #G2257 fathers #G3962 , unto #G2193 the days #G2250 of David #G1138 ;
strkjv@Acts:21:5 @ And #G1161 when #G3753 we #G2248 had #G1096 (5633) accomplished #G1822 (5658) those days #G2250 , we departed #G1831 (5631) and went our way #G4198 (5711); and they all #G3956 brought #G4311 # us #G2248 on our way #G4311 (5723), with #G4862 wives #G1135 and #G2532 children #G5043 , till #G2193 we were out of #G1854 the city #G4172 : and #G2532 we kneeled down #G5087 (5631) #G1119 on #G1909 the shore # G123 , and prayed #G4336 (5662).
strkjv@Acts:23:15 @ Now #G3568 therefore #G3767 ye #G5210 with #G4862 the council #G4892 signify #G1718 (5657) to the chief captain #G5506 that #G3704 he bring #G2609 # him #G846 down #G2609 (5632) unto #G4314 you #G5209 to morrow #G839 , as #G5613 though ye would #G3195 (5723) enquire # G1231 (5721) something more perfectly #G197 concerning #G4012 him #G846 : and #G1161 we #G2249 , or ever #G4253 he #G846 come near #G1448 (5658), are #G2070 (5748) ready #G2092 to kill #G337 (5629) him #G846 .
strkjv@Acts:24:22 @ And #G1161 when Felix #G5344 heard #G191 (5660) these things #G5023 , having more perfect #G197 knowledge #G1492 (5761) of #G4012 that way #G3598 , he deferred #G306 (5639) them #G846 , and said #G2036 (5631), When #G3752 Lysias #G3079 the chief captain #G5506 shall come down #G2597 (5632), I will know the uttermost # G1231 (5695) of your #G5209 matter #G2596 .
strkjv@Acts:25:13 @ And #G1161 after # G1230 (5637) certain #G5100 days #G2250 king #G935 Agrippa #G67 and #G2532 Bernice #G959 came #G2658 (5656) unto #G1519 Caesarea #G2542 to salute #G782 (5697) Festus #G5347 .
strkjv@Acts:25:21 @ But #G1161 when Paul #G3972 had appealed #G1941 (5671) to be reserved #G5083 (5683) #G846 unto #G1519 the hearing # G1233 of Augustus #G4575 , I commanded #G2753 (5656) him #G846 to be kept #G5083 (5745) till #G2193 #G3739 I might send #G3992 (5661) him #G846 to #G4314 Caesar #G2541 .
strkjv@Acts:27:9 @ Now #G1161 when much #G2425 time #G5550 was spent # G1230 (5637), and #G2532 when sailing #G4144 was #G5607 (5752) now #G2235 dangerous #G2000 , because #G1223 the fast #G3521 was #G3928 # now #G2532 already #G2235 past #G3928 (5755), Paul #G3972 admonished #G3867 (5707) them,
strkjv@Acts:27:39 @ And #G1161 when #G3753 it was #G1096 (5633) day #G2250 , they knew #G1921 (5707) not #G3756 the land #G1093 : but #G1161 they discovered #G2657 (5707) a certain #G5100 creek #G2859 with #G2192 (5723) a shore # G123 , into #G1519 the which #G3739 they were minded #G1011 (5662), if #G1487 it were possible #G1410 (5739), to thrust in #G1856 (5658) the ship #G4143 .
strkjv@Acts:27:40 @ And #G2532 when they had taken up #G4014 (5631) the anchors #G45 , they committed #G1439 (5707) themselves unto #G1519 the sea #G2281 , and #G260 loosed #G447 (5631) the rudder #G4079 bands #G2202 , and #G2532 hoised up #G1869 (5660) the mainsail #G736 to the wind #G4154 (5723), and made #G2722 (5707) toward #G1519 shore # G123 .
strkjv@John:6:11 @ And #G1161 Jesus #G2424 took #G2983 (5627) the loaves #G740 ; and #G2532 when he had given thanks #G2168 (5660), he distributed # G1239 (5656) to the disciples #G3101 , and #G1161 the disciples #G3101 to them that were set down #G345 (5740); and #G2532 likewise #G3668 of #G1537 the fishes #G3795 as much as #G3745 they would #G2309 (5707).
strkjv@John:21:4 @ But #G1161 when the morning #G4405 was #G1096 # now #G2235 come #G1096 (5637), Jesus #G2424 stood #G2476 (5627) on #G1519 the shore # G123 : but #G3305 the disciples #G3101 knew #G1492 (5715) not #G3756 that #G3754 it was #G2076 (5748) Jesus #G2424 .
strkjv@Luke:2:17 @ And #G1161 when they had seen #G1492 (5631) it, they made known abroad # G1232 (5656) the saying #G4012 #G4487 which #G3588 was told #G2980 (5685) them #G846 concerning #G4012 this #G5127 child #G3813 .
strkjv@Luke:9:32 @ But #G1161 Peter #G4074 and #G2532 they that were with #G4862 him #G846 were #G2258 (5713) heavy #G916 (5772) with sleep #G5258 : and #G1161 when they were awake # G1235 (5660), they saw #G1492 (5627) his #G846 glory #G1391 , and #G2532 the two #G1417 men #G435 that stood with #G4921 (5761) him #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:11:22 @ But #G1161 when #G1875 a stronger #G2478 than he #G846 shall come upon him #G1904 (5631), and overcome #G3528 (5661) him #G846 , he taketh #G142 (5719) from him #G846 all his armour #G3833 wherein #G1909 #G3739 he trusted #G3982 (5714), and #G2532 divideth # G1239 (5719) his #G846 spoils #G4661 .
strkjv@Luke:15:2 @ And #G2532 the Pharisees #G5330 and #G2532 scribes #G1122 murmured # G1234 (5707), saying #G3004 (5723), This man #G3754 #G3778 receiveth #G4327 (5736) sinners #G268 , and #G2532 eateth #G4906 (5719) with them #G846 .
strkjv@Luke:18:22 @ Now #G1161 when Jesus #G2424 heard #G191 (5660) these things #G5023 , he said #G2036 (5627) unto him #G846 , Yet #G2089 lackest #G3007 (5719) thou #G4671 one #G1520 thing: sell #G4453 (5657) all #G3956 that #G3745 thou hast #G2192 (5719), and #G2532 distribute # G1239 (5628) unto the poor #G4434 , and #G2532 thou shalt have #G2192 (5692) treasure #G2344 in #G1722 heaven #G3772 : and #G2532 come #G1204 (5773), follow #G190 (5720) me #G3427 .
strkjv@Luke:19:7 @ And #G2532 when they saw #G1492 (5631) it, they # G1234 # all #G537 murmured # G1234 (5707), saying #G3004 (5723), That #G3754 he was gone #G1525 (5627) to be guest #G2647 (5658) with #G3844 a man #G435 that is a sinner #G268 .
strkjv@Mark:16:1 @ And #G2532 when # G1230 # the sabbath #G4521 was past # G1230 (5637), Mary #G3137 Magdalene #G3094 , and #G2532 Mary #G3137 the mother #G3588 of James #G2385 , and #G2532 Salome #G4539 , had bought #G59 (5656) sweet spices #G759 , that #G2443 they might come #G2064 (5631) and anoint #G218 (5661) him #G846 .
strkjv@Matthew:13:2 @ And #G2532 great #G4183 multitudes #G3793 were gathered together #G4863 (5681) unto #G4314 him #G846 , so that #G5620 he #G846 went #G1684 (5631) into #G1519 a ship #G4143 , and sat #G2521 (5738); and #G2532 the whole #G3956 multitude #G3793 stood #G2476 (5715) on #G1909 the shore # G123 .
strkjv@Matthew:13:48 @ Which #G3739 , when #G3753 it was full #G4137 (5681), they drew #G307 (5660) to #G1909 shore # G123 , and #G2532 sat down #G2523 (5660), and gathered #G4816 (5656) the good #G2570 into #G1519 vessels #G30 , but #G1161 cast #G906 (5627) the bad #G4550 away #G1854 .
strkjv@Revelation:12:3 @ And #G2532 there appeared #G3700 (5681) another #G243 wonder #G4592 in #G1722 heaven #G3772 ; and #G2532 behold #G2400 (5628) a great #G3173 red #G4450 dragon #G1404 , having #G2192 (5723) seven #G2033 heads #G2776 and #G2532 ten #G1176 horns #G2768 , and #G2532 seven #G2033 crowns # G1238 upon #G1909 his #G846 heads #G2776 .
strkjv@Revelation:13:1 @ And #G2532 I stood #G2476 (5681) upon #G1909 the sand #G285 of the sea #G2281 , and #G2532 saw #G1492 (5627) a beast #G2342 rise up #G305 (5723) out of #G1537 the sea #G2281 , having #G2192 (5723) seven #G2033 heads #G2776 and #G2532 ten #G1176 horns #G2768 , and #G2532 upon #G1909 his #G846 horns #G2768 ten #G1176 crowns # G1238 , and #G2532 upon #G1909 his #G846 heads #G2776 the name #G3686 of blasphemy #G988 .
strkjv@Revelation:17:13 @ These #G3778 have #G2192 (5719) one #G3391 mind #G1106 , and #G2532 shall give # G1239 (5719) their #G1438 power #G1411 and #G2532 strength #G1849 unto the beast #G2342 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:12 @ #G1161 His #G846 eyes #G3788 were as #G5613 a flame #G5395 of fire #G4442 , and #G2532 on #G1909 his #G846 head #G2776 were many #G4183 crowns # G1238 ; and he had #G2192 (5723) a name #G3686 written #G1125 (5772), that #G3739 no man #G3762 knew #G1492 (5758), but #G1508 he himself #G846 .
strkjv@Titus:3:3 @ For #G1063 we ourselves #G2249 also #G2532 were #G2258 (5713) #G453 # sometimes #G4218 foolish #G453 , disobedient #G545 , deceived #G4105 (5746), serving #G1398 (5723) divers #G4164 lusts #G1939 and #G2532 pleasures #G2237 , living # G1236 (5723) in #G1722 malice #G2549 and #G2532 envy #G5355 , hateful #G4767 , and hating #G3404 (5723) one another #G240 .
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